  • Report:  #68595

Complaint Review: National Audit Defense Network - Internet

Reported By:
- Bentonville, Arkansas,

National Audit Defense Network
[email protected] Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I thought after a month and a half of endless phone calls, very direct questions specifying exactly what I was looking for, that I would give "AwayIRS" a try. They told me I could try there services for a 30 day trial membership.

I was skeptical, but finally conceded as I needed helpful insight in regards to dealings with the IRS. I paid the temporary membership fee, of $199.

Then I recieved a phone call from NADN(National Audit Defense Network). The lady was very pushy, sarcastic, just plain rude. I explained that I had been told, if you are a legal guardian to an individual with disabilities, which I am. That the government should be granting us some kind of decent compensation.

I explained that we loved this individual as our own. That it wasn't about the money, but if we were entitled and not receiving it, where was it going.

She then proceeded to tell me " This isn't about your invalid son" Excuse Me!! How dare she speak to me like that. She laughed and said for $3,000. you can invest in a CyberMall. That they had found away to get around the IRS. I could pay them the $3,000. or the IRS, either way I was going to pay. She then said if you pay us though you can get about $5,000. back in February.

I told her and the seven other representitives, who all called me to sell me on this CyberMall. I would not have requested their services if I had $3,000., what were they thinking. I then demanded a refund of my money since I was in my 30 day trial period. I recieved a letter from them Sept.23,2003 stating I would receive a full refund of my $199.

I called and spoke to them also, asking when this would be refunded back to by credit card. The gentleman was rude and snickered, saying "Maam we have 20 days to refund your money". I said you took it in less than 3 days, put it back ASAP.

I also informed him they were not going to string me along, until the 30 days was up, and then say oops your trial membership is up. I have since received two more letters assuring me, my refund is in the works.

I have spoke numerous times to the gentleman, who signed me up. He also assured me he would assist me personally in getting my money refunded. They want happy customers. I am not happy.


Bentonville, Arkansas

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