  • Report:  #38989

Complaint Review: Plasmanet Freelotto - Nationwide, Internet

Reported By:
- Sydney, Australia,

Plasmanet Freelotto
420 Lexington Avenue New York NY Nationwide, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I won the Luxury car prize on 26 August 2002.

Freelotto acknowleged my win and sent out verification documents.

All their requirements were met by me and they said the prize will be paid "within 90 days of verification".

I is now nearly 4 months since I won and still nothing.

My emails mostly go unanswered exept for the odd reply saying they will "cut a check" to the car dealer I selected "within 90 days" for an ammount "up to" $50,000.

I have requested specific details regarding the exact amount and a date for payment explaining that it is difficult for the car dealer to accept my business on such inprecise information.

They just refuse to discuss or enter into any meaningful dialogue with me other than "within 90 days" or "up to $50,000".

I am begining to wonder if I will ever see this prize and if I will be ripped off by freelotto.


Sydney, Other

20 Updates & Rebuttals


Congratz Mate

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, August 13, 2005

Yes your hard work has paid off. However I have noted that this company is still in buisness though it's practices also constitute mail fraud in the United States ( yes in the 80's email was religated to the postal and telecomunications acts and as far as I know that has not been repealed) The interesting thing about mail fraud is it carries a fine + imprisonment ( not or ) for each count ... How many emails have they sent out ? ( I know I have recieved 3 in the last week) this could add up to a very long time and a lot of money, more money than their so called processing fee for colecting your winnings (reason why I say so called is the meathodology that is used in their prize claim process boarders on what street con artists call the pigeon drop con ( and this is fact )). Why havn't the law enforcement officals gone after them is my question? a con man in the street doing the same practice would get at least a night in jail for each incident there is evidence of ... and they havn't exactly been covering their tracks. However The only real way to stop con men is to educate the public so they don't fall victome to the cons. I personally recomend a book called "Harry the Hat" it points out several street cons and was written by a former con artist. After reading it .. then take a look at this "Freelotto"'s emails and tell me if you see the pigeon drop con. the only difference is that it is happening electronicly rather than in a suitcase! The other side of this is I noticed in another complaint that was lodged against this company an individual named Edward R. Curtin Claiming to be the general counsul for the company stated that the report lodged was Slanderus .... the reason why I say he claims to be the general counsul for the company is becuase anyone who was in pre law would know it couldn't be slanderus .. it would have to be libalist ( slander is spoken while libal is written). again congratz mate for beating the con. as for any others reading this out there avoid the con men and god bless.


Congratz Mate

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, August 13, 2005

Yes your hard work has paid off. However I have noted that this company is still in buisness though it's practices also constitute mail fraud in the United States ( yes in the 80's email was religated to the postal and telecomunications acts and as far as I know that has not been repealed) The interesting thing about mail fraud is it carries a fine + imprisonment ( not or ) for each count ... How many emails have they sent out ? ( I know I have recieved 3 in the last week) this could add up to a very long time and a lot of money, more money than their so called processing fee for colecting your winnings (reason why I say so called is the meathodology that is used in their prize claim process boarders on what street con artists call the pigeon drop con ( and this is fact )). Why havn't the law enforcement officals gone after them is my question? a con man in the street doing the same practice would get at least a night in jail for each incident there is evidence of ... and they havn't exactly been covering their tracks. However The only real way to stop con men is to educate the public so they don't fall victome to the cons. I personally recomend a book called "Harry the Hat" it points out several street cons and was written by a former con artist. After reading it .. then take a look at this "Freelotto"'s emails and tell me if you see the pigeon drop con. the only difference is that it is happening electronicly rather than in a suitcase! The other side of this is I noticed in another complaint that was lodged against this company an individual named Edward R. Curtin Claiming to be the general counsul for the company stated that the report lodged was Slanderus .... the reason why I say he claims to be the general counsul for the company is becuase anyone who was in pre law would know it couldn't be slanderus .. it would have to be libalist ( slander is spoken while libal is written). again congratz mate for beating the con. as for any others reading this out there avoid the con men and god bless.


Congratz Mate

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, August 13, 2005

Yes your hard work has paid off. However I have noted that this company is still in buisness though it's practices also constitute mail fraud in the United States ( yes in the 80's email was religated to the postal and telecomunications acts and as far as I know that has not been repealed) The interesting thing about mail fraud is it carries a fine + imprisonment ( not or ) for each count ... How many emails have they sent out ? ( I know I have recieved 3 in the last week) this could add up to a very long time and a lot of money, more money than their so called processing fee for colecting your winnings (reason why I say so called is the meathodology that is used in their prize claim process boarders on what street con artists call the pigeon drop con ( and this is fact )). Why havn't the law enforcement officals gone after them is my question? a con man in the street doing the same practice would get at least a night in jail for each incident there is evidence of ... and they havn't exactly been covering their tracks. However The only real way to stop con men is to educate the public so they don't fall victome to the cons. I personally recomend a book called "Harry the Hat" it points out several street cons and was written by a former con artist. After reading it .. then take a look at this "Freelotto"'s emails and tell me if you see the pigeon drop con. the only difference is that it is happening electronicly rather than in a suitcase! The other side of this is I noticed in another complaint that was lodged against this company an individual named Edward R. Curtin Claiming to be the general counsul for the company stated that the report lodged was Slanderus .... the reason why I say he claims to be the general counsul for the company is becuase anyone who was in pre law would know it couldn't be slanderus .. it would have to be libalist ( slander is spoken while libal is written). again congratz mate for beating the con. as for any others reading this out there avoid the con men and god bless.


Congratz Mate

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, August 13, 2005

Yes your hard work has paid off. However I have noted that this company is still in buisness though it's practices also constitute mail fraud in the United States ( yes in the 80's email was religated to the postal and telecomunications acts and as far as I know that has not been repealed) The interesting thing about mail fraud is it carries a fine + imprisonment ( not or ) for each count ... How many emails have they sent out ? ( I know I have recieved 3 in the last week) this could add up to a very long time and a lot of money, more money than their so called processing fee for colecting your winnings (reason why I say so called is the meathodology that is used in their prize claim process boarders on what street con artists call the pigeon drop con ( and this is fact )). Why havn't the law enforcement officals gone after them is my question? a con man in the street doing the same practice would get at least a night in jail for each incident there is evidence of ... and they havn't exactly been covering their tracks. However The only real way to stop con men is to educate the public so they don't fall victome to the cons. I personally recomend a book called "Harry the Hat" it points out several street cons and was written by a former con artist. After reading it .. then take a look at this "Freelotto"'s emails and tell me if you see the pigeon drop con. the only difference is that it is happening electronicly rather than in a suitcase! The other side of this is I noticed in another complaint that was lodged against this company an individual named Edward R. Curtin Claiming to be the general counsul for the company stated that the report lodged was Slanderus .... the reason why I say he claims to be the general counsul for the company is becuase anyone who was in pre law would know it couldn't be slanderus .. it would have to be libalist ( slander is spoken while libal is written). again congratz mate for beating the con. as for any others reading this out there avoid the con men and god bless.


Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Plasmanet be damned - Good for you, Gareth!

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, April 01, 2005

I don't have any major insights to report, just a hearty "Good for Gareth!" regarding his Plasmanet win! I, too, won some money - not near the amount that you did, Gareth, just $400, but I had the same basic problems that you did. I e-mailed, snail-mailed, called (attempted) and cussed Plasmanet for over a year trying to get paid the money promised. I also contracted the BBB, and did get some satisfaction from them. They did intervene on my behalf, writing letters and calling the "company". I'm not sure exactly what it was that finally got them to pay up, but they did after about 14 months or so. This outfit is, at best, difficult to deal with. That being said, I SINCERELY hope that anyone who takes a notion to "win big" needs to check out the company behind the "winnings" first! If Plasmanet is anywhere in the mix ...... FORGET IT!!!! It's not worth the headache and the exasperation! Again, I say, Good for you, Gareth!!!!


Coffs Harbour,
Why do we wait? surely there is now enough evidence against Plasmanet to take them on and win.

#7Author of original report

Sun, February 13, 2005

I refer you to my initial complaiint called "Slow processing indeed" submitted on December 12 2002 regarding Plasmanet, FreeLotto and the criminal Bruce Karassik. Why do we wait? surely there is now enough evidence against Plasmanet to take them on and win. I recently checked back to this site just to see how things are going and I observe that Plasmanet now have 51 complaints, many of which are similar to mine. I also note that The Ripoff Report (TROR)is being sued. I have donated my $10 as a gesture of support but let me say this. During the whole saga of eventualy getting Plasmanet to pay up I haver made suggestions and offers to take the bastards on head to head. I have not in all this time (Almost three years) had any response from the TROR or anyone else. To say that I am at once grateful to TROR for making available a forum for complaint and disappointed at their lack of pro-active support of cases is obvious. So TROR is being sued! The TROR should have been seeking funds long ago to fight, not defend legal action. You still have my support. I think I am probably representative of many in the world community but I will not sit back and be f***ed over by crooks, arabs, terrorists, criminals or any other dysfunctional shithead looking for a free lunch or that wants to get in my peaceful way. Please TROR get real. Get on the front foot and FIGHT! You will get all the financial and moral support you need as long as you show us you are fighting and not just defending. Do not be like Bruce Karrasik of Plasmanet and ignore this unless it suits you to reply. Otherwise you will be seen as a toothless tiger and there are plenty of them in this jungle. I invite you read my posts regarding this matter again, carefuly. You will see that I am fair dinkum in going after these fish.


I eventualy got paid out by Plasmanet, interesting methods of bringing pressure to bear on these silly f ers

#8Author of original report

Sat, January 17, 2004

I am Gareth Connors and I lodged the initial rip off report regarding my issue "Slow processing indeed". Well I eventualy got paid out by Plasmanet. In the process of getting them to pay up I learned some very interesting methods of bringing pressure to bear on these silly fukers. If anyone would like my assistance with dealing with Plasmanet post your questions below so others can be helped too, They need some serious attitude modification and I can give them this Free, gratis and for f*k all. Hey! lets do it and have some fun! Gareth. See Bruce (And Kevin), I didn't go away.


I finaly took delivery of my luxury car.

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 10, 2003

What can I say? On 30 April 2003 I finaly took delivery of my luxury car. No, not the Mercedes, that had to go back due to the 8 month delay in settlement and the consequent devaluation of the US dollar against the Aussie dollar. This cost me AUS$8,000. Additionaly, I ask this question, what happened to the 8 months interest on the prize money? Who scored that? I have not finished with Plasmanet. I want them to answer some questions. I will not ask them here but I am sure they know what they might be. I extend this invitation, Kevin Aronin, Bruce Karasik, get in touch with me, you realy should you know. I would like to discuss some issues with the pair of you. If you do not have the collective balls for this, get your legal weenies to contact me. You may wish you had if you do not, BELIEVE.


I finaly took delivery of my luxury car.

#10Author of original report

Sat, May 10, 2003

What can I say? On 30 April 2003 I finaly took delivery of my luxury car. No, not the Mercedes, that had to go back due to the 8 month delay in settlement and the consequent devaluation of the US dollar against the Aussie dollar. This cost me AUS$8,000. Additionaly, I ask this question, what happened to the 8 months interest on the prize money? Who scored that? I have not finished with Plasmanet. I want them to answer some questions. I will not ask them here but I am sure they know what they might be. I extend this invitation, Kevin Aronin, Bruce Karasik, get in touch with me, you realy should you know. I would like to discuss some issues with the pair of you. If you do not have the collective balls for this, get your legal weenies to contact me. You may wish you had if you do not, BELIEVE.


I finaly took delivery of my luxury car.

#11Author of original report

Sat, May 10, 2003

What can I say? On 30 April 2003 I finaly took delivery of my luxury car. No, not the Mercedes, that had to go back due to the 8 month delay in settlement and the consequent devaluation of the US dollar against the Aussie dollar. This cost me AUS$8,000. Additionaly, I ask this question, what happened to the 8 months interest on the prize money? Who scored that? I have not finished with Plasmanet. I want them to answer some questions. I will not ask them here but I am sure they know what they might be. I extend this invitation, Kevin Aronin, Bruce Karasik, get in touch with me, you realy should you know. I would like to discuss some issues with the pair of you. If you do not have the collective balls for this, get your legal weenies to contact me. You may wish you had if you do not, BELIEVE.


This is new!

#12Author of original report

Mon, March 10, 2003

Well, as promised I have started action against Plasmanet. I have contacted the FBI in Canberra but I also contacted the US Consumer Service in Sydney. They were very helpful. Although their primary role is to support US companies in OZ they are very sensative about anything that brings the US into dis-repute abroad and so were very innterested in my complaint. Their Australian representative emailed Bruce Karrasik on 6 march 2003 on my behalf. Now bear in mind that Bruce is the greatest silent partner you could ever want. You get nothing from this bloke unless it is part of HIS script. The following day (PHEW! such speed!) I get this, "Gareth, your check needed a second signature,( please Bruce, my I.Q. is well over 50) this will be done Monday and will be posted to the dealer by US Express Mail. s**t Bruce I hope you havent confused that with Pony Express. Funny isn't it? When they get a contact from someone with clout like US Commercial Services they respond? OK I will wait annd see. I suspect it might take Bruce a couple of weeks to find an employee to take thew check out to the mail box Hoh Hum! I think I may have it all figured out. How is this for a scenario? When someone wins a major prize Plasmanet pays the money into an account operated by Karassik. He is paid from the interest this account earns. It is in his interest to delay payment of winnings so as to maximiise his personal earnings. Now this is only conjecture, but for the life of me I cannot think why a huge internet company (20th most popular on the internet!) would sully thier reputation and risk becoming lepers on the WEB.Does anyone have any other idea? If the check was posted on Monday 10 March 2003 as promised it should reach the dealer by Friday 14 March. Then it will have to clear. If it does not bounce (No certainty of this) I will post another update. I will in any event be contacting the operators of The Rip Off Report and offering them a full wrap of this saga. Personaly, apart from the stress and disruption to my life this has caused I have acquired a great interest in exposing consuumer rip off's and I intend to make Plasmanet my first target. Stand by Bruce.


Predictable ..The check they promised was sent on 19 Feb 2003 did not arrive

#13Author of original report

Thu, March 06, 2003

Well, Plasmanet were true to form. The check they promised was sent on 19 Feb 2003 did not arrive. I have emailed Bruce Karassic there front man but got the usual silence. They filed a rebuttal to the guy from Guam's report but I bet they don't have the cojones to file one to mine. Plasmanet Freelotto are a big scam and will do anything to avoid paying out major prizes. Ok, so be it. Action taken by me so far, and this is just the begining. 1. I have contacted the FBI LEGAT in the US Consulate in Canberra and will lodge a complaint with the FBI alleging fraud. 2. I have contacted the US companies watchdog in Sydney. They will email Freelotto and try to get them to pay up. 3. I intend to file an official complaint with the New York Better Business Bureau. 4. I am seeking a US law firm (can anyone help?) who will take this case on a fee for success basis. 5. I intend to identify all sponsers of Freelotto and launch a campaign against their interests. 6. I will write to politicians and anyone else I think can help. 7. I will write to newspapers around the world, internet magazines, ezines and anywhere that I can expose these scam artists. I have given them 24 hours to contact me and come good before I dedicate myself to exposing them for the crooks that they most assuredly are. I have repeatedly warned these people not to treat me with disdain. They are obviously complacent and smug in the knowledge (delusion) that they are unaccountable. They will learn that they are accountable, to me. Let us all join together and take these bastards on.


More of the same

#14Author of original report

Sun, March 02, 2003

Well, I recieved an email from Bruce Karassick of Plasmanet saying "A check for the win a car prize will be going out to the dealer on 19 feb 2003. Well, as at 3 march 2003 no check. All other correspondence from freelotto has arrived within 6 days. What do we have here? Perhaps another "90 days before the check arrives" If then? This whole saga will be the basis of a VERY in depth analysis of Plasmanet and freelotto by me. I wonder if there are any other so called winners out there? If you are reading this and have had a similar experience with Plasmanet/Freelotto please get in touch with me. Also if you have had a similar experience with another on line gaming providor get in touch, between us we may be able to expose these arseholes. Gareth.


They responded!

#15Author of original report

Sun, February 16, 2003

Finally they responded. To an email I sent to a staffer I recieved a SPECIFIC response. The check will be sent to the dealer on 19 February 2003. If this happens it will take 4-5 days to reach OZ, then 5 days to clear, Presuming the check does not bounce that will be 6 months to the day that I won! You do not need to be a NASA scientist to work out that Plasmanet has scored 6 months interest on the $50000 prize money. Also, the exchange rate between the OZ and US dollar has gone against me meaning that I am effectively 10% down on the original amount I would have recieved had Plasmanet paid up on time. This show is far from over. Gareth.



#16Author of original report

Tue, February 04, 2003

Here we are in the final month for Plasmanet/Freelotto to come good on my win. IF! they do, it will be 7 months from the date I won. I note that they reserved their legal rights in the similar case of the guy from Guam when they strenously denied ripping him off. Well, here is an oppoprtunity for Pasmanet to explain why it has taken 7 months to pay out a winning prize. But wait; as of this posting they have paid zilch!



#17Author of original report

Tue, February 04, 2003

Here we are in the final month for Plasmanet/Freelotto to come good on my win. IF! they do, it will be 7 months from the date I won. I note that they reserved their legal rights in the similar case of the guy from Guam when they strenously denied ripping him off. Well, here is an oppoprtunity for Pasmanet to explain why it has taken 7 months to pay out a winning prize. But wait; as of this posting they have paid zilch!



#18Author of original report

Tue, February 04, 2003

Here we are in the final month for Plasmanet/Freelotto to come good on my win. IF! they do, it will be 7 months from the date I won. I note that they reserved their legal rights in the similar case of the guy from Guam when they strenously denied ripping him off. Well, here is an oppoprtunity for Pasmanet to explain why it has taken 7 months to pay out a winning prize. But wait; as of this posting they have paid zilch!



#19Author of original report

Tue, February 04, 2003

Here we are in the final month for Plasmanet/Freelotto to come good on my win. IF! they do, it will be 7 months from the date I won. I note that they reserved their legal rights in the similar case of the guy from Guam when they strenously denied ripping him off. Well, here is an oppoprtunity for Pasmanet to explain why it has taken 7 months to pay out a winning prize. But wait; as of this posting they have paid zilch!


The sound of silence, well almost.

#20Author of original report

Sun, January 26, 2003

As anticipated no reply from Ed Curtin and total silence from Plasmanet. When this whole thing started back in August 2002 the Aussie dollar was at about 52 cents US. It is now at almost sixty cents! That is a loss to me of 8% of the original $50,000 US which I still have not received. During this whole time Plasmanet have also been scoring the interest on the prize money they have witheld from me for almost 6 months! The car dealer sent them an invoice for a new Mercedes on 19 November 2002 based on prices current then. Plasmanet replied to the dealer on 26 November 2002 and said they would "Cut a Cheque" for "up to" $50,000 "within 90 days". (See, they can comunicate). The dealer has contacted me and said "we are going to be 8% short on this deal, do you have the cash to cover this? I said "DUHHH" Ok, I will wait till 19 February 2003 before taking action, or perhaps Plasmanet will say ah! we ment 90 days from the date of our reply 26 November 2002! I am sure Plasmanet will deny all responsibility for the obvious devaluation of my prize due to their highly questionable business practices, that is if I ever see the money. I am also sure that they monitor this web site, they are bloody stupid if they do not. So if you are listening Mr Plasmanet, take note, here is one little guy coming to bite you in the arse if you try to screw me, believe this. Gareth Connors One very pissed off Plasmanet CUSTOMER!!!

Still waiting


Thu, January 02, 2003

I sent an email to E Curtin the legal front for Plasmanet on 22/12/2002. Guess what??? No reply! I may be a tad nieve but I still think Plasmanet will come good, however. I have a few observations they may wish (or not) to take on board. I am a punter on the world lottery stage. I pay good money every month (to FREELOTTO HA HA!) and have high expectations, against all the odds of winning at some stage. I won with Plasmanet, 5.5000.000/to 1 or whatever. I was stoked, and believing that Plasmanet was fair dinkum I celebrated (silly me). On the basis of my win I went out and financed a motorcycle that I had always wanted believing that Plasmanet would honour their end of the deal(my current car payments would have taken care of the bike). The questions I have for Plasmanet are many. The biggest is "Will you give me a job running your winners liason service because as sure as hell the p***k who is doing it now should be driving a taxi". The second is, presuming you do eventually pay up, what about the interest owing on the initial prize money that you have had since August 26 2002? Third, do you have any conception, or do you even care, about how difficult it is to get a car dealer to take you on faith and invoice you for a Mercedes (as in my case) just on the word of Plasmanet??? I anticipate some jargon about "witholding tax problems" if Plasmanet ever replies to this. But let me make this message quite clear; the internet is a very BIG market in which to do business. It is also a very powerfull medium for consumers to affect the profitability of any entity wishing to trade under a stable and long term identity. I make this promise to Plasmanet/Freelotto,if you fail to settle this contract (as promised within 90 days of verification,about 11/9/2002)or I will make it my business to expose you to the world. Remember, the internet belongs to everyone, not just the exploiters. Gareth.

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