  • Report:  #97555

Complaint Review: Onlylegitworkathomejobs Exclusiveworkathomejobs Workathomejobswarehouse And So On... - Internet

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

Onlylegitworkathomejobs Exclusiveworkathomejobs Workathomejobswarehouse And So On...
workathomejobswarehouse.com Internet, U.S.A.
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On 1-19-04 I purchased a work at home guide' with weekly updates for a total of $34.95. The weekly updates were to last for one year. I received an automated email telling me that my order had shipped. I was given a phone number and an email address in case I had any questions.

By the 23rd, I had sent them 4 or 5 emails asking about my order. None of the emails went through. So, I called the number they gave me, which took me to a voicemail that said the mailbox was full and to email them. I tried the phone number several times. On the 24th, I received an email with a list with 7 jobs on it. I sent them another email, which again, didn't go through.

On the 17th of February, I received my 2nd email with a list of employers that hire home workers. The list appeared extensive, so I began to apply for the jobs that I was qualified for and had the skills to do. Some of the links in this list did not work.

From then on, I seemed to get another list each week, even though a lot of the jobs listed on them had already been previously listed a week or two before, and again, some of the links did not work. From time to time, they would be late in sending the next list.

I applied at these places via the US mail, and when I could, through a web site or email address. Some of my letters were returned, saying that no such address existed. Nothing ever panned out. In all that time, I got one interview over the telephone, which was automated, and nothing became of that either.

I continued to receive the lists on a fairly regular basis and applied for jobs that I was qualified to do. Again, some of the links did not work, and no one ever called me for hire. I figured it was just a matter of time before I found a job.

Then on May 25, five months later, I began to receive emails from people saying that I had a job, welcome aboard; we are trying to reach you. I began to get these emails on sometimes a daily basis, and up to 4 emails in one day from different people. The problem was, when I tried to respond to these emails, they would never go through.

On the very first email, I was excited because I though I had a job at last. In the email, it said to go to the website and obtain a copy of the work at home guide'. I went to the website, and was angered to find out that they wanted money for it. Since I had already paid for it 5 months earlier, and was told at that time I would never have to pay another fee, I didn't pay for it a second time.

Meanwhile, the emails continued, all of them telling me I have a job for some high wage that I never made in the 9:00 to 5:00 world, and that all I have to do is acquire a copy of the work at home guide' which I have already paid for.

The names of the people' that sent me these emails are; Susan Campbell, Colleen Parker, Karen Smith, Brian Seitz, Bruce Zeller, Jan Thomas, Karen Douglas, Karen Lowe, Debbie Brown, Rob Carr, Mark Lowe, Mark Cook, Ray Smith, and Lisa Gooden. To date, I have received 37 emails from these people, all telling me I have a job and to acquire the work at home guide' so I can go to work for them.

Every time I have attempted to respond to these messages, the email won't go through and in some cases is even truncated. Then on 6-9-04 I sent them another email from a different email account. In the email I explained to them what was going on and demanded and explanation. That email must have reached them, because now they have stopped sending me the weekly updates, which has placed them in breach of contract.

In essence then, what I paid for, I did not receive. I paid for a year of weekly updates, and only got 5 months. They have also changed their name a few times. All of their .coms would be known as onlylegitworkathomejobs, exclusiveworkathomejobs, availableworkathomejobs, and workathomejobswarehouse. Those are the only ones I have personally seen. There may be a few more.

What angers me most about all of this, is that I need a job. My wife and I relocated to another city and state, and in the process, I lost my job. I have been looking for a job for 10 months with no luck, this being the longest period of unemployment I have ever seen. The only reason I purchased this in the first place was to help my job search.

And, guess where I found this scam? On Monster.com, which is supposedly a job search engine. They are most likely on other job boards as well. That's what really pisses me off. I was only looking for a job when I got ripped off.

I would stay away from this one if I were you. I have given them more than enough time to respond and correct the problem. They don't want to fix the problem; they just want the money. Don't believe a thing they say.


Las Vegas, Nevada

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