  • Report:  #47093

Complaint Review: National Association Credit Services - St. Petersburg Florida

Reported By:
- Hastings, Minnesota,

National Association Credit Services
P.O. Box 41127 St. Petersburg, 33743 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
At this time I haven't been ripped-off, but feel I was violated by being asked for too much banking information. I have a hard time hearing and needed my wife to help me understand what the fast talking people were saying. She was told to get off the phone as I was the only one to be talked too. I felt uneasy to start with but kept thinking this was for a credit card, not a merchant credit card. They kept assuring me this would make my credit rating get better.

I feel they might try to take money out of my account or past it on to others with the information they obtained.

I have put a stop payment against any thing they might try but I am not sure this is the answer. As of this point I have not given them any money nor do I intend too. All I want at this point is to have my transaction cancelled and left alone.


Hastings, Minnesota

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