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Complaint Review: My Label Persian Cattery - Internet

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Cat woman can always "pig stalls" back

Now, landlords are mobilizing [Part 1]

Nine matted Persian cats at the shelter are waiting for new owners. After general anesthesia have been shorn and neutered, they can be taught, the shelter phone: 25454th (Photo: Anna Linne)

Hagen. (Anna, 02:05:09) Under the title powerless against brazen Mietnomadin "the weekly Courier reported in its issue of 22 April by the Moncada Hasper family, that of a shrewd Wohnungszerstörerin had fallen a victim. Now various landlords to mobilize against this woman.

Remember: The Moncada family of three, five years ago a two-family house built in Lonscheid in hasp. To finance her house, which is fully aligned to the needs of wheelchair-bound Rosalia Moncada, Moncada had to the 150-square-foot apartment with separate entrance on the first floor for rent. Obviously, under false pretenses rented Inge Paulat Then last December at the apartment on the Moncada. The woman was in her previous dwelling an eviction action in the house. This did not, however, the Moncada! The Persian cat breeder Inge Paulat moved it ahead of schedule in the apartment Lonscheid, along with daughter Jessica, son Fabian and - believe it or not - with about 20 Persian cats. The lease signed the daughter, which surprised even the Moncada. A little later drew even the daughter of a friend without the landlord were properly informed.

Because of the Inge Paulat never rent a cent, or even a deposit fees were paid, the Moncada family got into financial difficulties, so they immediately begin the eviction proceedings had, in the hope of getting rid of the bold Mietnomadin quickly. Moreover invaded after a short time, a bad smell from the apartment when the woman in the evening the windows slightly opened. When the first suspicion germinated, Rosalia Moncada took quickly to contact the previous landlord and was told the Inge Paulat eerie: Nicole Borg had rented an apartment to P. Wehringhausen in the street. There, too, had the cat breeder with the rent payments never taken seriously and leave the property in a disastrous state. Despite the most thorough renovation of the apartment is uninhabitable to this day because the smell is still unbearable, "says ex-landlady Borgmann, who could now make 14 landlords find that have also been cheated by the cat breeder.

One of them is Theo lean coal from the Central Road 6, the Inge Paulat in 2001 a pig stall left "(the wk reported at the time). More apartments, lived in the P. are, after wk information in the Franz and Elisabeth, Elberfeld, Franklin, Bach, Bismarck, Moltke and high street.

Just days after the publication of the wk Article Powerless against brazen Mietnomadin "in Inge Paulat Hagen reported in the shelter and called for the immediate collection of nine cats. She was overwhelmed with the many animals that should have raised the Mietnomadin, they also voted for Monday 27 April, ordered a truck with which they move house. The nine cats were not you supposed to have Inge Paulat also stated. The cats were turned on her by a woman in February this year under a false name. The shelter responded immediately, bringing the nine Persian cats (eight male, a cat) out of the apartment from the Lonscheid. The fully matted animals must now - will be under general anesthesia and shaved castrated so that they are able to promote it - of course at the expense of the taxpayer.

On Monday morning the Mietnomaden actually granted the Lonscheid field. A truck was loaded with furniture, a few possessions and nine cats. During the night we heard furniture hustle back, "the report Moncada, and had hoped that the Ps off." In fact, it finally happened.

The Moncada informed immediately ex-landlady Borgmann, who together with her husband tacked immediately to the moving van and made contact with the packers. We just wanted to know which owner gets his fun from now on with the Cat Lady, "said Nicole Borgmann their action.

She quickly finds out that this time Inge Paulat has rented two apartments. How to learn from the movers finally, it should bring the scrap metal "and the first cat in the vicinity of the market. Only then should a home be approached in the street people. Inge Paulat would probably shake off their pursuers, believe the packer.

The process has failed, "the bruised families enjoy Borgmann and Moncada. When the movers also reported in the catastrophic state of the Lonscheid apartment and that he had never been disgusted so the Moncada ever get an inkling of what awaits them in their homes that are rented urgently needs to re ... On Tuesday, several bruised landlord met the parent table of the Owner's Protective Association, founded the homeowner to protect against Dirk Grosch Mietnomaden has to discuss the way forward in terms of Inge Paulat ..

The waves were high, because all the present owner had made more or less bad experiences with Messier and Mietnomaden and showed the situation of the injured Moncada greatest compassion. They complained about their limited rights and the indifference of the authorities who went out much too often a kind of minor offense. We always pay the bill, made a homeowner much ...

Source: Weekly Courier Hagen(((link redacted)))


Dirt finally passé

But tenant family falls in great distress [Part 2]

The Hasperin Rosalia Moncada has been through a tenant in their house more mentally and financially. The brazen person with their cats, although extended, but the family is now broke. (Photo: Anna Linne)

Hasp. (Anna, 10.06.09) About 20 - to 25,000 Mietnomaden to give it to expert opinion in Germany. The damage they cause is immense (the wk has repeatedly reported on such incidents). Owners can get a Mietnomaden quickly in a dangerous financial imbalances - just like the Hasper family Moncada. Incredibly, as the three-member family allow for life is being cut off normal.

Rosalia Moncada and Erhardt had in January this year, set against a person who is apparently a very serious Mietnomaden case. Their monthly rent payments in the amount of 1000 € were the Moncada to finance their house badly needed - but they have seen of this money by his own admission never even a single cent

. The family built five years ago, their dream house on the edge Hasper In Lonscheid that is tailored to the needs of wheelchair-bound Rosalia Moncada (reported wk). On the first floor there is also a 150 square foot apartment with huge terrace and separate entrance to let the Moncada need to finance her house. In January, they came into the house, however, a person who had never gelöhnt a penny rent. "They lied to us and deceived by false information," says Rosalia Moncada bitter. "They also asked to sign to have their daughter working the lease to be allowed, as it currently by her ex-husband have a bad Schufa information," the woman says further, "that was supposed to make me suspicious."

On 28 April drew such person has with her family and about twenty Persians helter-skelter from (according to lease two cats were allowed). Only days later, Moncada found the house keys in the mailbox so that they could finally enter the apartment. Meanwhile, a WDR television team had been interested in the event and visited the Moncada and other ex-landlord of the Mietnomadin. Together with journalists and cameramen then the landlord opened the Mietnomaden apartment.

What is offered to all participants, was outrageous. "A biting, caustic stench struck against us and caused choking. We found only five large bags of garbage, "says Erhardt Moncada," but the entire apartment was littered with urine and feces. "Nine castrated males had all the work done and marked their territory. "Until the walls were sprayed at waist level and everywhere we saw the remains of the cats. I feared that we would never rent the apartment can, "says Erhardt Moncada his fears.

"Then followed weeks of hard work to get the really beautiful home back up and stand. In this case, our cash reserves dwindled regret "that Moncada. With masses of detergent the first traces of Tohuwabohus were eliminated. Then the beat with urine-soaked plaster off the walls. "Were under the laminate flooring, entire pools of Katzenpipi, so we had to rip out the floor completely," says Erhardt Moncada. It needed a container to carry away debris and floors. But the smell remained. Then ordered the Moncada a professional cleaning company that drew the foul odor with a special agent to his body. In fact, with success! Now had to re-plastered, papered and will be deleted. 10 000 € devoured this measure, for the radiating of the 150 square meter apartment with huge balcony facing southwest back to its former glory. Together with the loss of rent the family a Hasper damage was in excess of 16,000 euros. Then the family was in no way prepared.

The Moncada are after a successful renovation happy, but also completely broke. For a new laminate floor was not enough money. "In order for the new tenant must first go in advance, until we are better again at box office," say the homeowners who hope in spite of great financial need for a better future. The criminal complaint against the former tenant for entering into fraud is of course pursued. After the appearance of the first article in April, who reported on the misfortune of the Moncada, the family reached an anonymous donation of 100 €, made by a man who also had experience with Mietnomaden made. The family would like to thank warmly for

Source: Weekly Courier Hagen

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