  • Report:  #1439010

Complaint Review: My Daily Choice - Las Vegas NV

Reported By:
Anonymous - Lousiville, KY, United States

My Daily Choice
8840 West Russell, Road Suite 245, Las Vegas, 89148 NV, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am only sharing my experience with this company (MyDailyChoice) to give others my take on it.I am utilizing my right to free speech in this country by sharing my opinions here.  I love their products and have no complaints about that but there are things about their business opportunity that need  some work. I signed up as an affilaite soley for the purpose of selling their CBD Hemp oil line called Hempworx. 

I am struggling financially and behind on all my bills and thought this might be a way to get ahead and make some extra money. My upline leader told me before I signed up that there were no monthly purchase requirements so I was all in. To get started you have to buy a bottle of the oil and pay an extra $20 one time to become an affilaite. This covers your website used to get you sales and back office. There are different ranks and with each rank comes different levels of income you can make. Upon becoming an affilate I learned I did in fact have to make a monthly purchase in order to keep my rank and make profits off the sales of the people I recruit. I guess my upline leader must have misunderstood my question.

MyDailyChoice has facebook groups for their affiliates to get support and training but all posts must be approved by an admin or Jenna or Josh who are the owners of the company. I dove right in to the training there and in my back office and quickly learned there are things that just don't seem fair like the fact that as affilates we don't get a discount on the products we sell and the only real way money can be made is by recruiting. When someone orders through your website or if you sell cash and carry using their wholesale program which requires  over a thousand dollars investment upfront or by using their buy 3 get one free deal. In the facebook groups they also had training on how to make and sell samples of the CBD oil so I started there thiking if I could sell samples I could convince those customers to go order from my website.

I joined at the distributor level by paying $199 plus shipping. My first week, despite using my electic bill money to get started, I made all my money back plus over $100 in profit selling samples which were easily affordable by those unable to shell out $69-$89 plus shipping for a full sized bottle. The samples were a hit and everyone who bought one came back for more but when I tried to encourage them to order a fullsized bottle online they complained at how difficult my website was to navigate and they would rather I order for them. It is confusing to so many people. In order to get my customers the oil I had to order for them which meant I lost profits when I ordered just one bottle since I don't get a discount and pay the same thing they do.In order to get a commission you have to register as a new customer and use a different credit card than the one you signed up with and I only have 2 cards so was just out of luck. This is just not fair in my opinion.

My first 3 weeks in this business I did very well selling samples and was encouraged to continue. I developed a customer base for the samples and they called every week wanting more samples which meant I bought more fullsized bottles to make samples which means I was meeting my monthly BV requirement and the company made sales off me too. I also advertised online for hours daily and got good response but almost every potential customer I sent to my website came back and said my website was too confusing and they will pass when I followed up with them. I only had 3 people order from my website and one of those people became an affilate herself. I trained her to sell samples like I was doing and then was angered to see a post the next day in the facebook group that we would no longer be allowed to sell samples. This really angered me! How can they provide all this training on how to sell samples in their facebook group then out of the blue just tell us we can't do it anymore? I did earn $17.50 for each of those 3 online orders but this is nothing to write home about. 

I stopped selling samples and my business tanked. I had a few people ask me to order bottles for them but I did'nt make anything because I don't get a discount so felt very disouraged taking time out of my day to order for someone else when I would not be making a dime on that order. I never was able to get 3 people who wanted to order at the same time so I could take advantage of the buy 3 get one free deal and make a profit. It also sucked having to tell all those customers who kept calling me to buy samples I could no longer sell them.  I kept trying though. I kept advertising and kept hearing no because the website is so confusing and affilates get no discount. Recruiting is the way people get rich in this company. For people like me who are broke themselves and can't buy the product in bulk to resell cash and carry its very hard to make money when recruiting or selling from your website is the only other way to make a profit. Nobody wanted to sign up either when they learned they got no discount.I wish i had done more reaserch before i joined. had I known that i would'nt have become an affiliate either. Feeling quite discouraged I posted about this in the facebook group but my post never got approved. 

Its seems when you have a concern or complaint Josh and Jenna don't want others in the group to see so refuse to approve your posts unless it is something that makes them look good, is uplifitng or postive in nature. If you are upset or have genuine questions about how to make money or why affilaites don't get a discount they refuse to allow your post to get approved.At least this was the case for me. 

I also think its inconvenient how they refuse to allow you to use the funds you have placed in a credit wallet  unless you have the full amount to make a purchase and then want to make you wait a whole week to transfer your funds to your bank account.

My one and only affiliate placed 2 orders I was supposed to make a commssision off of as well and I have yet to be paid on them. My emails to support have gone unanswered as well and my post on the faceebook group has not been approved either. It is possible I am confused as to when I should get paid on these but they refuse to address my concerns and clear this up or help me understand. In order to keep your rank and get paid commisions on the sales of your recruited affilliates you have to maintain a BV of purchase credit. Mine was 100 BV or $200 which I had met for the month of March when my recruited affilate made her purchase I should have made a commision on. This is April and I still have not been paid on that. I think its unfair how I have to spend $200 a month in order to get paid too. I refuse to order another product from this company and give them another dime of my hard earned money.

I do love the hempworx CBD oil but even though they claim theirs is the best I have found other brands I like way better that are less expensive and better quality. Despite my negative opinion of the company I am glad to have joined because had I not joined I might never have discovered how much CBD oil helps me. My health has improved so much and thats worth all the crap I went through. I use a different brand now  (KOI brand ) though and am much happier. To all those who are able to make money selling hempworx good for you. I am simply sharing my personal experience and as a citizen of the USA I have the right to do that.I am not bashing or slandering I am sharing a truthful account which can be backed up with emails I sent them and posts I saved from the facebook group before I removed myself.

I encourage Josh and Jenna to make some changes though. Make the website user friendly and not so confusing so when affiliates send customers there it is easy to understand how to place an order.

Maybe consider giving your affilates a discount and stop making it a requirement that affilates must maintain a monthly BV in order to get paid jump start bonuses and commisions. Maybe make the compensation plan easier to understand.I can not afford to even buy the product myself and since nobody can buy samples from me now I can't order and make my money back that way anymore either so am forced to quit because of this and the monthy BV requirement.

Just want people to know there are way better CBD oils out there from companies that care more about helping people than they do getting rich off people. There are also a lot of CBD oil facebook groups that are NOT MLM or Network marketing companies that have very negative things to say about hempworx and MyDalyChoice so please do your own research.

Just hoping to share my view and save someone the trouble I went through.

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