  • Report:  #46205

Complaint Review: Prime One First National Credit Service - New York New York

Reported By:
- Ocoee, Florida,

Prime One First National Credit Service
220 W.19th St. Ste.2A New York, 10011 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company offered me a credit card for $187.00 And I accepted,unfortunately. A week later, before they debited the money out of my checking account I changed my mind and called them to tell them so and not to take the money out of my account. They said NO! After Ive changed my mind and told them not to take the money theyre still going to do it!

This company should be shut down(I cant understand why theyre not already,take a look at their better business bureau report)They are basically stealing from me !!!! Now, I have to pay the bank to stop payment because of these swindling jackasses. This company is a fraud!!!!!


Ocoee, Florida

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