  • Report:  #1215292

Complaint Review: Must Troll All - Internet

Reported By:
ConcernedParent - Dallas, Texas,

Must Troll All
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I would like to warn others and hopefully get help in handling internet predators who are attacking children, disabled, and anyone related to our organization. These people steal identities, misuse police and child protective services, stalk and harass children, and even have gone as far as to hire hackers and purchase domains of indivuals names to slander them.

The goal of these individuals is clearly stated on their page "our objectives remain the same: kill the heroes, destroy anonymous faggotry, and troll potatoes to amanda todd land." which is of course a refernce to the high profile case of the child Amanda Todd who was "harassed" or "trolled" online until she committed suicide. They have clearly stated they want to ruin marriages, make people lose jobs, and ultimately hope they will kill themselves or go "crazy". 

They have created countless websites such as the most recently created www.clownsec.org just today, and a long running page called "victimizing clownsec" which is referring to the organization they are attacking which is comprised of entertainers and artists with an interest in "clowns" and "circus" culture. http://victimizingclownsec.wordpress.com 

These individuals have contacted children in school, joined school functions, and local authorities in several states have opened investihations but then shove it in the back of the pile never to followed up on. The Dean of the local high school of my own daughter has been involved, and countless individuals including entertainers who thrive online have closed off all accounts and presence on the internet due to continued attacks on their children or relatives. Ruining careers. 

Child protective services have been called on many individuals with children to cause a disruption in the family, none of these calls have amounted to any findings of course, and a warrant has even been issued for the arrest of one individual for filing the false reports. They will not go find this individual, or deal with him because it is not a priority. He has no driving priviledges so will not even be found by chance if pulled over by police.  He is in complete hiding except his residence is known and also clear in background checks. 

Threats have been made to children, and entire websites are dedicated to attacking them as well as others and even those with disabilities. They create videos of "pornography" and modify them to include childrens images, this is however acceptable to the local police because it is "parody" on not REAL photos of the childs body, although their real photo is used to be manipulated onto the body of the pornography similated child porn.  They have even hacked websites or "defaced" them to contain these explicit images.

The parents of many of the victims have banded together to create the website to warn others, in retaliation and in defense and in hopes of gaining help called www.musttrollall.com  . They have also pitched in to create physical fliers and cards to send to the school and their local area in hopes to warn others and motivate these predators to stop. 

All victims and potential victims have been warned and recommended to ignore these people and to fix their privacy settings and do not post personal info etc. However with the current age of the internet, google and google maps alone are enough to find most people and a picture of their front door. It is "too" late for the majority to remove this data although efforts are being taken everyday. 

I am sending this ripoff report to ask for help from anyone who may be able to stop the ongoing attacks which have lasted over a year now, it has reached to several families and their distant relatives and even deceased individuals have been "spoofed" or identities stolen for purposes of "trolling" and "harassment". The local police in several states have investigations they opened and did nothing, the local DA at many states has been in touch and no movement in months. 

Just today one member was dragged into the police station for questioning and released , there was no reason but it was due to these predators calling the police and making false claims. Another report is made on these people, but again it is in another state and they will do nothing across state lines. This incident took several hours out of his life in the middle of night, stressing over nothing, because these predators of "must troll all" on the internet attacking our group, and many others.

I am all about freedom of speech, and freedom of the internet and information, however the level of libel, and attacks, and clear motivation to try and injur and hurt other people should show the need for action to be taken. They advertise their crimes, and use it like trophies as the authorities do nothing to help their latest "victim of the week" as you can see them post on another of their domains www.musttrollallsiteofdoom.com

Take a look at this, and if you cannot help, you can at least educate yourself about these predators and maybe save your own kids or family from becoming vicitms of someone like them. Once they become a victim, you too become a victim just by being a family member or associated. They try to attack you until all your friends and family cut ties with you. It is insanity, stalking and a crazy god complex at the worst you can possibly imagine.  

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New Brunswick,
Anti-Anons gone Anonymous

#2General Comment

Wed, September 02, 2015

I'm sure that the person who replied to this posting was either James Jenkins or Evan Batterton themselves. Having tied themselves back in to Anonymous, failing to remember their very public posting of "Getting back in with Anonymous".

No proof of crimes? Evan Batterton has an outstanding warrant for falsification of information attempting to swat individuals. This has been verified over a year ago.

James Jenkins has outstanding warrants for failure to pay child support.

Both have extensive records of fraud, scam, drug abuse and well documented histories of harassments and threats made on pretty much anyones family who doesn't wanna be their facebook buddies. They've even resorted to teaming up with the well known pedophile cult known as Committee of 666. James Jenkins is also guilty of multiple counts of vandalism on some of the Committee of 666's property. But due to the meth abuse of these individuals, have chosen to turn a blind eye, prefab some more nonsense about how its people who live outside the countries fault, and even asked James Jenkins out on a date.

While they don't have any hope in hell of actually affecting anyones lives they claim to be "vicitimizing" from their wordpress, they still attempt to attack individuals not even involved with the social drama nightmare they've created for themselves in hopes of their non-existence "skills" are enough to scare people out of your lives.

However lets completely ignore the records of fraud, drug abuse, and more and focus on the outstanding warrants for their arrests shall we, instead of hiding under the false identification of "anonymous" in hopes of being the cyber-bouncer for this site SHALL WE?

I mean its not like it was hard to find it. Hell he was even reporting everything in sight hoping that no one would actually check up on this info. Falsification of information came when he was personally visited by someone who he had threatened. Suddenly the "level 5 inmate" (as he was so proud of, which in fact states that he was so infectous with disease they couldn't keep him in the general population due to them worried about the spread of Hep C) decides he's gonna call social services (having there never been any real crime to even report) as a "get back at you" sort of deal. They've spent almost a year now desperately trying to pull all their attacks on kids off the internet, claiming they are responsible for such things as "inventing the Troll Meme guy", busted all these people, did all this for society. No, they did it all for attention, and now that they are getting the attention they wanted so bad, we're all bad people. Why in fact they've even made a personal threat at me and my sister (who I might add i haven't talked to in almost a year and for like almost a decade before that due to her living on the opposite side of the country from me (NOT THAT ANY OF THAT IS EVEN THEIR BUSINESS DESPITE HOW MUCH THEY DEMANDED FOR SAID INFO)

But of course, i have to be lying according to them and their buddies, even tho they've published a nonsense bullshit story of how apparently I'm my sister due to a sex change. They've even tried to hold my sister for "ransom" on her own personal info as a threat that she had better give them info "or else". They were caught red handed for it and removed from facebook multiple times for their continous fake account creation, harassment on innocent people who wanted nothing to do with them, and demanded that we give them every bit of our attention.

Simply do a google search on their names, also the names Tash Wilson, Sam Lloyd Atwood, and Nate Glover, you'll turn up some really interesting info from many other people who have had the misfortune of running into these people as well online.

I'll even sign my handle to this, cuz unlike them, I have nothing to hide, don't need to make up some bullshit story to hide my a*s online. I don't spend countless hours online trying to find a way into strangers lives cuz no one wants to be my friend unlike SOME people who are well documented on doing so.....


Of course, they'll show back up, claim they are anonymous (just like the threatened me with a year ago thinking some how some way I'm paranoid of an idiot too scared to show their face as they threaten the world with nonsense), claim that none of this was true, claim they don't hang out with these types of people. But we all know whats really going on, who's really who....

But then again, thats how the obsessed lunatic works when they are dying from hep c on their couches living off the government check they rightfully should be investigated about. Considering we even have the shots of their attempts to purchase illegal drugs online. But when you fail at the net, its always hep c panties.... Time to get a life Evan.

Report Attachments


What is being ripped off?

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, August 16, 2015

It is fairly difficult to say a site ripped you off for a product or service when the site or individuals are not offering any services or products. This is simply a very long winded (handed) person that doesn't like the people involved. I checked into this further and no stalking, harassment or assault charges were committed by the individuals in question whatsoever. In fact, neither of them have any anything on their criminal records to substantiate the allegations. Please don't take advantage of the site. The site is for consumers buying goods and services. It isn't a site for people that whine and cry.

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