  • Report:  #1084655

Complaint Review: Paul Wojcieszak - chicago Illinois

Reported By:
John - Chicago, Illinois,

Paul Wojcieszak
2047 N Sheffield chicago, 60614 Illinois, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

this company ripped me off in so many ways.  here is a list of the things that happened and you decide for yourself if you want to work for or employee a company like this.  to understand the job scope i was in i worked at various job locations as a safety consultant.  this included different states and sometimes lengthy jobs.  usually i was the only employee for sheffield on the job and worked for the general contractor or the subcontractor that sheffield had the contract with.  therefore, it was common to only deal with the client and not see your bosses for weeks or months at a time and communicate via cell phone or email.  here are some facts;

1) the job they sent me to was in the middle of the mountains in a town with less than 200 people.  i immediately notified my employers that my cell phone which they provided to me (sprint was the service) did not get reception about 95% of the time.

2) they agreed to pay for the hotel, give me $50 a day per diem, mileage for using my own car & driving all they way from chicago & pay me 60k a year plus straight time (which came to $28.85 an your) for overtime.  

3) they provided me with a company cell phone, a company laptop, a short sleeved shirt with sheffield written on it & business cards.

4) they told me after i worked on wednesday June 26th that I be moving to Colorado to a job and had to be there by July 1st.

5) besides packing and driving well over 20 hrs they informed me that a job requirement (before monday july 1st) was that i take the osha 40 hr hazwoper class online.


Now let me explain what happened;

I arrived at the jobsite and a company called Anderson Engineering was the company that hired us.  They informed me that it was a site requirement that I take 142 defined practices tests and this needs to be down asap.  They said I would have to do majority of the tests on my own time.  Then they informed me the site is ran by BP and I could not charge more than 50 hours a week.  My schedule was Monday-Friday 10 hrs a day.  Therefore the OSHA 40 hr class I took and all these defined practices tests were unpaid and to be done on my own time.  Next they said I be in charge of security.  I never worked security and sheffield neglected to tell me anything about this.  One of the requirements to be in charge of security was that I was on call 24/7.  This was not starting off good.  When I asked if anyone else was on call they replied yes but we all live in the trailer park about 20 miles from the jobsite and their is absolutely no reception.  I told them I barely got reception but they said will hopefully they will leave you a voicemail & you can call back.  

So, here I am in the middle of nowhere beyond frustrated & things just kept getting better.  i turned in my time sheet.  my timesheet including the 96 miles a day i had to drive to work.  sheffield said you must have misunderstood us.  you do not get mileage to drive to and from work.  i asked other employees from different companies and everyone, including the security team i was in charge of & had to approve and turn in their timesheets got paid mileage.  now, this is partly my fault because sheffield was going to pay for me to fly out their and rent a car for me.  since i just got a brand new 2013 nissan versa i thought i would offer to drive out there and use my own car if i got mileage,  i figured i save the company money and be able to pay off my new car faster with the mileage reimbursement. but they lied and i got screwed.

things just kept getting better.  anderson gave me a key to the office cause i was frequently the first one there.  one morning, i was driving through the mountains with my brand new car and a deer ran in front of the car. i hit the deer causing significant damage to my car.  i kept driving to work and arrived.  once again i was the first one there.  when other employees arrived they immediately noticed the blood and damage to my car.  i was asked to say the accident happened over the weekend and not on the way to work because i guess bp considers that a big deal and a work related accident.  i said no problem.  anderson then informed me that some bp high ups were coming this week and i need to rent a car and get my car fixed.  i told him i could have the insurance adjuster come to the site so i don't have to miss work.  he said no way have them go to your hotel i do not want bp to see your vehicle and ask questions.  i told anderson (vp chris sanchez) that i can not afford to rent a car and pay for it out of my own pocket.  anderson said they talk to sheffield and i be reimbursed.  i also had to pick up drawings for anderson which i have receipts and i be reimbursed.  i let sheffield owners know about this.  dave cherven, who is paul wojcieszak's partner, said "john i guarantee you everything you pay out for anderson and can prove you will be reimbursed for".  i said what if anderson does not pay you?  dave replied then i will take care of that and still pay you & pull you off the project.

recap; so i am in the middle of nowhere, taking cabs to get a rental and drop my car at dealerships (really like ma & pa shops) trying to get it fixed.  i told anderson i had to take off work to meet with the adjuster and try to figure out how and where i could get the car fixed. anderson ws understanding.  i took off two days of work and communicated to anderson via email since their was no phone reception.  anderson had no problem with what i was doing that i am aware of.  anderson just did not want bp to find out it happened on the way to work.

about a week goes by.  i must have ate something bad cause i spent majority of the night on the bathroom floor throwing up.  i never called in sick with anderson ever but i did miss two days do to the car.  i call anderson employees throughout the night trying to tell them i could not make it to work.  i do not like doctors or hospitals but literally was going to call an ambulance.  i never felt so sick in my life.  no one at anderson answers their phones and i do not think anyone has cell reception.  so i call the office to leave a voicemail.  no answering machine was set up at the anderson office.  so i take nyquil and figured i call them in the morning.  i must have fallen asleep around 5-6am.  next thing i know is someone from the hotel opens my door and said "sorry id did not know you were here."  i roll over still feeling really sick.  i figure i call anderson in a little bit.

next thing that happens is the manager of the hotel comes up to me and said sorry mr. mcmanus your company wanted me to hand deliver this.  i still felt like i was going to throw up so i did not open it right away and assumed it was a wireless device i was waiting for weeks from them to send.  i try calling the anderson office and no one answers.  i open the letter and it said i was terminated immediately for not showing up to work & not to go back to the anderson site.  i was shocked.

furthermore, the letter said i need to return my business cards, company t-shirt, phone & computer immediately &  i would be repsonsible for the hotel from this point on.  asking for a t-shirt & business cards back?  shows you the type of company i was dealing with.  i tried calling dave & paul (the owners) & left numerous voicemails never receiving a call back. i figured that is fine i do not want to work for a company that treats their employees like that anyway.  but, i asked in a documented email how was i going to get my personal items from the jobsite, how was i going to get paid the 14 hrs i was owed, and how was i going to get paid for my expenses?  paul replied i am not going to even look into what is owed to you until we receive our items back.  i let paul know that they did not pay me the $750 they owed me either for my per diem on my last check that i got at the end of july.  paul did not respond.  i asked paul if he could pay the postage for his items to be returned?  again no repsonse.  i get an email finally saying that if all items were not returned within three days then the company would assume i want to keep the company items instead of getting paid.  who in their right mind would want a laptop, a phone (that they already deactivated), a t-shirt & some bsuiness cards instead of approximately $1700-1800 cash?  i spent $111.88 to mail their items.  

now was a waiting game.  paul did say in an email that he would pay me what is owed to me.  chris sanchez with anderson said in an email he would approve the rental car expense (which i have a receipt) and the drawings expense if paul sent a bill.  i wrote a detailed email telling paul exactly what is owed to me and being very professional saying sorry the way things turned out.  i did write unprofessional emails after this out of frustration of not being paid that i do regret.  i should never lower my integrity due to scumbags.  a month and a half goes by without me being reimbursed for my hours worked, expenses owed, or per diem.  this is illegal but i guess companies can get away with anything nowadays.  i think by law i am supopose to get paid time and a half for anything over 40 hrs which i worked.  i worked about 100 overtime hours since being employed by them but that is another story.  Finally I receive my long awaited final check.  this was a real shocker.  paul said that since i got a phone stolen (my girlfriend got her purse stolen & my phone was in it) on the 4th of july they would be deducting about $600 from what they owe me.  When i reported the phone stolen they said we have insurance and they acted sympathetic cause my wallet and ids were stolen also.  they said they would replace the phone.  they said do not worry about paying for it we will take care of it.  next, paul charged me about $80 he said it cost to mail the phone.  Once again, I worked there till the end of July and their was no mention of this.  Furthermore he charge me $80 for fedex to deliver the phone but did not reimburse me for the $111.88 i paid fedex to mail him his items.  That seems real fair and professional.  Next made up deduction was Paul said that I owed two days at the hotel since I took off two days to get things settled with my car costing around $170.  I even worked Saturday to make up one of these days and still average over 40 hrs a week.  i had to stay in town and pay an extra week in the hotel and an extra week of renting a car cause of waiting for my car to be repaired.  these guys are such great and ethical owners.  i would never do this to anyone but with the economy the way it is i should not be surprised about a business stealing from their employees.

I think I ranted long enough.  this is the cheapest and most shady company i have ever heard of or dealt with.  i strongly advise everyone to stay as far away from this company as possible.  i should have realized this was a shady company when i went to their office and it is ran out of the back of a house with no signage or anything indicating a business was there.  well, i got screwed out of thousands of dollars so i hope this saves potential employees or employers from dealing with this company.

thank you

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Paul has never been to the job site/ does not know what he is talking about

#2Author of original report

Fri, September 20, 2013

This will be my last response till after the legal lawsuit is finished;

I tried to be reasonable with this company.  I have worked over 150 hrs of overtime for the company in the little more than 4 months I was employeed.  The company reufused to pay me time and a half for overtime as required under Illinois law. The company refused to pay me unpaid wages (as required by Illinois law ideally upon termination but no later than the next pay date) for wages earned starting July 15th.  Finally, I was paid September 10th.  Even then I was not paid what was owed to me and excuses were made not to pay me what I am owed. Paul wrote on this website I missed work 13 times and was late 9 times.  If that was the case how did I accumalate so many overtime hours??  If that were true, any reasonable employer would have written up the employer if not fired them immediately.  I was not written up or had any idea that the work I was doing was not being appreciated or up to their unknown standards.  The only communication from Paul or his partner in regards to my work was an email stating keep up the good work that I received less than a week before I got in a car accident and a week and a half before I was terminated.  I truly beleive I was terminated due to the fact I had a work related car accident and they did not want BP to find out.  I have personal injuries from the work related car accident and not once has anyone from Sheffield asked if I was ok.


As far as the hotel.  It is true I lived in Cortez Colorado which is 48 miles away from Rico Colorado.  Rico Colorado had one hotel which was a mom and pa place where bathrooms and eating areas were commonly shared.  Additionally, the hotel mostly rented beds instead of rooms.  A lot of people slept in bunk beds or shared rooms.  I did not want to live like that worrying about hiding personal items and worrying about theft.  Not one person from Anderson or the other sub contractors I knew of lived there. Rico is extremely small in the middle of the mountains and does not even have a grocery store. The next closest city was Telluride about 25 miles from the job.  I would have loved to live here.  However, I do not blame Sheffield for not wanting to pay for a hotel there because it is extremely expensive.  So, Cortez was the next closest town.  I first went to the Holiday Inn to ask rates and they wanted close to $150 per night.  So I found the Baymount at $70 a night.  I don't know of any town approximately 10 miles from Rico as Paul is quoting.  


The email.  Yes I did right Paul an email saying there would be repercussions if he did not pay me.  Furthermore, I did say do not be suprised if I have my buddy (s) drive me to the office/house (the office is ran out of the back of a house and has no indication or signage letting one know a business is ran out of the house) numerous times to try to sort this out until I get paid.  That was not meant to be a threat.  Paul knows my car was damaged significantly due to a work related accident.  Therefore, my only means of transportation would be having a friend drive me.  I should have used better verbage or explained the email in more detail.  I do not know many people that would be happy getting ripped off and harassed.  Let me explain.  I mailed his items (paying $111.88) to the address he provided in a documented email.  The address was wrong and Paul had written to me if the items were not received by a certain date he would assume I want to keep the company items in lieu of what they owe me.  Then I asked Paul in numerous emails to mail my expense check to Nevada and gave him the address.  I called and talked to the administrative assistant to verify the address change.  What does he do?  Mail a check for way less than he owes me to my old address.  

The lawyer Paul asked about.  I signed a contract today with a lawyer.  He should receive notification within the next week or so.  I wish it did not have to end this way.  But, i can not let a company try to screw me in every way possible. I will update these postings after the legal process is over.  Unless the agreements reached in the process forbid me to.  




won't allow pdf files

#3Author of original report

Thu, September 19, 2013

System will not let me attach PDF fiiles so I will work on changing the file types and posting supporting evidence.


Terminated Employee – Leaving Out some Details

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, September 19, 2013

Seeing that John M****, Safety Professional, is so willing to post documents I would think he would post the emails he sent on 9/9/13 which were turned over to law enforcement.  Due to these emails Incident #13-6548 was filed and John M**** was issued a “Do Not Contact Order” and a “No Trespass Order” for our corporate office and my personal residence.

As for unpaid expenses owed to John M****, our policy is the same as the IRS, we cannot reimburse an employee for a business expense without a receipt.  John M**** has stated in this report that he has receipts for FedEx, picking up plans, and a rental car along with an email from our client authorizing this expense.  I would hope John M**** would post copies of these receipts because they were never submitted to us for payment.

The unpaid mileage John M**** is claiming from his hotel to the project location is, by his own admission, because he chose to stay at a hotel 49 miles away from the project.  We booked John M**** at a hotel less than 10 miles from the project location where other site employees were staying.  It was John M****’s personal preference to stay at a hotel located 49 miles from the project.

According to John M****’s response to our attorney’s Cease and Desist letter, his legal counsel was going to be contacting us.  I have yet to hear for John M****’s Legal Counsel. If John M**** is truly interested in getting this matter resolved all our supporting documentation is available to be viewed by John M****’s legal counsel and I look forward to the discussion. 


complete lies

#5Author of original report

Mon, September 16, 2013

If I missed work 13 times which is an outrageous statement wouldn't you write me up if you were the owner or terminate me earlier?  That is just another flat out lie.  

Does it make sense to anyone with a brain if you were having trouble with an employee showing up why would you send him to a contract in another state?

I give more credit to the people that read this to believe such a lie.  It does not make any sense.

As far as the check quoted I was written a check for less than 1/4 of what they owe me.

These guys will do anything to get out of paying an employee.

Was I ever paid for my car rental.....no.

Was I ever paid mileage as agreed upon....no.

Was I ever paid for the site drawings I had to pick up...no.

When I brought this up to Paul, he replied we already submitted our final bill to Anderson (the company that employeed us) so I have no way of collecting the money.  You will see this reply in the letter I attach later tonight.

I mailed a package to Paul after I was terminated and it cost $111.88 to fedex the package.  Was I reimbursed....no. If sheffield claims they did I would love to see the itemized paystub.   However you will see in my next psoting he charge/deducted money he owed me for a phone to be delivered to me.  That sounds real fair.

One thing I am guilty of is writing some unprofessional emails after being screwed, not paid what I earned, and lied to numerous times.  That I am sorry for cause I should never sink as low as the people that are no good.

I have a letter from the owner Paul that I received with my last check that made up excuses why not to pay me or why they do not owe me as much as I said they do.  I will attach the letter on my next posting.

Basically, the letter said complete nonesense reasons of why they do ot owe me the money that they do.  You be the judge.

Lastly, if Paul responds to this or one of the owners lets lay the cards on the table.

Put in writing that you reimbursed me for the fedex to mail your package (your computer, phone, etc back to you)?  

Put in writing that you reimbursed me for the rental car?  

Put in writing that you reimbursed me for the site drawings I paid for?  

The list can go on and on.

None of this will happen because they are not dumb and know then I will be able to prove easily they are liars.  As you will see in the letter, Paul basically said too bad so sad (not in those actually words but you will see the verbage of the letter) you are not being reimbursed for your business expenses that occurred with anderson.  I have an email form the vice president of anderson telling me to have Paul submit the expense and Paul never did.

They try to act nice, professional & caring but I guarantee he will not put anything in writing to address my above statements/questions cause he knows the truth.  I just hope this deters potential businesses from getting involved with them and professionals seeking jobs to keep looking.  Thank you.


Disgruntled, Terminated Employee

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 16, 2013


John McManus was hired as a Safety Professional by our company to work with our clients on a per project basis. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet John McManus in person and my communication with him was only in emails after he was terminated. 

John McManus’s employment with our company was terminated on July 30, 2013, and asked not to return to the project by our client, after he failed to show up for work and failed to call or leave a message. 

After reviewing the timesheets Mr. McManus submitted, in the 4 months and 2 weeks Mr. McManus worked for our company he did not report to a work location 13 times, and showed up after his assigned start time 9 times.

All of John McManus’s expenses were paid in full, when they were submitted (with receipts).  Paid in full by check #2178 and #2271.

I sincerely hope John McManus receives any help he may need to deal with his personal issues and I wish him success in his future endeavors.

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