  • Report:  #1040977

Complaint Review: Mspy - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Christine - Arlington, Virginia,

Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Mspy, will have you think that they are the best phone spyware software. They are a rip off, at first when you buy the product that first week everything will run well. After a week for $50 a month only one or two items will work if you are lucky. If you keep complaining they will tell you are your recorded services are broken and not working at all. 

Please so not get trap by the advertisement, here is what some of the feed backs and complaints say on their own site. 

Kris commented    April 5, 2013 9:27 a.m.The problem I am having is: mspy told me I had an outdated version and I needed to install the new version so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and ever since then it doesn't record phone calls, the call list shows up but when I go under the call recording tab it says no calls recordings found, has anyone else had this problem or know what I need to do? Mspy is not responsing to my tickets, thanksDC commented   

 April 5, 2013 8:44 a.m.The problem is that it does not update regularly as it should (or show the correct update times), so if I set it to record 6-8 hours early, the instructions still haven't reached the phone by the time it's supposed to do the recording. Recording was a major sales feature. Too bad it doesn't actually work. Is anyone else thinking of the words 'class action'?Kris commented   

 April 4, 2013 10:12 p.m.@ Me: on mine it is showing no recording found! the call history is showing up but no call recordings, If anyone can suggest anything for me to try I have sent in three ticket to support and I can't get any response from them, so if any one can help Please Help!!Me commented  

 April 4, 2013 9:08 p.m.I have had mSpy for a few months now and it was mainly for the call recordings and sms messages. For three months months, I had so many issues with the call recordings - I was almost in tears daily / weekly. The calls never updated and I lost call recordings for VERY important calls - the main reason I got the service. I even spent money on other services, praying something would get me the information I needed. Lately, it's better - much better. Then again, because of all the issues I had - if the calls load in 24 hours, then I'm happy as a clam. I mean, the problems were significant. Now, the phone has like 10 calls that occurred today that I need to listen to...this will be huge test. It appears there have been some improvements and the calls "seem" to be loading within hours...I truly hope the system stays this way. I'm much happier with the service now...I just don't think I can go back to the old way.Kris commented   

 April 4, 2013 2:13 p.m.Well I got this mspy installed on a phone and the call recording isn't working at all, everything else is updating but under recorded calls there is nothing, I have sent in about three tickets to support and nobody has gotten back to me, is this a problem with anyone else? it is showing nothing, not just pending but nothing at all.

  April 3, 2013 11:11 a.m.Call recording has NOT been fixed. Still can't hear anything. All the surround recordings come over as "broken" which means you cant listen to them or "pending" and they never upload.. NOTHING seems to work here. All they have are excuses. It's a waste of money.Kris commented   

Paul commented    March 29, 2013 11:20 a.m.record calls one-sided, mspy on android, can only hear (target phone) side of the conversation, recording sounds great for that side, files can be downloaded soon enough, but half a conversation is really annoying having to try to guess what's going on

donna commented    March 29, 2013 4:32 a.m.whats going on with the call recording issue mspy? has it been fixed yet? i dont think so because all i hear is a phone ring and then buzzing sound. can you please let us know the progress with fixing this feature? there are times i want to cry out of frustration because i know my bf is cheating and on the phne with her because i see it in the call logs but can not prove it because he says they are only talking about "business" and i know otherwise but cant prove it because the call recording feature does not work!! please help mspy team! it would be ver ymuch appreciated considering that is the main feature that attracted me to purchASE the software ! yet it has not worked at alll since i purchased. thank you .

Anonymous commented    March 28, 2013 9:05 p.m.Has not been fixed.Only loud humming sound. This is ridiculousAnonymous commented  

  March 28, 2013 3:02 p.m.I agree the phone recording DOES NOT WORK AT ALL. All I hear is a lot of buzzing...very disappointing.Marina commented  

  March 11, 2013 7:44 a.m.I have just been nearly a month with them and I have seen sooo many flaws that I want my money back! They don't do what they promise and that's all! I paid for a year and iit has been awfull! 
Recordings never recorded! 
GPS not working on reall time! 
The phone always seems to be offline! when is absolutely not! 
I have missing days on the calendar when I know the phone has been receiving phone calls and messages! 
What is wrong with you people? Why don't you sort things out before selling with promises that they don't work and are not real? 
If anyone know a software that really does what it promises please let us know. It seems to be lots of people in the same situation!

brad carelse commented    March 22, 2013 9:01 p.m.As a recent subscirber, I'm terribly disappointed with the service after only 2 days of registration. I have not seen call logs or gps tracking data in day 1 for an 8 hour block, gps trackind data has also been off for several hours in day 2. What is going on with this service????? Deliver on what your business offers or refund customers for incomplete information!!!!!!!Anonymous commented

    March 22, 2013 8:59 a.m.If target phone offline too long, the target phone must reinstall mspy. There is no way to "wakeup" the installed mspy on target phone to transmit data. My target phone is in China, and myself is in US. I cannot re-install mspy on the target phone. This is a serious operation BUG! Lost of server contact could be due to battery power, power off, or signal. The target should keep on transmitting when it is power back on, NOT RE-STALLING MSPY! Please FIX the PROBLEM.Anonymous commented  

  March 21, 2013 4:17 p.m.I have been a customer for two months, and I have to admit that it has been an extremely frustrating experience. When the software works, it's brilliant. However, it doesn't work all the time. It constantly misses outgoing texts, the GPS is off, and call recordings have NO AUDIO, despite taking 3 days to a week to upload. And, in my case, it always seems to fail when I need it most. Outgoing text recordings are always a hit or miss. 
One the main reasons I chose this product was for the 24/7 support. HA HA!! What a joke. I think I submitted a new issue every other day in the first two weeks. I either never get a response, or get the same boilerplate with no actual troubleshooting whatsoever. 
This is not what I paid for, and I am not getting a service anywhere near what I expected. Questions about refunds were also never answered.

I can go on about the number of complaints. They refuse to refund you the money, I don't understand why this company is still able to advertise their services. The positive reviews on some of the websites are fraudulent to say the least. There is over 1000 negative complaints on the feedback section on their website alone, these can only be viewed by the people whom have already paid for there services that they are never going to get. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


East Lawrencetown,
I beg to differ

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, January 05, 2014

You say  anyone can request a refund if not satisfied...seems you have many here..bad business to say one thing and do another.

I have had this service now for 5 days and I have several recordings shown to be applied and completed as they are shown in green ..also there are two that were not completed probably because of things like phone use during that same time etc. I have spent the last three days asking why there is no recording files and have yet to get resolve.

I have spent many hours online asking, your CSR manager actually asked me to prove my recordings so I sent a screen shot..eventually got a CSR yesterday to admitt mSpy servers are in huge backload and your Techs dont have a silution to fix..saved copy of this chat and Ive had enough so in morning Ill put in my refund email as per your policy and report back here the results!!

like I said I have many emails and two saved chats proving your service has worked..bugs!!..one just needs to look at an update interval set for 20 min..I send two test email and two text then wait...phone has solid wifi and 3G ...its indeed random when it shows last connection under phone management...IMEI is not proper its a wifi address..so why not call it that.

You say 24/7 support...try looking after hours on support site..it will prob say live chat away..ohhh Ill call then..nope not on weekend..customer is reminded from voicemail saying to call back during normal London business hours (but I read USA based)..like I said refund email request coming, please lets clean slate..give me refund and Ill move along.

Isabella Reese

Mountain View,
mSpy Argumentation

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 09, 2013

My name is Isabella Reese and I represent Billing department of mSpy company (Mtechnlogoy LTD.)
After careful reviewing of the report and comments to it I would like to argue with them.

Let me explain you some specifications of our software. First of all, we do not sell smatphones with the software installed onto them, therefore our customers need to install the program on their side. Despite the fact we have support team available 24/7, we cannot check over the phone whether the customer installs the application correctly. Installation process is quite simple, however it must be followed strictly according to our installation guide, which every customer receives once the purchase is completed.

As you can guess, if the program is not installed correctly, some issues, for instance, e-mails(sms) missing, frequent disconnection of target device with our server system, could occur. This is the first argument against the fact that all mentioned technical issues occurred due to our software. 
Please note that we have more than 200 developers, who update the software every single day in order to make it adopted to new smartphone models and operating system version released every day.

Delay with logs and some data missing could also be caused by Internet connection of the target device. If the connection is lost, the data will not be transmitted since it is the only one possible way to send logs from target device to customer's account remotely.

What about call recording issue I would like to say that if the command was not set up correctly by the customer, it won't be completed at all or the file will be corrupted. The same will happen, if the call was made by the target during the recording, alarm clock was turned on, etc.

Again, if the Internet connection lost very often, the media file transmition may interrupt and the customer will receive corrupted file, incompleted recording with mentioned by customers issue, or will not receive the files at all.

All these detailes are provided to our customers and our support team is available 24/7 to assist in any type of queries, so the customer can get back to us even concerning recording command setup.

GPS features is sensitive to Internet connection and current position on target device. If the phone is in the pocket, or the target is in a building or remote area, the location of the target will not be transmitted due to the poor signal. 

Please note that each case is considered and resolved individually, so if there is really a technical bug occurred, it will be fixed shortly.

If the customer is completely dissatisfied with the services, that happens very rarely, they may submit a refund request during 10 days since the purchase date. 

Here is the list of advantages we offer to every customer:

* Advanced algorithm for GPS locations. 
* Convenient and easy to use/navigate interface. 
* Free assistance in jailbreaking iPhones/iPads
* Good discounts for our new customers
* Easy to use recording of the surrounding and call recording features (No need to call target phone to listen)
* Deactivate the application remotely.
* Maximum security guaranteed: VeriSign Trusted
* Technical Support 24/7
*User-friendly panel interface 
* a good value for money
*We are a software manufacture, not a reseller, meaning that we develop mSpy software ourselves.
*Free lifetime software updates
*Your information is 100% secured
*Our software is not a virus, thus cannot be detected by any antivirus software
*mSpy works anywhere in the world and supports all languages
* One mSpy account can be used for several phones all you need to do is just change the phone details.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if any further questions arise.

Best regards,
Isabella Reese
Billing Department


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