  • Report:  #938105

Complaint Review: Perfectly Planned By Shari - Internet

Reported By:
D.W. - Pgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Perfectly Planned By Shari
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Oh my goodness, where to begin!?

This woman has amateur written all over her. She is such a snoot to people at events that she thinks are not worthy of her time. She put together an event for my family in 2011 and did come as a referral from someone else in Pittsburgh that was our (and everyone else's first choice) in the city. She just has a "im better than you" attitude and I really don't know why. It was obvious to everyone there that she is a phony and tries to be something that she's not. And what a disservice to her children. Those poor kids. They are so sweet but it is extremely apparent that there needs to be a medication involved. Perhaps Ritalin? Maybe if she spent time being an attentive mother rather than focusing her conversation on her next piece of jewelry, we might not be having this conversation right now. Anyway, back to the task at hand, I would not reccomend her to another person looking for a planner. There are several more out there in Pittsburgh who have better connections, sliding scale fees, more appropriate attitudes and certainly more experience. Don't get me wrong, the event was beautiful when it happened & we were pleased with that, it was the attitude of the person planning it for us that we are unsatisfied with. Shari, please remember,...you are an event planner not the president of General Motors. No need for the sarcasm and dismissive attitude and negativity. You are on par with the next graduation party not the New York Stock Exchange.

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Fox chapel

United States of America
False Claim!

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2012

Shari planned my parents anniversary party and she did a lovely job. We were so pleased with every aspect of her services. We were working on a limited budget and she did a wonderful job. Not once did I ever get a poor attitude from Shari! The complete opposite, she went out of her way to make sure my event went smoothly. She was great to work with.


Unreliable Review/Report

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, September 11, 2012

This review/report is unreliable. 

If she planned an event in 2011, why wasn't anything said in 2011? Way to hold on the past. So, obviously this is a personal attack. 

If you are going to make reviews/report, they need to be more reliable then this. Nothing that was mentioned in this report will help a consumer choose their future planner.

In addition, ripoffreport.com needs to filter out petty personal attacks. Consumers need a website with constructive reviews. 


United States of America

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, September 09, 2012

I agree with the lunch hour response. This is obviously an individual who is personally attacking Shari and not her service.

Rip Off Report is not the forum for these comments. The event looked great but you have a personal problem with Shari because of why? I am still confused.

A person should never attack someone's family or parenting. This report is just gross.

If you have a problem with the service or you feel you were mislead this is the forum but keep personal attacks to lesser websites.

Internet Blasphemy

United States of America
9th Grade Lunch Hour....

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, September 09, 2012

There are a few things that I feel need to be cleared up  that were mentioned in earlier posts:

  1. The reason the time is Arizona as that is where Ripoffreport.com is based. So, it recorded the time it was posted on this site's servers.

  2.  There are companies such as RipOffReport.com and others like, Reputation Defender, that make a living off cleaning up nasty posts like this one. I am guessing they monitor these sites and will contact the individuals immediately when one is posted.
With that said, RipOffReport.com is really not a place for personal grievances such as this one. Truthfully, the only place this discussion belongs is during lunch hour in 9th grade! Seriously, you knew the fee before the wedding and YOU agreed to it. After the event is the wrong time to be crying about what you were charged. You don't walk into a car dealership, purchase a car and then the next day whine about it on the internet that the salesperson didn't negotiate with you! Well, maybe you do, however most well adjusted individuals don't.

So, let's get it straight - you were in NO way ripped off!!! In fact, you said "Don't get me wrong, the event was beautiful when it happened & we were pleased with that". Enough said! Who cares about anything else? To bring her children into the posting is really 'amateurish' and bush-league. It's clear you have a personal grievance with Shari and are having a difficult time letting it go. So, maybe you should seek some professional counseling so that you can move on with your shallow life.

Here's my advice for you. The next time you get married again, just don't use her. It's really that simple.


United States of America
I met her too...

#6General Comment

Sun, September 09, 2012

She sounds like Fran Dresher from "The Nanny"


New Jersey,
United States of America
Time to get real

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 09, 2012

# 1 - Since this service was recommended, I would advise you to talk to your referral source.

# 2 - What gives you the right to attack Shari personally?  How dare you judge her as a parent?  Are you a parent?  If so, are you're children "perfect?"

# 3 - Using your words "task at hand", you say you were pleased with the event, which should be the bottom line.  To attack Shari on this website is simply shameful.

# 4 - You say "Shari, please remember,...you are an event planner not the president of General Motors. No need for the sarcasm and dismissive attitude and negativity. You are on par with the next graduation party not the New York Stock Exchange."  THIS DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE.  You're the one who needs an attitude adjustment.


United States of America
I handle Shari's website...

#8UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 08, 2012

This is obviuosly a false report.

Look at the time stamp and time zone. Shari serves Pittsburgh not Arizona? Put no fatih in this post or RipOffReport for that matter.


United States of America
This is not true in an way...

#9UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 08, 2012

I have worked and with Shari for two years now and I have never seen anything remotely like this in my dealings with her. Just so everybody knows. Immediately after this report she was contacted by somone offering a paid service to kill this report. For that reason I am certain this is a false report that is not only malicous but greedy.

I would ask the person who posted this to give more information about who they are or the event they are referring to. It is sad to see someone or a company attack a small business owner in this way.

If you want to know how people feel about Shari just go to her website and see some of the testimonials from clients she has served.




#10Consumer Comment

Fri, September 07, 2012

OK, so that whole report says.

1.  She did a good job and I'm satisfied.
2.  But I don't like her personalty.


Pretty funny!

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