  • Report:  #560124


Reported By:

7201 NW 10TH STREET OKLAHOMA CITY, 73127 Oklahoma, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Farina M Thompson (Grandmother)


Oklahoma Department of Human Services

(OKDHS/CPS Foster Care)

Case# JD-2006-180 Oklahoma County

Kids# 20347104 (March 2, 2006)

May, Davis, Benjamin, Walker - Children

Jamira N May - Mother

Judge - Richard W Kirby

OKDHS DA - Jane Brown

Childrens Attorney- Ryan Hauser

OKDHS Case Worker(Supv)- Tara J Bone

March 2, 2006

My grandchildren were taken. On that  day my life changed for ever.

The State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Foster care organization has my grandchildren in the states custody.

The State organization has denied me the childrens biological and maternal grandmother, my own blood relatives, temporary and permanent placement.

The Oklahoma DHS/CPS foster care organization, There policy are to make every reasonable effort to place and reunify the displaced children with their family. As it is asked in court of this question from the Judge.

This question has never been answered correctly from day one of the court hearings. This essential question has always and continues to be answered incorrectly.

No reasonable effort has been initiated. For if this would be true, Then of course my grandsons would have been home by now.

I am the only Adult and Family member of blood that has  came forth to stand up for my grandchildren to show that I love these children and I want them home.

I have put into action of how much I love and want my grandchildren. I have relocated from Reno Nevada to the State of Oklahoma.

Moving to Oklahoma was a must and mandatory for me to be closer to my grandchildren. Also it was essential in fighting this case. With the family moving here it means that I can fight the State of Oklahoma DHS/CPS, with less stress than being out West on the West Coast part of the United States.

Oklahoma DHS/CPS has not made every possible reasonable effort to help my grandchildren to reunify with their family.

I have attended the classes and completed both certification. Ive verification.

Once I moved to Oklahoma I started TFC, which means Therapeutic foster care  training at the Bair Foundation which that was interrupted from the Oklahoma Department of Human Services with a telephone call, instructing the agency not to license my home, as The State will not be-able to place children with me.

I wasnt interested in other familys children, just my own. I am not a felon, nor have i ever been to prison.

Court attendance. Ive been at every appearance since I moved to Oklahoma, (with the exception of just one and that was due to the childrens mother, which is my daughter, that was to appear and present herself on her accomplishment and get her children) thats the only time I excused myself from the court proceedings,(I thought my grandsons would have been home on that day). There were several times before I moved to Oklahoma when I flew down on more than one occasion for court and for visitation with my grandchildren. Also Ive drove down on more than one occasion, As well.

As a resident of the State of Oklahoma. I have acquired a comfortable and suitable home for my grandchildren. I have rented a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage home. Its conveniently over 2000 sq ft, with plenty of living space for my grandchildren.

Their rooms are furnished for their occupancy . Its set up really nice for the boys.

With all this that Ive done for my grandchildren in preparing for them to come home. Believe it that the State of Oklahoma doesnt want to hear it nor have they sent anyone out to my home to check it out. They are totally ignoring me and blowing me off.

They have made it very clear that I am not apart of the case.

So the OKDHS/CPS foster care agency hasnt made every effort to reunify my grandchildren with their family, nor to remove them from the States System. Not any effort to place my family, my grandchildren with me.

Also back at home in Reno Nevada I have a court ordered guardianship that the State of Oklahoma would not honor. Even though it was presented in court. It was ignored.

I Farina M Thompson the childrens grandmother has been up to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services HQs, on more than one occasion to see the States Director whose name is Howard Hendrick, Which by the way he conveniently hides behind the doors and the walls so as to not meet me in person and face to face, he sends out his under staff to face me. Thats the Director Howard Hendrick.

My purpose for going to OKDHS HQs were for answers. I wanted to know why they were doing this to me and my family.

Their reason was not sufficient enough for me. I dont understand this. Not, at all.

I was given a letter in person from Margaret Nobel an okdhs field representative of OKDHS on one of my visits to the OKDHS HQs, It was dated on September 9 2009, or about that date.

Here are a couple inserts from the letter stating why according to Oklahoma Department Human Services the reasons why they are intending on adopting my grandchildren out to complete strangers.

Letter insert #1:

Because of my past decisions and choices.

Letter insert #2:

Okdhs isnt recommending me Farina Thompson for either placement, temporary or permanent placement and it would be best for me to get an attorney as that will be the only way as the court will have to decide on that.

The State of Oklahoma and its organization, Oklahoma Department of Human Services DHS/CPS foster care are discriminating against me.

My rights, civil rights and my constitutional rights has been violated.

All I want is my family back together again. We have already lost 4 years out of our lives together as a family. My grandchildren has been out of our home for  the  past four years now. When these children should have been out of the states system much sooner than this. Four years this is an unjustified and illegal, that needs to be corrected.

My grandchildren were taken from our family on March 2 2006, Subsequently and approximately five months after that the childrens mother went to prison. Where she lived for and estimated 2.5 years. The childrens mother was released from prison on the eve of Thanksgiving of 2008.

Following the mothers release from prison, 10 months after her release from the Oklahoma Department of Corrections on September 15 2009, The childrens mother, she relinquished her parental rights to her children, that she gave birth to, her five sons.

On 9-15-2009, we, me and my daughter, the childrens mother were in court before the judge.

Judge Richard W Kirby.

The day my daughter, relinquished her parent rights. In my mind I was thinking that the State would have given me my grandchildren being that Ive done so much and has come so far for them. But It didnt happen that way. My babies are still in DHS/CPS foster care system.

There is truly so much dirt and corruption going on in this organization. A lot is being swept under the rug.

This is a scam, Adoption scam. These people make judgment calls on which children to return to their families  and which ones would be adopted out to complete strangers.

Corruption it is.

Okdhs stretches the truth and lies in court and the Judge doesnt question them on it. Okdhs submits false statements as well.

Oklahoma DHS/CPS foster care speaks of strengthening the families and reunification between the children their biological families. They only speak of it, They arent practicing it. Oklahoma Department of Human Services are using unorthodoxed procedure. They are not following their own polices and rules.

What are the Goals and Priorities? If not these as listed in the Okdhs Manual of O. A. C.

Reasonable effort, Reunification and Family visitation and contact with their family isnt being applied or implemented in the childrens permanency planning with their family.

Its about the Money, The Revenue, Cash Flow, that they can receive once the child has been adopted, Its about placing the children with families in adoption so they can get paid. Its selling babies, Its selling children. That should be against the law. Its not right.. Its not right that the government can be allowed to be able to destroy my childrens lives and break up our family.

Strengthening the family, This isnt it. The government organization Oklahoma DHS/CPS foster care has no family values or moral values at heart. For this state organization, OKDHS/CPS, for them to decide to destroy the lives of these little children and their birth and biological family and sever the childrens memories of their biological family are just cruel and evil. This is terrible.

In the States manual it states that: The Oklahoma Department of Human Services: OKDHS/CPS foster care states that Their mission is to help the families by strengthening families and Reunification between the children and their biological family. However This is not  true. They havent put fort every reasonable effort to place the my grandchildren with me the grandmother, This organization is against me and I am the childrens biological and maternal grandmother, Im their blood relative, their family.

Im these children grandmother who loves them very much. Its not right for the United States Government to give these states organization approval to adopt out my grandchildren to anyone, to complete strangers, Why? When, I am able and fully capable to provide for, to care for, and who love and nurture them. This is not right at all. This practice is hurting my chilren. It's put my grandchildren in jeopardy.

My grandchildren  and myself are United States Citizens, born of this Great Country. And this is how we are being treated.

The country just takes your children and sell them for profit, therefore, they are getting more revenue. This is not justice.

Where is the Family Values in this?

The great country, is allowing, our government, to destroy my family, our lives and my grandchildrens history, ancestry, my grandchildrens blood ties. This is the land of the free.? Right!

My great country is allowing the organization to sever my grandchildrens memories of their biological family. This is wrong and cruel

My very own government has done this to me and my family my grandchildren. For allowing all of this to take place. Corruption is all this is.

My grandchildren are still in foster care after 4 years. This isnt nothing but a nightmare.

After 4 years , on January 19th I was just approved for  Supervised, Therapeutic visitation where my grandchildren and myself can have some sort of contact.

But, there is no telephone contact, because it has to be monitored. This is outrageous.

I pray every night for my grandchildren.

Case# JD-1006-180 Kids# 20347104

Oklahoma County City of Oklahoma City

My name is Farina M ****, I am a concerned grandmother and This is my story. 01.26.2010

3 Updates & Rebuttals


ELk CIty,
United States of America
A place to go

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 31, 2010

This is one of the many reasons that (((Redacted))) was created.
1) to show people who are victims of Oklahoma DHS system that they are not the only ones who have been terrorized, insulted, put-down, or had all resemblance of self confidence of your parenting abilities smashed.
2)  To be a support group for those who are currently taking the tour of the OKDHS system.
3) and ultimately come together and create some type of legislation that will help make the necessary evil known as OKDHS be more accountable for their actions.

If you know some people who are going through the this unimaginable heartache please send them to (((Redacted))) or if you have some ideas as to how you can help you are more than welcome yourself.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


OKlahoma Dhs

#3Author of original report

Tue, January 26, 2010

Every one has their own views and that's fine.

I am telling the truth. I have the letter to provide the truth.

That's what the organization gave me.

And yes of course! I know that Foster Care gets paid to house other folks children.

You sound as though, as if you are a case worker yourself.



New York,

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 26, 2010

"Pmast decisions and choices?" Is that the only reason they gave you? I suspect there is ore to this than what you're telling. It certainly sounds as if you've made very concerted efforts to get the children. So I have to question why DHS won't let you have them.

And I seriously doubt they make money off having children in foster care versus with a family member. In fact, they have to PAY the foster parents. So this isn't exactly a money-making operation for them.

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