  • Report:  #95711

Complaint Review: Michael Moore! - Manhatten New York

Reported By:
- Dale City, Virginia,

Michael Moore!
Michaelmoore.com Manhatten, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Michael Moore, with his colorful version of WHAT he calls the TRUTH is at it again. This time with the piece of propoganda called "Fahrenheit 9/11"!

Here is a list of the following theatres that intend to show this trash!

Contact these people and protest.

Mike is just like these theatres. They are trying to make money!Support the local theatres but not Mike or his garbage!



michael_norris@ All 5 of these addresses end with

kerry_moots@ loewscpx.com





MattL@ All 5 of these addresses end with

diana@ landmarktheatres.com







[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]




amiles@ all these addresses end in

gdunn@ regalcinemas.com









vdaniels@ all these addresses end in

mcook@ amctheatres.com








philip@ All these addresses end in carmike.com







Chris_OKelly@ Allthese addresses end in

Nancy_Klasky@ centurytheatres.com



This is only a partial list of the theatres planning to show this so called film.

Contact them via email and express your opinions.

Don't let these people win.

Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money.

Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half trusts, speculation and outright lies.

Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it.

Wake Up America and open your eyes.

To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!


Dale City, Virginia

363 Updates & Rebuttals


Is This About Michael Moore-- Or Jerry Springer?

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, November 10, 2006

This reads more like a transcript of the Jerry Springer Show than an essay about how Michael Moore allegedly ripped off movie goers by claiming that HE HAD THE CUTTING EDGE TRUTH..EXPOSE' or whatever it was that he was trying to prove. Actually, Michael Moore allegedly ripped off Alex Jones' previous films concerning 911... But Alex doesn't seem to mind because THE WORD IS OUT! And THE WORD says "ALLEGEDLY" that New World Order operatives were behind 911 to force the US military into the Middle East to guard the Bush/Cheney etc. OIL INTERESTS there! NOT because of any real Islamic threat. ( Guys in caves?) Notice how the price of gas just "happened" to go down right before the election? If you people don't wake up and realize what is REALLY GOING ON IN THE US --and it started back in Woodrow Wilson's administration with the creation of the so-called "Federal" Reserve until President Kennedy won the election he wasn't supposed to win because an Organized Crime person got mad at Nixon and allegedly threw the election in Chicago in favor of Kennedy. President Kennedy and the same alleged "mob" guy were both conveniently dispatched so that they wouldn't be in the way the next time the CRIME PEOPLE wanted Richard Nixon and his gang of crooks in there. ( Check out Nixon's Vice President's connections to certain people in NJ, Spiro T. Agnew who had to resign because of the embarrassment...) THEN NIXON HIMSELF GOT IT because he was one of the more vocal proponents of the NEW WORLD ORDER! They found a way to take him out. It wasn't because he bugged the Democrats because IT IS ALL THE SAME RULING CLASS regardless of the outside label of Democrat or Republican.... After the disgrace of Nixon, the New World Order people had to put in Gerald Ford who promptly PARDONED Nixon ( Why did Nixon need a PARDON if he wasn't GUILTY!) and Ford is one of the biggest New World Order boosters there was. After Ford, everybody had it with the "CORRUPT REPUBLICANS" and so CARTER came in. Jimmy CARTER was also put in by THE NEW WORLD ORDER and he messed up the economy so he got his sorry self booted out after one term. About this time, I began to see the beginnings of entire formerly middle-class FAMILIES becoming HOMELESS! After Carter came REAGAN and for the first time in my life, I had a steady job and enough money to have a bank account and a place to live and I could afford groceries too! I LOVED REAGAN for that and he made me feel Secure. But I heard all sorts of BAD THINGS ABOUT GEORGE H.W. BUSH who was just a sorry one-termer. I knew he had been a CIA director with Nixon connections and that Reagan did not like or trust him! But George H.W. Bush was too open about proclaiming how great the NEW WORLD ORDER was going to be and how all of us peasants were going to be enslaved by TECHNOLOGY! And he said -- because he was THAT removed from REAL LIFE, or at least the life of us ordinary folks and HE HAD TO GO. When he let the secret out of the bag, the New World Order types decided to put on a good diversion and get their friend and ally Bill Clinton and Hillary in the White House. Clinton, a VERY GOOD FRIEND of George H.W. Bush ( Which is why George W.H. Bush did NOT run an aggressive campaign against him!) was next and he was too distracted with Monica and various babes and various money making opportunities -- like missle secrets to the Chinese, etc. to do much damage. ONE THING I WILL SAY IN HIS FAVOR. HE RAN ON THE IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID and he DID SUPPORT THE ECONOMY! He was also on board when Enron, Ty-Co, World Comm and some of those other corporate criminals were running wide open! And all of the rest of the corruption started becoming apparent. So who gets elected after "Honest, Truth-Telling BILL"? Why it's RICHARD M. NIXON, THE SEQUEL! The program that is being implemented here is just picking up where that EVIL TYRANT RICHARD M. NIXON ( May his name be cursed!) left off... With George W. Bush the PUPPET and George H.W. Bush and d**k Cheney as the PUPPETMASTERS and shadowy New World Order masters --- international financial cartels, mainly the British bankers, notably the House of Rothschild and other multinational businesses --plotting to loot our country's resources, take all of our property through the SUPREME COURT DECISION ON EMINENT DOMAIN and put us all in FEMA concentration camps after we lose our jobs (slated to be outsourced to India, Mexico, China and Pakistan), our homes ( because there are no jobs, we can't pay our property taxes or out mortages) and if we can't pay our utilities, the governmental agencies can declare our homes a "blight" according to the International Building Inspection Code and then the governmental agencies can TAKE OUR HOMES FROM US AND NOT HAVE TO PAY US---- THEN they can turn them over to REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS! Where will we go? What will we do? Alex Jones suggests that FEMA camps will take us. Or maybe they really will cull 80 percent of the "useless eaters" as n**i-sympathizer Henry Kissinger called us ordinary folk by releasing e-coli and other viruses cooked in hellish labs on us... Maybe there really is mercury in the flu vaccines that are allegedly owned by New World Order corporations? Michael Moore asks questions with his films. And instead of fighting among yourselves here, you guys better be getting ready for a very bad recession which is supposed to be due after the first of the year! And figuring out WHO you can trust enough to vote for. I am afraid that Michael Moore MIGHT have told more truth than not in his 911 film. But he got that truth from Alex Jones. Google him and inforwars and see what is there. Read it and be afraid. Very afraid. Democrats or Republicans --just Different labels on the SAME bottle of rat poison!



#3Consumer Comment

Thu, December 08, 2005

Ok shawn you say I lied? Lets see.....I said..... 1.A guy made a movie. 2.It has a point of view. 3.Of course, there is always another view. Sometimes many other views. 4.But this guy made his movie...with his view. 5.Then a person made a post on a rip-off website about the movie. 6.And people are saying the guy that made the movie shouldnt have been allowed to make the movie because his view is different from their view. 7. Some people have gone as far as to say that the guy that made the movie is "Un-American" and "not patriotic". So shawn which part am I lying about? Am I lying that Moore made a movie? Or am I lying that you people are pissed about it? Either way...If I am lying about either of these points then this thread should never have been made. By the way if you have forgotten, an anti-Moore person started this thread!! So....which is it?


New Jersey,
Simple facts

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, December 08, 2005

The simple fact of the matter is: Anyone that believes anything moore has to say is as stupid as HE says you are. You went and gave him $120,000,000 for a "movie" that you should have seen for free. What's more important to him, the message or the money?


Run and hide - liars - Ben, James, and your ilk . . .

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, December 06, 2005

It is soooo typical of you lowlifes - you have been PROVEN as spinners, liars, and idiots on another post, so you run and hide and spew your venemous trash elsewhere! You've been found! You probably belong here with the whole Micheal Moron topic anyway . . . you obviously don't have the intellect to debate anything/anyone with any morals or basis of fact. Continue on now, you know where I am. Fear not my little haters, I won't be back here again - it's just another form of the same topics, with the same format - Facts presented with verifiable data, links, etc., followed by a response from some gaggle of left wing naysayers filled with the same B.S. rhetoric and lies that your "god" Micheal Moron spouts. Never able to prove anything, never willing to offer data, links, or source of material - just blatant, self serving, venemous spew from intentionally ignorant "citizen". Keep spouting your lies here if you want, I won't be here to correct you . . . but don't try it on "the other one", I'll be there - continuing to prove you and your absurd and fellacious statements as such. The best part of it all, I can do it using your own "twisty", illogical rhetoric . . . I don't even need to work at it, you're just that stupid. God Bless the U.S.A.


The same Constitution

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

While I may or may not agree with Michael Moore's movie, please note: The same Constitution that gives you the right to express your opinions and trash Michael Moore, gives him the right to express his opinions in his movies. To limit one or the other is akin to censorship and I spent 10 years in the Marines to ensure that you and he has those rights without censorship. So, just remember.


Dale City,
More Proof Of Moore's BS!!!!!!!

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 27, 2005

Mr. I don't own stock I'm a regular guy just used the laws he cried for so many years "The Elite Rich" mostly Republicans or Conservatives were using to cheat Uncle Sam and this country out of paying taxes! Michael Moore and his wife are now the sole employees of the TAX HAVEN TRUST he set up. Most important are the filings he had to make to the Internal Revenue Service listing his ASSETS!!!!!! Anyone want to guess what some of MIKE'S holdings were then and still are today???? And why in the world would Mike b***h about Haliburton. The STOCK is doing great! AYE MIKIE????


Dale City,
More Proof Of Moore's BS!!!!!!!

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 27, 2005

Mr. I don't own stock I'm a regular guy just used the laws he cried for so many years "The Elite Rich" mostly Republicans or Conservatives were using to cheat Uncle Sam and this country out of paying taxes! Michael Moore and his wife are now the sole employees of the TAX HAVEN TRUST he set up. Most important are the filings he had to make to the Internal Revenue Service listing his ASSETS!!!!!! Anyone want to guess what some of MIKE'S holdings were then and still are today???? And why in the world would Mike b***h about Haliburton. The STOCK is doing great! AYE MIKIE????


Dale City,
More Proof Of Moore's BS!!!!!!!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 27, 2005

Mr. I don't own stock I'm a regular guy just used the laws he cried for so many years "The Elite Rich" mostly Republicans or Conservatives were using to cheat Uncle Sam and this country out of paying taxes! Michael Moore and his wife are now the sole employees of the TAX HAVEN TRUST he set up. Most important are the filings he had to make to the Internal Revenue Service listing his ASSETS!!!!!! Anyone want to guess what some of MIKE'S holdings were then and still are today???? And why in the world would Mike b***h about Haliburton. The STOCK is doing great! AYE MIKIE????


Um... Ben

#10Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 26, 2005

Ben; I am on your side remember? Sheesh! Canadians are not the ones beating their chests & screaming "might is right" & we have every right to take over the world! However, when critisized, I don't mind bringing up that when a "just fight" is on... or was on... Canadians were in the fight from the beginning, with a very sizeable force, while the USA was having trade with the n**i's. That's all. Moore showed how Bush ripped off the first election & there is more than enough evidence he ripped off his second. He lied to the American people "on purpose" & has been working in his "buddies" best interests since he got in to power. Simply screwing the American people just how Moore pointed out. Every one of your other points are also valid. Sheesh!


A guy made a movie

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

Ok lets get this all down. 1.A guy made a movie. 2.It has a point of view. 3.Of course, there is always another view. Sometimes many other views. 4.But this guy made his movie...with his view. 5.Then a person made a post on a rip-off website about the movie. 6.And people are saying the guy that made the movie shouldnt have been allowed to make the movie because his view is different from their view. 7. Some people have gone as far as to say that the guy that made the movie is "Un-American" and "not patriotic". I think that sums it up. Ummmm, are we still in America? Because I thought it was ok to have your own point of view here. Or...at least it was once. I thought believing in freedom of views was a patriotic and American thing to do. Or....at least it was once. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm not in America anymore. Maybe this is Southern America now? Is that how it works in Southern America? Oh, and another thing.... Did Moore use actors in his film? Or were those real corporate CEO's talking about all the riches they could reap from Iraq.......before the war even started? I mean lets get real people. If they were actors, then Moore was just showing his point of view. If they were not actors, then we SAW what actually happened. Didnt someone mention something about "truth" in an earlier post? If you American (oops sorry....Southern American....forgot that was another country) and Canadian folks can stop beating your chests about how many troops each country sent to WW2, and answer these simple questions, it eliminate some of the confusion.


Robert, if you were not so out of touch...

#12Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 25, 2005

Robert; If you were not so much out of touch with reality, you would realise that almost 70% of Americans "right now" are against Bush & his stupid war in Iraq. I can guarantee you the percentage is higher with Canadians. Moore brought out 2 movies (documentries) to show you facts. Un disputeable facts... that Bush & his Administration is taking the American people for a ride. Things he reported on, were not only true, but continue to this day "blatently" in front of your face, as it is with Haliberton. Not only "don't your get it", but you feel so strongly that he was wrong, "when he clearly wasn't" that you slam him for no good reason. Then you don't like how people respond to your misguided rambleings. The fact is, that now because of Bush's inept Presidency... you & I both have to worry about the next terrorist attack, when it will happen & where it will happen, as it surely will. That, my dear Robert is what makes people like yourself so frustrating to deal with. There is no "freedom of speech" for the Journalists in Iraq, as they must be inbedded with the Military there & your views are clearly comming from what Bush wants to feed you. I am not against Americans or your Country! I am for the 70% of Americans who can see something clearly wrong here.


Dale City,

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 25, 2005

I wrote a report stating my views on what I believed to be a RIPOFF in the form of what Michael Moore calls a documentary! I was using my right to free speech to voice my complaint! Most who responded only attacked me for being a n**i, a Communists, and so on and so forth! Then we had the english teachers who decided to pipe in and show they could correct everyones spelling and sentence structure! Of course then came the clown from Canada adding its two cents. Everyone attacking me was using what they claimed to be their right to free speech to scream at me for using the same right! All anyone had to do was merely say they agreed or disagreed with my report on Michael Moore's movie! To use my report as a springborad for spewing your politics and venom towards the President or this country shows just how small minded people all over the world think. I do thank those who contributed well rounded arguments to some very half witted responses from some who participated! To James in Canada, if your responses weren't so d**n laughable and entertaining, I'd pass on them. I've had plenty of dealings with Canadians. Seems tens of thousands of them are here and firmly entrenched in US society! I've found many are very intelligent and far from being anything close to being anti US on anything! Then there are the "MOOKS" like you! Your only method of disucussing something with someone who opposes you is to attack them with childish insults! Hopefully, you're as ugly as you are stupid and won't be able to breed and continue whatever species you are. As stated in my past posting to you, a middle finger salute to you and yours!


Dale City,

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 25, 2005

I wrote a report stating my views on what I believed to be a RIPOFF in the form of what Michael Moore calls a documentary! I was using my right to free speech to voice my complaint! Most who responded only attacked me for being a n**i, a Communists, and so on and so forth! Then we had the english teachers who decided to pipe in and show they could correct everyones spelling and sentence structure! Of course then came the clown from Canada adding its two cents. Everyone attacking me was using what they claimed to be their right to free speech to scream at me for using the same right! All anyone had to do was merely say they agreed or disagreed with my report on Michael Moore's movie! To use my report as a springborad for spewing your politics and venom towards the President or this country shows just how small minded people all over the world think. I do thank those who contributed well rounded arguments to some very half witted responses from some who participated! To James in Canada, if your responses weren't so d**n laughable and entertaining, I'd pass on them. I've had plenty of dealings with Canadians. Seems tens of thousands of them are here and firmly entrenched in US society! I've found many are very intelligent and far from being anything close to being anti US on anything! Then there are the "MOOKS" like you! Your only method of disucussing something with someone who opposes you is to attack them with childish insults! Hopefully, you're as ugly as you are stupid and won't be able to breed and continue whatever species you are. As stated in my past posting to you, a middle finger salute to you and yours!


Dale City,

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 25, 2005

I wrote a report stating my views on what I believed to be a RIPOFF in the form of what Michael Moore calls a documentary! I was using my right to free speech to voice my complaint! Most who responded only attacked me for being a n**i, a Communists, and so on and so forth! Then we had the english teachers who decided to pipe in and show they could correct everyones spelling and sentence structure! Of course then came the clown from Canada adding its two cents. Everyone attacking me was using what they claimed to be their right to free speech to scream at me for using the same right! All anyone had to do was merely say they agreed or disagreed with my report on Michael Moore's movie! To use my report as a springborad for spewing your politics and venom towards the President or this country shows just how small minded people all over the world think. I do thank those who contributed well rounded arguments to some very half witted responses from some who participated! To James in Canada, if your responses weren't so d**n laughable and entertaining, I'd pass on them. I've had plenty of dealings with Canadians. Seems tens of thousands of them are here and firmly entrenched in US society! I've found many are very intelligent and far from being anything close to being anti US on anything! Then there are the "MOOKS" like you! Your only method of disucussing something with someone who opposes you is to attack them with childish insults! Hopefully, you're as ugly as you are stupid and won't be able to breed and continue whatever species you are. As stated in my past posting to you, a middle finger salute to you and yours!


Dale City,

#16Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 25, 2005

I wrote a report stating my views on what I believed to be a RIPOFF in the form of what Michael Moore calls a documentary! I was using my right to free speech to voice my complaint! Most who responded only attacked me for being a n**i, a Communists, and so on and so forth! Then we had the english teachers who decided to pipe in and show they could correct everyones spelling and sentence structure! Of course then came the clown from Canada adding its two cents. Everyone attacking me was using what they claimed to be their right to free speech to scream at me for using the same right! All anyone had to do was merely say they agreed or disagreed with my report on Michael Moore's movie! To use my report as a springborad for spewing your politics and venom towards the President or this country shows just how small minded people all over the world think. I do thank those who contributed well rounded arguments to some very half witted responses from some who participated! To James in Canada, if your responses weren't so d**n laughable and entertaining, I'd pass on them. I've had plenty of dealings with Canadians. Seems tens of thousands of them are here and firmly entrenched in US society! I've found many are very intelligent and far from being anything close to being anti US on anything! Then there are the "MOOKS" like you! Your only method of disucussing something with someone who opposes you is to attack them with childish insults! Hopefully, you're as ugly as you are stupid and won't be able to breed and continue whatever species you are. As stated in my past posting to you, a middle finger salute to you and yours!


Who's the ripoff? Michael Moore provides a product that many enjoy, yet Robert wants to censor our right to explore other views, than his own

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

Who's the ripoff?...Robert!!!!! . We who like Mr. Moore's work would be denied freedom if Robert had his way. Why does Robert feel the need to control others? Please be specific, what don't you like about B for C and F 9-11? Did you even watch the movies? I have heard the complaints by those who oppose Mr. Moore and few hold any merrit. The one that I recall is a person who complained about the Bank scene and the free gun. This persons complaint was "you can't just pick up a gun at a bank, you have to wait for the background check". I just watched B for C again last week and yes they did mention a check needed to be performed. Anyone with any knowledge of buying a gun knows there is a check involved. Conservatives will twist everything to make their point. The only point I take from Robert and those like him is they are filled with hate. So you don't like opposing views...you must not like freedom and the foundation of the United States, because, this country was built on balanced and fair judgement. Not one-sided dictatorship! Sound like some people won't be happy with the USA until all the non conformists are wiped out.



#18Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 24, 2005

Arron; What is wrong with your head where you think someone has to be "Liberal" to be against invading other Countries? You have no issues, merely insults that don't make any sense. Yes Canada was fighting the n**i's way before the USA got into the fight & as a "matter of fact" Canada during WWII had a larger Army, Air Force & Navy than the USA had. However what can you expect from some person living in Tennessee who does not even know how to spell Canadian's? You & the "other redneck" just need an education is all.


What are you talking ABOOT, Mr. Canadien?

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 21, 2005

I don't recall anybody writing in paragraphs on this thread especially fruity Canadiens. You're grasping at straws. You've lost your argument after being thoroughly blasted by a Southern American. He saw you for what you are: a twinkle toed liberal. Canada fighting the n**i's? I didn't know you pansies were capable of actually fighting. Was it an actual altercation or just a bunch of french-influenced whining that Canada is so widely known for? How can you blast somebody for using the term "liberal" and then turn right around and use the term "red-neck."? The problem is, dumbass, you reinforced the fact that you are just a sniveling liberal from a sniveling liberal country. God Bless America and To Hell With Michael Moron!


Robert, if you were not such a redneck

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 20, 2005

Robert; If you were not such a redneck, you might have learned in school how to write in paragraphs. However you are a redneck. So much a redneck that you feel facts are either Liberal or Conservative & you use the word Liberal as an insult! First of all, I am not Liberal, but Conservative. Canada was fighting Nazis, while the USA was having trade with them & none of this has anything to do with "Facts" Moore presented! Still all you do is attempt to insult in your "redneck way" & yet you bring up no points. Is that because you don't have any, other than your misguided knowledge of which of our two Countries supported n**i's? Get an education redneck.


Dale City,
To James in Canada!

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 20, 2005

I intentionally wrote my response to you just so you could show your ability to correct simple grammer. At least you Canadians are taught enough to make yourselves appear almost brain dead. What facts do you speak about in fatasses film? He took bits and pieces of press confrences and edited them until he got what he wanted! Even a Canadian could have done that...Maybe! Your countires news reporting has always been just a bit behind the n**i or Communists Propoganda machines for being truthful. You're a liberal as are most Canadians. And I've always thought that liberals were Communists too d**n scared to fight for what they say they believe. Liberals let everyone else fight for the Freedoms, Rights and Protection all liberals say everyone is entitled to. Liberals let everyone else pay for the protection needed to protect those Freedoms and Rights all Liberals say everyone is entitled to! Yes, James, Liberals are always talking about this or that. Liberals are always accusing those who disagree with them that that person or group is violating their rights! Maybe if liberals actually saw the world the way it is instead of the fantasy world they prefer to live in, then MAYBE, just MAYBE, liberals would shut their loud mouths and actually say something constructive! Liberals waste more clean air than all the factories worldwide combined. And liberals pollute every aspect of the world and have ruined most things they've ever touched! Moore's film is anything but fact. James, you seem to be what most liberals are. People who just want to talk. They slam everything they don't like and spend most of their time accusing those who disagree with them of being oil or war crazy. Moore produced no actual facts in his movie. He produced EXACTLY what he's produced and given the world each and every time. HIS OPINIONS! HIS IDEAS! HIS VERSION OF WHAT HE CALLS THE TRUTH OR FACTS!!!!!!! You just pay attention to anything that feeds you hate and mistrust of this Country. Big FREAKING deal! What you or any other Canadian thinks about this country don't mean squat. You keep you sorry little butt in a country that is locked in the past. James, you may be smoking a bit too much pot that your fine country seems to like in great quantities! I forgot. James, you Canadians seem to prefer coke and smack to just pot! And James, if history is correct, the first settlers to Canadian soil took anything and everything they could from the native people and used and abused them in whatever fashion they deemed fit. History teaches us that someone is always taking something from someone or doing something to piss someone else off. So what do you and so many others spend an unusal amount of their time trashing the US for exactly the same thing everyone else who gains any type of power anywhere in the world? Get out from behind your computer and help a neighbor out! Try helping the elderly out on a daily basis if you have so much time. How about helping kids and people less fortunate than you. No James, you just play on the Internet looking for ways to trash others in the complete safety of the Internet. You talk a good game but in the end, you are like all liberals. You can only talk. Michael Moore put out a film he titled a Documentary! This is supposed to mean the movie contains FACTS as they happened! Not some lazy fat a*s who likes to trash the very country he's getting rich off of. And by the by. michael Moore was supposedly in Florida recently at a FAT FARM. Since Florida allows brain dead people to die, should those at the fat farm even try to help him?MMMMMMM I wonder. Michael Moore, the ultimate con-man!


Some Americans are not Rednecks!

#22Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 17, 2005

Some Americans are actually smart: DADDY, WHY DID WE HAVE TO ATTACK IRAQ? DADDY, WHY DID WE HAVE TO ATTACK IRAQ? Q: Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq? A: Because they had weapons of mass destruction honey. Q: But the inspectors didn't find any weapons of mass destruction. A: That's because the Iraqis were hiding them. Q: And that's why we invaded Iraq? A: Yep. Invasions always work better than inspections. Q: But after we invaded them, we STILL didn't find any weapons of mass destruction, did we? A: That's because the weapons are so well hidden. Don't worry, we'll find something, probably right before the 2004 election. Q: Why did Iraq want all those weapons of mass destruction? A: To use them in a war, silly. Q: I'm confused. If they had all those weapons that they planned to use in a war, then why didn't they use any of those weapons when we went to war with them? A: Well, obviously they didn't want anyone to know they had those weapons, so they chose to die by the thousands rather than defend themselves. Q: That doesn't make sense Daddy. Why would they choose to die if they had all those big weapons to fight us back with? A: It's a different culture. It's not supposed to make sense. Q: I don't know about you, but I don't think they had any of those weapons our government said they did. A: Well, you know, it doesn't matter whether or not they had those weapons. We had another good reason to invade them anyway. Q: And what was that? A: Even if Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein was a cruel dictator, which is another good reason to invade another country. Q: Why? What does a cruel dictator do that makes it OK to invade his country? A: Well, for one thing, he tortured his own people. Q: Kind of like what they do in China? A: Don't go comparing China to Iraq. China is a good economic competitor, where millions of people work for slave wages in sweatshops to make U.S. corporations richer. Q: So if a country lets its people be exploited for American corporate gain, it's a good country, even if that country tortures people? A: Right. Q: Why were people in Iraq being tortured? A: For political crimes, mostly, like criticizing the government. People who criticized the government in Iraq were sent to prison and tortured. Q: Isn't that exactly what happens in China? A: I told you, China is different. Q: What's the difference between China and Iraq? A: Well, for one thing, Iraq was ruled by the Ba'ath party, while China is Communist. Q: Didn't you once tell me Communists were bad? A: No, just Cuban Communists are bad. Q: How are the Cuban Communists bad? A: Well, for one thing, people who criticize the government in Cuba are sent to prison and tortured. Q: Like in Iraq? A: Exactly. Q: And like in China, too? A: I told you, China's a good economic competitor. Cuba, on the other hand, is not. Q: How come Cuba isn't a good economic competitor? A: Well, you see, back in the early 1960s, our government passed some laws that made it illegal for Americans to trade or do any business with Cuba until they stopped being Communists and started being capitalists like us. Q: But if we got rid of those laws, opened up trade with Cuba, and started doing business with them, wouldn't that help the Cubans become capitalists? A: Don't be a smart-a*s. Q: I didn't think I was being one. A: Well, anyway, they also don't have freedom of religion in Cuba. Q: Kind of like China and the Falun Gong movement? A: I told you, stop saying bad things about China. Anyway, Saddam Hussein came to power through a military coup, so he's not really a legitimate leader anyway. Q: What's a military coup? A: That's when a military general takes over the government of a country by force, instead of holding free elections like we do in the United States. Q: Didn't the ruler of Pakistan come to power by a military coup? A: You mean General Pervez Musharraf? Uh, yeah, he did, but Pakistan is our friend. Q: Why is Pakistan our friend if their leader is illegitimate? A: I never said Pervez Musharraf was illegitimate. Q: Didn't you just say a military general who comes to power by forcibly overthrowing the legitimate government of a nation is an illegitimate leader? A: Only Saddam Hussein. Pervez Musharraf is our friend, because he helped us invade Afghanistan. Q: Why did we invade Afghanistan? A: Because of what they did to us on September 11th. Q: What did Afghanistan do to us on September 11th? A: Well, on September 11th, nineteen men? Fifteen of them Saudi Arabians? hijacked four airplanes and flew three of them into buildings, killing over 3,000 Americans. Q: So how did Afghanistan figure into all that? A: Afghanistan was where those bad men trained, under the oppressive rule of the Taliban. Q: Aren't the Taliban those bad radical Islamics who chopped off people's heads and hands? A: Yes, that's exactly who they were. Not only did they chop off people's heads and hands, but they oppressed women, too. Q: Didn't the Bush administration give the Taliban 43 million dollars back in May of 2001? A: Yes, but that money was a reward because they did such a good job fighting drugs. Q: Fighting drugs? A: Yes, the Taliban were very helpful in stopping people from growing opium poppies. Q: How did they do such a good job? A: Simple. If people were caught growing opium poppies, the Taliban would have their hands and heads cut off. Q: So, when the Taliban cut off people's heads and hands for growing flowers, that was OK, but not if they cut people's heads and hands off for other reasons? A: Yes. It's OK with us if radical Islamic fundamentalists cut off people's hands for growing flowers, but it's cruel if they cut off people's hands for stealing bread. Q: Don't they also cut off people's hands and heads in Saudi Arabia? A: That's different. Afghanistan was ruled by a tyrannical patriarchy that oppressed women and forced them to wear burqas whenever they were in public, with death by stoning as the penalty for women who did not comply. Q: Don't Saudi women have to wear burqas in public, too? A: No, Saudi women merely wear a traditional Islamic body covering. Q: What's the difference? A: The traditional Islamic covering worn by Saudi women is a modest yet fashionable garment that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes and fingers. The burqa, on the other hand, is an evil tool of patriarchal oppression that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes and fingers. Q: It sounds like the same thing with a different name. A: Now, don't go comparing Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are our friends. Q: But I thought you said 15 of the 19 hijackers on September 11th were from Saudi Arabia. A: Yes, but they trained in Afghanistan. Q: Who trained them? A: A very bad man named Osama bin Laden. Q: Was he from Afghanistan? A: Uh, no, he was from Saudi Arabia too. But he was a bad man, a very bad man. Q: I seem to recall he was our friend once. A: Only when we helped him and the mujahadeen repel the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan back in the 1980s. Q: Who are the Soviets? Was that the Evil Communist Empire Ronald Reagan talked about? A: There are no more Soviets. The Soviet Union broke up in 1990 or thereabouts, and now they have elections and capitalism like us. We call them Russians now. Q: So the Soviets ? I mean, the Russians ? are now our friends? A: Well, not really. You see, they were our friends for many years after they stopped being Soviets, but then they decided not to support our invasion of Iraq, so we're mad at them now. We're also mad at the French and the Germans because they didn't help us invade Iraq either. Q: So the French and Germans are evil, too? A: Not exactly evil, but just bad enough that we had to rename French fries and French toast to Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast. Q: Do we always rename foods whenever another country doesn't do what we want them to do? A: No, we just do that to our friends. Our enemies, we invade. Q: But wasn't Iraq one of our friends back in the 1980s? A: Well, yeah. For a while. Q: Was Saddam Hussein ruler of Iraq back then? A: Yes, but at the time he was fighting against Iran, which made him our friend, temporarily. Q: Why did that make him our friend? A: Because at that time, Iran was our enemy. Q: Isn't that when he gassed the Kurds? A: Yeah, but since he was fighting against Iran at the time, we looked the other way, to show him we were his friend. Q: So anyone who fights against one of our enemies automatically becomes our friend? A: Most of the time, yes. Q: And anyone who fights against one of our friends is automatically an enemy? A: Sometimes that's true, too. However, if American corporations can profit by selling weapons to both sides at the same time, all the better. Q: Why? A: Because war is good for the economy, which means war is good for America. Also, since God is on America's side, anyone who opposes war is a godless un-American Communist. Do you understand now why we attacked Iraq? Q: I think so. We attacked them because God wanted us to, right? A: Yes. Q: But how did we know God wanted us to attack Iraq? A: Well, you see, God personally speaks to George W. Bush and tells him what to do. Q: So basically, what you're saying is that we attacked Iraq because George W. Bush hears voices in his head? A. Yes! You finally understand how the world works. Now close your eyes, make yourself comfortable, and go to sleep. Good night. Q: Good night, Daddy. Thank God for smart Americans!


My Dear Robert;

#23Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 17, 2005

Robert; If ya didn't spell like a redneck, if ya did know more about what goes on north of your border, you might not be "a redneck". However you are a redneck. A little teachin fer ya there Robert, Canada has "daily mail" delivery, & the French basically settled a place called Quebec, which covers basically around 1/8th of the Country. A majority of people who live here are English & our Population is incraseing like crazy from Americans moving here because they wish to escape people like Bush. However with your redneck brain, you spout things like: America may have been started by people from EUROPE who then started a little war for them FREEDOM. But Canada was forst settled by people who were the offspring of French brothers and sisters who got just a little close. Which shows just how much of a redneck you are! If you have a point "redneck", please make it! If something in Moore's film is incorrect, make a point of it. Yea I am sure Moore makes money. What do you f**king think Bush is doing? Does it not bother you that Bush has money with the family of Bin Laden in oil? Does it not bother you that he lied about reasons for invading Iraq to you? Does it not bother you that you are only being fed information from "inbedded reporters" in Iraq & totally sensored by the Government you have who have already been proven in lies? Does it not bother you that people from your Government are up on "Criminal Charges"? Is it possible that you are just sitting there in your little "redneck world", & be the first one suprised when a nuclear bomb finally goes off somewhere in the USA? I here in Canada am concerned, as that "nuclear cloud" will probably travel up north at one point. Wake up & get some edumication dare redneck! Then comment when you can think & spell. Chew gum & walk too.


Bush, illegals, Moore?

#24Consumer Comment

Sat, October 15, 2005

One just has to giggle at the religous redneck right (thats them thar Bush supporters, if ya havent figured that out) when they tout the "illegals" situation. I have to just hit the floor laughing when they post on a thread about Moore like our dear dilusional Robert did. Ummm, Robert, let me get this all down. You post on a thread about Moore (thus his film). A film that generaly just bashes Bush with un-altered video of him being shmuck, and his cronies being shmucks. You make some of the usual comments others have about Moore making money, then fall into a deep cavern of non-stop references to the subject of "illegals" in this country. Adding like a touch of frosting to the top that you think "Bush" is just another one of the "whores" in Washington. Totally forgetting that you posted on a thread about Moore and his film, bashing Bush. And thus, showing that not only are you a complete redneck, but that you have no clue as to where the hell you are posting. Also showing that you, sir, whine more than either side because your just whining about everything in general. About this "illegal" situation. Did you also completely forget/miss/use-drugs/or otherwise generally supress the memory of the fact that Bush brought forth the idea of amnesty for all illegals several years ago. Now who the hell do you think that would help the most? Other than the "illegals" themselves of course.


Sheesh Robert...

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 14, 2005

You sure have a long post Robert; It does not say much other than that you are a "redneck". Moore produced facts. Listen to them or not. They still are facts. Just because you don't like it & he shows how dumb you must be if you go along with the garbage Bush feeds ya, does not meant there is anything wrong with what he says. Time for a "check up from the neck up today" , Robert! Are you red above the neck too?


Dale City,
Enough is enough!!!!!!

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 14, 2005

The original complaint was against the Michael Moore film, or so that piece of tripe has been described as. Michael Moore is not unlike anyone tryintg to make a fast buck! He finds issues out there in everyday life and then blows them up to suit his way of thinking. Then he figures out how HIS way of thinking can make HIM alot of MONEY! Michael Moore has produced few FACTS in his books or movies! What Michael Moore puts out there for all to see are his ideas or his intepretations of the war in Iraq, President Bush or anything else this rotund clown has come up with! To all his supporters, you only prove the old saying "There's a SUCKER born every minute"! Other than charge you a fee to blow smoke up your asses telling you things you already believe in ot already think, what has this poster child for birth control done for any of you? What's he done to feed to poor or shelter the homeless? What's he done to help the elderly in need? What's he done to stop crime in the ghettos? Has he come up with any plan to jump start the economy or to improve anything about this country? To all of you that say Michael Moore is a patriot, inhale a big gulp of air and let some reach your brain! So he opens his mouth and bitches whines and complains! Big FREAKING deal! He'd be helpful if he had solutions! All he is now is a self serving blowhard just out to line his pockets! PRETTY MUCH THE WAY YOU LIBERALS SAY BUSH AND HIS CRONIES ARE DOING! To the silly little twit wanting to know about slavery, lets have a little history lesson. The history of most African tribes show that they routinel raided and attacked other tribes and villages. Those they didn't kill were made SLAVES!!!!! Not WHITES doing this but BLACKS doing this to other BLACKS!!!!!!!! Then came along the DUTCH and other European countries like FRANCE, ENGLAND, GERMANY and lets not forget SPAIN all attacked african village after village killing, raping and enslaving those they caught! Black slaves were all around Europe long before they ever came to the U.S.! And just because you live in Maryland doesn't mean your State wasn't just as guilty during the slave days. Much of the North may have been against slavery but they sure as hell didn't do much to help those that got away! Those that were helped were really only being used by the anti South elements in the North! Not anti-Slavery but ANTI-SOUTH! And while all the hell was going on in the South before Civil Rights, what was the plight of the black man in the North! About as good now as it was then. People in the Northern part of the country seem to think that because their States were slave free that somehow blacks were treated as equals! HAH! Now back to the Michael Moore posting! The first few replies were from people attacking me for my telling people not to go to a movie I thought was nothing but propoganda! I was excecising my Right To Free Speech but the liberal clowns in this country who've almost destroyed all our once fine learning institutions and made most Americans afraid to speak their mind! Debbie in Slidell, I'm sorry for your loss but you've used this complaint about Michael Moore and his movie as a venue to attack this country and the President! To say that us giving aide to the Iraqi people because we've bommbed them is stupid! You happen to live in one of the most corrupt if not the most corrupt states in this country! And you seem to spout off the same type of political BS that eminates from La like an overflowing cesspool and has since long before Huey! Now what would prompt someone to live in the most corrupt State in the country where LIBERAL and DEMOCRATS have ruled with an iron fist since about 1820 and actually complain about what someone else is doing. If President Bush is corrupt, then he's a true beginner when it comes to the lowlifes and thieving politicians that you've lived around in that state. How about Earl and Huey? How about Edwin Edwards? How about Ray Nagins and Kathleen Blanco before the hurricane! They didn't do a d**n thing prior to the hurricane hitting and then turned it into President Bush and the government treating the poor like trash! Were you out campaigning about health insurance, crime, feeding the poor or sheltering the homeless? No Debbie, you were doing what most people, regardless or their political beliefs were doing each and every day. Trying to work, pay bills and provide for your own family. So health care in this country isn't what it or what you think it should be. Exclude all the people in this country who don't have health care because they don't want to spend the money! Exclude all those people who have pissed away jobs for one reason or another where they had coverage. Show me an honest, hard working person who just can't afford health care coverage and those are the people that need help! As for the unemployed, exclude all the people who just don't want to work but want to b***h about not having a job and those not working because they can't find their DREAM JOB or those who are just plain SCREWUPS and those left are the ones you help! Liberals want to stand on a soap box and tell everyone else how things should go. The big problem with liberals is they won't stick to any workable plan on anything. Liberals whine and complain while Conservatives go out and take action. We may not be right 100% of the time, but until liberals come up with better ideas, its just not wise to trust them with anything other than sweeping the floors! My exercising my right to free speech was attacked and then when rebuttals were made, I was attacked for being against free speech! This shows most responding were only concerned with their points of view. Typical for the liberals in this country! We can thank the ACLU for good Americans being afraid to speak their minds. In case no one has noticed, the ACLU is quickly destroying this country with their filing legal action against anything and everything! And if you want to see just what kind or morals are behind the ACLU, some of their new clients are from the group NAMBLA. This stands for the NORTH AMERICAN MAN BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION! This group of sick and demented pedophiles belive they have the right to engage in sex with boys of ANY age! And the ACLU agrees that stopping them is a violation of the pedophiles right to have sex with who they want to. The ACLU says were have to accept any and all immigrants both legal and illegal or else we have to face the ACLU in court. You let a group of blacks or whites collect like the SPICS all over this country do at various places and the police come in and ask for ID's! But for the SPICS in this country, the whites and blacks trying to earn a living have to put up with 25 or 30 of them living in one house. We have to put up seeing our tax dollars go for their free health care because they can't afford it. Did you ever look at the cars and trucks transporting SPICS to their Free doctors appointments at the clinics in this country? They can easily afford to pay. But they are infesting this country by the millions and quickly turning what were nice areas into little Mexico, little El Slavador etc. etc.. If you want to see just how many pieces of Mexican, El Salvardoran etc. etc. trash are hanging around, if you know spanish or someone who does, go around them. What you'll hear them saying about people maybe standing right beside them at work or in a store will shock you. I've heard some of the SPIC whores speak about taking over this country simply by out breeding whites and blacks. If you're legal fine. If you aren't you deserve nothing. And if Bush and the rest of the whores in Washington had any love for this country, they'd stop the flow of illegals from Mexico. And the illegals better learn one thing fast. We Americans are tired of you being here. We've had enough. Either leave on your own or the day may come when you're removed from this country via Mexican extradition! In fact, I'll bet if we started using Mexican extraditions to return the SPICS home, the flow of illegals would stop because everyone in the Mexican Army and every Mexican Police Officer would be on the boarder to stop it. Mexico doesn't wnat any of its citizens back. And as an American, I'm tired of COWARDS leaving their countries in the millions and coming here to be cowards! Stay in your own country and change it. We don't want any of the trash that keeps coming in. Illegals have slowed everything down because we english speaking people have to wait for some dumbasses to learn how to speak. Our schools can't teach white and black students the way they should be taught because we have to make changes to help PACO and the rest of the Taco eating crowd! Nuff said!


Question for Kristin.

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, October 13, 2005

Kristin, I have a question for you regarding this statement: "1) The ONLY truth is JESUS" How do you know?


West Islip,
New York,
The Truth

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, October 13, 2005

This is the longest post I've ever read on rip-off. I only have 2 things to say: 1) The ONLY truth is JESUS 2) I like Aaron. He's the only one who makes a point! And a good one at that. Everyone else sounds like jibberish. Even me!


Dear Paul

#29Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 14, 2005

I can relate to much of what you say; It is about money! However you do not have to make anyone do anything to call him a "terrorist". Just look at Suddam. Fighting a war against Iran in the 80's, he was given "chemical weapons" by the good ol USA to continue the fight. Those weapons were "ok to use" on Iranians. Not Kurds though right? Kuait was "slant drilling" into Iraq. That was illegal! Even most of the UN agreed! After Suddam warned them "many times", he produced troops on their border & called for US reaction! He was told by the embassy that the US had "no opinion" on the issue. Sounds like a "green card" to me! All of a sudden, Desert Storm & accusations of WMD! None found but lots of oil for sure! No Suddam did not have to be labeled a "terrorist" to start a war with him. He just simply had to be "lied about". A "spin" had to be fed to the American people & some of them are still gobbleing the spins up. Stacey mentions people from her family killed in WWII. Were any of them thrown out of helicopters as in Vietnam? Oh what a good war that was! Oops... I forgot, it was not a war! Just something the USA stuck their nose in... "I forget"... for what reason? Possibly as Paul says to "test new weapons" at someone else's life expense. I mean nobody really cares about the Americans who died fighting such a stupid war or (non war), now do they? Is the problem that Suddam was a dictator? I don't see anyone invading Cuba so far. Isn't China a dictatorship? What about N. Korea? Do they have attrocities like Suddam was labeled as having? Does any average American even know? The USA was so "righteous" as they sold weapons to n**i Germany almost during the "entirety" of the war. Definately while German subs were cruising their way through Lake Ontario, destroying shipping from Canada to that war effort. Uh... many Americans forget that Canada was at war with Germany from the beginning! Nope, you are right Paul, it is over money. A spin can be put on anything to justify the US need to invade anywhere! They do not need to "breed terrorists", as even if people are not, they can be claimed as being so. One question should be confronted. Is it your Country? If not, it is probably "none of your business" unless you can get a "UN resolution" to do something about it, as the USA rarely waits for. There is a "World Court" & a World Bank & a UN to handle problems fairly.


I want my party back!

#30Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 02, 2005

A nice quote from the religous "right" again.... "Matthew 7:3, Read it boy!" Always with the religon. I want my party back. Give it to me, you self rightious hypocritical thieves!! You have hijacked the Republican party to turn this country into a Christian Afganistan. Thanks Pastor Bin Laden! Get your religous crap off my body, away from my mind, and away from my life. If you want to read a book written by a bunch of holed up monks 1500 years ago that never got laid in their life and couldnt even understand that the world was round, then be my guest. I'll pass on it and live in the real world. You want me to read a passage from a storybook???? Why dont you really watch Moores film then. At least it has video of corporate CEO's salivating over the "potential profits" in Iraq. A video taken BEFORE the war started. And you idiots would call that "propaganda". Well my answer is a picture is worth a thousand words. Even from you little book. Ill take that video as fact any day over your little monk made book of mother goose stories.


Ez Little ben!

#31Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

Go back and read my post dipshit! Where do I say anything about not paying taxes, dumbass? I would continue, but your own words are proof of your foolishness. Matthew 7:3, Read it boy!


Michael Moore is nothing more than white trash with money

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2005

- Jees let me think here - He has a $2 million dollar penthouse, sends his daughter to private school and yet he is just a "normal person" - I do not care for Bush but we are stuck with him - Michael Moore is trash pure and simple - his "movies" are one sided to benefit his agenda - This man cares nothing about anyone but HIMSELF pure and simple - Hey Michael Moore - go to Rwanda, Somalia - see what genocide is - My family was exterminated in the camps of Germany during WWII -


Nothing to do with being liberal.....

#33Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 02, 2005

It has nothing to do with being liberal. Matter of fact until Dole in 96, I always voted Republican. But the Republican party has been hijacked by these fundamentalist Christian Talaban types. (Bush Jr. being one of them...hell even his father wasnt like that!) If you had actually paid attention to my post, I really dont trust ANY politician. And I never defended Moore. What I wont do is defend what Bush has done to this country. Its not liberal, its not conservative. Its something completely different and evil. So I can assure you Kerry was not "my boy". Nobody was. They both stunk! Now about the liberal whinning..... You like your schools, you like your roads, you like you lights to turn on when you come home..... Pay your fricking taxes like a man ya moneygrubbing cheapskate! Everyone else has. What makes you so special that you dont have too. I'm sure you got an education out of it. Use it...moron. Here is your "boy" in action.... "I don't spend a lot of time thinking about....why I do things" George W. Bush --June 4, 2003 You voted for that????? Frickin idiot!


Kerry wasn't a rich elitist, right Ben?

#34Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 02, 2005

What you need to do, boss, is stop with the liberal whimpering and rise above partisan politics. I got news for ya: Kerry and Bush both are bad for this country (Kerry being the worst). Michael Moron is an idiot, too. He really has won a lot of awards for his work.........NOT! The only place he receives awards is France. I'm also tired of you ignorant whiners saying that Bush is from Texas. The Bush's are from Connecticut, morons! Of course they came to the South to exploit something or someone. Of course they are racketeering criminals. We've come to expect such lies and mis-representations from the Northeast. Ben, your boy lost! Stop crying and act like a man!


Good American? Bush is a typical republican. Takes money out of government coffers under the ruse that the "government takes too much of our cash!". Then puts us in a spot where we have to give it right back out to his cronies in the oil business.

#35Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 18, 2005

For you dopes out there that are still goose stepping behind Bush and the religious right..... Tell me, how did you spend that $300 tax refund Bush Jr. gave you several years ago? Probably just like me. On the inflated gasoline prices. Bush is a typical republican. Takes money out of government coffers under the ruse that the "government takes too much of our cash!". Then puts us in a spot where we have to give it right back out to his cronies in the oil business. Personally I would have been happy to not receive that tax refund and seen that surplus (the largest ever in the history of our country) go to fixing things wrong like social security and education. But no, it all went to some greedy SOB exec at some oil company so he could get his multi-million dollar bonus. So I ask again, where do you like you money to go? Into some rich guys yacht? Or into making this country sound? Ill pass on Bush, his cronies, their bonuses, and their yachts. I would rather see my money go somewhere that I can vote on (granted most politicians from all parties are crooks....but at least we have SOME say with our votes!), rather than see it go to someone I have no control over whatsoever.


Most Americans have no idea why we are at war in Iraq. They think it's about oil. Some say to fight terror. Others say 9/11. Wrong.

#36Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 18, 2005

Let me explain why we have wars. It has nothing to do with oil. All the oil producing countries send us as much oil as they can fit in the tankers. For many oil producers, selling oil is the only way they make money. No oil means no food money. It's just like you going to work each day. Stop working and you better stop eating. War or no war, the United States can continue to buy oil right up until the day it all runs out. So, are we at war to fight terror? Again, no. The terrorist countries are just pissed off because our government is over there bothering them. That's what our government does. They go over into every country on the face of the earth and start s**t. Well, now they got the Saudi lunatics all pissed off. I assume that's exactly what they intended to do. Our government goes over and starts s**t in other countries because they need to make angry terrorists. You see, angry terrorists come here and cause trouble in return. That gives the government a good reason to start another war. So, why does our government want to start a war in the first place? Actually, our government doesn't really want a war. They really don't care one way or another. They don't make the rules. So, who did start the war? And, why did they do it? Think about it. What is the root of all evil? No, idiot, not sex. And, not religion. The root of all evil is money. There's your answer. We make war to make money. Think about who sells war products. It's a trillion dollar industry. Those companies need a war in order to sell their war trash. So, they hire lobbyists to go to Washington. They buy enough of the government. That's not hard to do. They all take bribes. So, after these war product companies pay their bribes, our government goes out and starts a war. Then business is good for the war companies. It really doesn't matter who is in the government. Remember, all of them take bribes. You can elect any president you want. It doesn't matter. The minute the war companies pay the bribes, there will be another war. They are already planning the next war as we speak. I'm less than 50 years of age. But, in my lifetime, there has been one war after another. There was the Korean war. The Vietnam war. The cold war. Star wars. Start wars is when the military spent trillions trying to make a laser beam weapon. Then, we had the first middle east war. Then, the present war. In between, there was the drug war. In other words, there has been some war my whole life. You see, they couldn't all be about oil. Communism is all gone. They can't use that excuse anymore. So, they went out and dreamed up this terror thing. They went over to the hornets nest and f**ked with the hornets. Next, the hornets get all mad and come after you. But, you see, if we had left the hornets alone in the first place, none of this would have happened. Unfortunately, the government can't do that. They need a reason to start a war. Remember, the businesses that make war products own them. So, in order to repay the debt, the government must keep the wars going. You will never stop the wars because the war product companies won't let you do that. Our government doesn't care one way or another. They have no say in the matter. Big business tells them what to do. Politicians are simply stick puppets. They are told what to do and how to do it. So, you can forget about electing a different person. That won't work. The only way that I can see to stop the wars is to start a large company and buy the whole government for yourself. Of course, these war product companies aren't going to sit back and let you do that. You're screwing with their trillions. They'll eliminate you. The sad part is that the soldiers actually think they are fighting for something of value. Terror. Freedom. The fact is we don't really need to have any soldiers at all. Why don't we just let our government simply hand the trillions of dollars over to the war product companies? That way, they get all the money. So, they'll be happy. The soldiers won't be getting killed anymore. We could all just pay the war product companies and then there would be no more need for these pretend wars. The whole war thing was always about money in the first place. Once they get the money, there is no need for the war anymore. Remember, wars come and wars go. But, the root of all evil will always be money. The government has a million reasons to keep the war going. Terror. Communism. Drugs. Nuclear nonsense. Oil. Freedom. All that is nonsense. War is never about any of that. It's always about money. Root of all evil.


us down here in the south know how to SPELL - His only objective is to promote his ideology "the world according to Michael Moore"

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

Michael Moore is an idiot and cares nothing more than what affects him - He is a liar, cheat and worthless waste of space - Jee! If he is so worried about us " common people" the what is his reason for living in a $2 million dollar penthouse and sending his daughter to private school? His only objective is to promote his ideology "the world according to Michael Moore" He is right and the rest of us are WRONG - GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS AND THE REST OF THE GOOD PEOPLE IN THE USA WHO SERVE AND PROTECT US!


Great Bend,
isn't Bush aware that he is killing potential republicans? Most women from New York are shallow and completely dependant on men for money and housing.

#38Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

Just here to comment. First of all let me just say that I'm not going to get invovled in the charming little pissing contest you kids have going on here . I'm just going to make some random statements that are some what related to this silliness. Why is the military bent on killing these so-called "insergents" in in Iraq ? They arent really insergents number one, and number two , isn't Bush aware that he is killing potential republicans? Most women from New York are shallow and completely dependant on men for money and housing. It is very entertaining to see guys like Aaron show how terrified of liberals the right has become (oh wait, the right has been terrified of libs ever since liberals established America, lol) Michael Moore is a visionary and his films are full of fact. If youd actually watch one of his films instead of beliving everything the GOP tells you about him, youd know that. Southerners, while charming and friendly, arew completely clueless politically and have nothing to contribute on that level. That is all. Have fun Im sure most of you are reasonably pissed by now (lmao) That should provide some decent fodder for further meaningless e-discussion. In case your wondering, yes i am a bored, lonley human being who uses trouble-making on the internet as a means of suplementing what little substance i have in my life. Have a great day, Andee, Harper, Ks.


Jeff - yes!

#39Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 07, 2004

I agree. We've reached a level of partisan politics that is just devastating both our economy and our position in world policy. That's the real issue - and it's going on - on BOTH sides of the aisle. If we keep sniping at each other, nobody will see that and nothing will get done. The energy being exerted here would make a monumental change if it were cooperative and focused on a goal. Then we could focus on another :-) Just an idea, it was authored by somebody name Christ of Nazareth.


First DANNY, let me say...

#40Consumer Comment

Tue, December 07, 2004

I have been called worse. I would like to know how red that neck is? Man you really have a hard-on for women and it shows. Other than your comments that I find to be easy to wade through, I do need to mention that spelling a word incorrectly one time is allowable because it may have been a typo but to continue repetitively, is showing that you were educated in Louisiana. Always sitting at 49 or 50 year in, and year out. The word is HINDER. Please look it up, you may be surprised at how simple it is.


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,
A lot of name calling!

#41UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 06, 2004

I posted to the other complaint regarding George W. Bush earlier today and I also want to post to this one as well. The reason why our country is in the dumps is simple: there is no rule of law. When the laws are twisted for people's personal gain, no one is safe. Every time Congress or the people want to pass a law or rule in this nation that benefits only themselves or a select few, there is an equal and opposite reaction from others. Like the Social Security operation. Every time the older crowd and SS sympatizers want to root more money out of the taxpayers (while usually not wanting to pay their fair share most of the time) the other taxpayers will respond. It's just that way in politics. What scares me about the USA is our willingness to subvert our form of law for a bogus and draconian legal system that really benefits no one but a extreme few. The problem is that since you people don't have the balls or the brains to vote in responsable politicians and hold them accountable for their promises, our country is turning into a giantic pigpen, courtesy of the double team tactics of the Democrat and Republican Parties. Whining about people like Michael Moore is pointless. He does not care about your personal or economic freedom no more than those in Congress do. As long as people tolerate and goad on that kind of behavior in Washington the problems in america will get WORSE and WORSE. I'd kindly like to hear what you think about what I said.


New Orleans,

#42Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 06, 2004

Debbie is obviously just waiting on the space ship that is following the next comet. When did this post ever concern pregnant women being wrongfully fired? You speak of free-speech but offer only a double standard of the free-speech concept. You want to be heard without other people commenting on what you say but yet you want to CHASTISE people for what they say. What the hell kind of philosophy is that? Sounds like another nut we know: MICHAEL MOORE. NOBODY IS HENDERING YOUR FREE-SPEECH. The first amendment only states that the government will not enact any law that henders the right to say what is on your mind. People on a public thread can say whatever they want. Until somebody comes to your door and tapes your big mouth shut, nobody is hendering your free-speech. You're not very sharp are you? You speak of being SECURE as a woman but obviously you don't feel secure with your gender. What do you know about feeling SECURE anyways? With each comment you post you only succeed in showing your INSECURITY. I feel sorry for your husband. He probably has a very hard time figuring you out, especially when you speak. You haven't made any sense from the beginning of your rants and I don't suppose that fact will change much in the future. You need a therapist not a husband. You are not helping your cause, you are only succeeding in making this thread longer than it actually is. You are wasting everybody's time. Don't worry though, I'm sure there will be a comet come along real soon. Then we won't have to deal with your crazy statements anymore. I'm sure M.M. will save you a seat in first class. DEBBIE, YOUR NAME SHOULD BE LOOPEY BECAUSE YOU ARE. MELINDA and ANITA ARE KOOKS, TOO! HOPE YOU DIDN'T FORGET THE BLACK NIKE's and sweat-suits!


Palm Beach Gardens,
I don't know about Robert, but I can tell you where slavery started Cherry.

#43Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 04, 2004

NEW YORK. Most slave ships were owned by businessmen who were in New York. As a matter of FACT, there wasn't a single slave ship owned by a Southern port. Did you know that Ulysses S Grant kept his slaves right up until the war was over. Another fact that will get you going is the fact that Northern states were the first to institute segregation laws. Trust me when I say the institution of slavery wasn't just a Southern thing. You people are truly in denial about factual history aren't you? At least during slavery, THEY all worked. The welfare system wasn't draining our country dry, either. Yankees are just as much at fault as Southerners for slavery. Get your history straight you ignorant fool.


Mz. Susan...I B*T%H I DO NOT WHINE!!!!!!! Michael Moore is being chastised, as I am, for excercising free speech.

#44Consumer Comment

Sat, December 04, 2004

And there is a big difference. Until you are secure in yourself as a person and a woman you will have no clue. Michael Moore is being chastised, as I am, for excercising free speech. It is only because it is a concept foreign to you and many others. You spout off about how freedom isn't free but then you want to format that freedom to apply to only you, and others who think just as you. Give me a break. Tell YOUR husband to get off his A$$ and dust and dinner tonight is normally on the table by 5. YOU need to view the economics as they afect woman, they are negative and have always been. There are some changes for the better as by FEDERAL law woman can no longer be terminated from their positions due to pregnancy, ( I mean it does take 2 does it not?). So there have been some strides, and let me just tell you that if you ask my husband if I wear the pants here in this household he will tell you that WE do, yes.



#45Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 03, 2004




#46Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 03, 2004




#47Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 03, 2004



Something beyond control

#48Consumer Comment

Fri, December 03, 2004

It is Texino and I am sitting here working economic science. Each day I get this rebuttal email and when I check, it is this same topic going on and on with language as poor as anything from Tupper Lake. Now Tupper Lake is just a joke thing. I am afraid that the people who have grabbed this topic are not joking, nor are they discussing. From where I sit, it seems a shame to waste the opportunity for open discussion by letting it degrade into name calling. Here in Cuba, we are beginning to be able to have some dialogue about things that are not right. We do it politely and after church though. To do it recklessly would invite trouble. When I say trouble, I mean the risk of imprisonment or death. If you were to base your arguments on the foundation that you might be tortured or killed for your statements, I should think you might not be so free with the screaming bad words to those who see things differently. Maybe if you can step back and look at all the foolish and violence tinted rhetoric on this topic, you might begin to see why other nations have little respect for the American people. Remember, you are the richest and most powerful of countries and that should cause the world to look up to you. However, the world reads English and the world devours what the internet spits out. So many forums, so many message boards are filled with American voices hating each other over movies or music or the interests of some celebrity. All of this selfish hate can do no good for your image and, in the end you may well wake up to find that your leaders have sold your assets overseas and left the average citizen of the US in a rather uncomfortable situation. I doubt if many people will take heed to what I say. It is far easier to call me a name or just make up some lie as to the meaning of my words. Unfortunately very few Americans travel in order to see how they are perceived by the rest of the world. Were they to do so and just make some subtle changes in attitude and become more proactive in watching what their government is about, the USA would once again become the standard of how freedom and prosperity are judged. It is ironic that I sit here in a dictatorship and talk about freedom. However, the irony is not forced, for even though our leader clings to an outmoded revolution, he does it solely for love of the nation and people. We could be so rich and much more comfortable by just making a few concessions to the West. Unfortunately, doing so would open up the corrupt practices of wealth. I would ask that you look toward Cuba in the next ten years. I fear that you will see its people overcome by the money which stands ready to pour in once President Castro leaves power. Mark my words, for you will see the poor remain poor and know that this fate could well befall the growing underclass in the USA as their economy is slowly taken over by the Euro-Markets. The signs are all there for anyone to see. I would hope you will read them and take charge of your nation and forgo this foolish bickering which places you where you are wanted by the enemies of your freedom. Sincerely,


Johnson City,
Anita, Kate, Debbie and Melinda are disgraceful.

#49Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

Anita, Kate, Debbie and Melinda obviously all feel threatened by the truth about what is going on in the world. They feel that the world would be a safer place with Saddam and Osama still in power. They feel that the French are our allies. They are all in denial of the truth. They enjoy pointing the finger but can't handle it when someone points it back at them. They enjoy calling people names and acting like children, but don't think that it's anybody elses right to do that to them. They are typical of this "modern woman" concept that they have concocted. One thing is for sure, they are disgraceful as women. These four beings (I stop short of calling them women for a reason) should learn to think for themselves. Obviously they aren't smart enough to rationally contemplate the situation in Iraq or the war on terrorism. These four would rather have something to whine about and probably depend on people like Michael Moore and Dan Rather to do their thinking for them. They believe in creating truth, not observing truth. This post has absolutely nothing to do with where you are from. This post is about Michael Moore's film, not calling people names and making broad generalizations about Aaron's comments. He is a patriot, you four are not. Trust me when I say this: Aaron doesn't feel THREATENED by any of you. You would just like to believe that because you have no rational points to your arguments with him. With each post against him, you just make yourselves look worse. Perhaps, you four believe that Afghanistan isn't a better place for women. Perhaps you believe that going over there to fight the Taliban wasn't worth it. Perhaps you four think that 9/11 didn't happen. I'm sure the families of the victims in this act of terrorism would disagree with you about your whining. You see, these people who died were just going to work. They didn't have a decision to make like deciding whether to join the armed forces or not. You should remember that Melinda and Debbie. You three broads are seriously in denial. I can't say that I feel sorry for you, I just pity people like you. Michael Moore is a liar. He is not a patriot. Anybody who believes M.M. to be a patriot, should realize that he has made his living not by telling the truth, but by shocking people with lies. Every film or so-called documentary he has made has been just as controversial as his last. You see, he is not smart enough to make anything worth seeing. He depends on people like Anita, Kate, Debbie and Melinda to help him in his unsubstantiated attacks against the Bush administration. I guess the idiots in this country are more dependent than they like to let on. What sad individuals these liberals and whiners are. Anita, Kate, Debbie and Melinda should stop their whining before they make women as a whole look worse.


Melinda and Anita have lost their minds. They are to be pitied.

#50Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

You two have absolutely made fools of yourselves. Anita is so smart that she doesn't even know what the original post is about, right Melinda? Contrary to what you two believe, most MODERN WOMEN like yourselves can't manage a household. I'm sure you two have a hard time doing anything constructive with yourselves besides whining about how life and George Bush have done you wrong. You two are to be pitied. I can tell that you are related. Although I don't agree with Aaron's harshness, I do believe in his concept concerning the whores from New York and the way in which most MODERN WOMEN act. It's sad what women have become, very sad. Just like the last post said, you picked this fight with Aaron. You saw fit to comment on something that was long a dead issue on this thread. If you are going to dish it out, then you need to learn to take it. Bottom line: Melinda and Anita aren't representative of what women should be. They are both whiners "playing the part of the victim." Neither offered any comments concerning Michael Moore nor did any of their hollow words provide any truth about anything. I am ashamed that Melinda and Anita are from Knoxville, TN. Unlike these two, I was born and raised here. I am a conservative and support the war in Iraq. I am not a "bra-burning man-hatin' liberal" like Melinda and Anita. I have a college degree in business management and three sons who are all in the military. Two of which are Marines fighting in Iraq as we speak. If I were to lose one of my sons in this war, it would be devastating, but the last thing I'd do is blame it on George Bush or conservatives. I wouldn't sit around whining about things either. You need to go back and re-read Aaron's comments. As harsh as he may sound, at least he is a patriot who's tired of listening to people like Melinda and Anita bash his country. Aaron has more substance in his little finger than Melinda and Anita put together. One of these days, Melinda and Anita are going to wise about and see the truth about things. Right now they are just two sad women who think that people give a flying crap about their worthless opinions. If you two were capable of rational thought, you'd quit believeing in Michael Moore's lies and start thinking for yourself. Do you always let others do your thinking for you? A "modern woman" should think for herself. You two are extremely sad. Melinda and Anita, why don't you tell us where you two "modern women" work? That way we will know to stay away from that business because they employee people who can't think clearly or rationally. Why don't you two move to Canada? You sure don't fit the Knoxvillian persona. Knoxvillians love their country. You two just want to whine.


Melinda and Anita have lost their minds. They are to be pitied.

#51Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

You two have absolutely made fools of yourselves. Anita is so smart that she doesn't even know what the original post is about, right Melinda? Contrary to what you two believe, most MODERN WOMEN like yourselves can't manage a household. I'm sure you two have a hard time doing anything constructive with yourselves besides whining about how life and George Bush have done you wrong. You two are to be pitied. I can tell that you are related. Although I don't agree with Aaron's harshness, I do believe in his concept concerning the whores from New York and the way in which most MODERN WOMEN act. It's sad what women have become, very sad. Just like the last post said, you picked this fight with Aaron. You saw fit to comment on something that was long a dead issue on this thread. If you are going to dish it out, then you need to learn to take it. Bottom line: Melinda and Anita aren't representative of what women should be. They are both whiners "playing the part of the victim." Neither offered any comments concerning Michael Moore nor did any of their hollow words provide any truth about anything. I am ashamed that Melinda and Anita are from Knoxville, TN. Unlike these two, I was born and raised here. I am a conservative and support the war in Iraq. I am not a "bra-burning man-hatin' liberal" like Melinda and Anita. I have a college degree in business management and three sons who are all in the military. Two of which are Marines fighting in Iraq as we speak. If I were to lose one of my sons in this war, it would be devastating, but the last thing I'd do is blame it on George Bush or conservatives. I wouldn't sit around whining about things either. You need to go back and re-read Aaron's comments. As harsh as he may sound, at least he is a patriot who's tired of listening to people like Melinda and Anita bash his country. Aaron has more substance in his little finger than Melinda and Anita put together. One of these days, Melinda and Anita are going to wise about and see the truth about things. Right now they are just two sad women who think that people give a flying crap about their worthless opinions. If you two were capable of rational thought, you'd quit believeing in Michael Moore's lies and start thinking for yourself. Do you always let others do your thinking for you? A "modern woman" should think for herself. You two are extremely sad. Melinda and Anita, why don't you tell us where you two "modern women" work? That way we will know to stay away from that business because they employee people who can't think clearly or rationally. Why don't you two move to Canada? You sure don't fit the Knoxvillian persona. Knoxvillians love their country. You two just want to whine.


Melinda and Anita have lost their minds. They are to be pitied.

#52Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

You two have absolutely made fools of yourselves. Anita is so smart that she doesn't even know what the original post is about, right Melinda? Contrary to what you two believe, most MODERN WOMEN like yourselves can't manage a household. I'm sure you two have a hard time doing anything constructive with yourselves besides whining about how life and George Bush have done you wrong. You two are to be pitied. I can tell that you are related. Although I don't agree with Aaron's harshness, I do believe in his concept concerning the whores from New York and the way in which most MODERN WOMEN act. It's sad what women have become, very sad. Just like the last post said, you picked this fight with Aaron. You saw fit to comment on something that was long a dead issue on this thread. If you are going to dish it out, then you need to learn to take it. Bottom line: Melinda and Anita aren't representative of what women should be. They are both whiners "playing the part of the victim." Neither offered any comments concerning Michael Moore nor did any of their hollow words provide any truth about anything. I am ashamed that Melinda and Anita are from Knoxville, TN. Unlike these two, I was born and raised here. I am a conservative and support the war in Iraq. I am not a "bra-burning man-hatin' liberal" like Melinda and Anita. I have a college degree in business management and three sons who are all in the military. Two of which are Marines fighting in Iraq as we speak. If I were to lose one of my sons in this war, it would be devastating, but the last thing I'd do is blame it on George Bush or conservatives. I wouldn't sit around whining about things either. You need to go back and re-read Aaron's comments. As harsh as he may sound, at least he is a patriot who's tired of listening to people like Melinda and Anita bash his country. Aaron has more substance in his little finger than Melinda and Anita put together. One of these days, Melinda and Anita are going to wise about and see the truth about things. Right now they are just two sad women who think that people give a flying crap about their worthless opinions. If you two were capable of rational thought, you'd quit believeing in Michael Moore's lies and start thinking for yourself. Do you always let others do your thinking for you? A "modern woman" should think for herself. You two are extremely sad. Melinda and Anita, why don't you tell us where you two "modern women" work? That way we will know to stay away from that business because they employee people who can't think clearly or rationally. Why don't you two move to Canada? You sure don't fit the Knoxvillian persona. Knoxvillians love their country. You two just want to whine.


Melinda and Anita have lost their minds. They are to be pitied.

#53Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 02, 2004

You two have absolutely made fools of yourselves. Anita is so smart that she doesn't even know what the original post is about, right Melinda? Contrary to what you two believe, most MODERN WOMEN like yourselves can't manage a household. I'm sure you two have a hard time doing anything constructive with yourselves besides whining about how life and George Bush have done you wrong. You two are to be pitied. I can tell that you are related. Although I don't agree with Aaron's harshness, I do believe in his concept concerning the whores from New York and the way in which most MODERN WOMEN act. It's sad what women have become, very sad. Just like the last post said, you picked this fight with Aaron. You saw fit to comment on something that was long a dead issue on this thread. If you are going to dish it out, then you need to learn to take it. Bottom line: Melinda and Anita aren't representative of what women should be. They are both whiners "playing the part of the victim." Neither offered any comments concerning Michael Moore nor did any of their hollow words provide any truth about anything. I am ashamed that Melinda and Anita are from Knoxville, TN. Unlike these two, I was born and raised here. I am a conservative and support the war in Iraq. I am not a "bra-burning man-hatin' liberal" like Melinda and Anita. I have a college degree in business management and three sons who are all in the military. Two of which are Marines fighting in Iraq as we speak. If I were to lose one of my sons in this war, it would be devastating, but the last thing I'd do is blame it on George Bush or conservatives. I wouldn't sit around whining about things either. You need to go back and re-read Aaron's comments. As harsh as he may sound, at least he is a patriot who's tired of listening to people like Melinda and Anita bash his country. Aaron has more substance in his little finger than Melinda and Anita put together. One of these days, Melinda and Anita are going to wise about and see the truth about things. Right now they are just two sad women who think that people give a flying crap about their worthless opinions. If you two were capable of rational thought, you'd quit believeing in Michael Moore's lies and start thinking for yourself. Do you always let others do your thinking for you? A "modern woman" should think for herself. You two are extremely sad. Melinda and Anita, why don't you tell us where you two "modern women" work? That way we will know to stay away from that business because they employee people who can't think clearly or rationally. Why don't you two move to Canada? You sure don't fit the Knoxvillian persona. Knoxvillians love their country. You two just want to whine.


My last response . . .

#54Consumer Comment

Thu, December 02, 2004

Willard, Like Aaron, you should brush up on your reading comprehension skills. If, like me, you had read every posting on this page, you would know why I "picked" a fight with Aaron. He had continually posted comments that were degrading to others, specifically, women and New Yorkers. In a postscript to my post concernig the legitimacy of the documentary "9/11", I defended those two groups of people. Therefore my mention of my trips to New York was to prove that I knew from experience that New Yorkers are not horrible people. Perhaps you should read a little more before you try to respond. As for the "rhetoric I spewed", what rhetoric? It's really difficult for you to accept that some crazy feminist has valid points, huh? The fact is that you and Aaron both feel threatened by an intelligent, articulate woman, end of story. Anyone, whether they agree with my opinions or not, can gather from my posts that I am not an idiot or inferior to either of you mentally. You can't formulate an argument any better than Aaron can. How old are you guys, 13? I'm just asking because the last time I can remember someone responding to an argument with, "Oh yeah? Well, uh . . . you're just STUPID!" was in the 7th grade. Well, at least you graduated to the High School level when you accused me of being a l*****n and having a fear of intimacy. Hmmm? What was it I said in my last post? Oh yeah, "And I will fight and argue for women's equality until the day I die because men like you will always be there, knocking us down, pushing us around, labeling us as whores, sluts, dykes, witches, etc. just because we want to be treated and viewed as equals." Wanting equal pay for equal work, to be judged for my brains instead of my a*s and expecting a man to view me as something other than a maid or a doormat does not make me a man-hater or a l*****n. The fact that you think it does speaks volumes about the kind of man you are. You were quick to point out in your response that this post is supposed to be dedicated to Michael Moore's film but you had nothing to say about it. My orginal post WAS dedicated to the original subject. If my feminist crusade is so ridiculous, why are you responding to it instead of the original post? You see, a real man, a grown-up, confident man, would not feel so threatened by the age-old subject of women's rights. If you had bothered to read my first post you might have found that we do, in fact, agree on some things. Diversity makes the world go 'round, not intolerance!


South Bend,
Uhhh.....Milenda, a blanket statement? ....A few moth holes, perhaps?

#55Consumer Comment

Wed, December 01, 2004

Quote:"Mothers love their own children more than they love life itself." . Does the name "Susan Smith" bring anything to mind? . Here's an interesting statistic from The American Anthropologolical Association: "More than 200 women kill their children in the U.S. every year. Andrea Yates who drowned her five kids, and pediatrician Ellen Feinberg, of Champaign, Illinois, who stabbed her two young sons, one fatally, are not unique." . I think your aforementioned quote should be prefaced by the qualification:"MOST mothers......" 'Ya think? . Additional quote:"you two SORRY LOW LIFE scumbag individiuals".......Nice dialogue! Really adds substance and verve to your ramblings....NOT! . Yeah, I know. This's off subject. Just like 60% or more of this tiresome, incredibly long, never ending diatribe. .


Get a grip.. M.Moore is more of a patriot than most because he says what he thinks and believes no matter what anyone thinks.

#56Consumer Comment

Wed, December 01, 2004

Who cares! Either watch the movie or don't. I would suggest watching it to form your own opinion. Why is it that America has now been turned into some big crusade. A crusade for whatever happens to be on their minds at the time. Like right now. I'm bored so I'd like to let all of you know how idiotic you sound. Watch the movie. Don't watch the movie. Who cares? Life is not black or white. It's grey. To be honest with you M.Moore is more of a patriot than most because he says what he thinks and believes no matter what anyone thinks. Who was it that said we should have a revolution every hundred years? Get a grip people. Live your own life. Don't be a slave someone elses ideas.


Butch and Aaron, ARE YOU Crazy???

#57Consumer Comment

Wed, December 01, 2004

Butch and Aaron are you two crazy or what? How in the world could you say mean, ugly things to someone's mother who has died for you two SORRY LOW LIFE scumbag individiuals? You two should have to go over there yourself if you think it was such a proud way to die. But apparently you are sitting your tail in front of a computer trying to criticize and condemn an innocent mother of a fallen soldier!!! Let me tell you something from a Mother's point of view: Mothers love their own children more than they love life itself. There is no greater power of love except from the heavenly father and Lord Jesus Christ that will ever equal the love of most mothers! Of course we don't know your situation, maybe your mothers dumped you years ago and that is what caused your warped opinions. If that is the case may God have mercy on your soul because I have no mercy for people that cannot feel the pain a mother suffers when losing a child! By the way I have 3 children and would absolutely die if I had to bury one of my children. Thank you Debbie from LA for your sacrifice...I know this doesn't help much but my heart goes out to you and all mothers who have lost children no matter how it happened. By the way I love the south, being a home maker, and person with a full time career as I have done for 25 years while raising my children. My children are doing just fine as you can tell by my very intelligent daughter Anita from Knoxville.


I see Aaron has made another liberal snap!

#58Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 30, 2004

Anita, you have truly lost your marbles with such rhetoric as you spewed in your last post. How do you expect to be taken seriously at this point? You are not EQUAL either physically and definitely not mentally. You misinterpreted Aaron's statements. He was not attacking you until you started attacking him. You both are somewhat in the wrong, only Aaron makes sense and you don't. You were actually the one who started the fight involving Aaron. He hadn't posted on this thread until you brought his name up. Good job Anita. If you are going to pick a verbal fight with somebody, you get what you deserve. You've been to New York 4 times you say. Who cares. I couldn't even begin to give an accurate figure on how many times I've been there and dealt with its inhabitants but it's a hell of lot more times than 4. Aaron was correct in what he said about NY city. It is a cesspool just like Memphis, but that's a whole other post. I'm getting off the subject here. This post is supposed to be dedicated to Michael Moore's movie not some bra-burning man-hatin' feminist crusade. Where would women be without men? The same place men would be without women: making film documentaries based on lies and liberalism since they can't stand intimacy with someone of the opposite sex. Anita is one of these people. Hey Anita, I hope your wife is proud of you! Ha! Ha!


Anita, you've lost your mind.

#59Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 30, 2004

Not at any point in your last post did you mention anything about Michael Moore's film. I for one agrre with Aaron that you are truly an idiot. The reason that you were so upset is because not only were you given a dose of your medicine but it is impossible for you to accept the truth about what Aaron has to say. You go on and on about Aaron, but in the process of the inaacurate rants, you only make yourself look like the fool. You can't call people names like "inbreed" or "trailor-trash" and get mad when you are called the same names. You are a hypocrite to say the least. Aaron wasn't running down women. You were. Just because women want to stay at home, doesn't mean they lose any of their self-respect. Just read Aaron's comments about the feminist movement and you'll seee what I mean. Yes, you are a radical. A radical liberal feminist who can't handle the truth. It's people like you who support such garbage as Michael Moore's film. We wouldn't expect anything else out of you but garbage. YOU ARE THE IDIOT! AARON IS 100% ON THE MONEY ON THIS POST. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS INACCURATE AND STUPID. YOU MAKE NO SENSE. YOU OFEER NOTHING TO THIS THREAD ABOUT MICHAEL MOORE's LIBERAL PROPAGANDA. YOU ARE THE ONE WITH COMPREHENSION PROBLEMS AND TRUTH BE KNOWN, YOU WRITE JUST LIKE ANOTHER LIBERAL FOOL ON THIS SITE. DON"T MAKE ME POST YOUR REAL IDENTITY. NICE TRY FRUITCAKE! AARON SHOULD RUN FOR PRESIDENT! HE KNOWS WHAT TRUTH IS AND ANITA, YOU KNOW ONLY LIES!


That is enough. Stop name calling and shame on you Butch

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 30, 2004

You say you are proud of Debbie's son's service. Yet you call his grieving mother names. This woman is heartbroken - not crazy. If you cannot understand that then please leave your computer immediately and run to the nearest church you can. Tell the first person that you meet there, "I have used the feeling of power and anonymity I feel while privately using the internet. I send communication out to hurt other people. Recently, I called a dead soldier's mother names. I did it to hurt her and my soul is in imminent danger should I die today. Please lead to me salvation. Failing that, hit me on the head with a brick directly so that I may not hurt anyone else with my cruelty". I know a small boy who knows better than to call names like stupid'. He is three years old. He learned it in pre-school. Butch, can't you understand how cruel you are? Why would you call a dead soldier's mother names? C'mon be human? Just a little. Debbie the internet brings out the cruelty in those who have a predisposition for it. Like driving. They are left on their own, in private from their perspective. All that is ugly comes out of them and spews out. However, there are real people out in the world also. And they use the internet to try to assist or comfort others. We will all, always, have political differences. That's been going on since the beginning of time. What is new is the intolerance with which Americans are now behaving. Sadam Hussein was intolerant of the views of others. Adolph Hitler was intolerant of the views of others. I think it's time we stop behaving like that and get along. At least on the level that toddlers can accomplish.


Thank you Butch for feeding into the bull...

#61Consumer Comment

Tue, November 30, 2004

MY son, like many others, was lied to by our fearless leader amongst others. MY son stood by his convictions and this was not a fight he wanted to be in, but followed orders. MY son's last letter questioned why we not going after the perpetratiors of 911, and he wondered why schools were being built in Iraq when our children at home are getting beat out scholastically by 3rd world countries. He also wondered why we cannot get medical care but our doctors are over there in droves providing FREE care to the people there. He also stated that unfortunatly that was the least WE as a nation could do since we took it upon ourselves to blow them up. Men, women and children. So no speaches to me about freedom, or homeland security. When you are fearful control is easy, just ask Bush he uses that well. As far as my grandchild...he is not my son's child. He had none. So to all who think I am on the "pity-pot" you think as you like. Until you walk in my shoes or spend just one day as me then you have no right to say anything about it. So this conversation is over and God save OUR children.


Debbie, you are NUTS! no wonder you are a liberal feminist.

#62Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 29, 2004

You believe in Michael Moore's film because your son died in service to his country? You're crazy. You obviously think that someone owes you something so it's no wonder you are a liberal feminist. Faye was correct in her assumptions. As for Thanksgiving, you did what anybody would do except the part you left out about being a bitter old hag with a socialistic perspective on life. I'm really sorry that your son lost his life. But last I checked, there is no draft, and he knew what he was getting into. If you want to be mad at someone your only choice should be your son. "Reason" is a hard thing for some people to grasp. It's obviously very foreign to you. I for one am proud of your son. He lost his life defending the ideals of his country. He gave the ultimate sacrifice fighting for freedom and a better world. You would think that a MOTHER would be proud also, but you would rather just sit and say "why me?" You would rather run-down the reasons for the war against terrorism that your son believed in. You are doing your son a disservice. GOD BLESS AMERICA, even the liberal feminists like Debbie!


Silly Rabbit?? ..I am not fat, illiterate, inbred or white trash and I have never lived in a trailer park

#63Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

Aaron, Let me see if I have the "jist" (sic) of what you are saying. (By the way, the word is "gist" with a "g"). You wrote: "Good skills for a homemaker have always included good cooking. I didn't say those were the only things that a woman are capable of doing. You're an idiot." Tell me more about what an idiot I am after looking at your own statements. You're right, Aaron, "a woman are capable of doing" lots of things and a "man are" too! This one is my favorite: "Homemaking skills used to be held in high regard but due to people like yourself, those skills are no longer looked upon as being favorable. You need to due some serious self-examination." Aaron, use a dictionary next time. The really funny part is that Debbie jokingly pointed out your mistaken use of "due" vs. "do" in her post. You then responded (as only a true moron would) by attempting to ridicule her for something you actually wrote first! Furthermore, Aaron, you really need to brush up on those reading comprehension skills! I wrote: "For those of you who continually bash those of us from Tennessee, and Southerners in general, thanks to Aaron and others, I have this to say: I am not fat, illiterate, inbred or white trash and I have never lived in a trailer park nor do I hate Northerners or New Yorkers." That statement was for all the non-Southerners who have posted insulting remarks to Southerners and Tennesseeans.(Wendy from Joplin, Missouri called us "the dumbest shits on the planet" and said that we "really shoudnt (sic) be allowed to vote"). If you would go back and really READ the other posts you would see that for yourself. Their insults were usually in response to your xenophobic tyrades. I was trying to defend my Southern heritage by making it clear that YOU are not a true representation of every Southerner out there. You see, if I represent myself in a clear, intelligent and coherent manner no one will accuse me of those nasty stereotypes that I mentioned. Every time you write a rebuttal, Aaron, it's obvious that you don't understand most of what you have read. You are so ready to start firing off insults, especially to women and Northerners, that you don't take the time to formulate an intelligent response. Here's another example of this: You wrote, "I would sy (sic) that she's probably a good cook and home-maker too. Are you? Or are you just some MODERN women (sic) whoring around Manhattan who has no real useful skills?" I responded to this archaic statement with, "And Aaron, useful skills for a woman do not = good cook and homemaker. People like you are the reason others see Southerners as ignorant backwoods rednecks. And yes, Aaron, I CAN cook, very well, but that's the least of my talents and my brainpower." Your response to this was: "Good skills for a homemaker have always included good cooking. I didn't say those were the only things that a woman are capable of doing. You're an idiot. It's militant feminists like yourself who try and make homemakers who are women look bad. Homemaking skills used to be held in high regard but due to people like yourself, those skills are no longer looked upon as being favorable . . .It's militant feminists like yourself who have made home-making women feel inferior. I didn't say anything about these ladies not having any brain power. Get a life and stop trying to act like a victim all the time." Can you please point out where, exactly, I wrote that "home-making women" are inferior or that they don't have any "brain power"? You can't, can you? I was pointing out, to you, the fact that "real useful skills" for a woman have nothing to with baking a pie, sewing, vacuuming, washing dishes or any of that other 1950's bullshit that most MODERN WOMEN can do with one hand tied behind their back and still have a full-time career! What I am saying is that a woman's self-worth should not be tied to her home-making abilities. Viewpoints like yours are what made me into the "militant feminist" that you say I am. (Thank you for that, by the way. I don't know about the "militant" part, but I'm definitely a feminist. And I will fight and argue for women's equality until the day I die because men like you will always be there, knocking us down, pushing us around, labeling us as whores, sluts, dykes, witches, etc. just because we want to be treated and viewed as equals.) If that statement makes a woman (not you, Aaron, you don't count) feel inferior then she can respond. And finally, what the hell does this statement mean? "Say what you will but I doubt very seriously that you have spent much time in New York. Either that or you know how to speak several foreign languages and enjoy not hearing people speak English." The only reply I have to that insanely absurd statement is that I never stated the amount of time I spent in New York. I have been to New York exactly four times, all pre-9/11, and it's a wonderful place if you're not a bigoted, narrow-minded,woman-oppressing, redneck simpleton. As for your "REAL-LIFE" experiences that back up your philosophy, I would love to hear all about them. However, I very seriously doubt that you'll read this without making incorrect inferences and assumptions about what you "think" I said; so you'll never actually get around to making a valid point. Once again, Aaron, reading comprehension is very important. All of us "militant feminists" are using it every day to support our "radical" views on equality.


Debbie - I am sorry to read of your loss. Republican Democrat whatever you claim to be is no excuse to treat each other badly.

#64Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 29, 2004

Dear Lady on behalf of all of us, please allow me to apologize. Your son is gone and my heart hurts for you. Is the grandchild you mention the child of your son? I hope you say yes - so I'll know that you still have a piece of him, with you. You say that he died for nothing. And I've heard all the nasty things that were said on this page. I want YOU to know from ME that I am grieving for you. I come from a service family too. It's impossible for anyone to truly empathize if they haven't served but you would think they could be human enough to at least sympathize. I know that some things have been accomplished. I know that there aren't any more killing fields being dug. And the children in the outlying areas are going to school. Water systems and sewers were built. It's a terrible thing war and I was asked the other day by someone who just doesn't understand. Why do we help other countries? Especially when they won't help us when we need it? I guess it's because we can. And we know that we should. I guess it's because we don't believe in the media but do believe in God. I guess it's because we can see suffering in other people and want to help them. That makes us different. I don't know about all the economic going's on. And I think there are corrupt people involved, just because there always have been. But in the middle we have the soldiers. The ones who go out and give all they have to do the right thing. I know that a pastor is present where they are excavating one of these killing fields'. And there were young women, babies and some unborn found. One mother was holding her child when they were both shot in the head. I pray that you know that no matter what anybody else says here, you know that this has stopped for those people. That's all this is really about. I don't care who makes money. I don't care what the Democrats, Republicans, CBS, ABC or Dan Rather have to say about anything. I know that your son, along with so many others have stopped this murder for those people. I know they'll go to school. I know they'll have food, water and electricity and an opportunity to have a real life. It isn't a quick fix to overcome the type of abuse and genocide that's been going on over there. To go from living under the rule of a tyrannical dictator who cut of limbs and held mass executions. He GASSED his own people! And I know that freedom comes with a very, very high price. I am so sorry you lost your son. Please, if that is his child, tell the child what his father did. And why he did it. Don't let him believe the media. This was about real people. I'm praying for you and for your sick grandchild. God bless you And to those who responded in an attacking way to this woman saying she has lost her son shame on you. SHAME on you for your horrific and frightening lack of humanity. What filth you are, and do not call yourselves right wing, Christian or Republican. You lie. Your actions will always tell on you. And your posts here are absolutely evil. Republican Democrat whatever you claim to be is no excuse to treat each other badly. The Christians in this country are ashamed of the way you behave. All of us. We are exhorted by God himself to love one another. And here is a lady who reveals that her son has died in war and you speak so cruelly. What horrible people you are. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do for a living, whether you are dirt poor or magnificently wealthy. If you have no capacity for the value of another human you have nothing. So either apologize and play nice or shut up.


New York,

#65Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

I have been reading these postings and cannot believe the way so called intelligent people get drawn and sucked in. First of all Aaron, you need to take a trip to N.Y. and travel in a 60 mile radius in all directions before you make any accusations. I have to agree with the woman from N.Y., your just mad and taking it out on everybody. Also keep in mind Aaron, that the transplanted NYKRS in the south have bought growth and prosperity to what was nothing but a tobbaco field between Virginia and Florida across to the mighty Missippi. Lady in N.Y. your one in 18 million people. If your really paying $30,000 per month, that means you make $1,000,000 per year. If this is the case, than you obviously have brains why are you cat fighting with everybody, seems to me that your only real insight to the N.Y. Elite club, was watching Sex and the City. Aaron is right there are alot of liberal gold digging women with no judgement or common sense, thinking that there going to hook a rich guy. Guess what girls I work in N.Y. most of these guys just want to get laid. Aaron also, watch Jerry Springer, Maury, etc and where do these people come from (deep in the heart of dixie). You should really think before you write.


Mz. Faye, I should have proof read what I had written to better clarify.

#66Consumer Comment

Sun, November 28, 2004

Let me begin with...How was your Thanksgiving? Let me tell you about mine. This was the FIRST of many to come, I am sure, that I spent without my only son. You know the one, IF you read this whole mess you would know, who died for NOTHING. Let Bush send his daughters over there, oh that's right this is a good time NOT to be a feminist according to you. I also was sitting bedside with my 8 month old grandson who has been in the hospital for the last 15 days with an unknown infection and they are trying to find the source so it can be treated with the correct antibiotic. So this "feminist" didn't cook a turkey or dressing this year, but I do hope yours wasn't too dry. I am sure that you the NON-feminist made a wonderful dinner. I am sure you wouldn't let minor things, as your son or grandson, get in the way of your festivities as the good woman should. I am sure that YOUR husband would never have understood. MINE on the other hand made a wonderful meal that he brought to the hospital for myself, my daughter, and my 3 yr old grand daughter. No not turkey but it was a fine dinner, made from love not obligation. I am also very sure that IF you worked side by side with a group of gentleman and you made much less pay (by the way statistically you already do), and the company said to you, that you are not entitiled to benefits because you are SUPPOSSED to be covered by a husband instead. I am sure that you the NON-feminist would be just fine with that. There are of course social programs if you need them, (the ones set up by the Democtrats). Now let's see that would never happen cause you were a stay at home mom, who made sure you children were home schooled so they grow up being social outcasts. So as not to offend this Stepford Wife mentality you find comfort in, I will with my bipolar self just stop. But I want you to know that your mental state has been the cause of many woman dying in back rooms with hangers, and from breast cancer, (it just doesn't affect enough men yet, for enough research money). You are also the reason there ever was the need for a battered women's shelter. Go check one out (not in your red hat or with your hand-me-downs)and see how those GOOD WOMEN and their children are affected by the abuse. Oh and by the way...how many of your children have died today?


Debbie, what are you talking about?

#67Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 27, 2004

Here's what you said: "The best way is to anger you so that you throw truth at them. This way they have more ammunition to throw at you." WHAT? What TRUTH? Better yet, what have you offered that has anything to do with the truth? "This way they have more ammuntion to throw at you." What the.....? If you were offering the truth, how would they have more ammunition? Are you bipolar? I have no idea what it was that you hoped to explain with your comments. I do know that you offered no real reasons why you believe in Moore's film. I do know that you have done a very poor job, if not ineffective, of destroying anybody's credibility concerning their comments on this thread. Debbie, YOU are the one to be pitied. YOU should learn to explain yourself in a more proficient means, rather than just picking up the torch of liberalism with no real concept of what truth actual is. As a women, you should learn to be stronger than your hormones which sometimes cloud the truth for you. That's obvious. Maybe one day you will come to the TRUE conclusion that the feminist movement is what destroyed the working concept of what a woman should be. Trust me, you are not a good example of what a STRONG woman is. You are just another sheep following the liberal shepard of lies. You are just another sheep who believes that Moore's film is true. And, you are just another weak woman who believes that you are more than you actually are. Feminism doesn't empower you, it only serves to handicap you as a women. You must earn your place, not expect it.


Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. You speak of using truth but offer none.

#68Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 26, 2004

When in doubt just accuse people of being members in a fundamentalist islamic terrorist organization, right? You are someting else! You speak of believing in Michael Moron's movie 99% and yes that is your right as a citizen of the USA. Nobody is hendering your rights as an American. I'm sure you probably play the part of the "victim" as much as possible just like what Michael Moron portrays in his movie about the American people. Once again, it's your right to be in denial about the truth. Obviously, from your comments, you are. I will add your name to list of people which are a disgrace to South. It just amazes me how people like you, Debbie, talk about truth but misrepresent it every chance you get. Can you just answer one question for me please? What is the 1% that you don't agree with? C'mon now, be accurate. Do your homework. Give us a REAL intellectual answer, not a bunch of liberal rhetoric. Of course you don't even know how to spell RHETORIC, do ya? Oh yeah, it's "DO" not "DUE"! You really make the South look illiterate. You should be ashamed of yourself. I guess you enjoy sticking your foot in your mouth regularly. Good luck with your socialist agenda. Al Queda would be proud of you spinning the truth. Maybe they have a place for you within their organization of lies. Oooooh! Sorry! You wouldn't want to be a part of something that is not truthful, right? NOT! Get a life!


Anita, just ignore them. it dawned on me that they were actually members of Al Qaida and just trying to infiltrate the general public

#69Consumer Comment

Thu, November 25, 2004

After reading the retoric that both AAron and Robert spew, it dawned on me that they were actually members of Al Qaida and just trying to infiltrate the general public. The best way is to anger you so that you throw the truth at them. This way they have more ammunition to throw at you. It is a game with them and that is how they have played since the beginning. I will never feel that we, the United States are justified in this war, but that is a personal choice. I believe 99% of Moore's movie, it is hard not to when you see OUR congressmen and woman ducking for cover at the thought of enlisting their child. So because I live in the United States I can say and think as I want to. The members of Al Qaida on the other hand cannot. So when AAron wants to know if you DUE something, just pity him alright, it is the best way to handle it.


Shame on you Anita!

#70Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 24, 2004

You need to go back an re-read what I wrote. Obviously you did get the jist of what I was saying. It's militant feminists like yourself who have made home-making women feel inferior. I didn't say anything about these ladies not having any brain power. Get a life and stop trying to act like a victim all the time. People like you are the problem, not men like me. Say what you will but I doubt very seriously that you have spent much time in New York. Either that or you know how to speak several foreign languages and enjoy not hearing people speak English. It's people like you who give the South a bad name with your unsubstantiated ramblings about nothing. At least I can back my philosophy up with REAL-LIFE experiences. Can you, silly rabbit?


Anita, listen here:

#71Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 23, 2004

Good skills for a homemaker have always included good cooking. I didn't say those were the only things that a woman are capable of doing. You're an idiot. It's militant feminists like yourself who try and make homemakers who are women look bad. Homemaking skills used to be held in high regard but due to people like yourself, those skills are no longer looked upon as being favorable. You need to due some serious self-examination. I don't hate women and I never said that. Women are just as capable of doing whatever a man does with very few exceptions. Look what that "woman" Michael Moore has done. Oh yeah, and by the way, I hold the Southern Culture in very high regard. It's people like you who make it look bad. Any idiot would know about the whole "inbreeding" and "un-educated" stereotypes. You are the defintions of the stereotype.


To Robert and Tammy with Postscript to Others, If you had seen the film, you would know that, not once, did Moore "trash" our country.

#72Consumer Comment

Fri, November 19, 2004

Robert: You say that the film "Farenheit 9/11" is a "rip-off" and that Michael Moore is a "Loud Mouth who trashes this Country". If you or "Tammy from Lowville, New York" had bothered to watch the film, your comments might be taken more seriously. If you had seen the film, you would know that, not once, did Moore "trash" our country. In fact, he pointed out, much as others have, that the root of this "war" has much more to do with OIL and BIG BUSINESS than anything else and is therefore a needless WASTE and DESTRUCTION of the brave women and men who are fighting it. There is also a section of the film that interviews U.S. troops in Iraq as well as a piece on the family of a soldier who was killed in Iraq that you should both see before you post opinions. Having an opinion on something that you refuse to see for yourself is exactly what allows you to be the "sheep" that those in power want you to be. You can't write a valid argument unless you know what you're arguing against. Which leads me to the question: What, exactly, are you arguing against? Yes, I know, "the film is a rip-off and it's not a documentary because it's not factual . . .blah blah blah. Are YOU factual, Robert? Have you backed up YOUR claims here? You have the opportunity, you have an open forum to tell us about all the "lies" in the film, where is it? Your statements and opinions mean nothing, I want documented, officially sourced proof of the lies. But then maybe I will just refuse to read them but still write an opinion about how what you have stated is nothing but lies. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? I have to say that I am definitely what people refer to as a "bleeding heart liberal" and I have seen Moore's film. What I did not see in the film is proof that his opinions and statements were FACTS. So can you guess what I did? I went out and researched the truth for myself! What a concept! Just because I'm a liberal doesn't mean that I have "my head in my butt"--look around Robert, where's your head? And by the way, according to "Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary" the following definitions can be found for the word "documentary": adj 1:consisting of or being documents; also: contained or certified in writing ("documentary" proof) 2: giving factual material in artistic form (a "documentary" film). So, you see, it can't be said that the film "Farenheit 9/11" is not a documentary because anyone who HAS seen it would know that it most definitely contains very real and factual media clips, interviews, congressional sessions and military discharge papers for Bush, Jr. What one CAN say is that Michael Moore's opinions and statements in "Farenheit 9/11" are backed up by media clips and interviews that offer no real proof. For that he is just as guilty as the rhetoric-spewing right wing media currently taking hold of households across America on Fox News each night. And once again we're back to the "sheep" thing. I watch Fox News occasinally so I'll know what I'm arguing against. I don't shut it out because I disagree, I listen and learn because I disagree. I watched "Farenheit 9/11" because I wanted to KNOW if I agree, I researched the claims made in the film because I wanted to KNOW if I agree, and I do. Our country and our government are two separate things: I LOVE MY COUNTRY BUT I FEAR MY GOVERNMENT! Are you that sure of yourself Robert, or do you just gather little bits of information and then tune out what you don't agree with? Give it some thought. Finally, of course Michael Moore is making money from his film! You may not realize this but making a documentary or any other kind of film requires many, many hours of work. That's his JOB, he is a filmmaker! We all make money doing our jobs, that's the way it works. He just happens to be in a business that is much more lucrative than most. After all the MINDLESS SLUDGE that Hollywood passes off on us as entertainment year after year, this is the person you want to be angry at for making money? Furthermore, Robert, you should be ashamed of yourself for writng what you did to "Debbie from Slidell, LA.". She lost her only son to a "war" waged by an administration that you support. You get to sit on your a*s and write posts against this film because of his and her sacrifice! How dare you act so flippant about another human being's life! And how hypocritical of you to spout off all this nonsense about others "trashing" our country and how "necessary" these wars are and then treat the mother of a man who gave his life for our country that way! Who's REALLY trashing our country here? I think most of us know. P.S. For those of you who continually bash those of us from Tennessee, and Southerners in general, thanks to Aaron and others, I have this to say: I am not fat, illiterate, inbred or white trash and I have never lived in a trailer park nor do I hate Northerners or New Yorkers. During my visits to New York I found most of the people there some of the nicest, most interesting and charming people I've ever met. And Aaron, useful skills for a woman do not = good cook and homemaker. People like you are the reason others see Southerners as ignorant backwoods rednecks. And yes, Aaron, I CAN cook, very well, but that's the least of my talents and my brainpower.


Should've Entitled The Flick, An Accurate Portrayal Of The Republican Party.

#73Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 27, 2004

Hey there Robert, along with Everyone else, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. I've just purchased the Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD, and found it to be spectacular! After viewing it, one would think, that Kerry would without a doubt, win the votes of all minorities, especially after witnessing the republican's blatant deceit first hand. One would also think, that each and every scam victim would vote for Kerry, because it was the republican's, that slowly depleted the agencies, which once safeguarded consumers. The part of the documentary, which I've found most intruiging, is the part when Michael Moore walked on the streets of capitol hill, attempting to get members of congress to enlist their own children into the U.S military. Funny $h!t! I'm sorry to say, that when the nation had been under attack, Mr. Bush didn't seem to be the same confident man as we've all known him to be, and he definitely didn't seem to have any plan of action. Seven minutes? Robert- I mean no disrespect, however, I must disagree with you when stated, "Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half truths, speculation and outright lies". I think you meant to say the republicans, and not Michael Moore. For the record, could you please explain to the general public, exactly which parts of Fahrenheit you suspect of being staged? I strongly feel, that maybe it's Bush personally, that the vast majority of the middle east, along with many other countries, do not appreciate and not the "American lifestyle" as suggested. Very little of the American lifestyle has changed throughout the years, not considering the economy, technology and the likes, but rather the American culture in general. Seems as though, the fall out between the Middle East and America, just may have more to do with the Bush's and Bin Ladin's personal business relationship, as opposed to the American way of life. Kahoots maybe? This is just my assumption however, I could very well be wrong. Anyways, gots to go for now. Until next time, take care Robert along with Everyone else cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. Nighty night Everyone.


Republicans in the senate are trying to prevent Democrats from adding $20 billion to the $33 billion fiscal year 2005 homeland security spending bill

#74Consumer Comment

Thu, October 07, 2004

The following is my answer to John's questions and accusations. You mention all the measures that the Bush administration has been trying to put in place thriugh Homeland Security. The senate which includes Kerry and Edwards keep throwing up roadblocks.You are mentioning nothing new but Kerry and Edwards are claiming they will get it done. Actually, if you do your homework you will find out that Republicans in the senate are trying to prevent Democrats from adding $20 billion to the $33 billion fiscal year 2005 homeland security spending bill. Also, House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas, R-Calif, on Monday discussed his concerns over a provision the Senate added to extend Customs Service user fees to pay for $784 million in additions to the $32 billion measure. The matter has held up consideration of the bill because Thomas is threatening to lodge a "blue slip" objection to the Customs Service fee extension since it violates the constitutional requirement that all revenue measures originate in the House. So, John Kerry and Edwards have nothing to do with the hold up in the senate. I still want to know how??? Are they going to give Homeland Security more teeth? Do they have a different approach than a Homeland Security Department? Are they going to leave it up to FBI, CIA, Other???? I am not asking for specific bills. Obviously they don't want a Homeland Security department because they claim that Bush's way is wrong. You view things in black and white a little too much. There is a gray area that you have to understand. There are very little true right and wrongs in homeland protection policies. Just variations of ideas. He never said the dept of homeland security was wrong. He said he has a etter way of doing it, with which most experts agree. He proposes creating a fund to hire 100,000 firefighters and continuing the Community Oriented Policing Services program beyond its goal of hiring 100,000 police. He also, supports legislation to create a national intelligence director and counterterrorism center and establishing a separate service within FBI dedicated to intelligence. Aother thing he supports is legislation by Sen. Jon Corzine, D-N.J., requiring chemical plants to enhance security. He also proposes a new community service program to serve as a national neighborhood watch and expanded national service opportunities for young people. Hope that gives you a better idea. As far as his plan to rebuild Iraq, France and Germany have already announced that they will be part of no plan no matter who is president. How does he plan to "mend this fence"? For starters there are more countries than Germany and France. He has spoken of holding a world summit and getting more countries to commit troops. I will admit. It may not work. But our current coalition consists of 90% US troops. Many other countries we list in the coalition just said they would stand by us but didn't even send troops. Like Morocco, not one troop, but they did offer to send 2000 monkeys to detonate landmines. The Philippines only had 51 troops. And Australia is probably going to pull out all its troops in 2005. The Afghanistan army is OUR army. If you take the coalition apart you realize jut how much of the burden the US carries and it is ridiculous. The coalition only has one real significant ally and that is Britain, and there is much civil unrest in Britain to bring them home ASAP. The small coalition is falling apart. HOWEVER, the U.S.'s best ally is the newly trained Iraqi military. They have done more than the rest of the coalition combined. John Kerry wants to increase training of the Iraqi military. By starting more training programs and bringing Iraqis to other locations for training. That is how he plans to get us out of Iraq and I, like many Americans, believe it will work. You ignorant comment about Cheney and Halliburton is just a repeat of the democratic claim that is unfounded. The salary that Cheney receives is deferred payments. This can not be changed either higher or lower and was agreed to years ago. You Kerry supporters hear the facts but refuse to accept them. I don't think that my comment about Heinz was newarly as ignorant. Even though she is "just a stockholder" as you put it she still can have influence over the companies practices. He receives deferred payments even though MOST were paid before 2001, BUT he also has stock options in the company. The stock options are the criminalizing point, not the deferred payments. He just recently arranged for his stock options to be sold off and donated to charity after the scandal around his stock options got heated up ad was reflecting badly on the VP candidate sparking debate over whether Bush should drop him as VP. So, don't tell me at the time of war that he did not have a personal interest in Halliburton's no-bid contracts. Also, please tell me what decision making board Teresa sits on. As there are none. The only board she sits on is that of Environmental Defense, a philanthropic environmental group. Sadaam may not have had proven ties to 9-11 but he does have proven that the is making the payments to the suicide bombers families all over the world. Are you saying that all the war on terror is related to 9-11?? You are now saying that we should not have gone in but Kerry's own interviews and speeches from last year are saying we absolutely should have deposed him. Kerry had the exact same information as Bush about Sadaam because he was on the intelligence committee. He still voted to give the president and supported him all the way. Why is he reversing now??? Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, all fund terrorists. Yet, we are friends with the Saudis. Why is it that we ignore the clear terrorist ties in other countries yet use them for justification on war in Iraq. Hell, we are even close to the Saudis whose embassies have funded terrorism IN THE U.S. Yes, the war on terror is related to 9-11. We were not fighting this war pro-actively and aggressively until 9/11. Do you have a disagreement with that statement? Kerry has stated before that he gave Bush the right to war AS A LAST RESORT. They in the senate were told that Bush would do everything in his power before going to war. Instead we rushed to war without UN approval with a VERY small coalition of countries we offered free trade agreements and economic benefits to in order to get them to join. Instead of holding a world summit on how to sanction and control the Iraqi government. Now we see that Saddam was on his way out with no weapons and falling power and all he needed was a good kick in the a*s by the world, not a US a*s-whipping that has cost the lives of over 1,050 young men and women. Kerry claims that Bush want to reinstate the draft. The bill was introduced by democratic senators and the president is opposed to it. Yes, introduced by a few and struck down by the rest. You cant blame a party for the actions of 2 congressmen. Kerry is also opposed to it. However, the stop-loss program is allowing the military to continue enlistments and threaten to send enlistees to Iraq if they do not renew their contracts. That is just as bad. With the current war the US military is 40,000 troops short. We are going to need more and thanks to the war in Iraq and all the offensives coming form the axis of evil the draft may become eminent. Neither party says they want a draft, but the war is making it hard to get around. How come Kerry won't come out about CBS's accountability? Could it be because either someone in his group or the DNC released the information? The DNC has nothing to do with that story. The gentleman who supplied the documents came to many mainstream and independent media outlets including a site I have done feature writing for, RawStory.com. RawStory ran a similar story in August, the Boston Globe picked it up in mid August and CBS ran their version of it in September. The DNC has nothing to do with it. Joshua, some of your comments scare me. If you believe John Kerry when he is "Proven" wrong I am afraid of what this country could become How was Kerry Proven wrong? You say that with no inference as to how. Your opinion is not a proven fact. There are ads that claim Bush is racist and is trying to stop blacks from voting. How come there are no minorities on Kerry's staff? They are only using Jesse Jackson as a mouthpiece. Katherine Harris, one of Bush's campaign advisors and head of Florida voting, hired a company called Database Technologies to filter out ex-felons. However, it filtered out people with names the same as or close to those of felons and people with addresses close to those of felons. Database told her this would happen and she told them to do it regardless. This made it very difficult for many black people to vote and many did not file an appeal. Seeing as blacks are stereotypically democrats number say this cost Gore around 1100 votes. Bush is not a racist, but this flaw, on the behalf of his advisor, in the state his brother is Governor of, cost many black voters their rights as Americans. This just seems a little suspicious to many people. Here is an example from the Telegraph. ::Mr Lawrence, a Baptist deacon and grandfather from a poor black district of Tampa, has cause to be suspicious. Shortly before the 2000 election, he was told he had no legal right to vote, as he was a felon, a serious criminal who had never received clemency from the state. The letter was wrong, as it was for thousands who were wrongly placed on the 2000 voter "purge list". Many had already received clemency, and others were victims of mistaken identity. Mr Lawrence was one of tens of thousands struck off voter rolls in 2000 accused of being ex-convicts and convicted felons. A Florida law dating from the slave era bans those convicted of a felony from voting unless granted clemency by the governor. Mr Lawrence, a former civil rights worker, spent months scouring court records back to 1962 before proving his right to vote. "You can imagine how many people didn't take the time I did, and just gave up," he said. "I believe what happened last time was systematic; it ran through the governor right to the president," he said. "I hope my vote will be counted this time.":: With the comments he made about the other candidates it is obvoiously an act that him, Lieberman, and Dean are on the same page. The only reason Edwards is is because he want to be VP and hopes to be pres later. He has Edwards for Southern likeability, no doubt about it. But you have to admit Edwards, and Cheney, did a good job on Tuesday's debate. Hope this has cleared things up for you and answered your questions.


Are they going to give Homeland Security more teeth

#75Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 06, 2004

You mention all the measures that the Bush administration has been trying to put in place thriugh Homeland Security. The senate which includes Kerry and Edwards keep throwing up roadblocks.You are mentioning nothing new but Kerry and Edwards are claiming they will get it done. I still want to know how??? Are they going to give Homeland Security more teeth? Do they have a different approach than a Homeland Security Department? Are they going to gleave it up to FBI, CIA, Other???? I am not asking for specific bills. Obviously they don't want a Homeland Security department because they claim that Biush's way is wrong. As far as his plan to rebuild Iraq, France and Germany have already announced that they will be part of no plan no matter who is president. How does he plan to "mend this fence"? You ignorant comment about Cheney and Halliburton is just a repeat of the democratic claim that is unfounded. The salary that Cheney receives is deferred payments. This can not be changed either higher or lower and was agreed to years ago. You Kerry supporters hear the facts but refuse to accept them. I don't think that my comment about Heinz was newarly as ignorant. Even though she is "just a stockholder" as you put it she still can have influence over the companies practices. Sadaam may not have had proven ties to 9-11 but he does have proven that the is making the payments to the suicide bombers families all over the world. Are you saying that all the war on terror is related to 9-11?? You are now saying that we should not have gone in but Kerry's own interviews and speeches from last year are saying we absolutely should have deposed him. Kerry had the exact same information as Bush about Sadaam because he was on the intelligence committee. He still voted to give the president and supported him all the way. Why is he reversing now??? Kerry claims that Bush want to reinstate the draft. The bill was introduced by democratic senators and the president is opposed to it. How come Kerry won't come out about CBS's accountability? Could it be because either someone in his group or the DNC released the information? Joshua, some of your comments scare me. If you believe John Kerry when he is "Proven" wrong I am afraid of what this country could become. There are ads that claim Bush is racist and is trying to stop blacks from voting. How come there are no minorities on Kerry's staff? They are only using Jesse Jackson as a mouthpiece. With the comments he made about the other candidates it is obvoiously an act that him, Lieberman, and Dean are on the same page. The only reason Edwards is is because he want to be VP and hopes to be pres later.


Here is your reply John, Many of the intelligence problems that allowed terrorists to slip into our country

#76Consumer Comment

Tue, October 05, 2004

"I would like to know what John Kerry's position is. He says he has a better plan for Homeland Security. What is It?" Track And Stop Terrorists Many of the intelligence problems that allowed terrorists to slip into our country before 9/11 have not been addressed. John Kerry and John Edwards will improve our ability to gather, analyze, and share information so we can track down and stop terrorists before they cause harm. Protect Our Borders And Shores Today, our borders, our ports, and our airports are not as secure as they must be. John Kerry and John Edwards will make our airports, seaports, and borders more secure without intruding upon personal liberties. Harden Vulnerable Targets Chemical industry lobbying has kept the Bush administration from strengthening security at chemical plants, where an attack could endanger 1 million Americans. John Kerry and John Edwards will always put Americans' safety ahead of big business interests and take strong measures to harden likely targets-including nuclear plants, trains, and subways-against possible attack. Improve Domestic Readiness Our first defenders will respond to any attack with courage and heroism-but they also need the equipment and manpower to do the job. John Kerry and John Edwards will back up their words with resources and ensure that America's first responders have everything they need to protect their communities. Guard Liberty. We must always remember that terrorists do not just target our lives - they target our way of life. John Kerry and John Edwards believe in an America that is safe and free, and they will protect our personal liberties as well as our personal security. I know that is vague. It is from the John Kerry website, but you cant spell out every bill you need to pass action that needs to be taken. Most Americans would be too confused. But atleast you get the idea. "He has a better plan for rebuilding and getting out of Iraq?? What is it???" He discussed this very well at the debate. He will hold a an international summit and try to mend the fences Bush broke in order to get international assistance. He will increase Iraqi troop training so the Iraqis can defend themselves. Those are just a few things. Read his website and some of the DP press releases for more information. "He has a better plean for the economy. What is it? He says outsourcing jobs to other companies is a problem but his wife's company does it?" For starters that is such an ignorant comment. Heinz is a publically traded company and Teressa has very-little to NO say in their policies. Just because she married one of the major shareholders doesn't entitle her to make corporate decisions. If you want to talk about people with ties to crooked companies look at d**k Cheney and Haliburton. He still recieves a paycheck from them and has stock in the company and we started a war with Iraq KNOWING Haliburton would get no-bid contracts if we go to war in a hurry because they had them during the desert storm and would have no time for a bidding process. Here is what Kerry says he will do for the economy. If you want to know more just visit his website. Create Good-Paying Jobs As president, John Kerry will cut taxes for businesses that create jobs here in America instead of moving them overseas. John Kerry and John Edwards will also stand up for workers by enforcing our trade agreements. Cut Middle-Class Taxes To Raise Middle-Class Incomes When John Kerry is president, middle-class taxes will go down. Ninety-eight percent of all Americans and 99 percent of American businesses will get a tax cut under the Kerry-Edwards plan. Make Washington Live Within A Budget John Kerry will cut the deficit in half during his first four years in office. He will end corporate welfare as we know it, roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, and impose a real cap to keep spending in check. And when John Kerry puts forward a new idea, he'll tell you how he's going to pay for it. Invest In The Jobs Of Tomorrow Today, businesses are harnessing new technology to manufacture energy-efficient cars, high-grade steel, advanced plastics and other new products. And this requires a bigger, skilled labor force to make them. John Kerry and John Edwards believe we should invest in these jobs and invest in the people who will fill them. "He says we have to win back our allies. Are we out for them or for ourselves????" C'mon. That doesn't even make sense. The more true allies we have the more assistance we will have in the war on terror and in fighting foreign wars. That is a no-brainer. By having a rogue nation persona thanks to Bush we have alienated some of our closest allies and have had to take on a way where we do 90% of the war ourselves when we wouldn't have had to if Bush had not been in such a mad dash to war and would have exhausted all recources before war. "That debate was a joke. It was scripted. How can any of you formulate a position one way or the other?" The debate was a joke to you because most Americans felt Kerry won. "You all who are anti war and say you hate Bush because of it. Would you all hate him if he left things alone and more terrorists attacked our citizens abroad?" Sigh. Saddam had no ties to terrorism. Don't believe me? Read the 9/11 Commission Report. The war in iraq is not the war on terror. These are two separate issues. We are failing in the war on terror by taking special forces troops away from the puruit of Osama and putting them in Iraq. Also, terrorism has gone up thanks to out takeover of Iraq. We found out that Saddam was such a strong armed dictator that he ws keeping terrorists out of Iraq. The war in Iraq gave new legions of Islamic extremists reason to hate us. Now, Iraq is a breeding ground for new terrorist cells with the sole intention to harm the US. So, Bush's actions have made terrorism worse, not better. "I am just asking for facts and what these plans are. I am hearing a democratic campaign that is just saying what Bush did wrong but not suggesting or letting us know what is the plan?" The news filters out a lot of what Kerry has to say. Also, you cant draw a diagram of your plan to lead the world in a 2 minute time limit in a debate. If you want information go to John Kerry's website and read press releases and international news. Hope I answered your questions.


Can one of you tell me Kerry's position?

#77Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 04, 2004

I would like to know what John Kerry's position is. He says he has a better plan for Homeland Security. What is It??? He has a better plan for rebuilding and getting out of Iraq?? What is it??? He has a better plean for the economy. What is it? He says outsourcing jobs to other companies is a problem but his wife's company does it? I don't get it....... He says we have to win back our allies. Are we out for them or for ourselves???? That debate was a joke. It was scripted. How can any of you formulate a position one way or the other? You all who are anti war and say you hate Bush because of it. Would you all hate him if he left things alone and more terrorists attacked our citizens abroad? I am just asking for facts and what these plans are. I am hearing a democratic campaign that is just saying what Bush did wrong but not suggesting or letting us know what is the plan?


New Jersey,
What debate? And is Kerry the best you can do?

#78Consumer Comment

Mon, October 04, 2004

Well, Jeff, I said it was a stretch. Moore is (as I've said before) a spin doctor with a baseball cap. He feeds his distortions to people who want to hear it. The media presents it as the "truth" and Michael Moore will not deny it unless pressed. And he is laughing all the way to the bank. I don't have to make a movie debunking him, several people have. But you are not going to see them in the movies. Why not? Because the REAL power brokers don't want it seen. And who are they....the media and the movie industry, that's who. They are still mad that Gore didn't win. Oh well. As far as the "debate", what a yawner. Kerry hardly said anything of substance and Bush was, well, Bush. I did not hear anything new and nothing to make me want to vote for either of them. I can't wait until there is a real debate with ALL of the candidates for president, not just the "major" parties. It has never, ever been a two party system like the media insists. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats want any third parties to be visible. As wacky as some of them might be, there may be some good ideas from one of them. We'll never know. They are hardly included in the process. I'm not a fan of Bush but there has to be a better Democrat to run than Kerry. To me, he has as much charisma as Bush. I know some die hard Democrats (including my wife) who think he comes across sleazy. Can't the Democrats get someone who would stick to a platform. What the heck is their platform except beat Bush? Let's be specific. There are a lot of people out there who want to know. I know for some this is going to be hard to take but this political discussion is beginning to take the appearance of one cult versus another cult. Rather than discussion, there are personal attacks, put downs, geographical "racism" and all those wonderful things that prove to people in other countries that Americans are just a bunch of morons. And this will start again in four years....

Shawn Marie

Tight-lipped, uptight, and nervous ..We are all in big trouble if George W. Bush runs our country for another 4 years.

#79Consumer Comment

Sat, October 02, 2004

That was the impression George Bush, Jr. gave me during the debate. He was defensive for the most part and stood looking very much like a cross between Howdy Doody and Alfred E. Newman. We are all in big trouble if George W. Bush runs our country for another 4 years. He wants to keep troops in Iraq. How good will that be for the morale of the citizens of this country? What about ALL the problems we have in THIS country? What is he doing about OUR country? He has made Iraq his main focus and there's nobody there to get anymore. He got the bad guy there. I'm not sorry that Suddam Hussein was captured, but how long ago was that? Let's put it away and move on and start making some changes in AMERICA. We can work on helping the rest of the world, but we HAVE to have change in AMERICA too--what's the point of fixing the rest of the world if our country is a shambles? JOHN KERRY YOU HAVE MY VOTE!


New York,
The real RIP OFF is the family's of the dead soldiers killed over OIL and Cheney's buddies government contracts.

#80Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Military Fatalities: By Month Period US UK Other* Total Avg Days 10-2004 1 0 0 1 1 1 9-2004 80 3 4 87 2.9 30 8-2004 66 4 5 75 2.42 31 7-2004 54 1 3 58 1.87 31 6-2004 42 1 7 50 1.67 30 5-2004 80 0 4 84 2.71 31 4-2004 135 0 5 140 4.67 30 3-2004 52 0 0 52 1.68 31 2-2004 20 1 2 23 0.79 29 1-2004 47 5 0 52 1.68 31 12-2003 40 0 8 48 1.55 31 11-2003 82 1 27 110 3.67 30 10-2003 43 1 2 46 1.48 31 9-2003 30 1 1 32 1.07 30 8-2003 35 6 2 43 1.39 31 7-2003 47 1 0 48 1.55 31 6-2003 30 6 0 36 1.2 30 5-2003 37 4 0 41 1.32 31 4-2003 73 6 0 79 2.63 30 3-2003 65 27 0 92 7.67 12 Total 1059 68 70 1197 2.13 562 VIET NAM 2.......DEJA VU... Visit the John Fogerty Store for details. DEJA VU (ALL OVER AGAIN) Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio Did you try to read the writing on the wall Did that voice inside you say I've heard it all before It's like Deja Vu all over again Day by day I hear the voices rising Started with a whisper like it did before Day by day we count the dead and dying Ship the bodies home while the networks all keep score Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio Could your eyes believe the writing on the wall Did that voice inside you say I've heard it all before It's like Deja Vu all over again One by one I see the old ghosts rising Stumblin' 'cross Big Muddy Where the light gets dim Day after day another Momma's crying She's lost her precious child To a war that has no end Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio Did you stop to read the writing at The Wall Did that voice inside you say I've seen this all before It's like Deja Vu all over again It's like Deja Vu all over again John Fogerty 2004 Cody River Music / ASCAP


New York,
Bush sounded like Porky pig last night. ..Kerry showed strength, conviction, and a steady command of the facts

#81Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

As a Democrat, this comment is positive. I think John Kerry cut through the lies and misconceptions that the Bush Corporate money machine has been trying to spew at the American public. George Bush sounded like "Porky Pig" with all the stammering, and babbling he did last night. That man has a hard time speaking and articulating the kind of words a second grader could nail right, the first time. Is this the kind of person you want to be the voice of our counrty?? * America saw John Kerry as our next President tonight. * Kerry showed strength, conviction, and a steady command of the facts. * Kerry left no doubt he can lead the fight to hunt and kill the terrorists. * Kerry offered hope for a fresh start in Iraq so we can finish the job. Kerry has specific plans: Bush had shallow promises. Bush sounded like he was half drunk; all the pausing he did, along with his lousy prose and grammer. My friends and I were cracking jokes like; "Have another sip of that gin George, it will calm your nerves"!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Michael Moore is brilliant!!!!!

#82Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Michael Moore is a very smart and BRAVE man who tells it like it is. He showed us about the U.S. in the movie "Bowling for Columbine" and showed us about the terrorists risen from our own country. Second he showed us about Bushs' plan to invade Iraq for other purposes. Bush knew about 9/11 before hand but did nothing to stop it. He still hasn't gotten O'sama Bin Laden but ousted Saddam Hussein because his daddy(George H. Bush) didn't finish the war he started. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris of Florida STOLE the election in 2000 as it is. It is time the tables turn! ELECT JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Michael Moore is brilliant!!!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Michael Moore is a very smart and BRAVE man who tells it like it is. He showed us about the U.S. in the movie "Bowling for Columbine" and showed us about the terrorists risen from our own country. Second he showed us about Bushs' plan to invade Iraq for other purposes. Bush knew about 9/11 before hand but did nothing to stop it. He still hasn't gotten O'sama Bin Laden but ousted Saddam Hussein because his daddy(George H. Bush) didn't finish the war he started. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris of Florida STOLE the election in 2000 as it is. It is time the tables turn! ELECT JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Michael Moore is brilliant!!!!!

#84Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Michael Moore is a very smart and BRAVE man who tells it like it is. He showed us about the U.S. in the movie "Bowling for Columbine" and showed us about the terrorists risen from our own country. Second he showed us about Bushs' plan to invade Iraq for other purposes. Bush knew about 9/11 before hand but did nothing to stop it. He still hasn't gotten O'sama Bin Laden but ousted Saddam Hussein because his daddy(George H. Bush) didn't finish the war he started. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris of Florida STOLE the election in 2000 as it is. It is time the tables turn! ELECT JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Michael Moore is brilliant!!!!!

#85Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Michael Moore is a very smart and BRAVE man who tells it like it is. He showed us about the U.S. in the movie "Bowling for Columbine" and showed us about the terrorists risen from our own country. Second he showed us about Bushs' plan to invade Iraq for other purposes. Bush knew about 9/11 before hand but did nothing to stop it. He still hasn't gotten O'sama Bin Laden but ousted Saddam Hussein because his daddy(George H. Bush) didn't finish the war he started. Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris of Florida STOLE the election in 2000 as it is. It is time the tables turn! ELECT JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT!


Just the facts

#86Consumer Comment

Fri, October 01, 2004

Will someone commenting on all these profound insights please answer a few questions for me? 1. How many people currently in the armed services did not volunteer? 2. Where does Michael Moore's philantropic(sp) subsidiary donate most of their money? 3. How do you deal whith people who will kill their own children to further a cause?


Enough Hate Already

#87Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2004

I'd like to counteract some of the impressions that the great uninformed like to spread. They use personal insults and hate syntax. Sad state of events. Most beings of this specific level of intellect don't have opposable thumbs and cannot type. But this is not always the case, as we have proof of this here. I know Iraqi's. As a Christian woman it's my job to do mission work and support mission work. Iraqi's who are not involved in the uprisings are terrified of the insurgent fighters. And they express inpatience at the dragging on of the conflict. But they are happy that the water and energy systems, as well as the roads are being rebuilt. In many areas there aren't any insurgents and life is rebuilding. They grieve over the attacks. They are holding their breath until the elections. For my part, I intend to pray for our leaders and pay the bill without whining. Like my folks and grandparents did. When the n**i's were running loose. For such a short period of time, they sure did a whole lot of damage. Hussein was in power for many years. And these people are conditioned to feel helpless. It's normal. But they also are starting to express hope. We did that. As the greatest power on earth it's our job. The North Koreans? Well, as a matter of fact when we entered Iraq they hadn't yet acquired nuclear capabilities. That would have required psychic powers - which to date are not a prerequisite for the Presidency of the United States of America. It's very easy to cast blame for every event on the planet on the White House. But it's a little silly, isn't it? Really? To blame someone for not responding they way you want them to, to something that hasn't happened yet? Just a tad unreasonable. And uninformed. The interim President of Iraq visited here, he made a clear statement that I, personally, heard. He said he would like to know why the American media refuses to report what's really happening in Iraq? I would too.


Lake Mills,
An Apology to Shawn

#88Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2004

Shawn, I am so sorry there were so many threads to read and I thought it was yours and it wasn't it was Kates' response that I was rebutting that had to do with past behavior predicting future. I still can't believe that this is still going. I get an avg. of 88 to over 100 emails in my inbox from this thread daily. There is supposed to be a web site that is going to post all of the positions that each party is for and against and what they stand for. I don't think either one of them are anywhere near what they used to be. President and Laura Bush were on DR. Phil today and what a joke that was. Does any one really believe that that was himself the way he is at home or was it all fake like I think it was? Kerry will be on there next week with a sit down talk with DR. Phil. We will then get to see which one is the better actor at showing how much a family man they are and how personable they can be. WHO CARES? I don't. Just because you go on tv and are interviewed from your home with pre arranged questions MR. Bush and your trying to be cute and funny. We all see you when you are at your podium and your condescending attitude. He reminds me of the bullies in school. If you don't do as I tell you to I am going to beat u up only this time it is I am going to invade your country. I don't believe what a friend told me the other day. Evidently Bush had promised oil to a few people and we were going to go in and occupy the country of Iraq for longer than he got to. apparantly things didn't go as he had planned, cause the people he promised oil to never got the oil. wish my friend could remember what she was watching when this came out in the open. She has to take pain meds like I do and had her life destroyed by big business as well. So memory doesn't work when you want it to. My prayers go out to all on this thread hoping that when the Prince of Peace comes we are not sitting around argueing whether or not we should bomb the next country but are living in Peace with all the world. Again, Shawn I am sorry that I put your name down instead of Kates all the drugs I take play havoc with my memory and I thought it was your response and couldn't find it again when I looked. This time I looked to apologize for my mistake. LOL took me awhile to find it. It is too bad that people can't keep there temper when it comes to politics cause maybe we could get something accomplished. It seems that some just don't get it. it doesn't matter what party you are for they both have problems. It is too bad that Moral issues are even brought into the political arena because they have nothing to do with running the govt. I know I left that one wide open!! well bring it on I have nothing better to do.


Daniel, Read, for the love of God, Read

#89Consumer Comment

Wed, September 29, 2004

Recent polls in Iraq show that between 63% and 80% of Iraqis wants us to leave. Also, you stated that countries are freed by the blood of soldiers. But our country was freed by the blood of OUR soldiers. Why he hell didn't the Iraqi's fight for their own freedom? The issue itself isn't even Iraq, it is the lies that took us there. It is the lies about WMDs and al Qeada ties which the 9/11 Commission report confirmed were non-existant. Also, the Senate Report admits that the Bush administration "misinterpreted" intelligence by ignoring information contradictory to their reasons of WMDs and al Qeada ties. Richard Clark, head of counter-terrorism, even said that bush told him to find a way to tie the 9/11 incident to Iraq. Of course, you don't know this because you obviously don't read. Also, if Bush truly thinks it is our job to be liberators and make this world a better place then why Iraq and not North Korea? After all, the US Dept of Intnl' Human Rights declared Kim Jong, dictator of North Korea the world's worst human rights violator, Saddam being 3rd place. Yet, Collin Powell on a recent "Meet the Press" appearance said we are going to be diplomatic with NK and their WMDs and didn't even mention confronting them on their human rights issues. Also, Bush himself is friends with the Saudi royal family who lead the world in Public head choppings at Chop-chop square in Riyahad and it has been proven that terrorist funding has come from Saudi embassies. Why don't we attack them without UN permission also? Also, get out of America? I LOVE THAT STATEMENT! It is the epidemy is narrow mindedness. Whenever I hear that I picture a drunk redneck going, "'round here we do whatever the president says and think whatever he tells us to think, you don't like it then leave." HAHA Lord knows we wouldn't want people having opinions now would we? For your information, Theodore Roosevelt once said "To announce that there should be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the presidnet, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but treasonable to the American public." Michael Moore created a film with a point of view in order to make a point. A film without a point is pointless. The idea of the film is that it informs people of information they would not otherwise know inciting them to do their own research and make their own decisions. I do not even see why this is rip-off report. Millions of Americans have payed to see the film and gave it great reviews. Hell, it won the Cannes film festival award. It was worth my $8.00. Go ahead Daniel, now spew some more ignorant hate. I wont respond, you can have the last word.


Daniel, not only do I not feel as if I were...

#90Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

wrong but I also do not feel as if I were hostile on any level. I was just stating the facts according to how I percieve your opinions. I also, to be truly honest here feel you are a coward. And to cover for the cowardess you attack others. I feel sorry for you as I can tell you have recieved the good old Republican education. Now just so you are very well informed this IS an attack. I have to wonder if you rode the short happy bus when you attended school? Your intellect is lacking and I mistook that for stupidity. It is obviously an I.Q. problem instead.


Daniel, not only do I not feel as if I were...

#91Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

wrong but I also do not feel as if I were hostile on any level. I was just stating the facts according to how I percieve your opinions. I also, to be truly honest here feel you are a coward. And to cover for the cowardess you attack others. I feel sorry for you as I can tell you have recieved the good old Republican education. Now just so you are very well informed this IS an attack. I have to wonder if you rode the short happy bus when you attended school? Your intellect is lacking and I mistook that for stupidity. It is obviously an I.Q. problem instead.


Daniel, not only do I not feel as if I were...

#92Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

wrong but I also do not feel as if I were hostile on any level. I was just stating the facts according to how I percieve your opinions. I also, to be truly honest here feel you are a coward. And to cover for the cowardess you attack others. I feel sorry for you as I can tell you have recieved the good old Republican education. Now just so you are very well informed this IS an attack. I have to wonder if you rode the short happy bus when you attended school? Your intellect is lacking and I mistook that for stupidity. It is obviously an I.Q. problem instead.

Shawn Marie

And the winner is...DANIEL! Vicki, I'm on YOUR side

#93Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

Well Daniel! You WIN! You have proved that hatred abounds in the good ole U.S. of A. All you do is throw names at anyone who doesn't think like you. Your replies when I asked what YOU are personally doing for our country were something like, "I would go if I got drafted" and "I got married young" are scapegoat answers, you realize. There IS NO DRAFT!!! And lots of people who are married fight for their country. I don't have to say more to spell out what kind of person you are. Your writing says it all.


Lake Mills,
"I believe the best prediction of future behavior is past behavior"?

#94Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2004

If,past behavior is a predictor Shawn then, had we all known that Bush had run from his duty in the service and never showed up for nearly two years, we would not have voted him in office. oh thats right he was never voted in. He lied to Judges during his drinking era he lost all his businesses and had to sell them quick because they were failing, sound familiar? He is losing the war because he didn't have a plan at all on how to end this occupation in IRAQ. He wasn't able to make it on his own in the business world how come you think he can make it as a President? Both parties are trying to make it so that Ralph Nader can't even get on the ballot. Wouldn't it be funny if we all just cast write in votes for Hillary? Or voted for Mr. Nador? After seeing him talk on cspan today He at least has a plan for how to get this country back to its roots. He doesn't take money from any businesses so that he has no favors to take care of when elected to office like the other two do. The only problem is there isn't enough people that know what he is really all about and by voting for him it will put Bush and Cheney right back in office making money off of their investments illegally. Marco is right it has always been about oil and money. We are in Iraq illegally congress is the only body of Government that can declare war. Read up on your constitution. Our founding fathers didn't want any one branch of Government to have too much power there are checks and balances that are supposed to stop us from going to war. Justice at the gate . org may be a site you may want to visit I haven't had a chance to go there yet. Hopefully it tells everything needed to show you all the rights that are going to be taken away from us if the wrong Judges get put in office. Hopefully, I will not have over a hundred emails in my in box cause I really don't wanna have them there. I am just too curious to see who is calling who names this time. Deb have been saying prayers for others like you who have lost husbands and children in this God forsaken time. I don't believe the latest tactic has been to say that if Kerry gets voted in then we will get bombed again. If Bush gets voted back in they won't bomb us?? How ridiculous. Nobody can predict that. just goes to show who our VP really is. By the way where was Cheney the last three years? I never heard his name until the race for President began. He must have been too busy counting the money he was getting from Haliburton. If you really want to know why Kerry and others didnt' vote for certain bills find out what was tacked on the bill and why Senators and Congressman didn't vote for the 87 billion. How about the first time our troops have had to have their own gear and their own plane tickets home? How about the pay cut to their families back home? They didn't even have enough masks for our troops here so that they didn't breathe in some chemicals when the got to Iraq. Parents around here had to buy stuff for our boys in the 1133rd national guard unit. They also were being asked to pay extra for their health insurance. Some President, Sorry little boy we just didn't have enough gas masks to go around its too bad your daddy had to breathe that in and won't be coming home ever again. HE LIES TO YOU IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY!!!!!! And what he can get for going to war!!!!!!!! hopefully I can now learn to delete my emails.


Poor poor debbie, when people are wrong and have to way to prove them selves they get hostile

#95Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2004

why are you getting so mad debbie? oh yeah, iforgot, when people are wrong and have to way to prove them selves they get hostile. thanks for expressing your useless opinion in your little fit of hate! You prove what liberals are made of, lies, greed, and animosity. have a good day!


Daniel I can no longer stand your stupidity. Have you really paid attention to the numbers of not only men but women who are married serving in Iraq?

#96Consumer Comment

Sat, September 25, 2004

Have you really paid attention to the numbers of not only men but women who are married serving in Iraq? Up until today I didn't know being married young was to constitute exclusion from Bush nonsense. Had I known this my son may still be alive. How you have enlightened me today. Men who are stupid and get married young do not have to fight for this country just walk around talking S**T to those who are opposed to it. Got it thanks for the information....I guess that is catagorized under the need to know basis file.


These brave men deserve our support, and so does their commander(Bush).

#97Consumer Comment

Fri, September 24, 2004

Murderers? bush? i laugh when i read your posting. Pull americans out? you can't be serious can you? if so you have some serious mental health problems. If we pulled out they would seek revenge and have a clear shot at american soil, while our soldiers are over there, we are keeping the terrorist at bay for the time being, until they have been overthrown, there is alot of evil in that city, many anti-americans who hate the fact that we are taking action, stopping them from their wicked gas chambers, their rapings, their way of life is greed, killing, and they hate the fact that someone has stepped in to take charge. I've recently talked to a friend of mine who's home from Iraq for the next few weeks, and he can't wait to go back, to help support his country and his comrad's, I would have taken his same path had i not gotten married so young. I would go if i were drafted, because i look back at history and the only reason we are free today is because we sacrificed our lives for the sake of future freeedom! we cannot let our forefathers down and let some terrorists do whatever they want with this country, so it is necessary that we stay there where the terrorists are, these men are risking their lives by living in the terrorists home towns, keeping them away from america and focused on our soldiers instead. These brave men deserve our support, and so does their commander(Bush). May be hard to take in for the closed minded liberal moore followers but yes, what's taking place right now is why you go to sleep everynight without the sound of gunfire outside your window, wondering if you'll survive the night. I respect our soldiers and our president more than ever, I've come to realize that they are the ones who go to bed, rarely, but when they do, they know that this may be their last day on earth. And they know why they're there, and they know their plan, and they know the risks, so don't blame the president for casualties of war, in war, there is death, these kids know that, and were willing because finding sadaam and taking down terrorists in iraq lets osama know that we're capable of finding him, it's only a matter of time, but pulling out of iraq gives them all a open window to attack america, and gives them all the time they need at home to make their weapons of war. while day by day we destroy and conquer more weapon bunkers, and arrest more terrorist, yesterday we captured 20 terrorists and took away many large weapons, RPG's, grenade launchers, and such. these people kill without remorse and for the future of Iraq, we are eliminating that threat more and more every day.

Shawn Marie

Murderous? Daniel, YOU are Murderous! I picture you in a white sheet.

#98Consumer Comment

Fri, September 24, 2004

Thank you Pamela! Well said! And DANIEL my dearest, so what you're saying is that Bush should send out our troops to all the countries where men are killing innocent citizens? Let's name a few....how about ALL the African countries where women are molested, infected with HIV, where their husbands are killed for ethnic cleansing purposes? How about Thailand and a list of other countries where young girls are exploited at the hands of men who use them for money--who ultimately die, who are beat, killed? Shall we send our troops to those countries Daniel and beat them up? So more people can die for that cause too? What you think is a good way to liberate people (barging in and killing) is basically the same kind of behavior shown by those you want to kill. And look at these latest killings of hostages. I personally blame you for their deaths--you are just as murderous as George Bush Jr. I pity your wife/girlfriend--perhaps you like to slap her around when she talks back? Are you also a member of the NRA? How about the KKK? I picture you in a white sheet.


Daniel you are a BRAIN WASHED SHEEP! ..murderer in the name of Bush's GREED! 9/11 was murderous enough by his hands!

#99Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2004

YES Pull our troops out of Iraq! If that have happened there would have not been any US POW's or US lives lost! Keeping them there makes YOU a murderer in the name of Bush's GREED! 9/11 was murderous enough by his hands! The last thing needed to be done was to send troops to Iraq in the first place out of first choice! Military cuts, healthcare crisis, the ECONOMY, and troops dying in Iraq is all murder by the hands of Bush! How "American" is that????? I don't think you are brainwashed, I think you are a member from the Bush camp patrolling these boards to make greedy, murderous Bush look "innocent"!


Shameful Behavior. This is still America. We have the right to free speech.

#100Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

What people don't realize is the responsibility that goes hand in hand with that right. I may not agree with WHAT you say, but I will fight to the death to retain America's Bill of Rights. Every last one of them. I am a Republican. I believe that people who can help others, have an obligation to do so. I believe that when my father paid for the war effort in his time and his father before him - I have no right to cry over the tab for this war on terrorism. We lay our heads down at night to the sound of crickets instead of gunfire. Our children don't know where the mass graves are with their family members in them. Our children have never been indoctrinated with the knowledge that they should never talk about the graves or ask where their people went when they disappear. We have the right to walk into a church every week. And sit down, publicly, to worship. That isn't happening in too many places. But it's happening here. I believe I throw away more food every week than many families see in months. And I believe they'd think what I throw out is a feast. I believe this is the greatest nation on the planet. I believe that I am my brothers keepers. I believe that terrorists want to do away with our way of life. I believe they hate us and want to kill us. Because we are Americans. Nothing else. I don't believe you can budget a response to this kind of irrational hate. I don't believe you can bury your head in the sand and hope they'll go away. They won't. I believe we need a leader who believes in going after the problem - relentlessly - until the battle is won. Before it is brought to American soil again. I also know Michael Moores' past performance. He did a little piece on Flint, Michigan after the auto manufacturer's pulled out. It cost the manufacturers a great deal to start over somewhere else - but the union labor prices had gotten so out of control that they couldn't afford to stay in that area. Then Michael Moore went and interviewed the people who were upset that the gravy train had pulled out. I don't believe that it should cost somebody $42.00 an hour to have a guy put wheels on a car. I don't think you can do business that way. And businesses are trying to make a product to sell, to make a profit. Michael Moore took answers out of sequence to the questions that were asked and pieced together a film that even the people who were in the film disagreed with. They said it was a lie. I believe the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And I know Michael's past behavior was misrepresentative of the facts - intentionally. I have no reason to think he's had a spiritual or moral awakening. Do your research. Pray over the matter. Get out and vote on November 2.


Shameful Behavior. This is still America. We have the right to free speech.

#101Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

What people don't realize is the responsibility that goes hand in hand with that right. I may not agree with WHAT you say, but I will fight to the death to retain America's Bill of Rights. Every last one of them. I am a Republican. I believe that people who can help others, have an obligation to do so. I believe that when my father paid for the war effort in his time and his father before him - I have no right to cry over the tab for this war on terrorism. We lay our heads down at night to the sound of crickets instead of gunfire. Our children don't know where the mass graves are with their family members in them. Our children have never been indoctrinated with the knowledge that they should never talk about the graves or ask where their people went when they disappear. We have the right to walk into a church every week. And sit down, publicly, to worship. That isn't happening in too many places. But it's happening here. I believe I throw away more food every week than many families see in months. And I believe they'd think what I throw out is a feast. I believe this is the greatest nation on the planet. I believe that I am my brothers keepers. I believe that terrorists want to do away with our way of life. I believe they hate us and want to kill us. Because we are Americans. Nothing else. I don't believe you can budget a response to this kind of irrational hate. I don't believe you can bury your head in the sand and hope they'll go away. They won't. I believe we need a leader who believes in going after the problem - relentlessly - until the battle is won. Before it is brought to American soil again. I also know Michael Moores' past performance. He did a little piece on Flint, Michigan after the auto manufacturer's pulled out. It cost the manufacturers a great deal to start over somewhere else - but the union labor prices had gotten so out of control that they couldn't afford to stay in that area. Then Michael Moore went and interviewed the people who were upset that the gravy train had pulled out. I don't believe that it should cost somebody $42.00 an hour to have a guy put wheels on a car. I don't think you can do business that way. And businesses are trying to make a product to sell, to make a profit. Michael Moore took answers out of sequence to the questions that were asked and pieced together a film that even the people who were in the film disagreed with. They said it was a lie. I believe the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And I know Michael's past behavior was misrepresentative of the facts - intentionally. I have no reason to think he's had a spiritual or moral awakening. Do your research. Pray over the matter. Get out and vote on November 2.


Shameful Behavior. This is still America. We have the right to free speech.

#102Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

What people don't realize is the responsibility that goes hand in hand with that right. I may not agree with WHAT you say, but I will fight to the death to retain America's Bill of Rights. Every last one of them. I am a Republican. I believe that people who can help others, have an obligation to do so. I believe that when my father paid for the war effort in his time and his father before him - I have no right to cry over the tab for this war on terrorism. We lay our heads down at night to the sound of crickets instead of gunfire. Our children don't know where the mass graves are with their family members in them. Our children have never been indoctrinated with the knowledge that they should never talk about the graves or ask where their people went when they disappear. We have the right to walk into a church every week. And sit down, publicly, to worship. That isn't happening in too many places. But it's happening here. I believe I throw away more food every week than many families see in months. And I believe they'd think what I throw out is a feast. I believe this is the greatest nation on the planet. I believe that I am my brothers keepers. I believe that terrorists want to do away with our way of life. I believe they hate us and want to kill us. Because we are Americans. Nothing else. I don't believe you can budget a response to this kind of irrational hate. I don't believe you can bury your head in the sand and hope they'll go away. They won't. I believe we need a leader who believes in going after the problem - relentlessly - until the battle is won. Before it is brought to American soil again. I also know Michael Moores' past performance. He did a little piece on Flint, Michigan after the auto manufacturer's pulled out. It cost the manufacturers a great deal to start over somewhere else - but the union labor prices had gotten so out of control that they couldn't afford to stay in that area. Then Michael Moore went and interviewed the people who were upset that the gravy train had pulled out. I don't believe that it should cost somebody $42.00 an hour to have a guy put wheels on a car. I don't think you can do business that way. And businesses are trying to make a product to sell, to make a profit. Michael Moore took answers out of sequence to the questions that were asked and pieced together a film that even the people who were in the film disagreed with. They said it was a lie. I believe the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And I know Michael's past behavior was misrepresentative of the facts - intentionally. I have no reason to think he's had a spiritual or moral awakening. Do your research. Pray over the matter. Get out and vote on November 2.


Shameful Behavior. This is still America. We have the right to free speech.

#103Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

What people don't realize is the responsibility that goes hand in hand with that right. I may not agree with WHAT you say, but I will fight to the death to retain America's Bill of Rights. Every last one of them. I am a Republican. I believe that people who can help others, have an obligation to do so. I believe that when my father paid for the war effort in his time and his father before him - I have no right to cry over the tab for this war on terrorism. We lay our heads down at night to the sound of crickets instead of gunfire. Our children don't know where the mass graves are with their family members in them. Our children have never been indoctrinated with the knowledge that they should never talk about the graves or ask where their people went when they disappear. We have the right to walk into a church every week. And sit down, publicly, to worship. That isn't happening in too many places. But it's happening here. I believe I throw away more food every week than many families see in months. And I believe they'd think what I throw out is a feast. I believe this is the greatest nation on the planet. I believe that I am my brothers keepers. I believe that terrorists want to do away with our way of life. I believe they hate us and want to kill us. Because we are Americans. Nothing else. I don't believe you can budget a response to this kind of irrational hate. I don't believe you can bury your head in the sand and hope they'll go away. They won't. I believe we need a leader who believes in going after the problem - relentlessly - until the battle is won. Before it is brought to American soil again. I also know Michael Moores' past performance. He did a little piece on Flint, Michigan after the auto manufacturer's pulled out. It cost the manufacturers a great deal to start over somewhere else - but the union labor prices had gotten so out of control that they couldn't afford to stay in that area. Then Michael Moore went and interviewed the people who were upset that the gravy train had pulled out. I don't believe that it should cost somebody $42.00 an hour to have a guy put wheels on a car. I don't think you can do business that way. And businesses are trying to make a product to sell, to make a profit. Michael Moore took answers out of sequence to the questions that were asked and pieced together a film that even the people who were in the film disagreed with. They said it was a lie. I believe the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And I know Michael's past behavior was misrepresentative of the facts - intentionally. I have no reason to think he's had a spiritual or moral awakening. Do your research. Pray over the matter. Get out and vote on November 2.


commies and liberals, not americans

#104Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2004

How dare you shawn call yourself a true american. Pull our troops out of Iraq? Thats literal suicide! Their way of life is killing, so you say that's right? We shouldn't do anything about it? I'd NEVER stoop to your level and tolerate innocent deaths in other countries if i were president, obviously cold blooded killers don't bother you commie's very much, I didn't think they would. You obviously show that you have no heart in your past responses, so i'll let them speak for themselves.


Buena Park,
Michael Moore the Only Man with a Plan

#105Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2004

It saddens me to read these comments from people who have "no clue" to what is going on in this world. Its about oil, money, oil, money, oil, money, oil, money... Are any of you uneducated folks starting to see?


Lake Mills,
if you want to have the government run by liars and theives then be my guest vote

#106Consumer Comment

Mon, September 20, 2004

I am done with this thread I no longer want my email full because of people calling each other names and not respecting others opinions. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a communist!!!! Daniel if you want to have the government run by liars and theives then be my guest vote. You have that right and so do I. I am not a communist just because I believe that we should have planned this invasion a little better than our Govt. did. In all actuallity we should invaded Iran and Saudi Arabia while we are at it. Hell why not just go and invade anyone who is not doing what we tell them to do. Don't forget Korea and Sudan while we are at it. They are killing innocents while we are all complaining about someone elses point of view in our nice little corner of the world we have created for ourselves. I am not sorry for believing that the Government is lying to us even John McCain from AZ said it the other day. BUSH IS LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE he said, they just showed him on CNN. He agrees it should stop. And he is a REPUBLICAN SENATOR. DO any of you watch the news?? I watch more than just the local news I also watch cnn,the 700 club and anything I can watch. I am not able to work so I get to watch it over and over and see many opinions and truths. This is not by my choice believe me. I would rather be working and living a normal life like everyone else. All thanks to big business and the republicans messing with workers rights. I can never work again because of big business and there getting what they want whenever they want it. That is what republicans are for they make arrangements with big business to back them and vote for them and in response they make it impossible for the little guy to get ahead. If my being a democrat because I don't want big business running my country makes me a communist then so be it. Just because you are a republican or a democrat does not mean you are a liberal or conservative either. I believe in doing what is right. If that makes me a communist in your eyes Daniel, then you better go look up the meaning of the word. I am so sick of the name calling and disrespectful attitudes of the people on this thread I WANT MY EMAIL OFF THE LIST. We are all allowed to have an opinion and if you think your opinion is the ONLY RIGHT ONE then you are mistaken. I don't want assault rifles to be allowed at all. Not only because there is no reason to have them but because allowing them to be sold in the US only makes it easier for the terrorists to get them while they are here. It is harder to smuggle them in when they are crossing our southern borders illegally. The dessert is not the place to be carrying anything except the water you need to get through it. So does my not wanting them sold here make me a communist?? Does my not wanting to be lied to make me a communist? Daniel how long our our fathers, sons, mothers, and daughters supposed to stay in Iraq and defend the Iraqi people when their own soldiers run and hide when trouble comes? They don't want to even sign up to defend their own families. They surely don't want to defend their own country. Why should we continue to defend them? Why not just divide their country up and let each group have their own piece of the pie and we get our people out to somewhere that really needs our attention and wants us there. If they don't like that idea then why not just go in and bomb any area that is not conforming? Kill them all then we don't have to worry about it. Just give them fair warning you either stop the fighting or we will end it all for you. THe innocents then have time to get out. Same thing isn't it? If they can't learn to live together without us there then we sure can't make them with us there either. It seems to me Sudan is killing their own people too shouldn't we be there helping them before it is too late? It is not our business to tell people how to live their lives!! I believe they have already decided that Iran was a bigger nuclear threat than Iraq and so Is Korea so what do we do about it?? We invade Iraq because Hussein threatened HW"s daddy.


Daniel IS Robert! ..probably works in the Bush administration and paid to patrol boards such as these!

#107Consumer Comment

Mon, September 20, 2004

No one is crazy to believe that the Iraqis "Love" US invasion as they create victims (including children) all in the name of GREED and BUSH; but ROBERT! He probably works in the Bush administration and paid to patrol boards such as these!

Shawn Marie

Daniel--see why I am a liberal and not a conservative? Your hostility is a dead giveaway!

#108Consumer Comment

Mon, September 20, 2004

In response to your suggestion that I leave the country, and to your name calling, I won't start hurling names back at you because it would mean that I'd have to stoop to your level, which I just won't do. You said you're working toward the "greater good" of our country. In your next sentence you say you have friends in Iraq--blah blah blah--just what are YOU contributing besides leaving messages on message boards that sound nasty and mean? It doesn't sound like you do much except sound like a bully (...get your communist a*s out of America?) What I do is work toward keeping my community a nice place to live in. I volunteer if I can, I volunteer for my daughter's school, I teach her how not to be a bully in this world and how to respect all people from all over the world. I teach her how to be a pacifist and not someone who will fight, unless she NEEDS to defend herself. I teach her humility, I teach her how to empathize, I teach her how to survive. You can bash Michael Moore all you want but I'm thankful that we have freedom of speech so that Michael Moore can continue to enlighten us. I am very pleased that Saddam Hussein was overtaken. But how long ago was that? He's been captured now so let's bring the troops home!!!!! Now you will want to get the last word in so you go for it!


The iraqi's whom have been liberated love us, the ones who don't, including you i assume hate us for taking action

#109Consumer Comment

Sun, September 19, 2004

wake up and smell the coffee? I believe you apperently haven't done that your entire life. are you enlisted? would you shed your blood? if there were a draft i would have no shame fighting for a greater cause, and no it's no "blasting in" another country to make money. The iraqi's whom have been liberated love us, the ones who don't, including you i assume hate us for taking action, for stopping one of their countries top terrorists, it is true others may and will rise up in his place, but we will be there to take him down, leaders like sadaam hate having a country like america, a country who actually reaches out and helps others, have you ever done that? reading your response makes me think otherwise, besides sitting behind your computer defending the evil of this world, what else can you do for you community? or humanity itself? I'm working towards the greater good, i have many friends, in iraq, afghanistan, and japan, all fighting, keeping peace, and defending our treaties with other countries so they don't have another chance to rise up against us like pearl harbor. if i could sum up michael moore's pathetic life, it would be...."hi i'm mike moore, I make movies to prove our governments corrupt, oh by the way, there's less that one fact in that movie but i know alot of liberals will take it all in as the truth and i'll cause alot of fights, that's what i'm hoping for, more publicity and more money for me! yay! but i donate it all to cherity, that is i donate all that i have left over after buying by multi million dollar house and multi million dollar summer home in michigan, but i don't do it for the money". THis idiot is making money off 911 and won't admit it, he's putting false ideas in the minds of the liberals, literally turning them into communists, so I will say again, get you communist a*s out of america!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawn Marie

Daniel from Bountiful, you willing to shed YOUR blood for the sake of a better Iraq?

#110Consumer Comment

Sun, September 19, 2004

Hey Daniel, What are YOU doing for America? Are you enlisted? Did you serve in the military? Are you willing to shed YOUR blood for the sake of a better Iraq? Do you really believe that the majority of the Iraq population agrees with our troops being in THEIR country--a country that George Bush is trying, but will fail, to liberate? Do you really think that once this is over there will not be another Saddam Hussein? Do you really think the Iraqi people want an Americanized Iraq? You should wake up and smell the coffee pal. If you really think war is the answer to the world's problems then you are just as evil as Saddam Hussein. A lot of civilians, many of them women and children, died while we were hunting down Mr. Hussein. Are you saying it had to be done that way? That we had to blast in there because George Bush Jr. said so? And on what basis? Lies about weapons of mass destruction? Hmmmm....what's wrong with that picture? When it's all over, shall we go and blast North Korea?


A very funny topic if you think about it

#111Consumer Comment

Sat, September 18, 2004

Michael Moore a hero? If I may quote my friend, "Michael Moore shows the truth and all bush does is stay away from saudi arabia so he can get money from oil, Michael Moore is an honest man with good intentions." One word for that, BULL. Recently in my hometown we had the NON privelage of having a nice liberal communist speak, aka michael moore. He requested 40 thousand dollars just to come speak!! who's trying to make money here? on the other hand sean hannity spoke asking for nothing but a plane ticket in. looks to me like the liberal left wing is trying to make a proffit off this election, just like they're accusing bush of doin!!! Hypocrisy at its finest I think. Oh but Bush is a warmonger, he just went into iraq knowing he'd win and since people like winning wars he thought he'd win the election that way. Why don't we ask the iraqi's who now have schools, running water, and power, and a safer place to sleap now that iraq and the sadam regim is out of power. Sadam and his sons killed thousands upon thousands of innocent lives, and yes so have our solders but you need to look forward to the future of iraq. We would not be a free country if innocent blood was not shed. You go tell those liberated iraqi's that Bush is a warmonger and they will spit in your face, say that to me and i'll do the same. Why are you mad? because we finally have a president who did something? war is never free, NO OTHER COUNTRY WILL HELP iraq or any other country who's empowered by evil such as sadam, just like the old days of hitler. Which sadaam and his sons were growing up in his image. Our dying soldiers know what they're up against, that's why there hasnt' been a draft, they are willing to serve and to dethrone the evil of other countrys. Sadaam had to be taken out sooner or later, as will Osama in his own due time. If you hate Bush, and love Michael Moore, DO US ALL A FAVOR AND GET THE HELL OUT OF AMERICA. you're doing nothing but creating problems within the country, you're turning this great nation against itself with your constant nagging at the president for his flaws. OH NO!!! our president isn't perfect! We must obey FH 911(the mockumentary) and it's idiotic creator and turn against america, we must follow him as mindless zombies and believe everything we hear on tv. Me myself, I'm a true American, I love the country, and whoever leads it, unlike you liberals who have your head so far up Michael moore's backside you can't see your own mistakes but only those of our commander in cheif, who happens to be human therefore entitled to not be PERFECT!


Assult ban?

#112Consumer Comment

Thu, September 16, 2004

The fact that someone is so outraged by this ban expiring tells me you likley don't even know what it is. It is the diffrence between rapid fireing 13 rounds(legal) and rapid fireing 14 rounds(ban). The reason no one was paying much attention is because most politicans Republican and Democrat no that it really makes no diffrence. You can make a legal weapon into ban weapon in less than 30 seconds. People who are going to do that really don't give a crap who banned what. Why I really came back is to show you all something. e bay seller GOTCORONA This is the most imformative information I have found on Kerry or Bush. It does not matter who your voting for, you will want to see this. All of the content in it is public record. This woman sites a credable source for all of it. I will attempt to make a link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8130567918&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT If this does not work try http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8130567918 or e bay dot com seller id gotcorona you don't have to be a member. It will take you right to it. It's not propaganda. I don't like or read propaganda and I would not inflict it on others. FINALLY, HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU GET THESE PEOPLE TO STOP SENDING YOU 50 EMAILS A DAY. I WANT OUT!


A Tad Bit Too off The Track!!!!

#113REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, September 16, 2004

Hello and Greetings, I thought htis thing would have died long ago. People, first of all, the responses have shown one very important thing. Because of nothing but partisan politics, once again, the politicians win. More important, and as always, the american voter is left with that "Well maybe next election feeling!". Whoever wins this election, we all lose. Whoever wins, the special interest and donation buddies will have to be paid off. Neither group can say that the other is being courted by special interest. Politicians are whores who go with anyone who is willing to pay their price. They lie, cheat and steal. Some maybe even kill! Politicians play sick little games with the little mans life. Politicians will destroy anyone who gets in their way! And right now, you know what Bush and Kerry could be doing? Talking on the phone to each other planning their next public round of He Said He Said! Everyone just vote NO! Elect no one. Then the government has to shut down. And we've seen many times that a governmentwhen shut down, especially this one is much more effective. Stop getting into political fights over the election and start actually paying attention. Do you want the Kerry Con? The Bush Con for 4 more years? Or do we want Ralph? But before you vote, go get a jar of Vaseline because whoever gets in will be giving it to us good the next four years. And guess what America, Michael Moore is making a fortune off telling his followers everything they already know. How many of you need to watch his movies or pay to hear him speak in order to find out you don't like the ways things are? He billed his movie as a documentary. This is supposed to mean FACTS! Nothing, not one thing about Michael Moores movie is exactly fact. He takes facts, turns them around to make them appear like something they are not. Michael Moore is for Michael Moore. Other than to take money out of your pocket, what has Michael Moore done for you? About as much as the government he screams about. If we want better educated children, how about making sure that the teachers know what the hell they're doing. Stop allowing schools to be day care centers. We don't owe troublemakers an education. A kid acts up, throw them out. Stop messing around with kids and first teach them that they are no longer going to be getting away with anything. For the tough kids who think they are big bad bold and bullitproof, shove a fott so far up their asses they have to open their mouth so you can untie it! Throw the punks out so the kids who want an education can learn. AS for political correctness, this is one of the biggest con jobs, other than the tobacco lawsuits that has ever been used against us. Guess what people, the short version of the history of the US is this. We didn't like England so we threw them out. Then we made peace treaties with the indians which we broke. We took the land from the indians as they had taken from each other. Only we made it permanent! As for us taking land from Mexico. Screw Mexico and thier constant corrupt governments that cause millions of illegals to come across our borders. If the Mexicans still lay claim to any US land, again, screw Mexico. They stole the land from someone else and then we stole it from them. We should have closed the border with Mexico after some of their politicans and military leaders had a direct involvement with the death of a DEA agent. America, if you want to b***h about something, b***h about the 8 to 10 million ILLEGAL immigrants walking around free and without fear of being picked up by law enforcement. And the Latino groups are putting pressure on our politicians to NOT do anything about the illegal problems or it will cost them votes. Lets see, their are groups defending the illegal immigrants and blackmailing our politicans to not stop the problem. And they want to increase their numbers to fight off any challenge by say whites and blacks. Immigrants who become citizens and then put together groups that support, protect and defend millions of illegal immigrants,,,,CRIMINALS! They say they're Americans but they are doing nothing but trying to increase their numbers to make us the minority! And many Americans wonder just why there are so many Hate Groups in this country. Not racists, just simple fact. We're caught up in arguing with each other to the point where nothing, and I mean nothing gets done to help the average man. And in 2008, the same crap is going to be getting discussed. Just like every year before. Putting it simply, if politicans were so good and honest, why then is this country as screwed as it is? Just vote NO! Of all the postings to this report, only one actually made me angry. AND THAT WAS THE POSTING FORM BOZ-TEXINO! bOZ, YOU SCREWED WITH THE WRONG PERSON. YOU JOINED ONLY TO CAUSE TROUBLE AND TO PISS PEOPLE OFF. CONGRATULATIONS YOU SICK F%$#! TO SHOW YOU MY COMPLETE REVULSION FOR WHAT YOU DO,I TRACKED YOU DOWN AND HAVE POSTED YOUR COMPLETE HISTORY ON A WEBSITE THAT WILL USE THE INFORMATION ABOUT YOU TO THIER FULLEST. I SEND OUT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER IN ALL MY EMAILS. I WANT TO GET YOU AND YOUR LITTLE BUSINESS THERE A BIG HELPING HAND. AND WHAT BETTER WAY THAN TO REVEAL THE NAMES OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. And people, in closing, Freedom of Speech is one of every person's basic human rights. But that freedom doesn't include protection from your words. And in my trying to prevent any theatre from showing this movie, it wasn't anything but me exercising my right to free speech. Yet I was called A Communists, Facists and my favorite "A Hater"! And stop telling me about jobs going overseas, but someone post something in black and white. Not even Fox has used anything to back up this claim of losing jobs overseas! Health Care, its not Bush's job. Why not try a new approach and start screaming at the actual companies that provide health insurance. Afterall, when last I checked, the President didn't have any health care providers businesses! If everyone wants affordable and good healthcare, start pressuring your Senators to have Tort Reform. Demand it. Cut big lawsuit settlements and doctors can afford mal-practice insurance. We need to stop the Trial Lawyers Association from further sending this country into a hell it won't soon recover from. Stop bitching about Bush/Kerry and hit the real issues. Illegal immigrants are choking our cities. They have burdened our health care system and States are suffering. Whats worse, illegal immigrants can get help when an American Family can't. People, stop wasting time arguing about which one will do this or that for their party. Screw the party. Do for America! And Marco, seems you're the only one bitching about being an ex-GI and against Bush. Talk to MM Marco. Maybe you can be in his next movie. Bet some of your Marine Buddies won't give you such a warm welcome if you ever go back.


Michael Moore is a HERO!!!!

#114Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

Bush Supporters HATE America's Freedom! Only ones who expect America to stand along side to the murderous and greedy decisions of Bush, are the dictarorish haters of America! Who cares if the festival attendees applauded to HOURS! The fact is the movie grossed in MILLIONS and many MANY Americans know about the cruel and greedy Bush regime! People who experienced job loss, loved ones loss in war because of greedy, evil Bush LOVE America and will not stand there applauding some Bush suck up film geek who only experience having a dent in his Jag as "war experience".


Robin, Reread my post

#115Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

Robin, read my post again. It has nothing to do with Michael Moore's film. It has to do with the title of the film EVENT and the "cover of the book" not accurately depicting "its contents." From the write-up you had submitted earlier, the Dallas event might better have been billed as something like, "Creative Conservatives Fight Back" or a similar caption. Other than that, your last very articulate and thoughty commentary was much appreciated and expresses so well the thoughts of many American citizens, voters and taxpayers. It's one of the more intelligent postings to be read on these series of submissions.

Shawn Marie

Hey Bush Supporters...

#116Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

Let me ask you this... Besides having to deal with 911, what has George Bush done for this country? Bush is for the rich and doesn't give a s**t about those of us who don't fit that description. Bush is a war monger. Bush doesn't care about the environment. Read this: http://www.bushgreenwatch.org/mt_archives/000050.php Bush doesn't support women's rights and what they do with their own bodies. Check this out: http://www.thetruthaboutgeorge.com/women/ Here--read about the how Bush thinks that sending our scarce jobs overseas is a good thing--I guess it's good if you're a big shot business owner looking to save your big bucks--those are the guys who believe that money makes the world go around. http://www.election.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/02/13/opinion/main600351.shtml Bush did not win his seat in the presidency fairly. Don't you think the disappearing ballots are suspicious? Go here to read about it... http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/Florida-Vote-Irregularities.htm Jeb Bush is the governor--surprise, surprise!! Now that over 1000 soldiers are dead, what is Bush doing to stop it? Nothing. Perhaps he should send his daughters. I could go on but I know I won't make any difference. Until those of you are affected somehow, by Bush's mistakes, you won't see the light. And besides, a right winger is a right winger and there is no room for change.


Buena Park,
Previous Post ..Its about oil, profits, oil, profits, oil, dead proletariat sons & daughters, oil, profits, are you getting the idea yet?

#117Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

John and others, perhaps you should check your facts and your history. Let me spell it out for those of you who don't seem to get it. Its about oil, profits, oil, profits, oil, dead proletariat sons & daughters, oil, profits, are you getting the idea yet? Terrorism will not stop in this world until the US, Uk, EU and others begin apologizing to the millions of people of the world who we have harmed. We have supported dictatorial govts since this country was formed. Others have for decades. Lets start with the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, lets send them food, water, and some Korans to read, maybe then we will start to be forgiven. I for one, don't read the Koran, but we have no right to infringe upon the civil liberties of others, even if you don't agree with their lifestyle. The really sad thing is, the many people who support this "Godless" war are the same ones who keep preaching Christianity and forgiveness.


The point is for every opinion there is an equal and opposite opinion.

#118Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

Marilynn, You seem very offended that this film "Michael Moore Hates America" was aired and outraged at the venue. Why? Both of these films claim to be "documentaries" yet they each show differing "facts". How can this be?? For every opinion, there is an equal and opposite opinion. All of them may be based on truth or part of the truth as that one person sees it. The slant is the key; the spin is the tool. Some opinions swing far left, some swing far right. The truth most often lies somewhere in the middle. Americans have got to find that truth and it is a tougher job by the year. The media tends to slant to mirror the views of the owner(s). Find out who the media owners are and you will begin to see the light. Start with Fox News (Rupert Murdoch gave rise to Fox News, to get you started) and work your way through all the major news channels. The media have agendas now, just as political parties do. Don't ever doubt it. Will we get the truth from the esteemed candidates themselves? So far this campaign has consisted of one side lobbing an attack and the other side lobbing a counter-attack; the candidates spend their time lobbing or ducking and no one seems interested in forcing talk about the real issues that face Americans. I watch these two candidates duking it out like Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robots and wonder "Is this the best America has to offer?" These men should be better than this, but I guess America enjoys blood sport too much these days. The entire country has turned into a gigantic Peyton Place crawling with voyeurs who crave every character flaw to be laid open. The issues suffer for this. We will never have a candidate who is perfect because they are human. That is a given. No human reaches any age without something behind them that they are not too proud of. No one escapes youth without some sort of screw up. So what? We have to hope that these men have grown up since then. I do not care what these men did thirty years ago. I do care that they have the strength of character and common sense to lead this country through some very perilous times. I am not seeing this strength in either candidate. I am not seeing this maturity in either of them. While the Big Two Parties fight for political dominance, this country is foundering under massive corporate fraud, crime, huge taxation issues, and the constant insertion of Big Government into individual lives and freedoms. Domestic policy seems to consist of "The one with the biggest purse wins" even if that money was gained by fraud, theft, and outright law-breaking. I am both frightened by and disillusioned with both parties at this moment. If things do make a drastic change in the next six weeks, I will vote for neither candidate, but for any Independent that shows up on the ballot. I am tired of being forced to choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee every election cycle. I am tired of people in Washington who forget you and me when they get into office and immediately go to work for the betterment of themselves rather than the betterment of this country. I am tired of politicians who seem to have no working knowledge of the Constitution. The only thing that will change my mind will come from the candidates themselves. I invite Mr. Bush or Mr. Kerry to engage us here with their positions and/or thoughts, but do not think that will happen. Perhaps some pearl of wisdom will fall from the lips of one or the other of them soon to sway me, but I have little hope of that this late in the day. I will pray for this country with all my might, that it may survive what is being done to it. This wonderful country that was built on the ideals of inherent individual rights and freedoms (as both of these filmmakers have exercised and we exercise by posting here on this forum) is now all about the money and the power; who has it, who wants it, and who will ultimately get it. I, personally, have had enough of watching this political circus and all the clowns in it!


Rennaissance Festival???? talk about deception......

#119Consumer Comment

Wed, September 15, 2004

Good grief!! Seventeen political propaganda films pre-arranged for viewing at an event in Dallas, which the promoter boasts was "the first conservative film festival in the nation." What is it billed as?? American Film Renaissance Festival. Now, you talk about deception......


"Michael Moore Hates America" peels hide off of MM-Receives 10 minute standing ovation in Dallas!

#120Consumer Comment

Tue, September 14, 2004

If I remember correctly the original topic here concerned Mr. Moore's film and thoughts about it before it degenerated into political rants, name calling and mud-slinging. Back to topic; another view of Mr. Moore is released. Tuesday, September 14, 2004 'Michael Moore Hates America' huge hit 10-minute standing ovation for documentary at film festival Posted: September 14, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Ron Strom 2004 WorldNetDaily.com "Michael Moore Hates America," a documentary that challenges the leftist filmmaker, received a huge response at the American Film Renaissance festival in Dallas, packing out two showings and eliciting a 10-minute standing ovation. "That crowd response was bigger than anything I've seen in a theater in my life," Jim Hubbard, the co-founder of the festival, told WorldNetDaily. The festival ran from Sept. 10-12. Hubbard said demand to see the film was so high, the theater was bursting at the seams during the second showing. "We really packed them in," he said. "We were having to turn people away." Hubbard says he is confident the man who made "Michael Moore Hates America," 27-year-old Mike Wilson, will secure a theatrical distributor for his work. "They're going to get distribution," he predicted. "This thing is just too huge." Wilson was in attendance for both showings, Hubbard said. "[The moviegoers] were treating him like a rock star." Added Hubbard, "He really peeled the hide off of Michael Moore." In one scene, the American soldier who lost both arms in Iraq and who was shown in Moore's Bush-bashing "Fahrenheit 9/11" said he was taken out of context in the left-wing documentary. According to Hubbard, the soldier said in the new film he had planned to be a technical engineer and could no longer do so because he lost his arms. He emphasized, however, that if he had to do it over again, he would, because "what we're doing in Iraq is important." The soldier said he was furious about the way Moore had portrayed him in "Fahrenheit 9/11." Hubbard noted, "Moore used the south of France [Cannes Film Festival] to launch his left-wing documentary, and we used the heartland of the country, Dallas, Texas, to launch the counterpunch. There are two conflicting moral views right there." Other films that were popular at the festival, which Hubbard says was the first conservative film festival in the nation, included "Is it True What They Say About Ann?" a documentary about columnist Ann Coulter, "Confronting Iraq" and "Michael and Me," another film responding to Michael Moore. "Stolen Honor," a film that tells the stories of former POWs who felt betrayed by Sen. John Kerry's 1971 testimony accusing American servicemen of war crimes, also was well-received, Hubbard said. Hubbard says there were between 3,000 and 4,000 tickets sold altogether for the 17 films that were screened.


You blame the president about the Assault weapons?

#121Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 14, 2004

Ok Let's get this straight? You blame the president about the Assault weapons? Wht didn't anyone hear of it until the day it expired. I think both parties let the ball drop on this one. Kerry and his supporters can "Claim" a book is lies and try to ban it? Yet they praise Michael Moore for his lies? If the president tried to ban Morre's movie what would the democrats say? No one knows where John Kerry stands. I am concerned with the problems buildin in Iran and in North Korea. According to Kerry if the French say no we will not do anything about them. Oh wait that was yesterday. His mouthpiece Dean is saying we should disarm Iran and North Korea butr not in the manner we did Iraq. If we go the diplomatic route kiss our way of life good bye. These are the same people who voted in the senate to go into Iraq....... I fear for my life if Kerry wins and the terrorists are given free reign to do what they want because he will not do anything if any country says no. Kerry is being set up for defeat by the Clintons because if he wins then Hilary will not be able to run in 2008.


Lake Mills,
Where the hell was Bush or any of the leaders of this country when they knew that the assault weopons ban would end today at midnight

#122Consumer Comment

Mon, September 13, 2004

I now know for sure who I will vote for... This is just rediculus. Lets just hand the terrorists their weopons so they can start killing all of us. Where the hell was Bush or any of the leaders of this country when they knew that the assault weopons ban would end today at midnight. Where were all the senators and representatives?? I will now vote for Kerry only because he is campaigning and not able to really put any bills in to stop this from happening. I will also vote for anyone who is not in office right now and is running in the state of Iowa that I can vote for. I don't care you don't need any repeating rifle etc to hunt the d**n thing would be in pieces and what good would that do couldn't eat it and couldn't mount it either. I am sick of Our so called President he is too afraid to say no to any of his buddies. We are now a bankrupt nation and cannot pay our bills that is just absurd. We are supposed to be the richest country in the world. Thank you Pres Bush for making my children and grandchildren pay for your greed. If only the truth were out to the entire nation how you couldn't even run your own company let alone an entire COUNTRY!!!!!!!! People I have talked to are not even going to vote now because they don't like either candidate. Please people tell your parents and then tell their friends the truth. Tell them how he has lied to everyone and all his friends and buddies are getting rich and the rest of us are going down deeper and deeper. Tell them how they will have to pay more money next year out of their Social Security checks to pay for his stupid idea to give prescription drugs to everyone with a 600 dollar credit that when you sign up for the thing all the drugs are still outrageous it didn't fix a thing just cost us more money. They even said that kerrys plan will work and bushs won't watch cnn it tells the truth!!!!!! DUMBYA cant even talk or come up with anything on his own he has to listen to his buddies with all the cash that he owes favors to and his vice pres that we never heard a word from until now cause he was the one telling bush what to do the entire time he was too busy actually running the country while bush took his vacations back home on the ranch that he probably stole from a lil ole lady who wouldn't sell so he condemned it. I have never gotten involved in politics I was too busy working to put food in my families mouths and now I wish I would have paid more attention. He didn't get voted in before don't let him get voted in this time. It is time for people to stop paying attention to the poles and vote anyway!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I don't meet everyones spelling and grammatical perfection I really don't care!!!!!! I just don't want Bush to keep stealing from my kids any more.


New Jersey,
Where's the ripoff? Here's the ripoff.

#123Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2004

In this morass of personal attacks, some one (I believe Kathleen of Delmar) asked in the title, "Where's the ripoff?" or something to that effect. I've said it before and I'll say it again. F 9/11 is being hearlded by the media as a documentary. Michael Moore has said it is not, in an interview on the floor of the Democratic Convention. Now if you are paying for a movie that is the "truth" as many are putting it, and you are not getting it, then you are paying for something that you are not getting. It may be a stretch but that is what I think the starter of this mess was trying to say. In Pete of Rochester's post he demonstrated the Michael Moore technique. As an example: One plane hits the tower. Accident or terrorism? With the information provided who can tell? But it's presented as if Bush knew it was a terrorist attack and didn't care. That's not a fact! It's an opinion. I could call it a distortion. I like this one. "Nearly seven minutes passed with nobody doing anything" Yeah....it's called shock. Imagine being the president of one of the "leading" countries of the world and someone actually attacks the US, for the first time.(Pearl Harbor was not part of the United STATES at the time and was also a military target not civilian.) I don't think Michael Moore or anyone posting here, including myself, could have reacted any faster. Once the "Oh s##t!" reaction is over then you have to think about what to do next, all the people needed to be contacted, govenmental agencies needed to be coordinated, etc. in a situation that was not expected. That does take time. Oh, I'm sorry...Clinton new about it, but he did nothing about it during his administration. I guess Michael Moore didn't know that. Michael Moore is nothing more than a spin doctor in a baseball cap. Instead of getting paid by a govenment or corporate offical, he gets paid by people what want to hear his spin. He must have heard that speech given by former Senator Al D'Amato of NY to Congress: "We are the shepards and the people are the sheep and we shall lead them......" I really hope there are no "sheep" voting in November. My understanding is that an officer above you puts you name in for a silver star......but Kerry put himself in for it. That is what is some vets are pissed about. That and the report that he "misplaced" his medals. Uh huh. Bush was a test pilot. If he was not going to re-up, they are not going to spend thousands of dollars of training on new planes he was not going to fly. By the way, has anybody found out WHY he missed his physical? I wish people could get ALL of the facts, not opinions. Read the 9/11 Report (and not the commented version by the New York Times, they tell you what to think). Go to the actual source, not some one's spin. I really hope this "thread" dies and disappears...just like Michael Moore's career.


New York,
Commander and thief... Read the facts...

#124Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2004

ONE OTHER POINT I WANT TO ADD. OF THE 144,000 JOBS CREATED RECENTLY, HOW MANY OF THEM ARE ABOVE A "BURGER KING" WAGE?? I WOULD VENTURE TO SAY THAT 99.9 % OF THEM ARE BELOW THE COST OF LIVING. AS CORPORATIONS LIKE WALMART, KODAK, TARGET, HOME DEPOT, SQUEEZE THE LITTLE GUY OUT OF THE PICTURE, THEY CAN SET THEIR OWN PAY SCALES. SINCE REGAN BEGAN THE UNION BUSTING PROCESS, THE AVERAGE PERSON HAS NO POWER TO A FAIR LIVING WAGE. Will Kerry's people ever question the validity of thw 144,000 jobs, as they pertain to a living wage? My guess is that you would need four of them to afford the gas and taxes, to and from work. Factual Back-Up For Fahrenheit 9/11: Section One THE FOLLOWING IS THE LINE BY LINE FACTUAL BACKUP FOR 'FAHRENHEIT 9/11' Section One covers the facts in Fahrenheit 9/11 from the 2000 election to George W. Bush's extended visit to Booker Elementary on the morning of September 11th. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Fox was the first network to call Florida for Bush. Before that, some other networks had called Florida for Gore, and they changed after Fox called it for Bush. With information provided from the Voter News Service, NBC was the first network to project Gore the winner in Florida at 7:48 pm. At 7:50 pm ,CNN and CBS project Gore the winner in Florida as well. By 8:02 pm , all five networks and the Associated Press had called Gore the winner in Florida. Even the VNS called Gore the winner at 7:52 pm. At 2:16 am, Fox calls Florida for Bush, NBC follows at 2:16 am. ABC is the last network to call the Florida for Bush, at 2:20 am, while AP and VNS never call Florida for Bush. CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/stories/02/02/ cnn.report/cnn.pdf Ten minutes after the top of the hour, network excitement was again beginning to build. At 2:16 a.m., the call was made: Fox News Channel, with Bush's first cousin John Ellis running its election desk, was the first to project Florida -- and the presidency -- for the Texas governor. Within minutes, the other networks followed suit. "George Bush, Governor of Texas will become the 43rd President of the United States," CNN's Bernard Shaw announced atop a graphic montage of a smiling Bush. "At 18 minutes past two o'clock Eastern time, CNN declares that George Walker Bush has won Florida's 25 electoral votes and this should put him over the top."PBS: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/media/election2000/ election_night.html FAHRENHEIT 9/11: The man who was in charge of the decision desk at FOX on election night was Bush's first cousin, John Ellis. John Ellis, a first cousin of George W. Bush, ran the network's decision desk' during the 2000 election, and Fox was the first to name Bush the winner. Earlier, Ellis had made six phone calls to Cousin Bush during the vote-counting. William O'Rourke, Talk Radio Key to GOP Victory, Chicago Sun-Times, December 3, 2002. A Fox News consultant, John Ellis, who made judgments about presidential calls' on Election Night admits he was in touch with George W. Bush and FL Gov. Jeb Bush by telephone several times during the night, but denies breaking any rules. CNN, November 14, 2000; http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/ 11/14/politics/main249357.shtml. John Ellis, the Fox consultant who called Florida early for George Bush, had to stop writing about the campaign for the Boston Globe because of family loyalty' to Bush. CBS News, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/ 11/14/politics/main249357.shtml, November 14, 2000. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Make sure the chairman of your campaign is also the vote countin' woman and that her state has hired a company that's gonna knock voters off the rolls who aren't likely to vote for you. You can usually tell them by the color of their skin. The vote total was certified by Florida's secretary of state, Katherine Harris, head of the Bush campaign in Florida, on behalf of Gov. Jeb Bush, the candidate's brother. Mark Zoller Seitz, Bush Team Conveyed an Air of Legitimacy, San Diego Union-Tribune, December 16, 2000. The Florida Department of State awarded a $4 million contract to the Boca Raton-based Database Technologies Inc. (subsidiary of ChoicePoint). They were tasked with finding improperly registered voters in the state's database, but mistakes were rampant. At one point, the list included as felons 8,000 former Texas residents who had been convicted of misdemeanors. St. Petersburg Times (Florida), December 21, 2003. Database Technologies, a subsidiary of ChoicePoint, was responsible for bungling an overhaul of Florida's voter registration records, with the result that thousands of people, disproportionately black, were disenfranchised in the 2000 election. Had they been able to vote, they might have swung the state, and thus the presidency, for Al Gore, who lost in Florida. Oliver Burkeman, Jo Tuckman, Firm in Florida Election Fiasco Earns Millions from Files on Foreigners, The Guardian, May 5, 2003 http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,949709,00.html. See also, Atlanta-Journal-Constitution, May 28, 2001. In 1997, Rick Rozar, the late head of the company bought by ChoicePoint, donated $100,000 to the Republican National Committee. Melanie Eversley, Atlanta-Based Company Says Errors in Felon Purge Not Its Fault, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 28, 2001. Frank Borman of Database Technologies Inc. has donated extensively to New Mexico Republicans, as well as to the Presidential campaign of George W. Bush. Opensecrets.org, Frank Borman. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Gore got the most votes in 2000. [A] consortium [Tribune Co., owner of the Times; Associated Press; CNN; the New York Times; the Palm Beach Post; the St. Petersburg Times; the Wall Street Journal; and the Washington Post] hired the NORC [National Opinion Research Center, a nonpartisan research organization affiliated with the University of Chicago] to view each untallied ballot and gather information about how it was marked. The media organizations then used computers to sort and tabulate votes, based on varying scenarios that had been raised during the post-election scramble in Florida. Under any standard that tabulated all disputed votes statewide, Mr. Gore erased Mr. Bush's advantage and emerged with a tiny lead that ranged from 42 to 171 votes. Donald Lambro, Recount Provides No Firm Answers, Washington Times, November 12, 2001. The review found that the result would have been different if every canvassing board in every county had examined every undervote, a situation that no election or court authority had ordered. Gore had called for such a statewide manual recount if Bush would agree, but Bush rejected the idea and there was no mechanism in place to conduct one. Martin Merzer, Review of Ballots Finds Bush's Win Would Have Endured Manual Recount, Miami Herald, April 4, 2001. See also, the following article by one of the Washington Post journalists who ran the consortium recount. The relevant point is made in Table I of the article. http://www.aei.org/docLib/20040526_KeatingPaper.pdf FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Congressional Black Caucus members tried to object to the election outcome on the floor of the House; no Senator would sign the objections. While Vice President Al Gore appeared to have accepted his fate contained in two wooden ballot boxes, Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus tried repeatedly to challenge the assignment of Florida's 25 electoral votes to Bush. More than a dozen Democrats followed suit, seeking to force a debate on the validity of Florida's vote on the grounds that all votes may not have been counted and that some voters were wrongly denied the right to vote. Susan Milligan, It's Really Over: Gore Bows Out Gracefully, Boston Globe, January 7, 2001. The Congressional Black Caucus effort failed for lack of the necessary signature by any senator. Sen. Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) had previously advised Democratic senators not to cooperate. They did not.' Robert Novak, Sweeney Link Won't Help Chao, Chicago Sun-Times, January 14, 2001. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: On the day George W. Bush was inaugurated, tens of thousands of Americans poured into the streets of D.C. They pelted Bush's limo with eggs. Shouting slogans like Hail to the Thief' and Selected, Not Elected,' tens of thousands of protesters descended on George W. Bush's inaugural parade route yesterday to proclaim that he and Vice President d**k Cheney had stolen' the election. Michael Kranish and Sue Kirchhoff, Thousands Protest Stolen' Election, Boston Globe, January 21, 2001. Scuffles erupted between radicals and riot police while an egg struck the bullet-proof presidential limousine as it carried Mr. Bush and wife Laura to the White House. Damon Johnston, Bush Pledges Justice as Critics Throw Eggs, The Advertisers, January 22, 2001. See also film footage. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: The inauguration parade was brought to a halt and the traditional walk to the White House was scrapped. Bush made one concession to the weather -- or to security concerns: He stayed in his limousine nearly the entire length of the mile-long inaugural parade, waving through a slightly foggy window. He got out to walk only for a brief distance when his motorcade reached the VIP grandstands in front of the Treasury Department and the White House. Doyle McManus, et al., Bush Vows to Bring Nation Together, Los Angeles Times, January, 21, 2001. Bush's limo, which traveled most of the route at a slow walking pace, stopped dead just before it reached the corner of 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., where most of the protesters had congregated. Then it sped up dramatically, and Secret Service agents protecting the car on foot had to follow at a full run. When they reached a section of the parade route where the sidewalks were restricted to official ticketholders, Bush and his wife, Laura, who wore a flattering electric turquoise suit, got out of the limo to walk and greet supporters. Helen Kennedy, Bush Pledges a United US, New York Daily News, January 21, 2001. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: For the next eight months, it didn't get any better for George W. Bush. In a poll conducted September 5 to September 9, 2001, Investor's Business Daily and the Christian Science Monitor showed President Bush's approval rating at 45%, down from 52% in May ( Investor's Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor Poll, conducted by TIPP, 9/5 to 9/9, 2001). Zogby's polling had Bush at 47% in late July 2001, down from 57% in February (Zogby, 7/26 to 7/29, 2001). In June 2001, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed President Bush's approval rating at 50 percent, which was the lowest presidential approval rating in five years. Richard L. Berke, G.O.P. Defends Bush in Face of Dip in Poll Ratings, The New York Times, June 29 2001 On July 26, 2001, in an article entitled Bush Lacks the Ability To Force Action on Hill, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post wrote, It may be premature to conclude that Bush has lost control of his agenda, but lawmakers and strategists in both parties said that Bush's next year is much more likely to look like the fractious month of July than like the orderly march toward Bush's tax cut this spring. The troubles began, of course, with Vermont Sen. James M. Jeffords' departure from the GOP, giving control of the Senate to the Democrats. But the problems are nearly as bad in the House, where moderates who supported Bush's tax cut are proving recalcitrant on other issues. They rebelled against GOP leaders on campaign finance reform and held up Bush's "faith-based" legislation over concerns about discrimination. Next week, they're likely to oppose Bush's proposal to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. California energy crisis also took a toll on Bush's approval ratings. Due to rolling blackouts and rising utility bills Bush's ratings took a toll among Californians. The poll showed that almost as many Californians disapproved of the President's job as approved of it with an approve/disapprove of 42/40. Calif. Governor Says He'll Sue to Force Government Action, The Houston Chronicle, May 30, 2001. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: In his first eight months in office before September 11, George W. Bush was on vacation, according to the Washington Post, forty-two percent of the time. News coverage has pointedly stressed that W.'s month-long stay at his ranch in Crawford is the longest presidential vacation in 32 years. Washington Post supercomputers calculated that if you add up all his weekends at Camp David, layovers at Kennebunkport and assorted to-ing and fro-ing, W. will have spent 42 percent of his presidency at vacation spots or en route.' Charles Krauthammer, A Vacation Bush Deserves, The Washington Post, August 10, 2001. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Bush relaxes at Camp David, Kennebunkport and his ranch in Crawford Texas. As of April 2004, President Bush had made 33 trips to Crawford during his presidency, bringing his total to more than 230 days at the ranch in just over three years. Add his 78 trips to Camp David and five to his family's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, and Bush has spent all or part of 500 days or about 40 percent of his presidency at one of these his three retreats. Bush Retreats to a Favorite Getaway: Crawford ranch, Houston Chronicle, April 11, 2004. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: On Sept. 10, 2001 , Bush joined his brother in Florida where he slept the night in a bed made of fine French linens. Bush has not been bashful about visiting Florida, ground zero in the vote-recount battle that followed last year's election. On this trip, he was spending a good deal of time with his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush. " President to Push Congress on Education in Fourth Florida Visit, Associated Press, September 10, 2001; See also, CNN Inside Politics, September 10, 2001. Two individuals prepared the president's room and made the bed with some of the family's fine French linens. Tom Bayles, The Day Before Everything Changed, President Bush Touched Locals' Lives, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, September 10, 2002. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: As the attack took place, Mr. Bush was on his way to an elementary school in Florida . When informed of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, where terrorists had struck just eight years prior, Bush just decided to go ahead with his photo opportunity. NOTE: It should be emphasized that at the time Bush was notified of the first plane attack, he (unlike the rest of America) was already aware that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America by hijacking airplanes, per the August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief (PDB). He was also aware, of course, that the World Trade Center had been historically a target for terrorist attacks. He nonetheless went ahead with this photo opportunity in a school full of children. Mr. Bush arrived at the school, just before 9 am, expecting to be met by its motherly principal, Gwen Rigell. Instead he was pulled sharply aside by the familiar, bulky figure of 51-year-old Karl Rove, a veteran political fixer and trusted aide of both Mr. Bush and his father, George Sr. Mr. Rove, a fellow Texan with an expansive manner and a colorful turn of phrase, told the President that a large commercial airliner (American Flight 11) had crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre . Mr. Bush clenched his teeth, lowered his bottom lip and said something inaudible. Then he went into the school. William Langley, Revealed: What Really Went on During Bush's Missing Hours,' The Telegraph, December 16, 2001. The airborne attack on the World Trade Center was at least the second terrorist attempt to topple the landmarks. In 1993, terrorists sought to bomb one building so that it would explode and fall into the other. The plot did not succeed, but six people were killed and more than 1,000 injured. Cragg Hines, Terrorists Strike from Air; Jetliners Slam into Pentagon, Trade Center The Houston Chronicle, September 11, 2001. August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief (PDB), Bin Ladin Determined to Strike Inside US: Al-Qa'ida members -- including some who are US citizens -- have resided in or traveled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York. August 6, 2001, Bin Ladin Determined to Strike Inside US, http://www.cnn.com/2004/images/04/10/whitehouse.pdf FAHRENHEIT 9/11: When the second plane hit the tower, his chief of staff entered the classroom and told Mr. Bush the nation is under attack. At 9:05 a.m., the White House chief of staff, Andrew H. Card Jr., stepped into the classroom and whispered into the president's right ear, A second plane hit the other tower, and America's under attack.' David E. Sanger and Don Van Natta Jr., After The Attacks: The Events; In Four Days, A National Crisis Changes Bush's Presidency, The New York Times, September 16, 2001. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Mr. Bush just sat there and continued to read My Pet Goat. It was while attending a second-grade reading class at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Fla., to promote his education reforms that President Bush learned America was under attack. In the presence of her VIP guest, teacher Sandra Kay Daniels, 45, conducted the day's lesson, which centered on a story about a pet goat. 9/11: A Year After, Los Angeles Times, September 11, 2002. President Bush listened to 18 Booker Elementary School second-graders read a story about a girl's pet goat Tuesday before he spoke briefly and somberly about the terrorist attacks. Bush hears of attack while visiting Booker, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, September 12, 2001. See also film footage. FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Nearly seven minutes passed with nobody doing anything. [H]e lingered in the room for another six minutes [after being informed of the second plane] [At] 9:12, he abruptly retreated, speaking to Mr. Cheney and New York officials. David E. Sanger and Don Van Natta Jr., After The Attacks: The Events;In Four Days, A National Crisis Changes Bush's Presidency, The New York Times, September 16, 2001 . Mr. Bush remained in the elementary school for nearly a half an hour after Andy Card whispered in his ear. Michael Kranish, Bush: US To Hunt Down Attackers, Boston Globe, September 11, 2001


Buena Park,
Michael Moore American Patriot, I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush

#125Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

I don't know where these comments come from. I am a former U.S. Marine, and will teach you folks a lesson in civil liberties, courage, honor & patriotism. First of all, MM is the only person/citizen who has shown extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming criticism and personal assaults. I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush (Impeach Bush.org) for over three years, but none, yes - none of my elected officials has the courage to go after this thief and criminal who has hi-jacked the biggest most important office in this country. The entire Bush agenda is about profit & more profit, at whatever expense he is willing to sacrifice on his ficticious wars, no matter the cost to hard working Americans. We have a VP who still receives income from a company he is supposed to divest himself from, all the while, his company - Halliburton, receives unchallenged "no bid" contracts in the billions, our children are dying for his check. Every member of the PNAC has received a very cushy job in this White House. This organziation seeks military power and domination of the entire world. The Soviets kept us in check during the 80s & 90s; now, no Soviets to stop them, so the PNAC has found a friend in George w. Bush, the "Commander & Thief." Bush likes to say, "I am for the environemnt, the soldiers, our forests & air;" but the real truth of the matter is, he cares nothing for Americans or this land. To him, our country is nothing more than a ship seized on the open waters giving him the opportunity to rape, pillage & plunder our resources like a pirate (no offense to courageous pirates of the past). That is why he has opened up OUR federal lands to his developer buddies/2000 campaign supporters, immediately cut funding to his "NO Child Left Behind" bogus campaign, tried to make soldiers pay for their flights home while on R & R from the warzone & reduce their pay & benfits, cut funding for the enforcement of our environmental laws, while allowing more buddies from the lumber industries to cut "old growth" forests that have gone untouch/unspoiled for hundreds of thousands of years, lifted pollution levels of atrazine, sulfur dioxides, mercury & other highly volatile chemicals into the air we breathe & the water we drink, all in guise of a supposed "Clear Air Rule" or a "Healthy Forest Initiative." No folks, I beg to differ with you. MM is undoubtedly the most courageous man I have ever known in my lifetime, Chesty Puller (famous U.S. Marine), would be proud of Michael Moore, just like ALL OF AMERICA should be. He is the only man to "out" the corruption of this adminstration. I tell you one for sure, if MM ever decides to run for President of the United States, I would not only vote for him, but would be honored to stand next to him.


Buena Park,
Michael Moore American Patriot, I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush

#126Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

I don't know where these comments come from. I am a former U.S. Marine, and will teach you folks a lesson in civil liberties, courage, honor & patriotism. First of all, MM is the only person/citizen who has shown extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming criticism and personal assaults. I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush (Impeach Bush.org) for over three years, but none, yes - none of my elected officials has the courage to go after this thief and criminal who has hi-jacked the biggest most important office in this country. The entire Bush agenda is about profit & more profit, at whatever expense he is willing to sacrifice on his ficticious wars, no matter the cost to hard working Americans. We have a VP who still receives income from a company he is supposed to divest himself from, all the while, his company - Halliburton, receives unchallenged "no bid" contracts in the billions, our children are dying for his check. Every member of the PNAC has received a very cushy job in this White House. This organziation seeks military power and domination of the entire world. The Soviets kept us in check during the 80s & 90s; now, no Soviets to stop them, so the PNAC has found a friend in George w. Bush, the "Commander & Thief." Bush likes to say, "I am for the environemnt, the soldiers, our forests & air;" but the real truth of the matter is, he cares nothing for Americans or this land. To him, our country is nothing more than a ship seized on the open waters giving him the opportunity to rape, pillage & plunder our resources like a pirate (no offense to courageous pirates of the past). That is why he has opened up OUR federal lands to his developer buddies/2000 campaign supporters, immediately cut funding to his "NO Child Left Behind" bogus campaign, tried to make soldiers pay for their flights home while on R & R from the warzone & reduce their pay & benfits, cut funding for the enforcement of our environmental laws, while allowing more buddies from the lumber industries to cut "old growth" forests that have gone untouch/unspoiled for hundreds of thousands of years, lifted pollution levels of atrazine, sulfur dioxides, mercury & other highly volatile chemicals into the air we breathe & the water we drink, all in guise of a supposed "Clear Air Rule" or a "Healthy Forest Initiative." No folks, I beg to differ with you. MM is undoubtedly the most courageous man I have ever known in my lifetime, Chesty Puller (famous U.S. Marine), would be proud of Michael Moore, just like ALL OF AMERICA should be. He is the only man to "out" the corruption of this adminstration. I tell you one for sure, if MM ever decides to run for President of the United States, I would not only vote for him, but would be honored to stand next to him.


Buena Park,
Michael Moore American Patriot, I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush

#127Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

I don't know where these comments come from. I am a former U.S. Marine, and will teach you folks a lesson in civil liberties, courage, honor & patriotism. First of all, MM is the only person/citizen who has shown extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming criticism and personal assaults. I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush (Impeach Bush.org) for over three years, but none, yes - none of my elected officials has the courage to go after this thief and criminal who has hi-jacked the biggest most important office in this country. The entire Bush agenda is about profit & more profit, at whatever expense he is willing to sacrifice on his ficticious wars, no matter the cost to hard working Americans. We have a VP who still receives income from a company he is supposed to divest himself from, all the while, his company - Halliburton, receives unchallenged "no bid" contracts in the billions, our children are dying for his check. Every member of the PNAC has received a very cushy job in this White House. This organziation seeks military power and domination of the entire world. The Soviets kept us in check during the 80s & 90s; now, no Soviets to stop them, so the PNAC has found a friend in George w. Bush, the "Commander & Thief." Bush likes to say, "I am for the environemnt, the soldiers, our forests & air;" but the real truth of the matter is, he cares nothing for Americans or this land. To him, our country is nothing more than a ship seized on the open waters giving him the opportunity to rape, pillage & plunder our resources like a pirate (no offense to courageous pirates of the past). That is why he has opened up OUR federal lands to his developer buddies/2000 campaign supporters, immediately cut funding to his "NO Child Left Behind" bogus campaign, tried to make soldiers pay for their flights home while on R & R from the warzone & reduce their pay & benfits, cut funding for the enforcement of our environmental laws, while allowing more buddies from the lumber industries to cut "old growth" forests that have gone untouch/unspoiled for hundreds of thousands of years, lifted pollution levels of atrazine, sulfur dioxides, mercury & other highly volatile chemicals into the air we breathe & the water we drink, all in guise of a supposed "Clear Air Rule" or a "Healthy Forest Initiative." No folks, I beg to differ with you. MM is undoubtedly the most courageous man I have ever known in my lifetime, Chesty Puller (famous U.S. Marine), would be proud of Michael Moore, just like ALL OF AMERICA should be. He is the only man to "out" the corruption of this adminstration. I tell you one for sure, if MM ever decides to run for President of the United States, I would not only vote for him, but would be honored to stand next to him.


Buena Park,
Michael Moore American Patriot, I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush

#128Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

I don't know where these comments come from. I am a former U.S. Marine, and will teach you folks a lesson in civil liberties, courage, honor & patriotism. First of all, MM is the only person/citizen who has shown extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming criticism and personal assaults. I have been screaming for impeachment of Bush (Impeach Bush.org) for over three years, but none, yes - none of my elected officials has the courage to go after this thief and criminal who has hi-jacked the biggest most important office in this country. The entire Bush agenda is about profit & more profit, at whatever expense he is willing to sacrifice on his ficticious wars, no matter the cost to hard working Americans. We have a VP who still receives income from a company he is supposed to divest himself from, all the while, his company - Halliburton, receives unchallenged "no bid" contracts in the billions, our children are dying for his check. Every member of the PNAC has received a very cushy job in this White House. This organziation seeks military power and domination of the entire world. The Soviets kept us in check during the 80s & 90s; now, no Soviets to stop them, so the PNAC has found a friend in George w. Bush, the "Commander & Thief." Bush likes to say, "I am for the environemnt, the soldiers, our forests & air;" but the real truth of the matter is, he cares nothing for Americans or this land. To him, our country is nothing more than a ship seized on the open waters giving him the opportunity to rape, pillage & plunder our resources like a pirate (no offense to courageous pirates of the past). That is why he has opened up OUR federal lands to his developer buddies/2000 campaign supporters, immediately cut funding to his "NO Child Left Behind" bogus campaign, tried to make soldiers pay for their flights home while on R & R from the warzone & reduce their pay & benfits, cut funding for the enforcement of our environmental laws, while allowing more buddies from the lumber industries to cut "old growth" forests that have gone untouch/unspoiled for hundreds of thousands of years, lifted pollution levels of atrazine, sulfur dioxides, mercury & other highly volatile chemicals into the air we breathe & the water we drink, all in guise of a supposed "Clear Air Rule" or a "Healthy Forest Initiative." No folks, I beg to differ with you. MM is undoubtedly the most courageous man I have ever known in my lifetime, Chesty Puller (famous U.S. Marine), would be proud of Michael Moore, just like ALL OF AMERICA should be. He is the only man to "out" the corruption of this adminstration. I tell you one for sure, if MM ever decides to run for President of the United States, I would not only vote for him, but would be honored to stand next to him.


New York,
Democrat John Kerry commanded a Navy Swift boat in Vietnam and won five medals, including a Silver Star. Bush is a draft dodger.

#129Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

Bush's National Guard File Missing Records 26 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo! By MATT KELLEY, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - Documents that should have been written to explain gaps in President Bush (news - web sites)'s Texas Air National Guard service are missing from the military records released about his service in 1972 and 1973, according to regulations and outside experts. For example, Air National Guard regulations at the time required commanders to write an investigative report for the Air Force when Bush missed his annual medical exam in 1972. The regulations also required commanders to confirm in writing that Bush received counseling after missing five months of drills. No such records have been made public and the government told The Associated Press in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that it has released all records it can find. Outside experts suggest that National Guard commanders may not have produced documentation required by their own regulations. "One of the downfalls back then in the National Guard was that not everyone wanted to be chief of staff of the Air Force. They just wanted to fly or maintain airplanes. So the record keeping could have been better," said retired Maj. Gen. Paul A. Weaver Jr., a former head of the Air National Guard. He said the documents may not have been kept in the first place. Challenging the government's declaration that no more documents exist, the AP identified five categories of records that should have been generated after Bush skipped his pilot's physical and missed five months of training. "Each of these actions by any member of the National Guard should have generated the creation of many documents that have yet to be produced," AP lawyer David Schulz wrote the Justice Department (news - web sites) Aug. 26. White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said there were no other documents to explain discrepancies in Bush's files. Military service during the Vietnam War has become an issue in the presidential election as both candidates debate the current wars in Iraq (news - web sites) and Afghanistan (news - web sites). Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) commanded a Navy Swift boat in Vietnam and won five medals, including a Silver Star. But his heroism has been challenged in ads by some veterans who support Bush. The president served stateside in the Air National Guard during Vietnam. Democrats have accused him of shirking his Guard service and getting favored treatment as the son of a prominent Washington figure. The AP talked to experts unaffiliated with either campaign who have reviewed Bush's files for missing documents. They said it was not unusual for guard commanders to ignore deficiencies by junior officers such as Bush. But they said missing a physical exam, which caused him to be grounded, was not common. "It's sort of like a code of honor that you didn't go DNF (duty not including flying)," said retired Air Force Col. Leonard Walls, who flew 181 combat missions over Vietnam. "There was a lot of pride in keeping combat-ready status." Bush has said he fulfilled all his obligations. He was in the Texas Air National Guard from 1968 to 1973 and was trained to fly F-102 fighters. "I'm proud of my service," Bush told a rally last weekend in Lima, Ohio. Records of Bush's service have significant gaps, starting in 1972. Bush has said he left Texas that year to work on the unsuccessful Senate campaign in Alabama of family friend Winton Blount. The five kinds of missing files are: _A report from the Texas Air National Guard to Bush's local draft board certifying that Bush remained in good standing. The government has released copies of those DD Form 44 documents for Bush for 1971 and earlier years but not for 1972 or 1973. Records from Bush's draft board in Houston do not show his draft status changed after he joined the guard in 1968. The AP obtained the draft board records Aug. 27 under the Freedom of Information Act. _Records of a required investigation into why Bush lost flight status. When Bush skipped his 1972 physical, regulations required his Texas commanders to "direct an investigation as to why the individual failed to accomplish the medical examination," according to the Air Force manual at the time. An investigative report was supposed to be forwarded "with the command recommendation" to Air Force officials "for final determination." Bush's spokesmen have said he skipped the exam because he knew he would be doing desk duty in Alabama. But Bush was required to take the physical by the end of July 1972, more than a month before he won final approval to train in Alabama. _A written acknowledgment from Bush that he had received the orders grounding him. His Texas commanders were ordered to have Bush sign such a document; but none has been released. _Reports of formal counseling sessions Bush was required to have after missing more than three training sessions. Bush missed at least five months' worth of National Guard training in 1972. No documents have surfaced indicating Bush was counseled or had written authorization to skip that training or make it up later. Commanders did have broad discretion to allow guardsmen to make up for missed training sessions, said Weaver and Lawrence Korb, Pentagon (news - web sites) personnel chief during the Reagan administration from 1981 to 1985. "If you missed it, you could make it up," said Korb, who now works for the Center for American Progress, which supports Kerry. _A signed statement from Bush acknowledging he could be called to active duty if he did not promptly transfer to another guard unit after leaving Texas. The statement was required as part of a Vietnam-era crackdown on no-show guardsmen. Bush was approved in September 1972 to train with the Alabama unit, more than four months after he left Texas. Bush was approved approval to train in September, October and November 1972 with the Alabama Air National Guard's 187th Tactical Reconnaissance Group. The only record tying Bush to that unit is a dental exam at the group's Montgomery base in January 1973. No records have been released giving Bush permission to train with the 187th after November 1972. Walls, the Air Force combat veteran, was assigned to the 187th in 1972 and 1973 to train its pilots to fly the F-4 Phantom. Walls and more than a dozen other members of the 187th say they never saw Bush. One member of the unit, retired Lt. Col. John Calhoun, has said he remembers Bush showing up for training with the 187th. Pay records show Bush was credited for training in January, April and May 1973; other files indicate that service was outside Texas. A May 1973 yearly evaluation from Bush's Texas unit gives the future president no ratings and stated Bush had not been seen at the Texas base since April 1972. In a directive from June 29, 1973, an Air Force personnel official pressed Bush's unit for information about his Alabama service. "This officer should have been reassigned in May 1972," wrote Master Sgt. Daniel P. Harkness, "since he no longer is training in his AFSC (Air Force Service Category, or job title) or with his unit of assignment." Then-Maj. Rufus G. Martin replied Nov. 12, 1973: "Not rated for the period 1 May 72 through 30 Apr 73. Report for this period not available for administrative reasons." By then, Texas Air National Guard officials had approved Bush's request to leave the guard to attend Harvard Business School; his last days of duty were in July 1973.


If you all notice...

#130Consumer Comment

Sat, September 04, 2004

the "gentleman" who started this argument (with intent, I believe) has left it. So getting back to the issue here. Has anyone been watching the conventions? I mean it gives new meaning to what Moore was stating in his "docudrama". I was amazed and amused when the crowd at the Republican convention broke into a rousing chant of "four more years, four more years" and ALL media covering the convention honed in on Moore (who is covering it for U.S.A. today), who was chanted "2 more months, 2 more months". Media opinion or just coincidence? I will open another door here once again. I declare myself Democrat BUT if the Republican candidate offers something more feasible than the dem, well my vote for that office will be with the Republican. I have been watching some evenings (due to the fact that it is on every free channel everywhere. Dems only took one), and I will say that GW'S statement of " A letter opener on the hands of Sadam Hussain, IS a weapon of mass destruction", almost won me over. The man obviously had good speach writers because he really did talk a good game. Unemployment is up since he took office, the treat of terrorism appears as needed, and he has made it almost impossible for small/med sized business owners to be able to offer healthcare benefits to their employees. He tried to blame past administration for the high unemployment but failed, since the numbers ALL point at him. He uses fear and terrorism as a control factor. Watch those letter openers okay? He cries wolf like the boy Peter in the story and when we really need to pay attention, well you know how that story ends don't ya? He has proposed that more people take advantage of the "free" healthcare availible in their communities, all the while he is cutting the funding to them. Good idea. Just an example. In Louisiana there are two very prominiant diseases. One is Hepititis C and the other is Diabetes. At the "free" hospital here they have had to closed both those clinics along with others because of budgetary cuts. So all in all what free healthcare is there? He did talk a good game and I applaud him for trying. Effort gets him an A content F-.


Hey Pamela....

#131Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 02, 2004

Was your last rebuttal meant for me? I think you meant to post "TO DARREN" instead of "YOU TELL EM AARON." Am I correct?

Michael Moore

New York,
New York,
It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded Vet

#132Consumer Comment

Sat, August 28, 2004

It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded Vet August 26, 2004 It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded Vet Dear Mr. Bush, I know you and I have had our differences in the past, and I realize I am the one who started this whole mess about "who did what" during Vietnam when I brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January. But I have to hand it to you on what you have uncovered about John Kerry and his record in Vietnam. Kerry has tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth. First of all, thank you for pointing out to all of us that Mr. Kerry was never struck by a BULLET. It was only SHRAPNEL that entered his body! I did not know that! Hell, what's the big deal about a bunch of large, sharp, metal shards ripping open your flesh? That happens to all of us! In my opinion, if you want a purple heart, you'd better be hit by a bullet -- with your name on it! Secondly, thank you for sending Bob Dole out there and letting us know that Mr. Kerry, though wounded three times, actually "never spilled blood." When you are in the debates with Kerry, turn to him and say, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a purple heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!" Then throw this one at him: "Senator Kerry, over 58,000 brave Americans gave their lives in Vietnam -- but YOU didn't. You only got WOUNDED! What do you have to say for yourself???" Lay that one on him and he won't know what to do. And thanks, also, Mr. Bush, for exposing the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for president someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to. What would we do without you, Mr. Bush? Criticize you as we might, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. In 2000, you let out the rumor that your opponent John McCain might be "nuts" from the 5 years he spent in a POW camp. Then, in the 2002 elections, your team compared triple-amputee Sen. Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden, and that cost him the election. And now you are having the same impact on war hero John Kerry. Since you (oops, I mean "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth!") started running those ads, Kerry's poll numbers have dropped (with veterans, he has lost 18 points in the last few weeks). Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." What your critics fail to understand is that even though your dad got you into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam -- and even though you didn't show up for Guard duty for at least a year -- at least you were still IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War! Cowards like Clinton felt it was more important to be consistent (he opposed the war, thus he refused to go) than to be patriotic and two-faced. The reason that I think you know so much about other men's war wounds is because, during your time in the Texas Air National Guard, you suffered so many of them yourself. Consider the paper cut you received on September 22, 1972, while stationed in Alabama, working on a Senate campaign for your dad's friend (when you were supposed to be on the Guard base). A campaign brochure appeared from nowhere, ambushing your right index finger, and blood trickled out onto your brand new argyle sweater. Then there was the incident with the Crazy Glue when your fraternity brothers visited you one weekend at the base and glued your lips together while you were "passed out." Though initially considered "friendly fire," it was later ruled that you suffered severe post traumatic stress disorder from the assault and required certain medicinal attention -- which, it seems, was provided by those same fraternity brethren. But nothing matched your heroism when, on July 2, 1969, you sustained a massive head injury when enemy combatants from another Guard unit dropped a keg of Coors on your head during a reconnaissance mission at a nearby all-girls college. Fortunately, the cool, smooth fluids that poured out of the keg were exactly what was needed to revive you. That you never got a purple heart for any of these incidents is a shame. I can fully appreciate your anger at Senator Kerry for the three he received. I mean, Kerry was a man of privilege, he could have gotten out just like you. Instead, he thinks he's going to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he can do? Hell, I hear gunfire every night outside my apartment window! If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was! True-blue Americans want a president who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with doing as little work as possible! So, to make it up to you, I have written some new ads you can use on TV. People will soon tire of the swift boat veterans and you are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use any of these: ANNOUNCER: "When the bullets were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He said he leaned over the boat and 'pulled a man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the enemy was shooting at him, he ducked. Do you want a president who will duck? Vote Bush." ANNOUNCER: "Mr. Kerry's biggest supporter, Sen. Max Cleland, claims to have lost two legs and an arm in Vietnam. But he still has one arm! How did that happen? One word: Cowardice. When duty called, he was unwilling to give his last limb. Is that the type of selfishness you want hanging out in the White House? We think not. Vote for the man who would be willing to give America his right frontal lobe. Vote Bush." Hope these help, Mr. Bush. And remember, when the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000 during the Republican convention, be sure to question whether those who died really did indeed "die" -- or were they just trying to get their faces on CNN's nightly tribute to fallen heroes? The sixteen who've died so far this week were probably working hand in hand with the Kerry campaign to ruin your good time in New York. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's the least they deserve. Yours, Michael Moore [DELETED] P.S. George, I know you said you don't read the newspaper, but USA Today has given me credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). If you don't want to read it, you and I will be in the same building so maybe I could come by and read it to you? Lemme know...



#133Consumer Comment

Sat, August 28, 2004

Obvioulsy YOUR education is a RIPOFF! You need to file it! WHERE do you see where I posted that I support Bush! I only posted about golddiggers bragging on this board and my disagreement towards! Shows JUST how uneducated YOU are when you claim to be so "smart", yet you don't have a problem with golddigging bimbos posting OFF The subject and you catagorize rednecks as "racist". If YOU were were "educated" you would know that redneck is just a word for a peron who loves the country NOT a racist! Some of the BIGGEST racists are from the CITY! From the NORTH! I bet you are the MAIN one claiming to be so "color blind" but yet when dating only search for WHITE WOMEN! HYPOCRITE! There are also educated rednecks and at the same time ANY KOOK and get a degree and there are PLENTY KOOKY liberal loon professors holding conservative students prisoner and just about forcing them to accept their left-loon ideas! So before you post a long novel, do your RESEARCH instead of making yourself look even more stupid!

Shawn Marie

Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men and women... I would never vote for Bush for president

#134Consumer Comment

Sat, August 28, 2004

I have been reading these rants and I'm astonished by the obvious anger and hatred portrayed here. I was interested in reading people's responses to the first entry about Michael Moore, which in my own opinionated mind was silly. But all the name-calling and bashing is ridiculous. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, be it Michael Moore, Darren, Pamela, Robert, Tom, d**k or Harry. What the problem is with this country is that both republicans and democrats think everything is cut and dry and it's not. I'm a registered democrat, but there are certain democratic beliefs that I disagree with and on those issues I would tend to lean toward a republican vote. For instance, I am for capital punishment. But I would never vote for Bush for president. I think his big talk about ending terrorism has gotten way out of hand and the war he wages continues with further loss of life. I think his speaking skills are apalling. I think he is for the rich man and has little regard for the average American. The list goes on. I commend Michael Moore for showing the world just what kind of person George Bush, Jr. is. Without people like Michael Moore we wouldn't have a chance to see behind the scenes. Conservatives will bash me for saying this because they are so defensive of Bush, Jr. Many of them are the same conservative folks who are synonomous with religious fanaticism, prejudice, and ignorance. But that is only my opinion--which I am entitled to. I don't have to call anyone names or be upset in knowing that I will be next on the list to have a name hurled at. I don't really care because I know it can't do anything to me. It does not change the way I feel, act, or live. When people have to call each other names back and forth to try and prove a point, it's time to call it a done deal, don't you think? One comment on white trash vs. trash of any other color. Trash is trash no matter what color it is. I think it's interesting that there is no equivalent for a person of color. Well, there is one, but nobody will use it because it's not politically correct. Nor should they. I hate racially slanderous words--including white trash. It's as racially demeaning as the "n" word. And here is something to think about: If you put a group of children together--say 5 and 6 year olds--they will play together happily. They will run around together, play games together, eat together, watch television together, hug each other, hold hands, laugh together, and love each other. It is how those children are raised and trained that will cause them to be discriminatory against race, sex, religion, etc. It is the parents who will plant the seed for prejudice to form. 5 and 6 year old kids don't care what color skin is, how much money a person makes, what religion they follow, or any of the things adults are so concerned with that make societies hate each other. Perhaps we should all think about that and learn something from it.


No, YOU get educated Darren!

#135Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

Obvioulsy YOUR education is a RIPOFF! You need to file it! WHERE do you see where I posted that I support Bush! I only posted about golddiggers bragging on this board and my disagreement towards! Shows JUST how uneducated YOU are when you claim to be so "smart", yet you don't have a problem with golddigging bimbos posting OFF The subject and you catagorize rednecks as "racist". If YOU were were "educated" you would know that redneck is just a word for a peron who loves the country NOT a racist! Some of the BIGGEST racists are from the CITY! From the NORTH! I bet you are the MAIN one claiming to be so "color blind" but yet when dating only search for WHITE WOMEN! HYPOCRITE! There are also educated rednecks and at the same time ANY KOOK and get a degree and there are PLENTY KOOKY liberal loon professors holding conservative students prisoner and just about forcing them to accept their left-loon ideas! So before you post a long novel, do your RESEARCH instead of making yourself look even more stupid!


South Bend,
it's about time......

#136Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

....for someone to turn out the lights on this rambling, turned ascerbic link and everyone go home.


New York,
Wow, this is still going on.....

#137Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

First of all, I am surprised that this conversation is still going on. Michael Moore has faded in the background like I thought he would since most of the people who really cared enough to see his movie havae already seen it and the others won't bother. I still haven't bothered. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is to Wendy's attack on me, which I finally saw.... Quoting her.... MM film is full of facts, you can call it lies and propoganda if you wish, but tell me then why there has been no charges or lawsuits brought against him. Certainly if it is lies, then a suit of slander and one for lible should surely have been filed. and finally to Tammy in Lowville, NY. You are a simple country girl, Barney fife and the rest of the gang reside in lowville, I know this for a fact, I used to live in watertown Ny, a mere 10 miles from the little shitty town tammy lives in. I lived in watertown for 6 months, forced to move and give up everything because my fiance' was stationed there and he couldnt do anything for himself, and the army wouldnt help him, he couldnt do his own laundry because he couldnt carry it, he couldnt eat in the mess hall because the food made him throw up or kept him on the toilet for the day. The local hospital where the surgery was performed is Samaritan Hospital, if your sick and maybe will die if you dont go there, take your leave and go in peace. Walter minaert is the dirtiest surgeon in NY, like i said above if your gonna die, go in peace before you let this filthy surgeon operate on you. We were forced to go to this scumbag of a human being because the military forced us to, we had no right to a second opinoin or to seek out another surgeon, for that we have had to put off our wedding and having children. Last words, If you dont see the movie you are a coward,like dumya the deserter, you just dont want to see the truth about what a liar this a*****e is. and I hope you like paying more in taxes than multi-million dollar companies, because he gives them tax breaks while you pay more because you dont make over a million a year, your all just suckers, get informed and stop being suckered by the lies and rhetoric of this idiot. Ciao Wendy - Joplin, Missouri U.S.A. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I am truly sorry to hear of your troubles in Watertown. Watertown and upstate New York are a real hard place to live because the economy is so bad for the most part and I know many people who struggle to make it work. My husband was stationed at Ft. Drum, New York. We actually met in Ft. Leondard WOod, MO which is not too far from where you live. I went to college in Springfield, MO and if I recall correctly, Missouri was not that much differenct from upstate New York. It is a real rural area, and very country. But despite its rural atmosphere, yes I admit that I am somewhat of a country girl at heart. i have livced in Metropolitan areas and have been in citiies. I am in the process of moving to another metropolitan area this next month and I will defend the country folk. I have never felt more welcomed and treated with more respect and manners than I have experienced in Lowville and Watertown. I guess it depends on how you look at people and how much you give. You have to give in order to get. I have met many fine people in upstate New York and I am finding that there are fine people at every base that I have lived at. there are also those whiners and bellyachers who cant find peace no matter where they are at. I hope you find what you are looking for. As to this topic, Michael Moore is now a dead issue like I thought he would be. ++++++++++++++++++++ For the person who wanted to know why a government official hasn't come out and condemmed Michael MOore's movie. Why should they? They don't have the time or the resources to argue with every filmmaker, critic etc. TO do so would give them more credibility than they deserve. I think that they did the smart thing. Just let Moore have his fun in the sun for the brief time and let the facts come out and speak for themselves. They are already soing so. Take care all.


Hey Darren....

#138Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 27, 2004

I, too, am of Native American Descent. You just called one of your own a "REDNECK." Obviously you, just like other liberals wanting a handout, believe in double standards that only caters to yourselves. I want to make make one thing clear: I AM AN AMERICAN. Not a NATIVE, not a NATIVE-AMERCAN, not a SCOTCH-IRISH AMERICAN, not a DUTCH-AMERICAN, and not a GERMAN-AMERICAN. I'm d**n sure not an AFRICAN-AMERICAN. Simply put, I am an AMERICAN, plain and simple. Ultimately, all races originated in Mesopotamia. At one time or another every race had to come here, dumbass! Last July, I went out to South Dakota to teach children how to box. I donated my time in order to live with the people for awhile. The only pay that I received was a Sioux tipi. I just raised it on my property in Townsend about a month ago. I payed special attention to the ceremony, in order to show respect. Darren, I bet that you've never done anything like that you leech. The one thing that you forgot to mention anything about was Michael Moore's movie, which is what this post is dedicated to. Did they not teach you to read on the reservation or what? What the hell is Native Hip-Hop music? You've bought into the whole inner-city thing haven't you? What a joke. You may be proud of your ancestry, but I would be willing to say that THEY'RE not proud of you. HIP HOP SUCKS! And I bet your brand of "Native HIP HOP" sucks even more. You are disgraceful! As long as terms like REDNECK, HILLBILLY, etc. are considered PC, then I have no problem using any other RACIST slang. I'm not a member of the KKK as you think. The clan never was much of an organization. Most of their members are just big talkers like yourself. I'm quite different than that. I believe in ACTION also. You wrote in your rebuttal that "A redneck is obviously a racist or a prejudiced person." That's where your wrong. The term Redneck came about becuase of the color of someones neck who had been working in the sun most of the day. Usually these folks were farmers. When these farmers would go to town to get supplies, the city folk didn't like the fact that they weren't as sophisticated as them. Hence, the term redneck came about. According to your defintion that makes most former slaves prejudiced racists since they toiled hard in the sun for many hours a day. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... That makes most of your Native American ancestors REDNECKS also, since they spent so much time outdoors. Was your given name "RUNS LIKE SQUIRREL" or "PLAYS WITH SELF." That's some philosophy you got going there. You speak of the color of someones skin as not being part of your judgement, and then turn right around and label them for it. Your lost! Especially in this argument over Michael Moron's innaccurate movie. These people who supposedly offended you by calling you names obviouly had no balls. At least they didn't kick the s**t out of you. The ones that threw garbage at you were equally distasteful. But why are you whining about two incidents? Do you base your whole philosophy on two things that happened to you? THAT, my red-skinned friend, shows YOUR IGNORANCE. Why didn't you have some balls and kick the s**t out of them? Are you a pacifist liberal? Get off the firewater TONTO, and listen to the voices of reason. I think that you need to go back to the beginning of this post and start reading again. You've missed some valuable points made in this post. Don't stop until you get to the bottom. Read all of it, not just bits and pieces. As I've stated before, ALL POLITICIANS ARE FULL OF s**t, but only one running for president is willing to keep this country safe from islamic fundamentalist terrorists and the CHI-COMS. All politicians are rich elitists, too. They create partisan politics, so that uneducated people, like this fool from Minneapolis, won't pay attention to the real issues. Darren, you're a whiner. People like you think that the world owes them something for some reason. The world owes you nothing but a swift kick in your red a*s. Not one time did I hear you refer to yourself as an American. Well, do ya consider yourself an American, or are you one of these leeches who use a hyphenated name to describe their origins? By the way, you're the last person on this post, Darren, who should be talking about PROPER GRAMMAR. Just go back and read your post again. You'll see what I'm talking about. Rather than curse YOUR OFF-SPRING, I will say a little prayer that people like you and Michael Moron will be the first to go during the NEXT ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST ATTACK! Darren, you do all Native Americans a disservice. Put down the firewater, stop whining and go out and teach your heritage. You're the one who said, "...I want to do my part in educating and promoting our heritage." Well, is your heritage one of whining? Is your heritage one which teaches a double standard? Is your heritage, one of ignorance? Your heritage is d**n sure not one that involves hip hop music(that still just cracks me up! Native American Hip Hop HA! HA!)I bet that you've never been to any of your tribal council meetings. I bet that you don't do jackshit when it comes to your Native American heritage. I bet that you do however, cash every check that you receive from OUR government for being the leech that you are. You're either an AMERICAN or not. Now, sic'em Pamela! LEARN TO READ FOLKS: THIS IS A POST ABOUT MICHAEL MORON'S MOVIE. Each and everytime that you liberals take us from the subject, we get away from what this post is all about. We can't just let you folks get by with all these UN-American rantings. Get with the program or move to CUBA! HIGH h*o SILVER AWAY!!!!


GET EDUCATED! I am AGAINST BUSH, b/c of people like Aaron, Sherri & Pam-idiot!!!

#139Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

To Sherri, Aaron and Pamdick, Well, I must admit, I was astounded myself to see these ugly, nasty rants! Every native person has probably been the victim of discrimination by these "rednecks". Call it ignorance, but maybe I am a little defensive when it comes to being mistreated and wish to share my experience. Any Native person can understand what I refer to... And yes I do represent my people, very proudly and honestly. That is a true testament to courage, having the guts to stand up for what I believe in and create an awareness of not only native hip-hop music, but for our native people as well... Should I stand by and take such treatment from these rednecks? No, and I will not be afraid to let viewers know what I experienced...Because it happens ALL the time to virtually every native person, or HAS happened in their past at some point. I do not wish to contribute to ignorance or hate...I wish to contribute to truth, and reality. I am human, and I do have feelings...Just as anyone else...I voice my opinions so others can see that this type of thing does still exist, and rednecks do come in many shapes...It's not a perfect world I know, but my native brothers and sisters should be able to share this type of thing so we can show how ignorant these people are and much more, uninformed of us as a people... Without knowledge one shouldn't speak or mistreat another person because of their choices, class and skin color...That is still a dream for us as native people, because skin color does matter to some people still...and that determines how they treat that person... I am not saying that these "rednecks" are everywhere, trotting around on horses burning crosses and wearing white hoods, I am saying that ignorance is alive and well, because people like Aaron, Sherri and Pam are uneducated and misinformed of the native peoples. I represent my people to the fullest when I go out because I want to do my part in educating and promoting our heritage. And rednecks are not all "white" people either. I know of native people who are so lost as to who they are, they treat their own kind as the stereotypical good-for-nothing indians or place themselves on a higher pedestal than everyone else. Some of my best friends are white! (Just so I am not taken out of context...) A redneck is obviously a racist or a prejudiced person. You mean to tell me that they don't exist? How about the time my friend (who is also native and has long hair) and I were walking down the streets of Grande Prairie and a truckload of "white boys" drove by shouting "F***ing indians!"...Or the time I was driving in my car and a truckload of "white kids" pulled up to me at a set of lights and when I turned off on green they threw garbage at my car? Trust me they do exist...And trust me, when you are the victim you get angry and you tell people what happened...You share your experience because you are hurt, and you want someone to tell you that these things happen but you have to keep your head up and ignore the ignorant... There are a lot of people out there who do the same thing as I do (promoting cultural awareness), and people I look up to and admire for being a positive force, like these yankee females who are rebelling for their female kind. I am proud to say that these people are my inspirations, and some are even my friends. There are natives who are champions of native issues through their music and outreach work. They are an excellent example of those who are not afraid to bring awareness to native issues. People like them have influenced me to open my mouth and speak those words which help to heal our native communities. People like them have shown me to open my mind, and my heart. I do hope "morons" like Aaron, Pamela and Sherru close this issue, or to further debate. Which is also helpful to us as aboriginal people. If we have the courage to speak and share with each other then we can heal our nation more effectively. If we can ALL come together and unite as a society, that WOULD be a perfect world...and so I continue to do MY part... Pemala: I think you're PARANOID. Sherri: I think YOU'RE the lowlife. And, please, learn proper grammar when ranting. Aaron: You're just plain psycho! Get off your fat a*s in front of the computer and get a life. You have no real friends. People like you will never make anything of themselves. You guys are doomed for life... I pity you white trash. You're children, grandchildren or great grandchildren will come out deformed. Either way, you're foolishness ill bring you bad luck for the rest of your lives.


Get off of your High Horse Jacob!

#140Consumer Comment

Thu, August 26, 2004

Better yet STOP SCREWING IT!! You are the MAJOR MORON to advocate women to be golddigging WHORES! Anyone bragging to death on a MICHEAL MOORE BOARD about how much they can use men up for money makes them a GOLDDIGGING, s**t, w***e MORON and you are the IDIOT for not telling your tramps to take it to another board! DO you have PMS (PEON, MasculineLESS Syndrome) because you don't have ONE ounce of sense in your head to think people are supposed to tolerate rate w***e BRAGGING about their JEZEBELLIAN WHOREISM! You are Probaly PSYCHO Gabriella in disgusie AGAIN and are you her PIMP mad because she was too hurt up to make money for you? You are an GUTTER IDIOT!!! Take you are your kindergarden questions back to your special ED class where it belongs!!! Aaron you are a GENTLEMAN keep up the GOOD WORK on this board! And Debbie YES I DO profess GOD on this board, if you don't like it TOUGH! If you can profess being a golddiggin' s**t! Then I can profess in GOD! This is AMERICA, LAND of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and that includes the CHRISTIAN FAITH! Don't think you can dominate this board with your worthless, lezzie, liberal, LUNACY


Lake Mills,
Church has changed ..The only thing wrong with the Republican party is that they want to get rid of the middle class.

#141Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2004

Debbie, I used to feel like you. All that I saw at church was a bunch of hipocrites who on Sunday were at their best and so were their children. But as soon as they left church if the kids were good thay were rewarded and the whole family went back to back stabbing, lying and cheating, and being selfish and condescending to those in need. just not really being a christian. Lots of the new Evangelical Churches are different. I even went to a baptist church while on vacation in Arizona that is changing its ways. It is because of the Pastor. They have a program that feeds the needy and gives them clothes and blankets. It is up to the Pastors to make the difference in the Church and it is up to us to demand they preach the truth not what the others want to hear. We the congregation need to demand that the Pastor Preeches the truth and not just beat around the bush afraid to upset his parishoners. He also needs to confront them on their behavior. The Bible is GODS word and his instruction on how to live a long happy and fullfilled life. It was his intentions that the followers of Christ be blessed so that they could bless others. This Country was blessed because The people who came here prayed for a place to be able to be free to practice their religion with out anyone dictating to them where to, how to, and when to. I just read an article which put a new spin on the Indians as well. They would look up to the sky at night and say " Great Spirit we know you are there and we want to know who you are". That is why God brought the settlers here they wanted a place of freedom and the Indians wanted to know God. We just didn't behave like christians and took what we wanted with out asking or paying a fair price for it. The problems today are not going to be able to be solved by one man. It doesn't matter who we vote for as long as we pray that GOD will intervene and end this madness that we call terrorism. We also need to pray for peace and prosperity for the entire world not just our own Country. As long as this Country continues to believe in God and support Israel we will be blessed. But, if we turn our backs on his people he just may turn his back on us. After all everything belongs to GOD! And We can do nothing with out him. My problem with the way things have been going is that we let others with different beliefs come and live in this land of freedom and now they want to change the way our forefathers set up our entire country. The only reason there was ever any mention of church and state was to make sure that the Government could not make people go to the same church with the same doctrine and to practice one religion. That is why they left england they were being made to go to the KINGS church and had to do as the KING made them. The King even outlawed the printing of the Bible and the only ones allowed to have a Bible were the Church leaders. The primer that was used to teach the children in colonial days was the Bible. They were taught to read the Ten Commandments which taught them Morals and Values. It would be something if today we were even able to see a copy of the Ten Commandments inside of a school house. A neighboring community here just asked a music teacher to remove the religious items from his office one of the items was the Ten Commandments. He refused and put in his resignation. I would much rather see the Ten Commandments,Psalms, and Prayers in a teachers office than a picture of Hitler or some other freak with their beliefs posted. I am sure other parents would feel the same way except for those who believe there is no God. I am sure they would agree that it is better than some crazy persons ideas who thinks that he is a God. The only thing wrong with the Republican party is that they want to get rid of the middle class. They want to be the ones who run the country with the rest of us working for them. They have been for big business for years look what they just did when they changed the limit for salaried people not to get paid for overtime. Our Nurses and other health care employees will now not only be over worked they are going to be under paid and not really care about whether or not someone is there when their shift is over. Why should they stay after they have put in their 40 hours or 8 depending on how they are scheduled. I would much rather have someone caring for me who is not overworked and angry because they are now working for free. Sure it helped out alot of people who were not getting the overtime pay but it is hurting others who were getting paid and now will not be. Look how they let the Big businesses send their work overseas we are now in a bad way again. Where are the jobs that were promised and I don't mean the ones that pay minimum wage or a little better. Here in the midwest you can live on 25 grand a year granted you don't live very well but, all of your needs are met and you have money in a savings and can take a small vacation every year. That is if you only have a family of three. We sure won't be able to anymore thanks to the high gas and fuel oil prices along with all the companies that sent their jobs over seas and to Mexico. Many places here are closing their doors because they cannot afford the fuel to ship their products and cannot expect to pass on the higher prices to the consumer because they were affected by the fuel prices as well. The cost of living is going up 95% faster than the raises are. Look at all the bankruptcies in the last few years. Ever since Bush went into office it has been going down hill for the middle class. They are the largest group of people and they pay almost all of the taxes. The poor don't pay taxes they get it back in the end. The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income. So what if the rich have to pay a little more of their money at least they have it to pay. There should also be an income limit for those who get to recieve the Social Security benefits when they retire. Those in public office should not get it at all. They are the ones who spent it all over the years. Now for Michael Moores Movie: 1 what makes a movie a documentary? 2 Was what he filmed true? 3 should we really care? for number 1 a documentary is a film about an event, place or person, hmmmm It seems to fit. 2 Well from what I have heard yes he used news reports that were true reports. For the rest of it I don't know I didn't see it. 3 I don't really care it isn't going to sway me one way or another. I just want to know which one is going to protect my country if it is needed. I want to know which one is going to make sure that the laws in this country are followed by the the Judges who seem to have decided to make new laws and not follow the constitution. I also want to make sure that he is listening to the people who are really the ones who decide what laws we want enacted. This is supposed to be of the people and by the people and for the people. Not one man who decides for all or one court who decides for all. As for all the name calling Please people we can do better. We all have a right to our opinion we don't all have to agree. Its too bad that we couldn't have come up with two better candidates for President than we did. But we didn't so lets just find out which is the lessor of the two evils and pick one. And, this is supposed to be about a rip off and I think we can say that yes we are getting ripped off by the govt but how can we change it??


Sorry Jacob that LOW CLASS like you

#142Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2004

is offended by Christians that stand up for themselves! You are the type that think Christians are supposed to remain slapped around and not defend themselves or their faith. So I have some questions for a moronic low-life like you: 1. Do you actually take your pants off when you urinate? 2. Being Breast fed by mommy ends before one years only and NOT 30 True or False? 3. If you have 2 inches that means you have to get come growth pills? True or False? 4. Drooling is not classy. True or False? 5. When you are so overweight it causes you to have breathing problems, that means seek a doctor and fitness GURU! 6. When your goldigging stable are not doing their jobs on the street corners, but busy defending their slutty lifestyle on a MICHAEL MOORE BOARD, it's time to set them straight! 7. Acne at 30 does not mean puberty arrived late! Take your Hollywood and Vine/Bourbon street junk back to the PROSTITUTES category! This is a Michael Moore board! If you can't read, get mommy (or your nurse) to help you!


Bush Is An Elitist, Condescending, Golddigging ASSwipe

#143Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2004

Pam, Sherri and Aaron are total idiots. All they know in their vocabulary is "w***e" and "s**t" because those are the kind of women they were born from, raised by, and surrounded by. Are you 3 idiots sitting there in your frat houses or dorm rooms, drinking beer and making up rants right before midnight? GROW UP AND GET BACK TO THE SUBJECT! You're probably all the same psycho. Morons: you're obviously in the mold of the idiot you call commander in chief. Did you ever take the time to consider that Bush is an elitist? That most of his chief supporters are elitist billionaires? Do you idiots think before you RANT? No, clearly you didn't. That would require thinking before you shoot off your mouths and scribble some unfounded nonsense. You call these women fat bitches (I doubt it, compared to southerners), but then that would make you guys nothing but POOR low-life s***k lovers. Also, why would these yankee women be golddiggers if they're already millionaires makin their own money?? Think, McFly! Think! 'Me and my pals Roy, Junior, and Bubba (that's them above) have a lot of fun hanging out at the Happy Crawfish trailer park at night and listenin to the bug-zapper fry them little buggers while drinkin a cold one and telling some stories.' 25 Question Test for Aaron, Pamela and Sherri 1. A menstrual cycle has three wheels. True or False 2. Asphalt describes rectal problems. True or False 3. Spread Eagle is an extinct bird. True or False 4. Vagina is a medical term used to describe a Heart Attack. True or False 5. The clitoris is a type of flower. True or False 6. A G-string is part of a fiddle. True or False 7. Semen is a term for sailors. True or False 8. Anus is a Latin term for yearly. True or False 9. Testicles are found on an Octopus. True or False 10. A pubic hair is a wild rabbit. True or False 11. KOTEX is a radio station in Cincinnati. True or False 12. m********e is used to catch large fish. True or False 13. Coitus is a musical instrument. True or False 14. Fetus is a character on Gunsmoke. True or False 15. An umbilical cord is part of a parachute. True or False 16. A condom is a large apartment complex. True or False 17. An orgasm is a person who accompanies a church choir. True or False 18. A diaphragm is a drawing in geometry. True or False 19. A d***o is a variety of sweet pickle. True or False 20. An erection is when Japanese people vote. True or False 21. A l*****n is a person from the Middle East. True or False 22. Sodomy is a special land of fast growing grass. True or False 23. Pornography is the business of making records. True or False 24. Genitals are people of non-Jewish origin. True or False 25. d****e is the French word for "twelve." True or False


Bill...Thanks for stating the obvious.

#144Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 24, 2004

Hey everybody, Bill just told us that blind people can't see, and deaf people can't hear. That's great. Did you get that off of an old episode of KUNG-FU or what? Listen young grasshopper, Michael Moron is a liar. I'm glad people see his so-called documentary, then we can see who is sharp and who is not. Hey Debbie.... I don't subscribe to church doctrine either. I CHOOSE to worship in my own way. The fact that you think that CHURCHES dictate Christianity, just goes to show your ignorance and co-dependence on the establishment. You need to learn to think for yourself and quit depending on MEN of the establishment! The King James version of the bible is incomplete. What was left out is just as important as what was included. Take it for what it is. You need to research your faith. I actually went back and read Kathleen's (New Yorker)rebuttal. I fealt that I should at least read all of her posting. After reading it, I have but one thing to say: You're crazier than a s**t-house rat! Sorry EDitor, but I just couldn't help myself. In the future Kathleen, if you'll break up your paragraph blocks a little more, then your post will be easier to read. We're looking at a computer screen not holding the NY Times. Thanks! I did however like your UN-American speech. You should explain this to Michael Moron and Ted Kennedy.



#145Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

All she said was that God supplies her needs and she doesn't need to be some slutty golddigger! Now you don't have a problem with posts promoting women their hussie golddigging posts. But when someone mentions the word "God" here you come with the "hypocrite" rambles. Wanting women's rights but advocate women to be golddigging sluts; doesn't that make you a hypocrite? I would think so! Thank GOD for God. Cause without him, there would be more psycho golddigging lunatics taking this board off the subject! If whores can mention their golddigging hobbies, then God can be mentioned. Get over it, there's nothing you can do!


Flame throwing responses

#146Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

As I sit here in my cozy little office reading the post on this subject it gives me pause to reflect on just how spiteful some people can be. Have I seen MM's movie? Nope and I don't intend too. In the first place, I have seen several excerpts of the movie and most of what I have seen leads me to believe it is little more then a work of total fiction. Hence the problem. If it is indeed fiction then it should not be billed as a documentry. If it is a documentry then he sould be able to quote sources etc to prove his points. Any good jounalist would do that simply to protect his/her own reputation. If it is simply someone's personal opinion then again it should not be billed as a documentry. And now to all those who chose to flame others rather then admit to their own ignorance: There are none so blind as those who will not see. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.


In the honorable words of Nathan Bedford Forrest:

#147Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 23, 2004

Pamela..........Thank you! Thank YOU! THANK YOU! You KICK-a*s! One of these days, we'll take ATLANTA back. I promise! In the honorable words of Nathan Bedford Forrest: YOU GIVE 'EM HELL!



#148Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 23, 2004

Kathleen.... I read the first few sentences of your rebuttal and stopped. I can't really comment on you rebuttal because I refuse to read it all after you explained what your background was. Yeah, we did get off the subject somewhat and for that I apologize. I'm going to try at this point to be a little more diplomatic with my ranting. Not for losers such as yourself, but for the EDitor of this site. Hey Pamela, YOU SAID IT! YOU NEED TO PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! Thanks for showing your hypocrisy! You need some Ralph Stanley in your musical library. Hell, maybe HE should run for President. He is a CONSERVATIVE ARTIST with REAL VALUES that are honest. He actually had to work for a living and doesn't pay $30,000 a month in rent. I doubt he's ever had a manicure either! Oh yeah and Debbie... You don't even understand OUR country's most SACRED doctrine. You've never read it have you? It doesn't even speak of this separation. By the way, separation of CHURCH and STATE means just that. You're getting the words CHURCH and GOD mixed-up. GOD is part of this country's doctrine. You need to accept this country's history or move to France or some other fruitcake liberal country. Maybe Canada? I'm actually kind of tired of this subject. I can prove all of my points through life's experiences. There's GOOD people all over this land. There's also plenty of BAD and most are in CA, NY, and FL. I've been to these places and I've seen these people at their best. As long as people like most NEW YORKERS let folks like MICHAEL MOORE do their thinking for them, this debate will continue. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! YOU NEED IT! I PRAY THAT YOU WILL SEE THE TRUTH: ALL POLITICIANS ARE FULL OF s**t! This includes both Kerry and BUSH: rich men who think that they are leaders. They are both dishonest rich men. Either man is going to cost this country a lot of money. Only one is willing to keep us safe. Figure that out for yourselves! It all boils down to the lesser of two evils. This will be my last post on this subject for a while. I'm going fishing. I'llcheck back in a week or two to find out how many more LIBERAL NORTHEASTERNERS have bought into the dishonest michael moron movie. Adios Muchahchos! Maybe I should have said that in french! Ya think?


Lake Mills,
Please read the Constitution word for word not any of the ammendments just the constitution

#149Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

There is no mention of a separation of Church and State in the Constitution. It was mentioned in a letter that was written. I can't remember who wrote it right now but I will look it up and get back to you.


New York,
I STILL haven't seen a GOOD response to the question of what the "rip-off" is......

#150Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2004

...and for the life of me see where this is the symposium for political debate. It's a "Beware of Scams" informational site. That's how I got here to stumble across this incredible vitriole. But I wish to, as a Yankee Northeasterner, dog AND cat lover, bleeding-heart-liberal mother of 2, grandmother of 5 and arrogance-hater in ALL it's forms, contribute these 2 American cents (I promise, it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with my sex-life nor a disposition on sexual morals): It seems to me some the contributors of comments and aspersions cast here still do not have the bigger picture: the one that tells us that truly history does repeat itself...and repeat itself...and repeat itself, sometimes in very unattractive ways. We have people old enough to know better by their experiences but refuse to help the young acquire the power to change what's not working and make it better. Instead, they resort to name-calling of those with differing opinions (an American ideal, if there ever was one) and foster ill-conceived notions that everything they ever read in their history books is correct and true...and, by all means, we Americans did the right thing...ALWAYS. I mean, they HAVE to JUSTIFY their arrogance, don't they? These are the ideals they promote and pass to some who are only to eager to listen and absorb, rightly or wrongly. The guy who called them 'fascist' nailed it. Why? Well, history books (which are ONLY written by the "WINNERS" of such revolutions) are are absolutely "right", right? I mean, just ask the Caribbean Indians about how much fun Chris Columbus was while he and his men were destroying the lives and families of those who welcomed him. He was just chock full of 'democracy' and we laud him, never teaching the part about him wiping out an entire race of people in his quest for spices. Ask the descendants of Powhattan, if you can find them. The list of our missteps is endless. That is not to undermine those with good intentions but remember: WE did NOT invent the wheel. Are there any 60- or 70-year olds out there that remember watching TV westerns where "bad Indians" were raiding some military fortress and Oh, how mad we were at those awful "savages"? How we cheered when the "good guys" shot them off their horses. But we also sat right there and watched these same "savages" overrun by the Spanish, French and British, destroying their villages and whole societies 50 years prior but what, that was OK?. Did we never put this together? Excuse me? I think we were raiding and insinuating ourselves into someone ELSE'S homeland? And now we call it 'home'. Why, we had a taste of that ourselves, didn't we? And I see that not one of us likes the idea of 9/11. The real 9/11. But no one seems to be concerned about the reasons why the idea of 9/11 came to pass, was so horrifically executed and more than that, WHAT are we going to DO about it?. There is a DIFFERENCE between honest outrage and prideful arrogance. Enter: Dubya Draftdodger and his nemesis Michael Moore as despicable as he MAY be (I don't KNOW either one, do you?) As I see it, "Americanism" is an Ideal, a culture, a way of life and, by the way, has nothing at all to do with religion...ANYONE'S religion except the freedom to practice, a by-product of the overall ideal. So why should countries or states with their own way of doing things be dominated by the neighborhood bully? Adams and Franklin had a great and bold idea and tried to set forth a wish list of altruistic things to strive for, for the COMMON good of the people NOT run around the world and try to foist these STILL unfinished conclusions upon others when we don't even have it right, here at home. Case in point: the preceding discussion that shows exactly how divided we really are and unmindful of our TRUE past which, whether we are truthful OR NOT, IS STILL OUR PAST. We have committed as many evils as the next guy but OUR history books are NOT going to teach THOSE things to our children. Spewing the moniker "UNPATIOTIC" at those who do not agree with you does NOT make it so just because YOU, who is an old fart who's age you think brings you validity and should know better, said so. People of age AND education have a DUTY to stop this, Mr. Dale City. We have a duty to not only see, appreciate and try to impart ALL ASPECTS of what have been our experiences and our insight so that others might benefit from what we know and think but, HOPEFULLY what we DON'T YET know and think. Old farts like you and I come down on only 2 sides of this spectrum and there are many more sides not vented here. The truth is: we DON'T have all the answers. Whether liberal or conservative, EVERYONE has something VALID to give. The guy YOU think of as 'UNAmerican' might be the same guy saving your worthless behind someday. Always gotta beware of burning those bridges. Calling an American UNAMERICAN is about as UNAMERICAN as UnAmerican can be. And YOU have absolutely NO right to call a man who is still young enough to fight and die for a rich man's selfish interest in oil, "UNAmerican". YOU fought in some war? Good for you. Bush didn't, so it's said. Now sit down and shut up while America's first APPOINTED (I AM sure of THAT) president in our history proceeds to make sure he and his friends die rich while MY sons get to die to help them all line their pockets. Who REALLY BELIEVES our administration gives one, tiny rat's behind if Iraqis live in tin-roofed huts and women run around clothed head to toe in 110 degree heat? If you or anybody thinks this war is about ANYTHING but OIL and MONEY, well, what can I say? Ignorance is everywhere. I notice we refuse to negotiate with and are pulling OUT of Korea who really DOES have the bomb. How comforting. Yep, we've got real winners in this White House. But this is only MY opinion. An honest DISCUSSION ensues. To the people who contributed in thoughtful response, I appreciate this discussion and have enjoyed reading [some] of it. I simply ask you all to be more open-minded where you can so that we might ALL benefit by your solutions. Try to understand the "other guy's" point of view in an UNarrogant way, respond and compromise. That's how peace is made. The best thing to do with guys like Dale City is to ignore them. They'll die soon...gazing up at their arrogant patriarchs. The BEST part of them ran down their father's leg. Sincerely, a Reagan voter Now back to our regular programming: scams.


Wow Pamela....

#151Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2004

...Now I remember why I quit going to church. You are the opitome of "hypocrit". When I read anything that you, or Aaron for the matter, have written recently, I think of two things. One being, "he who is without sin cast the first stone" AND... A song written and performed by Reba Rambo. Maybe ya'll should check it out. "All around you see God's plastic people, all dressed up playing church" "they hide behind their robes and stained glass windows" "They don't and they haven't seen... reality" This was supposed to be a discussion about Micheal Moore and his movie. Due to the fact that the movie is politically based well I understand how it turned into a political debate. There is a reason why there is a separation of church and state. It is attempt to keep heretics and zealots out of our everyday life. Right now there are two posting here and I don't remember Micheal Moore making a religious documentory.


Hey Jeff ... DETROIT: The largest shit-hole of them all.

#152Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 22, 2004

Is that you the best that you can do ya silly freak. DETROIT: The largest s**t-hole of them all. Are all the people in Detroit as stupid as you? Way to be creative. I bet Detroit has a real good education system...........NOT!!! Was creative writing just too much for ya? Why can't ya'll up there build better cars? Jesus, you make all Americans look bad with such shitty quality manufacturing. Again that all goes back to your educational system up there in NEW Islam, Michigan. What an ignorant fool you are? Was your mama retarded or just you? I would have bet that anybody like yourself would vote for Kerry, you see the democratic party supports homosexuality so you're definitely in with the right crowd. Not that the Republicans don't, but then again I'm an independent voting for who I think is the best person. This post is about Michael Moore's inaccurate documentary. You're a fruitcake just like you husband. Can't you read? Is the short bus, you're traveling in, on a bumpy road or what? I would take Pamela over any of your rag-head libby gold-diggin' bitches anyday. The shortbus is calling your name. You'd better ask your husband if it's o.k. though before you go to some resource program fo morons...... Michael Moore is a sensationalist liar..............DISCUSS..............



#153Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2004

Aaron, I can see that guys like you who have a problem with women like some crazy psycho is probably gay. Now, I have nothing against gays, but you sure prove to be one bull-headed gay. I would call you the other word, but I know the mods would just delete it. Why don't you shut your pie-hole PSYCHO? Because of you.... I'M VOTING FOR KERRY. Thanks. By the way, she may have called you a pisswipe, but I think you're A DICKWIPE. Same goes for ugly Pamela... the butch l*****n I predict you will marry if you two met.


HA! HA! Gabriella - The WHORE HOUSE LOON is mad! RAN to get her PIMP Douglas "the littleman" LOSER!

#154Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2004

AHHHHH!!!! Is poor Gabriella feelings hurt? And WHO are you calling "hypocritical" and "self-righteous"? YOU are thge one that way since you have been PSYCHO babbling about chasing wallets! NO I don't have too! And Douglass, for you to be so offended over independent women does you a FRUITCAKE! You are JEALOUS you can't be a woman so you resort at hoping women are golddigging, trashy losers like poor Gabriella just to make you feel better about not being born a woman! OR you are just a monster looking maniac that's mad no woman in their RIGHT mind would even take a glance and your pittly change it not even good enough! OR you feel threatened because there are independent women in this world that don't have to w***e around being wallet chasing BIMBOS! More independent women are growing in the US and you can't STAND to take orders from them! HA! HA! OR I think you are ELIZABETH pretending to be a MAN which makes you a poor, wallet chasing loser! Be WOMAN enough to talk to me YOURSELF! Don't be to chicken crap to hide behind identities! LMAO!!!! "No rich man would want me" WHO CARES!!! I have GOD to give me the riches and that's all I need! I don't need to be some wallet chasing trash like Gabriella! "fat"? Sorry! NOPE! Even if I was, I would be a FAT RICH WOMAN that don't need worthless waste of manhood like you to depend to get money! And Gabriella, WHO are you kidding?? You ain't got NO MONEY!!! IF you did, you wouldn't go on this rageful crusade speaking out on w***e RIGHTS!!! OHHHH I see, you are the onr who screwed the English actor! The LA prostitute! Got $2 mil and it slipped right through your fingers right??????? Now you are BROKE and on the STREETS!!! LMAO!!!! Well it doesn't matter, just go to "Swank SKANKS" Strip club where you belong, may "Douglas" will tip you $2 bucks for a table dance!! Until then, you ain't fooling NOBODY with your w***e CASH COW FANTASIES LITTLE GIRL!!!! To Lorenzo, WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT being educated?? Being that your name is "Lorenzo" leaves me surprised that you even heard of the word!


Yes there are ladies left in the world!

#155Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2004

THANKS AARON AND SHERRY! I like the way you put it Aaron when you said "Jezebellian, Whores!" FUNNY and SOOOO TRUE!!! Minds like that have to come from strippers and women with the "Girls Gone Wild" mentality! To Donald I like cats, but I LOVE dogs! Big, short haired dogs! FOUR legged! NOT TWO legged! I agree with Sherry, this is a Michael Moore topic, not Hussy h*o' hounds on the prowl!" Maybe it was deliberate to take the subject off of Bush and Michael Moore!


HEY DONALD, you silly freak.. I guess FL ain't all that bad

#156Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2004

Sherry said that you had little ding ding! HAAA! HA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I just about threw up on myself I've been laughing so hard! That's great! Thanks for the laugh Sherry. I guess FL ain't all that bad. At least you folks have a sense of humor.


Practice what you preach

#157Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 20, 2004

Thanks for reminding these fools what this post is about. I appreciate it. The last people in the world who should be talking about proper English is some s**t-head from NJ. Good call jerky! Are we supposed to talk you? Practice what you preach. Hey Douglas, Pamela doesn't need to experience all that materialistic s**t that you spoke of to have ambition. Your statement shows just what just what a fool you are. $700,000? What are you dumbasses paying for land out there in freakland? Or should we just start refering to CA as Mexico? You sound like a man who owns cats yourself, by the way. There's nothing quite as masculine as a man and his cats. Leave Pamela alone, she's a lady. Well.........I guess you could be considered that too, fruitcake! Hey Pamela....You need to relax. I was taking your side and after reading your last post, I would just like to say: YOU ROCK! Thanks for the proper insight into what being a LADY is about. The whole cooking thing was just an example; An example to piss-off hollow bitches like GABRISMELLA PSYCHO-DELLA. The fact that any of you choose a mate based on income is sad. Simply sad and hollow. I look at the inside and always have, not the materialistic outside. I can't explain GOOD WHOLESOME SENSE to you folks. Each and every time you bring that up, you show how dirty your soul is. New Yorkers are evidentally the poorest educated folks on this planet. New Jersey is obviously right behind them. I can't believe some of the s**t that you folks come up with. I guess all that concrete has fried most of your brains. I've finally figured it out. Gabrielle is a stripper. Why else would so many men be asking to marry her? Do you work at SCORES? Have you been on STERN, yet? How 'bout GIRLS GONE WILD?The only reason that you're getting so many propositions is because the lights are so dim. I bet Douglas is sitting around loving on his cats, watching a GIRLS GONE WILD video as we speak! Hey s****.. Thanks again Pamela for your insight. I especially appreciate the fact that you too let these fruit-cakes and their liberal agenda know that they are unwanted in the South. Once again, we're not moving up their in droves, they're moving here. STAY IN THE BIG ROTTEN APPLE.... You're ruining the place DOWN here! Oh yeah.... Hey mister NJ.... Our short temper is do to our strong Scotch-Irish blood. You need to take a Sociology class or two in order to know what the hell it is you're talking about. People just can't stand themselves UP there, can they? They've got to come up with s**t off the tops of their tiny little brains. Hey Michelle.... What makes you say that Michael Moore is telling the truth? Have you researched this film? Have you even seen it? If you don't want so much government control on things, then the last people that you need to support are socialists like Kerry and Michael Moore. Socialist always have a larger government. Just ask dumbasses like Douglas who live in CA. There's a state just full of social programs that do nothing and the rest of us have to pay for it. I just ran some numbers on the education web-site that the US government provides. In the state of NY, 62% of blacks dropped out of high school this year. That's some educational system you folks have up there. Good statement LORENZO. Who's showing they're lack of intelligence, now? Oh yeah... Proper English would be "of intelligence" not "in intelligence." Get a life you UNEDUCATED FOOL! What a dumbass! I don't understand the part about not supporting BUSH because we made some grammatical errors. You're a rambler with know real direction to your statements. You might also need to brush-up on your compostion skills before you write another post jerky! "I don't want to get-off on a rant here......" I guess I have already, so sorry. We need to get back to what this post is about. Maybe we could if it weren't for all the UNEDUCATED MATERIALISTIC JEZEBELLIAN w***e comments being made by people that I wouldn't give a squirt of piss for. Stick that in your crack-pipe and smoke it YANKEE DUMBASSES! ONCE MORE.... Michael Moore is a sensationalist and a liar. All that you need to do is SEE his movie. That's right! I want people to see his movie. That way they can figure it out for themselves. Most of the statements made in the movie are TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT. In order to come to that conclusion, you will have research the claims made therein. I guess that means that most UNEDUCATED LIBERAL NORTHEASTERNERS will never figure it out. They're in denial and always will be. They have no idea of what CLASS really is, and that affects their reasoning skills when it comes to truth. Trust me: Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves due to the NORTHEASTERN socialist agenda being spued all over this country. Maybe we should succeed the UNION again and fence-off S. Florida. Maybe then we could have a working REPUBLIC of the people, like the tyrant ABE Lincoln once spoke of and like our founding fathers designed. NJ sucks! It is a bigger cess-pool than NY! Full of turds also!


Cedar Rapids,

#158Consumer Comment

Thu, August 19, 2004

I don't know why it scares people like you to have others watch Michael Moore's film. I don't see you protesting outside movie theaters showing other films. I Is it because it scares you to see the TRUTH? Anyway it's people like you that make our government so controlling, trying to make theaters drop a film because a group of you people don't want other to see. If it bothers you so bad go home and pick on the neighbors dog or better yet go become a cop or rent-a-cop.


This subject is about Micheal Moore!

#159Consumer Comment

Thu, August 19, 2004

None of these golddigging posts pertains to Farenheit 9/11. So takes these perverted posts elsewhere! In fact, why don't you Gabriella go to the Prostitutes section int's the ROR seach engine you know and take Donald with you. Maybe having to pay women to sleep with you so they can keep quiet about your little man downstairs is a ripoff! This is about the 9/11 movie not hussie heros! "Don't hate me. Hate the men who fall for me." Gabriella - Long Island, New York No Sweetie, what we hate is the what we could catch from the kind of men that fall for you.


Long Island,
New York,
APOLOGY... to bitter, jealous, self-righteous, hypocritical women like you

#160Consumer Comment

Thu, August 19, 2004

You know what, I apologize Pamela, for having everything served on a silver platter to me by men all the time. I'm sorry that although I was not born with a silver spoon, men who have been born with silver spoons fall in love with me without ever asking me how much I earn. See, I don't have to tell them how much I earn. They can tell how sophisticated I am and would do anything for me. I've had men asking me to marry them every month. I don't even try. I just sit there and let them know how intelligent I am. From that, they perceive me to be someone with her own money and they would like to marry someone with a heart and a brain. And although I have never had plastic surgery in my entire life and was born lucky enough to have men asking me to marry them my whole life, I am so sorry that bitter, jealous, self-righteous, hypocritical women like you are upset about that. It's funny how men can go out with and have sex with as many women as they want, but if a woman wants to go for a man for his money, she has to wear the scarlett letter because of narrow-minded people like you. Don't hate me. Hate the men who fall for me.



#161Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2004

Rich men wouldn't go for trash like Pamela anyway. I think Pamela's the FAT one sitting in front of her comp all day and crying because no rich man would go for someone as ugly and undignified as her. SHE'S JUST BITTER AND JEALOUS. I make money and I would never go for a dumb loser like you anyway. I want a woman who's smart and wouldn't bow down low for anyone. I WOULD RATHER GO FOR A WOMAN WHO MAKES HER OWN MONEY AND WOULD NEVER GO FOR SOME BUM OFF THE STREET. I ONLY GO FOR THE CREAM OF THE CROP. I go for the angels who can fly, not pitiful trash like you. Girls like Pamela will never experience $50 million dollar properties, expensive restaurants, hard to get into clubs and rub elbows with celebrities, top businessmen and doctors around the world. THEY HAVE NO REAL AMBITION. Pamela's going to grow old with her cats and spend the rest of her life feeding the pigeons in her backyard... if she'll ever be able to afford one on her own. She seems like the type of person to enjoy that. I know women who bought their first houses, by themselves, not long after college, off of their own earnings and refuse to go for men who make less than them. They were just little girls, in my opinion and their average home is $700,000. When did you buy your first home, WITHOUT ANY HELP? YOU'LL MAKE NOTHING OF YOURSELF.


New Jersey,
You poor suckers just prove how stupid Pres. Bush really is

#162Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2004

Well, I can see that girls like Pamela don't know how to speak proper English in Atlanta. She probably didn't go past the 8th grade. What a psycho... Atleast, New yorkers are well-educated. You poor suckers just prove how stupid Pres. Bush really is because you represent the uneducated way of speaking properly. Your short temper is representative of your lack in intelligence. You now made me realize that I wouldn't want this country ruled by ignorant, unclassy fools like Pamela and Aaron. I am definitely voting for Kerry, now. Thanks for helping with my decision and for helping with Kerry's campaign.


We don't claim her.............

#163Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 18, 2004

We don't claim anna nice-hole. Trust me there's a few gold-diggin' bitches down here also. There usually second or third generation Southerners. You see, they're grandparents floated in here from snow-bird land. They usually come from the larger cities down here. Anna is from Dallas. Dallas isn't quite as big of a s**t-hole as NY but they share the same co-dependency problems. Actually we think of these big city folks as heathen yankees like yourself. We also don't claim the Dixie Chicks (aka Communist Whores). Natalie Manes has absolutely no talent. The two sisters are the true talent of the band, but they've sold their musical soul for the greenback dollar. That makes them gold-diggin' whores also. The music business is as screwed-up and divided as the politics in this country. The only reason that the Dixie Bitches ever made it was because of Natalie Mane's Daddy: LLoyd Manes. He is a producer and studio musician. So as you can see they had to have a MAN to hand them their success. The two sisters actually fired the lead singer so Natalie could join the band. You see that way they had a better shot at a record deal even though Natalie isn't much of a singer. I get her and Kenny Chesney mixed up alot. They both like men. So as you can see, there are gold-diggers everywhere, there's just more in big cities like NY. It's because of your co-dependency up there. Enjoy your manicures..... NOW.....BACK TO DEBATE....Michael Moore is a liar and sensationalist and his work only appeals to liberals with hidden agendas...............



#164Consumer Comment

Tue, August 17, 2004

Sorry PATHETIC women like Gabriella, Eleizabeth and Jaime are JOKES! They are the SPOOFS of shows like Howards Stern, Jenny Jones and Jerry Springer!!! PURE JOKES! I bet all of them are ELEIZABETH in disguise because when she posted that crap NOTHING was posted in agreement until I posted against the CRAP she said! Plus if NY was SO ALL THAT, then WHY are so many of you New Yorkers running down here to HOTLANTA! And you Gabriella say "why have a Vagabond" YOU are the VAGABOND wallent cahsing SAD BUM that needs men for cash! Why don't you use that money and HELP your man it leads to more blessings! But you would't know about that! And HOW does golddigging help women "move up"? Keep those low down tramp tales to yourself! You are a sad loser little girl that's afraid to work for yourself! Well, maybe in the world oldest profession! No I am not a housewife and I don't like to cook, I don't have kids, and I REFUSE to depend on a man for money and be a wallet chasing BUM BIMBO like you "three"!



#165Consumer Comment

Tue, August 17, 2004

You are STUPID! Put YOUR claws away instead of shoving them in that itty bitty brain of yours! Elizabeth is the one that said it's ok for women to be golddiggers, if she made so much money, she wouldn't have to do that!!! But YES there are women AND MEN with money that GOLDDIG!!! You are a STUPID LITTLE GIRL That can't take the heat of REALITY! And "ghetto"??? Take your simpleton HEE-HAW a*s BACK to the TRAILER PARK or are you a THIRD WORLD LITTLE GIRL that needed to be a mail bride to get a dime! YES I DO depend on GOD to get money! HE instills the educatiiopn if REAL life and ideas in business and the working world so you don't have to depend on a man to get money! I guess the truth hurts ROTFLMAO!!!!! Feel the pain LOSER LITTLE GIRL!!!! Getting so defensive over this issue must me your bimbo loser waste IS ELIZABETH disgusied as "Jaime"! You are a FAT LARD WASTE that has to depend on money from men instead of making it on your own! You allow men to treat you like crap so you can get another dime! Maybe that's you NY women do it since you BRAGGED about NY women being golddiggers IDIOT! Go back to your FLEA DUMP and LEARN to read! Get off of your man's computer and make more money for yourself! Golddigging HOGGLETT!


Gabrismella Psychodella....................

#166Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 16, 2004

Ike Turner called you Gabrismella. Why don't you give him s**t for awhile you silly wabbit. Or better yet, give us your opinion of Michael Moore's movie. Were you not able to read the first post? Or were you too busy helping the needy to become a silly w***e like yourself? Blah, blah, Blah, BAAAAAAAAAH! Just a thought for you libbers: There were over 100,000 battered women last year but I still like mine plain, hold the NY.


Here we go again.........................

#167Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 16, 2004

First of all............. Mike..... Just in case you didn't know, George Bush was born in the Northeast. Connecticut, your home state, to be exact. What a dumbass you are. My biggest problem is that I HAVE traveled all over the world. I've been to the far east and I've been to the european block. I see people for what they truly are and you folks simply can't handle the truth. I've been to NY city and Chicago and these two cities are truly s**t-holes. I was just as miserable in manhatten as I was flying over your shitty twnBut this shitty town is part of my country. It makes me feel bad because people like me were unable to tell you folks about what good living is about. It's not about 24 hour service, gymnasiums and other bullshit that has no place. I can't help it if you dumbasses let the water get so bad up there that you can't swim in it anymore. YOU PEOPLE are hollow and have no soul. WHY ELSE WOULD YOU STUPID BITCHES ARGUE WITH A LIGHTPOLE? And no.......I'm not glad that abunch of fundamentalist islamic terrorists crashed planes into the world trade center. 3500 of my fellow Americans died on that day partly due to the ineptness of the Clinton administration. You should say a little prayer every night before you go to bed, that this doesn't happen again. Of course, we have no mosques here in this part of the world, but your big shitty town does. These terrorits are already there living among you. But then again, you guys are more concerned with manicures, gyms, swimming pools, getting the hair waxed off your lip and back, etc. In your race to empower yourselves, you have become CO-DEPENDENT. This used to be a country of independence where it was politically correct to be a lady who raises a family. Too much women's lib has absolutely destroyed the concept of motherhood and what the family situation should be. Just ask the whores who like arguing with a lightpost! THE LIGHTPOST KNOWS ALL, BITCHES! Michael Moore is a liar likes NY Gold-diggin' bitches.... DISCUSS....


Long Island,
New York,
Talk about so much JEALOUSY... atleast keep your envy on the downlow. Don't make it so obvious.

#168Consumer Comment

Mon, August 16, 2004

Atleast I give back to the society and to the world. You want to know what money grubbing women like me do? I've given up my hard working money to the homeless on the streets and to women in India, Iraq and Afghanistan. What do worthless failures like you do, instead of complain about getting cut from their jobs and "gold-digging whores"? I give women an edge. I give them the advantage of getting hired more and more by companies. It's because of women like me that some of those "fat cats" give women more and more respect everyday, instead of keeping them at an administrative assistant level and verbally abusing/ sexually harassing them every day in the office. In fact, I have helped women file numerous reports regarding verbal abuse and sexual harassment both inside and outside the office. I have gotten men FIRED and women HIRED. Gold-digging whores like me HELP WOMEN MOVE UP IN SOCIETY. A real gold-digging w***e is someone who STEALS money from rich men. Not one woman on this board stated that she didn't have a job and was living off of their men. Get over yourselves. You men are not that worth it! Men are not worth that much to me. You are not that important. There are better things in the world than men... and a day at the spa is more important on my list. Goes to show how much your worth it to a woman with money or any woman. And besides, it inspires pitiful/jobless men out there to get better jobs and improve the economy instead of rant and rave under all that BITTERNESS and jealousy. Your face must be so green with envy, reading messages of "gold-digging whores". Like I said, get over us or get the sex change you secretly wish you had. Wipe your keyboard... you're dripping with envy in your rants. NYC women have it gooood, real good, and we'll do anything to keep it that way. The only men who complain about "gold digging whores" are men who are FAILURES and are WORTH NOTHING.



#169Consumer Comment

Sun, August 15, 2004

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AARON! By the time this ends, more and more people are going to vote for Kerry. It's cause of people like you that make people NOT want to vote for Bush. I love it when dumb southerners say stupid things like "we hate NY" and use the word "w***e" in every other sentence. Goes to show you where Bush came from. I'm sure you were HAPPY about 9/11, as well, because it happened to the world trade center in NYC. Yup, Kerry is DEFINITELY going to win! Aaron, want some more of your "words of wisdom". BRING IT ON! This is great... you southerners fall right into democrats' traps.


I think we're communicating with a lightpole all right, and that's Aaron.

#170Consumer Comment

Sun, August 15, 2004

Obviously, Aaron isn't familiar with the million dollar apartments in NYC. He doesn't know what a $30,000 a month apartment provides. Not only a huge, gorgeous apartment, but 24 hour service, your own spa, gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, whatever you want. This southern s**t hasn't lived life to the fullest. Travel the world and then maybe you'll learn something. Oh, you can't, can ya? You couldn't afford it. Southern women are the worst gold diggers, if you ask me! At least NYC women work... I mean it's bred in them to ALWAYS work even if they marry a rich guy. Example: ANNA NICOLE SMITH - THE BIGGEST (LITERALLY) SOUTHERN GOLDDIGGIN w***e ALIVE. Most southern women marry/ date rich men and don't work! Atleast women in NY either own their own business, continue to work during marriage, or have worked to gaining a high enough income that they wouldn't care if they divorced their husband and didn't get anything from him. There are women in NY and Chicago, and everywhere else, marrying/ dating rich men BELOW their income. Aaron has proved that he either has no money or has never experienced being with a SMART, rich, intelligent, elegant woman who makes her own money and refuses to marry anyone who doesn't make money. It's men and women like Aaron and Pamela that keep women down. How are women supposed to succeed if men only go for looks and can sleep with a hundred women and is considered a "big man on campus", but if a woman wants to marry someone who makes alot of money, she's called a "golddiggin w***e"? It's biased. This double standard will always be the reason why women get verbally/ physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends or any man. Women are not supposed to be opinionated and DOMINATING. They have to be submissive like Pam. No, REAL WOMEN won't bend down on their knees for men like that.


Talk about ridiculous talk!

#171Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

Get some facts before you write anything, most of your ramblings are just pissing people off. Your a total idiot. I'm done here, it's hard to argue with people who's I.Q. level is below normal. You guys just come up with things thats not even written. Idiot. You just make things up to make it sound that you're so right. Go argue with a lightpole. Aaron, ignorance kills. And your full of ignorance, no, in fact, you're overflowing with ignorance, there's no sense arguing with you cause your level of comprehension is just way out there.

Ike Turner

New York,
On a final note... You are the reason women get a bad rap

#172Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

Gabrismella Just proved my point... Let me just say MISS.AMAZON that someday you will be old, wrinkeled, and used up(your halfway past used up now). There will come a time when the closest thing to sex for you will be an enema, or a sponge bath by a nurse!! That's what I live for; seeing useless, shallow women like you age past their prime. You T&A magic will wear off in time. Someday you would beg for the 20 year old orderly that whipes your wrinkeled bum, to slip you the nine iron. And when that day comes, guys like me are somewhere laughing!! You are the reason women get a bad rap. NY women are the worst of the breed. I rate ants and maggots higher on the evolutionary scale; at least they serve a useful purpose. And for the most part, the do so without hurting the living. Take your $30,000 a month rent, along with your GUCI-hooker outfit wearing A** over to AFGANISTAN for a week, and see how long you last with your stuck up self.


Let's get back to the topic......

#173Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

Now that we've straightened-out the NY gold-diggin' w***e club manicurists, let's get back to the subject of this post. Michael Moore is a liar and sensationalist. There. I've said it. Discuss............ Jesus..... Help me out here Robert! The whores are taking over!


Hey Mark in Moronto.........................

#174Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

What kind of hippie jibberish are you talking ABOOT? Each and everyday, i wake up and wonder just what Canadienes think of my country. I wonder if they approve or dissapprove. I wonder if they're thinking about my well-being. I wonder if they're military could save us from attack. I wonder if their socialistic government would be better than ours. I wonder if waiting on a doctors appointment for six months would be better. I wonder if having open borders would let the criminals out. If you beleive that I feel this way then I've got some ice to sell to the eskimoes up there. You stated that ", Canada has had absolutely NO terrorist activity whatsoever." Obviously you don't have any real news watching activity either. What kind of fantasy-land are you folks living in. You're in denial and just wanting to stand in judgement of something better than what you have. I promise that I wont be violent. Lord knows that you pansi-assed canadiens can't handle it. Pacifism is not part of my philosophy or my country's doctrine so don't try to hand that hippie s**t off on me. Where anywhere in this posting about Michael Moore, does anybody act violent? You're just a gerbil who's scared of his own shadow. OOOOH! I'm sorry! Wouldn't want you to get scared and s**t yourself. One more thing.... The property that was stolen from you in Florida, was most likely stolen by some illegal rag-head who came through Canada because of your immigration policies and swiss-cheese borders. I hope that you don't come back. The reason that its not safe to travel is due to same things. If you don't have the answers then keep your mouth shut. Maybe a vacation in France would suit you folks better. The French just love tourists and are always cordial and accomodating. Do you believe that also? Then Europe is calling your name. F*CK CANADA!


Hey Mark in Moronto.........................

#175Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

What kind of hippie jibberish are you talking ABOOT? Each and everyday, i wake up and wonder just what Canadienes think of my country. I wonder if they approve or dissapprove. I wonder if they're thinking about my well-being. I wonder if they're military could save us from attack. I wonder if their socialistic government would be better than ours. I wonder if waiting on a doctors appointment for six months would be better. I wonder if having open borders would let the criminals out. If you beleive that I feel this way then I've got some ice to sell to the eskimoes up there. You stated that ", Canada has had absolutely NO terrorist activity whatsoever." Obviously you don't have any real news watching activity either. What kind of fantasy-land are you folks living in. You're in denial and just wanting to stand in judgement of something better than what you have. I promise that I wont be violent. Lord knows that you pansi-assed canadiens can't handle it. Pacifism is not part of my philosophy or my country's doctrine so don't try to hand that hippie s**t off on me. Where anywhere in this posting about Michael Moore, does anybody act violent? You're just a gerbil who's scared of his own shadow. OOOOH! I'm sorry! Wouldn't want you to get scared and s**t yourself. One more thing.... The property that was stolen from you in Florida, was most likely stolen by some illegal rag-head who came through Canada because of your immigration policies and swiss-cheese borders. I hope that you don't come back. The reason that its not safe to travel is due to same things. If you don't have the answers then keep your mouth shut. Maybe a vacation in France would suit you folks better. The French just love tourists and are always cordial and accomodating. Do you believe that also? Then Europe is calling your name. F*CK CANADA!


Hey Mark in Moronto.........................

#176Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

What kind of hippie jibberish are you talking ABOOT? Each and everyday, i wake up and wonder just what Canadienes think of my country. I wonder if they approve or dissapprove. I wonder if they're thinking about my well-being. I wonder if they're military could save us from attack. I wonder if their socialistic government would be better than ours. I wonder if waiting on a doctors appointment for six months would be better. I wonder if having open borders would let the criminals out. If you beleive that I feel this way then I've got some ice to sell to the eskimoes up there. You stated that ", Canada has had absolutely NO terrorist activity whatsoever." Obviously you don't have any real news watching activity either. What kind of fantasy-land are you folks living in. You're in denial and just wanting to stand in judgement of something better than what you have. I promise that I wont be violent. Lord knows that you pansi-assed canadiens can't handle it. Pacifism is not part of my philosophy or my country's doctrine so don't try to hand that hippie s**t off on me. Where anywhere in this posting about Michael Moore, does anybody act violent? You're just a gerbil who's scared of his own shadow. OOOOH! I'm sorry! Wouldn't want you to get scared and s**t yourself. One more thing.... The property that was stolen from you in Florida, was most likely stolen by some illegal rag-head who came through Canada because of your immigration policies and swiss-cheese borders. I hope that you don't come back. The reason that its not safe to travel is due to same things. If you don't have the answers then keep your mouth shut. Maybe a vacation in France would suit you folks better. The French just love tourists and are always cordial and accomodating. Do you believe that also? Then Europe is calling your name. F*CK CANADA!


Just like I said.................

#177Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

All that you bitches have to do is open your mouthes to prove my point. Blah, Blah, Blah, Baaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gabrielle, your entry was without a doubt the funniest thing that I have ever read in my life besides the NY Times. Thanks for the chuckle. I know you'd like to please me more, but I don't like yankee whores. The reason you pay that much for rent is because you are a moron. And If you think that "Park Avenue" means anything to me, then you're as stupid as you are shallow. The simple fact that you throw that into the argument means you're a materialistic w***e. How 'bout a legitimate point to your ranting? Insults are great, but how 'bout giving some examples or something. Something real. You truly are an idiot big-mouthed w***e. Typically this is how NY people handle something that is the truth. They tend to talk about people's mothers and so on and so forth. This is because they can't except the truth about themselves. They have no sense of place unless you count the big rotten apple that they live in. What a shithole!!!! These folks are really to be pitied, but if I had my way, shot on sight. I'm curious to know what a "Pisswipe" is though. I've never heard that term. I'm assuming that it is negative though. I guess in NY, Michael Moron is a pisswipe. Oh, I forgot............. They like him up there. Hey Robert, looks like we've awakened some of yer "Baaaahing" harlots!


Just like I said.................

#178Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

All that you bitches have to do is open your mouthes to prove my point. Blah, Blah, Blah, Baaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gabrielle, your entry was without a doubt the funniest thing that I have ever read in my life besides the NY Times. Thanks for the chuckle. I know you'd like to please me more, but I don't like yankee whores. The reason you pay that much for rent is because you are a moron. And If you think that "Park Avenue" means anything to me, then you're as stupid as you are shallow. The simple fact that you throw that into the argument means you're a materialistic w***e. How 'bout a legitimate point to your ranting? Insults are great, but how 'bout giving some examples or something. Something real. You truly are an idiot big-mouthed w***e. Typically this is how NY people handle something that is the truth. They tend to talk about people's mothers and so on and so forth. This is because they can't except the truth about themselves. They have no sense of place unless you count the big rotten apple that they live in. What a shithole!!!! These folks are really to be pitied, but if I had my way, shot on sight. I'm curious to know what a "Pisswipe" is though. I've never heard that term. I'm assuming that it is negative though. I guess in NY, Michael Moron is a pisswipe. Oh, I forgot............. They like him up there. Hey Robert, looks like we've awakened some of yer "Baaaahing" harlots!


Just like I said.................

#179Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 14, 2004

All that you bitches have to do is open your mouthes to prove my point. Blah, Blah, Blah, Baaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gabrielle, your entry was without a doubt the funniest thing that I have ever read in my life besides the NY Times. Thanks for the chuckle. I know you'd like to please me more, but I don't like yankee whores. The reason you pay that much for rent is because you are a moron. And If you think that "Park Avenue" means anything to me, then you're as stupid as you are shallow. The simple fact that you throw that into the argument means you're a materialistic w***e. How 'bout a legitimate point to your ranting? Insults are great, but how 'bout giving some examples or something. Something real. You truly are an idiot big-mouthed w***e. Typically this is how NY people handle something that is the truth. They tend to talk about people's mothers and so on and so forth. This is because they can't except the truth about themselves. They have no sense of place unless you count the big rotten apple that they live in. What a shithole!!!! These folks are really to be pitied, but if I had my way, shot on sight. I'm curious to know what a "Pisswipe" is though. I've never heard that term. I'm assuming that it is negative though. I guess in NY, Michael Moron is a pisswipe. Oh, I forgot............. They like him up there. Hey Robert, looks like we've awakened some of yer "Baaaahing" harlots!


Long Island,
New York,

#180Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

RALPH started this whole convo degrading women in NY, because he's a sore s**t loser who doesn't have a real job. Pam, I pay $30,000 A MONTH IN RENT ON PARK AVENUE and I have a home WHICH I PAID FOR in Long Island. So, hell yea, I expect my men to be worth something! Why would I go for a vagabond dumb t**t like Aaron? You two should be happy together... so go walk both of your FAT asses in front of ongoing traffic. VERMEN... There's nothing wrong in the way we choose our men. What do you want? A female that hunches over with her face pointed to the ground all the time like your mommas? Just cause there are some women who aren't going to settle for a someone with no money, you want them to be a SLAVE like your grandmother? I think you're jealous. You probably secretly want to be a woman, Aaron. I can't believe you people care about these things. Mind your business and stop gawking like a moron at us people in NY. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Obviously, the women in your family don't have much class, if you find the way NY women date a problem. You're upset because those women don't care to look at you cause you're so goddamn ugly. Talk about mental problems. Get over it! Get over us! Either get the sex change you dream of or else leave us alone. I've never seen so many men care about the way a woman is strong-minded and self-assured as much as I've seen here. The men here have a SERIOUS INFERIORITY COMPLEX! Pisswipes like Ralph and Aaron are more repulsive than the cute little rats in the alleys. BUT women in NY don't only go for men because of money... we expect intelligence, something people like Pam may not be familiar with when hooking up with the male species. SORRY GUY, you men are not of much importance compared to other wonderful things in life, like a manicure... so, SHUT IT!


Long Island,
New York,

#181Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

RALPH started this whole convo degrading women in NY, because he's a sore s**t loser who doesn't have a real job. Pam, I pay $30,000 A MONTH IN RENT ON PARK AVENUE and I have a home WHICH I PAID FOR in Long Island. So, hell yea, I expect my men to be worth something! Why would I go for a vagabond dumb t**t like Aaron? You two should be happy together... so go walk both of your FAT asses in front of ongoing traffic. VERMEN... There's nothing wrong in the way we choose our men. What do you want? A female that hunches over with her face pointed to the ground all the time like your mommas? Just cause there are some women who aren't going to settle for a someone with no money, you want them to be a SLAVE like your grandmother? I think you're jealous. You probably secretly want to be a woman, Aaron. I can't believe you people care about these things. Mind your business and stop gawking like a moron at us people in NY. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Obviously, the women in your family don't have much class, if you find the way NY women date a problem. You're upset because those women don't care to look at you cause you're so goddamn ugly. Talk about mental problems. Get over it! Get over us! Either get the sex change you dream of or else leave us alone. I've never seen so many men care about the way a woman is strong-minded and self-assured as much as I've seen here. The men here have a SERIOUS INFERIORITY COMPLEX! Pisswipes like Ralph and Aaron are more repulsive than the cute little rats in the alleys. BUT women in NY don't only go for men because of money... we expect intelligence, something people like Pam may not be familiar with when hooking up with the male species. SORRY GUY, you men are not of much importance compared to other wonderful things in life, like a manicure... so, SHUT IT!


Long Island,
New York,

#182Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

RALPH started this whole convo degrading women in NY, because he's a sore s**t loser who doesn't have a real job. Pam, I pay $30,000 A MONTH IN RENT ON PARK AVENUE and I have a home WHICH I PAID FOR in Long Island. So, hell yea, I expect my men to be worth something! Why would I go for a vagabond dumb t**t like Aaron? You two should be happy together... so go walk both of your FAT asses in front of ongoing traffic. VERMEN... There's nothing wrong in the way we choose our men. What do you want? A female that hunches over with her face pointed to the ground all the time like your mommas? Just cause there are some women who aren't going to settle for a someone with no money, you want them to be a SLAVE like your grandmother? I think you're jealous. You probably secretly want to be a woman, Aaron. I can't believe you people care about these things. Mind your business and stop gawking like a moron at us people in NY. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Obviously, the women in your family don't have much class, if you find the way NY women date a problem. You're upset because those women don't care to look at you cause you're so goddamn ugly. Talk about mental problems. Get over it! Get over us! Either get the sex change you dream of or else leave us alone. I've never seen so many men care about the way a woman is strong-minded and self-assured as much as I've seen here. The men here have a SERIOUS INFERIORITY COMPLEX! Pisswipes like Ralph and Aaron are more repulsive than the cute little rats in the alleys. BUT women in NY don't only go for men because of money... we expect intelligence, something people like Pam may not be familiar with when hooking up with the male species. SORRY GUY, you men are not of much importance compared to other wonderful things in life, like a manicure... so, SHUT IT!


Long Island,
New York,

#183Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

RALPH started this whole convo degrading women in NY, because he's a sore s**t loser who doesn't have a real job. Pam, I pay $30,000 A MONTH IN RENT ON PARK AVENUE and I have a home WHICH I PAID FOR in Long Island. So, hell yea, I expect my men to be worth something! Why would I go for a vagabond dumb t**t like Aaron? You two should be happy together... so go walk both of your FAT asses in front of ongoing traffic. VERMEN... There's nothing wrong in the way we choose our men. What do you want? A female that hunches over with her face pointed to the ground all the time like your mommas? Just cause there are some women who aren't going to settle for a someone with no money, you want them to be a SLAVE like your grandmother? I think you're jealous. You probably secretly want to be a woman, Aaron. I can't believe you people care about these things. Mind your business and stop gawking like a moron at us people in NY. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Obviously, the women in your family don't have much class, if you find the way NY women date a problem. You're upset because those women don't care to look at you cause you're so goddamn ugly. Talk about mental problems. Get over it! Get over us! Either get the sex change you dream of or else leave us alone. I've never seen so many men care about the way a woman is strong-minded and self-assured as much as I've seen here. The men here have a SERIOUS INFERIORITY COMPLEX! Pisswipes like Ralph and Aaron are more repulsive than the cute little rats in the alleys. BUT women in NY don't only go for men because of money... we expect intelligence, something people like Pam may not be familiar with when hooking up with the male species. SORRY GUY, you men are not of much importance compared to other wonderful things in life, like a manicure... so, SHUT IT!


Hey Jaime in the big rotten apple....

#184Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 13, 2004

Atlanta is South of NY. You know... the opposite direction of North. Its not "over there" but rather "down there" Learn your geography Mrs. Priss. If we have equal opportunity, then why don't we have professional football players who are female? Why aren't construction sites 50/50 when it comes to male/female workers? Equal opportunity is a farce created by knee-jerk liberal womens organizations. These organizations ended up doing more disservice to women's causes than they ever could have helped. The shame of the matter is that women, such as your ignorant self, bought into this philosophy. Go ahead and admit it... You could care less about your country as long as you have a man with a fat wallet. Trust me, there are still a few people left DOWN HERE who beleive in GOD and you should repect that or do you wear a towel on your head? I'm not upholding the lady from Atlanta, they've got their own problems DOWN THERE! Her opinion is worth more than yours. She actually works for a living sounds like. I would sy that she's probably a good cook and home-maker too. Are you? Or are you just some MODERN women whoring around Manhattan who has no real useful skills? Think about it before you crack on someone from the South. You depend us, but we don't need you. Oh yeah...And by the way... I was raised to treat with repect and dignity. I was also taught that women who act like you are not ladies. This is typical of your "BAAAAHING" breed. I guess the whole "teach your children" thing broke down a long time ago in NY. Now SUCK IT NY BITCHES!


Think about it......

#185Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 13, 2004

Just like I said, they all sound like the sheep that men are so fond of in NY. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Baaaaaaaaaah! I think that we all can agree the days of finding true gentlemen or ladies is over. This is due in fact to the new definitions given to what is truth and what is not. The rest is due to all these so-called civil rights groups, women's rights groups included, who do not wish to serve the whole but rather just a part. Michael Moore is a sensationalist liar. Northeasterners will always have a lot to say whether it's truth or not. They love to hear themselves speak. I can prove all of my points, can you? Someone posted that Bush was a murderer. Where the hell did you get that? John Kerry is the one who said, "....I have committed war crimes. Some are unspeakable." He actually said this after returning from vietnam. Get your facts straight jerky, they're all full of s**t. The fact that most people buy in to this partisan s**t absolutely amazes me. TO THE NY BITCHES: Ya'll actually proved my point with your ranting. Not one statement that any of you gold-digging bitches made added to the fact that Michael Moore is a liar. Your politics are as bad as your ignorance. As long as these sheep have cable TV and someone that THEY THINK finds them sexy, they're content on voting for the best looking man or bet on the horse with the best name. Actually thinking about a decision is just too much for them. I'm glad I finally found something that I can agree with a New Yorker on. Never thought that I would say that. One last thing..... We Southerners hate you yankees just as bad as you fear us. The one big difference: We're not coming to NY in herds to live like you folks are coming here. If you hate the South and its ideals so bad, why would you make such a retarded decision to come here to live and work? You folks should stay where your at. Maybe you could join Canada as a new provence. Lord knows, we wouldn't argue over losing you, especially your "BAAAHING" women. HA HA! Bring it on girls!


Bush during Vietnam

#186Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

Where was Bush during Vietnam? G Q mag August addition Page 134 After reading this some of you may change your opinion of who you think President Bush is and where you think he came from.


How Canadians See America.

#187Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

Well... I must say, reading all these responses certainly has sparked a need to respond. Being Canadian and one of the U.S.'s largest and closest trade partners, neighbors and recent supporters in many respects I am not surprised to be reading and seeing what I am witnessing here. At a time like this when America and American's should be supporting each other, here you are tearing yourselves to shreds! This is inherent in American society. Violence, no matter what form it takes is always apparent in your society. These written words demonstrate the intolerance and violently explosive attitudes which make me and my family reluctant to travel to the U.S. for any reason. The last visit we had to Disneyland in Florida was our last trip to the U.S. During this trip we lost alot of personal and valuable property when our hotel room was broken into. To top it off our experience was one of having to deal with rude, ignorant and downright nasty people who in one case scared our children. America is not a safe place to travel to and we do not plan to ever go there again! The World is a big place and Europe is a little classier than the U.S. Maybe more expensive but certainly more respectful, tolerant and cleaner. The first issue is for American's to educate themselves about their own Country and look at themselves from an outside perspective rather than be so self centered. I'm sure not all American's are like that but from my experience this, unfortunately, always seems to be the case. If Michael Moore's movie can spark this kind of heated debate then it has done it's job as a documentary. Documentaries by their very nature are meant to cause discussion and debate. I would have to say that this film has achieved exactly what a documentary is supposed to achieve, discussion. So successful is his documentary in fact, that ALL of America is talking, maybe thats a good thing. Maybe Americans should be talking, maybe they should have been talking ten years ago! Albeit late, but better than never! So talk, cry, yell, threaten, bully, do whatever you do but keep talking. Change is what America needs!!! Regardless what started the awakening, it has hopefully begun. It is interwoven into the very nature of American society to be violently opposed to anything you may find obscene, insulting, wrong, incredulous. So any negative response to my post is expected but this is how most of the World sees America also. I expect a negative and violent response so I won't be surprised. It's the Scorpion and the Frog scenario, it's simply in your nature. I find it very sad that human beings can not see each other as just that, human beings. Instead we are torn by the political machine and the borders and limitations so called leaders put in place because they say it's better that way. Phooey! Talk Talk Talk! Don't stop, please don't stop talking. It's about time something woke you folks up down there! All the negativity I am seeing is not because of the movie, or the message it carries, it's a clash of personal philosophies at their peak! Interestingly, Canada has had absolutely NO terrorist activity whatsoever. Does this surprise anyone? As corny as it might sound, violence begets violence. Birds of a feather etc etc... I think and hope that America is in a time of historically significant cognitive enlightenment. Now is the time, more than ever, when you all need to think, talk and change everything about your Country. I couldn't think of a better place to start than the government. So like I said before, Talk, yell, scream, bully, threaten, fight, but keep communicating. The time for change has arrived, and apparently, begun. This discussion is a prime example of the process underway!


New York,
New York,

#188Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

I'm getting the idea that women around your area aren't treated too well by the men over there. HAHAHA! NYC WOMEN ALLOWING THEMSELVES TO BE TREATED LIKE DIRT? No, honey, you got it all wrong. That may be where you come from. Here the upper west side, we don't allow ourselves to be treated like the trash town girls where you were brought up. Learn to read - I don't know about YOUR ghetto a*s in Atlanta, but Elizabeth stated that she MAKES money, as do the rest of us women in Manhattan. She tends to go for looks too, as do I and some of my friends. And of COURSE, men will look for women of good stature as well. I would only go for guys who do. Just because she wants to marry a man of equal or better stature has absolutely nothing to do with getting "beat up" - like around your area. I'm from Manhattan as well, and IF A MAN CAME RUNNING TO ME BECAUSE OF MY MONEY, then he needs to go back onto the STREETS where he belongs, cause that's just pitful. I don't go for street trash. Uh, yea, and I'm sure Elizabeth's pretty "fat" alright, since most BUSY, FAST-WALKING, MONEY-MAKING MANHATTANITES ARE... maybe you should get out a little more. Where do you get this stuff? You're too easy. DON'T YOU GET ANY EDUCATION OVER THERE? PAM, maybe you should rent a place on Park Avenue and get out of your small hometown. Oh, wait a minute, you depend on GOD for your money! Come on, PAM, put away the claws... there's no need for a cat fight. Obviously, you wouldn't know what independence was, since you consider being with a man of equal or better value, a golddigger. HERE, WE CALL THAT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY!


New Jersey,
Misrepresentation by the media was the point.

#189Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

Well, at least you agreed with most of what I said, but my point was that the impression that is given by our media is that the US troops are destroying Iraq with little mention of the good that is being done there. You have also supported same point that I was trying to make. Statements are being made WITHOUT knowledge to back them because people just hear something and pass it along. The quote is: "I need to know why 3rd world countries can whup our A$$E$ in reading, writing, and arithmatic? We are supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world and our children can't read." That's wrong on two counts, students in the DEVELOPED countries supposedly "whup our A$$E$" and there are no thrid world countries anymore if you know what the term actually means (I assume you do). If you ever read that wonderful "report" (A Nation At Risk) our best students whip the "A$$E$" of the top students in other countries. Check it out sometime. Also investigate how they determined who was best. Many other countries only tested their students who were "college bound". Some countries concentrate on a particular area (like science) in one year and guess what?...those students were picked to take the science part of the test. Our students might have had one or two science courses and have to compete with students that have the equivalent of three or four years. We tested ALL levels of students, including vocational, limited English and probably even special needs. And you wonder why the AVERAGE scores are lower? And at the time of the report and all the bruhaha, Japanese businessmen were visiting American schools to see how we teach (I'm a witness to that). Why would they do that if our children were so bad? And they were supposed to be on top. Sorry for the rant on education but that is kind of thing I'm talking about. A lot of people don't have enough of the facts to make an informed decision. People like Mr. Moore (seem to) present a biased viewpoint and it is "sold" as a documentary, the truth, and people gobble it up and think they have all the facts. The media reports that US students are below students in other countries. "Oh, now we have the truth." But who actually read the report or investigated to see if it was unbiased? Remember the eight second video that resulted in riots in LA. How many saw the full 90 seconds? "Oh, but I saw all I needed to see." How many people complain about the , but never vote? Of the voting population, how many people vote for some one because they are better looking, they are my party, my union told me to vote for them, my neighbor voted for them, etc rather than what they (hopefully) will do? Mr. Moore made a movie that people are going to see thinking that it is a documentary (the truth we hope) and even he admitted it wasn't a documentary (in an interview on the floor of the Democratic Convention if I recall correctly). Isn't paying for what you think is one thing actually is something else a ripoff?


South Bend,
Robert-SAY WHAT?

#190Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

Robert, quote:"And guess what Debbie from Slidell, in 100 years, George Bush will be lauded as a great President." . Two observations: [1] Certainly you're on drugs and [2] An unprovable conjectural, statement which you may safely, vehemently postulate as all the current readers will be taking dirt naps by then. So, thankfully will be Bush.. . This will be my singular reply to this litany composed of useless, futile efforts endeavoring to sway other readers to the position of the writer. I found replying to Robert's pedantic statement irresistable. I consider that statement to be the epitome of silliness within an ongoing chain of silly dialogue. . IMHO the sooner we get monkey-man replaced by a qualified commander-in-chief the better off we and the rest of the world will be. Chill, Robert, I'm entitled to my opinion which is pretty well etched in stone. . Bye all!


Lake Mills,
Those Are The Questions I would Like Answered Too

#191Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

Debbie you are so right. How about the national debt if we can borrow that much from other countries I would say we have a problem and the Govt needs to get its act together and maybe get some help with its spending habits. How about a debt management company that can show them how to spend our money. I suggest that we only pay the politicians while they are in office and not for the rest of their lives. They should have to work for their money just like the rest of us. That would just be the beginning. Each President does not need a library. Make them all be combined into one library. There are many ways to save money and help the widows, poor, and homeless. Maybe we should go back to colonial times where people were forced to go to church that is when the churches helped out. Oh thats right we can't do that any more to pray in public is now not ok. Now the IMMIGRANTS don't like it!!!! THen GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! WE prospered because of our belief in CHRISTIANITY. There has to be a middle of the road somewhere. We were founded on our belief in GOD and WE TAUGHT from the BIBLE. Now the Islamics and Commuists don't want us to be able to do that anymore they want to take over the entire world. That is what is taught in the KORAN. Until we go back and see where we started to go down the tubes we will see it is when we were prosperous and forgot how we got there. With out GOD we will continue to go down and end up like BABYLON or SODDAM and GOMMORAH. All it would take would be to go back and see what started the down ward spiral and you would see that people stopped attending church. Ok I am not saying that going to church is the way to change everything but the belief in GOD and the Faith that we used to have was sure a big part in the prosperity of this country. Now if I could just have a decent person to vote into the office of COMMANDER and CHIEF of my Country I would not have to worry about tomorrow. Not that I really worry because of my belief but, I worry about the country that I live in being a part of the end of the world as I know it. I don't want a Liar for president and I don't want someone who will Jump at getting revenge for their daddy being threatened either. I guess both candidates are liars and thieves but, which one is the lessor of the two evils?? oh, and I am white Aaron I just gave that war as an example. I want the Country that I live in to at least have morals and values that are close to mine and my forefathers.


Dumya and the idiots that believe his lies

#192Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

First I would like to Thank Whoever you are from rochester. Fine job posting all those facts. Second I would like to tell the fellow from TN that, I am sure you do believe whatever dumya tells you, I lived there for a while and i know for a fact that you folks are the dumbest shits on the planet and really shouldnt be allowed to vote. I have seen the MM film and believe it to be 99% accurate. I know this because I keep well informed as to what goes on in this country and where politicians stand on issues. I am not a Kerry fan per se', even though I was born and raised in Mass. Bush is a liar and a murderer. Bush claims to support the military and the troops overseas, the fact is that he does not, I know this because I deal with the VA every day, they are underfunded and over worked, they cannot find competant help because they dont have the money, so they take who will take the job for the shitty pay, usually some idiot who was fired for incopetance from a well respected medical institution. Dumya formed his own group to investigate the VA's claim that it wasnt recieving enough money, when his group came back with a figure larger than what the VA had requested for yearly funding, he hid the report under the rug and blew off the vets. One day he says publically that he supports them and the very next he cut thier funding, literally the next day. So yes he is a liar. I have a fiance' with nerve damage that can be fixed with some help from a pain clinic, he has been suffering for 16 months now, tomorrow we finally see a surgeon, we were being treated in Memphis (sh*th*le) but after just 2 weeks worth of injections the surgeons decided to let the pain clinic handle it, that was 2 1/2 weeks later, the injections have to be done every 7 days in order to be effective, when we finally met with the anistisiologist (sp), he was so obviously stupid that we were afraid to let him touch him. We were told by the VA clinic here in MO that the hospital in our region that had a pain clinic was in little Rock, AR. They currently are treating 909 patients the waiting list was a year long. So no, dumya doesnt give 2 shits about the troops. He is in for the oil and money. I suggest that if you do not know who the Carlyle group is or the hous of Saud, you should refrain from commenting on Bush and his practices, for you know little of what you speak. It was only 3 months befor the 911 attacks that we gave millions of dollars to al-queda, that is a fact, look it up. MM film is full of facts, you can call it lies and propoganda if you wish, but tell me then why there has been no charges or lawsuits brought against him. Certainly if it is lies, then a suit of slander and one for lible should surely have been filed. and finally to Tammy in Lowville, NY. You are a simple country girl, Barney fife and the rest of the gang reside in lowville, I know this for a fact, I used to live in watertown Ny, a mere 10 miles from the little shitty town tammy lives in. I lived in watertown for 6 months, forced to move and give up everything because my fiance' was stationed there and he couldnt do anything for himself, and the army wouldnt help him, he couldnt do his own laundry because he couldnt carry it, he couldnt eat in the mess hall because the food made him throw up or kept him on the toilet for the day. The local hospital where the surgery was performed is Samaritan Hospital, if your sick and maybe will die if you dont go there, take your leave and go in peace. Walter minaert is the dirtiest surgeon in NY, like i said above if your gonna die, go in peace before you let this filthy surgeon operate on you. We were forced to go to this scumbag of a human being because the military forced us to, we had no right to a second opinoin or to seek out another surgeon, for that we have had to put off our wedding and having children. Last words, If you dont see the movie you are a coward,like dumya the deserter, you just dont want to see the truth about what a liar this a*****e is. and I hope you like paying more in taxes than multi-million dollar companies, because he gives them tax breaks while you pay more because you dont make over a million a year, your all just suckers, get informed and stop being suckered by the lies and rhetoric of this idiot. Ciao


Speak for YOURSELF LIZ!!!!

#193Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

Maybe YOU are a breast bumbling bummy wallet chaser! But there are independent women out here in this world that don't depend on NO MAN for money! Because we know that GOD supplies all of our needs! Maybe YOU put up with being treated like dirt and starving yourself so a man can throw change at YOU but that's YOU! Then WHERE have YOU been??? MEN can be golddigger TOO!!! Tell some of them you are at a blue collar job and you only get a cell number (IF that!) But tell them that you make top $ and here comes the CELL PHONE NUMBER AND the HOME number, plus the guy calling you off the hook cause they are chasing that dollar!!! Oh yeah and there are women that love LOOKS too! You don't see meny of them with a guy that has a fat guy or anorexic thin unless they have been married for years! Plus WHY accuse women who stay in shape as "starving themselves to keep a man" that's a jealous rumor from fat women!


Robert from NEW JERSEY, I do not give a rat's ass if anyone outside of THIS country has schools or electricity

#194Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

Let me say I agree with MOST of what you have said. I have lost due to this action and that is going to be a forever. I will say this I do not give a rat's a*s if anyone outside of THIS country has schools or electricity etc. We NEED to take care of us first. I need to know why 3rd world countries can whup our A$$E$ in reading, writing, and arithmatic? We are supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world and our children can't read. I want to know why any American cannot get the medication they need because it costs too much? We are supposed to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world. But that would be bad for big business not to be able to price gouge. Also,when the widow down the street has to feed her kids onion sandwiches again for dinner I will remember that she is not entitled to food stamps because her house is paid for, hence she has $1 more than is allowable for a family of 6. I want to know what Bush's buddies from Halliburton did with $1.8 billion US dollars?


New Jersey,
Oh my! ..I think that many posters should at least get a copy of the 9/11 Report

#195Consumer Comment

Wed, August 11, 2004

I've tried following this "discussion" and my brain has been numbed. Boy, do the politics come out. Well, I have to add my own $0.02 to this. First, I have not seen F 9/11 and I don't intend to see it. I've seen MM at various times on television and I see what direction he is coming from. I don't agree with his techniques and do not support him. This movie is NOT a documentary (he admitted it on one news report I saw) but it keeps getting referred to AS a documentary. I think this is incorrect and these characterizations of the movie as a documentary are where the ripoff is located. Second, I do feel sorry for anyone who has lost friends, relatives or aquaintances in the mid-East. I also feel sorry for those who lost the same in the "twin towers" (I knew one, a former student), the Pentagon and the planes, especially the one that crashed in Pa. (those people are the forgotten heros, the first to engage the terroists). Third, I think the name calling is ridiculous. It doesn't win any points in my book. Fourth, I have no special knowledge about events preceeding and after 9/11, countries or people involved nor do I think anyone posting has any special knowledge. Most of what is cited is just heresay. I don't think any of us can get access to all of the "facts". Fifth, whether you believe the war is correct or not, foreign news services report how US forces and private companies are trying to rebuild Iraq. From their reports (if you believe them) there are more people with clean fresh water, more schools are being opened, more electricity being generated than ever before. It looks like we are rebuilding the country before the "war" is even over. It's up to you to determine if this is a good thing. But you don't hear about it from our new services. Why not? Is the war just? Ya' got me. I don't have all of the facts. Sixth, several have claimed that this is all about oil. Can you name another "product" that Iraq ships to other countries? Sand? (I'm just being silly here.) Agriculture for export is not the answer even if they irrigate the deserts, the fields will become too salty to farm in a few decades. They need to get their oil flowing to have money flow into their country now. Remember. the US is not the only country that buys oil from Iraq. Unfortunately, where the money goes is their business/problem. Seventh, there were presidents before Bush who were told that terrorists plan to attack various targets around the world. The French warned Clinton's people because they foiled a plot to nail a famous tower in Paris. (You may remember the news report. When the French version of a SWAT team invaded the plane, the copilot climbed out the cockpit window and fell to the ground.) What was done? Nothing that I saw. Eighth, I really don't know if our government had a really good idea that there was a particular attack going to happen on a particular target on a particular day. There was a lot of bad intelligence....a lot from other countries was faulty or incomplete. I guess it is a lot like predicting an earthquake. You may know it's going to happen but you don't know where. Too many warnings and people will begin to ignore you, and if you don't say something and it does happen, now you have to explain why you didn't notifiy anybody. Not a position I'd like to be in. I think that many posters should at least get a copy of the 9/11 Report, as flawed as that may be, and read it. Don't rely on the news media or anyone else to tell you what to think. I have found that people who actually witnessed the attacks in person have a different perspective that those who just saw it on the news. That may bias my view a bit. As for me, I'm not a Bush lover or a Bush basher. I just think MM is full of himself and with some of the clips I've seen of 9/11, I don't want to see (what looks like) propaganda described as a documentary. David Letterman does a better job with some of his bits on his show........at least you know it's taken out of context.


Westchester AND Manhattan,
New York,

#196Consumer Comment

Wed, August 11, 2004

"I can't help it if I live in NY. Yes, the women here need a month in Afganistan. I think they all need to wear a burka and get the crap beat out of them by Osamas cousin. Then they might realize how good they have it. They breed them like Britney Spears/Cristina MudSharkulara here. 9 out of 10 of them are shallow gold grabbers that just want a man to support their life on gods green earth. 85 % of them are closet lezzies/amazon women. I'll skip the sheep, yet Korean massage parlors are the best thing since sliced bread." I agree with the whole "i hate new york", "rotten apple," "need a month in Afganistan" thing, but NY men can be just as shallow as us women. And watch it with the "c***k" thing, buddy. You're just upset because you must have gotten kicked out of a job and women with class and beauty don't want to go for someone as pitiful as you. You complain about us being money grubbers, but you men are just as bad. We look for men with MONEY while you look for women with LOOKS. No wonder so many women go for plastic surgery. Some us end up with money makers while some of you end up with anorexic women with fake breasts and man made noses. You men are so shallow you want your women to be skinny, otherwise you're not attracted to them. Well, same goes for some of us women. If you men make no money, of course most of us are not going to go for you. Would you go for a 200lb woman? Even if the majority of men started going for obese women and not just looks, most NY women are still not DUMB enough to go for a poor loser! Just like you look for a woman who's 100lbs, most of us look for men who make ATLEAST a 6 figure salary... ATLEAST. And the most complaints I've heard about the job cuts have been from these sore tech support people/ consultants. QUIT YOUR CRYING! You nerds need to find another job then. And besides, IT is a good business to go into and the IT business will boom again in the future. That's common sense. So, stop your bitchin about outsourcing and being laid off. I'm sick of it! Go work at Burger King where you belong! And if you're NOT in IT, but in manufacturing... well then I just feel sorry for you. And, yes, this is coming from a shallow, money grubbing New York female. Not only am I money grubbing, but I'm a MONEY MAKER. I MAKE money, so sue me for going for men that make atleast as much as or a dime more than me. Oh, and by the way, not only do I go for a successful man so he'll be a good "provider", but I expect my men to be good looking as well. So in case I do get married (if I ever care to) my children don't turn out as UGLY as YOU probably are. So, KISS IT, you weiner. Face it, downstate NY is full of RICH BICHES. And if they're not rich, I commend them for going for men who are. Sorry, shallowness doesn't run in my blood, but I was born here. By the way, this is not representative of all women in NY... just the SMART ones.


Let's get this thing Straight

#197Consumer Comment

Wed, August 11, 2004

All you Bush Haters are saying that Kerry is a better choice. Can you tell me where he stands on the issues? I have not heard a straight answer come out of his mouth yet. Michael Mooore said on Bill Mahr's show that he is not a Democrat but is a Bush hater. So with the democrats seating him in a place of honor at the convention is no more than spreading the hatred. Michael Moore is mor important to democrats than Carter, Clinton, Gore, Kennedy etc. Every comment I hear is Bush did this Bush did that. According to public record John Kerry voted in favor of removing sadaam and liberating Iraq. He won't even answer the question put to him by a news reporter if he would vote the same knowing the facts he knows today. When Kerry voted for the war he had the same facts as everyone else did. He says he will fix our relations with our allies. Why doesn't he tell them how he plans to do this. He says he will fix the rebuilding process in Iraq. He voted in favor of Bush's plan but now it is wrong???? He is basing his whole campaign on Vietnam and ignoring his flip flopping over the last 30 years. You want to impeach George Bush but did not want to impeach Clinton when he admitted he flat out lied to the american People and committed perjury in court. Why can't these politicians tell us where they stand on the d**n issues and quit attacking their opponent.


New York,
Aaron - Townsend, TN, Tennessee, Bush ain't a cowboy...

#198Consumer Comment

Tue, August 10, 2004

I can't help it if I live in NY. Yes, the women here need a month in Afganistan. I think they all need to wear a burka and get the crap beat out of them by Osamas cousin. Then they might realize how good they have it. They breed them like Britney Spears/Cristina MudSharkulara here. 9 out of 10 of them are shallow gold grabbers that just want a man to support their life on gods green earth. 85 % of them are closet lezzies/amazon women. I'll skip the sheep, yet Korean massage parlors are the best thing since sliced bread. As soon as I can, I'm out of this rotten apple. I never liked Clinton, Regan, Bush 1, or this new clown we have. We have not had a decent President since Carter. Legalizing drugs, I'm all for it. Do you know what we piss away fighing a war we can't win?? Tax the heck out of drugs, like we do smokes, and use the money for the rehab & health care you and I pay for these losers right now. USE IT($$) TO SCARE THE HECK out of young kids, with education of how bad these drugs are. Drill it into their heads from K-12, on what doing hard drugs gets you in life. I've met more useless, untrustworthy drunks, then any pot head I have ever met. Prohibition never flew, and neither is the "War On Drugs". Think of it as population control. The rats will die off(and we will gain tax revenue from them), leaving the "Normal" people. Call it "Rapid Evolution", the strong survive, weak die. With drugs not being a crime, people will not be so desperate to hide there actions. Thus, less crime. Look at some of the countries that legalized drugs. Check out some of the programs they have. They are millions of light years ahead of us. As for your job losses, think of this: Everytime you lose a job, you take a risk of a paycut, loss of vacation time, benifits, etc. I had a job that had 3 weeks vacation(I could roll over up to 8 weeks), medical, dental-the works. Now some c***k does my job for 10 cents an hour. I have found other jobs. Jobs that pay less, offer no benifits. I went back to school; those jobs were outsourced. Temp compainies are the slave labor of the new age. It irks me that they are allowed to pimp people out like this. I made $9.50 an hour at this one place, while the lazy clown next to me made $30+ 5 weeks vacation-to read the paper and watch me work!! This is why I'm frustated. And many people are in my boat. John Kerry might not be the best choice; with "Big Buisness Bush/Aka Corporate Blow Boy" running, he is the only choice. And jerk that can stand there with a straigh face and say "Outsourcing is good for the economy" should be shot on site. Start off at the knee caps, and slowly work your way up to the forehead!! I don't have all the answers, but giving big companies the power they have to screw us is something we need to end. We need manufacturing back in this country; it's time to get back to here we once belonged.


This is whatI think of this discussion

#199Consumer Comment

Tue, August 10, 2004

http://madblast.com/view.cfm?type=FunFlash&display=3112 Just a "funpage" from Madblast. There are others there also but thought this one was appropriate.


Hey Vickie...Preach on sister!

#200Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 10, 2004

Right on. You hit the nail on the head. You have to remember though, that you always have the ability to research things yourself. The textbooks not only won't teach the truth about the war you spoke of but also every other conflict that's ever been fought. Check out the truths behind the civil war and you'll see what I mean. Christopher Columbus was a bad bad man. I agree with you. I spoke with a young lady from Mississippi who was of Native American ancestry. She told me that her family didn't celebrate Columbus day. Instead they paid homage on this day to the people who came before them. I'm going to do the same this year. I guess some people are way ahead of you and your stating of historical facts. I take it that you are of Hispanic ancestry? This is not an insult, only a question since the one war you picked was the Mexican American War. We took there land just like Columbus and our government took the Native Americans. Just like the North took the South, just like Germany took Europe, just like Japan took the S. Pacific, just like Sadam took Kuwait,and on and on and on... By the way, our government is still taking land. Don't pay your socialistic property taxes and see what happens. This is communism at its worst and it goes on in what is supposed to be a democratic republic. Kudos for you for homeschooling your children. Just don't plant the seed of being repressed. You can't change actual history though. This guy from N.Y. is just simply an idiot. Yes, Ralph does need to go and get a history lesson if he's going to make such claims as he does. Shame on you. You contradict yourself with that statement. When he runs out of facts, he just starts tossing cliche' insults. Piss on Michael Moron and his shitty little film!



#201Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 10, 2004

The question about the deer was completely absurd. You should set down the playstation controller, turn off the TV and go outside. I'm sure the informative show you watched Jeff involved some part of the world many many miles from the smokey mountains in east TN. How in the hell would a white-tail deer catch trout? C'mon, get your head out of your a*s. Actually I support the legalization of marijuana. Not only does it make a great textile for material, it can proide fuel from the seeds and a great medicine for the sick. If used in moderation, I don't have a problem with using pot recreationally. Above all else, it would give the farmer a cash crop. It's already the #1 cash crop in the state of TN. Of course this IS illegal though. I've never heard of someone robbing a liquor store for money to buy some buds. I have heard that about all other PROCESSED drugs. If you can grow it, then you should be able to use it how you see fit. This all goes back to the whole self-sufficient agriculture thing that the big-business republicans and democrats alike want to keep from happening. Washington can't benefit from self-sufficiency. They'd have to drop all the social programs that benefit people like Michael Moore. You need to put more stock in Ralph Stanley than Ralph Nader. He's a picker and a grinner! Smoke on!


New York,

#202Consumer Comment

Mon, August 09, 2004

WOOHOO!!!! I'm voting for Ralphy boy!!!!!!!!!!


Deer question maybe not so odd after all

#203Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 09, 2004

Aaron I just thought I would add a little something off the subject. I watched and interesting show the other night on Animal Planet. They were discussing a species of deer that eat the heads of birds the nest in the area (for additional calcium they think, as it is lacking in the environment) , so maybe that fish question wasn't such a stupid question after all :) ..


Hey Boz... or is it Bozo?

#204Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 09, 2004

Fantasy Land, FL? You picked a good hometown to live in. You reflect its namesake. Just wanted to let you know, we don't claim FL as part of this country anymore. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!


Hey Boz... or is it Bozo?

#205Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 09, 2004

Fantasy Land, FL? You picked a good hometown to live in. You reflect its namesake. Just wanted to let you know, we don't claim FL as part of this country anymore. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!


Hey Boz... or is it Bozo?

#206Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 09, 2004

Fantasy Land, FL? You picked a good hometown to live in. You reflect its namesake. Just wanted to let you know, we don't claim FL as part of this country anymore. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!


Hey Boz... or is it Bozo?

#207Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 09, 2004

Fantasy Land, FL? You picked a good hometown to live in. You reflect its namesake. Just wanted to let you know, we don't claim FL as part of this country anymore. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!


Townsend, TN,
Hey Ralph...

#208Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 09, 2004

First of all, the challenge was to Robert. He had made a threat to a young lady about coming to her home town. But since you made a challenge, I'll take you up on that anytime. My father works for the airlines, so coming to New York isn't really a problem. The problem is you don't even have enough self-respect or the balls to use the name your momma gave you We all know that you probably don't know who your Daddy was. you were probably conceived in some inner-city incestual deal. You see more of that s**t went on in N.Y. than any other city in the USA. Learn your history jackass! Duke it out? What the hell is that? Something you and your gay lover do, missy? The point that I guess that I should have been a little clearer about was that NO POLITICIAN IS TO BE TRUSTED. They're all liars. They're all rich. They're all full of s**t just like most New Yorkers such as yourself. I'm simply stating facts. The truth hurts sometimes doesn't it? Cotton is not a big crop here where I live, but I would be proud to drive down to ALABAMA and pick some (once more you've shown your ignorance of your country geography and its industry). You see, these folks actually do work for a living unlike yourself. What is it you do anyways? If I were a betting man you're probably involved in some type of big business owned by Republicans. If not, then you're probably just some un-educated democrat looking for a handout. Can't handle the hard work, eh? Since you can't handle the truth about life or history (we all know that) here's a little joke to cheer you up fancy britches: How many freshman college students does it take to change a light bulb in N.Y.? ANSWER: NONE- That class is reserved for graduate students. We hear alot about your disgust of BUSH but no praise of the Clintons or Jimmy Carter. Where's your praise of Gore. Where's your praise of Ted Kennedy. Where's your praise of Lyndon Johnson?At least Gore said that he actually did smoke pot in 'Nam, While he was working in the kitchen with the rest of the non-combatants. You see Al Gore's daddy was a politician here some years ago. He kept his "wittle boy" out of any real service also. They're all fools just like Bush to some extent. Trust me boss, out of all the people they found who served with Kerry, only one saw fit to give him any praise. You have to agree with me that his wife is a fool. Actually, serving your country in the military in any capacity is an honorable undertaking. I bet that's something that you've never done. You just want to sit back and take handouts, eh? By the way, I'm one of those middle class Americans that you were talking about. I've lost good career jobs on three occasions: twice under the Clinton regime and once under Bush. All three times due to outsourcing. I've never really had that much of a problem getting new ones though. I don't understand why all the mexicans want to come here. If they'll just be patient, all the jobs will come to them. Ross Perot warned 'em though. I wish that he'd run for president. There's no way in a yankee hell that I would vote for Ralph Nader though. I actually read where he wanted to legalize illicit drugs. Not just pot, but others such as heroin and cocaine. If you think that there's a crime problem now, let that horse-s**t happen. The libertarian (spelling?) party are a bunch of hippie burn-outs who believe in anarchy. We should do away with the party system and simply have people running for issues. The Corvair wasn't a bad car by the way, Ralph just didn't like it because he couldn't get any male a*s in it! Just kiddin' there sizzlechest so relax! I don't know where you get this "...boots on sheep.." thing though. We don't raise sheep here. But if I ever decide to take advantage of any sheep, then I'll be sure to contact someone in N.Y. ...Sounds like you guys up there in "Jerky" land have a handle on it. I'd take a sheep over any yankee woman anyday, especially the feminists from N.Y. Actually they both kind of sound the same. I've been to SCORES and kind of felt like I was at a livestock auction anyways. Is that the best the big "rotten" apple has to offer? C'MON!!!! Every time you toss an insult at somebody, you show your stupidity. And everytime you point the finger, there's three pointing back at ya. WE ALL NEED TO REMEMBER THAT! And another thing: Farmers provide food and nourishment for you and your family. I'm not a full-time farmer but I grew up with agriculture all around me. The next time you go down the block to your neighborhood grocery store where nobody speaks English and is probably here illegally, you remeber that monkeyass! Your food probably came from the South and if it were left up to me, we quit sending any and you could just get food from somewhere else. God knows that you folks aren't self-sufficient enough to grow anything of your own except pot. Lay off the weed man, it's killing your intellect! P.S. The only thing running scared around here are the s**t-head tourists from N.Y. I was fishing the other day and one of them actually asked me if deer eat trout. What kind of s**t do they teach you in school up there? I asked him where he was from and you want to guess where he told me? N.Y.


Lake Mills,
The Truth Will Come Out In The End

#209Consumer Comment

Sun, August 08, 2004

Ok so your real name is BOZO big deal. I won't go there. I will tho tell you this. There is a GOD and I will not debate the issue with you here will will just see who is right in the end times which are coming soon. Ok as to Ralph lying no one can tell anymore what our actual history is the people who publish the texts have already stated that they have CHANGED HISTORY!!! why?? Because people out in California want the books that teach our children to be POLITICALLY CORRECT they do not want to teach the truth about the MEXICAN AMERICAN WAR. WHY? Because it would start riots out in ACalifornia and other states. THey admitted this on Television in a documentary about our education system. THe rest of the country has to go along with it because Texas and california buyu the most text books and this is what the educators have told them they want. I am home schooling my daughter so that she gets the correct information and knows the truth. So, if you think mr Ralph needs to go and get another history lesson you are wrong. The Text books are not telling the truth and have not been for years and I will bet that you think that Christopher Columbus still discovered America too don't you?? They were teaching that crap back in the 60's to us kids here in the midwest. and of course now recently the truth has come out. How interesting eh? If all of us would demand the kids were taught the truth then maybe they will not repeat the mistakes of the past this not telling the truth could cause more problems than it is worth. Just wanted to let you know that just because they taught it to you at school does not mean it is the truth!!!!!!!!! as far as this election goes all you can do is vote for the lessor of the two evils or vote for Ralph Nader Now wouldn't that piss them all off!!!!!!!! i hope this is the end of this report soon it keeps filling up my email!


Lake Mills,
The Truth Will Come Out In The End

#210Consumer Comment

Sun, August 08, 2004

Ok so your real name is BOZO big deal. I won't go there. I will tho tell you this. There is a GOD and I will not debate the issue with you here will will just see who is right in the end times which are coming soon. Ok as to Ralph lying no one can tell anymore what our actual history is the people who publish the texts have already stated that they have CHANGED HISTORY!!! why?? Because people out in California want the books that teach our children to be POLITICALLY CORRECT they do not want to teach the truth about the MEXICAN AMERICAN WAR. WHY? Because it would start riots out in ACalifornia and other states. THey admitted this on Television in a documentary about our education system. THe rest of the country has to go along with it because Texas and california buyu the most text books and this is what the educators have told them they want. I am home schooling my daughter so that she gets the correct information and knows the truth. So, if you think mr Ralph needs to go and get another history lesson you are wrong. The Text books are not telling the truth and have not been for years and I will bet that you think that Christopher Columbus still discovered America too don't you?? They were teaching that crap back in the 60's to us kids here in the midwest. and of course now recently the truth has come out. How interesting eh? If all of us would demand the kids were taught the truth then maybe they will not repeat the mistakes of the past this not telling the truth could cause more problems than it is worth. Just wanted to let you know that just because they taught it to you at school does not mean it is the truth!!!!!!!!! as far as this election goes all you can do is vote for the lessor of the two evils or vote for Ralph Nader Now wouldn't that piss them all off!!!!!!!! i hope this is the end of this report soon it keeps filling up my email!


Fantasy Land,
I think you should know something

#211Consumer Comment

Sun, August 08, 2004

Hello, this is texino speaking. I am back in Florida now having finished with the fetal stem-cell testing in Virginia. I am pretty busy with my work, so I will be brief. First, my name is Boz F. Texino and guess what Boz is short for? That's right Bozo. Yes friends it is a common name where I come from, so when people try and use it as an insult, it doesn't make sense. That's not what I really want to tell you because that information is freely available. The real corker is this: There is no such being or power as God. That's right. It is a total fantasy to keep people from fearing the unknown and also to keep big goofy tough guys from being in charge. (i.e. Goliath) So there. You are all alone. I suggest that you turn off your computers and spend a little time with the ones who depend on you. Think of this like getting a big promotion and you will be OK. It has been fun talking with you folks, but I must get back to work. We are trying to cure some bad diseases just because it is a challenge and we are human. Please take good care. Love you,

Ralph Nader

New York,
Aaron - Townsend, Tennessee--> Put the boots back on your sheep!

#212Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

TO THE EDITOR: EDIT WHAT YOU DEEM FIT. Aaron - Townsend, Tennessee, where the sheep run scared, and the farmers get "Rubber Boots" by the pallet; why don't you go pick some cotton. Anytime you want to come to NY, and duke it out; let's have at it. At least John Kerry was in Nam. Bush's Daddy got his "Wittle Boy" Juinor out of the war, with his $$$!! John Kerry enlisted to go to NAM.. George went to Yale to drink, do lines, and chase tail... His golf game has improved since 9/11--- we are still waiting on the economy. G.W. jr's plan to cut taxes for the richest % of the population worked well for his $$$ backers. CEO's & top end exec's piggy banks grew 21% from last year. That's a nice raise, since the average pee on makes $9,000 less a year(if they even have a job). G.W. jr's plan is to get rid of the middle class; were left with "Rich/Poor"... It's a good plan, if your a rich arisocrat. More time for golf, caviar, trips to the ranch, bail money for your s**t daughters, etc.. Keep voting for Bush, you lemming. I can't wait till your job get's out sourced.. Ralph Nader would be my first choice for President; Edwards second, Kerry third.. Ralph is just running to raise the issues. Kerry is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better then "Corporate Welfare Bush".


Come on Ralph...

#213Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 06, 2004

I though for sure that this Ralph guy from N.Y. would admit he was wrong about his little history lesson. Instead I see he is still spuing his garbage. What do you mean Bush is a liar? Have you met a politician yet that's not? You don't think Clinton or Gore are liars, too? Hell, Al Gore thinks that he invented the internet. Trust me, most folks from Tennesse don't claim him because he is a fool. He couldn't even win his own state. The voting in FL is all screwed-up anyways. I'm sure that Brother Jeb had nothing to do with Gore's loss. You're truly a fool to make this claim. As much as I dislike Bush, he's a hell-of-alot better man than Gore in this post 9-11 time. The real man out there that I would like to see run for president is John McCain. He's a straight-shooter unlike the rest of his big business party members and heads above any of the squeeling democrats. By the way, the democratic party is on its way out. Folks are tired of their whining and bitchin', just like I'm tired of straightening out jackasses such as yourself who beleive they have a grip on history. You're stating the obvious. You still need to go back and study your country's history. You were so wrong in your statements, how can you possibly expect to be taken seriously in any of your future comments? It's a simple fact that politicians in this day and age serve their own self-interests. The day of serving the people is over. Our country is a slow back-slide into disintegration and anarchy. Rick Savage said that there are 3 things that make a country sovereign: language, culture and borders. Although I don't agree with everything that Mr. Savage has to say, he's completely right on this issue. We are losing these three things on a regular basis and there's no one out there with the backbone to preserve them. All we have currently are grandstanders such as this moron from New York, who state things with no REAL facts to back them up. You're a speculator and a liar just like Michael Moron. Your hate of conservatism has made you stray from the path of truth. Hey Ralph, why don't you move to France. You'll fit right in with those fruitcake anarchists. Or better yet, why don't you move to Cuba, it's closer. Of course if your geographic skills are as bad as your history, you probably couldn't find your way. Get with the program or get the hell out!


Come on Ralph...

#214Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 06, 2004

I though for sure that this Ralph guy from N.Y. would admit he was wrong about his little history lesson. Instead I see he is still spuing his garbage. What do you mean Bush is a liar? Have you met a politician yet that's not? You don't think Clinton or Gore are liars, too? Hell, Al Gore thinks that he invented the internet. Trust me, most folks from Tennesse don't claim him because he is a fool. He couldn't even win his own state. The voting in FL is all screwed-up anyways. I'm sure that Brother Jeb had nothing to do with Gore's loss. You're truly a fool to make this claim. As much as I dislike Bush, he's a hell-of-alot better man than Gore in this post 9-11 time. The real man out there that I would like to see run for president is John McCain. He's a straight-shooter unlike the rest of his big business party members and heads above any of the squeeling democrats. By the way, the democratic party is on its way out. Folks are tired of their whining and bitchin', just like I'm tired of straightening out jackasses such as yourself who beleive they have a grip on history. You're stating the obvious. You still need to go back and study your country's history. You were so wrong in your statements, how can you possibly expect to be taken seriously in any of your future comments? It's a simple fact that politicians in this day and age serve their own self-interests. The day of serving the people is over. Our country is a slow back-slide into disintegration and anarchy. Rick Savage said that there are 3 things that make a country sovereign: language, culture and borders. Although I don't agree with everything that Mr. Savage has to say, he's completely right on this issue. We are losing these three things on a regular basis and there's no one out there with the backbone to preserve them. All we have currently are grandstanders such as this moron from New York, who state things with no REAL facts to back them up. You're a speculator and a liar just like Michael Moron. Your hate of conservatism has made you stray from the path of truth. Hey Ralph, why don't you move to France. You'll fit right in with those fruitcake anarchists. Or better yet, why don't you move to Cuba, it's closer. Of course if your geographic skills are as bad as your history, you probably couldn't find your way. Get with the program or get the hell out!


Come on Ralph...

#215Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 06, 2004

I though for sure that this Ralph guy from N.Y. would admit he was wrong about his little history lesson. Instead I see he is still spuing his garbage. What do you mean Bush is a liar? Have you met a politician yet that's not? You don't think Clinton or Gore are liars, too? Hell, Al Gore thinks that he invented the internet. Trust me, most folks from Tennesse don't claim him because he is a fool. He couldn't even win his own state. The voting in FL is all screwed-up anyways. I'm sure that Brother Jeb had nothing to do with Gore's loss. You're truly a fool to make this claim. As much as I dislike Bush, he's a hell-of-alot better man than Gore in this post 9-11 time. The real man out there that I would like to see run for president is John McCain. He's a straight-shooter unlike the rest of his big business party members and heads above any of the squeeling democrats. By the way, the democratic party is on its way out. Folks are tired of their whining and bitchin', just like I'm tired of straightening out jackasses such as yourself who beleive they have a grip on history. You're stating the obvious. You still need to go back and study your country's history. You were so wrong in your statements, how can you possibly expect to be taken seriously in any of your future comments? It's a simple fact that politicians in this day and age serve their own self-interests. The day of serving the people is over. Our country is a slow back-slide into disintegration and anarchy. Rick Savage said that there are 3 things that make a country sovereign: language, culture and borders. Although I don't agree with everything that Mr. Savage has to say, he's completely right on this issue. We are losing these three things on a regular basis and there's no one out there with the backbone to preserve them. All we have currently are grandstanders such as this moron from New York, who state things with no REAL facts to back them up. You're a speculator and a liar just like Michael Moron. Your hate of conservatism has made you stray from the path of truth. Hey Ralph, why don't you move to France. You'll fit right in with those fruitcake anarchists. Or better yet, why don't you move to Cuba, it's closer. Of course if your geographic skills are as bad as your history, you probably couldn't find your way. Get with the program or get the hell out!


Come on Ralph...

#216Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 06, 2004

I though for sure that this Ralph guy from N.Y. would admit he was wrong about his little history lesson. Instead I see he is still spuing his garbage. What do you mean Bush is a liar? Have you met a politician yet that's not? You don't think Clinton or Gore are liars, too? Hell, Al Gore thinks that he invented the internet. Trust me, most folks from Tennesse don't claim him because he is a fool. He couldn't even win his own state. The voting in FL is all screwed-up anyways. I'm sure that Brother Jeb had nothing to do with Gore's loss. You're truly a fool to make this claim. As much as I dislike Bush, he's a hell-of-alot better man than Gore in this post 9-11 time. The real man out there that I would like to see run for president is John McCain. He's a straight-shooter unlike the rest of his big business party members and heads above any of the squeeling democrats. By the way, the democratic party is on its way out. Folks are tired of their whining and bitchin', just like I'm tired of straightening out jackasses such as yourself who beleive they have a grip on history. You're stating the obvious. You still need to go back and study your country's history. You were so wrong in your statements, how can you possibly expect to be taken seriously in any of your future comments? It's a simple fact that politicians in this day and age serve their own self-interests. The day of serving the people is over. Our country is a slow back-slide into disintegration and anarchy. Rick Savage said that there are 3 things that make a country sovereign: language, culture and borders. Although I don't agree with everything that Mr. Savage has to say, he's completely right on this issue. We are losing these three things on a regular basis and there's no one out there with the backbone to preserve them. All we have currently are grandstanders such as this moron from New York, who state things with no REAL facts to back them up. You're a speculator and a liar just like Michael Moron. Your hate of conservatism has made you stray from the path of truth. Hey Ralph, why don't you move to France. You'll fit right in with those fruitcake anarchists. Or better yet, why don't you move to Cuba, it's closer. Of course if your geographic skills are as bad as your history, you probably couldn't find your way. Get with the program or get the hell out!

Ralph Nader

New York,
Opposing Bush is Not 'Hatred'

#217UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 05, 2004

Opposing Bush is Not 'Hatred' by Tom Teepen Are you suffering from Bush hatred? Apparently it's going around, like a virus. At least it is according to the vocal right and according to even some mainstream Republicans who know better. To hear them tell it, the political landscape is overrun with Bush haters. This is an odd claim just on its surface. Even his political opposites generally concede, and lament, that one of George W. Bush's strengths is his regular-guy likability. Never mind the silver spoon, prep school, Yale and Harvard. The president comes off as a down-home Joe. He bought a slightly scruffy ranch to prove it. And his first-date awkwardness with the English language? Rather than leading many to despair of him, it typically is cited as showing he's just one of the boys. So what's to hate? Talk radio's conservative spielers and the talking-points factories of the GOP are churning out accusations of Bush hatred even so. It is the fad charge of the moment. This is homefront pre-emptive war. The idea is to stifle criticism before it is uttered who wants to be accused of hatred? and to condition voters to discredit any criticism that does escape as more of this Bush hatred they've been hearing about. It's an old trick and not unique to the right. Back in the 1960s and early '70s, when there really was a left of sorts, radicals issued charges of "fascism" to keep opponents' heads down. These days, the ideological energy, and the buccaneering rhetoric to go with it, are on the right. It's all cut-and-slash. Note that the president is using dubious executive deregulation to turn the Clean Air Act into the dirty air act, or that his Healthy Forests Initiative is a scheme to cut down trees, and you are an "environmental wacko." Mention that the administration's tax cuts lavish by far the bulk of their goodies on the already rich, stiff the poor and shift more of the tax bill to the middle class, and you are charged with fomenting class warfare just like Marx and Lenin. And of course if you fret that large numbers of Americans are losing health insurance or think that maybe it would be best to keep Social Security as a public program rather than turning it over to the brokerage houses, then you are a socialist. Bush hatred is a far more efficient denunciation. It's a blank check to cash against any disagreement with the president. After several conservative books have capered at the top of the nonfiction bestseller lists for years, what's to explain the sudden appearance of a few books there taking sharp issue with the administration? Bush hatred explains it, so ignore their content. And why are the Democratic presidential contenders taking issue with the administration? Because, of course, they are Bush haters. Don't give them a second thought. Differ with Bush, especially if you do so energetically or with any flair, and you are a hater or even some have actually carried the matter this far committing a hate crime. Don't you just hate that? Copyright 2003, The Daily Camera and the E.W. Scripps Company ###

Ralph Nader

New York,
It is time to impeach bush

#218UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 05, 2004

It is time to impeach bush The Constitution, Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. BECAUSE republicans in Florida, specifically jeb bush and katherine harris, allowed republican election officials to stuff ballot boxes with illegally obtained republican absentee ballots and to throw away faulty Democratic absentee ballot requests (without giving Democrats the same illegal opportunity they gave republicans to correct said applications). Further, they falsely accused thousands of voters of being felons, and illegally removed their names from voter rolls. BECAUSE Al Gore won Florida by more than 20,000 votes (which would have been the official election result if all the counties had actually performed a recount), and would have won by more than 48,000, according to the NORC count, but for the fraud and chicanery committed by election officials and bush operatives there. Actually, to call those dishonest vote-stealing cheaters "election officials" is a grave insult to honest election officials everywhere. They're criminals, and every American that cares about America and what it stands for (apparently that excludes the leaders of the republicans and the Democrats, with the exception of the Black Congressional Caucus) should demand an investigation and prosecution by the federal justice department...although it's unlikely with that fascist b*****d ashcroft in charge. BECAUSE Al Gore won the popular vote of the people of the United States of America by over 500,000 votes. BECAUSE bush is guilty of high Crimes. He has admitted to 4 times failing to report his insider trading of Harken Oil (he blamed it on his lawyers - wouldn't it be nice if we all had lawyers to blame our mistakes on...). Though repeatedly given the opportunity, he has not denied that he used and possessed cocaine (a felony in all 50 states). He was arrested for disorderly conduct (theft and vandalism); though charges were later dropped, he admits that he was guilty. All available evidence shows that he went AWOL when he was supposed to be serving in the Air National Guard (obviously, he signed up to avoid being sent to Vietnam, but then he refused even to honor his commitment to serve in Alabama). He probably committed perjury in the Texas funeral home scandal. And, for the love of god, he was convicted of drunk driving. BECAUSE bush is a spoiled silver spoon heir that has had everything delivered to him on a silver platter, at the expense of less well-connected but more deserving people, which may be the way of the English Monarchy but represents the yoke of tyranny that many of our ancestors gave their lives to get away from. BECAUSE the right wing of the supreme court can't tell its a*s from its elbow. These five justices deserve more than mere disrespect, they are criminals, and they belong behind bars. What these Festering Gangrenous Leaking Pustules on the Butt of Humanity have said to us is this: Your vote means nothing. Go screw yourself. We're shoving your Constitution right up the wazoo, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. Those gutless wonders wouldn't even sign their opinion of 12/12/2000 that handed bush the presidency on a silver platter, granting him what they said were his 14th amendment rights, at the expense of the 14th amendment rights of the less well-connected but more deserving 50 million people who voted for Gore. If it happened anywhere else in the world, we would call it a coup. This court has, for the last twenty years, bleated and blathered about State's rights, imperiously asserted that vague phrases such as "equal protection" and "due process of law" should not be used to infringe on State's rights (but are apparently okay to use in defense of the royal family of bushies), and, time and again, insisted that the "intent" of the Framers of the Constitution should always be considered. One thing is for sure, the Framers never intended that a "vote-o-matic" machine be used to count votes, and I would speculate they intended that the intent of the voters would be decisive when deciding who won the election. Every American who cares about the integrity of the supreme court should do one thing every day to undermine this court, until the Damned Traitors and Odious Snakes scalia and thomas and rehnquist and o'connor and kennedy are hounded from office. Further, we must demand that the Senate not confirm a single Federal judge until we've had a real election in 2004. BECAUSE anyone who has studied the history of the electoral college knows it was created for only two reasons. First, to protect the slave-holding states from Federal laws outlawing slavery, and second, to protect the property interests of the landed aristocracy of the 18th century. The undemocratic nature of the college becomes completely transparent when you consider that in Wyoming one electoral vote corresponds to 71,000 voters; in Florida, one electoral vote corresponds to 238,000 voters. Not only is that unfair, it's morally wrong under any political system. The time has come to abolish the dictatorial tyranny of the electoral college and join the true democracies of the world. The Impeachment of bush would go a long way towards re-establishing our international credibility. BECAUSE bush has continuously touted himself as a man of character and integrity in spite of all these facts, we call on the Congress of the United States to hold bush to at least as high a standard as they held President Clinton, and impeach now, today, immediately, forthwith, before another minute passes.

Ralph Nader

New York,
A Silver Spoon Is Gouging Unions

#219UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 05, 2004

by Robert Scheer A Silver Spoon Is Gouging Unions President Bush, a scion of great wealth who has never had to earn an honest living, has abruptly wiped out the jobs, retirement security and health benefits of 850,000 blue- and white-collar federal workers. Always bailed out of losing business ventures by his daddy or a family friend, Bush apparently finds it easy to play games with the livelihood of ordinary Americans as a way of punishing unions that opposed him at election time. The move to privatize half of the federal civilian jobs is shortsighted, with negative consequences likely for the economy and democracy and potentially for national security. ADVERTISEMENT It's politics and not policy as the Administration launches yet another partisan strike at its opponents, this time in the form of a presidential edict that takes effect in thirty days, without being debated by Congress. Government civil service has been a central mechanism for ensuring the growth of a stable middle class, a cornerstone of a stable democracy. And it is this middle class that drives the strong, steady consumerism that economists have cited as the key to why the sputtering economy has not s****.. While the jobs affected range from military logistics experts to computer programmers, working-class jobs at the lower end are especially targeted. Entry-level government jobs are frequently the basis of a family's ascension to a life of dignity and opportunity. When we note that high-ranking civilian officials will not see pay cuts but instead hope to see political gains, it becomes clearer how fitting this edict is for an administration run by ex-CEOs. Workers holding secure jobs that provide a living wage can and will be replaced by low-paid crews without benefits because that is the only way to get the big "savings" Bush is after.But is it really better for the nation if the president's house is painted by men and women hired from a street-corner hiring hall at minimum wage? What if subcontractors use foreign or undocumented labor? And will it be easier for terrorists to infiltrate the government? This is especially galling, although not surprising, coming from an Administration run by veterans of rip-off companies like Enron, the vanguard of an unchecked pandemic of greed that has wiped out so many pension funds and jobs. Now the ax will again fall on the middle class, in the form of elimination of jobs in which wages and working conditions are guaranteed by enlightened social legislation rather than the vagaries of a spot labor market. This "race-to-the-bottom"budget gimmick is as phony as it is repugnant. Low-paid workers without medical benefits will pay less in taxes, spend less at the mall and clog emergency rooms when their children have strep throat. And without unions to monitor workplace safety and environmental regulations, the economy will suffer as more sick and injured workers become a drain on productivity. So why would the White House pursue such a policy? Simply put, the Bushies hate unions because they are the steadiest opponents of corporate consolidation,the transfer of jobs overseas and the thievery of greedy accountants and CEOs. In other words, strong unions are still anathema on the corporate gravy train that fattened Bush, d**k Cheney and a historic number of fellow Administration honchos. The mostly stable prosperity of the post-Depression era is not an automatic byproduct of the free market. It must be credited in large part to smart government regulation and the work of strong unions that protect consumers and workers.


New York,
Bush's regular guy act is wearing thin, some of his other deceptions are becoming more obvious.

#220UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 05, 2004

Access to the President For Bush's Foreign Business Partner The most troubling thing that happened to Harken after it bought George Bush Junior in, was that one of its Board of Directors members was suddenly admitted to the highest levels of United States foreign policy meetings. These were not Clintonesque meet-and-greet fundraisers, but actual working policy meetings during a critical period. After the Harken-Bahrain deal was signed, Palestinian businessman Talat Othman was added to a group of Arabs who met with George Bush and National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft three times in 1990 -- once just two days after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Othman was the representative of Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh, who purchased 10% of Harken stock. (More on Baksh in a second.) Othman has continued a fruitful relationship with Bush. He has visited Bush in the White House, and gave an Islamic benediction at the 2000 Republican convention. More recently, several Islamic charities and businesses run by Othman's business partner Yaqub Mirza were raided on March 20, 2002 by Treasury investigators, investigating ties between them and Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Just two weeks later, Othman was able to get a luncheon meeting with President Bush's Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill (since fired), to complain about the raids. Backsh, Othman's patron, had several ties to the infamous BCCI bank according to the Wall Street Journal. Bakhsh was a co-investor in Saudi Arabia with alleged BCCI front man Ghaith Pharaon. Bakhsh's banker, Khalid bin Mahfouz, was another BCCI figure and head of the largest bank in Saudi Arabia. Sheikh Kalifah, the prime minister of Bahrain, was a BCCI shareholder and played the key role in selecting Harken for the oil contract. This is the crowd that gained entry to the President and the National Security Adviser of the United States after George Junior made his deal with Harken. Deal #2: Selling Oil Stock Just Before Iraq Invaded George Bush, Junior sold 60% of his stock in Harken Oil in June, 1990 for $848,560. That was brilliant timing; in August, Iraq invaded Kuwait and Harken's stock dropped 25%. Soon after, a big quarterly loss caused it to drop further. A secret State Deparment memo in May of that year had warned that Saddam was out of control, and listed options for responding to him, including an oil ban that might affect US oil prices. We can't be sure that the President or an aide mentioned these developments to his son, or that Harken's representative who was admitted to meetings with the President picked up something and reported back to Junior. But it is the simplest and most logical explanation. The Bushes acknowledge that George Senior and his sons consult on political strategy and other matters constantly. Furthermore, Harken's internal financial advisers at Smith Barney had issued a report in May warning of the company's deteriorating finances. Harken owed more than $150 million to banks and other creditors at the time. George Bush, Jr. was a member of the board and also of Harken's restructuring committee, which met in May and worked directly with the Smith Barney consultants. He must have known of these warnings. These are pretty clear-cut indications of illegal insider trading. The Securities and Exchange Commission, controlled at the time by President George Bush, investigated but chose not to press charges. Junior also violated another SEC rule explicitly. He was required to register his sale as an insider trade by July 10, 1990, but didn't until March 1991, after the Gulf War was over. He was not punished or cited. Deal #3: A Big Slice of the Texas Rangers for a Little Money (and a Big Profit) The third unusually easy deal for George Bush Junior was his involvement in the Texas Rangers baseball team. In a nutshell, he was offered a piece of this valuable franchise for only $600,000, by supporters of his dad who also bailed out his failing oil company. He sold his stake for $14 million - while Texas governor -- to a Texas millionaire with lots of businesses regulated by his administration. "When all it is all said and done, I will have made more money than I ever dreamed I would make," Bush told the Forth Worth Star-Telegram. Bush was allowed to buy 1.8% of the team for $600,000 of borrowed money, and was even made one of the two general managers. His qualifications for partial ownership? Several years working at failing oil companies, and his political connections through his father. It's hard to be sure, but we're guessing that latter was probably more important. Junior tripled his investment, like the other owners, with the help of massive government intervention and subsidies. But his real wealth came from simply being given 10% of the team as a "bonus" for "putting together the investment team." Even if he really had done that work, it's an absurd bonus ($12.2 million), but the fact is that he didn't add much. Cincinatti financier William DeWitt brought Bush in, not vice versa, shortly after George Bush Sr. was elected president. (DeWitt had also invested in Junior's oil companies.). The only investor Bush actually brought in was Roland Betts, a Yale fraternity brother, and that wasn't good enough. Under Junior's management, the deal was about to fall apart until baseball commissioner Peter Uebberoth brought in another investment group led by Fort Worth Billionaire Richard Rainwater and Dallas investor "Rusty" Rose. Since the deal, both men have profited greatly from business with the Texas administration of George Bush, Jr. Rose personally invested $3.2 million and became the other general manager of the team. Under the team partnership agreement, Bush Junior couldn't take any "material actions" wihtout Rose's prior approval. There was also a method for removing Junior as a general partner, but no way to remove Rose. Yet Rose's "bonus" for his role in setting up the deal was less than half of Junior's. What kind of owners would approve such a big payoff to Bush? In addition to Rose and Rainwater, men with business pending before Texas government, the owners included William DeWitt and Mercer Reynolds, major contributors to President Bush who had also purchased Junior's failing oil company through their Spectrum 7 Energy company. If this deal doesn't smell bad enough already, consider Bush's blatant hypocrisy. The main value of the team is its new stadium (ranked by Financial World as the most profitable in baseball) and 300 acres of vacant land the team owns between the stadium and 6 Flags of Texas, which is next door. Putting Tax Money into Bush's Pocket The hypocritical part is, the private owners of this very valuable land didn't want to sell. Bush and his partners gave them only a lowball offer, and when it was rejected they arranged for a new government agency (the Arlington Sports Facility Development Authority, or ASFDA) to condemn it for them. The agency foreclosed the land and paid the owners a very low price, later judged by a jury to be only 1/6th of its actual value. The agency also floated bonds, guaranteed and repaid by taxpayers, to finance the purchase. This amounted to a $135 million subsidy for Bush and partners, compared with the $80 million they paid for the franchise. Since they sold the entire franchise for $250 million, it's easy to see whose money Bush and friends pocketed. The next time Junior talks about tax cuts, remember this: Arlinton had to impose a new 1/2 cent sales tax just to pay for the subsidy Bush and his partners received. To add insult to injury, Bush and his partners continue to stiff the taxpayers for $7.5 million they owe under the terms of the agreement. It held that the team would pay all expenses over $135 million. The original owners of just 13 of the acres sued the City of Arlington, saying that the ASFDA had not paid a fair price for the land. The jury awarded them $7.5 million, but even though the project exceeded the $135 million limit, the partners have refused to pay. Given their huge taxpayer subsidy and $170 million profits, it seems absurdly selfish. George Bush, Jr. has said in campaign speeches "I will do everything I can to defend the power of private property and private property rights when I am the governor of this state." Apparently this deal was not covered by that statement, since he wasn't governor yet. He claims that he "wasn't aware of the details" of the land condemnations, even though he was the team's managing general partner and has bragged about personally getting the stadium built. But he told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in October 1990 that "The idea of making a land play, absolutely, to plunk the field down in the middle of a big piece of land, that's kind of always been the strategy." And the key to their land play was always the strong arm of government. A memo from Arlington real estate broker Mike Reilly to Rangers President Tom Schieffer dated October 26, 1990 - the day before Bush's comment about the land play - said "In this particular situation our first offer should be our final offer ... If this fails, we will probably have to initiate condemnation proceedings after the bond election passes." On the first day of the 1993 campaign, Bush said "The best way to allocate resources in our society is through the marketplace. Not through a governing elite." Not through a private sports team buying in the President's son cheap, and then getting the government to hand them extremely valuable land. Party Hearty: Sex, Drugs, And Rock 'N Roll? For almost half his life, Junior was distinguished mainly by his hearty appetite for partying. A Newsweek profile by Evan Thomas, describing his college years, says he "seems to have majored in beer drinking at the Deke House." After he formed his first company (which failed), Thomas writes, "By his own account, Bush spent a lot of time in bars, trying to sort out who he was. He had a kind of ragged nervous energy in that period, and he could be a bully." The Bush family spin is that the governor quit drinking cold turkey on his 40th birthday, straightened out by the love of a good woman (his wife, Laura.) They even pull out their secret weapon, lovable Barbara Bush, with anecdotes about what a rascal little George Junior was. But the explosive element here is not booze. It's sex, drugs and hypocrisy. Frankly, it doesn't bother us if candidates have partied, even a lot. Who wants a bunch of namby-pamby boy scouts running the country? But George Bush Jr. makes a big point of travelling around the country and lecturing students on staying celibate, sober and drug free. He does not permit the option of partying hard until you're 40 and then stopping. And as governor, he attacked his predecessor for allowing leniency toward first-time drug users, and pushed a "no tolerance" policy that has sent casual cocaine users -- who's dads aren't rich, or president -- to prison for years. He even has the gall to proclaim that such users "need to know that drug use has consequences." At least if you're from the wrong neighborhood. No Handcuffs or Dwarf Orgies Junior is so worried about his past that he hired a private detective to investigate himself. (I guess he can't remember what he did at those parties, which tells you something right there.) According to an unnamed insider quoted on MSNBC, Bush "isn't terribly thrilled" about what they found, though no one is spilling the details (yet). "No handcuffs or dwarf orgies, but he was a handsome, rich playboy and lived that life," the insider said. W is For Women: Bush volunteers to reporters that he has been faithful to his wife. However, he was married at 31 and makes no claim of virginity before that point, even as he lectures the youth of today to remain celibate. A Clinton aide who was in Bush's class at Yale has already warned him that "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." We have received two credible reports from women who say they had affairs with George Bush, Jr. One alleged affair took place after Bush was married, on business trips to Los Angeles; in the other case, Bush was single but the woman was married at the time. Neither woman is willing to go public with further details, including their names, which is why we aren't publicizing these incidents more, but in our editorial opinion they are credible, and the details that these woman have provided check out. Furthermore, porn publisher Larry Flynt has alleged that one Bush affair led his then-girlfriend to have an abortion, and claims to have 5 affidavits from friends of the woman and others supporting the claim. Again the woman does not want to be named, which makes it hard to prove the claim, but you can't really blame a lady for not wanting to be known as the "Bush abortion girl." Flynt made this allegation on CNN. The host of the program actually said "Now we at CNN don't want to be accused of censoring anybody...", yet that is exactly what CNN did. They removed the show's transcript and links from their web site days after the broadcast. You can still get details on the incident at the Bush Watch web site. They have more details here. COCAINE: According to a new book, three independent sources close to the Bush family report that Governor Bush was arrested in 1972 for cocaine possession, and taken to Harris County Jail, but avoided jail or formal charges through an informal diversion plan involving community service with Project P.U.L.L., an inner city Houston program for troubled youths at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Houston's dirt-poor Third Ward. (In another new book, reporter Bill Minutaglio, writes that the year of community service was arranged by the Governor's father, ex-president Bush, after he caught Bush Jr. driving drunk.) That year certainly is out of character with the rest of Bush Jr.'s life. Before and after 1972, he was a rich, hard drinking playboy. Suddenly, and only that one time in his life, he worked for a liberal charity in an inner city ghetto. As soon as the year was over, he resumed his previous pattern and has done no charity work since. The author of this book, J. H. Thompson, has some interesting scandals of his own. Of course, his own flaws don't disprove what Bush did or didn't do, but the way Thompson has responded certainly undercuts his credibility. First, he admitted to a reporter from Slate Magazine that he made up at least one detail, that one of his informants spat tobacco into a styrofoam cup during their (phone!) interview. Then, reporters -- or perhaps Bush campaign operatives -- found that the author apparently is an ex-convict, on parole for hiring a hit man to kill a former boss. That doesn't mean he can't research, of course, but Thompson's credibility suffered greatly as he claimed it was someone else, despite incredible similarities between his resume -- including unexplained job gaps during the prison years -- and confirmation from his parole officer that indeed, the author named J. H. Thompson is the one who did time. Bush Jr.'s Evasive Responses: Bush has essentially admitted that he used cocaine in his Clintonesque, carefully worded partial denials. He won't deny using cocaine or marijuana, though under persistent questioning he said that he hadn't used cocaine in the last 7 years. Most newspapers report that he denies using cocaine since 1974, but that's not exactly true. That is the most favorable interpretation of what Bush said, but since Bush and his campaign have already made Clintonesque denials on other issues, we need to look at his words carefully. What Bush actually said was ""I could have passed the [FBI] background check on the standards applied on the most stringent conditions when my dad was president of the United States - a 15-year period," Mr. Bush said. This is ambiguous because background forms ask slightly different questions, depending on the position. Drug questions can go back one year, seven years or 10 years. Bush Jr. didn't have any formal position in his father's administration, so which one applies is unclear. And 15-years is not one of the choices. Since Bush Sr.'s presidency began in January 1989, reporters assumed that Jr. was denying drug use for 15 years before that, to 1974. But that is not at all clear. His only direct statement was for seven years before today. He could easily have been denying drug use only for 15 years before today, based on 7 or 10 years dating back from the END of his dad's term. 10 years before 1993, the end of Bush Sr.'s term, is pretty close to 15 years before today. The Clinton administration actually has a stricter standard than Bush did -- the FBI now asks about any drug use after age 18. But Governor Bush has refused to say whether he would pass that standard, even though that is what he will be asked if he wins. Bush also has refused to answer whether he could have passed the FBI test when his father was vice president, during the 8 years from 1981-1989. As for the arrest and diversion charge, Governor Bush admits working at the center in 1972. When asked for comment, Bush's campaign spokesman reportedly said "Oh s**t... no comment." McLellan denies saying that. Bush's father, ex-president George Bush, denies the cocaine arrest charge, and in yet another carefully worded denial, Bush said ""It's totally ridiculous what he suggested and it's not true." You'll recall that President Clinton made a very similar statement about Gennifer Flower's allegations of an affair, during the 1992 campaign. Later, when he had to testify under oath, it turned out that he was denying that all of the details of the story were true, not whether an affair had occurred or any specific details (many of which were accurate). Similarly, Bush himself does not deny being caught with cocaine, or having performed community service. Bush's campaign spokesman has now denied that Bush was ever arrested on any drug charge. The director of the center, Madgelean Bush (no relation), also denies the reports. However, her center is dependent on Texas state money, and the director, who grew up poor but has amassed several houses around the center while running it, allowed Governor Bush to use the center for a photo opportunity earlier this year. The Bush campaign also produced Carol Vance, who was the Democratic District Attorney in Harris County in 1972, to say that there was no diversion program in that year, nor were there any Republican judges (as Hatfield's book states.) Rock and Roll: Bush keeps a picture of himself with two members of ZZ Top, but does not play the song "Tube Snake Boogie" during his celibacy lectures. We have found no evidence to support the the most explosive allegation so far; that Bush played air guitar to a Foghat record at a party in the late 1970s. But he won't deny it, either. When pressed on the hypocrisy issue, he speaks to hypocritical baby boomer parents everywhere: "If I were you, I wouldn't tell your kids that you smoked pot unless you want 'em to smoke pot. I think it's important for leaders, and parents, not to send mixed signals. I don't want some kid saying, 'Well, Governor Bush tried it.'" It's amazing enough that he openly defends hypocrisy, but his own signals are very mixed. When allowed to imply that he is just another manly, hard-drinking rapscallion, Bush seizes the opportunity. "When I was young and irresponsible, I was really young and irresponsible," he often says. He even hints at pot smoking, as in the above quote, and why not? Everyone from his likely opponent Al Gore to Newt Gingrich has admitted smoking pot. But Junior wants it both ways. When the deadly rumor of cocaine use surfaces, he retreats to his high-minded rhetoric about not giving mixed messages. If he thinks he can skate to the presidency without either his right-wing foes or embittered Clintonistas pushing his past into the limelight, then he really IS on drugs. Quotes "I've been to war [sic]. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war." -- Bush, flat out lying in 2002. "One of the interesting initiatives we've taken in Washington, D.C., is we've got these vampire-busting devices. A vampire is a?a cell deal you can plug in the wall to charge your cell phone."?Denver, CO. Aug. 14, 2001 "Well, it's an unimaginable honor to be the president during the Fourth of July of this country. It means what these words say, for starters. The great inalienable rights of our country. We're blessed with such values in America. And I--it's--I'm a proud man to be the nation based upon such wonderful values."--Visiting the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C., July 2, 2001 "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease."--After meeting with the leaders of the European Union, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001 "It's very important for folks to understand that when there's more trade, there's more commerce."--Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001 "I've coined new words, like, misunderstanding and Hispanically."?Radio-Television Correspondents Association dinner, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001 "I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for predecessors as well."?Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2001 "Then I went for a run with the other dog and just walked. And I started thinking about a lot of things. I was able to?I can't remember what it was. Oh, the inaugural speech, started thinking through that."?Pre-inaugural interview with U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 22, 2001 issue "Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment."?Interview with the New York Times, Jan. 14, 2001 (Thanks to Rachael Contorer.) "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants."?Interview with the New York Times, Jan. 14, 2001 "They misunderestimated me."?Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000 "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."?Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000 "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."-Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000 "The great thing about America is everybody should vote."-Austin, Texas, Dec. 8, 2000 "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."--Reuters, May 5, 2000 "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"-Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000 "I understand small business growth. I was one."-New York Daily News, Feb. 19, 2000 "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."-Pella, Iowa, as quoted by the San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 30, 2000 "It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet."?Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000 "I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question."? Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000 "Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods."?Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000 "The senator [McCain] has got to understand if he's going to have?he can't have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road."?To reporters in Florence, S.C., Feb. 17, 2000 "We ought to make the pie higher."?South Carolina Republican Debate, Feb. 15, 2000 "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program."?Debate in St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 2, 2000 "It's your money. You paid for it."?LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000 "It's not the governor's role to decide who goes to heaven. I believe that God decides who goes to heaven, not George W. Bush." -- George W. Bush, in the Houston Chronicle. "There ought to be limits to freedom. We're aware of this [web] site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that's all he is." -- George Jr., discussing a web site that parodies him "I'm a uniter not a divider. That means when it comes time to sew up your chest cavity, we use stitches as opposed to opening it up." -- Bush, on David Letterman, March 2, 2000. (the audience booed) "I didn't -- I swear I didn't -- get into politics to feather my nest or feather my friends' nests." -- Bush Jr., in the Houston Chronicle Quote Sources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bush's Top Aides Exposed an Undercover CIA Agent To Silence Critics On July 14, 2003, columnist Robert Novak -- a staunchly partisan Republican and ally of the Bush administration -- wrote a column attacking Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador who had investigated the allegations that Iraq tried to buy uranium in Niger (and concluded they were false). Novak wrote: "Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction. Two senior administration officials told me Wilson's wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate the Italian report." Several other journalists besides Novak were contacted by the two Bush Administration officials, who encouraged them to report these facts, though Novak was the only one to publish the story directly. An administration official confirmed to the Washington Post that the two officials had contacted at least 6 journalists with the information in an effort to discredit Wilson. Reporters were contacted at Time Magazine and 3 TV networks, including NBC-TV's Andrea Mitchell (who was called after Novak's column appeared.) CNN reports that "sources" confirmed these contacts to them as well. After Novak's column appeared, some of the others discussed the story, including Time Magazine, Long Island Newsday and the Washington Post. For fairly obvious reasons, it is a felony (punished by 10 years in prison) to reveal the identity of an undercover agent. In fact President Bush's father, the first President Bush, said in a 1999 speech that those who expose the names of intelligence sources are "the most insidious of traitors." Wilson's wife -- and mother of his 3 year old twins -- is a case officer in the CIA's clandestine service, working to uncover information about weapons of mass destruction, and her cover job was energy analyst for a private firm. By publishing her maiden name, which she worked under, Novak not only risked her safety, but has tipped off foreign governments that any of their people who met with her are possibly spies. Novak claims that the CIA "asked me not to use her name, but never indicated it would endanger her or anybody else." (Journalists are exempt from the law against exposing intelligence sources; it only applies to the government leakers.) Shortly after the column appeared, the CIA filed a crime report with the Justice Department. In mid-September 2003, they sent additional information verifying the damage that was caused and confirming that the agent's identity had been secret. The Justice Department, headed by Bush appointee John Ashcroft, has now concluded its preliminary inquiry, determined that there is a crime here, and has opened a full investigation. Here's the interesting thing about this story: everyone in Washington knows which Administration officials made this leak. Keep that in mind when you read the stories about this scandal, and you'll get an idea of how twisted and chummy the Washington insider scene is. Top Bush officials know because, well, two of them did it and Bush and Karl Rove run a tight ship -- they might not do the dirty work themselves, but this administration is famous for NOT having unauthorized leaks. And pretty much every reporter in Washington knows who did it -- at least 6 were contacted by the leakers in the first place, and they have talked to several other reporters (all off the record without naming names of course.) Because reporters don't want to reveal their confidential sources (or get punished by Karl Rove), they will continue to play this game where the White House gets away with saying "if these allegations are true" and the press piously pretends they don't know who leaked. Of course the allegations are true -- the name was printed, wasn't it? Unless you believe that ROBERT NOVAK of all people is lying and falsely identified his allies in the Administration as the source of the leak, it is an open and shut case. Even the impeccably conservative Washington Times agrees on this point. Now of course, folks will email me and ask "Who did it then?" I wish I knew, but I'm based in Oregon and don't hang in those circles. Undoubtedly one of our readers does know though, so do a guy a favor and send us the scoop. Wilson first named Karl Rove, the President's brilliant and vindictive political adviser. Karl Rove was fired from the elder President Bush's 1992 campaign, according to Esquire Magazine, "after he planted a negative story with columnist Robert Novak about dissatisfaction with campaign fundraising chief and Bush loyalist Robert Mosbacher Jr." Interesting parallel. If you read between the lines, though, the Washington insiders all point to one name. Take, for example, a story in the Washington Post, which has had the strongest sources on this story to date. The story quotes another (unnamed) journalist confirming that administration officials were spreading this story, and then describes the Time magazine article: "An article that appeared on the Time magazine Web site the same week Novak's column was published said that 'some government officials have noted to Time in interviews . . . that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, is a CIA official who monitors the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.' The same article quoted from an interview with I. Lewis Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, saying that Cheney did not know about Wilson's mission 'until this year when it became public in the last month or so.'" By amazing coincidence, that same name popped up in a USA Today story about Plame. While describing Plame's work, the author went out of his way to point out that Libby was familiar with Plame's work (and identity): "In Washington, Plame was assigned to the CIA's Non-Proliferation Center, an organization of analysts, technical experts and former field operatives who work on detecting and, if possible, preventing foreign proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Vice President Cheney and his chief of staff, Lewis ''Scooter'' Libby, met with officials at the Non-Proliferation Center before the invasion of Iraq to discuss reports that Iraq was seeking to buy uranium in Africa. A U.S. official with knowledge of those meetings said Plame did not attend. But the former U.S. intelligence official said she was involved in preparing materials for those meetings." So neither story SAYS that Lewis Libby was one of the leakers, but boy didn't his name appear out of the blue right when folks were discussing whodunnit? Cheney and his staff have been the most hawkish of the hawks seeking to attack Iraq and d**n the torpedoes. As time goes on, Libby and the Vice President's office just keep getting singled out, seemingly as non-sequitirs, in these discussions. For example, outspoken Republican Senator Chuck Hagel said on CNBC that President Bush should take a more active role "and get this behind him." He went on to say: "He has that main responsibility to see this through and see it through quickly, and that would include, if I was president, sitting down with my vice president and asking what he knows about it," And during Monday's embattled press conference, Bush's press secretary McLellen said this out of the blue: "There's been nothing, absolutely nothing, brought to our attention to suggest any White House involvement, and that includes the vice president's office as well." And here is some interesting speculation on who the 'senior administration official' who confirmed the leaks might be. (The leading candidate seems to be George Tenet, head of the CIA.) The Bush Administration's reaction should break the illusion if anyone still thinks Bush is a man of integrity dedicated to national security. First, of course, his staff exposes an undercover CIA agent in THE most critical national defense area -- protecting the US against weapons of mass destruction held by terrorists and rogue nations. That's what Valerie Plame did, until she was exposed. If Bush is the man he claims he is, he would be shocked by this action, find out who did it and fire them. Instead, he completely ignored the issue after the column was published, until an FBI investigation forced him to react. Though he said the politically correct things to the press -- "I want to get to the bottom of this", etc. -- his press secretary admits that Bush won't even ASK his top aides if they did it. He knows one of them did, because his ally Robert Novak said so. But he can't be bothered to ask who, or do anything about it. Now, the Bush administration has a twin strategy -- attack Joseph Wilson as a partisan Democrat, and make sure no Republicans join the calls for a special prosecutor. One Republican aide called the strategy "slime and defend." The strategy reveals Bush's true nature -- his only concern is political damage control, not national security. Is Wilson a Democrat? No one has reported that. He is a vocal critic of the way Bush has pursued war in Iraq, but it's not as simple as him being a partisan activist. He and his wife have given money to Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry this year, and Wilson has advised Kerry's staff. In 1999, he gave $1,000 to Democratic candidate Al Gore, but he also gave $2,000 to George Bush himself. Wilson was appointed to his post in Iraq by George Bush's father, the ex-president, who praised his work there, where Wilson went toe to toe with Saddam Hussein, and was a war hawk. This time, he has supported military action against Iraq but criticized the Bush administration for the way they have done it, and the reasons they gave to justify it. More to the point, so what? It's still just as wrong (and just as illegal) to expose a spy even if her husband opposes the President. Calls for a special prosecutor are ironic, since Bush and his allies called so insistently for special prosecutors during Clinton's scandals, even though no one suggested that Janet Reno had any direct ties to the scandals, and Democrats fought them just as insistently. Now the roles are reversed. Politics aside, though, there are some real reasons to be suspicious of John Ashcroft's ability to fairly prosecute Bush administration officials. Ashcroft has direct ties to at least one central figure in the investigation, Karl Rove. Rove was a paid consultant to 3 of Ashcroft's political campaigns before Ashcroft was appointed Attorney General. And Jack Oliver, the deputy finance chairman of President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign, was the director of Mr. Ashcroft's 1994 Senate campaign, and later worked as Mr. Ashcroft's deputy chief of staff. Given these ties, it would be normal for Ashcroft to appoint a special prosecutor or recuse himself from the case, as Janet Reno did with the Waco investigation. (She appointed Republican Senator John Danforth as a special prosecutor). In 2001, Mr. Ashcroft recused himself from the investigation of Senator Robert G. Torricelli of New Jersey, simply because Mr. Torricelli had campaigned against Ashcroft in Missouri. Why would the administration expose a CIA agent? Because Joseph Wilson (the agent's husband) had publicly criticized the Bush administration's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and specifically described his assignment in 2002 to investigate claims that Iraq had tried to buy "yellowcake" uranium for a nuclear bomb. Wilson was perfectly qualified to check this out -- he is an expert on Africa who was also the last U.S. Ambassador to Iraq before the (1991) Gulf War. The elder President Bush publicly praised Wilson's "courage and tenacity" and "your skillful conduct of our tense dealings with the government of Iraq." Wilson checked out the claims and reported back that they were "highly doubtful." When the current Bush administration used the claims anyway to justify invading Iraq, and later denied that they knew the claims were false, he stepped forward and proved that these statements were lies. One goal was to discredit Wilson. One of the journalists contacted, who asked to remain anonymous, said "The official I spoke with thought this was a part of Wilson's story that wasn't known and cast doubt on his whole mission." It also fits Karl Rove's distinctive brand of hardball, to punish Wilson and, more importantly, intimidate any other government officials who considered disagreeing with them on Iraq's weapons. Wilson says that on July 21st, a week after Novak had blown his wife's cover, a different reporter called Wilson to say that he had just spoken with Rove, and that Rove had said that Wilson's wife "was fair game." The senior Bush administration official who confirmed the phone calls to reporters told the Washington Post "Clearly, it was meant purely and simply for revenge." Revealing a Spy Sources Lies, Fraud and Deception to Promote War in Iraq Don't buy the Bush spin that the lies about Iraq are only "16 words" -- the administration lied, deceived or committed outright fraud about every single point they used to justify invading Iraq (except to say that Saddam was an evil man.) The "16 words" spin reveals just how shameless their lies are. Short lies don't matter? Well, Clinton got impeached for just 8 words -- "I did not have sex with that woman." Even by that ridiculous standard, Bush is twice as big a liar as Bill Clinton. The uranium allegation (the "16 words") is famous because the fraud is so obvious. That charge, which Bush stated directly in his State of the Union speech, was based on blatantly forged documents -- one purported to be from a Niger official, to himself. The Bush Administration knew they were forged. They had been told several times that the charges were false, including by our own CIA and State Department. Bush and his top aides fought to put the words back in his speech, using weaselly phrasing -- Defense Secretary Rumsfeld has actually argued that the statement wasn't a lie because Bush didn't SAY Iraq did try to buy uranium, he just said "British intelligence HAS LEARNED that they tried to buy uranium." Once again, Bush imitates Clinton, arguing about what the meaning of "is" is. Before considering each of the dozens of individual deceptions, lies and misleading statements that Bush and his aides used to push the US into war in Iraq, let's not lose track of the big picture. The Bush administration justified war, immediate war, because alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Those weapons do not exist. They have not existed for years. The Bush adminstration knew this, because a top Iraqi defector told us this over 4 years ago, but they kept that information secret. And weapons of mass destruction were not the reason the Bush administration wanted to invade Iraq. Top officials have even admitted this, saying flat out that they had other reasons but chose WMD because it was the most effective argument politicially. There were many other deceptive charges by the Bush administration -- about unmanned drones, orders to use chemical weapons, aluminum tubes, links between Iraq and Al Qaeda, etc. But don't forget the big picture. The Bush administration knew that there were no WMD in Iraq. They deliberately and consistently lied to the American people about this, to justify war in Iraq. And 300 US soldiers have died as a result. Lies About Iraq Sources Convicted of Drunk Driving, and Lied to Cover It Up George Bush now admits that he was convicted of drunk driving. On September 4, 1976, a state trooper saw Bush's car swerve onto the shoulder, then back onto the road. [The Bush camp spin that he was driving too slowly is simply a lie.] Bush failed a road sobriety test and blew a .10 blood alcohol, plead guilty, and was fined and had his driver's license suspended. His spokesman says that he had drunk "several beers" at a local bar before the arrest. Bush was 30 at the time. He now says that he stopped drinking when he turned 40 because it was a problem. More troubling, Bush lied in denying such an arrest, and still won't take responsibility for his actions. His first reaction was to blame Democrats and Fox News -- the only openly conservative TV network -- for reporting the story. "Why [was this reported] now, four days before the election? I've got my suspicions." He refused to say what his suspicions are, though. Bush admits covering up the story, but seems to think he has no responsibility for the failure of his cover up. In fact, just like Clinton with Monica Lewinsky, Bush has brazenly and repeatedly lied to cover up and minimize this arrest. 1. Bush Lied at his Press Conference, 11/3/2000 Bush said he paid a fine on the spot and never went to court. That is clearly a lie, as you can see on this court document showing his court hearing a month later. In fact, it was a man also in court for DUI the same day who revealed Bush' arrest. Here is exactly what Bush said in his press conference: Bush: "I told the guy I had been drinking and what do I need to do? And he said, "Here's the fine." I paid the fine and did my duty...." Reporter: "Governor, was there any legal proceeding of any kind? Or did you just -- " Bush: "No. I pled -- you know, I said I was wrong and I ..." Reporter: "In court? " Bush: No, there was no court. I went to the police station. I said, "I'm wrong." 2. Bush Lied in Court, 1978 Bush got a court hearing to get his driving suspension lifted early, even though he had not completed a required driver rehabilitation course. He told the hearings officer that he drank only once a month, and just had "an occasional beer." The officer granted his request. But Bush continued drinking for 8 years after that date and has said publicly that he drank too much and had a drinking problem during that time. Presumably Bush was under oath during the hearing, though we haven't been able to pin down that detail. The Bush campaign refuses to comment on this contradiction. 3. Bush Lied To "The Dallas Morning News", 1998 "Just after the governor's reelection in 1998, [Dallas Morning News reporter Wayne] Slater pressed Bush about whether he had ever been arrested. 'He said, 'After 1968? No.'" Dallas Morning News, 11/03/2000 [Before 1968, Bush was arrested for theft and vandalism in college.] 4. Bush Lied On 'Meet The Press', 11/21/99 Tim Russert: "If someone came to you and said, 'Governor, I'm sorry, I'm going to go public with some information.' What do you do?" Bush: "If someone was willing to go public with information that was damaging, you'd have heard about it by now. You've had heard about it now. My background has been scrutinized by all kinds of reporters. Tim, we can talk about this all morning." 5. Bush Lied to CBS, 1999. "Bush has often acknowledged past mistakes, but CBS News Correspondent Lee Cowan reports that in a 1999 interview with CBS station WBZ in Boston, he denied there was any so-called smoking gun." CBS TV news Bush also evaded countless questions and gave Clintonesque half-truths. For example, while struggling with how to answer charges of drug abuse, he said that he would have been able to pass FBI background checks during his father's administration. But those checks include the question "Have you ever been arrested for any crime?" So either he was directly lying, or he has some Slick explanation like "I could have explained the circumstances of the arrest and still passed the FBI check." In another evasion, Bush decided to serve jury duty in 1996, during his first year as governor. On his questionairre, he simply left blank the questions about prior arrests and trials. Then he found himself on a trial for drunk driving, where every juror is eventually asked about prior convictions for drunk driving. The night before the trial, Bush's lawyer asked the defense attorney to dismiss him, because "it would be improper for a governor to sit on a criminal case in which he could later be asked to grant clemency." It's a silly argument, because that problem exists with any criminal trial and Bush had already decided to serve on a jury, but the defense attorney obliged and excused him before direct questioning of jurors began. Bush now justifies covering up his arrest "to be a good role model for his daughters." How does he figure that? Lying to cover up your crimes is not what I call being a good role model. Taking responsibility for your actions, admitting fault honestly and warning people of the consequences you suffered, THAT would be a good example. But Bush prefers the Clinton route of bald-faced lying, then blaming your enemies and the press when you get caught. Bush is now the first person to be elected president after being convicted of a crime. Bush had several other drunken incidents, as well. In December, 1972, Bush challenged his dad (the ex-president) to a fist fight, during an argument about Bush's drunk driving. He had taken his little brother out drinking, and ran over a neighbor's garbage cans on the way home. Bush's atypical public service job, working with inner city Houston kids, appears to have been an unofficial community service stint set up by Bush, Sr. Apparently the governor didn't learn his lesson, because his drunk driving conviction occured almost four years later. In another incident, he started screaming obscenities at a Wall Street Journal reporter, just because that reporter predicted that Bush's father would not be the 1988 Republican nominee. The reporter obviously was wrong, but a drunken Bush Jr. walked up to him at a restaurant and started yelling "You f**king son of a b***h. I won't forget what you said and you're going to pay a price for it." In fact, Bush' running mate d**k Cheney now admits he had two drunk driving offenses in 1962 and 1963, giving the Bush -- Cheney ticket a new world record of 3 DUI's on one ticket. No wonder they seem so relaxed. The conviction is bad enough, but the real question is, what other revelations are going to come later, about his drug use (which he won't deny), failing to show up for a year of his National Guard service, or sexual escapades in his swinging single days? There is evidence that Bush has more to hide involving his Texas driving record. Soon after he became governor, he had a new driver's license issued with the unusual ID number of "000000005", an action that destroyed the records of his previous license. His staff could only say, weakly, that this was done for "security reasons" but there is no record of any previous Texas governor having done so. Now we have at least of hint of why Bush wanted his records obscured, and a dark foreboding that more might be lurking, still covered up. Drunk Driving Sources His Character: The Prodigal Son George W. Bush, Jr. is touted as the savior of the Republican Party by the national press, because he pulls votes from minority voters and has his dad's name and fundraising connections to run on. But before we anoint him as the next president, let's look at what he's done with his life. In a nutshell, Junior 1) grew up as a very rich child of powerful parents, 2) partied from high school until he was 40, 3) made millions off of sweet insider business deals from political allies of his dad, who happened to be the President, and 4) got elected governor of Texas mostly because of his name. Bush Junior has done some good work as governor of Texas. He has crossed the partisan divide, reached out to minorities, and tackled at least one tough, thankless issue (school financing; his plan was voted down in the legislature.) But 4 years -- even 4 good ones -- is a pretty short resume for the leader of the free world. No one doubts Bill Clinton's ability to handle punishment and come back for more. But Bush Junior's stamina and attention span are very real concerns. Furthermore, Bush's term as governor has also been markedly corrupt, although possibly in legal ways. What we mean is, he has taken millions in campaign contributions from certain big businessmen -- many of whom were in on the insider business deals that made him rich -- and those same businessman have received billions in sweet deals from the Texas state government during Bush's term. Specifics: Like Al Gore, Bush Jr. attended Eastern elitist schools, in this case Andover Prep, and Yale. According to a Newsweek profile, he "went to Yale but seems to have majored in drinking at the Deke House." He joined the secretive "Skull and Bones" club in 1968, as any good conspiracy buff can tell you. His business career was marked by mediocrity or failure which nonetheless resulted in him getting lots of money from his father's political allies. And his political career has been handed to him on a platter by his famous name, and by his dad's cronies. Bill Kristol, conservative pundit and Dan Quayle's former chief of staff, says "The Bush network is the only genuine network in the Republican Party. It is the establishment." Junior and Jeb Bush (elected in Florida in 1998) are the first brothers to be simultaneous governors since the Rockefellers. To give you an idea of how rarefied his upbringing was, George Junior had an argument with his mom at one point about whether non-Christians could go to Heaven. (Barbara Bush felt they could; George didn't.) To settle the dispute, they phoned up Billy Graham on the spot. (He sided with Junior, but warned him not to play God.).) More recently, Bush's performance during the 2000 South Carolina primary shows that he received the worst trait common to the famous Bush family -- a vicious competitiveness that shows no compunction about dirty tricks (such as the phone calls by his surrogates calling McCain, of all people, "the f*g candidate") and utterly shameless flipflops (like Bush Sr.'s "read my lips, no new taxes", and Junior's very public refusal to meet with the gay Log Cabin Republicans group until right before the California primary, when he claimed he was fine with them all along. Not to mention him suddenly becoming "a reformer" after he got shellacked in the New Hampshire primary.) Not only does this trait demonstrate a lack of integrity -- which I define as having standards and things you believe in that you won't violate, even to win the presidency -- but there is an incredible arrogance in thinking that voters will accept and believe a candidate who blatantly changes his positions from week to week, saying whatever the local primary voters want to hear. Unfortunately, Bush Jr. has inherited this negative family trait without receiving any of the graciousness, diligence, and bravery of his father and grandfather (a Senator who lost his seat over a principled vote in favor of birth control, back in the 1940s.) Thin skinned: Bush tries to stifle his critics One of the most disturbing things about Bush is that he consistently works to silence his critics using his money and power, including state police and expensive lawyers. Not since Richard Nixon has a major presidential candidate been so quick to prevent his opponents from free speech. At the very least, this shows he doesn't understand big-league politics and may not be tough enough to handle more serious opponents, such as hostile foreign countries and terrorists. At worst, it may be a sign of Nixon-like paranoia; that president's thin-skin started out with similar small potatos and grew to bring down his presidency amid enemies' lists, illegal break-ins of his opponent's offices, and forcing the IRS to audit his enemies. Bush can't blame this on his staff, either; it comes from the top. When asked about one critical web site, he told the press "There ought to be limits to freedom. We're aware of this site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that's all he is." As governor of Texas, for example, Bush Junior has sent the state police to arrest peaceful demonstrators outside the governors mansion. While previous governors allowed peaceful pickets on the public sidewalk outside the mansion, Bush has claimed that they are blocking public access, and had them arrested. Not all protestors, either -- just the ones he doesn't want the press to see. In the 2000 primaries, Bush supporters including NY Governor Pataki sued to keep John McCain and Steve Forbes off the New York primary ballot in several congressional districts. Bush denied any involvement, fooling no one, but after McCain's decisive New Hampshire victory made the move look ridiculous, Bush and his top strategist Karl Rove called up his establishment minions, after which they instantly announced that they were stopping their efforts to keep McCain off the ballot. Ironically, all of the attention to ballot rules revealed that a number of Bush delegates and alternates used fraudulent signatures to qualify for the ballot. As a result, it appears that McCain and Forbes will be on the ballot statewise, but George Bush Jr. won't be in one Bronx congressional district. Bush also can't stand criticism on the Internet. His campaign quietly -- and probably illegally -- bought up over 200 anti-Bush domain names including "bushsucks.com", "bushbites.com", and "bushblows.com" over a year ago. (Illegally because he had refused to register as a candidate, as part of his effort to make it look like people were begging him to run, so spending money for his campaign was not allowed.) If you type in any of these URLs, you end up at Bush's official web site. His campaign refuses to say whether this means that they admit that he bites, blows and sucks. (Maybe he used to be a White House intern?) If you wanted to set up one of those sites, breathe easy because many good names are still available. The Bush camp somehow neglected to purchase "bushisaprick.com", "bushisweak.com", or "bushsucksdonkeydicks.com", so $70 makes them yours. Even worse, Bush and his high-priced lawyers have tried twice to shut down a web site -- www.gwbush.com -- that parodies the Bush campaign, in particular his "no comment" answers on drug use in his past. You will recall that Bush has said it doesn't matter what he did "in his youth," because the question is "have you grown up" and "have you learned from your mistakes." The parody site presents a new program called "Amnesty 2000", in which Bush "proposes" pardoning all drug convicts who have "grown up." The Bush campaign filed one complaint about the site in April 1999, after which the parody site's owners changed it to look less like the real Bush site. That wasn't good enough though, and Bush lawyers filed against the site again in May 1999. So far, it remains in business. Sources Lying Under Oath. Bush & Co. Squelch Investigation of Contributor's Funeral Homes In a (so far successful) attempt to stop a scandal, Bush perjured himself under oath, according to the sworn testimony of two of his political allies. The situation is amazingly similar to Clinton's Lewinsky problem: a potentially damaging lawuit arose (see below) that threatened to involve him. Just like Clinton, Bush swore an affidavit that he had no involvement in the case, which got him excused from testifying. And just like Clinton, the affidavit was proven false months later by new evidence. In this case, it's the recent sworn testimony of Robert MacNeil, a Bush appointee, that he had discussed the case with Bush at a fundraiser. This scandal isn't as sexy as Monica's, but perjury is perjury, and this scandal actually involves the governor's job, not his sex life. Texas' state commission on funeral homes (the TFSC) started an investigation of SCI, the world's largest funeral home company (with 3,442 homes, plus 433 cemeteries) after complaints that unlicensed apprenctices were embalming corpses at 2 SCI embalming centers. The commission visited a couple of these, and ended up fining SCI $450,000. But SCI pulled strings with the commission and with Bush himself. Shortly thereafter, the investigation was shut down and the agency's investigator was fired. She sought to question Bush for her lawsuit, and that's when he swore his admittedly false affidavit. In fact, that affidavit has been proven false twice now. DETAILS: SCI has long cultivated Bush and his allies. They gave governor Bush $35,000 in the last election and $10K in 1994, gave $100,000 to the George Bush, Sr. library, and hired the ex-president to give a speech last year for $70,000. They also spread money around the Texas legislature and the Texas Attorney General's office. After the investigation got serious, SCI's boss, Robert Waltrip, called the funeral commission's chairman and told him to "back off." If not, Waltrip said, "I'm going to take this to the governor." Still, the investigation continued. So Waltrip and his lawyer/lobbyist, Johnnie B. Rogers, went to the governor's office and dropped off a letter demanding a halt to the investigation. Rogers told Newsweek that he and Waltrip were ushered in to see Joe Allbaugh, Bush's chief of staff (who is now Bush's campaign manager.) Rogers goes on to say that Bush Jr. popped his head in and said to Waltrip, "Hey, Bobby, are those people still messing with you?" Waltrip said yeah. Then the governor turned to Rogers and said, "Hey, Johnnie B. Are you taking care of him?" Rogers said "I'm doing my best, Governor." The problem for Bush is that he swore under oath, in a July 20th 1999 affidavit, that he "had no conversations with [SCI] officials, agents, or represenatives concerning the investigation or any dispute arising from it." If Rogers is telling the truth, than Bush Jr. lied directly under oath. He filed the affidavit in an attempt to avoid testifying in a whistleblower lawsuit concerning this investigation and it's alleged squashing by Bush's administration. Back in August of 1999, Bush himself admitted that he spoke with Waltrip and Rogers -- in other words, that he lied under oath -- but used Clintonesque denials to claim that it was nothing substantial. Bush told the Associated Press that "It's a 20-second conversation. I had no substantive conversation with the guy. Twenty seconds. That's hardly enough time to even say hello, much less sit down and have a substantive discussion. All I know is it lasted no time. And that hardly constitutes a serious discussion. I did not have any knowledge at all of Waltrip's problem with this case." Of course, nothing Bush says here contradicts what Rogers said. In fact, his careful explanation of why this is not perjury is incredibly similar to Bill Clinton's weaseling about what the meaning of "is" is. And now MacNeil's sworn statement further confirms Bush's lie. Whatever Bush said out loud, Waltrip's complaints to the governor got quick results. Eliza May -- the investigator for the funeral services commission -- says that after Waltrip visited the governor, she received phone calls from three senior Bush aides asking if she could wrap up her proble quickly. She says she was also summoned to another meeting in Allbaugh's office, one month after the first one, and found Waltrip already there. The governor's top aide, she says, demanded that she turn over a list of all of the documents that she needed "to close the SCI investigation." Since then, investigator Eliza May has been fired, 6 or 10 staff members on the commission have been fired or resigned and not been replaced, and the Texas legislature -- led by members receiving substantial contributions from SCI -- passed a bill to reorganize the agency and remove it's head. On August 16, 199, Bush ordered his Comptroller to take over the agency and run it. May -- who, it should be noted, is a Democrat and was even state Democratic Treasurer at one point -- has filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging she was fired because she persisted with the investigation. Bush simply didn't show up for his scheduled deposition on July 1st, 1999 in the case. (He isn't a defendant in the case, because Governors are immune from lawsuits in Texas, but is being called as a material witness.) He filed his affidavit on July 20th to indicate that he had nothing to add. Now Robert MacNeil -- who was the chairman of the Texas funeral commission at the time, a Bush appointee -- confirms that he also discussed the case with Bush, at a 1998 Texas fundraiser. In a sworn deposition, MacNeil says that Bush asked him: ?Have you and Mr. Waltrip got your problems worked out?? Replied McNeil: ?We?re still trying to work on that, governor.? Bush then said, ?Do your job.? Bush's campaign says that MacNeil's statement is false. But the language MacNeil says Bush used is almost identical to what he admits saying to Johnnie Rodgers in the governor's office. Sources Corruption in Texas Government; State $ to Big Contributors Bush's administration has consistenly shoveled large amounts of state controlled money to men who have either contributed large amounts to Bush's campaign, or who have made Junior personally rich through sweet insider business deals, or both. For example, the University of Texas' Investment Management Company (UTIMCO) invests $1.7 billion of state money. Most of this comes from profits from oil discovered on Texas state land. Bush's cronies dominate this board, and in return investment funds controlled by these very cronies or their friends have received nearly a third -- $457 million -- of that massive investment pool. There may even be more, but this obscure group -- created under Bush -- cloaks its operations in a thick veil of secrecy. UTIMCO's chairman, Tom Hicks, now owns the Texas Rangers; his purchase of the team made Governor Bush a very rich man. Furthermore, Hicks and his brother gave $146,000 to the Bush campaign. In return, $252 million of the invested money went to funds run by Hicks' business associates or friends, according to the Houston Chronicle. Hicks even insisted that UTIMCO increase by $10 million an investment with a fund that he had an indirect financial interest in, but UTIMCO staff halted funding after they discovered the conflict. Then there's Sam and Charles Wyly, the billionaire brothers who secretly bought $2.5 million of "independent" TV ads slamming McCain just before the critical Super Tuesday primaries. (They have also given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Bush Jr.'s governor and presidential campaigns.) They control Maverick Capital, an investment fund that received $90 million of UTIMCO money. The brothers earn nearly $1 million in fees alone from that money, along with a share of any profits. Henry Kravis of Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts -- a longtime Bush contributor -- received a $50 million investment deal in 1996. And there are many more Bush supporters who have received millions from UTIMCO, including the Bass family and Adele Hall of the Hallmark Cards family. Another key player in the Bush world is Richard Rainwater, the billionaire Texas investor who made Bush Jr.'s original involvement in the Texas Rangers deal possible. That's the deal that made Jr. rich, of course. Bush had several other personal investments in Rainwater controlled companies. But Rainwater has received much from Bush and the state of Texas' treasury, too. UTIMCO invested at least $20 million in Rainwater companies. And UTIMCO is not the only Bush administration agency funneling money and favors to his supporters and cronies. T he state teacher retirement fund sold three office buildings to Rainwater'


Rhode Island,
I Saw The Film

#221Consumer Comment

Thu, August 05, 2004

I am a young, well-read and well-educated female who happens to dislike Bush's policies in general. I saw this film and I am not saying that everything in the film is correct and factual, but I have been quite surprised that no governmental representative has put forth any information indicating that Michael Moore's assertations are inaccurate. Furthermore, I do believe that our country's children, many of whom are barely out of high school, are dying for no real purpose. My problem with Bush is that he stated that we were attacking Iraq in response to terrorism. Yet, it is well known that the hijackers were primarily from Saudi Arabia....not to say that there are no terrorists in Iraq because that is ridiculous. However, Bush's ties to Saudi Arabia have precluded any real action on that front. The "war on terrorism" has done very little but kill thousands of innocent Iraqis and many of our own people. There are other ways to wage a defense on terrorism and I don't feel that keeping our troops in Iraq is one of them. With the Patriot Act being enacted and the subsequent holding of THOUSANDS of innocent people in our country, accused of terrorism, taken away from their families for long periods of time with no contact with lawyers, their families or anyone else, how is this productive. The government is secretly holding hearings against these unrepresented people....some are citizens of this country and some are not, yet of these thousands held and "tried" without due process, mind you, it has only resulted in approximately five people being charged, a few had charges dropped all together and one was actually convicted. If you have not heard of Mr. Arar, a Canadian citizen who flew into this country on business and was held by the United States government on suspected terrorism (proved to be false) and sent to Syria for torture for one year despite being a Canadian citizen, please read about it. It is these individual instances which really get me to question the policies of our leaders. The Constitution of the United States is really being broken apart and I think that should be a concern for all of us.


New York,

#222Consumer Comment

Thu, August 05, 2004

Men of action, above all those whose actions are guided by love, live forever.


Action is the dignity of greatness.


Dale City,
Oh Well.

#223REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 05, 2004

This site trying to gather peoples personal info as I understand it from other sources has been around since the net became so huge.
From what I've been told, the yahoos that run it are not bad people just nosey as all hell and they've devoted their lives to doing crap like this.
That is why I never say anything online that I would not want known.
Sorry, if anyone thinks they are unknown online, please think again.
People have managed to break into every system known, at least what they report in the news.
So why would any of you think for one minute everything about anyone in this world isn't floating around somewhere online at one of ten million sites.
And that is a conservative estimate.
To be perfectly truthful, I really don't care to meet any of you.
But as for being online, it is very advisable to
watch what you type and send.
I don't know a lot about computers, but the people that have built mine have told me that there are programs out there that allow anyone to do anything.
Having the right security system is the best start. This is no plug, but since I installed (Sorry Can't Tell The Name), I have had nothing to worry about.
Plus, go to Ad-Aware and get their Free download. This program is another good one to have. Saves alot of time and trouble. Will identify and erase any spyware or adware put on your computer.
Plus using an email service that scans incoming emails is another plus!
Its easy to use and that makes it even better.
I was warned that the bounties had been put on all our heads and relayed said warning.
Number one rule, I never fill out surveys. You never know what purpose that information is being collected for. And by who.
I don't fear the Patriot Act I or II. If Big Brother wants to follow or listen to me, that's fine. I don't have anything to hide.
What bothers me are these sites that do nothing but collect anything and everything they can, whether its true or not.
This kind of information collecting is worth worrying about.
For instance, how about all the sites people join, put all their personal information into and then the site closes. What happens to all that personal information?
Word is that it gets sold to the highest bidder.
That that is something anyone, no matter what your beliefs are, should all worry about.
TOO Much Information was a phrase coined by the founder of this information collecting movement.
If anyone knows anything anout this group or how to not accidently stumble onto their website, as they seem to use a series of links to get you there. Some say they use emails disguised as offers and ordinary stuff with links that if you go to them, you are sent to this group of sites.
Anyone with info could sure add their two cents worth. I bookmarked the site and when I went back to it, I got the "Page Unavailable" notice.


New York,

#224Consumer Comment

Thu, August 05, 2004

I understand your pride in this country and I know you're not trying to censor anyone. The fact that you are simply using your right to OPPOSE Michael Moore, is your freedom of speech.


The fact that you told liberals to get their head out of their butts to smell the fresh AIR is ACTUALLY a "liberal" or "Michael Moore" thing to say.

I highly doubt you will succeed in preventing these movie theaters from showing this movie, but I guess your point is that you want these institutions to be made AWARE of the OPPOSITION to this viewing. That not everyone agrees with this viewing. Maybe to you, showing this movie is like showing the persecution of people whom you support.

Liberals look at these people as they do the devil, so it's hard for them to comprehend why anyone would want to oppose the viewing of persecuting or outting out people who you support.

And you're probably right about Michael Moore making money off of this thing.


Just making a movie is not enough for him to win his cause. He has to actually take action and physically support his views and people... not just talk about it in a movie or books or in interviews or anywhere on camera. There has to be results. Educating people is not enough.

People just sit there and start criticizing the president, rather than getting up off their fat butts and using that time to be useful in helping the economy and decreasing the national debt.


Celebrities are refusing to take jobs unless they get a RAISE in their $20 MILLION salary. My God... and we support it by going and seeing their movies. They sound more like corporate "FAT CATS" to me.... Not even "fat cats" have as much fun with their money as these celebrities seem to have enough time to do.


Protesting is simply not enough. The president is not God and cannot grant you the wish of more money and more cash. You have to do something about it. People just like to blame and act helpless as if they have no responsibility in all of this.


Where are you getting your facts, Ralph?

#225Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 05, 2004

The very first person ever elected president as a republican was Abraham Lincoln. He was from Illinois and not the South in case you didn't know. Did they not teach you U.S History in school because you rode the short bus or what?
The first segregation laws enacted were in New York city and not the South. What the hell is wrong with you? You don't even know the history of your own state. General Grant kept slaves until the civil war was over. He was a Union man not confederate. General Sherman, another unionist, was actually this country's very first war criminal for firing on civilians. Get your facts right ya fool!

The party that you are thinking of (if your actually capable of thought) is the Dixiecrat party. They wanted to keep the old South ways and at times I can't say that i don't agree with them to some extent. Not slavery or racism of course, but definitely agriculture.

Is this the type of history being spued in the big apple? You absolutely make no sense at all. The republicans were the ones who pushed most of the civil rights issues through. If you'll only research this then you'll know what I'm saying.

Furthermore, anybody who would use that many underlying homosexual insults obviously is in denial about their own sexuality. I'm not saying that you're q***r, but I bet you've had one in your mouth before... you probably have one in your big New York mouth right now... that's why you get so worked up over George Bush. You just wish you were Laura, right? Did you learn this stuff in prison or what? What was your b***h name in prison? Of course they show FOX news. They're being rehabilitated.

How can you possibly make fun of homosexuals and then turn right around blast someone for being a racist? Are you lost? Did the medication run out or are just another moronic Yankee in need of an education? I don't like New Yorkers or Pole-Smokers. That makes you a double minority in my book ya d**n wind-bag.

Hey Robert..... I can't beleive that some of you are calling the police on one another. If you're going to be where Debbie lives then do something or shut the f**k-up, It has been my experience that people who threaten others or call the police in such matters are simply chicken-s**t cowards. Beware of the man who doesn't threaten others. If you have the balls to come to Townsend, TN, look me up, threaten me. Everybody will know who you're talking about. Why don't you come to my hometown chickenshit. Hell if you want, Robert, call the police on me. Then I'll know who you are and we'll just meet somewhere. I can't believe you guys.....SHAME, SHAME, SHAME...........

How could anybody put any stock in what M.M. has to say any ways? he looks like the owl in the tootsie lollipop commercials..." how many licks does it take to get to the center?" Maybe he should be saying, "How many licks does it take to get Robert to fire one off!" He likes those Homosexual Jokes ya know! God forbid you step on minority toes around him though. What a Freak!


Robert, ???????

#226Consumer Comment

Thu, August 05, 2004

Michael Moore is a very high profile Hollywood/political/liberal figure. You ended your "REPORT" by telling liberals to pull thier heads out of their butts.
It never occured to you that just maybe your"REPORT"may spark debate?
I did not look MM up on a search engin. I was checking on a company I do business with and wound up here.
As for this turning into a chat line< I believe if you go count the rebuttals you will see you clearly come off as the big winner.
I find political debates frustrating. Sometimes things seem so clear to ones own self that it is hard to understand why everyone else can't see it too.
I am a big GW Bush fan.
I doubt W would approve of you telling people that don't agree with you that their is a bounty on their personal info. If it's true I strongly urge you to make it right.
Debbi and some others annoyed me too.
They are people with children & grand children. Does she and others have to look over their shoulders because they argued points or called you names?
Maybe I'm not Republican enough for you. Do I need to lock up my kids or fear for my life???
I go to church. We are told that rather than judge let your life teach by example.

It's a big wide web out there. This kind of garbage gets people hurt or worse. Do some or all of us deserve to be hurt or worse because we dared to disagree with you???
For gods sake do you really think that if Bush read your last posting he would be gratefull for your support.
This is not cool. This is not how a Republican would handle opposition.


Politics, politics, politics......

#227Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 04, 2004

Unlike most of you, I've seen Michael Moore's so-called documentary and found it to be full of statements taken out of context. He is a fool and anybody who puts any stock in his lies are as big of a fool as he.

Most of you folks make it pretty clear what your voting preferences would be, but isn't it a shame that both parties can't do any better than this for candidates: a drunken rich kid and a lame-a*s liberal with a big-mouthed wife. Hey Kerry, get your house in order, she's an embarassment. Either we end up with a Republican who supports such things as NAFTA and big business or a Democrat who supports all these bullshit social programs that suck the tax dollars out of my pocket like dookie from a goose.

There is no greater threat to this country than liberalism. There's not a terrorist group out there that can do as much damage to this country as the Hollywood knee-jerk limousine liberal crowd and partisan politics. We used to call these people communists which is what they are.

And last but not least.... To KNILJA in Freakland, Oregon:

This is a ripoff. Michael Moores business is film-making. Film-making is done with investors and studios. Obviously you don't understand that Hollywood is a business. What Michael Moore did is use this PLATFORM for his own political pursuits. Don't get me wrong, he IS entitled to do this. But when you lie and tell only half truths, then it becomes a Ripoff. Technically what M.M. did is known as bait and switch. He should be prosecuted for this, but instead he will just have to deal with the persecution from the NON-America Hating Crowd.

Somebody tell me why people from the west coast and big cities are all liberals? Why are folks like me from rural America mostly conservative?
I'll answer the question myself to prove a point.
because people like me love our country and find fault only with its government. I truly see the beauty of open spaces. People from the city and west coast simply hate their surroundings and this hate carries over into their politics. I'd be mad too if I lived somewhere in America where English is not spoken as the national language and crime is on a rampage. That's the governments fault. Don't take this heart. This is simply my opinion or if you want to call it a philosophy then so be it.

If you want to support the fight against fundamentalist islamic terrorism then forget about BUSH, support Israel. They know how to handle these fools. GOD BLESS !


Dale City,
Leave It alone Knilja!

#228REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 04, 2004

Knilja from Portland, you just used this space to air your views and to attack me.
Its nice to see that you only seem to see that it was "I" who aired my political views and not anyone else.
Since you preached about the proper use of this space, how much of a donation are you going to send the owners of this website for providing you with a forum to voice your complaints and to check out other complaints?
And Knilja, in case you haven't been paying attention to the news, on all channels and not just Fox, the lies, half truths and twisted around facts about his movie are catching up to Michael Moore.
The latest interview with the pilot who flew the Bin Ladins out of this country just gave an interview totally disputing Moore's claim about their leaving this country.
This movie is supposed to be a Documentary---This means FACTS!!!Actual FACTS , not someones version of the facts with a twist here and a twist there.
Moore is doing to everyone with his movies and books what he claims the government is doing to the little people or the working man.
The longer his movie stays out the more evidence that it is a ripoff.

Ralph Nader

New York,
Bush is a liar and a cheat.

#229Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

Slave country.

They were the rich slave owners, looking for cheap labor.

Those rich bastards are playing the same game, only the color of the slaves have changed.

If you make less then the cost of living, your a slave.

The cost of living in NY is $20 an hour. Unless your Daddy was an oil tycoon, you have to work two crappy jobs(if you can find them)just to make enough to drive back and forth to those two dead end jobs.

G.W. is a silver spoon dolt. His two daughters are drunk sluts, and his brother is a criminal for rigging the election.

You should see all the drug addict losers in the Bush family. They make the Osbournes look like "The Brady Bunch".

Robert; I'm glad the nurse at your mental ward let's you play on her computer. If you quit spitting out your medication into your milkshake, you would realize what an jackass you sound like.

The more you talk-the more ammo we have to rip on you. With every word that rolls off your fingertips, that's three times the verbal spankings your stupid A** is going to get.

Give it up Bob. Go back to the general population and watch "The Price Is Right".. Better yet, FOX News is on. I'm sure they will tell you how great your President is, and what a great job he is doing for us..

To everyone else with a brain, let's ignore this report from now on. It just gives "Bob the nut job" his jollies for the day. Any attention he gets, gives him a big old wood-dro. He does not deserve our attention. He is a sick man, and he needs to go back to the rubber room he escaped from.



Hey Rob Job:

I know you have this "fanny love" for Georgie Bush; sorry Dicks his gay lover.

Bush is a liar and a cheat.

He loves companies going overseas and taking our jobs there because those same companies fund his re-election.

The fact that you are a brain dead/brain washed right wing moron, was amusing for a while-the fun is wearing thin.

Do you know where Republicans sprouted from??

Down south--->Slave country.

They were the rich slave owners, looking for cheap labor.

Those rich bastards are playing the same game, only the color of the slaves have changed.

If you make less then the cost of living, your a slave.

The cost of living in NY is $20 an hour. Unless your Daddy was an oil tycoon, you have to work two crappy jobs(if you can find them)just to make enough to drive back and forth to those two dead end jobs.

G.W. is a silver spoon dolt. His two daughters are drunk sluts, and his brother is a criminal for rigging the election.

You should see all the drug addict losers in the Bush family. They make the Osbournes look like "The Brady Bunch".

Robert; I'm glad the nurse at your mental ward let's you play on her computer. If you quit spitting out your medication into your milkshake, you would realize what an jackass you sound like.

The more you talk-the more ammo we have to rip on you. With every word that rolls off your fingertips, that's three times the verbal spankings your stupid A** is going to get.

Give it up Bob. Go back to the general population and watch "The Price Is Right".. Better yet, FOX News is on. I'm sure they will tell you how great your President is, and what a great job he is doing for us..

To everyone else with a brain, let's ignore this report from now on. It just gives "Bob the nut job" his jollies for the day. Any attention he gets, gives him a big old wood-dro. He does not deserve our attention. He is a sick man, and he needs to go back to the rubber room he escaped from.



Hey Bob.

#230Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

My brother who works the force said he is waiting for your call. He has read all of this and the threats are there. Do you need the number? I will oblige.


Umm, isn't this site for helping consumers not bashing us

#231Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 03, 2004

I only started to read your complaint because I thought it was a complaint against a company. Instead, it's just place where the author seemed to use alot of server space to air his own opinion on Mr. Moore. Who cares? Well it does rile alot of people up and if that was his intention, why doesn't the author just host his own website instead of wasting RipOffreport.com? It really dirties up the site when people use it for their own agenda such as this guy. Free speech is great, but find the right platform. We consumers need a place to voice our problems with Companys who have ripped us off. Usually that means by something we spent our money on, not by filing a complaint because you don't like someone's political stance...there are plenty of sites for that.


Lake Mills,
Republican? or Democrat? not sure which way to go

#232Consumer Comment

Tue, August 03, 2004

To Debbie and Loretta,

It doesn't seem to matter anymore what party u are from none of them tell the truth. There is no way they can do anything unless they have the House and the Senate to back them. Most of the politicians tell you what you want to hear not the truth. The ones who truly are making laws and getting them passed are the ones who lobby for their cause. They have the money to pay for the laws they want. THey are the ones who the Politicians have STOCK in. What are we going to do when the price of fuel oil goes up on the farms that use bottled gas?? I talked to one of the workers today when I picked up my tank of propane for my grill[ which went up a dollar from last summer]. He said that it could go up to 7 or 8 bucks a gallon to heat and cook with for the farmers and any one else who lives outside of City limits. It is 1.09 right now which is outrageous! The farmers will have to get paid more money so that they can live on the farm that they are working. They also will have to be able to keep the baby animals warm during the winter! There goes the price of eggs as well. The price of turkey and chicken will go up too. We here in the USA need to find a way to get our acts together when it comes to fuel sorces for heating and cooling and cooking. If those prices go up it won't matter how much gas is for our cars. We won't have to worry about having a car cause we will need to eat and keep warm in the winter. My family is moving to Tucson soon because we cannot take the cold anymore and it looks like it was a good idea to do it sooner rather than later. If the terrorists get to the oil wells and fuel supplies here, or over seas, we might as well pack it in.
I cannot work anymore and neither can my husband. I guess me, my daughter, and my husband will starve. We will have to sell the vehicles we do have because we won't be able to put gas in them. We will have to walk everywhere we go or take public transportation after we get moved. Where we live now I can at least take a wagon and carry groceries home. We won't be able to afford to heat our home this winter tho.
Our SSDI money is enough so that we are not eligible for most Govt. programs so, we are losing everything we have. I think that the business that you work at when you are injured should have to take care of you for the rest of your life if, you can no longer work. They could set you up doing something for them and keep you at least partially employed. No one else wants you when you cannot work at least 40 hours a week and be there everyday. Why should they you are not their responsibility? I have to take breaks every hour and lay down so I do not get a migraine or go into a full back spasam for at least a half an hour. No one will hire me to work for them. If you were paid well and liked your job then you are loyal and hard working. Thats why they should have to take care of you they should return the loyalty. That is not the case tho you have to be nearly totally bed ridden for that to happen. The work comp. laws need to be changed. The Republicans will never allow that. They even took away the over time pay for the Nurses, and Other lower paid managerial jobs and Supervisor jobs that pay less than 25000 a year. BUt they vote themselves in a pay raise and they get paid the rest of their lives! And they get health care the rest of their lives! When it comes to moral issues they should not have to be put into law.

Even, if you could work at home for them doing anything to be paid but, they fire you instead. I applied for SSDI nearly 9 months ago and still have not recieved an answer as to whether the GOvt. "thinks" I am disabled or not, even tho my DOC says I am. They are also only going back so many years to figure my ssdi checks that is not fair I went to school for 5 years and was off work for my injury nearly 2 years before I was fired. I have worked most of my life since I was 15 years old. Just because I went to school I am going to lose out on about 3 to 5 hundred dollars a month. Nobody cares about anything tho till it happens to them or one of their loved ones.
There are alot of things we don't hear about because the GOVT in charge at the time feels it is not neccessary. We had a man die here from west nile virus and no one knows about it except a few family and friends there are still people out there golfing that don't know. We had a wedding and party out there and were informed afterwards by a friend. It would have been nice to have been told so we could have used bug spray at least on the lil ones and the older people. It was an outside wedding in the afternoon. Why put bug spray on mosquitoes don't come out til night right!! WRONG!!! they were thick as theives. This effects your brain. Do you know that if you survive you could spend up to 9 months in the hospital and never be the same?? I didn't and we have been hearing about it for a long time now.
ok, So who do you vote for anyway when it comes to party lines the one for big business or the one for the lil guy. The one for the lil guy believes that he doesn't want to take a stand for or against anything really when, it comes to moral issues. And, the Republican one is out of control. He forgot to ask the people what they wanted to do when it came to going to war did he or didn't he lie to congress? We will never really know for at least 50 years. Or did someone lie to him so that they could get what they wanted? Face it he jumped the gun. Yes, it is wonderful that the Iraqi people are free from a tyrant. But, at what cost? How many of our lives were lost? He don't have to worry about gas and oil he has stock in it. I want someone who is for the lil guy and will state what he believes in and vote that way! I want someone who will spread the wealth around not just to the elite. I want someone who will bring jobs in for our kids and neighbors and friends who need them that pay well. I want to be able to start my own business with out having to worry about losing everything I have left. I don't want to rely on the GOVT for a living but the way things are going I may have to. Sorry if I made errors, I don't have the strength to sit here and correct them. I may have typed them in a hurry to get this done so that I don't have to spend the next two days in bed. Like here and hear and their and there and of course the run on sentencing.


Dale City,
Only In America!!!!!!!

#233Author of original report

Tue, August 03, 2004

To all who have responded to this complaint, I do thank you.

Many of you helped prove several things with your responses.

I have learned quite a bit about the nature of things in this country.

From many these responses, I see more than a few writing in the future about how they were stupid enough to be ripped off!

People, for the last time, this report was a rip-off report.

I did then, and am more convinced now that Michael Moores movie is a rip off. I don't give a d**n how much the movie made.

Misty Beethoven made about $400,000,000.00 before it finally left porno theatres.

So anyone using or thinking about using the amount of money its made to lend it some credibility, look at the porn reference above!

Money doesn't give it credibility!

Michael Moore took the truth and turned it around to suit himself and the RADICAL LEFT!

You people attacked my position that the movie was a con as being evil and trying to prevent his Freedom of Speech!

Yet my choosing to exercise my right to Free Speech in dissent was somehow wrong.

People griping about the slow economy, where are you getting this info? And why are you blaming the President!

How about the business you're in or the business you own isn't very good as being the reason work is slow.

How about the fact you may be a total a*s as being the reason you can't find work.

How about the fact that maybe your comapny is downright trash and nobody wants to do business with you!

Or how about people exercising their right to choose and doing business with some other person or fim!

How about suing your employer for taking jobs overseas!

Its easier to blame George Bush!

Why don't you people serve some cheese with all the WHINE!

These facts I do know for sure.

George Bush is from Texas. A great State.
George Bush is an honorable man!
George Bush is an honest man!
George Bush has never betrayed this Country or the American people!
George Bush has been one of the few people in this country with the guts and ability to stand up to terrorists and the countries that habor them and do what has been needed for 15 years.

And that is take the fight to the terrorist!

My attackers wanted to make this political, so be it!!!!!

George Bush and his administration have led this country into a world changing event. When this war is over, terrorists will be few.

No, there are always going to be terrorists! But it is time to rid the world of all the terrorists worldwide.

How many innocent men, women and children have been murdered by terrorists in the last 30 years.

How about the 1972 Munich Olympics?

You people need to go back in history and check some facts. No don't go to your favorite anti Bush Anti American website for your answers.

I'm talking about doing some real searching about terrorists and the thousands they've murdered.

You deal with terrorists with a gun.
You kill them before they kill innocent men, women and children.

And to the boneheads, here are some more facts about George Bush!

George Bush is a millionaire. The last figures put his net worth at $15,000,000.00.

The same figures put Kerry's net worth at about 4 billion and John Edwards net worth at $75,000,000.00.

Bush owns oil company stock. According to many of you, this makes him a partner to Osama.

I guess then that every politician or person in this country that has oil stock is in league with Osama!

The Bush's have had a long standing association with the Osama's family.

This somehow makes him guilty of being involved in 911!

And you morons went on and on.

Only a few managed to get what this report was all about! A simple ripoff.

This report became extremely funny when several of you started using this report as a Chat Line!

Some of you have become the butt of jokes on several sites.

One site is even trying to find out who the writers are and is offering rewards for the real info on several of you.

This site will publish your real names, addresses home and work phone numbers!
And this report to further humiliate my attackers.

And no, I tried to prevent this but my attackers should understand how people get pissed off at senseless attacks as have been thrust upon me these last weeks.

Finally, in closing, I'll say that Debbie, since you accused me of threatening you,I intend to turn over a copy of this report to Slidell Police when I'm down in Slidell the 21st,22nd and 23rd!

To the supporters, thanks for making this a good fight and alwasy remember to support this website so these guys can keep improving this service to everyone.


Debbie one more thing.

#234Consumer Comment

Mon, August 02, 2004

You really Don't think it's anyones business how Kerry feels about abortion? You think I'm ignorant? He says he thinks it's wrong, Do it anyway. He is saying clearly it's wrong but I don't care.
I bet you care what Bush thinks of abortion.
What he thinks won't change a thing. That ship has sailed. It's not comming back. Bush thinks it's wrong period. Not it's wrong do it anyway.

One DUI several years ago excludes him from morality?
Now lets drag his kids into it. Are thay too void of morality?
Have you met any of them?
What kind of person would do that? Oh you would!
I guess thats what smart people do when not correcting others in an attempt to belittle them.

And, no I have not met the celebs.I asked about, however they have been out spoken and using fame
and the press to speak about politics.
Im allowed to answer them & your allowed to listen,ignore or curse.
Your also allowed to belittle the person who's opinion you don't like. You should read what you write. It's narrow, unenlightened and mean.
I thought republicans were supposed to fall into that category.
Your supposed to just feel sorry for me because Im so dumb.

Just because a person feels without right v's wrong anything go's does not make you a bible toating freak.
Dems & reps need each other to keep each other from going off the deep end in any direction.
Gays married OK
Abortion Sometimes
Death penalty leaning towards no

I beleive I represent a good portion of my party.
Were not all a bunch of Bo-Honks playing cowboy.

Oh Yea, Guy who wrote that song. You could have likley posted it without the copyright. I doubt people of any party are tripping over themselves to get it and sing it. Good luck with that.


insulcult the intelligence

#235Consumer Comment

Mon, August 02, 2004

So You just step in and insult my intel.
I made grammer errors. Im stupid so nothing I
say has merit. Or maybe I was in a hurry and not paying attention.

The questions I asked need to be answered.
You don't need to know. You know it all now.


Well me and my republican educated a*s are off for Ozzfest.

I will not dignify anything else you say with an answer. YOU SAID NOTHING. You Just acted like a s****.> Does putting others down make you like your
self better?
Don't bother.


Would you please explain TROLL.

#236Consumer Comment

Sun, August 01, 2004


Would you please explain TROLL. Is TROLL some big insult people use in WI? When someone cuts you off in traffic do roll down your window and scream TROLL at them? Do you see TROLLS? Lord of the rings wasn't real!!

IT was funny reading your letter filled with trolls. How does one take you seriously when you carry on about college credits. My 15 year old has college cretits. Not from the school of Harry Potter. I have no doubt you could use the money.
My daughter wanted a shirt that said DIVA. I told her if you heve to wear a shirt that says DIVA it's a pretty safe bet that your not one.
If your brains are that superior you would not have to slam someone who went to the trouble to get a GED.

Your response drips with contempt and snobery.
One thing life has taught me is: IF YOU TRUELY

I know several people with college educations and very little common sence.

If you are liberal wear it like a badge. If your not then it does not apply to you.

I dont care if people think I'm some right wing bible thumping conservative. I have my own thoughts that are pretty far from towing the party line.


Oh Dear Loretta,

#237Consumer Comment

Sun, August 01, 2004

You ask many questions of the fine people here but failed to answer yourself. You cannot expect answers when you did not give us your slant on this really. I will say this though...

*I* do not believe in abortion for MYSELF. This is a personal choice to be made. No one has a right in infringe on that "right of choice".

Who are you to decide wheather two people can marry? IT IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS. What is also not your busness is whether or not Kerry is "God-fearing", (by the way GOD is always capitalized).

As far as body parts are concerned...my grandchild calls them "peanit" and ginus" GET OVER IT!!!!!

This country needs someone who is strong politically, not religiously. When I need that type of direction I will go see my religious advisor. There is a reason that there is separation of church and state.

As far as your taxes are concerned you can blame Bush for all that confusion. To make himself look good to the American people after he cried his way into the office, and needed his Bubba to get him there, he gave you all an "additional tax credit" effective immediately. I don't know how many of you noticed BUT you paid taxes on it also. Many of you were put in a higher tax bracket due to it. So he did what for you? Let's also look at the "additional child tax credit". Also had to pay taxes on money that hey you had paid on the year before. Wow he is generous. Now before any of you go off half-cocked about whether I do or do not know what I am talking about, I do taxes as part of my business and I go to classes mandated by the IRS to do such, so argue on.

Another thing that I find remarkable is that you have problems with simple things like HERE/HEAR and also THERE/THEIR. Is that what your Republican education taught you? I normally do not stress about those types things, but this is not a problem with spelling this is grammarical. That is a problem.

I think I need to ask this, why were we in Viet Nam,(2 words not one)? We so systematically want to play big brother that we have to stick our noses into things that have nothing to do with us. That is what we are doing now. So did we deserve what happened on 911 that is hard to say and sounds like an altogether new arguement to start.

See this is supposed to be a free country and we are supposed to be allowed to say and do what we choose to do. So in November I do not care who you vote for, just as long as it is an informed vote. Not scare tactics as one of the candidates is leaning towards often these days.

And now that I have rambled on and on...Bush has NO morality, he is playing all those who feel they themselves do. Those are votes correct?
Whatever happened to YE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE? Seems to me it is still a crime to drink and drive. Seems to me there are laws about underage drinking also. He has no right to try to clean anyones backyard until he figures out how to clean his own!!!!!



Oh Dear Loretta,

#238Consumer Comment

Sun, August 01, 2004

You ask many questions of the fine people here but failed to answer yourself. You cannot expect answers when you did not give us your slant on this really. I will say this though...

*I* do not believe in abortion for MYSELF. This is a personal choice to be made. No one has a right in infringe on that "right of choice".

Who are you to decide wheather two people can marry? IT IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS. What is also not your busness is whether or not Kerry is "God-fearing", (by the way GOD is always capitalized).

As far as body parts are concerned...my grandchild calls them "peanit" and ginus" GET OVER IT!!!!!

This country needs someone who is strong politically, not religiously. When I need that type of direction I will go see my religious advisor. There is a reason that there is separation of church and state.

As far as your taxes are concerned you can blame Bush for all that confusion. To make himself look good to the American people after he cried his way into the office, and needed his Bubba to get him there, he gave you all an "additional tax credit" effective immediately. I don't know how many of you noticed BUT you paid taxes on it also. Many of you were put in a higher tax bracket due to it. So he did what for you? Let's also look at the "additional child tax credit". Also had to pay taxes on money that hey you had paid on the year before. Wow he is generous. Now before any of you go off half-cocked about whether I do or do not know what I am talking about, I do taxes as part of my business and I go to classes mandated by the IRS to do such, so argue on.

Another thing that I find remarkable is that you have problems with simple things like HERE/HEAR and also THERE/THEIR. Is that what your Republican education taught you? I normally do not stress about those types things, but this is not a problem with spelling this is grammarical. That is a problem.

I think I need to ask this, why were we in Viet Nam,(2 words not one)? We so systematically want to play big brother that we have to stick our noses into things that have nothing to do with us. That is what we are doing now. So did we deserve what happened on 911 that is hard to say and sounds like an altogether new arguement to start.

See this is supposed to be a free country and we are supposed to be allowed to say and do what we choose to do. So in November I do not care who you vote for, just as long as it is an informed vote. Not scare tactics as one of the candidates is leaning towards often these days.

And now that I have rambled on and on...Bush has NO morality, he is playing all those who feel they themselves do. Those are votes correct?
Whatever happened to YE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE? Seems to me it is still a crime to drink and drive. Seems to me there are laws about underage drinking also. He has no right to try to clean anyones backyard until he figures out how to clean his own!!!!!



Lake Mills,
oh this is wonderful, Richard I am sickened by the response from your fellow Dale City, Virginia resident.

#239Consumer Comment

Sun, August 01, 2004

I cannot believe what I am reading. This was a ripoff report on how Michael Moore is making money off of hard working Americans. Richard I am sickened by the response from your fellow Dale City, Virginia resident. THis was no place to tell us how you partake in the death of innocent lives. Many people are against abortion they just feel it is not a political issue. It is PEOPLE like you that will make it a political issue. What a woman does with her pregnancy is her business and her Makers. She will be the one that will suffer for killing her baby the rest of her life and afterlife. But, you make it sound like you are paying women to have abortions. IF MORE PEOPLE KNEW AND BELIEVED IN THE SCRIPTURE THAT SAYS "MY PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE" Then you would not have a job!!!! I am sure GOD will have you on the top of his list of those who hurt the innocent children. Anyone, who takes advantage of a woman who is at her lowest point in her life and needs to make a decision that will affect her for the rest of her life and gives the advice to kill her baby for research and testing is the lowest of the low. IF YOU ARE PAYING WOMEN TO DO THIS SO THAT YOU CAN GET YOUR TESTING SUBJECTS YOU ARE TEMPTING THEM TO GET PREGNANT ON PURPOSE TO KILL THEIR CHILD JUST SO THAT THEY CAN SURVIVE! THERE ARE PEOPLE IN POOR COUNTRIES WHO SELL THEIR KIDNEYS JUST SO THEY CAN SURVIVE OR PAY FOR AN OPERATION FOR A CHILD or FAMILY MEMBER! (sorry for the runon sentencing I am pissed off) YOU only put that in there to attack Robert for living where he lives and to tell us what you do for a living. By doing so I am sure you have enraged more than one person who was against or for Roberts ripoff report. You Sir, and I use the term lightly, have crossed the line. I don't care what anyone else has to say Robert had the right to express his opinion that MR. Moores' Movie was a ripoff he has a right to his opinion and to express it. I may not agree with what he has to say but, there was no need to attack him and tell us of your despicable profession. People like you who make money off of the poor women you do not deserve to live in our Country. I am appalled that our country would allow idiots like you to even live here. You should be deported just because you exist. Keep killing all the children and noone will have to worry about the future there will not be one. ENJOY your wealth while you can sir because, when it comes time to meet your maker you will more than likely be tortured for all of eternity. I hope it was worth it.
OH and YES there is hidden meanings to the words liberal, democrat, republican, and conservative because of people like you who lobby to be able to do the despicable things you do!!!!!!!! You get what you do put in a bill where you hope no one will see it. There is a problem with our elected officials they seem to forget whom they are working for. Hopefully one day people will wake up and realize that they can make a difference all they have to do is vote for the person who they think is telling the truth!! Not the one who says what he thinks we want to here. Hopefully we can get someone in office who knows enough to stop people like you from doing what you do!!!!!!!!!


Who are you!!?

#240Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004



Are your roots set in Colorado where you were born and lived for 4 days?

Are you the man we see in the mid west on a tractor reminiscing of the good old days?

Are you for the little guy or are you an elitist pandering to minority voters.

Are you a god fearing man? Or are you the guy who has fund-raises where Planet Hollywood talks about there genitals & names them after the president? Do you condone this? I must admit even Whoppi seemed a little low class for a guy like you; however you made no attempt to distance yourself from it.

If you think abortion is wrong then why are you for it?

If you dont mind gays in civil unions, then why are you not for gay marriage?

Did it bother you when you came home from Vietnam with 3 purple hearts and started leading protests that led to some military personal being spit on and called baby killers?

911 do you think we did something to deserve 911? Israel policy maybe?

What is your Israeli policy?

What if you couldn'tt convince the UN to go along with something you thought to be in the best interest of America and its citizens? Would you do it anyway?

Why do you want to roll back my tax cut? I'm not wealthy. Most of my friends aren'tt either. My friends that do have money are already paying over 40%. Do they deserve to pay more?

What is your energy policy? Drill in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico? Bomb a 3rd world country? Even you can see how ridiculous that sounds. Maybe you can have all of us wealthy people whos tax cuts you want to take just drive little cars while the elite jet set around in whatever they want. What do you think of Celebrities who go over seas and bash the President during war? Do you feel like I and many of my friends that Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin shouldve put there money where there mouths were & left the country when Bush was elected? Do you think President Bush sits around all day trying to think of ways to stick it to Howard Stern? Do you listen to Stern? Do you think Martin Sheen has finally convinced himself that he is the President? Has Madonna finally convinced herself she should be named after a book in the bible? DO YOU ALL HERE HOW NARCISSISTIC YOU ARE. Bet your little red string won't save you from that. Do you feel all warm & fuzzy inside knowing Michael Moore wants you to be President?

My president does not have to stand for everything I do.

My president just has to stand for something.

Whats so wrong with morality?

Why shouldn't there be a right & wrong?

It is kind of mind blowing how many people are defending MM. He's an elitist wrapped in a Pair of jeans & a baseball cap. If any of us tried to approach him he'd be out the door.

Robert, please stop playing into this. You fought the good fight.
People who keep insulting Roberts intel., you sound like snobs.
Your not smarter or more enlightened than most Republicans. It's kind of funny, you think you are.


Who are you!!?

#241Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004



Are your roots set in Colorado where you were born and lived for 4 days?

Are you the man we see in the mid west on a tractor reminiscing of the good old days?

Are you for the little guy or are you an elitist pandering to minority voters.

Are you a god fearing man? Or are you the guy who has fund-raises where Planet Hollywood talks about there genitals & names them after the president? Do you condone this? I must admit even Whoppi seemed a little low class for a guy like you; however you made no attempt to distance yourself from it.

If you think abortion is wrong then why are you for it?

If you dont mind gays in civil unions, then why are you not for gay marriage?

Did it bother you when you came home from Vietnam with 3 purple hearts and started leading protests that led to some military personal being spit on and called baby killers?

911 do you think we did something to deserve 911? Israel policy maybe?

What is your Israeli policy?

What if you couldn'tt convince the UN to go along with something you thought to be in the best interest of America and its citizens? Would you do it anyway?

Why do you want to roll back my tax cut? I'm not wealthy. Most of my friends aren'tt either. My friends that do have money are already paying over 40%. Do they deserve to pay more?

What is your energy policy? Drill in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico? Bomb a 3rd world country? Even you can see how ridiculous that sounds. Maybe you can have all of us wealthy people whos tax cuts you want to take just drive little cars while the elite jet set around in whatever they want. What do you think of Celebrities who go over seas and bash the President during war? Do you feel like I and many of my friends that Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin shouldve put there money where there mouths were & left the country when Bush was elected? Do you think President Bush sits around all day trying to think of ways to stick it to Howard Stern? Do you listen to Stern? Do you think Martin Sheen has finally convinced himself that he is the President? Has Madonna finally convinced herself she should be named after a book in the bible? DO YOU ALL HERE HOW NARCISSISTIC YOU ARE. Bet your little red string won't save you from that. Do you feel all warm & fuzzy inside knowing Michael Moore wants you to be President?

My president does not have to stand for everything I do.

My president just has to stand for something.

Whats so wrong with morality?

Why shouldn't there be a right & wrong?

It is kind of mind blowing how many people are defending MM. He's an elitist wrapped in a Pair of jeans & a baseball cap. If any of us tried to approach him he'd be out the door.

Robert, please stop playing into this. You fought the good fight.
People who keep insulting Roberts intel., you sound like snobs.
Your not smarter or more enlightened than most Republicans. It's kind of funny, you think you are.


Dale City,
The Know It Alls Are Out In Full Force!!!!!!!

#242REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 31, 2004

To Pete and Texino,

I wasn't going to post anything else and was going to let this report die out as it should have long ago!

With all the ideas and everyone having decided what I meant or what my intent was with the report, I sat back and enjoyed the way everyone made it a basis for spewing their hate and Anti American and Anti Bush opinions!

Pete, with what you've posted here, every thought you were having employment problems because you're an a*s?

Stop blaming the President for things YOU'RE EMPLOYER did!

Texino, I'll bet you were impressed by what you wrote here.

As with everyone else, you expressed your opinions. Big deal!

Walk your dog you odd little person and enjoy life in Virginia. It's a nice little place!


Dale City,
Well Now

#243Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004

Hi There, it is Dr. Texino and his dog BIP (the dog) I have just moved to Virginia to set up a Stem Cell Lab in the suburbs of Washington.

It is quite interesting that in analyzing the demographics in order to decide the area where the greatest fetal access would likely occur, the graphs spread in concentric circles and become the widest-denoting lack of education, financial and professional failure, want-to-be-but-never-wills and dope addicts-in the area of Dale City, Centerville, Oxen Hill and so on.

Therefore, I was certainly not surprised to see misinformed lunacy spouting smack dab where the demographers said.

I am not a movie critic, I am the fellow who profits from pro choice, although I must say that when I profit others profit in that we are making inroads against some terrible diseases.

Can't touch those cases of the dumb a*s though. No Sir or Madam.

Now for the record. I have seen the film in question. Unlike the other pieces by the same guy, in this one he kind of keeps his fat face out of the way and just lets the principals hoist themselves on their own petard.

The words are there as well as the pictures. They are slanted to show President Bush and some of his people in a bad light. Be that as it may, it will be hard for anyone with a conscience not to see that Moore has some valid points.

I am sorry that there are people posting here who believe that the word Liberal and Democrat and Conservative and Republican have hidden meanings. I do not care to see the Lingua Franca of the civilized world raped for the convenience of small minded hot heads. SO...

Go to a theatre, it is nice and cool, and watch this movie, it is not too long. You will learn something.

And yes, I am in Dale City for a brief stay. I am an unusual looking person with a Dog. People always notice me. Do come up and speak if you like.


John Kerry

New York,
Bush ain't a cowboy-he's a corporate blow boy

#244Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004

Grab a banjo---doe-c-do; and sing along!!!

By Stephan Smith

You ain't a cowboy because you wear the clothes,
no one here is fooled by what yer up to.
You can't stop this. The harder that you try,
The harder it's gonna roll all over you.

Now buddy 'ro, I wrote down a song for you,
it's gonna get you read right, and awful blue.
Yer gonna trade in your boots for some walkin' shoes when I'm done learnin you how us real cowboys do.

Don't be scared, I ain't even gonna use yer name
when I pick apart your act and bring yer whole life to shame.

You ain't nothin but a oil tycoon.
You ate yer whole life from a silver spoon.
The whole country knows you're an aristocrat goon,
but still you ain't got the sense to know when it's high noon?

Yer daddy bought you a ranch, you thought it was cool.
You drank mint juleps by the swimmin' pool
and flunked school, while the hired hands did all the work.
You carried on and partied like a frat-boy jerk.
Y'see, we rode the herd while you got the free ride.
What yer kind represents makes my poor grandma cry.

You ain't a cowboy because you wear the clothes,
no one here is fooled by what yer up to.
You can't stop this. The harder that you try,
The harder it's gonna roll all over you.

When being a ranger became your wet dream,
the closest you could come was buy a baseball team?

Then they bought you your way in the old Whitewash House, the first cowboy ever that was afraid of a mouse.

You out and bought you a hat and some boots
to add to yer collection of photo-op suits.
And, sure, you looked cute in yer new suit of clothes, but what was that white line going up yer nose?

Why if you so much rode a horse for a half mile ride you'd cry home to mommy about yer little raw hide.

You never were a soldier, but you wore the uniform
to look like you've got the guts to go out in a storm.

Meanwhile our kids go do your dirty work,
while you and your oil buddies get raises and perks.

Still, you don't get why no one heres fooled.
Why, if I said "h*o' the do'," would you get a garden tool?

You ain't a cowboy because you wear the clothes,
no one here is fooled by what yer up to.
You can't stop this. The harder that you try,
The harder it's gonna roll all over you.

Now here's one that'll bring you on down to your knees:
to tell an oilman from a real southerner, please!
All you have to do is put your nose in the breeze.
Only one of em'll make you haul off and sneeze...
The other one'll make you lock your wife and children in the house.

You remember when they flew you out onto that boat
and your PR firm decided to inflate your coat?
I guess that was so you could float. Or by chance,
was that so millions of children would look at your pants?

Now I's tellin ya this cause we all get a wail
when an oilman tells you he swaths and he bails.
But don't look so sad bud, your check's in the mail.

In the meantime, try some vinegar on yer kale.
Now friends, that's all I've come here to say.
I've ridden that hot air Texas tornado away.

You ain't a cowboy because you wear the clothes,
no one here is fooled by what yer up to.
You can't stop this. The harder that you try,
The harder it's gonna roll all over you.

copyright 2004 by Stephan Smith


Geena, RE: Port of Houston

#245Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 30, 2004

My husband works on the Houston Channel. Right there at the port AND the WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING. It makes sense what you are saying and almost feasible. Many horrible chemicals are brokered in that building daily and there at the port is where you will find the barges full of them being pushed.

The only way Osama could hurt us nationally was monetarily. This he did. I understand there were many lives lost and more being lost daily because of the Bush malicia. The point is IF Osama wanted to say take out Bushes home state he could have by attacking the Houston World Trade Center. The family has a very large portion of the holding on that property but that is another ripoff.

Anyway I find it amazing that after all the death that occurred in NY that there is any building in any state that would be named that. I don;t want to hear the arguement it was that name before 911. I grew up in Chicago and the Civic Center was renamed for a dead mayor. His son is now in that office as we speak. So it could be done.


Geena, RE: Port of Houston

#246Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 30, 2004

My husband works on the Houston Channel. Right there at the port AND the WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING. It makes sense what you are saying and almost feasible. Many horrible chemicals are brokered in that building daily and there at the port is where you will find the barges full of them being pushed.

The only way Osama could hurt us nationally was monetarily. This he did. I understand there were many lives lost and more being lost daily because of the Bush malicia. The point is IF Osama wanted to say take out Bushes home state he could have by attacking the Houston World Trade Center. The family has a very large portion of the holding on that property but that is another ripoff.

Anyway I find it amazing that after all the death that occurred in NY that there is any building in any state that would be named that. I don;t want to hear the arguement it was that name before 911. I grew up in Chicago and the Civic Center was renamed for a dead mayor. His son is now in that office as we speak. So it could be done.


Geena, RE: Port of Houston

#247Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 30, 2004

My husband works on the Houston Channel. Right there at the port AND the WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING. It makes sense what you are saying and almost feasible. Many horrible chemicals are brokered in that building daily and there at the port is where you will find the barges full of them being pushed.

The only way Osama could hurt us nationally was monetarily. This he did. I understand there were many lives lost and more being lost daily because of the Bush malicia. The point is IF Osama wanted to say take out Bushes home state he could have by attacking the Houston World Trade Center. The family has a very large portion of the holding on that property but that is another ripoff.

Anyway I find it amazing that after all the death that occurred in NY that there is any building in any state that would be named that. I don;t want to hear the arguement it was that name before 911. I grew up in Chicago and the Civic Center was renamed for a dead mayor. His son is now in that office as we speak. So it could be done.



#248Consumer Comment

Thu, July 29, 2004

Hello - Geena again. Just want to be exact, so I revisted my source of info.

According to the State Of Texas, the place I mentioned is called the "World Trade Center Building", and you will find it listed under "Port Of Houston".


Dale City,
Now This Is Getting Entertaining!!!

#249Author of original report

Thu, July 29, 2004

I have enjoyed the attacks from the many...people who have responded!

You've proven that in your eyes, you and anyone who agrees with you can say or do anything you please and its only your right to Free Speech!
But when it comes to someone who disagrees with you, they don't have the same rights!

The first attack against my posting called me a Communists. This lameass didn't even address my complaint other than to make it political!

Matt is Vegas is one of the prime reasons this country is in trouble. All complaints and NO action!

Matt continued to insult everything about me when in fact, he knows nothing about me. He continued his insults only because he was protected by his computer.

Matt never once addressed anything other than his own political rantings!

Tammy from Lowville New York is one of the few people that answered this report that showed any common sense and showed an enormous amount of intelligence in her responses!

Then came Darren from Neenah Wisconsin who called me a Facists!

Betty from Indy agreed with Matt in Vegas!

Matt then tried to act halfway intelligent and failed.

Tammy from Marshalltown Iwoa then posted "I still have my eyes and my tongue! Other than to add something totally meaningless to this report, what was her point?

Once again people, I wrote in the original report:

Michael Moore, with his colorful version of what he calls the TRUTH is at it again. This time with the piece of propoganda called "Fahrenheit 9/11"!
Here is a list of theatres that intend to show this trash!
Contact these people and protest!
Mike is just like these theatres. They are trying to make money! Support your local theatre but not Mike or his garbage!
(I then listed the theatres with email addresses and phone numbers!

I then typed:

This is only a partial list of the theatres planning to show this so called film.
Contact them via email and express your opinions!

Don't let these people win.
Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money!
Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half truths, speculation and outright lies.
Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it!
Wake up America and open your eyes.
To liberals I say, get your heads out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!

With the bad joke about liberals, there wasn't anything about this report that was insulting in any way!

I tried to make this clear whne on June 23, 2004, I posted an update to which more attacks came!

I responded with name calling when attacked and insulted those who tried to insult me.

My attackers NEVER tried to deal with my ripoff report except to voice their political views and to spew their hate towards America and President George Bush!

To me, if you bill a movie as a "Documentary", you have to have things like FACTS!

Not facts turned around, edited and reworded so that the truth is no where to be found! This isn't a documentary!

And if it isn't factual it isn't a Documentary and therefore is misrepresented and therefore it is a FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is my stating that MM's movie is a ripoff an attack against MM's right to Free Speech and not simply my voicing my right to Free Speech?

Geena from Atlanta, how does the politics in Ga. changing after 100 have anything to do with my report?
The answer, it doesn't. You just wanted to mouth off some more.

As for what you know about Texas, there are many office buildings throughout Texas that have more than your little mind could understand or comprehend!

And what does a World Trade Center type building in Texas that wasn't hit have anything to do with my report?

Again, not one thing!

Geena,as for a name, a name in Texas that fits you is VVOB!

You all have a right fine day now!

I 'll bet you believe in the VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY? Well I'm a member and proud of it.



#250Consumer Comment

Thu, July 29, 2004

First of all, Debbie, I am very sorry for your loss (and for the other losses of lives). Don't be rattled by Robert's shut-up-or-I'll-get-you threats.

I saw the film today, and unlike Robert's insistence that it's all Michael Moore's opinion, I find that it's mostly "previously reported" - as stated in the Boston Globe review previously cited by another poster! Just about all of it has been on the front or back page of newspapers. Moore's tech/art embellishments are nothing more than we've all seen in TV news in this day and time.

From everyone's postings, I send thanks for the 7 notations I made of other sources on the subject. The content and tone of many of the comments fills me with several sentiments:
- I'm glad so many care, pro and con;
- I am reminded that emotion can be blinding;
- It's disturbing that so many people resort to personal attacks against people they know little or nothing about, in an effort to "win" by put-downs or enraging someone, rather than by the weight and validity of their points;
- I had been hoping we as a nation and/or individuals had matured past the point of assuming a person is good or bad, or fits under a label just because they express a particular opinion;
- and, It is the American way to produce media as you wish,advertise for those who may be interested, and seek to make a profit.

As for Robert, the phrase "hit dog will holler" keeps coming to mind! Had I not really wanted to make the aforementioned points, I would not be adding to his jollies from the attention. Whatever he dreams up to say about me will get a laugh rather than a response.

Robert, you should not keep referring to your original post. Many of the responders are reacting to your many other posts!!! AND, all you felt the need to spew out in negativity and below the belt attacks on those who disagree have negated your original message! In effect, you have become a major advertiser of the film, and where to see it.

Seeking TRUTH does not make a person unpatriotic, nor does having an opinion other than the sanctioned or "official" one mean you hate your country. When other nations or peoples do the same thing, we cry foul. How is it that the ideals of America as a place of free speech get trashed in the rush to be heard, or the attempt to override the right of others to think for themselves?... Isn't that what the ballot box is for?

I am less concerned about what already happened than I am about what could continue, or happen next. The 2000 "election" led many states to rush into electronic ballots - and we would all do well to look into reports of potential (repeat -potential) fraud via the new process. Regardless of your party, this could mean trouble, and place democracy into the hands of a few.

Here in Georgia, the party in the Governorship suddenly changed after a solid 100 years of the other party in office with our first electronic election. And the "I Have Voted" stickers were changed to "Georgia Counts" (drawing of animated computer screen in the middle) "I Voted". The news people said this big change was about a flag issue. Grandma said if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it just might be a duck. I haven't a clue which is correct, but it made me sit up and take notice of all that's going on!

Oh yeah, I "SAW THE FILM", but what I think one way or the other is not the point. I urge you all to see it for yourself. I was NOT ripped off, because I knew what it was about and voluntarily paid to check it out for myself. Consider this - your skin must be pretty thin or your convictions pretty weak if you feel endangered by viewing something you may not agree with. If the way is to attack whatever we don't like we all should be in line to boycott many of the doings of the media, Hollywood, the government, and everybody else.

Just one little thing that makes me go hmmmmmmmm: found out through other public information sources that there's a "World Trade Center" in Houston, Texas that boasts how many embassy-type/major- business/etc. headquarters it has. Makes you think, doesn't it...


Lake Mills,
The way Robert sees things

#251Consumer Comment

Fri, July 23, 2004

For the last time. It seems that Robert thinks that only liberals would go and see Mr. Moores film. He was asking liberals to call and protest the showing of the film and to voice their opinions. The only problem with this is that when you tell someone to get their head out of their butt they are not going to respond with kindness.

They are also not going to do as you ask. Robert, had you left out the part about the liberals I don't believe anyone would have responded. I also believe that if the movie itself was not politically motivated then you would not have even asked people to protest. Making the whole thing political anyway since the film IS POLITICALLY motivated.

The only thing that gets me is as soon as you were called on it all you wanted to say was that you attacked noone. We all can obviously read or we would not be here. You voiced your opinion but asked for a political fight when you made it political by being rude to liberals. It is also a political film. To say we made it political is obsurd.

By asking people to boycott or contact a theatre to ask them not to show a film, you are asking us to not let this man voice his opinion. Lots of theatres in this area decided not to show the film they felt it was unpatriotic along with other reasons. The theatres can decide for themself how they want to make their money.

Once we decide to not show a political view we are then going to be denied both sides to any view point. This is what makes our country so great. We are allowed to voice our opinions and view points. And not get onesided stories.
Maybe some of what Mr Moore said is not true but when did the truth come out?

Most of it came out during the 911 hearings obviously too late to change the film so, he ran with it. Newspapers already in print also make mistakes. Look what happened most recently, the papers named the wrong running mate for Senator Kerry. Sources do not always have the correct information.

Now we can all research to see what was true and what was not or President Bush can respond with the truth during his numerous stops across the country while he is campaigning. as far as telling us to leave the country robert you are going a lil bit over the top aren't you? Do you want a country that doesn't let people voice their opinions?

Then this country would be just like the rest of them and there would be no freedom. We would all be brainwashed into believing anything we were told. The govt. could dump toxic waste into your back yard and tell you it was fertilizer and you would have no sources to rebutt it.

Just let the theatres decide to show or not show and let people view or not view the truth usually comes out in the wash.


Dale City,
Thanks For The Help, But Against These People, It Isn't Necessary!

#252Author of original report

Fri, July 23, 2004

Thanks for your help, but as you can see from the negative posts here, I really don't need any help.

Pamela and Marilynn need to get a does of reality.

Pamela in Atlanta now accuses me of somehow tying this report to my arguing with people here about Bush's innocence!

Marilynn is still using this report as a political forum! Which most of you seem to.

I don't need any help in my battle of wits against many of you as those who are trying to keep this thing going are falling way short of making any reasonable point!

So I told liberals to get their heads out of their butts. And was attacked for it. Now if that isn't a "Knee Jerk Liberal" reaction, I don't know what is!

I didn't start the personal attacks or the name calling.

But all of the critics, or most of them have done nothing but use this report as the means and opportunity to attack what were thought to be my political views!

Not one of you addressed the actual report, you used this as a stage to spew your hate and Anti-American and Anti-Bush views!

Tell you what, why don't all the Anti-Bush and Anti-Americans put your views down on paper, sign your real names, use your real addresses and send the letters to President George W. Bush!

I'll bet none of your critics have bothered to send a donation to the people that run this website.

They're providing a very useful service here.

Instead of merely using the service, why don't you help support them while they're helping you.

Or do you people merely want to USE this site for YOUR own purposes and let someone else foot the bill!


Right on, Pamela

#253Consumer Comment

Fri, July 23, 2004

Pamela's reaction to the words of "Tony" was identical to mine. Tony IS Robert.
Identical "points," identical defenses, identical claims, but what effort it took for the attempted disguise. The irony here is that the deception which Robert so despises when it's employed by a persuasive film maker with a different political perspective than that of Robert, is a tool that Robert himself has now used. Robert, hang it up.


Tony IS Robert!!!!

#254Consumer Comment

Thu, July 22, 2004

Who cares about the request to boycott. The point is Robert when manic because people disagreed about Bush being innocent then he resorted to name calling. So do you understand what you read?


So Many Missed The Point!

#255Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 21, 2004

I have been reading this report since it was posted and find it to be one of the most interesting reports I've ever read.

Robert, I have to give credit to you for being so paitient with many of those responding! How could so mnay supposed intelligent people(just ask a few of them and they'll tell you)not see that this report was simple!

Robert gave a list of theatres and said call and protest!

Good statement! It gives the reader the chance to make up their own mind and decide for themselves. They can either support Robert's position or Michael Moore's!

This is Robert voicing his "Right To Free Speech" and he's is telling any and everyone to voice "Their Right To Free Speech" to the theatres as well!

So why did any of his attackers have a problem with that statement?

The answer "You all just wanted a reason to attack his position, which does seem to be that Robert thinks Michael Moore's movies and other works are "Rip-Off's"!

Period! This is why several of you attacked him for being a "Communists" "Facists" "Hater"(my persnoal favorite!

With his attackers, it seem that Michael Moore and anyone who attacked Robert is allowed the so called "Free Speech" all of you talked about Robert trying to "take Away" or "prevent" all of you and Michael Moore from exercising!

Yet all his attackers were basically telling him "That his trying to exercising his right to "Free Speech" was somehow wrong!

He then listed the email addresses and told people to contact the theatres and "Voice their opinions"!

Again, Robert is telling people to exercise their right to "Free Speech"!

His attackers have displayed their lack of intelligence for all to see.

I think using this report, one could easily show that one of the biggest problems with people today is that either they don't pay attention to what they read or they don't understand what they read!

Either one of these errors in life can mean you get ripped off!


Wow. This just keeps going, and going, and going...

#256Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

I haven't posted in a long time in this string, but I have read the steady stream of comments, both for and against Robert. I can't resist another comment.

I think Robert's protestations that people have not carefully read his initial post and that they're getting off-topic from his subject are pretty weak. I've clipped the posting, and it contains the following language:

"Here is a list of the following theatres that intend to show this trash!
Contact these people and protest. *** This is only a partial list of the theatres planning to show this so called film.
Contact them via email and express your opinions."

So, both Robert and the anti-Robert contingent are correct, in that Robert did say, as he has noted recently, to contact them to express your opinions. However, he also requested that readers contact the movie theater industry and protest. For him to ignore the fact that he was asking for protests and focus on only his latter statement is pretty lame. He said what he said, and not even Robert can go back and amend his original words.

So, Robert now claims, "I didn't give the names and email addresses and tell people to protest. I told them to call and VOICE THEIR OPINIONS! You must be too stupid to understand what I actually wrote!" I'm not sure who's stupid here, since all it takes is a simple reading of Robert's first posting to see that he did give names and e-mail addresses and did tell people to contact them and protest. Geez Robert, if you're willing to stand by your words, defend them instead of ignoring them.

Robert also complains that people are missing his point, and that, "All I said was for the liberals to get their heads out of their butts! No insults." I'm as accustomed as the next person when it comes to hearing antagonistic partisan words, and here's a news flash for Robert: When you tell a person to get their head out of their butt, then tell them you're not insulting them, it rings pretty hollow. I suppose that, consistent with the whole "Protest! Voice Opinions! I didn't say protest!" rationale, you can negate your early words by ignoring them and focusing on later words. Robert--you're lame! You're a brilliant man! I've never called you lame!

Actually, in the end, I think Robert got exactly what he wanted, which is a nice long running dialoge on Michael Moore and his movie. As I said in an earlier post, even Dems/liberals will have to admit that parts of the movie are over the top. Ultimately, Cindy from Michigan had the most common sense view: See it if you want to, don't if you don't, and then move on.


Las Vegas,
Round and Round

#257Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

I have stayed off this for a little while. You all gotta realize. Robert is a chain-smoking old man. He is slowly killing himself and lives to make others just as misrable as he is.

He claims that his original post is not polital... I think the whole movie is political and the reason he thinks the movie is a rip-off is also political.

Tammy from New York, your comments are sound. I would like to post my many sites I get my info from but they have been edited out but somehow Roberts first post have all the web-addresses needed.

Please realize, Robert is waiting for the e-mails telling him their is a new responce for him to come in and try to have the last insult and get more people in here to disagree with him.

Since this is still ongoing I thought I should shed some light. This is now your chance to again use that witty "Nat" that you coined and don't forget to say something about intellegence and living at home and being a liberial and bla bla bla, you are tired Robert. Your comments and word are played over and over.


New York,
Bush is a corporate blow boy that could care less if you had a job, or if the price of gas goes up to $5 a gallon

#258Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

How long have you been off your MEDS????

I have better things to do; like look for a job---thanks to Bush and his idea that "Outsourcing jobs to China is good for the economy", yet I had to respond to the last of your verbal masterbation. It's clear to me know that you have escaped from your padded room, and like Harry Houdini, you managed to work your way out of a straight jacket in order to uses the nurses computer to post this crap---while she was on her coffee break.

Do us all a favor:

Go Back on your meds(quit spitting them out into your INSURE breakfast drink).

Listen to your therapist; she knows whats best for you.

Face reality----Bush is a corporate blow boy that could care less if you had a job, or if the price of gas goes up to $5 a gallon---he gets paid by China, Mexico, the oil companies, etc.--->if you have a job or not.

Anyone can start a war. It takes a real leader to keep peace. Bush has managed to piss off most of the world, and we the people pay for his crap.

There are plenty of countries that would like to drop another tower--thanks to GEORGE DUBUWA DOUCHEBAG!!

He told Thailand that they can't use generic AIDS drugs!! You know why?? The brand name companies pay for his TV ADS!!

He--his Daddy---Clinton, and Regan -- sold us out!!

Kerry is not my first choice as president; yet he is 100000000000 times better then G.W.B.!!

Edwards hates NAFTA, so maybey between the two of them we can get his country back on track--with jobs that pay the cost of living..


Robbie---I hear the nurse coming up the hall--time to run back in to the rubber room again.



Robert - Dale City, Virginia---->How long have you been off your MEDS????

I have better things to do; like look for a job---thanks to Bush and his idea that "Outsourcing jobs to China is good for the economy", yet I had to respond to the last of your verbal masterbation. It's clear to me know that you have escaped from your padded room, and like Harry Houdini, you managed to work your way out of a straight jacket in order to uses the nurses computer to post this crap---while she was on her coffee break.

Do us all a favor:

Go Back on your meds(quit spitting them out into your INSURE breakfast drink).

Listen to your therapist; she knows whats best for you.

Face reality----Bush is a corporate blow boy that could care less if you had a job, or if the price of gas goes up to $5 a gallon---he gets paid by China, Mexico, the oil companies, etc.--->if you have a job or not.

Anyone can start a war. It takes a real leader to keep peace. Bush has managed to piss off most of the world, and we the people pay for his crap.

There are plenty of countries that would like to drop another tower--thanks to GEORGE DUBUWA d****eBAG!!

He told Thailand that they can't use generic AIDS drugs!! You know why?? The brand name companies pay for his TV ADS!!

He--his Daddy---Clinton, and Regan -- sold us out!!

Kerry is not my first choice as president; yet he is 100000000000 times better then G.W.B.!!

Edwards hates NAFTA, so maybey between the two of them we can get his country back on track--with jobs that pay the cost of living..


Robbie---I hear the nurse coming up the hall--time to run back in to the rubber room again.



West Branch,
All this over a movie?

#259Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

Sheesh....if you want to see it, see it. If you don't, then DON'T! Where's the arguement? No wonder the world is in the state it is.


Dale City,
Marilynn in Mesa!!! Clearly, you can't underswtand something very simple!!

#260REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 20, 2004

To Marilynn in Mesa Arizonia!
Usually I wouldn't fool with idiots, but many who have attacked me on this site deserve my attacks!
Marilynn, clearly you don't have the simple intelligence to understand my post.
I didn't give the names and email addresses and tell people to protest.
I told them to call and VOICE THEIR OPINIONS!
You must be too stupid to understand what I actually wrote!

Instead of trying to suppress a persons right to Free Speech, I was trying to get others to use their right to Free Speech!

All I said was for the liberals to get their heads out of their butts!

No insults.

But when lameass know it alls like you try and use my rip-off report to spew your political BS for all to see, you only humiliate yourselves.

Hopefully you're not a teacher where you can try and pollute the young minds out there with your brand of stupidity and hate!

I've sent this 300 people to this site just to read this report.

Please keep posting your rantings here. They are quite amusing.

I didn't start this argument. If you have enough working brain cells to read and understand my original report, you'll see this. But I doubt you can because from what you wrote, you seem like a simpleton!

But write another of you lame responses because you and several others have been an amusing break! And I stand by my original report. Michael Moore billed this as a Documentary with FACTS that would prove the truth about 911!

As usual, anything Michael Moore says is FACT is quickly proven to be anything but that!

But he did write a book for you and others like you.
Its called "Stupid White Men".

Because I personally believe anyone who buys into his brand of crap is STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!


If anyone is the Arrogant ass Robert, it's YOU!!!

#261Consumer Comment

Mon, July 19, 2004

You can post your psycho babble all you want, but it still won't change their views on their Bush camp and 9/11! You are the one that had the nerve to think that coming on the RIP OFF REPORT about scam businesses to protest a film will have so many on your side! But the reality of the matter is that there are MANY people who refuse to believe that Bush is "innocent" of 9/11! No mater how much you rage ! The film promote FREEDOM of speech and even though some things maybe error! At least he took advantage of what this country stands for and spoke his mind! At least he's one of the types don't refuses to stand by the president's decisions! Keep your head up Bush's butt all you want, but he is GUILTY and will NOT have another 4 years to destroy this country!!!


Lake Mills,

#262Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 19, 2004


You did not tell people to call and voice their opinion YOU said and I Quote "Contact these people and protest" That is not asking for opinions that is asking for one sided attacks on the movie. Why should the theatres not show a movie that would be censorship. and I think that the people of the USA can decide what they want to spend their money on or not. I myself don't even go to movies we wait until they come out on video. why spend money at a theatre that is overpriced to begin with a dollar bag of popcorn would almost feed and entire theatre depending on how big it is and they charge 4 bucks a bag here now that is a ripoff.


Lake Mills,
You Made It Political When YOU Told The Liberals To AND I QUOTE Get Their Heads Out Of Their BUTTS

#263Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 19, 2004

Dear Robert,
I am surprised to see that you watch the media since they are LIBERALS! If everything in Mr Moores' movie is lies then, it will come out in the papers and the news. It just seems awful funny to me that 4 planes were able to be hijacked and one was able to slam into the Pentagon! It has already been proven that IRAN was probably the one that was more helpful than IRAQ was. And, if Bush wanted to avenge the attack on his DAD then he should have at least said the truth or made it a humanitarian relief strike on SUDDAM. He could also have waited until we had at least gotten a better handle on Afghanistan. Yes, it is wonderful that Saddam can no longer kill and terrorize his own people but, at whose expense? The wonderful thing about this country is you can go and make a movie about your own beliefs and if people want to see it they go and you make money they don't go and you don't make money. Why don't you make a movie about what you believe to rebut Mr Moores movie? That or if you don't have the skills hire someone who does? Like I said before by telling the liberals to pull their heads out of their butts and wash them self off you started the derogatory statements. That started it. I am not a liberal and I still took offense at what you stated. I was a democrat but don't like what they have become. I also don't like what the republicans are doing either. Big business is running this country not the President or Congress. Look at what the Govt did to Martha Stewart. Just because she was a successful WOMAN. She didn't care about the measly amount of money she lost it was only 60 grand or so thats pocket change to her. If you get a chance watch what the 700 club had to say about her today. It will be on abc family tonight. They went over the top she could have plead the 5th and they would have been able to do nothing to her it was a civil matter!!! she should have had to pay back any money she made off of the deal and that was all!!!!! They go over the top on some things and when something should be done they can't get their act together!
I agree If the name calling would stop maybe you could get a good debate going on rather or not Mr moore should be allowed to make money on this movie or if the facts are correct! Robert You made this political by using the term liberal to begin with.


Dale City,
Get OFF IT Lady! You're WRONG!!

#264REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 19, 2004


If you're a CEO, to think I started the name calling shows your lack of intelligence!

In my original post, I told people to call the theatres and voice "Their Opinions"!

How is this name calling?

What you and others did was attack me because I classified this movie as a "Rip Off"!

I only responded with name calling in response to other posts!

Threaten you. BULL! It didn't happen! All I said is you're an eginma!

As for you son getting killed, you still didn't share that seriouss information you mentioned!

I am sorry your son got killed, but you used that as an excuse to attack me and my positions on MM and then my political views!

You're in the wrong!

You're using this site to attack me and my views on MM and politics.

So don't come here whining to me! I didn't do anything to you.

If you didn't want to get involved in this posting, you shouldn't have opened your d**n mouth!

But don't accuse me of things I didn't do or say.

Leve it alone Debbie unless you want to address my original posting which you still haven't done!

If you're a CEO, then act like one.

As I said, all you did was attack my position on MM and then my political views.

Don't try and blame me for what happened to your son.

Debbie, unless you may have missed it, war is part of being in the military sometimes.

And if someone doesn't want to take the chance to go to war, then they should avoid the military.

Why didn't you give him a job in your own company to keep him out of the military!



#265Consumer Comment

Mon, July 19, 2004

No matter what the subject -- be it a painting, a musical composition, a breed of dog, a politician, a movie, a religion, a syndicated columnist or whatever -- it is evident that Robert is one who is bound and determined to have the last word.

Robert began his political exhortations almost a month ago, before an award winning movie was even released here, to "ward" us all not to see the film.

He further provided us with the names of 13 movie theater chains and 49 e-mail names and addresses (gee, I wonder where he found this information) and strongly urged us to contact these theaters to protest the showing of this yet unreleased film. His ill-disguised claim for his "warning" is that we will be "ripped-off" if we see it.

Ah yes, and then there was the labeling and the name calling of everyone who disagreed with his viewpoints, followed by his denials of ever having expressed himself in that manner.

Mark my words. Messianic Robert, so set on protecting us from political viewpoints other than his own, will respond to this posting with yet more blather and denials.

Robert does not engage in reasoned debate. He just figures he "wins" if he writes the last word.


Dale City,

#266REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 18, 2004

Re-read my original post you arrogant a*s! I didn't engage in any name calling in that post!
I did respond in kind when others writing started a barrage of insults.

You must be able to read but trying something new when you re-read my original post. Try understanding it!

I told people to call the theartres and voice THEIR OPINIONS!
Only a complete idiot would take this to mean I was trying to stop someone from exercising their right to Free Speech!

You have no facts to back up any of your allegations against President Bush just as NO ONE who has made them have any proof!

All you are is someone who likes to shoot their mouth off and whine and complain!

You're a Michael Mooreian! This is a person that has a brain but just can't seem to use it for anything good or worthwhile.

Keep spewing your venom and hate while hiding online.

If you have so much courage and know what you're talking about, why don't you write to President George Bush and tell him exactly what you posted here. Sign your name and use your real address!

Pamela from Atlanta, you are nothing but a coward hiding online and spewing your hate for all to see.

You've lost before you even start!


No Robert...

#267Consumer Comment

Sun, July 18, 2004

you came here to start an argument and you did. The down side to it is that, you resorted to calling people names and posturing with threats to my well-being. Had this not occurred there might have been an opportunity to have an educated discussion.

You throw things out at people like "they must sit at home all day and do nothing". Or demand that I share with you my only son's thoughts about a war that killed him. I was not going to respond to you anymore but I felt the new people posting to your "RIPOFF REPORT" needed a refresher about how you conduct business.

So you know I was not impressed by your threats I have been in the hospital with a pretty horrible infection. I will though be sitting home for the next 2 weeks "doing nothing all day" so I do hope you remember your manners before you go off calling more people names.

Oh, and Robert, you are always so interested in what us "bleeding-heart" liberals are doind for a living...I am CEO of my own company and have been for the better of 10 years. I have 40 employees who get fantastic health care and get paid a good wage for a job well done. I also want you to know that our government makes it VERY inticing to go look for labor elsewhere. But how can I with truth and honesty sell something from Luzianne that is made in, I don't know say Sri Lanka? Taxes are killing me and to be completely honest here, I made only a few thousand over my employees in 2003. So just call me Liberal and remember threats are taken seriously and acted on.


It's clear to see that

#268Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Robert is very mentally UNSTABLE!! He comes on the rip off report in the hopes to protest a MOVIE, then resorts in name calling if anyone dares to disagree! I agre with the other poster who says this wacko would be liks Saddam and have people killed if you darew disagree with him!! Well Robert, live in PSYCHOVILLE all you want! There is nothing you can do to prevent Americans to know that DUMBYA IS a MURDERER!!! I wouldn't be surprised if a disturbed kook like you is happy for 9/11 so you can get financial benefits!!


Robert of Dale City is an IDIOT with his head up Bush's Backside!

#269Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Who knows? This idiot JUST might be BUSH himself on a rage crusade because there are many out here that refuses to be a brainwashed moren like himself thinking Osama did it "all by himself" and war will "protect the US and prevent recession blah blah blah"!! For him to come on the Rip Off Report to protest a movie just proves that more and more Americans and not buying the Bush BS!!! GOODBYE BUSH!!! NO MORE YEARS!!!!! Let you and WACKO IDIOT ROBERT ROT!!!


And Tammy you have got be VERY NAIVE to think Bush had nothing to do with this?

#270Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

To think that Bin Laden did it "all by himself" without someone on the inside to help makes you VERY gullible! Too many clues point the finger at BUSH! You must work for BIG GOV since you are trying to put people's head in the sand! GET BUSH OUT OF OFFICE! He failed this country financially and he's a MURDERER!!!


Dale City,
To Pete and Vickie! Why are you two continuing to make this political????

#271Author of original report

Sat, July 17, 2004

Vickie and Pete,

For the last time people, my original post was my complaint that Michael Moore was billing his movie as FACT when it wasn't!

Read what I wrote. I then listed the theatres and told people to call and voice their "OPINIONS"!

How is telling someone to voice their opinions trying to prevent a person from exercising their right to Free Speech?

If you want to read and actually understand my postings and then discuss them, fine!

But don't read part of what I originally wrote and then try and judge me on what you think I wrote!

Pete, its a shame that you blame the woes of the business world on the Government!

Or especially President Bush!

You didn't understand what I first wrote so its no use trying to disucss anything with you because mine was a rip-off report and you tried to turn it into a forum where you could preech your brand of politics!

And I stand by my original ripoff report about this film. Now with all the other news sources blasting most of all of the film, MM's credibility is more than a little shaken.

And from what I've seen first hand, there are people coming out of the theatres laughing at this movie or cussing it!

Stop making this ppolitical and don't any of you try and preach to me!

Keep your political views for political forums!

But keep supporting this site!


Lake Mills,
To Robert of Dale City, Virginia who started the name calling???

#272Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

I came to this site to check on a company that is handling my husbands and my invention. This is not where your debate should be. It is too bad that this is not posted somewhere else so that others could voice their opinions and those more involved in politics and who know the truth could submit their response. this is supposed to be about businesses who are out to scam you. Not movies trying to change your opinion on the President this is unbeliveable. Robert you may have wanted to get people to boycott the film but, when u attack people and their opinions as you did after you posted the theatres showing the film you crossed the line and then wondered why people were angry with you!!! Most people get the info they need to make an educated decison as to what is fact and what is not good grief we have info at our finger tips now!!! I will only tell you that to get your reader to do as, or believe as you wish them to, you cannot attack anyone.
I always thought of myself as a liberal because I believed that someone somewhere should be responsible for the wrongs that are being done to people everywhere who for one reason or another do not have the funds to stand up for themselves or to protect themselves. My family has had to deal with one income for the last 10 years because my husband was injured on the job while taking anything he could get at the time so he got screwed big time. The governments fault there they downsized the program he worked for because congress couldn't get the money to them on time. I then took the best paying job I could find to support my family and was then injured as well. Big business really screws with the lil guy when they can and where it hurts the most. You work hard for them and do a really good job but, when u get hurt they kick you when you are down. They then try and force you to take their measly lil offer to settle and try to starve you so you take it. You lose your house and cars and everything you own before you get any money from them. then you have to spend a third of that money and more to pay the lawyer you have to hire because you can't go to court on your own it would be impossible. Sorry, but Government and big business are not out for the average american. Mr Moore is right on that point.
I do have an education I have a BA as a matter of fact but, because of the area we live in It only pays around 17 grand a year. A factory job here paid 5 dollars an hour more. Things happen to people in this US of A that we do not forsee. And, now I may be losing our life savings that I paid for his invention to be built because this company keeps wanting more money to take it to someone to manufacture it and we are running out of time and someone will be able to come along and steal it from us. Me and my husband may now have to live on the Govt. for the rest of our lives. We are both still quite young. We are christian and pray everyday for miracles to happen for ourselves and others like us.
To listen to you complain about a stupid movie when there are so many other things in this world that are so much more important. Hopefully, Mr Moore will use some of the money that God gave him to help others. If not he will get his due come judgement day. Everyone needs to help those poor people in Sudan and Africa who are dying from the lack of clean water, food, and Aids. As well as anyone else who needs it to live. I believed I was a liberal now, when I watch tv programs, I see that because I am a christian I am more than likely not. mainly because I do not believe in abortions and I am for the marriage ammendment. But, according to you Robert, I am a liberal because I believe in freedom of speech and letting people make their own decisions. And for believeing in protecting our natural resources so that our children can breath clean air in the next 100 years. So I need to get my head out of my A$$ and breathe the clean air that us liberals have been fighting for? hmmm what is your definition of a liberal?
There have been so many attempts by past Presidents to "get what they want" by doing it behind the backs of the people of the USA that how can we not believe that they may all have a secret agenda behind what they do. I would Love to build a housing community in the mountains out west for people who want nothing to do with any part of our society today and ready my family and other believers who are waiting for the second coming of christ. And so that we can protect ourselves from people who are trying to change our society and take God out of everything. I want my grandhildren to not have to worry about who is outside the front door and not just terrorists but our own countrymen. If we don't do something soon this country will be going south quite quickly. Morals and values are becoming a thing of the past. If it wasn't for God we would not be the country that we are today!!!!! I am sure the govt would think we were a terrorist group or Waco tx or something all over again and come in and kill us all. Is what I want liberal thinking? The only thing that you can be really sure about is that What you read in the bible is true, Jesus is coming, and one day you will die and either go to heaven or hell based on your life choices here on earth.
So, why do you believe that people will believe everything that Mr Moore has to say? I believe that most people can determine for themself that not all of what he says will be true and is one sided information. Lets not worry about this stupid movie and worry more about where this country is headed if we let the judges make the laws and not the people whom this country is supposed to be letting control the laws of the land. Sorry, but this really irks me. Lets get back to the basics of what the founding fathers wanted for this Country and why they came over here in the first place. It was so that you could believe in what you wanted to believe in without the Govt telling you what you had to believe in. The Churches took care of their congregation not the govt. And we should be worrying about the immigrants taking away our rights as christians and what this country was founded on.


Lake Mills,
To Robert of Dale City, Virginia who started the name calling???

#273Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

I came to this site to check on a company that is handling my husbands and my invention. This is not where your debate should be. It is too bad that this is not posted somewhere else so that others could voice their opinions and those more involved in politics and who know the truth could submit their response. this is supposed to be about businesses who are out to scam you. Not movies trying to change your opinion on the President this is unbeliveable. Robert you may have wanted to get people to boycott the film but, when u attack people and their opinions as you did after you posted the theatres showing the film you crossed the line and then wondered why people were angry with you!!! Most people get the info they need to make an educated decison as to what is fact and what is not good grief we have info at our finger tips now!!! I will only tell you that to get your reader to do as, or believe as you wish them to, you cannot attack anyone.
I always thought of myself as a liberal because I believed that someone somewhere should be responsible for the wrongs that are being done to people everywhere who for one reason or another do not have the funds to stand up for themselves or to protect themselves. My family has had to deal with one income for the last 10 years because my husband was injured on the job while taking anything he could get at the time so he got screwed big time. The governments fault there they downsized the program he worked for because congress couldn't get the money to them on time. I then took the best paying job I could find to support my family and was then injured as well. Big business really screws with the lil guy when they can and where it hurts the most. You work hard for them and do a really good job but, when u get hurt they kick you when you are down. They then try and force you to take their measly lil offer to settle and try to starve you so you take it. You lose your house and cars and everything you own before you get any money from them. then you have to spend a third of that money and more to pay the lawyer you have to hire because you can't go to court on your own it would be impossible. Sorry, but Government and big business are not out for the average american. Mr Moore is right on that point.
I do have an education I have a BA as a matter of fact but, because of the area we live in It only pays around 17 grand a year. A factory job here paid 5 dollars an hour more. Things happen to people in this US of A that we do not forsee. And, now I may be losing our life savings that I paid for his invention to be built because this company keeps wanting more money to take it to someone to manufacture it and we are running out of time and someone will be able to come along and steal it from us. Me and my husband may now have to live on the Govt. for the rest of our lives. We are both still quite young. We are christian and pray everyday for miracles to happen for ourselves and others like us.
To listen to you complain about a stupid movie when there are so many other things in this world that are so much more important. Hopefully, Mr Moore will use some of the money that God gave him to help others. If not he will get his due come judgement day. Everyone needs to help those poor people in Sudan and Africa who are dying from the lack of clean water, food, and Aids. As well as anyone else who needs it to live. I believed I was a liberal now, when I watch tv programs, I see that because I am a christian I am more than likely not. mainly because I do not believe in abortions and I am for the marriage ammendment. But, according to you Robert, I am a liberal because I believe in freedom of speech and letting people make their own decisions. And for believeing in protecting our natural resources so that our children can breath clean air in the next 100 years. So I need to get my head out of my A$$ and breathe the clean air that us liberals have been fighting for? hmmm what is your definition of a liberal?
There have been so many attempts by past Presidents to "get what they want" by doing it behind the backs of the people of the USA that how can we not believe that they may all have a secret agenda behind what they do. I would Love to build a housing community in the mountains out west for people who want nothing to do with any part of our society today and ready my family and other believers who are waiting for the second coming of christ. And so that we can protect ourselves from people who are trying to change our society and take God out of everything. I want my grandhildren to not have to worry about who is outside the front door and not just terrorists but our own countrymen. If we don't do something soon this country will be going south quite quickly. Morals and values are becoming a thing of the past. If it wasn't for God we would not be the country that we are today!!!!! I am sure the govt would think we were a terrorist group or Waco tx or something all over again and come in and kill us all. Is what I want liberal thinking? The only thing that you can be really sure about is that What you read in the bible is true, Jesus is coming, and one day you will die and either go to heaven or hell based on your life choices here on earth.
So, why do you believe that people will believe everything that Mr Moore has to say? I believe that most people can determine for themself that not all of what he says will be true and is one sided information. Lets not worry about this stupid movie and worry more about where this country is headed if we let the judges make the laws and not the people whom this country is supposed to be letting control the laws of the land. Sorry, but this really irks me. Lets get back to the basics of what the founding fathers wanted for this Country and why they came over here in the first place. It was so that you could believe in what you wanted to believe in without the Govt telling you what you had to believe in. The Churches took care of their congregation not the govt. And we should be worrying about the immigrants taking away our rights as christians and what this country was founded on.


Just the facts, ma'am- " A maggot that eats off the dead"

#274Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

Since this report started as a commentary about the film and not a political diatribe, just thought I would post this since it directly concerns Mr. Moore and his documentary.

Whatever else the man is, Michael Moore lacks both compassion and ethics.

He is now forever on my personal list of "yellow journalists", never to be taken seriously.
Airman's funeral used in 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
Family of major livid Michael Moore showed ceremony footage

Posted: July 15, 2004
5:00 p.m. Eastern

2004 WorldNetDaily.com

"A maggot that eats off the dead" that's what the mother of a U.S. Air Force major killed in the Iraq thinks about filmmaker Michael Moore, who used footage from the man's Arlington Cemetery funeral in his anti-Bush movie "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Air Force Maj. Gregory Stone was killed in March 2003 when a grenade was thrown into his tent, allegedly by Sgt. Hasan K. Akbar, who is on trial for murder.

"It's been a big shock, and we are not very happy about it, to say the least," Kandi Gallagher, Stone's aunt and family spokeswoman, told the Washington Times.

"We are furious that Greg was in that casket and cannot defend himself, and my sister, Greg's mother, is just beside herself," Gallagher said. "She is furious. She called [Moore] a 'maggot that eats off the dead.'"

The video footage shows Stone's fiance, Tammie Eslinger, kissing her hand and touching it to his coffin, the Times reported.

Gallagher says the family doesn't know how Moore got the footage, but is considering taking legal action against the director.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" opened June 25 in U.S. theaters and has brought in $80.1 million so far.


New York,
First of all Pamela, you really, really don't beleive that Bush let it happen, that Bush somehow planned this

#275Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

Ok Pamela, after reading your post, I have to shake my head in wonder and amazement. I hope you really, really don't beleive that Bush let it happen, that Bush somehow planned this. I hope you really don't believe in that garbage, those conspiracy theories. Do you believe the aliens landed in Roswell too?

I am not one for conspiracy theories. I have had enough of them. There are tons of conspiracy theories. The FBI secretly had JFK killed. The government is hiding aliens at secret facilities. David Koresch is really alive and the FBI implanted a clone to fake his death. The illuminati is the secret world government that is designed to lead the US into one world government. Kerry is helping Bush win the presidency becuase they really want Mrs. Clinton to be President in 2008 where she will surrender national sovereignty of the US to the UN World Counsel. Elvis is really an alien.

Come on. Do you see how incredibly ridiculous your assertions are. THere is only one problem? Where is the proof? If Bush actually conspired with the terrorists to have our country bombed so he can go wage war on Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in Iraq and that they are really helping him, do you really think that the justice department would help them.

If this is such a credible theory, then I have to ask you one question. What in the world could Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein gain by aiding the President so he can go to war? Osama has lost 80 percent of his command structure. Saddam has lost his country. What in the world could they possibly gain to aid Bush? You see, in order for conspiracy theories to be plausible, both parties must have a significant benefit to gain in terms of power, wealth and stature. If one person stands to win all, then the other side has no incentive to play the game.

You see, I believe that Bush was not expecting the attacks when they did. He had only been in office for about eight months. He knew Osama was a danger. He had the intelligent reports. He knew he would strike but didn't know when. I think that Osama planned the strike when he did because he considered Bush weak and ineffectual. He didn't think that Bush could get the support of the UN like his father did with Saddam. ANd he didn't think that Bush would go it alone which his father, Bush Sr. would not do. And Bush had not had time to get our security in place because he was new on the job.

That is what I believe. Why? THere is no evidence to prove otherwise. Anyone can take a string of events, string them together and suggest all kinds of things.

There are several points that Michael got wrong in his dissertation. There is no direct evidence that Bush is friends with Osama. He was a former business partner of Osama's brother, Salem bin Laden. They owned a small oil company together in the 80s. It failed and was bought out by Harken Energy Company. Bush's only connection to oil is that he holds stock in an oil companies, and he is not even a majority stockholder.

Sorry hon. The evidence is not there and I don't go for conspiracies.

Take care.


New York,
Robert - Dale City, Virginia--->This is my last stance on the topic.

#276Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 16, 2004

I am doing something about it. I voted for Nader last time. As much as I would like to see drugs legal, and a heavy tax put on them, NAFTA abolished, and our jobs coming back---I will vote for Kerry. He is the lesser of two evils.

I have a friend thats in the Marines. North Korea is more of a threat then Iraq. Kim Jon Il HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS! He has been picking fights with Japan and South Korea just about every day, since the Afghan war started. It's not in our newspapers because Bush has the power to keep is out of the news. He wants the focus on his special interest--IRAQ--Afghanistan--OIL$$$--GREED!! North Korea is led by a man that is more dangerous right now then Saddam - Or BIN HIDING. You can think what you want. N.Korea has missiles pointed at Japan & S.Korea as we speak.

I have know my friend for over 10 years, he would not make up stories.

So Robert; do you work at Enron, Kodak-or-Halbutrin??


Look Rob; Bush- 1, Regan, Clinton, and this Bush- 2 moron passed laws that allowed our jobs to go overseas. They enacted TAX BREAKS to corporations that send jobs overseas. They offer GRANTS to corporations that send jobs overseas.

You blame UNIONS for "Bleeding" the poor millionaires dry!! Robert, I'm sorry if you had to buckle down and buy the "Middle of the line" caviar, due to the fact that a UNION made you pay your workers a living wage. Do you realize $20 per hour is the cost of living here?? And why is that?


And it's funny; all those product that are being made for pennies in slave labor plants overseas
still cost the same>>> HMMMMMM.... A FUJI toss away camera costs $5, and a slave labor Kodak camera is $9-10?

Why is that??

Because Dan Carp makes over 10 million a year! The head at Fuji gets paid far less. The balance of money is shared. The men at the top of the food chain never want to take a pay cut. Their idea is to cut the worker ants out of the equation, so they can give themselves a raise.

The UNIONS were what gave the common man rights and a living wage. Now the government has been paid off to swing the power back to the fat cats.

That is the bottom line..

And Robert---> I am doing something about it. I voted for Nader last time. As much as I would like to see drugs legal, and a heavy tax put on them, NAFTA abolished, and our jobs coming back---I will vote for Kerry. He is the lesser of two evils.

I have a friend thats in the Marines. North Korea is more of a threat then Iraq. Kim Jon Il HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS! He has been picking fights with Japan and South Korea just about every day, since the Afghan war started. It's not in our newspapers because Bush has the power to keep is out of the news. He wants the focus on his special interest--IRAQ--Afghanistan--OIL$$$--GREED!! North Korea is led by a man that is more dangerous right now then Saddam - Or BIN HIDING. You can think what you want. N.Korea has missiles pointed at Japan & S.Korea as we speak.

I have know my friend for over 10 years, he would not make up stories.

So Robert; do you work at Enron, Kodak-or-Halbutrin??


Dale City,
You're The Idiot Pamela from Atlanta!!!!!!!!!

#277REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 16, 2004

For someone who is supposedly intelligent, you don't seem to have the intelligence needed to undertand what was a simple Rip-Off Report!
There were two who responded who realized this.
Idiots like you took this to be political.
This proves to me that you are a "Michael Mooreian".
This is a new term dedicated to Michael Moore..
I'll bet you sit around all day in your house/apartment!

If you do work, I'm sure you have a job befitting the intelligence you showed here.
This was not a political complaint!
You and others took it this way and have proved to me that you just don't the intelligence to understand simple statements.
I suggest some night classes! Maybe get that GED!
But don't come to this website and gripe at me about your idiotic political views!

I wrote a rip-off report!
MM billed his film as Documentary!
Documentary usually means FACTS!
MM 911 is just like BFC!
Keep supporting him. This is also how you show your intelligence!
MM leads his followers around like they are brainless zombies.

Clearly Pamela from Atlanta, you qualify!


War ain't pretty??

#278Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2004

We should have nuked Afghanistan, like we did Japan.. They had is coming. Screw the non Taliban casualties-WAR AIN'T PRETTY-WAR AIN'T PRIM AND PROPER-INNOCENT PEOPLE DIE-ASK ANYONE THAT WAS NEAR THOSE TOWERS WHAT WAR IS!!

Well this is easy to say when it is NOT YOU being nuked watching kids screm mercilessly as they watch their loved ones die! Happaned WAY too often from the hands of people like Bush. There could have been alternatives!! Then WHY should Bush "Nuke" Afghan when this whole this was BOGUS from the start??????? bush WILL BE OUT OF OFFICE!!! Get Kerry or someone from the Independent party! NOT Bush!



#279Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2004

The determined man at the controls of Flight 175 was now less than one minute from his own demise, and was in that state of heightened alertness that only approaching death can generate.

Ahead, as he hurtled across New York towards Manhattan Island, he could see the vast plume of smoke (1). His colleague in Flight 11, approaching from the opposite direction had already made an almost perfect impact on the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

On the far side of the tower, concealed from his view, was the gash (2) where the hijacked airliner had spread its fuel payload over several floors of the building. Just as the trainers had coached.

But the sight still managed to unnerve him. It was one thing practicing the approach for countless hours on a computer simulator, but this was real life -and no mistake could be made. The planners had insisted that the planes must strike the towers at a banked angle. Otherwise the fire would be confined to only a couple of floors and would not set the building comprehensively alight. Without perfect execution, the imperialists would only suffer minor casualties, he had been told.

What they never told him was that the aircraft impacts were only one half of the plan. One visible and psychologically terrorizing aspect would be provided by the suicidal aircraft. But the other half of the plan was unknown to the two pilots and their accomplices. Bombs had already been planted inside both towers.

They would be detonated after the planes had struck, to ensure the total destruction of the buildings and their evidentiary contents. The bombs inside the towers were strapped to radio-trigger detonators. Other plotters would be near the scene -monitoring TV coverage to determine the right moment to push the final buttons. The full PsyOps (psychological-warfare) effect would be the complete disappearance of these two symbols of US confidence and power.

But if the plane struck at the wrong angle, or even worse -missed altogether, the whole scheme was in danger. Substantial fires were necessary as a cover for the subsequent collapse.


First off Tammy,

#280Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2004

The roach comment was for the one who replied to people against the war and for the film. But this was is BOGUS! And KOOK Robert is on here ranting about this war being legit and for "National Security" BUSH LET IT HAPPEN!!! It's as simple as that! This Bin Laden/Saddam thing is a JOKE!

I admire people that's willing to take a stand against the issue of sending troops out to die in the name of greed! Then Robert, it's obvious you are not only a KOOK but a RICH ONE at that! Since Bush came into office, WHAT HAPPENED TO JOBS?? ALL DOWN SIZED even before 9/11!!!! HOW can a plane blast the Pentagon???

Anything that fly over it (well hundreds of feet away) will cause an alarm to national security! So HOW could it happen! This was PLANNED from the beginning! Yes Michael has his opinion, but I see it MUST be some truth to it! Otherwise, it wouldn't alarm the ones that want to add SPIN to this BOGUS WAR! Where are the "weapons of mass destruction"???????? WAY TO GO PETE!!! Tell "sheeple Robert" the REAL deal! Maybe he WORKS for the CIA and "almighty Bush" which is why he is so enraged!!!

BreakForNews.com, 24th May, 2004 10aamET
by Fintan Dunne, Editor

The difference between Michael Moore and Alex Jones comes down to this:

Moore profits from 9/11 --with 20/10 hindsight-- after the event. Whereas, Jones predicted 9/11 --on air in July, 2001; made a better movie: '9/11: Road to Tyranny'; and virtually gives it away.

Moore's 'Fahrenheit 911' toys with the idea that 'they' Let It Happen On Purpose[LIHOP]. That's the lame version of reality for the popcorn-brained illiterate left. With backing from the HollyCorp establishment, Moore will now make a bundle.

Jones' '9/11: 'Road To Tyranny' explains how 'they' MADE It Happen On Purpose[MIHOP]. This dangerous notion gets no establishment nod or wink. And Jones is so focused on the message -not the money- that he let's you copy the movie to educate others.

According to the New York Post, Moore has ripped off Jones. So what else is new? "A real documentary by Alex Jones, had most of the "facts" Moore uses in his scatter-shot diatribe," wrote Richard Johnson in the Post's Page Six column.

Moore thought NATO hotshot General Wesley Clarke was coming to save us from the BusheNazis. He promptly endorsed the documented war criminal of Serbia, during Clarke's ill-fated presidential nomination bid.

By comparison, on his web site InfoWars.com, Alex Jones argues that Clarke and a host of other Trilateral-CFR-Bildeberg corporate front men --are but the velvet-clad, acceptable version of the same fascist fist.

Moore plays to the labor union clich: the 'Fat Cats versus the Workers' divide. It's blue collar, class-struggle nostalgia from the last century. Buying into it is about as hard as cheering for your home side at the game. Come tomorrow, you go back to work as usual.

Moore is a quack doctor --tapping at your intellectual knee to get it to react as expected.

For those who don't subscribe to knee-jerk politics, Jones offers a subtler film-noire vision, which will nag away at you and drag you face to face with the grim reality of geopolitical scheming.

The kind of scheming which is happy to see the War Party in the U.S. play 'Bad Cop,' so that the globalist, 'Good Cop' corporate elite can come to riding to our rescue.


Robert YOU are the MORON IDIOT!!!!!

#281Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2004

You want us to believe that "alimighty Bush" is stopping terrorism and that Bin Laden/Saddam did it all by themselevs? You are STUPID! You are one of the WAR KOOKS selling war at the expense of our troops who could be at home in peace but fighting a BOGUS WAR! THey are losing their lives over the propaganda and you must be one of the KOOKS benefiting from the deaths of our troops and the civilians in Iraq while you sit on your BUTT slurping HOT DOGS while waving the American Flag deceiving Americans that this war is legit! Bet you REALLy think Saddam was "captured" too!


Dale City,
Its A RipOff Report!

#282REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 14, 2004

Sorry to make this personal, but your last posting caused this.
Bush is a millionaire. Bush made his money in among other things, OIL!
Look you arrogant little a*s, Bush wasn't playing golf when the WTC were attacked!
Bush was in Florida at an elementary school when he got word! Don't you remember the shot of an agent bending over and whispering to the President?
Since Bush made part of his money in oil, I guess everyone owning oil stock is in league with Osama!
As for jobs going overseas, that's true.
This being Bush's fault is STUPID! Bush didn't take your job or anyone elses and send it overseas!
KODAK and other firms are GUILTY of THIS!!!!!
Not the President!
Maybe the reason jobs are going overseas is that the Unions in this Country are bleeding too many employers dry with constant demands!
Pete, you have your opinions like everyone else.
But you are wrong about President Bush! He is a man of courage, dedication, honesty and he will lead us to vircotry against terrorists worldwide!
Tell you what Pete, if you're so smart and know everything, why don't you go to the Middle East and broker a deal!
Take Babs, MM,Danny, and the rest of your kind over there and see how far you get.
Grow up and join the masses rather than sit back and gripe and complain rather than act!
Life is great if you're out there trying and working.
Stop blaming Bush or someone else you don't like for your problems.
And the truth of the War in Afghanistan and Iraq is that they were both necessary! Afghanistan is now a country that is starting to move forward with a democracy!
The millions of Afghan citizens are happy everyday to wwake up and see U.S. and coalition forces in their country!
The Iragi's thank our troops daily for being there!
MM loves to see people like you react as you do. He knows that people like you mean MONEY to him! And that is what MM is all about!
Hopefully, you'll one day grow up and realize you're WRONG!
And once again Pete, this was a ripoff report!
It wasn't political!
Not meaning to use you as an example:
Pete, this was a ripoff report! I thought then and still do that Michael Moore's movie is a ripoff because it's billed as FACT and all it is is Michael Moore's opinions!


New York,
About the Roaches comment.

#283Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

Pamela, I don't think it is necessary to get personal here and imply anyone is brainwashed. The fact is that very few people, especially the Press, really knows what is going on because they don't have access to any or all of the information that we do.

I think that reality for many people is shaped by the news that they read. So I think that guess what. We are all brainwashed in some capacity, even you. You want to believe what you want to believe. How does anyone really know who is asleep and who is awake. Do you trust CNN and the Times more than you trust your own president? If so, why?

If they are capable of running the government and have the solutions, why are they in the press instead of the government? They are in the press, because they know that in this country, the press is more powerful than the government with the average person and they may just be powerhungry. Power can make people addicts and see things the way they want to see things.

I believe that Bush did the right thing. Why? Because I know personally many, many, many soldiers who went to Iraq and who are my neighbors and my friends and they tell me personally how greatful the IRAQIS are. You never hear those stories do you? YOu never hear about the sheer numbers of Iraqi citizens who constantly come up to our soldiers, give them food from their lunch, who say thank you and who kiss their feet.

My husband was also in Desert Storm and when those Iraqi soldiers surrendered in Mass and were sent to the medical stations in mass, my husband met them there. He was a respiratory therapist at the time. Many of these soldiers had been dragged from their families, forced into foxholes with no food, no bedding, no clothing and were told to fight and kill an American or Saddam would kill their families.

My husband treated hundreds of sick, starving, Iraqi men who cried in gratitude for the simple acts of kindness that the American soldiers gave them.

Do you ever hear about this, Pamela? Why not? Maybe CNN and The TImes don't think it is worthwhile to print the gratitude of a freed people. Rather they would focus on the lunatics who would sell their own mothers into slavery all in the name of Islam.

I think I will trust Bush more than I would trust CNN and the NEW YORK TIMES.

Michael Moore's documentary is his own opinion. Anyone can take independent facts and string them together in a different way and call it truth. Just because they do so, doesn't make it reality. Only their version of reality.

Take care


Dale City,
It was a Rip-Off Report you MORON!

#284Author of original report

Tue, July 13, 2004

To Pamela in Atlanta,

If all you got out of this report was to Bash President Buch and to rant on about your beliefs, then you are a MORON!

Plus, you have proven to me that you know nothing about this government or the war!

So you have a Michael Moore day and leave protecting this Country to the real Americans!

Once again Pamela, this was a rip-off report. If you want to blast the President or this Country, you'll find plenty of the same on other websites.

This website is dedicated to helping people protect themselves against getting ripped off!

Is this too easy a concept for you to grasp!

Pamela, how about you get out and make a positive contribution to society!

And if you use this site, how about showing your support and making a donation to help them out!

They help everyone who logs onto this site.

Instead of merely voicing your right to Free Speech, how about helping the owners of this site out with a donation.

They're honest people who ARE MAKING a positive difference on this society and they're not demanding a thing!

Name another site like this!


New York,
Dear John-a respone to another brain washed, spoon fed lemming...

#285Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 13, 2004

Ok John, listen up.

George Bush is a oil tycoon. FACT!!!

George Bush #1& 2 has ties with OSMA's family! FACT!!

Bush(and possibly Reagan.. I was too young then to remember-old timers-fill me in and back me up!!??) #1 sent money and weapons over to Osama, when they were fighting Russia! We knew they were killers and scumbags then. It all went down because Osama had the $$$!!

If you still have a job John, good for you. Don't thank Bush for it. The rest of the country is watching their jobs go to China, Mexico, and whatever other slave labor country Bush is getting kickbacks to send them to. His oil money keeps flowing, whether you have a job or not. Wake up you lemmings.

As for the whole "Iraq war is just" crap:
f Bush was so intent on keeping us safe, why was he scuba diving and doing 18 holes with Arnold Palmer, while his buddy Osama handed out the airline tickets??

When the towers dropped, why didn't we just nuke that place, turn the sand to glass, so George could use our tax money to pay Cheneys buddies to drill for the oil?? It would be easier! Because Bush wants another place for his corporate bed fellows to send our jobs!! Do the research. See how many companies are setting up shop over there..

We should have nuked Afghanistan, like we did Japan.. They had is coming. Screw the non Taliban casualties-WAR AIN'T PRETTY-WAR AIN'T PRIM AND PROPER-INNOCENT PEOPLE DIE-ASK ANYONE THAT WAS NEAR THOSE TOWERS WHAT WAR IS!!

Why does our country educate people that come "straight off the boat" before someone like you and I(TAXPAYER AND PROVE AMERICANS)have a chance to be educated??

I worked at Kodak, and it made me sick; all the people straight from India, Pakistan, Iraq, that came over on a work visa-GOT TO GO TO THE BEST COLLEGE IN ROCHESTER FOR FREE-then were hired on as a Kodak worker-all thanks to Bush and his system that gives non Americans privileges his own people don't "Qualify" for.

It's time to realize that Bush is another Hitler. At least Hitler got the German economy going.


Roaches? stay asleep and believe

#286Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2004

is ANYONE is a ROACH then it's people like YOU who wants Americans head in the sand about 9/11 and War in Iraq! You are theh type that wants Americans to stay asleep and believe every word "Almighty" Bush says about this bogus war based on greed as our Troops and Middle East civilians are killed and injured! Go back to slurping hot dogs!


Las Vegas,
Pete...What facts???? ...the number of US military killed under the age of 30 in Iraq is high because the majority of members in the services are under the age of 30.

#287Consumer Comment

Sun, July 04, 2004

I have read all the posts to this particular topic. I have not seen this movie and have no intention of doing so. That is my choice and right. I personally don't care for Michael Moore's opinions and won't pay to hear them. On the other hand, I won't stop or try to talk anyone else from making the choice to see the movie; that's their right.

One post that did get my attention was from Pete.

"I knew Bush was a crook, moron, and a rich p***k that loes the oils prices to go up; due to the fact that he and his father are "The Texas Hillbillys".

Yet, you laid out many facts that I was not aware of."

What facts did Matt from Vegas lay out??? One line comments with nothing to back them up does not make them facts. I think Tammy did a great job of debunking most of them and applaud the effort she put into her post. From what I have seen on the news, in the papers and know of our government I am confident that Tammy has supplied factual information for most of Matt's arguements. I cannot verify all she posted, so I can't state that everything she reports is true.

One last thing. I'm pretty sure the reason the number of US military killed under the age of 30 in Iraq is high because the majority of members in the services are under the age of 30. Most are kids out of high school who enlisted for 4 to 6 years. How do I support this? I have been an active member of the military now for 20+ years and can see it first hand.


Dale City,
This was only a Rip-Off Report!

#288REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 03, 2004

With my last posting, I thought that the fight started by some replying to this post would end. Although some of you have had fun insulting and

Bush Bashing, the point of my report was still my trying to expose what I think is a RIP-OFF!
When I saw a reply to the original posting, I

thought the battle with either Matt or Debbie was still on.Then I checked a saw Pete from Rochester New York had added some words of wisom!

Pete, if all you got from this report was supposedly finding out FACTS about BUSH, you are a MORON!

Please, Stop eating paint chips with lead in them.

This was a Rip-Off report Pete. I explained and re-explained that I thought the Rip-Off was in Michael Moore passing his movie off as FACT when

it wasn't!
You are an idiot! To post what you did shows that you are a Michael Mooreian! This is a

person that says whatever comes to mind and whatever you say becomes FACTS!
A Michael Mooreian believes that anyone that

disagrees with them are somehow depriving them of their Civil Rights.
Pete, read what is WRITTEN!

Understand what is WRITTEN!
Think before you act and you won't get ripped off!


New York,
Matt - Las Vegas, Nevada-you taught me more of the truth

#289Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 03, 2004

Thanks Matt:

I knew Bush was a crook, moron, and a rich p***k that loes the oils prices to go up; due to the fact that he and his father are "The Texas Hillbillys".

Yet, you laid out many facts that I was not aware of.

You have more Bush bombs then Letterman has Courtney Love rants!!

All Dave had is a "Top TEn List"!! Your a Zen Master at throwing pie in the faces of brainwashed morons!!


Dale City,
Missing the point is what thieves and con men count on

#290Author of original report

Fri, July 02, 2004

I've read and re-read this report and every posting by other people who responded.
I wrote:

Michael Moore, with his colorful version of the TRUTH is at it again.This time with the piece of propoganda called "Fahrenheit 911"!

Here is a list of theatres, call and protest!
Mike is just like these theatres. Thay are trying to make money! Support the local theatres

but not Mike or his garbage!
[I then listed part of the theatres]

There was nothing wrong with this part of the report!
After the list of theatres, I wrote:

This is only a partial list of the theatres planning to show this so called fim.
Now this part is very key! Something all you

arrogant asses who attacked me failed to even read! That part read...
Contact them via email and EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS!

Now how about that Matt in Vegas, Darren in Wisconsin, Betty in Indy, Eric in Minnesota, Tammy in Iowa,Jeff in Oklahoma,Robin(what was

your point other than to take up space in this report),Yellow in San Francisco,Tom in Connecticut,Debbie in Slidell,!

Not one of you so called "Enlightened" or "Intelligent" people bothered to mention this part! I tell people to contact the theatres via

email and express their opinions! I'm not trying to stop anyone from doing anything! No attempt to subvert anyone's Civil Rights! No name

calling or insults of any kind! But most of you chose to ignore the report and re-act to something that wasn't there!

Most all of you made it political!
Other than to show that those who attacked me don't have the ability to understand even the

simplest statements, I don't know what to think!
I care little if anyone of those responding take offense to what I say here. But the reactions

here prove beyond any doubt that if people used common sense more often, they wouldn't get ripped off so much! These postings prove many

don't have or use common sense. Take offense to whatever you wish to, but you people are the ones posting the attacks. Mine we just to

further prove my points about what can lead to people getting ripped off!
The first posting was Jeff from Oklahoma:

He started off being political and never really waivered from his Nancy Boy liberal ways!
"Now don't say I am a liberal, democrat,

republican or whatever..personally I don't care. I vote when needed and when the times are right. again my right!"

Jeff, not only are you a liberal, but you're a lazy one at that! I vote when needed and when the time is right!

Aren't you full of yourself to think that you know when the time is right to vote so we're all that much better off! Thank you all to hell!

After Matt posted his first reply, I thought that maybe he was an angry teenager! And one who hadn't learned much in school! Clearly Matt

wanted to only strike out and make his political statement! According to my rip-off report, Matt deduced that I am a communist!

Tammy from Lowville, New York has to be the most level headed person I've seen online in all these years. Being perfectly honest, all of us

have just read the posting from a person who can't be snowed by anyone! Thank you for the posting Tammy from Lowville New York!

Darren from Wisconsin then added his idiotic response and called me a Facist! Darren, how about contacting the webmaster?

Betty from Indy was anotehr who didn't address the original report and instead chose to agree with Matt's political thinking. Fine and all

Betty, but try addressing the report you.
Matt's next response only proved just how much of an idiot he is. He said that name calling

lessons my point. You called me a communist in your original reply!
Eric then piped in that because I hadn't seen

the movie how could I judge it! Eric, I haven't seen a lot of things in my life but that doesn't mean I don't know when things are crap or not!

Tammy from Iowa then added probably the dumbest thing I've seen written in a long time. Tammy, clearly you have no idea what you're talking

about. A knee jerk reaction! Grow up! You may still have your eyes and tongue, how about a working brain cell or two!

I posted rebuttals several times re-explaining that my original posting was because of what I thought was a rip-off!

Matt's postings contniued to be attacks against me and what they thought were my political beliefs! His insults were and still are comical!

Then Yellow From California piped in and called me a HATER is the worse way! I think maybe Yellow needs to drop some more acid and talk to

us again in 3 or 4 days! Then Mary from San Francisco added her posting and my point was further proven. Mary, please don't talk about me

needing more education. You didn't even understand what was posted originally so shut that pie hole of your's and join Yellow in Santa

Barbara and drop some acid!As for me asking you to join me in anything, not likely. I put you in the "Ain't enough alcohol in the World" category!

Matt posted a long list of so called facts that he had pulled off his MM website. Before I could reply, Tammy from Lowville New York responded

and completely tore Matt from Vegas' list of accusations to shreds! Matt never did address this. He attacked me throughout his postings!

Tom from Connecticut had to add his brand of America Bashing. Tom, you're nothing but a cowardly little person when you insult the

president with that name! Don't tell me Tom, your public service or helping mankind is telling everyone else they have to do it! Right?

Matt continued his attacks and then others joined in until this report became a forum for others discussing their political views!

For the last time people, I wrote the report because I think MM moive was and is a RIP-OFF!
The reason is that MM always bills his movies as

Fact or Documentary which generally means FACTUAL! Yet after their release and after being proven as False and or Mis-Leading, Michael

Moore then claims they are HIS OPINIONS or HIS THEORIES! If you bill it as FACT and its NOT, then its a RIP-OFF!

How much more simple does something have to be explained?

Considering the numerous lies exposed already in his supposedly factual movie, I'd say that my original report has been proven as TRUE!

And Debbie, it didn't take me GOING to his movie and paying a ticket price to see it!


Las Vegas,
You might need another nap

#291Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

"As for hiding behind anything Matt, I'll be more than happy to give my permission to the webmaster to release my name, address and phone numbers to you if you allow the same. He can verify your contact information. Mine's already well known."

Hmmm the policy of Rip off report reads...

How secure is my personal information?
VERY. All Rip-Off reports are strictly confidential. We will not sell your e-mail address or any other information that you have given us. We simply use it to identify the complaint. At the most, we may e-mail you if we need additional information on your Rip-Off Report.

I guess someone else does not understand what he reads. To help out all of the people you keep referring to that cannot read or understand what they read, look at yourself buddy. Let me also shed light on Robert's role model and share a quote from the President.

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.'' -George W. Bush, Feb. 21, 2001

I still believe your original post was to rally people to protest the movie and pressure theaters to not show it as well. If you were someone that was well known, you possibly could do something about it. That would be on the line of censoring what I am able to see for myself. So instead of assuming everyone except your chosen few are not able to read or understand maybe you should word things a little more clear. Maybe you could even choose another quote from Big Brother George W.

"They misunderestimated me." -George W. Bush, Nov. 2000

I love that one, and it goes along with the same readable quotes Robert has. Let us look at some shall we

Darren, if you actually knew what you were taling about, you may have potential.
I don't even know how tall Darren is.
The responses show me that there are at least 5 people in this Country who need to step back to say....remedial reading class and bone up a little.
Hmmm, as I pointed out he can't even read the policy of the board correctly.
If people read and understand what they're read before they speak or take action, they won't look like fools!
Yep that's right, Robert said that one to. LOL
What separates us, is that I use my intelligence and abilities for positive change and advancement
in this society.
I just had to put on the boots after this one cause it is getting deep.
Now those on this website that know me quite well liked my posting.
Yep, both of them like you.
Add my dad serviing as well and we're not the talk and don't serve class of Americans.
????? No clue on this one.
No one is killing the under-30 group on a daily basis in Iraq!
I am certain 90% if not more of our military fighting out in the field in Iraq is under 30.
Debbie, how many of YOUR children have died in Iraq? None of my children have died in Iraq.
Robert the word children symbolizes the under 30 group, glad to help you on that one.
All the while, not giving their real name! Always instead choosing to remain unknown! Only maybe a first name and city or town.
Again policy, and that is all we know about Robert, Dale City
Unlike most everyone posting here, I used FACTS. Not my personal opinion as you and others have done.
Going to disagree with this one as well.
And yes Debbie, we sold Saddam some WMD's.
But if you check the FACTS Debbie, you'll find that Russia sold him the most.
Ohhhh, OK As long as we didn't sell him the most WMD's.
Bush colors his hair- Send me $1.00
Didn't know he colored his hair.
I am on ten other websites under my real name.
Get a life that is pathetic. And you can tell that to your cyber-friends.
Politics is defined as 10,000,000 million people wanting different things at the same time without fail!
Hate to bore some of you but Robert does need an education.
politics P Pronunciation Key (p l -t ks)
1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: All politics is local (Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.). Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?
3. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Political life: studied law with a view to going into politics; felt that politics was a worthwhile career.
4. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Intrigue or maneuvering within a political unit or group in order to gain control or power: Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
5. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Political attitudes and positions: His politics on that issue is his own business. Your politics are clearly more liberal than mine.
6. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The often internally conflicting interrelationships among people in a society.
Hope you have seen the light Robert. No, No don't walk towards the light I'm not done with you.

LOL, you gotta be just dying over in your rocking chair trying to think of an original thought by now. Your cheep-recycled insults are as lame as your crazy shuffle board games.

Just incase you do get board; there is a handle to release the brake on your chair to get you away from the computer for a while. Maybe you just need one of the orderlies to take you for a nice walk outside.


Dale City Robert....

#292Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 01, 2004

There is only one word to discribe you....

I guess you think that throwing around your S%#t will impress or frighten me. Get over yourself. Also tell your minister friend that I do not deal well with "plastic people".

"All around you see God's plastic people, all dressed up playing church. They hide behind their robes and their stained glass windows, they don't know, they can't see...reality"

Sorry daydreaming there. If you are wondering that is a verse from Reba Rambo, a gospel singer in the 70's. Wouldn't want you to stress about words or anything

You are nothing more than a bag of wind and then you think you can either impress or scare someone with..what you percieve as name dropping I guess. Neither worked.

So since you called me out, I will follow through. This report will be forwarded to the owner of this site. It will show that Number 1: you used this site for your own agenda and there never was a rip off here. AND

Number 2: you baited a bunch into an agruement so you could fill-up your pitiful day. I am one of them...Happy reading you poor poor man


Dale City,
Most Responses Show Why People Are Ripped Off!

#293Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

Starting with my original complaint and ending with many of the postings that followed are rock soild proof that far too many people lack the ability to use common sense when reading things.
My complaint was simple and to the point.
Most took my complaint to be an attack on their Free Speech!

Suddenly I became A n**i or a Facist!
A Control Freak or whatever!
People! I filed a complaint. One person disagreed very peacefully. He read and understood the report. He didn't see it as a political statement as most of the rest of you did.

This person quietly disagreed with me and stated his views on my report. No insults and no name calling! No personal attacks!

As for many of the rest of you, clearly, you turned my complaint into a format to spew crap!
Sure, you were all exercising your right to Free Speech! But you people missed the point! You attacked and insutled me because you went down another avenue and used this forum to spout your political beliefs and to even insult the President!

Not getting ripped off is more a matter of common sense than it is a college degree!
Using common sense means having the ability to read and understand!

I wrote somethjing very simple and most of you did what seems to be the fashion today, since Michael Moore came to power is attack what you don't like or disagree with any and everyone who doesn't think like you.
And whenever you're challenged, accuse whoever is attacking you or disagreeing with you that they are violating your right to Free Speech!
My complaint was against Michael moore billing his new film as FACTS when anyone who knows anything about any MM project is that it is billed as FACT and after said project is released and for its portrayal of so called MM FACTS, the project then becomes "One Man's Impression or Views"!

MM's book "Stupid White Men" is true. Look at all the White Men supporting him!
A continuing rip off with MM is that all his supporters keep throwing him money. Why?
Do you people need a spokesperson for insulting others. OK here goes!

Bush Lies- Send me $1.00 Bush stole the White House- Send me $1.00 Bush isn't tall- Send me $1.00 Bush colors his hair- Send me $1.00
All Republicans are losers- Send me $1.00 All Republicans Are Wrong- Send me $1.00
None of you would send me any money for insulting. So why pay Michael Moore to do the same.
If you want to be heard, get involved in the political process. Get out and support your favorite party!

As for hiding behind anything Matt, I'll be more than happy to give my permission to the webmaster to release my name, address and phone numbers to you if you allow the same. He can verify your contact information. Mine's already well known.
I'm very open and upfront about who I am and my political views are well known among my friends and others. I am on ten other websites under my real name. Those on these web sites discuss things in rational and sometimes very heated manners online without insulting anyone!
Politics is defined as 10,000,000 million people wanting different things at the same time without fail!For the final time, I wrote a rip off report on MM's new film. Most took it as a political statement which clearly it wasn't.
Matt, check back through the postings you sick little bozo. You started the attacks. Keep up with the mindset you have a you'll be the chiliboy at 7-11 for quite awhile.
Matt, you keep filling MM's pockets and keep attacking people online. All you're doing is making yourself look stupid.
How about everyone that posted here send badbusinessreport.com a donation to help them fight their legal battles.
Getting off the subject of the report, this webiste has helped millions. How? By giving them a solid base of information about who is ripping off who and where.

Nationwide rippoffs have been stopped because early victims posted the rippoff on this website.
I've filed many many reports on this site on numerous subjects. The feedback from said reports has been 99% positive.

These people are helping any and everyone who visits this site.

you've used their forum so how about helping them.
We need them online a hell of a lot more than they need to be online. They could be concerntrating on running a site that brought them in millions as opposed to running a FREE website for any and all to read and file complaints seen worldwide.

Don't just use them. Send some money to help them out.

Matt and Darren. I'm sending them $100.00. How about you two loudmouths?


Las Vegas,
Dick in Dale City

#294Consumer Comment

Wed, June 30, 2004

Robert, Dale City

You sir are a complete Idiot Put your bifocals back on that wrinkly old face and read.

I asked what that non-since spewing from those nasty nicotine stained fingers were trying to type.

Military Service, actually Nat, myself and four brothers all proudly served this Country.----this part is understandable

Add my dad serviing as well and we're not the talk and don't serve class of Americans.--- this is some old man gibberish that makes no since.

What a complete crybaby. You have the nerve to ask for people's identity, where the hell is your First and Last name. The site won't let you put your E-mail address or Phone # so just go ahead and I will do the same.

Robert you hypocritical, old, shaking like a leaf in a windstorm, diaper wearing, eating from a straw, waste of space, soon to be eating dirt Jerk. Just take you medication and try to avoid the bedsores.

I can teach this old dog a few tricks in how to insult if that is what you want.


Dale City,
If you want personal, I'll make it so!

#295REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 30, 2004

Debbie from Slidell,
Your postings have brought a lot of response from people who've read this report and emailed me privately to discuss it.
How is Slidell? In the 80's, I spent a lot of time all over La.
My father had several businesses in La. until his death in 1996!
I've still got several friends in Slidell and other towns and cities. They've emailed me some very interesting emails after reading your posts! Need I go on.
Debbie, what facts are these that would or may have changed your son's mind about the war?
Just like all the postings here, many statements many accusations but no proff.
Unlike most everyone posting here, I used FACTS. Not my personal opinion as you and others have done.
It was all of you that made it political and personal.
I responded in kind!
Debbie, re-read my original posting. I said that MM was ripping off people with his new movie.
You and others made it political.
Now lets get a few FACTS straight Ms. Debbie.
First, I said my 4 brothers and I and my father had served in the military! DO YOU UNDERTSAND THIS?
As for what we all did during the time of our military service, I won't bore you with the details as you'd just call me a liar or something along those lines.
You may have a better time of posting responses if you tried working from FACT and not your political views and opinions.
And yes Debbie, we sold Saddam some WMD's.
But if you check the FACTS Debbie, you'll find that Russia sold him the most.
And you and all the America Hating/ Bush bashing asses can leave if you're not happy.
You and all the MM fans are creating problems left and right. It's those of us in this Vast Right Wing Conspiracy who have to get you people out of trouble.
Did you and the other MM fans ever think that he may be targeting all his supporters and calling them "Stupid White People" instead of Stupid White Men!
One of the people down you way is taking this entire report and taking it to a newspaper down your way to get it published so you can get all the credit you deserve!
So Debbie, how about those facts!
You made it personal.
I enjoy discussing different points of view. I have liberal freinds and some rather radical friends. But I've never insulted a single one of them over anything we've discussed.
The reason for this is that they all have the ability to understand and comprehend what they read!
Debbie, if you want to keep making this persnoal, write back.
One of my firends down that way is a minister.
After reading your postings, it confused him. He would like to talk to you about something very serious that he wouldn't tell me.


New York,
Hi Marilyn

#296Consumer Comment

Wed, June 30, 2004

I think I am the one who mentioned the connection about Bin Laden. I do remember those pieces about Bush getting the Bin Laden's out and the Saudi Royal's out. The press was accusing Bush of favoritism.

However those newspapers and that information has later been proven to be wrong. This happened at the 9-11 commission when Richard Clark, the ex-security officer and advisor admitted that it was his office that arranged for the Bin Ladens and the Saudi family to leave the country after 9-11 and that BUSH had nothing to do with it. This is public testimony at the 9-11 Commission hearings.

The reason that Mr. Clark gave for his decision was that he was concerned that these people would be victims of retaliation from Americans following the 9-11 attack. Thank God that Americans did not retaliate individually. Although many have said hateful things to the Arabs among us, none have taken their lives which is what our administration was afraid of. That isthe reason that Richard Clark gave to the commission.

So the idea that Bush's administration was playing favoritism has since been proven false by the 9-11 testimony of Richard Clark.

You see much of the information in Michael Moore's movie are those old rehashed accusations that have been since refuted and have put to rest. His movie does not address new issues. It is the rehash of all the old tripe that has been in the news and in the op ed peices since this war has been on.

Thanks for responding.


Dawn I am sorry for calling you Tammy...

#297Consumer Comment

Tue, June 29, 2004

That is a pet peeve of mine and here I go and do it myself. I am sorry that I called you Tammy I at the time of the post was thinking about what Tammy had written.

Please do not feel you need to defend me. Robert from Dale City wants to call people cretins and morons because they disagree with him. I am not the least offended by him because then that would mean I have given him the advantage and that won't happen in this lifetime. He continues to attempt to dig into my life because he wants to find something to try to turn on me.

Although I may take his advice and start eating bon bons and watching the soaps, maybe it will take my mind off reality. I am still very curious as to how he feels he knows so much about this movie since he is not going to spend his money on this "rip-off". Things that make you hummmmmmmmmmmm...

Anyway thank you for the support and again I am sorry that I called you out of your name. Oh and Tammy...you go girl!!!!!


For a query by Tammy of Michigan

#298Consumer Comment

Tue, June 29, 2004

Tammy makes reference to one of the administration's actions immediately following 9/11 that allowed 24 members of the bin Laden family to fly out of this country.

In a 6/24/04 article (on Michael Moore and the film) by Robert Denerstein of the Rocky Mountain News, Denerstein states that Michael Moore talked about exploring the Bush connection to the bin Ladens when he read an article in 'The New Yorker' which said that 24 member of the bin Laden family had been allowed to fly out of the United States immediately after Sept. 11.

The Denerstein commentary then quotes Moore as saying, "I'm not saying that the 24 had anything to do with the events of Sept. 11. But if your cousin kelly 3,000 people, the police are going to ask you to come downtown for a few questions...They'd probably be real suspicious if you wanted a one-way ticket out of the country."

Also on 6/24/04 newspaper movie critic/columnist Greg Outher wrote the following.

"The Bush administration allowed members of the bin Laden clan to leave the United States -- not for their own safety, but to conceal their close ties to the Bush family. The evidence is provocative, including the revelation that James R. Bath, a long time Bush confindante whose name was mysteriously censored by the White House from military documents, was the 'Texas money manager' for the bin Ladens.

"More importantly, Moore questions the forensic wisdom of allowing family memebers of a wanted fugitive (who, he argues, weren't nearly as alienated from Osama as some led us to believe) skip the country before being questioned by authorities. Would you do that for the McVeighs?"

Anyway, that's what those two writers had to say on the topic.


Dale City,
Thank You, One and All!

#299REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 29, 2004

I want to thank all who responded to this report. For most of you, it was for some odd reason decided to ingore the report and instead attack me for what you thought were my political views.
Many who responded only used the format to spew their venom and hate towards a country they don't seem to want to leave the security of!
All the while, not giving their real name! Always instead choosing to remain unknown! Only maybe a first name and city or town.

The attacks by several of you have been so radical that people viewing this report and then emailing me with their comments have been stunned that something Michael Moore said is actually true. Only instead of White Men, we have to include White Women as being Dumb Americans. To paraphrase MM!

Matt and Darren, your postings were those of what seemed like fairly DUMB people. Darren, I'll bet you're on two other websites!
For the last time, I do believe that the rip off with anything that MM has published is that he passes things off as FACTs before the release of his newest project and then it becomes merely his own opinions!

As with his latest documentary/his own views/his own opinions movie that all of you so violently defended, how about these facts!

He was shown interviewing a congreeman and when the congressman said that his nephew had been vcalled up to service in Iraq and when MM found out that three other Senators had children serving in Iraq, MM still said in his movie that no Senators child was risking their life in Iraq when he fact he had intentionally edited out FACTS!!!!
There were more than 35 other opinions of MM that are proven FALSE from his new movie!

Matt, you asked what my saying that I, my brothers and father had served in the military was for!
You questioned me as maybe being a Draft Dodger in one of your posts.

Debbie, again, sorry for your loss but I don't see where this Genocide you and others speak about is going on.

And what kind of information were you getting from your son that you claim had changed his mind prior to his death? This sounds like information that needs to be made very public and in a very loud manner.

Once again, I think the rip off happens when people pay him for something opposite of what is advertised.

As for the two cretins that call our president dumbya, why don't you identify yourself amd let all of America, or anyone reading this report know who you really are.

You'll find you'll have a lot of new friends. People like you are the safest people to be around. Terrorists won't dare harm any of you because they consider all of you their brothers and sisters in arms. That only lasts until you no longer serve their purpose.


no action apparently so he must prove his manhood here on these posts

#300Consumer Comment

Tue, June 29, 2004

Thank you Tammy for your concern but...That is not what this is about. I want Mr. I-Know-Everything to understand the loss. But he will never.

He speaks of his 4 sons and himself being in the service, no action apparently so he must prove his manhood here on these posts. My son was the best man I have ever known in my life and you make a mockery of manhood Dale City Robert.

As I stated before he is no better than the likes of Hussain. IF it were allowed here I am sure he would kill people for disagreeing with him also.

Now my take on this. WE, the Good Old U S of A, needs to not worry about how other people live. We need to worry about our own first. Bushy Boy goes around trying to tell us how he interprits the Bible, well does the Good Book not say that God takes care of those who take care of themselves? I really do no think that was meant to mean how many oil rich countries we can take over. Saddam has had this way of life for a long time, and by the way whatever happened to Osama?

Mr. Robert, do you remember how the Iraqis' got those most sought after WMD? I do believe it was another Republican President who sold/gave/helped them aquire such. And where was it that Bushy found these? Oh yeah that's right...THERE ARE NONE!!!!!!. So you just keep teling yourself that this war is because of 911, and you keep living in a closet. This is a war of GREED no more no less. Bush is absolutely no better than Saddam himself. They use the same tactics to get what they want. OUR children (oh that's right, they are not your children so they don't count) are dying everyday for nothing, nada, zip, zilch. So you stay locked up in your little mind and let the real people discuss how this country has gone to hell in a handbasket because of the Bush adminstration.

Now the big decisions of the day:
What flavor Bon Bons and
Which soap is gonna be the juiciest?


Hey Robert Can You Read

#301Consumer Comment

Mon, June 28, 2004

I have to hand it to you... insulting Debbie the person you are looking for is me. And I dont have to agree with you or Dumbya and if you dont like it you and the president can stick where the sun dont shine..Yeah I said it.

I happen to know the bill of rights and I do believe freedom of speech is the first amendment as long as someone is singing Dumbya praises you are okay with that. And unlike Dumbya I can tell you a website that has a list of soldiers that have been killed and you wont find too many over 40. 95% of the troops killed have been 35 and younger. I can read. So well that I know who I am hurling my insults at.

To Debbie, I am sorry you lost your son in this needless war. My prayers are with you and your family. So many parents have lost their young sons and daughters in this bogus war. Too bad idiots like Robert cant have an objective opinion without insulting you in your time of loss what an idiot.


Las Vegas,
a little common since please, Robert.

#302Consumer Comment

Mon, June 28, 2004

Let us get this out of the way everyone on the board that responds and disagrees with Robert is
A liberal
Has no education
Doesn't work
Lives at home with their parents
Has no friends or spouses

Great job recycling the insults over, and over, and over again.

Sorry my M-F job let me get on the computer so I can reply better then the weekend when I work my second job. Certainly you are no detective. If I were at my parents house the weekend would be full of reply's.

What does this nonsense mean?

Military Service, actually Nat, myself and four brothers all proudly served this Country. Add my dad serviing as well and we're not the talk and don't serve class of Americans.

More of Robert's great thinking!!!

Nat, your postings were comical as they resorted to the old Liberal method of dealing with any and everything. Attack, lie and then insult!
Check the facts Nat, I've written numerous reports on this site and help many many people on this and other sites.

I seem to keep reading the outline of you postings are, Attack, lie and then insult. Guess the liberals have some idea's you agree with.

Keep putting me in political categories because I just don't go with one or the other yet. There seems to be problems with all of them.

Don't know if these sites will get by the editor but will post a couple for you fact finders to read and tell me what is wrong with them.

Have fun.


Dale City,
What genocide?

#303Author of original report

Mon, June 28, 2004


Sorry to hear of your loss. But I cannot buy the accusation of Genocide!

With the way the media blasts Bush and this Government, and with as many reporters "Imbedded" with the troops, why nothing about this Genocide!

Why? Because it isn't happening.

You say its a wrong war. I have to disagree! Like milions of other Americans! Many more disagree! What info was known before his death that made you think this war was genocide?


Dale City, Robert...

#304Consumer Comment

Mon, June 28, 2004

In answer to your question...ONE.

MY only son. He thought he was doing the right thing until he really saw what was going on. Hindsight as they say is always 20/20. Given what he knew just before his death I don't think he would have joined the ranks but you keep condemning those who disagree with you as you are no better than Saddam himself.

Thank you for not disappointing me by not knowing how many young lives have been lost in Iraq. You see, I don't feel that whatever you think the motivation for this "war" is, is an issue. You just use it for your own agenda to be argumentative, and condescending. Again I will ask you the almighty know it all...

1) How many of OUR children are dying in Iraq?
2) How many are over 30 who are dying?

Sounds like a very bad case of genicide to me!


I have one question for those that saw the movie...

#305Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2004

I have not seen the movie yet but I have seen the writeups about it in the Papers. I have one question that I have not been able to find an answer to in the papers, or in the op ed peices or anywhere on the net.

one of the charges against Bush was that he helped members of the Royal family get out of the Country. That is true and there is no doubt about it, but I am wondering which branch of the Royal Saudi family.

You see, the Royal Saudi family is huge and is very divided. There are princes pitted against each other and the current Crown Prince is always under body guard and has to watch his back due to family plots to steal his throne. Usually, there are always threats of coups there. Some have extensive oil holdings. Others do not. Some of these princes are very heavily supporting terroristic groups. Others are not.

I know the press made a big deal about it and that all of the charges that Michael Moore made were basically the same allegations that have been printed in the newspapers and that there was nothing new.

I remember that President Bush was very upfront about getting the Saudis out and the bin Laden family out. This is not news. His reasons was that he was afraid after the 9-11 attack that there might be retaliations against these families. Did Michael Moore happen to mention that in his film? I ask this because Donald Rumsfield had come out and said that was why they were getting the Saudi's out. This topic was covered on the O'Reilly Factor, On Hannity and Colmes, on the Scarborough Country and it has appeared in the Washington Times, the New York Post.

So I am wondering why there is now a sinister connection with it. Why people would be shocked and scared that Bush would allow these people to leave the country, especially if there were no solid evidence linking them to terrorists, and if the mood of the country was such that it would be natural for any president to be concerned about the safety of these people.


It's just too funny

#306Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2004

Really, I had intended to only post the one reply, and this will be the last as I have many more important things to do (i.e., mowing the lawn). But I can't resist one last reply to the popular Robert from Dale City, VA.

In response to your posting, no, I'm not an English teacher. I am a college graduate with a post-graduate degree though, so I'm assuming that will also put me on your "one of those" lists. I didn't think of my reply as a lecture, but rather an attempt to post a cogent (look it up Robert) response to this string. I admit I wasn't going to get knee deep into the whole Bush presidency, and I don't intend to now. I did however actually see the film, and am aware that some of the things Moore represented were not true. Call it what you will, I write it off as part of his attempt to present a biased yet entertaining view.

I'm not quite sure why it is Robert doesn't believe that I know too much about George Bush, his family, or his presidency. I spend what is likely an inordinate amount of time trying to keep up with domestic and international events, and I try to balance my news gathering efforts (mix a little Drudge Report in with NPR). I admit I'm not big fan of his, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about him. To the contrary, I think I know more than enough to base my conclusions.

Finally, I'm sorry to inform Robert that I don't live in my parents' basement. Haven't lived at home since sophomore year in college, and that's going back quite a few years (decades, actually). But I have a young child, I have family and friends that I care about, and I wnat this country to be the best it can be. The wonder and beauty of this country is that one of my closest friends and I can spend our lunches together arguing vigorously over politics (he the conservative, me the more liberal) and then shifting gears nicely to talk about golf or football or coaching kids' soccer. Life's not always black and white, and the fact is that most people are living in the gray.

I honestly appreciate people like Robert being able to express their opinions, even if they take potshots at me. It's further proof that this country has open arms to all. Debate and dissent keep things moving along, and always will. So keep it up Robert, and I'm going back to the yard work.


Dale City,
Wrong name, same inane chatter!

#307Author of original report

Sun, June 27, 2004

Whether you or any other MM fan or Bush hater have the brain power to understand, is that the days of fighting terrorists the liberal way is over.

It was the liberal mindset, the let everyone do whatever they want to, led us ALL to 911!
Its cons like MM's films, books and speeches that are supposed to contain facts that after released, suddenly the works of facts are supposed to make us think. Mention of facts suddenly disappear! A con is a con is a con!

Debbie, how many of YOUR children have died in Iraq? None of my children have died in Iraq.
The men and women that have died in Iraq have been members of our armed forces. Proudly serving our Nation, protecting all of our Nation, even those with dissenting opinions!

They're even protecting the loud mouths and doom sayers. Look at history. We've been around the shortest amount of time and have done more than any country in the history of the world.
Some other Country gets in trouble, they don't call Iraq! They call the U.S.

And guess what Debbie from Slidell, in 100 years, George Bush will be lauded as a great President.
Michael Moore and all his legions of idiot supporters will be nothing. Not even a footnote!
Now how's that for power little lady?

Get ripped off and see his movies, buy his books and listen to his speeches. Debbie, what do you do everyday but eat bon bons and watch soaps?


Dale City, Robert...

#308Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2004

I am not the person your are addressing. That was someone else but you see your slanted sight and opinions already have you not seeing the forest for the trees. You refuse to allow anyone the same rights that you swear this country gives them. Anyway...

"No one is killing the under-30 group on a daily basis in Iraq!"
Debbie, what you wrote shows me you are closed minded...a liberal or MM fan.

If differing with you makes me a liberal, I will wear the tag proudly. As far as a fan of Mr. Moore, I may be I do not know as of yet. They jury is out on that so to speak but you nor people like you will make me feel less than because you disagree. I do not do well with people who feel it is theeir way or no way. Kind of like Bushy Boy who needed his Bubba to win an election for him. Anyway...

Can you answer a few questions here?

1) How many of OUR children are dying in Iraq daily?
2) How many of them are over 30?

Thank you for sputtering and have a nice day.


Dale City,
Oh Well! Honestly, I don't give a damn what anyone in Europe thinks about our President

#309Author of original report

Sun, June 27, 2004

I hope con men aren't reading this post. Otherwise, they'll be looking to find some of the people who've posted replies. They should be easy pickings with their mindsets as shown by the postings here.

To Marilyn in Mesa, Oh Boy! If Not caring what Europeans or anyone from another Country thinks of our President is "Nationanlistic" so be it!
Honestly, I don't give a d**n what anyone in Europe thinks about our President.".

Before you make any decisions in your life for that of you or your family, do you take a poll in the neighborhood or care what your neighbors think of what you decided for your family?

Of course you don't. If you do, you're a nutcase!
So why would we bring our children up to care what others think of our President?
Everyone around the world can trash us whenever they want and American's are supposed to sit back and take it.

When we are attacked or our citizens are killed around the world, America is supposed to be understanding.

The right approach would have been to give all the Muslim Countries harboring terrorists 2 hours to start giving them up or I would have torched the entire middle east to find all those responsible for 911!

"Apathy" is what led to 911!
We need to tighten, and I do mean tighten our borders!
Mexican President Vincente Fox is pushing to get the U.S. to grant ALL his ILLEGAL Citizens citizenship. All 8 to 10 million of them.

Our schools and services used to help the poor and needy are being destroyed by the flow of illegals. This has to be stopped. Otherwise, this Country will be turned into all the Countries these people are leaving.
Why doesn't Vincente Fox and the other leaders of Mexico stop being so d**n corrupt and start doing for the people.
Why should they? Dump their unwanted on us!
Its got to stop.

To Terry, where have you been boy? Political labels of Liberal and Conserative have been around since long before I was a kid. How old are you.
As for you not judging people, you made the judement in line one and you insulted many posts in line 1.
Mentioning the "Civil War" shows your lack of knowledge for what was being discussed here.
I'll bet you think the Civil War was fought over Slavery!

Now to John-Thanks for the Posting Now that was entertainment. Are you an English teacher? I ask this question as your little lecture was nothing but "Fluff"! If you saw the movie as you claimed and were critical of those you claim hadn't seen it, why didn't you throw out some of the facts he brought out. It was advertised as "The Smoking Gun" on Bush!

John- You don't know crap about George Bush, his family or really, his Presidency!
And what has MM ever been upfront with?
There is a big world out there John. Full of wonder and amazement. Get out of mom and dad's basement and see the world!

Once again people, the ripoff is in paying MM to see the movie.
Plain and simple!


Now, now... it's an admittedly biased view of the President and matters related to 9/11 and the war in Iraq.

#310Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2004

I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11, and was Googling to see if I could find any comments regarding errors or inaccuracies in the movie. I'm not a Republican, not a Bush backer, and not a real huge fan of Kerry, but I was curious to see if there were any factual and documented errors in the movie. I haven't found a listing yet, though I'm sure some will pop up.

But the reason I went to see this movie, and the reason I'm sure most people will go to see this movie, is not to have my political persuasions swayed in any appreciable manner. Simply put, if you like Bush, this movie won't change your mind (if you even see it). If you don't like Bush, this movie won't change your mind (and you'll likely see it).

It's entertainment with an agenda, and I think Michael Moore has been pretty upfront about that. It's also certainly not a documentary in a technical sense, what with superimposed images and other tricks of the camera. And, as evidenced by my original curiosity to find out what any errors are, I'm sure it's also not 100% accurate. But the fact is that it's an admittedly biased view of the President and matters related to 9/11 and the war in Iraq.

I am always amused by viewpoints that are so filled with partisan emotion that any rational or reasonable point is lost in a whirl of rhetoric. In the end, I'm glad I saw the movie, it hasn't changed (though it possibly has reinforced) my opinion of Bush, and it was amusing and held my attention. I'm sure that those who adhere to the "love it or leave it" view of life in America will accordingly take what must be an extension of their own advice and "watch it or don't."

I'm sure any angst created by Moore's movie can be offset by a nice healthy dose of Rush and Fox News commentary.


Colorado Springs,
Assigning Titles ...has extremism in any form made our world a better place to live?

#311Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 27, 2004

It's funny, whenever I meet someone who throws out labels on people I tend to think of them as small minded beings that should be ignored. These titles that I am talking about where the usual ones we've all heard, but since 9/11 we've added two more depending on our views of politics, patriotism, etc etc.... I am talking about Liberal and Conservitive depending on which side of a fence you sit on. If you stradle the middle as most of America does, you kind of shake your head and wonder since when did peoples views make them bad people? I was taught that even though someone might pray to a god of a different name, that I should respect their devotion. I was taught that just because someone grew up in a different enviroment than myself I should expect their views to have been shaped and formed differently.

I am not going to judge anyone here, but I do ask that those of you who throw labels on others to remember that since the civil war this country has worked hard to overcome and make progress when it comes to tolerance. Vote, support your favs in the election but remember that last time we had an election there was almost 50% of the country that thought you were wrong no matter how you voted.

One last thing, has extremism in any form, for any reason, even if it's God's word, made our world a better place to live?


Wow!! captivated reading

#312Consumer Comment

Sun, June 27, 2004

Out of casual curiosity, I clicked on this report.
Wow! I had no idea what I was getting in for and was captivated reading everyone's commentary.

Notwithstanding the frequent absence of critical thinking skills exhibited by some, whatever the chosen topic would be, the lively exchange of thoughts, opinions, assessments, ideas and experiences at least demonstrates that all of you care. Certainly none of you can be accused of being apathetic.

At the risk of being shot down, I'll offer a comment about something stated by Robert.

He opined, "What American parent would care what Europe thought about our President? Not any true American parent."

I think our country is in a world of hurt if that kind of nationalistic attitude is shared by many of our country's citizens. I hope it is not.


Dale City,
Where are your facts Debbie?

#313REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, June 26, 2004

No one is killing the under-30 group on a daily basis in Iraq!
Debbie, what you wrote shows me you are closed minded...a liberal or MM fan.

One last time. MM has always painted his brand of rhetoric as the "Truth". He is supposed to know the inside on George Bush and all that goes on in the White House and the Government!
If he is so enlightened, how come you liberals haven't tried to get him elected?
If he knows the "Truth" why is he only using the "Truth" to line his pockets from supporters like you.

The Truth is, you know nothing about George Bush or have the slightest idea what goes on in Washington D.C..
All that comes out of your mouth are words written by someone else!
If you know so d**n much, why don't you jump right up and start doing the MM thing. Yell and scream until someone throws you a quarter to shut you up. Then you're on your way!

Nat from Vegas yelled, screamed insulted and threw out a lot of bogus statements!
When challenged, Nat has sort of disappeared.
I think the ripoff occurrs when someone pays any amount of money to read his books, see his movies or listen to his speeches.

Does it have to be any clearer.
As for trying or using AOL! NO way! The bozos still owe me for 1 month of service. I cancelled AOL because things were fine as long as we stayed on AOL. The minute we left AOL we'd have problems.
But you go right ahead. I do voice my opinions on various websites under the name mmooreisapig
mooresapig and several other anti Michael Moore names.

I was actaully banned from two sites for using a name they say is insulting to MM.
So much for his supporters following the whole Freedom of Speech thing.
I'm sorry, I guess since I'm a anti-MM person, Freedom of Speech doesn't apply!

And finally, if George Bush isn't your President and you are so unhappy with the U.S., why don't you take your American Hating a*s and leave?


Dale City,
Where are your facts Debbie?

#314REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, June 26, 2004

No one is killing the under-30 group on a daily basis in Iraq!
Debbie, what you wrote shows me you are closed minded...a liberal or MM fan.

One last time. MM has always painted his brand of rhetoric as the "Truth". He is supposed to know the inside on George Bush and all that goes on in the White House and the Government!
If he is so enlightened, how come you liberals haven't tried to get him elected?
If he knows the "Truth" why is he only using the "Truth" to line his pockets from supporters like you.

The Truth is, you know nothing about George Bush or have the slightest idea what goes on in Washington D.C..
All that comes out of your mouth are words written by someone else!
If you know so d**n much, why don't you jump right up and start doing the MM thing. Yell and scream until someone throws you a quarter to shut you up. Then you're on your way!

Nat from Vegas yelled, screamed insulted and threw out a lot of bogus statements!
When challenged, Nat has sort of disappeared.
I think the ripoff occurrs when someone pays any amount of money to read his books, see his movies or listen to his speeches.

Does it have to be any clearer.
As for trying or using AOL! NO way! The bozos still owe me for 1 month of service. I cancelled AOL because things were fine as long as we stayed on AOL. The minute we left AOL we'd have problems.
But you go right ahead. I do voice my opinions on various websites under the name mmooreisapig
mooresapig and several other anti Michael Moore names.

I was actaully banned from two sites for using a name they say is insulting to MM.
So much for his supporters following the whole Freedom of Speech thing.
I'm sorry, I guess since I'm a anti-MM person, Freedom of Speech doesn't apply!

And finally, if George Bush isn't your President and you are so unhappy with the U.S., why don't you take your American Hating a*s and leave?


Dale City,
Where are your facts Debbie?

#315REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, June 26, 2004

No one is killing the under-30 group on a daily basis in Iraq!
Debbie, what you wrote shows me you are closed minded...a liberal or MM fan.

One last time. MM has always painted his brand of rhetoric as the "Truth". He is supposed to know the inside on George Bush and all that goes on in the White House and the Government!
If he is so enlightened, how come you liberals haven't tried to get him elected?
If he knows the "Truth" why is he only using the "Truth" to line his pockets from supporters like you.

The Truth is, you know nothing about George Bush or have the slightest idea what goes on in Washington D.C..
All that comes out of your mouth are words written by someone else!
If you know so d**n much, why don't you jump right up and start doing the MM thing. Yell and scream until someone throws you a quarter to shut you up. Then you're on your way!

Nat from Vegas yelled, screamed insulted and threw out a lot of bogus statements!
When challenged, Nat has sort of disappeared.
I think the ripoff occurrs when someone pays any amount of money to read his books, see his movies or listen to his speeches.

Does it have to be any clearer.
As for trying or using AOL! NO way! The bozos still owe me for 1 month of service. I cancelled AOL because things were fine as long as we stayed on AOL. The minute we left AOL we'd have problems.
But you go right ahead. I do voice my opinions on various websites under the name mmooreisapig
mooresapig and several other anti Michael Moore names.

I was actaully banned from two sites for using a name they say is insulting to MM.
So much for his supporters following the whole Freedom of Speech thing.
I'm sorry, I guess since I'm a anti-MM person, Freedom of Speech doesn't apply!

And finally, if George Bush isn't your President and you are so unhappy with the U.S., why don't you take your American Hating a*s and leave?


Dale City,
Where are your facts Debbie?

#316REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, June 26, 2004

No one is killing the under-30 group on a daily basis in Iraq!
Debbie, what you wrote shows me you are closed minded...a liberal or MM fan.

One last time. MM has always painted his brand of rhetoric as the "Truth". He is supposed to know the inside on George Bush and all that goes on in the White House and the Government!
If he is so enlightened, how come you liberals haven't tried to get him elected?
If he knows the "Truth" why is he only using the "Truth" to line his pockets from supporters like you.

The Truth is, you know nothing about George Bush or have the slightest idea what goes on in Washington D.C..
All that comes out of your mouth are words written by someone else!
If you know so d**n much, why don't you jump right up and start doing the MM thing. Yell and scream until someone throws you a quarter to shut you up. Then you're on your way!

Nat from Vegas yelled, screamed insulted and threw out a lot of bogus statements!
When challenged, Nat has sort of disappeared.
I think the ripoff occurrs when someone pays any amount of money to read his books, see his movies or listen to his speeches.

Does it have to be any clearer.
As for trying or using AOL! NO way! The bozos still owe me for 1 month of service. I cancelled AOL because things were fine as long as we stayed on AOL. The minute we left AOL we'd have problems.
But you go right ahead. I do voice my opinions on various websites under the name mmooreisapig
mooresapig and several other anti Michael Moore names.

I was actaully banned from two sites for using a name they say is insulting to MM.
So much for his supporters following the whole Freedom of Speech thing.
I'm sorry, I guess since I'm a anti-MM person, Freedom of Speech doesn't apply!

And finally, if George Bush isn't your President and you are so unhappy with the U.S., why don't you take your American Hating a*s and leave?


New York,
Allegations...No facts. Congress afraid of Bush?

#317Consumer Comment

Sat, June 26, 2004

Hi everyone. I don't mean to bash anyone here but I would like to comment on Janet's comment. Janet, there are tons of sites like you described in your note. They make all the same allegations. However they never make facts available at independent sources you can check out. I have noticed the same pattern, whether it be with politics or with religion or with some other subject.

Someone makes fierce allegations and then you have a bunch of copy cats who post verbatim the allegations all over the net in different websites and different pages, but it is almost impossible to track down the original site, the original source or get some hard data for this information.

I am not interested in allegations. I am only interested in those that can be backed up by fact. Other than that, it is a waste of time and I don't have the time or patience for conspiracy theories.

One of the above guys made a comment about the sheep in congress being afraid of Bush. I somehow don't think that is true. If it were true and they were truly terrified of Bush, they would not have dropped the ball on the appointment of judges and they would not have stonewalled on so many other things.

I still think that Congress needs to pass a line item veto so that the president has the authority to just cross out and veto all these pork barrel amendments attached to these legislations.

You're are right. Congress needs to learn to live within its means.

Thanks all for the replies.

As for the movie itself, I have no interest in seeing it. I myself could care less about Michael Moore. My decision to not see this movie is based on the following principle. I believe if I am going to pay $9 a theater ticket per adult and $4.50 per child and not to mention the fortune you spend to get sodas and popcorns, then I am going to watch a movie that makes me laugh or inspires me to positive thoughts. I have no interest in paying to watch a documentary. That is why I get discovery channel and the history channel. Its like paying to go see Jerry Springer in my book.

That is the ripoff. The theater prices and the fact that Michael Moore has chosen to gouge the American people by releasing it in a venue that rips off consumers even more. Lets hear it for the theaters, folks.

If he was really serious about his message, why not get it sponsored by Frontline or picked up by a network? That way the advertisers can pay for it, the same advertisers who like Janet Jackson and many more people can watch it for free. It is not any worse than some of the silly shows currently out there.

Adios folks. I am signing off on this subject because I believe I have said enough.


I think you guys are in the wrong place

#318Consumer Comment

Sat, June 26, 2004

First off, Robert ( the one that started it all)if you have AOL you may want to publish your debate there. You have not shown where the rip off occured but I can tell you where the biggest rip off is being done. Right there on Capitol Hill, I could go on forever about "DUBYA" but I will make it brief. From the drunk driving into a hedge to the failing project in Iraq. This guy gets no love from me. They are killing people under 30 over there daily (Generation X). I dont care about Iraq, they cant comprehend the way of life we are constantly trying to shove down their throats.

I say let them be with dirt floors and no ceilings. Bottom line is this we shouldnt even be there. No WMD basically tells me that DUMBYA didnt know what the hell he was talking about. Dont give me he got bad intelligence line hes supposed to be a leader not a follower. But what can you expect from someone who reads all their speeches from a teleprompter? This is not a "war on terrorism" its more like a "hostile takeover". When my president says someone has WMD and produces nothing but a Good and Humor Ice Cream Truck and a box of Tide with some sling shots, he's not qualified to lead me anywhere.


Thank You Robert and Thank You Ripoffreport.com for this venue

#319UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 26, 2004

In "The Daily Mirror," Michael Moore said, "We [Americans] are possibly the dumbest people on the planet---in thrall to conniving, thieving smug [expletives]. We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing."

I guess it is the mission of this pompous, humongous a*s to educate the rest of the world. Anyone who has ever actually worked for this sadistic monster, as I have, knows that he is the master of hyperbole and manipulation. He forces his writers to meet unreasonable demands on a daily basis, foregoing meals and then meet with him to discuss the ideas while he stuffs his foul, odiforous maw.

Anyone who know HIS HIGHNESS will know that his "working-class, average joe everyman" act is just part of his routine. He gets pissed off if Clint Eastwood gets better treatment than him. So stop fighting among yourself people... it just makes Moore happy. Remember, whichever side you are on, he's NOT on your side.

Listen... to get off the ad hominem attack (which could literally fill another whole website) let's address the issues. I am a Democrat and Gay, so I have no axe to grind for Bush... Moore just gets his facts wrong. (Good points about the 2000 election and Florida, but once again, his hyperbole brings into suspect the rest of his points on that issue.)

Richard "the d**k" Clarke, who orchestrated his PR campaign with Moore, is the one who got the Saudi delegation out of the US. It was his office who gave the clearance and not the Bush administration. I would question Clarke further on his connections to the "Royal" family. Clarke was the expert... he had motive and opportunity!

Hell, this is just too easy! I could go on and on about his intellectual dishonesty, but attacking him personally is more fun...

I will add one other juicy tidbit. Moore has always been self-conscious about his appearance and the fact that women found him revolting (men, too, for that matter - speaking personally). Whenever he has had an issue to press he has tried to make it seem altruistic. Like the time he wanted to do away with his high school homecoming dance because HE couldn't get a date, then said that the student funds should be donated to UNICEF.

Hell, he even lost his job at Mother Jones because he was TOOOO radical... imagine that! Just keep telling yourself, "I really don't know this man and how he wants to use me."

Finally, he is the worst dressing fatman with the worst hygiene I have ever encountered. Two thumbs up... his own a*s!!!


Dale City,
Interesting comment Tom..."The Truth" until they are seen by intelligent people

#320REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, June 26, 2004

Tell me one major thing that President Bush has done wrong?
The rantings by Nat in Vegas seemed like he'd just gotten them off a Hate Bush Website!
And not one allegation backed up by anything called FACT!
And what truths in MM's new movie?
For that matter, what truths in any of his movies, books or lectures?
MM's movies are called "The Truth" until they are seen by intelligent people and when intelligent people are critical of his movies, you liberals and MM supporters then claim his movie(s) are merely made to get people to think!
MM gets me to think. I'm still wondering how it is that so many people support him. All he does is Bash America and you people pay him for it!
OK here goes.
I hate America- Everyone send me $1.00.
I hate this Country- Everyone send me $1.00
I want to see George Bush defeated in the election- Everyone send me $1.00
George Bush has never done anything right- Everyone send me $1.00.
You won't send me the money. So why send it to him.
If you want to hate America,,,fine. But why pay someone else a few dollars just to hear them scream what you yourself say?
Think and you won't be a victim of MM's con.
Think and you won't be a victim of any con.
Read all the reports on this site and it generally boils down to one mistake.
Not using common sense!


South Carolina,
an added note...

#321Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 26, 2004

Sorry, about the missing website link and since rip off report won't post this at all...everyone knows the general format for a website link and so its under [DELETED].


Dale City Robert...

#322Consumer Comment

Sat, June 26, 2004

I have not attacked you and I think I resent being thrown in that category. I do believe you were the one that came out swinging. You started this "report" by name calling and throwing about "your" opinions based on non-information, as you have/had not seen this movie as of yet.

How can you expect to be taken seriously when that is how you operate? I will discuss the sky being green and the grass blue if you are willing to discuss this.

When you reduce yourself to having to be offensive, then you minimize your point, and your credibility. I have asked Matt (not Nat)for the website where he got the facts/fiction that he was quoteing. He obliged and I have taken the time to investigate this site and found it to be quite informative.

As I stated in a previous post I will be going to see this film. I decided to wait for a friend to be able to attend also, as she and I tend to have differing opinions about almost everything and thought this film would be a good basis for discussion. I guess the key word in this whole laong post is "DISCUSSION".


Dale City Robert...

#323Consumer Comment

Sat, June 26, 2004

I have not attacked you and I think I resent being thrown in that category. I do believe you were the one that came out swinging. You started this "report" by name calling and throwing about "your" opinions based on non-information, as you have/had not seen this movie as of yet.

How can you expect to be taken seriously when that is how you operate? I will discuss the sky being green and the grass blue if you are willing to discuss this.

When you reduce yourself to having to be offensive, then you minimize your point, and your credibility. I have asked Matt (not Nat)for the website where he got the facts/fiction that he was quoteing. He obliged and I have taken the time to investigate this site and found it to be quite informative.

As I stated in a previous post I will be going to see this film. I decided to wait for a friend to be able to attend also, as she and I tend to have differing opinions about almost everything and thought this film would be a good basis for discussion. I guess the key word in this whole laong post is "DISCUSSION".



#324Consumer Comment

Sat, June 26, 2004

I've been following "Dubya" for years, and have read disturbing things about his administration by authors like David Icke. Michael Moore's movie sheds light on the well known facts in an easy-to-digest two hour movie, most don't have the time or patience to plow though a 500 page book. (Check Amazon for David Icke's book on 9/11, two years old now)

Tammy, you really did some homework. My only small disagreement is that the president doesn't spend a dime, Congress does. And they were herded like sheep afraid to dissent against Bush. Friggin' Sheeple. Pussies.


Dale City,
those on this website that know me quite well liked my posting

#325Author of original report

Sat, June 26, 2004

Thank YOU! One and all!
I wrote a report about what I thought was a ripoff and got almost the exact response I thought it would bring.

Now those on this website that know me quite well liked my posting.

There was nothing wrong with my report. It was exercising my right to free speech!

The replies were amazing. Not in content, but in the way each showed that the writers didn't understand what they were reading.

Nat in Vegas, you are the insulting little twit here.
In your last response, you said what mom and dad did, but what about you? Do you even work? Still living in mom and dad's? Still waiting for that perfect job?

Military Service, actually Nat, myself and four brothers all proudly served this Country. Add my dad serviing as well and we're not the talk and don't serve class of Americans.

Nat, they still do have the "Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy" in the military if you want to give it a try!

Otherwise, you stay home in mom and dad's and play on the computer.
As for being old, maybe a few years more than you. Viagra, don't need it right now. Maybe you do. A little advice from this old geezer.

Nat, do you need some Viagra yourself? There are 365 days in the year and if you're going to be such an aggravating d**k year round, you may need some Viagra yourself.

As for my ever hitting my wife, wouldn't think of it. Why would anyone ever hit a woman or be mean to a child.

Hey Nat, I'll bet even you could justify both of these cowardly acts!
You mentioned I couldn't argue the facts you presented! WHAT FACTS?

All you did was print lines right out of the MM handbook to argue with any sane person!
Back these accusations up with FACTS!

Clearly, your mom and dad failed in raising their free thinking son/and or daughter.
What American parent would care what Europe thought about our President?
Not any true American parent.
As for coming to this site Nat. I've been here longer than you and have probably been involved in more reports than you'll ever be.
I wrote a very simple report. Expressing MY opinions, which hundreds of thousands, even millions of people in this Country share.
With the exception of Tammy in Lowville N.Y., those responding took the attack route rather than discuss.

Tammy, you saved me a lot of time trying to respond to Nat's last posting.
Most all who responded attacked me for filing a report on MM's new film.

People reading the report all came back and attacked me for trying to get people NOT to go to MM's new movie.
The attacks show those reading didn't understand what was written.

Nat, your postings were comical as they resorted to the old Liberal method of dealing with any and everything. Attack, lie and then insult!
Check the facts Nat, I've written numerous reports on this site and help many many people on this and other sites.

As for porn on the internet, I just don't bother with it. Porn is porn. Pictures of naked people.
Big deal!

Porn may have an appeal to you. I'll bet you get into dad's secret stash and run to the bathroom.
Nat, grow up and get some direction to your life.
Judging from the website you listed, this tells all about you.

Nat, come on little boy, you attacked me from the start. Now lets see you back up your accusations with some facts.

It seems like I'm not the only one who would like you to produce some facts to back it up!


South Carolina,
How to check out such allegations on Bush and other stories...

#326Consumer Comment

Sat, June 26, 2004

I scan and sometimes read the top rip off reports for the day whenever I come onto this site. Got involved in reading this one and all of the posts.

I don't have a comment about the movie, but Matt's allegations about Bush (and no,I am NOT a Bush supporter at all nor am I for Kerry) interested me and so, I wanted to check them out for myself. A very good website to check out allegations and just basic stories is at [DELETED] (all one word here, but this website won't post it as such).

If you type in President Bush in the inquiry section, Matt's allegations about Bush appear under article #38. All of these statements cannot be proven true nor false, but are listed as Varied. Check it out! I won't be posting again, but just wanted to let others know that they can check out rumors, articles, and stuff that floats around on the internet.


Las Vegas,
Now I will go see the movie it's Friday

#327Consumer Comment

Fri, June 25, 2004

Well Robert again with the insults and you don't know a thing about me. I do know that you are old as dirt and forced into retirement. I can only figure that it is because you could not do your job as good as anyone around you, or because, you got a big mouth that no one wanted to listen to anymore. The poor wife, with Roberts mindset no doubt she has had a black eye or two. I made a couple good points and all you can do is call others and myself names. Let me also assume your to old to know what a spell-checker is.

I will share something with you to provide some ammunition for your insults. My Mother is a City Clerk and Father works for Chrysler Corp. They raised a freethinking adult to see through the bias opinions of our people such as you.

I was trying to hold out and not go the way of the insult but Robert; you have invited me so many times that now I just cannot refuse. In fact it surprises me someone of your age can use the computer, so many do-hickies and all. Robert understandably is just a little embarrassed to ask the doctor for viagra so he had to learn how to use the Internet. That may be why you are so angry is because you the new order is not here yet.

Let us also stick to the Stereotype of the Angry-Old-Republican. I am painting a picture in my head of a wrinkly, old, tooth stained, hands shake so much it is hard to type, and cigarette is hanging out his mouth with ashes falling everywhere. You know with the bragging about yourself you have done I did not hear about Robert being any kind of Veteran. Is that because you're a draft dodger?

You have given your opinions and insulted anyone who wants to voice their own. Robert is unable to have a response without insulting someone, what credibility do you have. What kind of Idiot asks for facts and won't respond to them when they are presented. I'm not even going to try and point out all of your spelling and grammatical errors in all of your posts because that would be a liberal response, right.

Here is some advice for you Robert. Stick to using the Internet for Porn and Viagra, that is why you bought that their computing machine, isn't it? Voicing your opinions just makes you sound ignorant. If I had your address, the kind soul your wife must be would surly get a sympathy card. Don't try to come on this site and match wits with these people, they will bury you so fast your bifocals will fly off your face. Just sit back and let the nice people at Sunrise Senior Living give you the medication needed and relax.

To you sir will be one with Cancer or Heart problems with the stress brought upon yourself as demonstrated with your quick temper.

Debbie and anyone else - this site not only has some scary facts about our President but it does have some fun stuff too, www.ejectbush.com


New York,
This whole bashing argument is ridiculous...

#328Consumer Comment

Fri, June 25, 2004

It is true that the general public has not seen the movie yet but it has already been previewed and roundly criticized for its own inaccuracies not only by conservatives but by liberals as well. There are many liberals denouncing this movie and distancing themselves from Mr. Moore because they are concerned about the inaccuracies here. For more previews see http://slate.msn.com

Now based on that, I would like to address Matt's comments because I am concerned that things taken out of context and promoted as fact give the impression of truth when they are not entirely true.
I attacked and took over two countries. ---with the approval of congress who assessed the intelligence reports and believed that al-queda and other terrorists organizations were operating in both Afghanistan and Iraq. He was right in Afghanistan and partially right in Iraq. They did find terror cells in Iraq belonging to Hamas, the group who is killing Jews in Israel.

I spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the Treasury.---The US surplus was gone before he spent any more due to the initial recession he experienced when taking the office. Expenditures were related to the following: Unexpected emergency relief and measures to help NYC repair and clean up damages after 9/11; unexpected disaster relief aid to California for energy crisis, to California and western states for damages do to fires, to Homeland security expenses to get our national security up to the state to be better prepared, for training programs to coordinate cities and towns for disaster reliefs, and to expenditures in pursuing wars.

I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history. --- could not be helped when he had to develop new programs for security and for terrorist fighting efforts. What would you do sir if we were attacked?

I set an economic record for the most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.--not true. Personal bankruptcy records have nothing to do with the president and his policies. Many personal bankruptcies are filed for the following reasons: loss of jobs, health and divorce. Loss of jobs is occuring because companies are outsourcing their operations because labor costs are too high here in America. It is cheaper to pay someone in India to do the same work than it is to pay an American to do the same work. Health and divorce no one can control.

I set all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the stock market-- really, again not true. The biggest drop in the history of the stock market led to the stock market crash in 1929.

I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner--- again not true. Many federal prisoners are routinely executed under any president.

I am the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal record---really, an alcohol related pick-up, and he explained that. We should all eliminate anyone who has ever been arrested. For the record, this is not true. Clinton was picked up, arrested, and booked for driving without his license. Ooohhh, we are really bad here.

In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history---really and who cares. I believe the President went once every couple of months to his ranch to unwind and relax. He also owns and operates a ranch. I guess that is not really a vacation then. Geez, responsibilities. I would rather have a president who knew his limits and who had the sense to pace himself by taking a needed break when he needs to rather than running himself ragged. Please read corporate studies on productivity. A person is much more productive when they do take needed downtime to recharge their batteries. I say good for him.

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over the worst security failure in US history--Oh a whole month. I don't recall it being a whole month. And could he have stopped it if he had been there.

I set the record for most campaign fund raising trips by any president in US history--Yep, he helped his friends too. I think that is what Presidents do. Did he miss any important votes or decisions? John Kerry has missed 80% of votes in the senate. The President is always available by phone if and when he is needed.

In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job--and now over 2 million have gained jobs.

I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other president in US history.----any solid evidence for that. Unemployment benefits are relatively a recent thing that has only been available for the last two decades. It was my understanding that they were talking about cutting unemployment benefits but it never went through. So I would like to see some hard objective data on that, not something from a liberal source who has an axe to grind against the President.

I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period--

I appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history---really. Who are these criminals and what are the nature of their convictions? Reliable sources please.

I set the record for the fewest press conferences of any president since the advent of TV--good for him. Press conferences are so incredibly dull any ways. Press conferences should only be used if there is something really pressing going on. CLinton had abused the press conferences way too much and they had all been to announce really unsignifant things. It is better to use a polite statement to the media.

I signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any other US president in history---again, this is blatantly a lie. The constitution has not been amended and executive orders cannot amend a constitution. Only congress can do that. Executive orders are policy decisions in which the constitution has given the president authority to enact.

I presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.----and what should he have done? The president of the United States has no authority to prosecute criminals or corruption. THat is a decision that has to be made by the appropriate attorney general of the state in which the offenders had resided. I believe both the Attorney General of Texas and the Attorney General of California addressed the criminals in their jurisdiction after there was a proper investigation and proper evidence that was collected according to the rule of law.

I presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have--We have the national reserves. We just can't use them because congress is protecting the Alaskan wilderness due to environmental regulations.

I cut health care benefits for war veterans.

I set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind---there is nothing like controversy which means he must be doing a good job.

I dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history--we were never signed onto the treaties.

I've made my presidency the most secretive and unaccountable of any in US history.
Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (The poorest multimillionaire, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her)---oh, and the rich are evil people. If a person is rich they have learned how to manage their money. Would you want someone who has been bankrupt managing your government finances? I don't think so.

I am the first president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt----again this is not true. There is no state that has gone bankrupt as of yet. Only a few that are in financial dodoo and that is because of the way that they manage their money. Many, many states are in a great financial shape and have balanced budgets and do not have deficits.

I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market in any country in the history of the world--again not true. The biggest corporate stock fraud was discovered in the twenties and led to the downfall of the stock market and the stock market crash. Many of the current corporate frauds had been discovered under this administration. However evidence shows that many of these corporate frauds had been long term swindles that had begun in the 1990s under Clinton. An example in point. Conseco had been fleecing stockholders and investors for years and granting extensive loan programs to high executive officers well before Bush came into power. Many of these frauds had been long term corporate swindles that eventually bankrupted their companies.

I am the first president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the United Nations and the world community.--again not true. Clinton has that honor in Bosnia. He did a preemptive strike against Bosnia. Our troops are still in Bosnia and they are still being shot at and killed even though it has been ten years.

I have created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States--again not true. FDR Roosevelt created the welfare state we currently have.

I set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any other president in US history--again not true. FDR Roosevelt did that when he enacted the welfare state we currently have.

I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Human Rights Commission--an honor to be sure since our President and his cabinet no longer were able to see eye to eye on how to really treat people with the likes of Libya, Sudan and Syria. This is a great honor.

I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Elections Monitoring Board.

I removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history. ---sources please, Make them objective.

I rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant. ---the UNited Nations has been irrelevant for years. It had been reduced to nothing more than a good ole boys club for these many years. If the UN had been relevant, we would not have had to deal with the Somalia situation under Clinton, we would not have had to go into Bosnia again under Clinton and we would not have had the total mess that we had with the bribery program. Sometimes in order to get something fixed, you have to shine the light on something and let people know it was broken. Even now Sudan is slaughtering hundreds and thousands of Christians in mass ethnic cleansing and the UN is not doing anything about it. The refugees are pouring into CHad and dying.

I withdrew from the World Court of Law.--We were never signed up and he had concerns rightfully so about the way the International Court was set up and the procedures and the rules of evidence. In other words, he was concerned that there was not proper accountability within this court and that its set up would lead to political witchhunts. Clinton never signed on either because of his concerns. He left the matter for Bush and he said no. When the International Court really gets its act and procedures together and adopts a policy and set of procedures that has strict accountability and establishes a way for an appeal process, then maybe the President will sign on. But until then, I wouldn't sign on.

I refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions--that is not true. Again solid evidence for this. Inspectors have seen the prisoners of war. The red Cross routinely administer to them.

I am the first president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors access during the 2002 US elections--Access for what? Why in the world does the UN need to monitor our elections? DO you know of any polling votes that have guns and sheisters at their polling booths ordering people to vote for a certain candidate? This is bull.

I am the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.
The biggest lifetime contributor to my campaign, who is also one of my best friends, presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation). ----There are two parts of this. Corporate donations are limited by dollar amount. The republican party also has one of the largest "grass-roots" donation bases as well. And what can you say about friends? Sometimes good friends just go bad, you know. He had never tried to hide his friendship with Kenneth Lay which shows in my book that he has nothing to hide. You can't always know everything your friends are up to and everyone gets burned by their friends sooner or later. Congrats. He is human.

I spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history--again, not true. WHere is the reliable and credible source for this. Clinton lived by the polls.

I am the first president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied, saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1). Oh, geez. What was he supposed to do? Stay at the WHite House and let himself get bombed. It is standard procedure for any president to go to a safe house when under attack. ANy and all presidents will do that if we are ever attacked again. And so will the Vice President.

I am the first US president to establish a secret shadow government.---Oh please.

I took the world's sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history). ---oh please. He took action. He is resented because he took action. There are lots of countries that are with us on this or have you forgotten and you just remain focused on the few whiny pots who cry for the press all the time.

I am the first US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.--again, reliable sources for this. I have heard many Europeans say that they are glad for the American's presence there and are greatful. You can't always beleive what you read.

I am the first US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than by their immediate neighbor, North Korea.--again that is not true. If this were true, we would not be withdrawing our troops from the region. Also the SOuth Koreans have been close friends and allies with the US on the war in Iraq.

I changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.--again reliable evidence for this. Reliable, objective sources please and who, what, when and where.

I set the all time record for the number of administration employees who violated US law by not selling their huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.--really, again sources for this.

I have removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history. In a little over two years I have created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided that the US has been since the civil war.----Two part accusations here. Civil liberties are not in jeopardy here. THis country has been divided for the last two elections or have you forgotten the culture wars.

I entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down. --again not true. He entered into the white house when our economy was starting a recession. THe last few months of Clintons tenure, economic figures stated that the economy was in a downturn. Bush was inheriting the beginnings of a recession.


I have at least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available).

I was AWOL from the National Guard and deserted the military during time of war. I refuse to take a drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.---this is not true. Reports stated that he was not AWOL. Several of his commanders wrote letters to the editors in the Washington Times that he had not been AWOL. One of his retired commanders have refuted that publicly on the news. Maybe you missed that news?

All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my father's library, sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public.--again, any proof of that.

All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.---SEC investigations. Do you have any dates for SEC investigations. Believe me if there were SEC investigations, the press would be all over it daily.

All minutes of meetings of any public corporation for which I served on the board are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.---This is standard procedure for many corporations.

Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public review.--This is standard procedure for any administration. I hate to break it to you but corporations are not the government and they do not have to disclose details of their private meetings with anyone. Just like I don't have to disclose my meetings with my supervisor. There is something called a right to privacy to conduct business. Now if you want to take that right away from corporations or businesses or individuals then by all means do so, but don't complain about your liberties being taken away.


Sorry Matt about this. Nothing personal but I couldn't just allow these accusations to stand without challenging them.

Take care.


Dale City,
Liberals Talk But Never Say Anything

#329REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 25, 2004

To Betty in S.F.,
Other than to try and insult and join the many Bush Bashers, what was your point.
Bush hasn't cut anything from any budget that would effect you. In fact, show me one budget cut that wasn't necessary that effected you.
Get off your high horse and try and realize that people like you are losing the fight.
Most Americans gripe but only the liberals refuse to act.
All I said in the initial report was that I was calling on people to call the theatres and protest the showing of this movie!
What was wrong with that? Nothing!
The fact that I think MM is bilking his followers is simply put, my right to free speech.
Betty, go to MM new movie. From your writing and opinions, you're just the kind of person MM counts on.
Enjoy. Go back 2, 3, or 4 times. As many as you want!
I'll bet you do nothing but to help anyone but your family and yourself.
The rest of your time is spent online.
I'll bet your education falls somewhere between GED and Political Science Major.
Actaully, maybe I should have said either a GED or Political Science Major!
Now Betty, other than Bash America, name one fact MM has brought out in any of his books, speeches or so called movies!

Dale City


San Francisco,
"Don't Hate The Player...Hate The Game!

#330Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

I must say how frightening and sad it is that ignorance still prevails in this country. This is in reference to the initial comment that was made about the new documentary that is coming out.

this Friday, June 25th. Sir, I wouldn't join forces with you if you were the last person on the planet earth. You can barely write, and I question your ability to read and assess things.

Now if there are some words here that you don't understand, I suggest that you go to your local library (if you still have one in light of Bush's budget cuts)! You make me feel ashamed to be an American! How can you critique a movie that hasn't even come out yet?

Perhaps I should refer to you as 976-[DELETED]. The best that I can tell you is that instead of sitting around in the old trailer park all day spewing hatred, why don't you make yourself a "Good American", and go out there and get some EDUCATION (if your old buddy Bush hasn't cut the budget for that as well).

Believe me, educating ignorant people like yourself would definitely make America a happier and more prosperous place for all of us. I also would like ot say "RIGHT ON MATT IN LAS VEGAS! YOU MAKE SENSE TO ME!"


Dale City,
Hope You Enjoy The Movie

#331REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 24, 2004

Nat, Hope you enjoy the movie. I guess mom is going to let you stay up late to see the movie. Thats great.
Matt, do you work?
What field?
When do you plan to move out of your mom and dad's?
Were you around a lot of lead paint growing up?
Nat, your comments were lame and quite ineffective!
Picking and choosing part of an statement is typical liberal attack methods.
As for seeing the movie, you're just the type of person who I thought would pay to view it! See it twice or even 3 times.
Give all your money to Michael Moore! This is what he wants from you. Unquestioned loyalty to his highness MM!
MM legions of followers support him without question. Pretty much like the Germans did with Hitler. All the MM Heads need to do is come up with a salute.
We reasonable and true Americans already have a proper salute for MM and his legion of fans.
And we aren't raising our hands to signify we think either he or any of his followers are number1!
Nat, maybe one day you'll opt for the headoptimy!


Matt could you,

#332Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

send me a full copy of that article you were quoting from? My email address is:




What ever happened to the saying "Judging a book by it's cover"?

#333Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 24, 2004

That's what is going on here. When all of you have attended this movie, why dont you come back here and we can discuss it as educated and informed adults. I really do believe until that time no one has a true opinion, just an uninformed theory. You call each other names and attack without any justification whatsoever. I was basically fence sitting about going to see this film. I must thank you all for swaying my decision. I will be there on Friday seeing FOR MYSELF this film and making an INFORMED opinion about it.
Thank You



#334REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 24, 2004

You Sir are a Hater in the worse way. Michael Moore has a different version of what is portrayed to the public as a Rose Bud community. We USA need to mind our own Business and let sleeping dogs LIE) GEORGE BUSH> His roses really smell like BOO-BOO.
Did you see Michael Moore's movie


Las Vegas,
Just some Facts

#335Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

These are Fact to make a movie by. You wanted some facts to dispute here they are Robert.

You also know I would love to see the movie that goofs on Kerry, but I have an open mind to make my own choices.


I attacked and took over two countries.

I spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the Treasury.

I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history.

I set an economic record for the most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.

I set all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the stock market.

I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

I am the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over the worst security failure in US history.

I set the record for most campaign fund raising trips by any president in US history.

In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.

I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other president in US history.

I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.

I appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

I set the record for the fewest press conferences of any president since the advent of TV.

I signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any other US president in history.

I presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.

I presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.

I cut health care benefits for war veterans.

I set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

I dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.

I've made my presidency the most secretive and unaccountable of any in US history.
Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (The poorest multimillionaire, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her).

I am the first president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.

I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market in any country in the history of the world.

I am the first president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

I have created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.

I set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any other president in US history.

I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Human Rights Commission.

I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Elections Monitoring Board.

I removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

I rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.

I withdrew from the World Court of Law.

I refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.

I am the first president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors access during the 2002 US elections.

I am the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.
The biggest lifetime contributor to my campaign, who is also one of my best friends, presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).

I spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history.

I am the first president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied, saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)

I am the first US president to establish a secret shadow government.

I took the world's sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

I am the first US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

I am the first US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than by their immediate neighbor, North Korea.

I changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.

I set the all time record for the number of administration employees who violated US law by not selling their huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.

I have removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history. In a little over two years I have created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided that the US has been since the civil war.

I entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.


I have at least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available).

I was AWOL from the National Guard and deserted the military during time of war. I refuse to take a drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.

All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my father's library, sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public.

All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

All minutes of meetings of any public corporation for which I served on the board are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public review.

Sorry it's so long but I just had a good laugh at so many of these I could not leave one out.


Las Vegas,
Robert knows the "Truth"

#336Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

Robert, let us quote you a bit to let you know that I do understand what you wrote.

"Michael Moore, with his colorful version of WHAT he calls the TRUTH is at it again."

"To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air."

"Another lowlife liberal. You people are like roaches"

"But all people like you do is shout and scream that you want more and the government has to give it to you but you don't want to be taxed or have to defend the Country."

"I'll bet Matt and his supporters also are mad because of the embarrassment caused to the poor Iraqis prisonoers."

"Stupidity is displayed throughout their comments. Although my spelling was lacking at several points, not enough to cloud what I said."

"If people read and understand what they're read before they speak or take action, they won't look like fools!"

"Your lame attempt at answering my factual response only solidifies my belief of just what your IQ is!"

"Forget understanding anything, attack anyone who disagrees with you in any way shap or form."

Now as I look over this array of well educated statements from you it puts you in the same light as MM. You are full of asumptions and insults. Why would you put yourself in the position of painting such a hatfull, ignorant portrait. Robert may say to re-read his post but I got the cliff notes version for you right here.

I could have so much fun with almost everyone of these statements, you make it so easy. I will simply just make my point.

I may not agree with MM but he does make the most entertaining documentaries and I will see this one. It will make me laugh and think.


From "The Hill" (Congressional Newspaper) Fahrenheit 9/11' ban?

#337Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

This is still America and we are allowed to boycott or endorse anything according to our own views and values.

If people flock to see this, Michael Moore is enriched and will continue to churn out "Moore" of the same.

If people stay away in droves, Mr. Moore will enter a financial wasteland and will perhaps re-think what he is producing.

Just a thought about free enterprise and how it works. This is how consumers "make or break" them, not by fighting each other.

Interesting piece from "The Hill" concerning this movie:

Fahrenheit 9/11' ban?

Ads for Moore's movie could be stopped on July 30
By Alexander Bolton

Michael Moore may be prevented from advertising his controversial new movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, on television or radio after July 30 if the Federal Election Commission (FEC) today accepts the legal advice of its general counsel.

At the same time, a Republican-allied 527 soft-money group is preparing to file a complaint against Moore's film with the FEC for violating campaign-finance law.

In a draft advisory opinion placed on the FEC's agenda for today's meeting, the agency's general counsel states that political documentary filmmakers may not air television or radio ads referring to federal candidates within 30 days of a primary election or 60 days of a general election.

The opinion is generated under the new McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law, which prohibits corporate-funded ads that identify a federal candidate before a primary or general election.

The proscription is broadly defined. Section 100.29 of the federal election regulations defines restricted corporate-funded ads as those that identify a candidate by his name, nickname, photograph or drawing or make it otherwise apparent through an unambiguous reference.

Should the six members of the FEC vote to approve the counsel's opinion, it could put a serious crimp on Moore's promotion efforts. The flavor of the movie was encapsulated by a recent review in The Boston Globe as the case against George W. Bush, a fat compendium of previously reported crimes, errors, sins, and grievances delivered in the director's patented tone of vaudevillian social outrage.

The FEC ruling may also affect promotion of a slew of other upcoming political documentaries and films, such as Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War, which opens in August, The Corporation, about democratic institutions being subsumed by the corporate agenda, or Silver City, a recently finished film by John Sayles that criticizes the Bush administration.

Another film, The Hunting of the President, which investigates whether Bill Clinton was the victim of a vast conspiracy, could be subject to regulations if it mentions Bush or members of Congress in its ads.

Since the FEC considers the Republican presidential convention scheduled to begin Aug. 30 a national political primary in which Bush is a candidate, Moore and other politically oriented filmmakers could not air any ad mentioning Bush after July 30.
That could make advertising for the film after July difficult since it is all about the Bush administration and what Moore regards as its mishandling of the war on terrorism and the decision to invade Iraq.

After the convention, ads for political films that mention Bush or any other federal candidate would be subject to the restrictions on all corporate communications within 60 days of the Nov. 2 general election.

Fahrenheit 9/11 opens nationally tomorrow.

The film's distributor, Lions Gate Films, an incorporated organization, would almost certainly pay for its broadcast promotions.

David Bossie, the president of Citizens United, plans to allege that Fahrenheit 9/11 violates federal election law, arguing that Moore has publicly indicated his goal is to impact this election season.

Bossie had planned to file a complaint with the FEC yesterday but postponed action because his lawyers want to review it at the last minute, said Summer Stitz, a spokeswoman for Bossie's group.

I don't think much of Michael Moore or his two-hour political advertisement that's all it is, Bossie said. He uses all of these words to make it look like he makes documentaries, but it's the furthest thing from the truth. Documentaries tend to be fact-based.

Sarah Greenberg, a spokeswoman for Lions Gate Films who is serving as Moore's spokeswoman, did not return a call for comment.

The FEC counsel's draft advisory opinion responded to a request for guidance from David Hardy, a documentary film producer with the Bill of Rights Educational Foundation. Hardy asked whether he could air broadcast ads that refer to congressional officeholders who appear in his documentary.

At issue in the FEC's opinion is whether documentary films qualify for a media exemption, which allows members of the press to discuss political candidates freely in the days before an election.

In its opinion, the general counsel wrote, In McConnell vs. FEC (2003) the [Supreme] Court described the media exemption as narrow' and drew a distinction between corporations that are part of the media industry' as opposed to other corporations that are not involved in the regular business of imparting news to the public.'

The radio and television commercials that you describe in your request would be electioneering communications, the counsel concluded. The proposed commercials would refer to at least one presidential candidate. They would also be publicly distributed because you intend to pay a radio station and perhaps a television station to air or broadcast your commercials. Finally, they would reach 50,000 people within 30 days of a national nominating convention and or the general election.

However, one commissioner, Michael Toner, has a different view of what restrictions may be placed on political films.

I think there's evidence that when Congress created the press exemption they intended for it to cover media in all its forms, said Toner. If a documentary produced by an independent company would be subject to restriction or, equally important, if efforts to promote the documentary would be subject to restriction, I think that is very problematic.

2004 The Hill
733 Fifteenth Street, NW Suite 1140
Washington, DC 20005


A suggestion for the author

#338Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 24, 2004

Robert, I don't know if I am one of those 5 people, but you didn't say much of anything except call the theaters. Why don't you give some supporting instances to make me change my mind? As you said..

"Michael Moore, with his colorful version of WHAT he calls the TRUTH is at it again. This time with the piece of propoganda called "Fahrenheit 9/11"!
Here is a list of the following theatres that intend to show this trash!

Contact these people and protest.
Mike is just like these theatres. They are trying to make money!Support the local theatres but not Mike or his garbage!"

"Don't let these people win.
Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money.
Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half trusts, speculation and outright lies.

Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it.

Wake Up America and open your eyes.
To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!"

I guess I will have to pay to go see what this is all about because you sure didn't tell me.. so like I stated in my first post? where is the rip-off? you sure didn't tell me. you know the truth? spell it out for us!! I didn't bash you or anyone else. So why don't you offer some level-headed advice instead of trying to prove who is right of wrong here.


A suggestion for the author

#339Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 24, 2004

Robert, I don't know if I am one of those 5 people, but you didn't say much of anything except call the theaters. Why don't you give some supporting instances to make me change my mind? As you said..

"Michael Moore, with his colorful version of WHAT he calls the TRUTH is at it again. This time with the piece of propoganda called "Fahrenheit 9/11"!
Here is a list of the following theatres that intend to show this trash!

Contact these people and protest.
Mike is just like these theatres. They are trying to make money!Support the local theatres but not Mike or his garbage!"

"Don't let these people win.
Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money.
Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half trusts, speculation and outright lies.

Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it.

Wake Up America and open your eyes.
To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!"

I guess I will have to pay to go see what this is all about because you sure didn't tell me.. so like I stated in my first post? where is the rip-off? you sure didn't tell me. you know the truth? spell it out for us!! I didn't bash you or anyone else. So why don't you offer some level-headed advice instead of trying to prove who is right of wrong here.


A suggestion for the author

#340Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 24, 2004

Robert, I don't know if I am one of those 5 people, but you didn't say much of anything except call the theaters. Why don't you give some supporting instances to make me change my mind? As you said..

"Michael Moore, with his colorful version of WHAT he calls the TRUTH is at it again. This time with the piece of propoganda called "Fahrenheit 9/11"!
Here is a list of the following theatres that intend to show this trash!

Contact these people and protest.
Mike is just like these theatres. They are trying to make money!Support the local theatres but not Mike or his garbage!"

"Don't let these people win.
Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money.
Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half trusts, speculation and outright lies.

Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it.

Wake Up America and open your eyes.
To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!"

I guess I will have to pay to go see what this is all about because you sure didn't tell me.. so like I stated in my first post? where is the rip-off? you sure didn't tell me. you know the truth? spell it out for us!! I didn't bash you or anyone else. So why don't you offer some level-headed advice instead of trying to prove who is right of wrong here.


Dale City,
Liberal responses from liberals

#341Author of original report

Thu, June 24, 2004

To Daren and Eric, I say go forword and support whomever and whatever you want.
Daren, resorting to name calling rather than addressing issues is a liberal ploy used on many other websites.
Gripe! Gripe! Gripe! and then insult when challenged with fact!
Daren, you need to stay where you are in a State where the lifestyle is slower. This seems to fit you and level of understanding.
As for work, I retired after 30 years at the same job. Pretty decent work record.
Do you even work. Or do you surf the web all day and try and find things to gripe about?
Daren, you never made anything other than accusations and then turned to insults rather than back anything up with facts. Ty[ical liberal and MM response.
Eric, go see the movie. Pay whatever it cost. Enjoy.
Liberals and subversives need entertainment to.
It was my right to protest the release of this movie.
Eric, as for trying to stop the movies release before seeing it, after all his other work which was bashing America each and every time, I don't need to see a repeat rolled into a different package. And there have been enough previews of what is in the movie all over his websites and the few other sites in support of MM.
All liberals and MM fans can bash the Country and lash out at those who are trying to make a difference.
But Daren, if you're going to make arguments in defense of your position or standce on an issue, try having some facts their young man.
Name one fact MM has brought out in any of his books or movies!
Daren, judging by your posts here, I would say you haven't been out of school long, if you've graduated. No girlfriend or wife or life partner to share anything with. Few friends. And a job, maybe, that you don't really like. And your only true friend, the keyboard. You may have a few credits or maybe a bunch of college credits and a high GPA.
What separates us, is that I use my intelligence and abilities for positive change and advancement
in this society.
I have many lberal friends who both my wife and I thoroughly enjoy spending hours with talking about any and all subjects.
One of our liberal friends once said that they were disturbed by the so called liberals coming out of schools today as they were turning more towards a facists or communists way of thinking.
Daren, next year after you graduate high school, try and find a college that teaches you about trolls. You seem to have a fasciantion with them.
When and if you ever get a job where you can last 30 years, email me and I'll send you a Congratulations Card.
As for your petty little insults, I do pitty you. That's all you did was attack and insult! Never once did you make a point. And once again you rabid MM fan, name one fact MM or any other liberal has made that is valid and TRUE!


But have you even seen the movie?

#342Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

I just don't see how it is you have all these opinions and judgments about the movie when though you haven't even seen it!

Reading the talking points from your local conservative weblogger does not count!

I will see this movie, when it is released on Friday, June 25, 2004.


But have you even seen the movie?

#343Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

I just don't see how it is you have all these opinions and judgments about the movie when though you haven't even seen it!

Reading the talking points from your local conservative weblogger does not count!

I will see this movie, when it is released on Friday, June 25, 2004.


But have you even seen the movie?

#344Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

I just don't see how it is you have all these opinions and judgments about the movie when though you haven't even seen it!

Reading the talking points from your local conservative weblogger does not count!

I will see this movie, when it is released on Friday, June 25, 2004.


But have you even seen the movie?

#345Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

I just don't see how it is you have all these opinions and judgments about the movie when though you haven't even seen it!

Reading the talking points from your local conservative weblogger does not count!

I will see this movie, when it is released on Friday, June 25, 2004.


To the Two Roberts

#346Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

The last refuge of the bully. You say imflammatory things, then you come back with "awe shucks, that wasn't what I said" or "I was just kidding."

As said before... a troll by any other name is a troll.

Quoted below is your "intelligent, well thought out post." Maybe you can show us where we were wrong?

"Don't let these people win.
Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money.
Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half trusts, speculation and outright lies.
Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it.
Wake Up America and open your eyes.
To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!"

If you want to open someone to your thoughts, do you usually tell them that they have their heads up their butts? Come on.... You made silly a*s comments and when called on them you back down and try to become all rationale and upstanding. At least have the guts to stand up to your idiotic posting. Why cast the first stone and then be all upset when people strike back? I don't get it.

For the other Robert.... I will match my college transcripts and GPA to yours anytime. Feel free to contact the editor and he can set something up between us. If not, then I will admit that you are smart enough to spell GED. Other than that who knows. I would love to see your leve of education. I tell you what... let's have the one with the least college credits pay the other $10 for each credit difference? I could sure use the money.

Go back under your bridge.


To the Two Roberts

#347Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

The last refuge of the bully. You say imflammatory things, then you come back with "awe shucks, that wasn't what I said" or "I was just kidding."

As said before... a troll by any other name is a troll.

Quoted below is your "intelligent, well thought out post." Maybe you can show us where we were wrong?

"Don't let these people win.
Although Michael Moore claims to be one of us hard working Americans and one who is trying to protect us, it all comes down to money.
Michael Moore has gotten rich off of half trusts, speculation and outright lies.
Michael Moore cares about money and how fast he can get it.
Wake Up America and open your eyes.
To liberals I say, get your head out of your butts and take in some fresh air. Clear your head and then you'll see what Michael Moore is all about!"

If you want to open someone to your thoughts, do you usually tell them that they have their heads up their butts? Come on.... You made silly a*s comments and when called on them you back down and try to become all rationale and upstanding. At least have the guts to stand up to your idiotic posting. Why cast the first stone and then be all upset when people strike back? I don't get it.

For the other Robert.... I will match my college transcripts and GPA to yours anytime. Feel free to contact the editor and he can set something up between us. If not, then I will admit that you are smart enough to spell GED. Other than that who knows. I would love to see your leve of education. I tell you what... let's have the one with the least college credits pay the other $10 for each credit difference? I could sure use the money.

Go back under your bridge.


Dale City,
The Rewards Keep Rolling In!!!

#348Author of original report

Wed, June 23, 2004

Thank you Daren. Your lame attempt at answering my factual response only solidifies my belief of just what your IQ is!
All you people who attacked my report actually never read or rather understood what I had written. You then attacked me as being everything from a communists to a facists!
And when I prove that people, including Daren had not understood what I had written in the first place, Daren's response was to try and insult me further.
But this is the mindset of the liberal and MM fan.
Forget understanding anything, attack anyone who disagrees with you in any way shap or form.


Dale City,
It's still a Ripp Off!

#349REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 23, 2004

Let me say thank you to all who responded and proved that for some reason, people have lost the ability to understand even simple writing. This is where most rippoffs occurr. The cheated party basically has no idea they're being conned!

My complaint and description was accurate and it only said for people to contact the theatres and protest the showing of this movie! That's it.

Yet with the responses posted, you'd have thought I had violated someones rights. The responses show me that there are at least 5 people in this Country who need to step back to say....remedial reading class and bone up a little.

Stupidity is displayed throughout their comments. Although my spelling was lacking at several points, not enough to cloud what I said.

If people read and understand what they're read before they speak or take action, they won't look like fools!

If they apply the same tactic to everyday life, thousands wouldn't get rip-off!

People, reread my original complaint and you'll see your comments were wrong and your arguments had no basis.

But thanks for trying
You all have a MM day!



#350Consumer Comment

Wed, June 23, 2004


I am sure somewhere there you are being whitty as trolls try to be. But, I just don't get it.

Oh well.


Dale City,
Most of you miss the point

#351Author of original report

Wed, June 23, 2004

Naturally, the MM supporters say I'm telling people not to go to this supposed movie because of censorship. A typical MM supporter response. I'll bet Matt and his supporters also are mad because of the embarrassment caused to the poor Iraqis prisonoers.

I never told anyone not to see MM new movie.
Simply put, the angry responses seem to be from those who read what they wanted to instead of what was actaully printed. I want every one who agrees with bashing this country the way Michael Moore and his supporters do. He's making money, your money, by bashing this Country but NEVER offering any other solution.

Maybe if you paid him enough, he offer solutions.
I choose NOT to pay him a cent.

Censoship and violating anyones right to Free Speech is something I would never do.

Matt, you and the other Michael Moore supporters do as you please. But don't accuse me of something I'm not and accuse me of something I wasn't trying to do.

Read what is there Matt and try and understand what is written.

Maybe then you'll understand.


I still have my eyes and my tongue.

#352Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

I personally don't agree with every single thing Michael Moore says, but I will say this~

I consider myself fortunate enough to live in a place where if I want to see his maniacal documentary, I won't come home to vigilantes who then gouge my eyes out with a spork for seeing it or cut the tongue right out of my head for speaking out about it.


Strange, the movie hasn't even been released yet...

#353Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

The author seems so sure about what is wrong with this movie, but he fails to mention how he has even seen it. It will not be released until June 25, 2004. The author's post is dated June 21. This is, in all likelihood, an attempt to discredit the movie by someone who has read that it is likely to harm the reputation of George Bush. Silly.


Strange, the movie hasn't even been released yet...

#354Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

The author seems so sure about what is wrong with this movie, but he fails to mention how he has even seen it. It will not be released until June 25, 2004. The author's post is dated June 21. This is, in all likelihood, an attempt to discredit the movie by someone who has read that it is likely to harm the reputation of George Bush. Silly.


Strange, the movie hasn't even been released yet...

#355Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

The author seems so sure about what is wrong with this movie, but he fails to mention how he has even seen it. It will not be released until June 25, 2004. The author's post is dated June 21. This is, in all likelihood, an attempt to discredit the movie by someone who has read that it is likely to harm the reputation of George Bush. Silly.


Strange, the movie hasn't even been released yet...

#356Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

The author seems so sure about what is wrong with this movie, but he fails to mention how he has even seen it. It will not be released until June 25, 2004. The author's post is dated June 21. This is, in all likelihood, an attempt to discredit the movie by someone who has read that it is likely to harm the reputation of George Bush. Silly.


Las Vegas,
Name calling lessons your points

#357Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

I will first have to address Tammy, Protesting is a great tool to use for the right purposes and is not censorship. It is censorship if you are trying to prevent a theater from showing a movie I would like to see. Your points are made and taken about half truths and such in Mr. Moores movie. Let us compare them to Passion of the Christ. That is also a movie that you have to see for yourself and determine what could have happend and what is probly a half-truth.

Poor poor Robert-

Even the title of your post has insults. Who can take you seriously with the babble you spew. No more of a responce needed for you sir. Put me in whatever catagory you need to find the correct insult. Thankyou for the responce I expected.


Dale City,
Darren... Keep going and you may get that GED

#358Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

Well another liberal reads. Darren, if you actually knew what you were taling about, you may have potential.

Keep going and you may get that GED.


AMEN Matt!

#359Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

Thanks Matt. AMEN!


Dale City,
Another lowlife liberal. You people are like roaches

#360REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 22, 2004

To Matt,
What a lame response. Typical liberal. But it is you liberals, and your buddy as well who are a threat to this Country. Free Speech always. But all people like you do is shout and scream that you want more and the government has to give it to you but you don't want to be taxed or have to defend the Country.
Hey Matt, its called COWARDICE!!!!!!!!!


Probably more like Facism

#361Consumer Comment

Tue, June 22, 2004

I would probably attribute Robert to the Facist school rather than the communist.

A basic rule of thumb is that the liberal is considered a communist and a conservative would be a Facist.

Same goals but from different ends of the spectrum.


New York,
There are so many factual errors in Michael Moore's movie

#362Consumer Comment

Mon, June 21, 2004

Thanks for the info...Protesting movies is not cencorship. Censorship is when a person tells you that you cannot read certain books or watch certain movies and actively keeps you from seeing or watching those movies. Other forms of censorship, the right to protest a movie or book or product, the right not to write or produce a movie, a book, or a product and the right not to watch it is not against the first amendment but is encouraged in the market place for free ideas.

There are so many factual errors in Michael Moore's movie, that the only censorship that I see in this is the fact that they actually had the nerve to call it a documentary rather than what it is/ a reality/fake comedy of errors.

THe fact that Michael Moore sat on evidence of prisoner abuse (sexual and physical) until his movie came out is proof that he is not really all that ethical anyways. He did it because he did not want to hurt his movie. He was hoping to be the first to break the scandal and when he wasn't, he is now claiming that he didn't do it because he thought it would taint his movie and that people would think that he was doing it to promote his movie. Bull! If he had the truth, he had the obligation to report it period regardless of whether it was to hurt his movie or whether people think he was a scheister for trying to promote his books.

I have news for Michael Moore. I know no one who thinks that he is not about bashing America any way he can. I don't know of any one who really takes him seriously as a documentarian and filmmaker except Hollywood (the heart of Fantasy Land).


Las Vegas,
It is people like you who scare me

#363Consumer Comment

Mon, June 21, 2004

Thanks for the list I was wondering where to go to see his latest movie Mr. Moore was putting out. It is people like you who scare me. Free speach is in danger. Protest you say, what are you protesting I don't understand?

Try to worry about yourself and let free people make their own choices. I would not tell you what movie to see, what paper to read, or even what radio station to listen to.

Good luck with your communism.


We all have opinions, I don't see the rip-off here

#364Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 21, 2004

Well Robert thanks to this great country we all can have our opinion and tells stories both fact and fiction. I don't see the rip-off here, but I guess you have a right to say there is one. Now don't say I am a liberal, democrat, republican or whatever.. personally I don't care. I vote when needed, and when the times are right. again my right. Why don't you make a movie to debunk him?. There are many problems wrong in this country and the biggest problem is everyone wants to point why doesn't anyone try to make a difference? well maybe this guy is, who knows it is his choice and ours to decided. The only reason why I am even replying to this is that I am sick of hearing liberal this.. republican that.. ect etc.. they all have good ideas here and there and they ALL screw up here and there.. we are only human

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