  • Report:  #162441

Complaint Review: Nassau Security - Nationwide

Reported By:
- McLean, Virginia,

Nassau Security
New Jersey Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought an alarm system from this company and this is what took place when I found out that I did not need it only 3 days later.

First email I sent via the customer comment area on the web site.

The following is the email thread:

"name: Jonathan Butler

MakeModel: Simon 3

Question: I purchased a Simon 3 last week and I need to return it because my monitoring company call me today and said I was eligable for a free upgrade to the Simon 3 unit. I additionally ordered 2 keychain remotes and 1 water detector. I want to keep these three items. Can someone call me to let me know how to take care of this. PS the 18003091009 is not currently working.

Thanks much

202-438-0486 Jonathan Butler"

Then I rec'vd this:

"Back Stabbing ALarm Companies That is what it is.

You came to us when they said screw you

NOw you want to screw me.

You will loose 25% of the FULL Order As well as your shipping.

There is also as per our terms a $10.00 Surcharge.

Is it worth it.

Call us at 631-961-0533 Friday as The main fiber was cut from denver to the east coast and we will set up what ever you want.

Good luck when they are not there 24/7 like we would have been and our 3-year warranty.

Not to say the 12.95 per month monitoring with NO TAX's"

Now I was not purchasing monitoring from this guys company but he ASSumed I was and got angry I guess. So I snet this:

"Sir, I am not tring to screw anyone. I just came to you as a paying customer. My wife told me to wait until I spoke with the alarm company before purchasing from your company, but I decided that since your customer service was so nice over the phone and on the internet, I decided to deal with you. To my disappointment, I should have waited. So, you do not have to worry about me calling tommorow for a return aggreement, I would rather take the $400 loss than to give your company a 25% B S fee and just not deal with your company on a residential nor bussiness leval again. I felt that there was a lot a future bussiness that we could have done together, since I own a very profitable, federal government contracting, small bussiness, but I guess not. It was not a pleasure."

So he replied: (Brace yourself)


Look Your Federal Govt does not impress me at all, seeing that you give ******* like my EX all kinds of welfare when there capable og running a complete alarm company and have a baby get PPS and then the FEDS SCREW me out of Or TRY to screwe me out of my life long built company. So You And Your Feds can go stuff it up your shirt.

You have the NERVE to call me when you are being screwed and then try to lay this on me!! ALL iI have to say is YOU ARE A TYPICAL FED *** HOLE!

send me back my panel I will credit you for the panel only and DO NOT EVER CONATCT ME AGAIN!!!



Wow. Just a bad day you think? Judge for yourself. As for me, I say "Thumbs Down!".


McLean, Virginia

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Nimrod Chris.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 04, 2006

The entire long statement is all about this persons absolute abuse and irrational complaint on this stupid wast of a website. People like you who have NEVER put in 120 hour weeks to make a lifes dream! Obviously you cannot read! Go back to school! BETTER YET! try surviving without a boss and see how far you get. Not far I bet with your attitude you clone! Furthermore if you have nothing good to say shut your trap, get off the computer, get a real job, and a real life, and if you have a problem with us as you must have seeing that you are rebutting to this then be a man and call us. Either that or your some employee that works for this waste of a website, or my competitor who has ripped off people and have not gotten caught yet. Well we do not tolerate being used and lied about! YES ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OR BECOME FRIENDS EVENTUALLY. THATS THE PERSONAL TOUCH WHICH YOU WITH YOUR MOUTH SEEM NOT TO HAVE AND WE HAVE BEEN PROMOTING SUCESSFULLY FOR 10 YEARS AND MILLIONS EVERY YEAR. THATS WHERE THE PERSONAL RESPONSE COMES IN. WERE NOT JUST YOUR ALARM PARTS PROVIDOR WERE YOUR FRIEND TO HELP YOU THROUGH THE TRANSITION AND MYTHS ABOUT "OH GEE YOU HAVE TO HAVE A LICENSED MORON TO DO THAT" ALARM COMPANIES! YOU GET A GRIP? I BELIEVE THATS YOUR JOB, AS IT IS THE NEW AGE GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND. PEOPLE (CLONES) LIKE YOU IS WHY WE ARE MISSING THE TWIN TOWERS TODAY!!!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE NEW AGE OF SECURITY! AT LEAST WE DO NOT HAVE 1 INSTALLER CODE FOR EVERY CUSTOMERS SYTEM OUT OF MILLIONS LIKE ADT'S 6321. REAL HIGH SECURITY! JAMES.


Santa Maria,
Blah, Blah, Blah

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, September 30, 2006

Your interminably long response doesn't explain your total lack of professionalism. What a horrible, awful, juvenile, UNPROFESSIONAL way to repond to this customer!!! I don't care HOW long you've been in the business, what the he** were you thinking responding like that? No one cares about your personal opinions of the federal government, your ex-wife, etc. Keep your responses confined to the facts of the transaction, nimrod! You'll be a lot more successful in life and in business. Oh, and by the way, it's not a "federal crime to contact anyone after they've told you not to" - double nimrod! You are SO confusing the FDCPA with - well, just about everything. Get a grip.


CEO Alpine Alarms Inc

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 30, 2006

I have been an Internet consumer direct alarm company since before there were any. We have been and always will be 24-7 sales and support. We have haggled and educated with the consumer for 10 years now with 0 ZERO complaints now this? The Internet is mind-boggling. SO in rebuttal to this customer's vicious lies and defamation of my company I will tell the true story here. The customer called I happen to be the one that spent over an hour listening to him complain about how ADT was ripping him off and how mush les he could buy a system for else where my ear almost fell off. Although that is what we do here is save people, Educate people on how NOT to be ripped off by ((( competitors name redacted by ROR)), Any alarm company out there lying about how you need a licensed alarm company when legally you can do it yourself easy as programming your VCR to record a show. So after that hour and a half on our toll free line which cost us $8.00 right there He decided to purchase a system from us as I had educated him to the point where he knew more about installing alarms than most installers out there in the field today. About 2 weeks after he purchased our system on line and agreed to our terms about the 25% restocking fee he decided to call me and wanted to send his entire system back and wanted a full refund. My operator told him about the restocking fees and he wend psychotic on her. He then continued to call us numerous times till we had the police here call him to make him stop as he was running up our phone bill big time and he knew it. So I personally sent him an e-mail telling him to return the system with the rma and address but he would still loose his 25%. IT CLEARLY STATES IN OUR TERMS THAT IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND AFTER PURCHASEING YOUR SYSTEM IE: In this case ADT finally broke down and said he was eligible for a free upgrade, that's why he wanted a full refund. YOU GET CHARGED 25% restocking fees. That is an Industry standard as we get charged the same fees as we ship factory direct so the consumer gets the newest and latest in technologies that the systems have out there today, NOT buying in bulk and selling the same older version that was sitting on our shelves for 6 months. You see alarm systems are like computers nowadays and are changing every 2-4 months, like Internet access to your alarm, getting those glitches out etc. Now this person never sent the system back and had the nerve to put in a chargeback. Well I don't know how you would feel but I felt USED by this person, Jonathan Butler JTF Productions 3900 Canterbury Way Camp Springs MD 20748 301-576-2201 [email protected]. Well to make this long story short I as the owner trying to feed my household and spent all that time on the phone on my dime educating him about ADT's lies was really hurt as most times he called right in the middle of dinner as some customers do, but I still took the time to calm him down and he went on the net and ordered. What did I get? Nothing but harassed, cursed out, NO Pay for my 1 1/2 hours advise on my dime, advise that's worth gold if you are trying to get away from these big alarm company conglomerates, and to make it worse he was being sucked in by them again with their free offer and he still would be paying double for central station than if he continued on with us and went on out central. Needless to say the bank took and held $600.00 of my companies monies till I disputed it and we eventually got it back after 3 weeks, as we 100% of the time do on chargeback's as we have terms and policies in place to keep the consumer from being wooed by these companies that had ripped them off for years after we set them right and change their minds then start ripping us off by letting themselves be ripped off again by these big conglomerated alarm companies that would not budge till I educated them what their rights are and they go back to their old company for a better deal and we sit here and starve NO WAY I SAY!, then waiting sometimes over 3 months then trying to return the equipment like this consumer was trying to do! I even offered him another month added onto his monitoring so our profit was ZERO to keep this vicious fowl mouth customer. I am 44 and have been in the business for 30 years myself and I have seen it all. Customers telling me what a great job I had done after 4 other technicians could not figure out the problem and telling me my boss was ripping them off then when I get back to the office I get reamed out because the customer called in and told some lie about me because I would not agree or disagree with them about my boss. I have Loyalty, Honesty, and respect for the people in this world, unlike some people we all know today. We all know the worlds has gone to hell in a hand basket, and the other half is still human and raised the proper way to be kind and know when someone is genuinely helping them, NOT BS'ING them. You will notice that you will not find the word FREE anywhere on any of our 25.000 web pages and 3 stores! Nothing in life is for free and if it is YOUR BEING RIPPED OFF! I do hope that this rebuttal is posted as the editor of this site said it would be as consumers like this deserve to be ripped off, but to have the nerve to take your free advise, buy a system, then allow himself to be ripped off again, then try to rip me off I say he deserves all he gets in life. Kind of sounds like my old boss his way or no way. Well folks that is not how the world works and we all know it. One more note about being ripped off we were running into some financial difficulties this past summer because of, 1-My recent divorce, 2- ADT, PROTECTION ONE Dealers buying at 40% less than I can and then selling the equipment, wrong devices with wrong systems, A mess I say, on the internet instead of using it for an ADT OR PROTECTION ONE Safe-Mart, Home Security Store, 123 Security products, job then disappearing to the point where we get 6-18 calls a month supporting these poor people who thought they got a great deal just to find out they got an outdated, proprietary ADT panel and certain options were not available because they were the big conglomerates version alarm panel , So we had to ask for donations. http://alpinealarms.com/contributionstatus.html We asked for $3.00 Intervals Only and we did get some response from our older clients and we thank them for that dearly. I have never seen any company, but I have seen people on the news do it so I said why not. So we E-Mailed 4000 of our subscribed customers and asked them. The response was devastating $500.00 out of 4000 people, WOW I said. Well either way we are back on our feet and doing ok now that we have some better pricing and the site is hitting the search engines better after 8 120 hour weeks I put in to tweak the website. The downside of this is one other customer tried what Jonathan at JTF Productions tried then complained to the BBB about our E-Mail and the BBB dropped us as a client. Well I Say Never liked the BBB anyways because like this site they care for them selves and not the merchants. I say this because by all rights to be fair this rip-off website should have e-mailed us so we could rebut this liar, instead we had to find it on the net our selves. Well that's why there are nation wide law firms and from time to time we have had to use them. Hope not in this case. As we have never filed suite with any customer just used the law firms to get our rights respected, and hope never to have to, even the ones who ripped us off for 6 months of central monitoring and disappeared, Got Double shipments and never paid, got undercharged by mistake and never paid. Any Questions about Jonathan's allegations feel free to call my direct line to my desk 24/7. 970-285-3420 Warm Regards James Lingenfelter CEO Alpine Alarms Inc

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