  • Report:  #727315

Complaint Review: Pj coffee Panama Joe coffee Starz Starz1 Iphoto24 Iphoto Simon Ham Marcel Gelinault Marcel Gelinaux Semi tech X Com - Missisauga Ontario

Reported By:
Steve Gelinault - Richmond hill, Ontario, United States of America

Pj coffee Panama Joe coffee Starz Starz1 Iphoto24 Iphoto Simon Ham Marcel Gelinault Marcel Gelinaux Semi tech X Com
5694 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario Missisauga, Ontario, United States of America
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I write this to all in hopes that no one else gets taken advantage by these vicious thieves with no self respect nor basic moral ethics. I had a chance to see the inner working of this and these "Companies" I also had access to their information and how they preyed on the weak and ravage the new comers to Canada using tactical verbiage and strategic approached on manipulating people in giving all their hard earned money with false pretense and false promises of fortunes.

 The staff are mostly immigrants and will do anything to keep their jobs. They are convinced the product is good. The reality is the product is not that good, also they make the employee work tremendously long shift no breaks. The wear them down with no pay until they can no longer take it and quit. However during your slow breaking demise in slavery for nothing, they are constantly interviewing people to replace those who are soon to fall. The also promise very high wages and all the leads in the world. The are constantly calling out leads from 3-7 years back. The people they are calling are simply irate with the fact that they wont leave them alone. Many tel# are disconnected. (For those reading and are currently working there I urge you to verify every single thing I am telling you is in fact factual information. Ask yourself why at this time do you have to pay for coffee at work??? No office has it like this, its the small things that make the biggest impact. They also force you to bring donuts and treats on Saturdays shift and lastly the employee sales res have to clean the whole office they are so cheap they do not want to pay for cleaners. All you employees know this is true)

I know for a fact that they use time to break down customers, manipulate them for all their money and leave them with empty promises and no money to be made. Do NOt under no circumstance deal with these horrible thieves. They walk the walk and talk the talk but its all an illusion to convince you of their legit business. Also they will tell you that they have been in business for 27 years almost 30 that is B.S look them up. You will not find a single paper trail.

Further more they are working directly with an IT specialist and doing every thing they can to cover up what they have done in the past and are they are currently doing. This is fact! They are spending money to cover up the truth from you as best as they can. What they do is hide the real links based on hit ratios. For example when using a search engine after typing what you are looking for. The search engine will populate the most visited sites. So what these IT people do is create web site that have similar name or even the same name. They have software that will automatically hit the new page  to surpass the factual and information they do not want you to see and then people such as your self most likely wont see the bad review and all the explanations of how they are cons.

 They know new comers to Canada to not know the law or rules and they prey on them. The advertise on radio in foreign languages. You will never hear one in English. Why? Because its BS and no one would go for it.

 IF you truly want to start your own business look up the machine they are using it cost them 3k$ max. and they sell them in pairs for 25k$ with installation. Talk about ripoff. They will tell you they got all the best locations around. BS. Again I know this for a fact. I seen heard and know its all a lie.

 I was working for them as self employed for under one month. Once they suspected I was on to them they attempted to get rid of me however I had already left and knew they were going to try to get rid of me. They do not want people who can think for themselves nor ask question. The sad thing is I got suckered into joining their team. They made sure to hide all the little details from me. once I had access it was game over. What they also do not know is some of their internal management people are working against them and helping people like you not do business with them. They are also giving out information to the public about how the scam works and helping as best they can. At least they help a little. Regardless they are still getting some people ripped off they should stop its wrong in so many ways. Its people like this that make the world a terrible place to live.

The owner goes by the name Simon Ham (so he claims) he is a very self pretentious egotistical silver tongued waste of carbon atoms. He tries to act like he is on top of the world and his time is worth so much money. He also presents himself as a well connected individual who can leverage anything. This is very commune behaviour for these type of people.   

Co-Owner Marcel Gelinault (he also claims) The con of cons, he runs the show he deals with the staff, he can manipulate almost anyone. He lies so much he believes it himself. He tried to lie to me but I caught him many times. He also is egotistical silver tongue. Marcel approach is more of a down to earth get you by the balls approach. He always wants control of all situation and loves being praised. He wants to look the banker type and really sell it to you. First impression last a lifetime and he knows this. I will give  him credit he can sell and close. However why make thousand when you could make millions. He thinks he is good but he is not that good. Because if he was that good he would not prey on the weak with little to no money. I think he may lack the mental capacity.

 Buyer beware of these cons. They will steal your money. Stay away. Do some research. You worked hard for your money and it would be terrible if you lost it all to some con's. Also be advised vending machine is profitable just not with them.

You may ask why write such a long post. It is my duty as a human being to stop these kind of people when ever I can. I have nothing to gain from sharing this information with all of you. I wish you all the best and take care.

Steve G

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