  • Report:  #523078

Complaint Review: One Stop Solar - Altamonte Springs Florida

Reported By:
Exposing the One Stop Solar scam - Orlando, Florida, United States of America

One Stop Solar
151 Wymore Rd #6888 Altamonte Springs, 32714 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
This is nothing more than a bait and switch operation.  They list on google addresses for their showroom floor as:  3881 Old Winter Garden Rd Orlando 32805 (this address belongs to HD supply - I went there and they had never heard of them or anything about a showroom floor)  The second address was 3676 Hogshead Rd Apopka FL 32703 listed on their business card (this was a dead end street in a residential neighborhood - I also went there and they said they had no showroom there either and never have.) 

They use a boiler room on 151 Wymore Rd #6888 Altamonte Springs FL 32714 to call unsuspecting home owners and tell them they have a 30% Tax Rebate and a Free Energy Audit.  Then they send out a sales person who has been trained for one week who has no idea they are in the middle of a scam.  The pitch goes like this "if you come to our showroom floor the price of the equipment is $14,095 but if you buy in your home tonight you get a manufacturer rebate of $2,000 and we will waive your $750 installation and $350 permit fee - price is now $10,995 and you have to do a CUSTOMER REACTION REPORT and accept or decline the offer.

In reality there is no showroom floor and the equipment can be bought at any plumbing and solar store for $750 for the hot water heater and under $900 for the solar panel...

Beware of everything this company says including how they explain the Federal Tax Credit.  Their intention is to sell you a $2,000 dollar system for $10,995 and then put a lein on your home as fast as the equipment is installed...

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Exposing the One Stop Solar scam

United States of America
The Pitch (word for word)

#2Author of original report

Sat, November 14, 2009

Nuvis Demo Script
walk in the house ...
............ build rapport ...
..........sit down, get power bill
Okay your last power bill was for dollars. When ever you open the bill you
probably just look at the price and you pretty much just pay it. It's kind of like a
cell phone bill. It's so convoluted and all you know is that if you don't pay it they
are gonna come shut it off. So you just go on and pay it. But the fact is you really
can't determine from looking at this bill what's using what. How much power is
my refrigerator using? How much is this using? And this? And there is no way of
knowing because they don't give you enough information. What they do tell you
is that they are going to charge you _cents per kilowatt for the electricity and
they are also going to charge you _cents per kilowatt for the actual fuel used to
produce the energy. And that amounts to _cents per kilowatt for the first 1000
kilowatt hours. And then over 1000 Hours they are charging you _ cents per
kilowatt combined. But to be honest, most homeowners don't even know what a
Kilowatt hour is. Bob and Mary, do you know what a Kilowatt Hour is? No? Well
don't feel bad. A Kilowatt Hour is this, if you had 10 light bulbs that were 100
watts a piece, and you turned them all on at the same time and left them on for 1
hour, that would be 1 kilowatt hour. But even that simple explanation is still
convoluted. The fact is the power company just doesn't do that good ofajob
conveying to you what it is you pay them for each and every month. Energy Survey

In fact what I would like you to do now is to fill out this simple energy usage
survey which rates the biggest users of power in your home. There is a spot for
Mrs. and a spot for Mr. to rate from 1-5,5 using the least and 1 using the most,
these 5 categories- Lighting, AIC and Heating, Cooking, Water Heating, and
Appliances. Now no cheating off of each other, let's see how you do.
Oil Crisis
\ ~
The reason I'm here today is because of the world's oil crisis. The energy crisis in
the USis a function of the world econornv.M King Hubberts peak theory is
defined as the point at which half the worlds available fossil fuels have been
consumed ..Oil will peak worldwide in 2010.~What this means is that in 2010 as a
whole our planet will be using as much oil as we are producing.The United States
peaked back..in 1971. "Evidence is the 7 million barrels of oil we have to import on
a daily basis. Keep in mind there are only 11 nations in the world that have not
yet reached peak oil production.As world population and industrialization
increases and the demand for oil increases; and world oil supplies decrease, the
number of remaining nations that will produce more than they consume will also
decrease.Subsequently the number of countries that can produce more oil than
they consume will dwindle from 11 to 10 to 9 until eventually there will remain
only 1 exporter of oil worldwide:'lf you were the last person,.on the face of the
planet that had oil Bob, how much would you charge for it? What about you
~ ~ 6 Mary? ....As much as I want ....Absolutely right. Here's the unfortunate part
though. The three nations that currently exist that will be competing for that last
remaining position; the three nations that have the largest reserves currently and
will continue to have them are as follows, Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia/And
I'm sure we can agree that those countries don't have our best interest at hand,
do they?~That's pretty frightening isn't it?
'You see Americans only represent 5% of the world's entire population yet we use
26% of the world's energv.Dil, coal and natural gas prices are soaring to levels
never seen before in history.'Currently less than 1% of our energy consumption is
geothermal, solar and wind yet they represent our most prevalent and
A unexploited energy resources and they are infinitely renewable. I think you'd
agree, we have had our head in the sand far too long when it comes to energy
issues, haven't we?
\ In fact between 2000 and 2010 world energy consumption was expected to
increase by 40-50 %, but It has already increased by 58%.~Soit just keeps getting
worse and worse even faster than we expected.
\ ~
Now oil yields energy. 'Historically oil would net 20 units of energy for everyone
unit of energy spent to find, extract, and refin,e it."But not anymore~ Today oil nets
only 8 units of energy for every 1 unit spent. In the future it will take the energy of
one barrel., of oil to extract one barrel of oil.0From then on further extraction is
pointless. Does that make sense Bob and Mary?
Survey Results
Now lets see how you did on your test. The biggest user of energy in your home is
AIC and Heating, coming in at 37.5%, Water Heating comes in 2nd, consuming
30% of your electric bill, Appliances come in at number 3, consuming 17.4%,
Cooking takes a" place consuming 10.3% of your power bill, and in 5th place is
lighting, consuming 4.8%
Lighting. The first thing I'm going to do today is 11mgoing to show you how to save
20% of your energy costs without spending or investing anything whatsoever. The
first category is AC and Heating. Bob and Mary, What temperature do you like to
keep your ac set at during the summer time? (what ever they say, tell them we at
one stop solar recommend you keep it 5-7 degrees higher). What temperature
do you like to keep your heater set at during the winter? We recommend that
you keep it (5-7 degrees lower), and if possible, try not to turn your heater on at
all during the winter, we recommend you put on a thick pair of sweats, a thick
pair of socks and cuddle up next to the one you love, and this will save you and
your family on the ac/heating portion of your electric bill. The next category is
water Heating, which again consumes 30% of your power bill. Most people keep
their water heater at around 125-140 degrees. We recommend that you set the
thermostat on your hot water heater down around 100 degrees, there will
definitely be some times where your gonna run short on hot water, for example
if you take back to back showers, or god forbid your doing laundry and running
the dishwasher at the same time you decide to take a shower ... but the good
news is, it will save you $10 or $15 dollars a month. The third biggest energy
waster in your home of course is appliances, the best thing we can recommend is
to immediately shut them off when you're done, and if you find yourself in a
position shopping for appliances, be sure to buy appliances that come with the
energy star logo. Appliances carrying the energy star logo do save a decent
amount of money. Now cooking came in as the fourth biggest energy waster in
your home, and here at one stop solar, we recommend you just stop eating. No
of course not, that's just silly, you obviously can't do much with cooking, you've
gotta eat. And then Lighting represents 4.8% of your bill, and with your average
bill of _per month, that would amount to around 3-5 dollars per month. So even
if you used your lights only half the time you did last month, you really could only
save about $3 to $5 dollars. Honestly, this is the one category besides cooking
that I tell you not to worry about. You could spend the whole month yelling at
the kids about leaving the lights on, and if you were successful at cutting your
lighting cost next month by 50%, you still would have only saved 3-5 dollars, it's
just not worth arguing with the kids all month for 3-5 dollars in savings, is it. If
you will notice these are things that you could have been doing before I came
over. They are things you could have been doing your whole life. But see they
require a change of lifestyle. And most people are not willing to sacrifice that
lifestyle to save 20% on their power bill. But what if I told you that I could show
you how to save not 20%, but 30% of your over all power bill without any out of
pocket investment and with zero change to your lifestyle. Does that sound like
something you might be interested in? Now AC and Heating, as it does require
the most amount of energy, it actually is not the biggest waster of energy in your
home. The reason I say that is because you do get a comfortable environment to
live in all year round 365 days a year. You get something for that money. The
Water heater is actually the biggest waster of energy in your home. Its something
that sits in your garage, takes up almost the same amount of electricity as your air
conditioner, but yet all you get for it is a 10 min shower everyday, maybe a little
laundry and some dishes as well. (Show average savings) Now Bob and Mary,
your average power bill is $ iiO per month, and we know that 30% of your
power bill goes toward heating water. Now for your family that amounts to
$ ~o per month, and I think you'll agree $ CP a month just to heat your
water, every month, is a lot of money, isn't it Bob and Mary?
You see the energy that it takes to turn on your hot water heater is equal to the
same amount of energy it would take to run ninety 100 watt light bulbs .But
unlike light bulbs your water heater never, ever, ever shuts off! Of course until it
eventually dies. But the difference is replacement cost on a light bulb is 99 cents,
while the replacement cost of a hot water heater is upwards of a 1000 dollars.
And I think you'd agree that's a lot of money, isn't it. (look at them and nod)
Now here's how to understand your family's electrical expense, based on your hot
water heater's kilowatt usage. Floridians pay an average of .12 cents per kilowatt
hour for the power required to heat the water in your electric water heater. That
power expense over the period of one year for an average household is $785
dollars; or $65.14 dollars per month. That figure is based on a $220 dollar average
household electric bill, of course each individual residences power usage varies
based on how efficient the home is constructed and maintained. The question is

~ Average Monthly Power Chart
Now keep in mind, earlier you told me that your average power bill was _ per
month. I want you to keep in mind that Progress energy raised its rates by 25%
this year. They went up 17% the year before, and the year before that they went
up by 11% over the previous year. On average that's about 16-17% increase
annually. Would it be fair to say that an annual increase of 15% would be a fair
believable conservative figure? Let me show you what that means to you.
With an average monthly power bill of _ a month, in 2009 you will spend _ .
Now in 2010 with an annual increase of 15% that exact same power will cost you
__ .About _ dollars more for the exact same thing. But here's the real
unfortunate part. As that 15% annual increase continues on, like we know it will
each and every year, over the course of the next 10 years you have now spent_
dollars on power, 30% of which has gone to heat your hot water, which amounts
to _ dollars. I think you would have to agree that is a lot of money isn't it?
Well lets just be ultra conservative about this whole scenario. Let's say that power
company increases only go up 10% on an annual basis. Obviously if 15% increase
was a fair believable conservative figure, then a 10% increase would be a very
conservative figure. Wouldn't you agree? (pull out 10% increase chart and circle
#'s as you go over this) If in fact that's all they do, then this year you will have
spent _ dollars for power, in 2010 with a 10% increase you will spend
_dollars for power. But that's still_dollars more than what you paid the year
before for the exact same thing! And over the course of the next 10 years you
have now spent _ dollars on power, 30% of which has gone to heat your hot
water, which amounts to _ dollars. And the worse part is that 10 years from
now you still are not done. You have just rented 10 years of energy for
__ dollars ... you see a stock broker will not call you up 10 years from now and
say "hey you remember all that money you were paying progress energy, well we
put it all into google, and were all rich woohoo!!! There is no investment, no
equity, no return on that money (underline the $ amount 3x), it's just gone.
(pause) You just simply start the process all over again for another 10 years. But
what are you gonna do, you have to heat your water right?

Credibility Pages Weill think you'll agree that's a lot of money! Especially when the sun and lever edge will do it for free! Lever edge's corporate headquarters is located in Tampa Florida, and they were established in 1979. Lever edge is the exclusive distributer of Nuvis solar products. They have over 110,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing facilities, and regional, National and international distribution facilities, and that's why they're one of the fastest growing original equipment manufacturers in the
country, and we're the owners of Solar Hydronics Corp., a solar pool heating
collector manufacturer, and we're also proud to say we have an A rating in good
standing with the Better Business Bureau!

You see, Twelve years ago the USDepartment of Energy gave Lever edge a $50
million dollar grant to research and design a solar panel product that would
efficiently and affordably heat domestic hot water. And by the way nuvis solar
panels are made and manufactured here in the United States of America. The
result of a 10 year, $50 million dollar collaboration with the United States
Department of Energy is Lever Edge's Nuvis glass panel system which far exceeds
anything ever done using polymer panels! Lever Edge uses quality materials and
advanced techniques, which result in highly efficient, durable products you can
depend on for years to come!

System Design And this is the system that does it all! This is a Nuvis, active, open loop solar domestic hot water system! Now granted Bob and Mary the technology of this system is very advanced but the idea of how it works is actually very simple.
Water will run into your home and then into the 10 ft by 4ft solar collector. The
solar collector gathers energy radiated by the sun and converts it into heat
heating all the water in your home. The low iron tempered glass magnifies the
suns rays 3 fold causing your water to reach temperatures of over 200 degrees. In
fact, all you need is two hours of direct sunlight or four hours of indirect sunlight
to heat all the water in your home for four days. We also install an 80 gallon,
double insulated solar water tank, and this allows your family all the hot water
needed for laundry, dishes and showers. And the Nuvis solar domestic water
heating system is backed by a 10 year bumper to bumper warranty. Does that
make sense Bob and Mary?

Incentive Forms With every installation we do, we bring out your state rebate forms. The State rebate form will already be filled out for you with all the necessary information. The IRSform by law must be filled out by you or your accountant. What it does is entitles you to 30% of your purchase price back in the form of a Federal Tax credit. So 30% of your purchase price is taken care of by the Federal Government.

The State of Florida offers a $500 Solar Domestic Hot Water Heater rebate. All
you have to do is sign it and send it to Tallahassee via certified mail and you will
receive your check in the mail. Does that make sense?

Progress Energy So, Bob and Mary, as a Progress Energy customer, you are entitled to a solar water heater rebate. All you have to do is sign up for their Energy Wise
Program, which doesn't cost you a thing to sign up for, but does give you a $450
up front credit to your power bill. Now with your average power bill being $__ ,
its like getting __ months of free energy. That's pretty cool isn't it Bob and
Mary, (nodding head).

Fuel Commitment And I want you to think about this. If you had a chance to buy a fuel card for a one time purchase of $5,000 and that fuel card would allow you to fill up every car at (9 your home for the rest of your life, would you take advantage of it? Of course you would because you are going to pay for it one way or the other. That's exactly what we are talking about here today. Your Hot Water Heater
You see your hot water heater is the biggest waster of energy in your home. We
know that a medium sized car driven 12,000 miles averaging 22 mpg and an
electric water heater supplying 80 gallons of hot water both use the same amount
of oil in a year.11.1 barrels of oil per year. But think about this, one of them is a car that will take you where you need to go whenever you need to go there. It's
going to do a lot for you. The other however will just sit in your garage running all
day and all night no matter if you need it or not, and will still use the same
amount of fuel as your car! That doesn't make any sense. See, constantly
maintaining the temperature of the water in your water heater using fossil fuels
just in case you want to take a shower is the equivalent of leaving your car
running in the driveway all day just in case you want to go for a 10 minute drive.
And you wouldn't do that right? It wouldn't make any sense.

Investment Commitment So what's the return on investment? Well if I was a stock broker and could @ guarantee you a 12-13% return per year on your money, TAX FREEfor the rest of your life, would you be interested? Of course you would. And how can I do that? How can I guarantee it? Weill can guarantee you that the power company will @ raise its rates 12-13%, and remember that is being conservative. We already agreed that in the past 3 years they have averaged 15%. I can save you that money. I can give you that return on your investment.

Our systems reduce your electric bills by 30%, use 100% renewable solar energy,
tD slow the effects of global warming and also reduce the impact of future energy
rate increases.Israel, Spain and Hawaii This is why such countries such as Israel have completely switched over to solar heating for hot water. Every house in Israel uses solar power to heat their water.

The heaters were first installed when the country experienced a fuel supply crisis
in the 1950s. The government responded by severely restricting the times when
water could be heated. Israeli's responded by purchasing huge quantities of solar
hot water heaters to heat their water. By 1983 60% of the population heated
their water using the sun. In 2005 Spain became the second country after Israel
requiring the installation of solar hot water heaters. And as of 2010 every home
built in Hawaii must be built with a solar hot water heater. In fact this says all new
homes built in Hawaii will be required to install solar how water heaters
beginning in 2010, cutting energy costs by 30%. Now I want you to think about
this. Hawaii, Florida and California were the first three states that got together
and piloted this state rebate program. And by the way the Florida rebate program
ends this year. Hawaii was the first state to start it and now they are making it
mandatory. I submit to you that because we are going to have it expire, Florida
will also make it mandatory, following in the footsteps of Hawaii. And once they
do that, they are not going to give you a credit; they are going to make it
mandatory. It will be a law and if you break that law they are going to fine you.
Does that make sense?

What can we do now? What will generations do in the future? I'll tell you what we
can do. We are all in this together. The government is doing their part by issuing a
tax rebate check of 30% of your purchase price. On top of that the State of Florida
(}) is doing their part. They offer you a $500 rebate check, just for taking part in the
solar initiative.

Plan A & B
But really there are only two plans. Plan A is to continue to consume fossil fuels,
pay escalating utility bills, keep contributing to global warming, increase
dependency on foreign oil, ensure the USremains the world leader in wasting
fossil fuels, ignore the facts of the world's energy crisis....
Or you can reduce your utility bills, take advantage of federal tax credits, reduce
dependency on foreign oil, reduce emissions, invest in renewable energy,
increase the value of your home, and accomplish all of this without affecting your

Now which one of these two plans makes more sense for your family? (let them
answer) Plan B...I mean it just makes sense right? ...well TADA!! That's the end of
my demonstration.
Do you have any questions?
&l If they say no, say "Man, usually I do a good enough job that people want to know
how much these things cost)

Price Sheet
Well keep in mind there are a couple of different ways to purchase a piece of
equipment. One is to the come to the show room floor and buy one, the other
way is to get one underneath one of the programs we have available, and we do
have a very cool program available right now. However, what I'm gonna do is I'm
going to show you the price of the equipment off of the showroom floor, then I'm
going to have you fill out my homeowners reaction report, which gives me credit
for doing my job here today, and after you've done that, I'll show you the
program we have available for you. (Go through this part fast and clear).
The price of the equipment off of the showroom floor is $12,995, installation
costs $750, permitting and engineering costs $350, and the sub-total is $14,095,
and after a minimum down payment of $2000 that brings your remaining balance
down to $12,095, and that can be financed for about $396.96 a month until the
balance of the equipment is paid off. But that's not why 11mhere..
Homeowners Reaction Report 11mhere to get your opinions on the homeowner's reaction report. This is how I get credit for doing my job. (Fill out the top for them to make this look official.)(Go over this with your pen as pointer while having it turned towards them) Questions 1-5 are A, Band Cquestions and there is a column for Mr. And a column for Mrs. Now, we want your separate opinions, so don't go cheating off of each other. And for example, it saysafter reviewing the energy audit, I feel that
saving energy isA very important, B important, or Cnot important at all, if you
think its not important at all put a Cthere, if its important put an A there. Under
question 6, it askswhat features appeal to you most, and there's a spot for Mr.
And a spot for Mrs. Whatever you like the best about what you saw here today,
then write that down, whether it be saving the planet's resources, whether its
lessening your carbon footprint or just putting money back in your pocket, just go
ahead and write down whatever you liked best, and if you could just sign the
bottom that gives me credit for doing my job, and I am going to go ahead and
date it and sign myself out, (say today's date while you write it down) and it is
(saytime and write it down), and while your doing that 11mgonna clean up a bit.
Okaygreat. Let me go over my report card here. The first question is after
reviewing the energy audit I feel that saving energy is: and , you
answered A. very important, is that true you think saving energy is
very important (nod while u look at him making him sayyes) , and you
______ (ask both husband and wife separately) you feel that saving
energy is very important. (go over questions 1,3,5 the exact same way making
them answer again verbally, then on question 5 if they put NO make them change
it to yes.

Well let me ask you a question, I bet you guys are the type of people that if you
had a system you would tell all of your friends and neighbors about it, wouldn't
you (nod your head in a goofy exaggerated fashion.) good answer, good answer.
SpecialAdvertising Bonus Plan Remember earlier I told you that we have a program available, we call it our "Word of mouth advertising program, our special advertising bonus program" and that's the program that were doing right now. First there are four things that we ask from you in order for you to be eligible for this program. The first thing we ask for is an evaluation savings letter within 90 days. Within 90 days we want you to write us a letter saying what benefits you are receiving and approximately how much money you are saving on your power bill each and every month, and maybe even a copy of your power bill 3 months ago and your power bill today. We take these letters to home shows and people walk up and they say hey, what's that?

And we say that's a Nuvis solar domestic hot water heating system, oh well
what's that do? And we show them a letter from you the customer, it makes it
very clear for them and they say "oh, that's pretty cool." So that's what we need
within the 1st 90 days is an evaluation savings letter. Do you think you could do
that for us Bob? Mary? The second thing we need is 3 homeowner referrals, the
names of 3 people that own homes that we can call and ask if we can do the exact
same demonstration we did for you here today. If they say yes we'll go out and
we'll do it, and if they say no, well, we won't go do it. Would you be able to do
that for us Bob? Mary? The 3rd thing we ask for cooperation with the installation
department on time and day. Here's why. Here's us in Florida (draw Florida) now
I'm not the best drawer but that's what I got, and were in right, this is
One Stop Solar in r and we've got installs all throughout the state, all
day and every day, (draw dots) and our installers don't want to go out and come
back, go out and come back and go out and come back(draw lines to represent
driver} We want them to go out, connect all the dots and come back home. It
makes our installers 44% more efficient and it keeps them working instead of
smoking cigarettes and eating donuts with the cops. Well lets say we have a
showroom floor customer here of course he paid $14,095 and $750 of his cost
went towards installation (write $750) if he tells us to be at his house at 10 am,
(write 10 am) will be there at 9:45 with bells and whistles on, after all he did pay
$750 for installation so we need to be on time and we have another customer
over here and they want us there at 2 o'clock pm. And the fact is they paid $750
for install they were a showroom floor customer that bought for $14,095, and if
they say to be there at 2, by golly were gonna be there at 2 o'clock. Well in the
morning our install department ( hold up map u drew) they have a map of Florida,
and they put red pins for paid installations, people that bought off the showroom
floor, and for people underneath this program they try to fit blue pins in between
those red pins and put them on route, this way they can say based on our
schedule, we can be in your area some time between 11 and 1, this way your not
mad if were a little early, your not mad if were a little late, but the good news is
we take the overage from these 2 installs to pay for yours, so underneath this
program, there is no $750 installation fee. Does that make sense? Great! And the
last thing we ask is that you accept or decline at the time of presentation, being
now (point down at table to emphasize now) now don't get me wrong it doesn't
mean that you can't have a system in the future. We've been here for 27 years
and we'll be here forever, all this means is (go real fast) do to state and federal
laws and the truth in advertising act, this offer may be made available only once
and cannot be made available again in accordance with the terms of the special
advertising bonus plan, that's a bunch of legal talk (cross it out) here's what it
really means, lets say you go down to, ( pause like you had to think of a store)
sears, on (pause like you had to think of a holiday) fathers day, and they had a buy
a washer, get a dryer free sale, and you look at it and you say that's a good deal
and I kinda need a new washer and dryer, kinda like you need a new water
heating method, but never the less, you say ahhh, I'm gonna put that off for a
minute, ya know, and you come back 6 months later and you say you know what
sears, I want that washer, and give me that dryer for free, because 6 months ago
you had a sale, what do you think sears is gonna tell you? That was fathers day
right, come back next fathers day and maybe we'll have another sale, I don't know
if it will be that sale but perhaps we'll have one. More importantly than the silly
law, (cross out again) is the manufacturers rebate ( circle manufacturers rebate)
We do not drop the price of the equipment underneath this program, we got the
manufacturer to work with us and allow us to give a rebate, the rebate is only
available at the time of presentation, and honestly the reason for that is because
we had abused it at one point, see the manufacturer gives us an advertising
budget to deal with each year, and we can spend that money on advertising like
newspapers, billboards, whatever we want, well we came up with our own idea
we went to the manufacturer and said look, what if we pay our own marketers,
you know we had somebody call you, we pay them, now at that point we haven't
taken any money out of the advertising budget, at that point could we then break
up the advertising budget into individual rebates and give them to the consumers
to help entice them to buy, and they said yeah, that's a great idea, but they said
its only to be used with people that you spent the marketing money on, were not
gonna double pay for marketing, so we said OKgreat! Well the fact is it wasn't our
money and for a while we gave it away to anybody, if you came into the
showroom floor and bought a system, we gave you a manufacturers rebate, if you
call us and said come out, we wanna buy a system, we gave you a manufacturers
rebate, it wasn't our money so we didn't care we were giving it away to
everybody. Well the manufacturer stopped the program, they said no, no, no,
how come every single sale coming from the South Florida office has a
manufacturers rebate? So they put the brakes on the whole program, and it was
gone. But then sales fell, so they brought it back a couple months ago and said
hey, were gonna go ahead and try this again because when implemented properly
it works good, but from now on, get something from the people in the house
signed saying that they saw an in home presentation. And they call a certain
number of these back to make sure that you didn't call us in fact we called you. So
if they call you make sure you tell them that we contacted you first. Does that
make sense? Great, now I'll show you what they'll do for you underneath this
program. 1st off, underneath this program, they provide a $2000 manufacturers
rebate, so instead of the price being twelve thousand nine hundred and ninety
five dollars, today underneath this program, it's only ten nine ninety five.
Installation, now installation cost is $750, but for cooperating with the installation
department, underneath this program there is no install fee. So instead of it being
seven hundred and fifty dollars, its zero. Now there's permitting and engineering,
which is just something that has to be done, however, today underneath this
program it is as well included, so instead of the cost of your system being
fourteen thousand and ninety five dollars, its only ten nine ninety five. Now, there
is a minimum down payment of 2000 dollars required before we release a piece
of equipment from the showroom floor, (pause) however, this program is
designed to show you how you can enjoy the benefits of solar domestic hot water
heating for no more money than your currently paying the power company to
heat your water, the power company doesn't want a 2000 dollar down payment,
so underneath this program we don't either, you keep your money in your pocket
where it belongs, all we ask is that you have the equipment installed, and 30-45
days after the equipment is installed, you make your investment of _
until the balance of the equipment is paid off. And that's what we can do for you
underneath this word of mouth program here today. (pause)
(As soon as they start to pronounce a word, start pull back) Well let's see what
this means for you and your family. With a minimum monthly investment of
__ -" and a minimum monthly savings of , because you won't be paying
the power company to heat your water anymore, you can enjoy all the benefits
you've seen here today, clean renewable energy, lessening our dependence on
foreign oil, save yourself some money and reduce your carbon footprint, all for an
out of pocket investment of only __ per month, and even better is the fact that
once you apply all your incentives and rebates your payments will then go down
from $89 to only $54 a month. Now we know the power company is not going to
drop your payment, but rather raise your payment, so the only question I have
left is where would you like to have your Nuvis solar system installed?

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