  • Report:  #67231

Complaint Review: Modesto Institute Of Technology - Modesto California

Reported By:
- modesto, California,

Modesto Institute Of Technology
5737 Stoddard Road Modesto, 95356 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Modesto institute of technology is suppose to be a school that prepares students for technical training, but after the first week of school you can tell nobody knows what there doing.

What you will get is false promises, day after day of doing absolutely nothing, and staff and teachers who are not equiped for the daily duties of teaching or counseling. Bottom line is they tell you what you want to here, but do nothing! I smell lawsuit.


modesto, California

5 Updates & Rebuttals


What the consumer should know

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 13, 2004

This is a great web site. i think however any person with a valid complaint should be aware of the agency that monitors vocational schools. in california it is the bureau for private postsecondary and vocational education (bppve) located at http://www.bppve.ca.gov/. this is the proper way to report problems that you and the school can not resolve.using this web site should include only valid complaints which have been registered with the bppve. please report responsibly so people get good information. these schools do get away with failing to provide the all that they promise and have contracted to provide and i would put this institute at the top of the list with a dozen or more in modesto alone. report them to the proper agency, vocational education can be a great way for you and others to better your. sighed concerned


Right you are!

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 03, 2004

The equipment and supplies are always late if they get here at all. This place is a joke.


As an instructor of institute of tech i can tell you this.

#4UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 13, 2004

i have been an instructor for 10 plus years and have worked for a number of diploma mills and IT is at the top of the list of schools saying this and giving 0. the instructors are very good but lack the tools and books to be 100% I personly teach i mod (6 weeks) with no books for me or the students. i am expected to go on the net to get what i need to teach. these students are paying $10,000 for these classes and don't always get books and instructors never get all the equipment needed to to match the real world equipment. some students were promised test vouchers but are told no the sales rep was wrong and the school does not stand behind thier sales staff. in short i agree graduates are poorly prepared to enter the work force even at entry level. cnt/nse


I beg to differ...

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 20, 2004

The staff here at the Institute of Technology does know what their doing. This is a college not a hight school. I've been attending here now for 3 mods. and I am VERY satisfied with the education that I am getting. I have heard similar comments and complaints, but the people who are complaining are people who either don't know what "applying themselves" means, or who expect more from the teachers than is reasonable. I have studied hard and worked extra hard to get as much as I can out of this school, and I have gained a lot of knowledge because of my dedication and hard work. We are adults now, and our instructors are not here to hold our hands. We need to be able to direct ourselves in the direction that we want to go, and with a little guidance we should be able to take the education that is offered to us as far as we can. We can't expect everything to be handed to us on a silver platter and then expect a positive result. The positive result happens when we as adults take control of our own selves and make what we want to happen, happen. My suggestion for those that just don't seem to be learning or getting anything out of this school, is to quit acting like spoiled teenagers and take control of your education, take the instruction that is given to you and run with it. You are the only one who can get you where you want to go. The instructors are here to give us reference and help us if we get stuck or off track, they aren't here to babysit us.


The Facts on the Institute of Technology, Modesto, CA

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 19, 2003

The Institute of Technology in Modesto, CA is a school that successfully prepares students for employment in a variety of career paths. It is both nationally accredited by the ACCSCT and authorized to operate in California by the BPPVE. Each of these accrediting bodies have strict compliance policies with regard to qualified and competent instructors, approved curriculum and successful employment rates for graduates. The Institute of Technology meets and exceeds these compliance requirements as is evidenced by our current authorization to operate and offer training in California. All curriculum is reviewed and approved by local advisory boards composed of area employers and business owners. Being scrutinized by both the government agencies that authorize our operation and the public we serve requires us to maintain a consistent commitment to quality, which we do. The suggestion that we are simply a "rip off" is without any substance whatsoever. The Institute of Technology has graduated hundreds of men and women that are now gainfully employed in new careers and well on their way to a new standard of living as a result of the education and training they recieved at the college.

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