  • Report:  #1494557

Complaint Review: Phenix city russel county -

Reported By:
- Phenix city, United States

Phenix city russel county
United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

These new neighbors lied about me to the police after I had made several complaints to animal control about their dogs in my trash and bothering me. Then one day she had followed me to Walmart and I did didn't know it. Then when I was leaving she pulled out in front of me. She knew good and well who I was and the car I drove!

  Then she called the police shortly after I pulled in my driveway. But like usual the police came jumping on me and wouldn't listen to my side of the story so I screamed at him to get off my property! Why not they screamed at me plenty of times. And she was standing outside her door gloating!

It's a felon to falsely call the police but not in phenix city! The police believe whatever anyone says against you! They are not fair or transparent. They are crooked and corrupt! 

She lived there for 4 months before this incident. So she knew who I was but made a false call to 911 about me following her!  They are so stupid to pull out in front of me going in the same neighborhood and still called 911 about me following her! She is a crazy psycho. Then she lied to her husband and he has been trying to harass me ever since!

  I do not appreciate being lied about and falsely accused! I still called the animal control every time her dogs, tore up my trash!  Neighbors should be made to clean up their neighbor's trash because they refuse to keep their dog contained in their yard.

 But the police want to be in cahoots with them to do something against me! That is conflict of interest and against the law!

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Please Charles

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, May 03, 2020

YOU and your mother are the number ONE FACTOR in all reports ie: your mother cannot hold a job, you can't GET a job, everyone it against you including the POLICE - you just crave attention and this is the only way you can get it.

HOW any nursing organization gave your mother a license is just beyond the scope of what REAL nurses do - people are sick and thousands are dead and all you care about is yourself and your racists rants.

Phenix city,
United States
I hate the phenix city police and russel county deputies with a passion they think they can harass you and stick up for these business owners builder and come to your house late at night

#3Author of original report

Fri, May 01, 2020

The phenix city police and Russel county deputies are the worse. We were having a problem with a builder who was refusing to honor our home warranty and he went to the sheriff department filing a false police report saying we were harassing him. Because we were having problems with our air condition system.

Then one Saturday night around 10:00 pm these deputies were pulling in my driveway with a bad attitude then they started yelling and screaming at us about this builder who falsely accused us of harassing him. This female deputy was telling us off about don't you dare contact him and just being like a judge and jury having court on our front porch!

  It was unlawful what they were doing but this is phenix city. The law is allowed to bully intimidate and harass citizens.  They had no right to do what they did we told them we were going to complain to her boss. Then she told us to stop screaming at her WHAT! While we were trying to explain our side of the story!

  Then this builder after we got a lawyer after he told his lawyer that we were threatening him the same lies

And he got away with not honoring our home warranty. He and his wife are the biggest liars and false accusers they are part of the phenix city family who thinks that they can lie about people and sick deputies on them to silence them.

  But they pick the wrong people to lie about! They were made too because there was a leak from the bathroom into my closet in the master bedroom and my shoes got ruined. But why did pay for them but they didn't like it. So this was their revenged and she is a realtor. This builder and his wife realtor are very bad people criminals!

And their not to be trusted!

Phenix city,
United States
The same old mess from people on this site who just don't get it they want these bad business or felon criminals to get away with their crimes and injustices

#4Author of original report

Fri, May 01, 2020

The same old same old from the bullies on rip off report. Who wants bad businesses to get away with their felon criminals like ashley and chaz hawthorne and bad businesses who causes injustices to people. People are cruel, inhumane, and heartless on this site. They must have never experienced people being picked on lied about.

  They live perfect lives with no troubles. So they feel they have the right to come on this site to make other people feel more worthless and miserable to make themselves feel good.


New York,
New York,
United States
Charles: "poor me, pity me, everyone picks on me"

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 30, 2020

 Hi Charles, You must file a report on this site every other day. Is this your socialization for the day? Anyhow, I thought I would look back through the reports and see which ones give insight into how you became the person you are today. You reported your high school classmates in 2006. UNBELIEVABLE!

Report: #210814 Complaint Review: Smith Station High School - Smith Station Alabama Submitted: Wed, September 13, 2006 Updated: Wed, September 13, 2006 Reported By: — Phenix city Alabama *****Smith Station High School allowed bullies to harass me, judge made unfair decision " Schools should be held reliable for ruining kids futures like how my school ruined my future!... "the bullies lied about me” "they allowed me to be harassed & bullied for 3 years” " I always ended up getting in trouble for things I have not done” "I always got sent to the office their was a lot of things that went on in that school that the teachers were unaware of.”

"I left the high school because I was tired of being ignored by the school staff” "In 1999 I went back to homeschool because my mother was tired of fighing with the school system” " The school teachers are always in support of the bullies” "It took me till 2003 to finally graudate from high school” ******* So you have had this "chip on your shoulder" since you were a teenager. No wonder you have no ability to get along with others and your best friend is your Mom. Your posts are really quite the read in "poor me, pity me, everyone picks on me". No one likes a tattle tell and you have shown you are one whiney little dude who thinks he is right 100% percent of the time and the world owes him something.

Phenix city,
United States
Opana people just want to give us a hardtime for no real reason its discrimination and harassment the pharmacist matthew and christna they are the real losers they have to lie to get back at somebody

#6Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2020

The pharmacist Matthew at CVS did give any other customer a hard time but us! What he did was unlawful attacking me the way he did! then telling me to leave and not come back because of a dang complaint that I filed with the board of pharmacy! He started it but I got the blame for it which is what they told the police!

Then CVS says getting people their medicine is a top priority! No harassment is their top priority. They allow pigs like Matthew to abuse customers like this! It's at all CVS and tells them to leave and not come back! They are the real losers, Matthew and Christina!

Phenix city,
United States
i just want to live my life so what is your problem about that but everyone wants to pick on my hit on me violate my civil rights deny me services I am just a person who is fed up

#7Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2020

I am just a person who is just fed up with being picked on. But you are just like all the other bullies on this site who want to blame me and not the culprits like ashley and chaz hawthorne who started all of this! But they think I'm someone they can push around! But when I show them I'm not they are SHOCKED! bullies don't like it when you stand up for yourself!

And I am being harassed on this site and bullied as well! And I don't know why ripoff allows this to happen. I am not off my ROCKER! I have a right to be angry that the police tried to make me and my mom HOMELESS! Anybody else would feel the same way ANGRY!

  The police don't have to worry about me bothering or going around ashley or chaz hawthorne! But they sure come around us to torment us that we can't go around them but they can sure come around us!


I was already going through a difficult time in my life. When ashley hawthorne did this to us. My grandpa has died in 2011 and my mom was out of work and her unemployment ran out. But we weren't going to broadcast this to our neighbors and beg them to not bother us! My mom was just on edge stressed out and ashley hawthorne pushed her too far! So she screamed back!


But the police did not care about our personal stress we were going through! t would make anyone blown a fuse when being pushed to the limit! They were cruel INHUMANE and heartless along with ashley hawthorne!


Phenix city,
United States
Well Opana if neighbors don't want neighbors to complain to animal control about their dog they should control it they should not had know anything about us to begin with and we will continue to figh

#8Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2020

I have a dashcam in my car and it would prove she pulled out in front of me! Also, the store security cameras would show much that I was minding my own business living my life. And she wanted to cause trouble! I already knew that they know the liars ashley and chaz! While else would they be harassing us with their animals!

Also, I never said how old my mom was. So you need to stop spreading lies too! That is why they moved in to harass us! I shouldn't have to deal with this mess for the rest of my life! The walmart cameras would show if she went to the store before or after me. Because I didn't see her when I went into walmart.

 She just set me up and she knew good and well who I was and the car we drove! I tell you what people will do anything to twist my words around and mess my complaint up! I don't care if they don't like us calling or not to animal control! I am tired of having to clean my own trash up in the cold weather!

Our complaints weren't false to animal control! But they didn't have the right to falsely call 911 falsely accusing me of following her she is a crazy psycho like ashley and chaz hawthorne.

How was it that I'm following her while I was going to my own dang house! When she purposely pulled in front of me!  They could know everyone in the world for all I care! But they shouldn't had known anything about me or my mother to begin with! To want to harass us!

Phenix city,
United States
It was because of ashley hawthorne and chaz why we got harassed at cvs and at wells fargo with them closing our checking account because she lied that we harassed her at the bank

#9Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2020

It is because of ashley and chaz hawthorne why we have been harassed at cvs and wells fargo. Because she keeps lying we harassed her and she plays the victim! No telling what else lies she adds on top of the lies she is telling!

Ashley hawthorne lied yet again to wells fargo that we harassed her while we were at the bank on 05/12/2015. After we got the new checking account open wells fargo closed it. And we got a very nasty letter from dane chambers that wells fargo was using their right to close our checking account and he ordered us not go to in the 13th wells fargo location in phenix city. Where ashley hawthorne was at on purpose!

  She also falsely called the police while we were acting the bank too! We had no idea that she was in the bank that day. Yet the felon criminals and CAR THIEVES were setting us up yet again! this was a downright dirty criminal thing with what wells fargo did to us to defend a liar!  Like ashley hawthorne.

 Then she tortured me more in 2016 by having her brother moving and he started harassing me. By asking the neighbor how I was and that they told him that I was the problem! I beg to differ it was ashley and chaz along with their friends who were the problem in harassing me.

  And her mother harassing us giving us dirty looks! They had in mind that they could harass and falsely accuse us for life!

Phenix city,
United States
So I see you listen to team rebuttal lies about me and false accusations I don't bother anyone so they have no right to lie about me like ashley hawthornw and chaz

#10Author of original report

Wed, April 29, 2020

I am being harassed by the police because of ashley hawthorne because they think I am going to hurt her in some way. Our lawyer told me the phenix city police are stupid! I've never hurt or harmed anyone in my life! It was ashley hawthorne alone with chaz who had is a kid on his shoulder screaming at the top of their lungs calling my mother the B word.

  But it was illegal for me to call ashley hawthorne the B word. She is the one who started it saying that she had a harassment charge against my mother! My mother never harassed her they wouldn't keep their dogs contained in their own yard!

And she even bragged that the animal control never made her pay a fine. That is her problem for why she thinks she can treat people like crap everyone gives her own way!  I can see why she thinks she is boss of everybody.

Ashley hawthorne is never held accountable for anything! And it all starts with her parents. We did complain to wells fargo about ashley hawthorne and her mother hated it with her angrily pointed at our house! Well i hated them with a passion for them wanting to put my mother in (JAIL) and ruin my life!

Because she screamed back at ashley and chaz hawthorne! She reported to DHR about their how they screamed and acted like demon psychos in front of their son. But they are CORRUPT to and said that we couldn't say that we saw their son but we did! But they was unfairly calling my mom crazy.

When it was ashley hawthorne who was the crazy psycho! Now she pretends to help disabled veterans after stealing their cars at wells fargo. After calling me mentally retarded!


New York,
New York,
United States
NOTHING IS MY FAULT, the world is to blame for everything wrong in my life...................

#11Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 29, 2020

 ************Per your report: "My neighbor falsely called the police” "new neighbors lied about me to the police”, " lied to the police saying I was following her”....... Again, you are claiming to be falsely labeled but after reading your report there is no doubt you have issues with getting along with other people. These are different people than the Chaz and Ashley persons you had issues with previously in your filed Rip Off Report # 20. *****Per your post: "she pulled in front of me at the Walmart neighborhood market”, "she pulled in front of me while I was going home”, "They are so stupid to pull out in front of me” "She knew good and well who I was and the car I drove!”........ Again, the other person is 100% at fault and you have no responsibility in this matter.

What were you doing? It would be interesting to find the store security camera footage and see if who is really at fault. That is something to investigate. I can easily google the Walmart in your neighborhood and ask. ******Per your post: "I had made several complaints to animal control about their dogs in my trash” "and bothering me”. First as good neighbors do, they speak to one another first. Right off the bat if you called animal control on me, I wouldn’t like you either. I am thinking since they are NEW neighbors it was up to you to be the BIGGER person.

I advise you again to get help in managing your interactions & conflicts with professional help. **********Per your post: "like usual the police came jumping on me and wouldn't listen to my side of the story, so I screamed at him to get off my property!” No wonder people think you are off your rocker and a threat to others. You exhibited completely inappropriate behavior and something one would expect from a 5-year boy throwing a temper tantrum. Of course, your excuse it "Why not they screamed at me plenty of times”. Again, not an appropriate response for whatever age you are, which is 50, 60, 70 years old?

I read Rip Off reports where you stated your mother was a single mother in the 1950’s, so you must 60 years + old. ********Per your post: "the police want to be in cahoots with them” Please explain what benefit this provides to the police? That makes no sense. This sounds like someone who is paranoid and thinks everyone hates them. Or do you have guilt over something that the police should know about? ********Per your post: "it's a felon to falsely call the police but not in phenix city!” "The police believe whatever anyone says against you! They are not fair or transparent.

They are crooked and corrupt!”. Is it possible you dislike the police because they are trying to keep order in the hood and you kept acting out everywhere? They weren’t fair to you either at Zaxby’s according to your 25 th other Rip Off Report . *******I started following your reports since I am home because of the COVID 19 isolation in my community. I find your posts both amusing and tragically sad. You are considerably maladjusted and seem to resent any type of help that makes you attempt to look at your behavior. I feel sorry for the people in your area. You are damaged goods.

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