  • Report:  #15066

Complaint Review: MSN - Nationwide

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Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I recently sent this enclosed letter to another complaint site. I sent this letter on 1/18/2002. Since the time of this posting MSN has turned my so called bill over to a collection agency.

In March of 2001 I decided to purchase a digital camera. Best Buy had a deal that if you signed up with MSN for three years they would pay up to $400 for a digital camera. I had been on AOL for several years and never, I repeat never have I had a problem. I figured how different could MSN be. So I signed the contract and went home with my digital camera. I canceled my AOL Service and setup my MSN account.

That's when it all went to HELL. I couldn't even get signed on. I called MSN technical support and the guy told me I had to pick another username. I did that but I had connectivity problems just the same. I had called technical support on several occasions. I always got the same lines. There are server problems in that area or the tech would make me run through all kinds of procedures. None of them worked. I had started a business and my clients could not get their work through to me or I couldn't get connected to receive it. People would tell me they e-mailed me and I would never get it. The tech people at MSN treated me like I was an idiot.

I put up with this for 6 months until I could take it no longer. I spoke with another tech person and when I realized I was just getting the run around I had had enough. I canceled my Internet service with MSN and signed right back on with AOL. I am happy to say that once again I have no Internet problems.

Here's the kicker. Today, several months after cancellation, I got a letter from MSN stating that I owe them $460. For what crappie Internet service that I no longer have???? Their tech support people have no clue! They are rude and out of their insecurity treat you like you have no clue. When I called to have the Internet service canceled no one said I was going to owe them money. When I called today about this bill I received, the CSR told me that in the contract I signed it said that they didn't guarantee connectivity. What the hell kinda of Internet service is that????????? Internet requires connectivity!!!!!!! That was the most asinine answer I have heard yet. Then she told me because I had paid for six months of service they would drop the debt down to $300 and some odd dollars. To top it off they billed me under a username I wasn't even able to use. I told her I wasn't paying it. She told me I would hear from a third party. I told her I wanted to talk to someone over her but she said there was no one. Unbelievable!

This is not the first time I have received poor customer service. In the past I have never given anyone a hard time but this was definitely the worst customer service I have ever received and not only that they want me to pay for it. This situation was absolutely ridiculous.

Needless to say I am furious and I am not paying this bill for a service I don't have and couldn't even use. I think six months was long enough to put up with that. Especially when you rely on the Internet for your business. Yes, that includes connectivity!


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6 Updates & Rebuttals


How I got out of an MSN contract

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 06, 2002

I have had AOL since before the days of $21.95 per month flat rate billing because my two teenagers preferred it over other services that we tried. In July 2000, while purchasing a computer system for my college-bound son, I could not resist the $400 discount offered for signing up with MSN for three years. When I asked how hard it would be to get out of the contract if I did not like the service, the salesman at BestBuy told me that I was only required to pay back the unused portion of the $400 discount. When I got home and read the fine print I learned that I could cancel by paying 70% of the value of the remaining contract. In other words, after two months: $21.95 x 34 mo. x .7 = $522.41. I was not pleased that the salesman hosed me about the terms, but I was more mad at myself. As it turned out, my kids did not like MSN, so I agreed to keep AOL plus we had MSN as an extra dial-up service. I used the MSN on a few occasions and I did not care for it. As luck would have it, the credit card that I used for the MSN signup expired five months later. I received a letter from MSN stating that if I did not provide them with a valid card number, they would cancel my service! You can imagine how upset that got me. About eight months passed before I heard from MSN again. This time I received a letter that said if I did not settle the account that it would go to a collection agency. Since I paid $109.75 for five months service, I figured that they would demand: $21.95 x 31 mo. x .7 = $476.32. I called the phone number on the notice, prepared to do battle. I was told that I could settle the account for $338. At first I was pleased that I could get this settled and only be screwed out of $48 (338 + 110 minus the 400 discount). Then it dawned on me that so much time had gone by, at this point my remaining contract obligation was only about 21 months. Do the math: $21.95 x 21 mo. x .7 = $338. So, if I do nothing for a few months, more of my obligation will expire. I wrote a letter to MSN offering to settle for less, so I would break even. I told them that I never intended to profit from the program but neither should I be penalized because I did not like their internet service. I told them take it or file the letter as a dispute, since their "rep" at BestBuy misquoted the terms of the contract. I never would have signed up if I had known the penalty for getting out of it. In Aug 2002, with only 12 months left on my long ago disabled MSN contract, I received a letter from Dun & Bradstreet showing the $338 balance due. I called the number and offered to pay $200 to settle the bill. The dude said OK. Did I want to pay by check or credit card? I was reluctant to give out a card number, thinking that he might charge the entire $338, but I did anyways. I was billed for $200 as agreed and I received a letter showing "Account Settled". During this ordeal I did a Google search on "MSN contracts" and learned of a loophole in the deal on the west coast a couple years ago. I can't remember the exact details, but it seems the contract wording in California was different, so people were buying items with a $400 MSN service package discount, then returning the item for a full refund and pocketing the $400. I do not like being ripped off and by the same token, I am not a "rip-off", so I would not do that. I actually did come out a little bit ahead, but the whole experience was a hassle so I count that as damages paid to me. I hope this information can assist someone who is trying to buy out of MSN. note: using the "ready to expire" credit card was a big help to me. The company renewed it with a new account number for some reason.


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#3Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2002

When I read the letter about the msn contract for 3years, I thought someone had already sent in MY complaint... My experience was exactly the same. Same responses, (we don't gurarantee conectivity, no supervisors to talk to, and you'll be hearing from a third party.) I eventually did hear from a third party, and offered to pay them $200.00 since I had served half my contract before getting fed up with them... I told them I would pay them $25.00 per month, which is what the service would have cost me. I asked that an invoice to that affect be sent to me. When it arrived, it stated I had 10 days to settle my bill for the amount of $200.00. I called up told them this was a mistake. They more or less said pay or be sued. I told them to make sure they filed in MY county so I could not only defend the suit, but also file a counter claim for the 18 months of terrible service I did pay for...


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#4Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2002

When I read the letter about the msn contract for 3years, I thought someone had already sent in MY complaint... My experience was exactly the same. Same responses, (we don't gurarantee conectivity, no supervisors to talk to, and you'll be hearing from a third party.) I eventually did hear from a third party, and offered to pay them $200.00 since I had served half my contract before getting fed up with them... I told them I would pay them $25.00 per month, which is what the service would have cost me. I asked that an invoice to that affect be sent to me. When it arrived, it stated I had 10 days to settle my bill for the amount of $200.00. I called up told them this was a mistake. They more or less said pay or be sued. I told them to make sure they filed in MY county so I could not only defend the suit, but also file a counter claim for the 18 months of terrible service I did pay for...


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#5Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2002

When I read the letter about the msn contract for 3years, I thought someone had already sent in MY complaint... My experience was exactly the same. Same responses, (we don't gurarantee conectivity, no supervisors to talk to, and you'll be hearing from a third party.) I eventually did hear from a third party, and offered to pay them $200.00 since I had served half my contract before getting fed up with them... I told them I would pay them $25.00 per month, which is what the service would have cost me. I asked that an invoice to that affect be sent to me. When it arrived, it stated I had 10 days to settle my bill for the amount of $200.00. I called up told them this was a mistake. They more or less said pay or be sued. I told them to make sure they filed in MY county so I could not only defend the suit, but also file a counter claim for the 18 months of terrible service I did pay for...


Add me to the list of ripped off by msn.

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2002

When I read the letter about the msn contract for 3years, I thought someone had already sent in MY complaint... My experience was exactly the same. Same responses, (we don't gurarantee conectivity, no supervisors to talk to, and you'll be hearing from a third party.) I eventually did hear from a third party, and offered to pay them $200.00 since I had served half my contract before getting fed up with them... I told them I would pay them $25.00 per month, which is what the service would have cost me. I asked that an invoice to that affect be sent to me. When it arrived, it stated I had 10 days to settle my bill for the amount of $200.00. I called up told them this was a mistake. They more or less said pay or be sued. I told them to make sure they filed in MY county so I could not only defend the suit, but also file a counter claim for the 18 months of terrible service I did pay for...


Understandable Fury

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2002

I understand your fury! We had MSN and cancelled with them because of the same problems you have expressed, but we didn't sign up for a specific amount of time. You have stated you signed up for three years. Usually, that means there's a contract and if it's broken, the consumer would owe the remainder of the contract. Did you sign something at Best Buy specifically for MSN? Check your papers and continue fighting for your bill to be erased. It may take you a while! Good Luck!!!

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