  • Report:  #252585

Complaint Review: New Image Technology Call Center - Blauvelt New York

Reported By:
- Via a Comment or Rebuttal, Other,

New Image Technology Call Center
600 Bradley Hill Road Blauvelt, 10913 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
New Image Technology is a call center with a very shady, and I suspect, illegal business ethics. Please note that we have spent over six months of phone calls, letters, providing documentation and even getting our attorney involved before coming to this point that we are disclosing how New Image Technology has attempted (so far successfully) to rip us off. NIT has stone walled us and basically said that we can't hurt them and we can't sue them unless we travel to NY to do so. I feel that this is a tactic they know works for them because few companies will spend thousands of dollars traveling to NY to recover $1400. So we've chosen to take the new cyber route to warn folks of the dangers of doing business with the call center company called New Image Technology. We are still pursuing actions with several Federal & State organizations and online & offline consumer & business watch dog groups that may/or may not investigate this company and could possibly help us to recover our way overdue deposit money, interest on those funds and legal costs incurred to date. We are also in the process of working with the BBB to make sure that others know about this company.

Though the employees who actually answer the phone can do the job, it is the management team of Alex Fridman (President of New Image Technology) and Peter Miraglia (Vice-President of Operations) that are the shady ones you need to watch out for. If you're sharp and don't mind taking risks then this company is for you. But before considering doing business with them, be aware of a few of their tricks and hopefully what has happened to others won't happen to you. Here's the highlights:

* Don't give them an up-front deposit that is not held in a third party escrow account. If it is in their pocket you won't get it back when you get cheated by them and want to stop using them.

* Don't start mid-month. They will tell you they will pro-rate the month but they actually take it out of your deposit for the full monthly amount. If you want to risk using them, start on the first of the month.

* Don't accept a rate any higher than $0.55 per minute maximum (the rate we had) and don't pay a monthly rate. It's a rip-off tactic. They will try and suck you in for a minimum rate of $450 per month, even if your call volume can't justify it.

*What ever you do don't turn over your toll free number to them (they will pressure you hard to do so) or be prepared to be held hostage by these crooks. If you want to leave and go to a new company you'll have difficulty getting your toll free number reverted back to your control.

*Keep every single document, letters and emails, because you will need them when they begin to try to cheat you. This is the main thing that has helped us.

*Poll your customers randomly that have placed calls to your company that NIT handled. You'll find that more than 30% were not pleased with the level of customer service, even though they did get the job done.

When our contract ended with New Image Technology call center, 3 years after we started with New Image Technology, they first would not return any of our deposit and stated so in writing. After a month of letter writing, and getting nowhere, we finally got our attorney involved. New Image Technology then admitted in writing to our attorney that they did owe us the deposit back but refused to refund the money until we signed an agreement to not disclose what they had done in the way of trying to cheat us out of our deposit monies. They also claimed a much smaller deposit to be refunded then what was able to be proved by New Image Technology. And even though we have provided documented statements from the telephone company as to the actual amount of time used each month New Image Technology has refused to provide documentation (actual call logs) to prove their claims of the smaller deposit and has stated in writing that they do not recognise the phone companies records, only their own records (which they will not provide for the months in question). They also claim that they never agreed to pro-rate the first month of the contract even though we have it in writing that they did.

So to date New Image Technology Call Center owes our company over $1400 (as of May 1st, 2007) and is continuing to refuse to return the money they owe us. They said that they would give us about half of that amount if we signed a non-disclosure about their business practices. As you can see by this documentation, we declined that offer. They thought we'd give in, but we thought it was more important to stand up to this dis-honest company and warn others about them. So if you decide to do business with them, be forewarned, and let the "Buyer Beware".

All of the documentation; letters (including the attorneys letters), emails, even NIT's own monthly statements, with most signed by the President or Vice-President of New Image Technology, will be made available online shortly. These documents will show any reasonable person how they systematically steal the deposit money from their clients and how they will try to bully you with threats of lawsuits for disclosing the above information.

If you've been burned by this company contact us and let us know. If your information and documentation is complete, we will include your situation on a consumer website that reports on dishonest companies like New Image Technology Call Center along with other companies who have been burned by New Image Technology.

If you haven't signed a contract with them already then consider yourself lucky. Run very fast away from New Image Technology Call Center. You will be glad you did. There are to many good and honest companies to do business with that no one should have to mess with the dishonesty of the management within New Image Technology or a dishonest company like New Image Technology.

Should New Image Technology decide to refund the full amount of the money they owe us, including legal fees and interest to date, we will update this web page to let you know. However, since honesty and ethics are not something that they are known to posses, I don't expect they will provide our refund unless government agencies are able to force it out of them.

BTW: We've since found a fair and honest call center company that we can recommend if you are interested that is doing a far superior job to the efforts of NIT. And after 8 months of using this new call center our customers ratings of them is over 95% as good to excellent. Their minute rates are even better than NIT's. And since this company is honest, and isn't trying to rip anyone off, they didn't ask for any up-front deposit. They also didn't ask us to transfer our toll free line to them. It's a simple month to month contract. If we like them we stay, if we don't we leave. A good company doesn't need to try and rip off the customers, they just do a good job. It's the bad ones like New Image Technology that has to try to steal from the customers to make a few extra bucks. (PS - The only reason we didn't disclose our new call center on this page is because we don't want them associated to any of the negative stuff related to New Image Technology's call center. If you'd like to know who they are feel free to contact us.)

You've Been Warned!

Contact me through Rip Off Report

Via a Comment or Rebuttal


12 Updates & Rebuttals

Guy C

New York,
United States of America
also ex employee

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 29, 2012

I am also an ex employee and I am tired of people who do not take responsibility of their actions.  For example "after three months you are given a good review"???  arent reviews an account of your actions??

Guy C

New York,
United States of America
also ex employee

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 29, 2012

I am also an ex employee but I am not disgruntled.  I admit the company was not perfect but neither were some of the employees.  In my time sitting in the call center, I witnessed employees with poor attendance, surfing the web or text messaging while the customers were on hold etc.  The one part that was correct was that most of these individuals were recent grads and therefore young and immature.   I also did not see anyone give two weeks notice.  It was usually 1 week at best. I would take what is written with a grain of salt since the employee is disgruntled.


United States of America
Totally True!

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 20, 2011

This client and the ex-employees are 100% correct. As a former employee myself everything said was true. I left the company nearly 5 years ago and while my leaving was by my choice, it was indeed mostly due to much of what was said here about the company. I was tired of the lying, the shady operation, and the broken promises. I no longer want to be a party to it. And it was a dead end job with no future. It is amazing they are still in business. Most of the workers were college age or sometimes even high school age with little or no experience in what they are doing. The company is highly unstructured and they use outdated and unreliable technology much of which is 10 years or more behind the times regardless of what they may tell their potential clients. While I haven't been there in years I doubt much has changed. NIT's rebuttals have absolutely no basis in reality. They are simply spewing more lies, just like the ones they use to get their contracts. 

Over and out!


United States of America

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 05, 2011

Everything that has been said by Ralph and Alex is entirely untrue. This company claims to provide excellent service, while they do not. Almost all technicians have no certifications and provide below par work and knowledge. This company has lost numerous contracts due to poor service. The company has outdated systems and almost all PERSONAL INFORMATION AND CREDIT CARDS are secured using old methods. The company sells plans claiming unlimited support, however if you call too many times they will deactivate your account and refuse to service you. Other customers will claim they will be helped immediately and they have to wait hours to be serviced.

New image technology fires almost all employees within 6 months, to prevent any chances of collecting unemployment. New image technology also will fire employees almost immediately once you have the respect to give a two weeks notice.

Never work for, and never purchase services from NIT. You have been warned.

Public Relations

New York,
United States of America
Rebuttal to Ex-Employee

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 05, 2011

Unfortunately, all of these allegations are untrue.  This is coming from a disgruntled employee who was released from the company due to poor work habits.  New Image Technology has been in business for over 12 years and we practice good business conduct. 


United States of America
Inside Info about NIT

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 01, 2011

I'm currently a computer technician at New Image Technology, and I can tell you first had, that the majority of these complaints are true. New Image Technology (NIT) is by far the biggest scam/joke that I have ever seen in business. From what I have personally seen, as a technician we are told on day 1, how we get business, which is, people dial 411 and ask for either technical support, or some computer or software company, and instead get us. When that customer asks "are you (Dell, Microsoft, etc.)?" we are told to answer yes. Then through out the call try to get the customer to buy an unlimited support plan for the price of $200 for 3 months of support.

What they don't tell you is that if you buy this plan, you will either never speak to a technician again, or will have to wait at least an hour on hold before speaking to one. I have heard every member of the upper management staff say on several occasions, "we already have their money, screw them." and tell us to take a new call and sell a plan. They promise the employees a commission for each plan sold, but in the time that I've been there I've only ever received one check, and it was for $7, out of a promised $90. 

We are also told to take a number of side contracts in addition to our technical calls, and are instructed to tell the technical support customers that we need to research their problem and to please hold. We place them on hold and answer another call, sometimes series of calls, keeping the technical support customer on hold sometimes as long as 30 minutes. These contracts that we are instructed to take have such a long duration because the training for each of these contracts is done by staff that have little or no technical experience so the vast majority of employees end up lying to the customers calling in for these side contracts. Some of these side contracts include networking support for various hotels, customer support for resorts in Florida, customer support for a line of laptop coolers, and technical support for a federal credit union. 

New Image Technology has a nasty habit of not paying its employees on time, and if they do it is sometimes not the correct amount. When hired I was promised that I'd receive a raise to $15 an hour from $12 after three months and a good review. It took them nearly five and a half months and my working additional shifts in addition to picking up shifts that I wasn't supposed to be working for contracts I wasn't trained on to get a raise to $13 an hour. And when I confronted by supervisor about this he said that "[he] fought to get me that." and that I should "be grateful." 

There are a lot of nasty rumors in regard to how they handle their files and billing practices, but as I haven't seen these first hand I won't go into them. All I know for certain is that if you ever have the misfortune of dealing with New Image Technology, do yourself a favor and hang up the phone.


United States of America
Same problems with business owners

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 20, 2011

I too was scammed by New Image Computers, Inc. "AKA" Support USA.  This company misrepresented themselves as Brother, then denied they misrepresented themselves.  When I asked them to replay our recorded phone conversation, they stated that not all calls are recorded and the ones that are recorded are partially recorded.  I also filed a complaint with BBB, and with this site. 

Public Relations

New York,
United States of America
Rebuttal regarding Brian Klecker and BBB

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 19, 2010




On behalf of New Image Technology and Brian Kleckers 2nd attempt to slander our company reputation, I would like to respond as follows:


In regards to the posting for the BBB, NIT is a business to business as well as a business to customer organization.  In the Business to Business arena, NIT provides its clients the ability to link the gap between reducing costs and providing customer/technical support. 


The complaints on record with the BBB are related to NITs Business to Customer category where we provide technical support to the general public.  NIT has serviced over several thousand customers within its most recent history.  Although our continued goal is to increase customer satisfaction, unfortunately and much to our disappointment not all customers can be satisfied 100% of the time.


The amount of customer complaints listed is only 6 when literally thousands have been serviced within the past year.  This translates to less than 1%.


Mr. Klecker has again, not properly represented the information which could be misunderstood to serve his purpose and it is our concern that the public should know and understand of all the facts before forming a judgment.


Thank You


Ralph Porco


Director, Client Services


William Tide Technical Support Grou

Hello my name is billy and I have resolved my differences with New Image Technology and would like to remove the negative comments that I posted

#10Author of original report

Tue, January 19, 2010

Please remove my posting of negative comments about new image technology and alex fridman in blauvelt new york.





CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

William Tide Technical Support Grou

United States of America
New Image Technology Handled Our Company Phone Calls For Several Years Until We Learned They Were Crooks

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 21, 2009

We were recommended to use Alex Fridman of NIT (New Image Technology) several years ago by a former business associate and it was the worst decision we ever made to do business with them.

Alarm Bell Number 1.


This company immediately wanted us to release RESPORG of our toll free number. This means responsible organization ownership of the toll free number(s) would be transfered to them. We declined but they insisted and it was a bad business decision on our part since they now have control of the numbers and can do whatever they want with those numbers.

Our firm handles technical support phone calls for companies like Hp, dell and gateway. I spoke to Alex Fridman the owner and he quoted us one price and then changed the agreement in the middle of our arrangement.

He provided us with no data, like the date and times of calls or the name and addresses of the callers. Even thought his company was handling hundreds of calls per day they gave us no accounting for the call details.

We trusted them to treat us fairly and honestly and they lied and stole monies from us. We later found out from a seperate investiagtion that this company NEW IMAGE TECHNOLOGIES has done this to other clients as well and has a poor record with the BBB. I wish that we would have done our due diligence and checked this firm out before doing business with them.

It turns out in a seperate audit that this company was stealing customers credit card numbers and billing information then using this information to create seperate unrelated charges on their credit card statements.

As soon as we became aware of the fraud we disconnected from this company and now use another firm called west interactive in omaha nebraska and we have never looked back.



William Bradley Tide


Tide Media Associates

Technical Support USA

Public Relations

New York,
United States of America
New Image Technology Rebuttal

#12UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 12, 2009

Greetings,                                                                                                                  11/12/09


On behalf of New Image Technology, I would like the opportunity to respond to these false allegations.  I feel it is vital that we respond in a professional manner so that anyone reading this inaccurate statement can hear our side of the story.  


Sadly, many of the claims and statements written about us are slanderous and inaccurate and what we feel is an attempt to extort money to compensate for their business deficiencies.  During their 3+ year tenure with us, Kidmusic.com was provided with many accommodations to their monthly minimum fee based on there request since they claimed they could no longer afford the payments. Per contract, the monthly minimum fee we charged at that time was $450 per month. We reduced this fee down to $250 per month out of professional courtesy so that we can help establish a relationship with this client and help to build there business.


As per our written contract, we also ask for a $2,000 deposit up front.  We take out the fist month payment and last month payment due to us out of the deposit per our contract.  Any balance left in the deposit is refunded back to the client at the end when our services are no longer required.  When our services were no longer required, Brian Klecker, who is the sole owner of Kidmusic.com made an attempt with inaccurate reports to increase the dollar amount to be returned to him at the end of his contract with us. 


We then provided him with a full itemized list of the deductions that verified the amount to be returned.  Due to insufficient funds on his part he found it to be unacceptable and made many legal attempts to counter the amount owed back to him.  He was unsuccessful in his attempt since he could not provide accurate/credible information to refute the itemization. 


There are a few other notations I would like to make in regards to these accusations as well as how we conduct business at New Image Technology.  We have been in business for close to 15 years now and work with many start up companies as well as fortune 500 companies.  We do not withhold deposits at the end of the contract unless there are outstanding invoices owed to us.  This is a standard business practice for companies who take initial deposits.  Many deposits have been returned at the end of their contract.


A monthly minimum fee is put in place so that we may cover any expenses for having agents available to answer calls when needed.  Based on our pricing structure, we are able to offer our clients a better rate based on having a monthly minimum fee.  Brian Klecker was advised of this at the commencement of his contract.  It was his decision to start mid month and he agreed to a pro-rate since he expected a very high volume of calls.  


In regards to the toll free 800 numbers, we offer our clients the choice of keeping there own number and routing the calls over to us, or we can supply our clients with a toll free number which they are able to keep at the end of our contract.  Some clients chose to keep their toll free number and others who do not have one will ask that we appoint one for them.  We can accommodate either request.  


To complete this rebuttal, I would like to point out that any document we asked to be signed was a standard closure form based on the recommendation of our attorney so that the matter is considered closed and no further action will be taken.  If Mr. Klecker was honest and had no intention of further action after he received the remainder of his deposit balance from us then he would have no issue signing the document.   Again, this was recommended by our attorney.  Sadly, we see this as a matter of a client that is not producing the sales he wants and is attempting to extort money. We are very disappointed by the actions he chose to take.


Ralph Porco

Director, Client Services




South Carolina,
BBB has had a number of complaints as well about New Image Technology (((link)))

#13Author of original report

Wed, December 19, 2007

The following link will take you to the active file the New York BBB has on New Image Technology. We've been in contact with others that will also be filing complaints. Ours was filed this week. search.newyork.bbb.org/reports.aspx?pid=44&page=1&id=92903

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