  • Report:  #805906

Complaint Review: Northwoods Boxers - Fairfield Maine

Reported By:
Sadie N - , , United States of America

Northwoods Boxers
Fairfield, Maine, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Northwoods Boxers continue to breed a stud has had seizures as a pup, had surgery for stenotic nares and has produced multiple pups with severe birth defects including 2 tails, cleft palates and stenotic nares. She sells these pups for an exorbitant amount of money. She has a dog that was kicked in the head by a horse as a pup . Obviously not watching the pup in a dangerous environment. She also has no problem selling a stud dog after using him several time that only has 1 descended t******e. That dog is still be used even though it is not ethical to do so. Northwoods Boxers continued to use this stud after the sale and knowing stenotic nares would be prodced. Northwoods Boxers co- owned their self title"amazing stud" who has no official show titles and lied to the co-owner and registered the dog Trueman behind their backs. Please beware before doing business

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Report Written and Recanted by Competitor **Ripoff Report responds to 'Libby Haver' of northwoodsBoxers Rebuttal.. Read the email between Libby Haver and Ripoff Report

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 10, 2011

This report was written and recanted by a breeder in my area who apparently felt she could not compete with the quality of my dogs, my breeding program and my reputation. She decided to create this false report in order to harm my reputation and even the playing field for herself. 

After reading this report I immediately knew who the breeder was and I emailed her to let her know that posting liable and defamatory statements was grounds for a lawsuit. She denied that she created the post but ironically the post was recanted by the deadline that I gave to her before I pursued legal action against her. 

That could have been the end of this, but it wasn't. Now let me tell you a little bit about this website RIP OFF REPORT
I wrote to them upon receiving the email and reading the post, I could not call because I could not find a phone number. I told them this was untrue and that I could prove it was lies but they did not care.

They told me true or false, I needed to rebut the post. They refused to remove it. I did not want to play the drama game and I did not feel that it was fair for these lies to be posted, I wanted them totally off of the site so I thought if I could get the author (who's name I should mention but won't, she used a fake name on the post of course) to recant then they would know it was defamatory info and they would have to remove it so I waited.

Once the Author recanted and admitted the false info I again wrote to the editor of Rip Off Report,
I pointed out that the author admitted to creating a false post and that leaving it there now, would be leaving up info that they knew to be liable and defamatory about me and my company. I once again asked them to remove the post and the editor wrote me back a very rude and disrespectful email telling me that they refused to remove the post because I must have threatened her to get her to recant. Well a threat of a lawsuit for liable and defamation would not cause an honest person who was telling the truth to recant their statements. A person cannot be sued for doing nothing wrong. Yes, I threatened her with a lawsuit for posting lies that could harm my business and my reputation, why wouldn't I? Seems to me I ruffled some feathers at Rip off Report because I did not accept this false report and fall victim to extortion attempts to pay for "Reputation Repair"  Some business owners fight back and do their research and I found some pretty interesting articles on rip off report and how they have been accused of extortion, please read them. I really hope the info about the class action lawsuit against Rip Off Report is true because I want to join in. Hopefully these links will remain in my post but if not feel free to email me and I will provide you with the links and the emails between Rip Off Report and me. Apparently, if they do not write the posts, they can still have them listed on their website and they are protected by a law called The Communications Decency Act. They cannot be sued for liable or defamation if they did not create the post. However, if they change the post before publishing they could get into hot water there so it will be interesting to see how much of this post will actually make it to the site! In my opinion, this company hopes that good people will have bad posts about them because they will benefit if they are paid to repair the reputation of the injured party, I am sure it is a huge bonus to them if the injured party strikes back by posting something bad about the the author of the first post, they can then celebrate because it will be a possible double dip! Please read the two links below to learn more about RIP OFF REPORT and their Owner: Ed Magedson
 Remember Rip-Off Report, you are not supposed to change or remove any post!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

--------------------------------------------------------- Comments from Ripoff Report about the above Rebuttal What Libby Haver fails to tell everyone above.. no one asked Libby for money. There is no charge to file a rebuttal. There is no fee anyone can ever pay to remove a Report. If Libby read the information on the site and the email we sent her below, she should know after 14 years in business, Ripoff Report has always had a uniform policy to not remove Reports.. http://www.edmagedson.com/ed-responds-to-critics.aspx Below is one of many email exchanges between Libby and Ripoff Report. Its situations like this that show Ripoff Reports uniform policy to not remove Reports is a correct and good policy. Here is that email From: ED - Ripoff Report To: 'Libby Haver' Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 3:17 PM Subject: RE: admission of lies from author Lib Even if she wanted to remove them. Even if you did not threaten her to do it. (which I am sure you did) we do not remove reports. This is the email we send to the Author of a report that makes this request.. I am sure you will see one of the scenarios below relates to this customer and you. --------------------------- Here is the short version as to why we have always had a uniform policy to not remove a Rip-off Report..... We know, in spite of your situation, as youve stated in the past your comments are true and that you stand by them. Like you, so many consumers who file complaints fall victim to those you reported to try and use the system to bully you into getting your report removed. "Our policy never to remove any report protects consumers. It doesn't do any good for a company to harass the consumer who posted a report -- we never take the report down. If businesses thought they could get reports removed by putting pressure on consumers, some of them would just put heavy pressure on the consumer through lawsuits or harassment. But, suing or harassing the consumer won't do any good, because it won't change the report. Because we never remove reports and we do encourage updates, the best thing a business can do is work things out with the consumer, make the consumer happy, and post updates showing how they used good customer service to solve the problem. In this way, the business has a unique opportunity to show it has good customer service while the consumer is protected from threatening behavior." Many businesses come back to us after cursing at us and telling us how mad at us they were, .. they now tell us how the once negative Report now gets them new found business. Most consumers do want to see how a business took care of business. After all, none of us can ever satisfy everyone all of the time. All business will make mistakes ending up with complaints, ..how those businesses handle those complaints is what separates good businesses from bad businesses. EM We have no way of knowing who you are, .. so, dont be insulted by the following.. But If you are someone who lied about the company or individual.. and now want to remove the complaint.. well then, those of you who are in this position, youll just have to fess up and state why you lied. If you like, you must have lied for a reason, just explain that. Or, you can just lie that you told a lie.? But, then, think about what kind of person you are now becoming. If what you said is true, think about all the others that may fall into the same ripoff you did.. ? .. if they are threatening you with harm or harassment .. try to get them on tape and take it to the police. NOTE: do check with your state laws about recording someone. You want to make sure you are a 1 party state before recording someone. This means only one person (you) needs to know about the recording. BUT, if you are a 2 party state where both parties must know about the recording, it might be OK to record someone, the rule may not apply if you are being threatened with harm or if they are blackmailing you... check with your local police department to be sure. Also.. if they somehow got your name because they know you reported them, .. you have to understand that youve left yourself open to be fair game. You can just come back by filing an UPDATE and explain more of your side of the story. DONT WORRY we do not give out your info unless you dont respond to us when we need to just verify the Report. In rare cases a company will try and get that info.. its a real difficult and could be expensive process for a company to do. Out of over 560,000 Reports filed and more than 1.9 million submissions to those reports, .. weve been subpoenaed about 4 dozen times and have had to give up author info less than a dozen times to date. And weve been in business for just about 14 years now. They have to prove what was posted is false and if you are only expressing your opinion, .. most judges just flat out refuse to make us give anything up! Remember always respond to our email, just in case someone is trying to get your info we fight any request for author information ONLY IF you respond to our email and you can show us you told the truth. We do everything we can to protect you, the author of the Report. You also have a right in the USA to remain anonymous .. its part of your 1st amendment right to speak out! THE LONG VERSION IS BELOW WHY WE NEVER REMOVE A RIP-OFF REPORT. Your request for us to remove a Rip-off Report has to be denied. What about other potential victims that would not be able to see and to learn from your experience. - - so they would know how to deal with the reported business in the future . If everyone was able to remove their report there would be no warning to consumers! There would be no way for consumers to educate each other.. this is what the Internet is all about. This is the 21st century, the information age.. Do you remember checking the box below before filing your Rip-off Report? .. YOU, the author, had to check this box or the Report would not go through. Here is what you agreed to just before you clicked the "Submit Your Report" button -- NOTE: the box is NOT pre-checked, you must check it before the Report will submit. ==================== [ ] By posting this report/rebuttal, I attest that this report is valid and I understand and agree that my submission and use of this website is subject to the site's Terms of Service (above). I am giving Ripoff Report irrevocable rights to post it on this web site. I acknowledge that once I post my report, it will not be removed, even at my request. Of course, I can always update my report to reflect new developments by clicking on UPDATE. Further, I agree that by posting this report/rebuttal that the State of Arizona has exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes between me and the operators of Ripoff Report arising out of this posting. ====================== Educating each other is what this is all about. Consumers need to make their own informed decisions based on your experience and those of others. We do not want consumers ever to use these Reports as blackmail. This is another reason why we will NOT EVER remove a Rip-off Report. Better for consumers to see how a business took care of business, turning the negative into a positive - - ALL BUSINESSES WILL GET COMPLAINTS ..HOW A BUSINESS TAKES CARE OF THOSE COMPLAINTS SEPARATES GOOD BUSINESSES FROM BAD BUSINESSES. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR THEM TO SHOW HOW THEY TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS.. Because of your Report you got (maybe) what was coming to you after maybe being screwed or just jerked around, right? Or are they still refusing to make things right? Now they want you to remove it and they will make things right and they will not sue you, ..ONLY if you get this Report removed?! Or, are they threatening you with a lawsuit? If you dont get the report removed, they will sue you? UNFORTUNATELY SOME COMPANIES ARE SO PIG-HEADED THEY DON'T REALIZE THAT BY SATISFYING YOU FIRST AND THEN BY YOUR COMING BACK TO UPDATE YOUR REPORT SHOWING HOW THEY TOOK CARE OF YOU, MAYBE STATING THAT THEY DID NOT REALIZE THEY MADE A MISTAKE OR, MAYBE IN THE NAME OF GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE THEY MADE THINGS RIGHT BY YOU.. THIS WILL MAKE CONSUMERS FEEL GOOD ABOUT THAT BUSINESS WHEN THEY RUN ACROSS YOUR REPORT ... WHO DOESN'T WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH A COMPANY OR INDIVIDUAL WHO CAN ADMIT MAYBE THEY MADE A MISTAKE AND HOW THEY MADE THINGS RIGHT FOR THE CUSTOMER?!! Reported businesses tell us all the time, they are glad we did not take down the Report about them, that the Report gets them new found business! ALL COMPANIES / INDIVIDUALS WILL MAKE MISTAKES - - EVERYONE KNOWS THAT - - HOW THOSE BUSINESSES TAKE CARE OF THOSE MISTAKES IS WHAT SEPRATES GOOG BUSINESSES FROM BAD BUSINESSES. AND CONSUMERS TODAY WANT TO SEE A 3rd PARTY OPINION. THIS WILL ONLY WORK IN THEIR FAVOR AS A PERMANENT POSITIVE ADVERTISEMENT FOREVER GREAT ADVERTISING THEY EVER HAD SAY MANY REPORTED BUSINESSES, AND IT'S FREE. You need to let the business know that you can UPDATE your report in a positive way if they rectify your situation amicably you will let others know what a great business they really are, and how they made things right after realizing they made a mistake with you. You can show this by posting the positive things they did as an UPDATE to the Report you filed, turning the negative into a positive. It never fails, since 1998 we have found that any time the consumer or the reported business comes back and files a positive rebuttal explaining their side, admitting what they might have done wrong and or how they took care of the customer in the name of good customer service, .. we have found, every time a response like that will always get the reported business NEW FOUND BUSINESS.. Who would not want to do business with a company that knows how to admit they made a mistake and to show how well they took care of the unsatisfied customer. This is common sense, this is the right thing to do and the only way to handle this. Only a business who is wrong will disagree - This is simple business practice 101.. Free and good advice especially in the New Millennium. Whenever a business is threatening a lawsuit, remind them that any lawsuit they file today is public info and more than likely that will end up on the internet and they won't be able to do anything to anyone about that public information once the lawsuit is filed it will pop-up on search engines. These lawsuits now pop up once someone Googles their name. That will only get them more bad publicity. THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY - CONSUMERS NOW HAVE A VOICE - IT'S NOT ONLY BUYER BEWARE, ..IT'S NOW "SELLER BEWARE" too... The Internet is a reality of today's business world. What we all do, good or bad, is quickly and easily searchable. Those who are reported can fight, kick and scream all they want, ..this stuff is not going away, unless that is, Al Gore stops the Internet. :-) Read more below about our philosophy ... Rip-off Report has no way of determining whether you or the reported business is telling the truth. We encourage you to post a rebuttal/UPDATE to your report explaining your change of heart, or have the owner of the business tell their side of the story, but we have a uniform policy against removing stories posted by consumers. Remember what it says just before you clicked on Submit Your Report, there is a box that YOU MUST CHECK if you want the Report to go thru. This copy says the following, and should answer your question as to why you cannot ever remove a Rip-off Report - because you agreed to it. It states the following - (I acknowledge that once I post my report, it will not be removed, even at my request. Of course, I can always update my report to reflect new developments by clicking on UPDATE. If we remove a Rip-off Report, we would be no better than the BBB. Although we can not remove reports, we do provide and UPDATE feature that allows you supply additional positive or negative information regarding your situation. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND OUR PHILOSOPHY: If Rip-off Report removed a Report every time a business threatened, consumers would have no history on how the business took care of past problems. This Report on the business or individual can work as a positive or as a promotional tool if they respond properly and do the right thing by taking care of you, their customer. Consumers will see this and will want to do business with them in-spit-of what has been written about them ... That is why we supply a REBUTTAL feature so that the company reported has a chance to respond by agreeing, disagreeing, or apologizing and explaining their reasoning. It is called a public forum and it is one of the foundations of our country! By allowing consumers to view the original report, updates and rebuttals, consumers will be able to make informed and educated decisions. This is mainly because consumers will be able to see how the company in question deals with complaints. Consumers love to do business with a company that can admit they made a mistake (or, in the alternative, can intelligently explain why they are not going to correct the situation). Regardless, we have always had a uniform police to not remove Rip-off Reports.. We have been offered as much as $50,000 to remove just one Rip-off Report, but we declined! because doing so is in violation of our policy, and more importantly, it goes against what we what we stand for. Please understand our position. If anyone ever told you that we do remove Reports, its a big lie that is spread by those companies that hate us. Remember, all businesses will get complaints. ALL! ...How those businesses take care of those complaints separates good businesses from bad businesses. Please tell the Reported business they can file a rebuttal, telling the truth on how the business has rectified the problem and how they treated you. This is best if it is truthful and pleasant, hopefully they can show support of this forum and freedom of speech. Also, tell what the situation was at the time the Report was posted (even if its a long time a ago!) and how they made improvements to their company And posting a Rebuttal is free! Let them know they can turn that negative into a positive! Businesses that once threatened to sue over negative Reports and have remedied the problem and posted updates tell us that Consumers are finding their businesses who would have never found them if the Rip-off Report had never occurred -- thanks to the search engines. If the complaints is handled correctly, the originally negative Report about their company can become a permanent positive advertisement! Lawsuits will linger forever and only cause more bad publicity. And, if the business is still being pig-headed and thinking of suing us they need to read this ... http://www.ripoffreport.com/wantToSueRipoffReport.asp

Written by,

..Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program team..

..by consumers, for consumers
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PO BOX 310, Tempe, AZ 85280
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ED Magedson: Founder, Ripoff Report
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Sadie N

United States of America
not accurate

#3Author of original report

Fri, December 09, 2011

The info provided is not accurate and there is no evidence to back statements made

Sadie N

United States of America

#4Author of original report

Fri, December 09, 2011

I did not have all the facts and truthful information when I posted this please ignore

Sadie N

United States of America

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 09, 2011

This info is not founded and has no backing. The info I was given has no backing

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