  • Report:  #1047003

Complaint Review: Phoenix Mortgage Fraud Investigators - Yonkers New York

Reported By:
Anthony - Bronx, New York,

Phoenix Mortgage Fraud Investigators
Yonkers, New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have two words to start this off .Fraud himself! NOT Fraud Investigator.  Who does he think he is Sherlock Holmes??

 I cannot even begin to tell you how full of it this man and his company is.  He thinks he talks a good game but I know otherwise. 
I have sat with him on numerous occasions and when I say him I am talking about Rocco Cermele, the face of Phoenix Mortgage Fraud Investigators.
After my first meeting with Rocco I walked out of his office with my head spinning.  At that time he was with a different company and the only person doing all talking and promising.  Rocco called himself Director of Residential Operations whatever that means?!
I was given so much information that I had to go home and think it all over. I made another appointment to ask questions and the more he talked the more I thought either this man is crazy or what he is saying is really true and I am crazy for not ever knowing all of this before.  Well, because my life was in financial crisis and I was desperate, I figured, why not?   Life cant get much worse! I was told to send him documents and correspondence every time I received them, so I did.  I was
also told that I can call him anytime I had a question or email him and he would get right back to me. Well, I would call, email and call again and I never got
a response from Rocco ever!  I went tohis office one day to confront him and he was as nice as can be and reassured me that everything was in his hands and being taken care of, Is exact words
were Everything is moving along as planned 
So,  I let it be.  Then, about a year later and I still did not  hearing anything from Rocco so I pay anothervisit and I learned more info about Rocco..

Rocco Cermele not only is a con man but a dead beat dad!  In that visit to Rocco I noticed he had a
frame in his office, hanging on his wall, inside the frame was a check payable to his ex-wife for child support that he was in arrears for something like $50,000.00.  When I inquired about
this he began to tell me about another Business he was in.  EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) checks. He claimed that you can send out phony checks from the government and your bills
will magically get paid.  His child support bill that he failed to pay himself was apparently paid by one of these EFTs. And he was bragging about it. 
Hmmm.Bragging about NOT paying your child support and then displaying it in a frame is pretty disgusting. (what a man).
Well, with that said, I heard through the grapevine that his EFT process turned out to be a scam and after charging people $500 per check they all got returned!  Not only were people out the $500 dollars but the bills never got paid and Im sure their credit and reputation did not look so good with their creditors. Wow, I hope Rocco feels good about himself now. 
The way I found out about his big EFT FLOP was because I went to drop off more
papers to him and I was told that Rocco disappeared.  He just up and left, without telling
anyone.  When I asked what was going on with my home nobody knew anything.  All
of my papers were gone and there was no trace of my file.   So, I hunted him down and when I found him I was told by Rocco that he was going to contact me to tell me his whereabouts( Yeah, right)  Rocco is at it again!  He is taking more money from desperate people, like me telling them that he can help them save their home.  I have yet to see any progress.  As a matter of fact, all he does is point fingers and blame everyone else. Another fact: how can he help you if he cant
help himself?  Look online his own house is still in foreclosure. Here I am over 2 years later, I have already had a sale date on my house, had to file bankruptcy and still no progress on my home.
I have had major stress, humiliation and embarrassment pointed in my direction ever since I have gotten involved with Rocco Cermele. If I may give advice to anyone thinking of getting involved with Rocco Cermele or Phoenix Mortgage Fraud Investigators it would be.. STAY AWAY!!!  

3 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Still Nothing

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 31, 2013


it was may when you wrote that load of crap abvout me. You have not called, emailed or text. So everyone can now safely assume that you were just an outright liar put upon me by John Ruzza or one of his cohorts. That's fine. I would have thought that since FTB has now closed their doors and the attorneys that they are referring to people are badmouthing them as much as I do, that my phone would be ringing more.

I am happy to help anyone that was taken advantage of by that group. My services are free of charge.


New York,
Still waiting

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 20, 2013


You were very eager to slander me, yet slow to respond to my answer. I have not gotten an email or a call from anyone who says they are you. Could it be that you are not a client? That you were merely a stooge that was used to slander me. Because if you were an actual client, again, I would certainly not be the target of your ire. So, lets look at this again. You make vague accusations that I did something wrong and that I somehow scammed you. You provide no proof, no documentation, nothing. Your facts as you state them are incorrect and your presumptions and assumptions are childish at best. Did you give me money? No!

You and all other clients, including my friends and family, paid the group. The group was owned by everyone but me. I was not a corporate officer, I did not have the bank account, I did not receive any funds from the group other than my pay as the Director of Ops. Which meant that I oversaw what whent on in the office directly. I was never responsible for what happened in any other office, California, Pennsylvania or Seattle. Just New York. All that office was, was a client/customer center. There I educated people, to the best of my ability, about the programs. No one forced or coerced anyone into the program. I do understand that if I was misled then in turn others were as well.

So, Anthony, what do we do. I believe you are the fraud, because if you were actually scammed you would be ringing my phone off the hook. Just in case you misplaced it, here it is 914-620-7154. However, since I believe that you are a set up or fraud yourself, I really do not expect the phone to ring, at all. If you do call, be prepared to identify yourself, if we actually met, I will remember you. Besides I have all the digital files from the group so I can verify your info.

So, go ahead, prove me wrong. I'm waiting


New York,
Getting the story straight

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 15, 2013

Anthony, if you are an actual former client of the Pillow Foundation and feel that you were misled or wronged by the group, please contact me and I will give you the names of the government agencies and authorities looking into what went on there. I appreciate what you may be feeling, however, slandering me will never get you to the truth. If you did any real research you would have found that aside from what you feel was a negative experiance with me, after 30 years in the business world, I have not had any complaints filed against me. This is the first time I have ever had to respond to any type of accusation other than being overly sarcastic and slightly arrogant. If you made payments to the Pillow Foundation, Terra Foundation, Azzur Holddings or FTB Securitization Auditing as part of "the program", I suggest you gather the copies of the canceled checks and bring your story to your local District Attorney's office. In Westchester it's ADA Brian Fitzgerald. If, as a client of the Foundation you have experienced no actual results after laying out thousands of dollars and are still in need of assistance, there are many good attorneys locally who are very familiar with what went on and have already submitted motions on behalf of their clients naming the Pillow/Terra Foundation as a mortgage fraud scam. I would be happy to get you that info should you desire it. As far as my part in all of this, I assure you I am as much a victim as anyone. My house was never touched for over 3 years of being involved with the group. I was told, like many others, "it's being handled". It was not. I have members of my immediate family that laid out 10's of thousands to the group and nothing was done. Was I trying to be a good source of information for the clients? Absolutely. I was, as you said,"the face of the company", but your quarrel is not with me sir. I never got anyone's money. I got paid for being there, I was an "employee" and aparently nothing more. I have hid from no one, many former clients of the group have reached out to me and I have helped them to move forward with their cases without asking for a dime. My goal was and always is to help those who are in exactly your position. Also, to the comment that it was "in my hands"? Im not sure what you mean. As I always explained to everyone, the "process" was not done in that office. We merely collected the info for the auditor in PA and for the "legal mind" in Washington State. I only learned the process by piecing things together on my own, and when I did, I realized that the process was seriously flawed and needed correction. My warnings were not heeded. The fact that I have been removed from that operation for almost 8 months and they still are doing what they were doing boggles my mind. The only reason I stayed as long as I did was because I had family in the program and needed to protect them. regarding my own house, yes, it is still in foreclosure. Currently all my reports have been done and my attorney is finishing up my motion to dismiss. But, thanks for asking. I got more done for 30 people in 4 months that they did for any one person in 3 years. 

I did not dissapear, by the way. I walked out on what I discovered to be a scam. One that, I, was being used for. I couldn't have that. My email address never changed, I didn't move or hide. The only reason my phone number changed was because it was a company phone, had to give it back. So if you were really trying to reach me, you would have been able to. They were all aware of why I left, so whatever excuses they wanted to give to make themselves look better, so be it. When I left, an email went out to clients to state that we went our seperate ways, now I hear that I was writing checks from the company account without anyone's knowledge. However, I'm not the one that went to jail for embezzling funds. WOW!. I am available to anyone who wants me, the contact information you gave was correct.

However, I do take great offense to the slander you present. I feel the need to address this. Regarding the EFT program. This was not something I conjured up. It was studied and researched for months. I attempted the process on myself before making it available to anyone. Everyone was told of the experimental nature of the process and that was also written into my client agreement. Not everyone was charged either. Two auto loans were eliminated through the process, so it did work. A "scammer" would have run those small successes right up the pole and started going crazy. Instead I killed the program. I was not happy with the success ratio. It was nothing as I was told it would be. Not only did I stop the program, I refused any future clients and sent emails out to all those involved that I will be refunding everyone's fees in full whether it worked for them fully, partially or not. No one made me do it, it was simply the right thing to do.

As far as the phrase "dead beat dad", this is where I would appreciate that said to my face. A Dead beat Dad, if you understood the term is someone who neglects his responsibilities to his children and willfully does not pay his support. Having an outstanding balance for support does not make someone a dead beat Dad. To date I have paid over $120,000.00 into the support system, I have not left the state to avoid my responsibilities. My children live with me half of every month. But my outstanding balance had almost doubled because of my working at the Pillow Foundation. And the amount was $35,000 at that time. So if I am a scammer, I really suck at it. And I am far from a dead beat dad. I am a member of Fathers 4 Justice, an advocacy group for dads who are having trouble in family court.

So Anthony, the reason I actually believe you are a fraud is because of the fact that you chose to excorriate me, yet I wasn't the person who was taking your money. No where in your report do you mention any of the owners of Pillow/Terra Foundation. Only me. You do not disclose any amounts you paid, or promises that were represented, yet you feel that it was perfectly fine to attack my character without putting forth any real evidence of any kind. You talk about hunting me down? After I left? If your file was missing it could have been taken when the Westchester County District Attorney raided the office and confiscated files and laptops. So this tells me that you are nothing more than a low brow, small minded, wanna be, half wit lackey for John Ruzza himself, if not John himself looking to retaliate for another ripoff report that was put against him and that group several weeks ago. Apparently, you feel that I wrote it. I assure you I have better things to do with my time. Honestly, they should stop worrying about me and start worrying about the large number of former clients that have and are marching into the DA & AG's office.

Should you need to contact me to resolve whatever issue you think you have, you know how to reach me.

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