  • Report:  #1114985

Complaint Review: Private Label Nutraceuticals - Norcoss Georgia

Reported By:
Bjarte Rene Victim - California,

Private Label Nutraceuticals
1900 Beaver Ridge Circle Norcoss, 30071 Georgia, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

 I just received a CID from the FTC requesting information into the marketing practices of my company. This notice came out of no where as I have been very careful at protecting my identity. It is requesting that I provide the following information to the FTC within 14 days or else I could be held in contempt of court: List of all affiliate marketers, affiliate networks, and direct sources of advertising that I'm using to get traffic. Exact amount of revenue generated per year from the products that I ordered from Private Label Nutraceuticals from 2011-2014. All company names and All merchant banks, ipsp, etc. that I used to process credit cards. Info on the CRM I used to manage the customers. Call centers. All marketing material. List of all employees and owners of the various entities that I had setup. I immediately contacted my attorneys whom have good relationships with people that were involved in the investigation. My attorney wanted to understand where this was coming from in an effort to limit the scope of the investigation. Come to find out that the investigation started because Private Label Nutraceuticals did not use real ingredients in the products they were manufacturing. The FDA had been investigating Private Label Nutraceuticals and its founder Bjarte Rene for years. Because there were fake ingredients used in the products the FDA was able to bring in the FTC because all claims that a marketer made of the products was deemed false. Here's a link to the open case from November of 2013, less than 8 weeks ago. casewatch.org/fdawarning/prod/2003/americannutriceuticals.shtml If you ordered / are ordering products from Private Label Nutraceuticals note that they are putting fake ingredients in the products they are selling you. Your information has been given to the FTC & FDA and you may be under investigation like I am. I hate these guys and they are destroying my business and hurting the industry. Please share the link above and spread the message. I have since had to pause all of my old campaigns and start afresh. I moved my private labeling needs to a different provider. I am not going to list the provider, but there are plenty of them out there to choose from. If you are doing business with Private Label Nutraceuticals / Bjarte Rene contact the FDA in the above link for details. Stop doing business with them immediately before you get burnt like I did.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
New Class Action Lawsuit - 2018

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2018

I'm another victim - they took a lot of money from me and never delivered product. They were closing since March 2018 but continued to take orders payment from many customers and never planned to deliver. I want to join in filing class action lawsuit against Bjarte Rene, the owner. I know there are many other victims. If you're one, please contact me at davidjson at mail dot com


Facts About Private Label Nutra

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, May 21, 2015

Dr. Oz ran 2 national episodes that called Private Label Nutraceuticals out for not having the ingredients in its products as advertised.   Instead of addressing the facts, their attorneys threatened to sue Dr. Oz.   This is how they operate.

The story was publiished and re-published across the entire internet.    Just about everyone saw these reports:




Make sure you read down through the comments in this post.   There's a lot of facts.  You've been warned about this company.

Todd Neal

Notice of Subpoena Issued by Private Label Nutraceuticals

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 12, 2015

 Private Label Nutraceuticals LLC has issued a subpoena in Superior Court of California Case No. 37-2014-00084467-CU-DF-CTL to the webhost of www.ripoffreport.com to discover the true identity of the author of the Consumer Comment posted to www.ripoffreport.com under Report 1114985 on March 5, 2015 under the user name “The Record - (USA)”.  This is notice to the author of the above post of Private Label Nutraceuticals LLC’s subpoena, and provision of a reasonable opportunity to respond.  Alternately, the author of the post may inform Private Label Nutraceuticals LLC directly of their true identity by May 27, 2015 through our attorney, who may be contacted by e mail at [email protected].

The Record

The Facts

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, March 05, 2015

In 2014 the above posting was published that claimed that Private Label Nutraceuticals (PLN) was manufacturing health supplements that have fake ingredients in them, and then selling them to unsuspecting US consumers.   

Very clear statements were made by the poster, which seem to be a clear warning to Americans who are ingesting FAKE supplements that Bjarte Rene is manufacturing:

Statement 1: "Private Label Nutraceuticals did not use real ingredients in the products they were manufacturing" 

Statement 2: "The FDA had been investigating Private Label Nutraceuticals and its founder Bjarte Rene for years."

Statement 3: "Because there were fake ingredients used in the products...all claims that a marketer made of the products was deemed false."

In a response to the above posting, you would think that Bjarte Rene, owner of Private Label Nutraceuticals, would clean up his business practices.  Instead, Bjarte Rene was enraged that he was publicly called out for his business practices, filed a defamation lawsuit claiming the following under oath:

#1 Bjarte Rene's PLN response: the postings falsely claimed that PLN used “fake” ingredients

#2 Bjarte Rene's PLN response: the postings falsely claimed that customers had experienced allergic reactions to PLN’s products and that “marketers” of PLN products were potentially legally liable for selling the products;

#3 Bjarte Rene's PLN response: the postings falsely claimed that there was an “open case” against PLN founder Bjarte Rene

#4 Bjarte Rene's PLN response: PLN has never used “fake” ingredients

#5 Bjarte Rene's PLN response: PLN stands behind its products and is extraordinarily proactive in following all current GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), and has received food safety certification from ASI Food Safety Consultants.  Additionally, PLN employs an internal quality control and compliance department to ensure all products meet or exceed all regulatory specifications, contain compliant labeling and product claims, and list only truthful, accurate product description and ingredient information

#6 Bjarte Rene's PLN response: PLN is not now nor has it ever been the subject of a government investigation

It looked like Bjarte Rene of Private Label Nutraceuticals d/b/a MaritzMayer Laboratories was just about to convince the world that he is a victim of false allegations..and convince people that he has legitimately earned the right to live in a $4M mansion in Rancho Santa Fe California, enjoy a million dollar home in Aspen, and enjoy all of the other spoils of success...all of which he earned through "honest" business practices as a provider of health supplements with "truthful, accurate product descriptions and ingredient information."  

That is until, of course, karma caught up with Bjarte Rene, the puppetmaster behind one of the largest alleged fake health supplement manufacturer and distributor in the world (allegetions from lawsuits, undercover reporters, and consumer reviews online starting coming out in 2014).   You can't run from KARMA, and when you do bad things, they catch up to you in life.

In 2014, allegations across the board came out that Private Label Nutraceuticals d/b/a Maritzmayer Laboratories was manufacturing fake supplements and distributing them to Americans.  All of this is at the direction of the owner/operator Bjarte Rene.

Private Label Nutraceuticals Manufacturing Fake Health Supplements?   

Let's look at the FACTS:

FACT 1:  Last month a major class-action lawsuit was filed against Private Label Nutraceuticals d/b/a Martizmayer Laboratories alleging that the company manufactured and distributed FAKE ingredients in their Green Coffee Bean supplement to Americans.   Instead of having Green Coffee Bean, the product had SUGAR in it.  

The name of the plaintiff that was ripped off is Heather Schourup.  It is believed that thousands of other Americans just like Heather ingested this sugar pill, many of which may have diabetes, which can cause serious health side affects including death.   

Here's the links to the lawsuit, which you can read online:


(((link redacted)))

FACT 2:  There's a large number of consumer reviews online that have taken the allegedly false supplements that were sold to them by Private Label Nutraceuticals d/b/a Maritzmayer Laboratories that claim that the products have fake ingredients in them.   Here are a few links to review, but there are many more that will get published in subsequent follow-ups to this story:





These are just a few Amazon review sites that have negative reviews on Maritzmayer Laboratories (the brand that Private Label Nutraceuticals uses to sell direct to consumers).   There are tons of other bad reviews out there on these products.

FACT 3:  The Dr. Oz show had ConsumerLab.com test the ingredients inside of Private Label Nutraceuticals "Garcinia Cambogia" supplement that was marketed under the label "Miracle Garcinia Cambogia."   The results of the test showed that Private Label Nutraceuticals was manufacturing fake supplements that were the "worst offenders" of all Garcinia Cambogia health supplements tested by ConsumerLab.com.  By "worst offenders" ConsumerLab referred to Private Label Nutraceuticals "Garcinia Cambogia" brand had completely misrepresented the ingredients in their bottle, essentially duping consumers into believing that they were buying a dietary supplement that had Garcinia Cambogia in it where it only had trace amount, with other supplements in it instead.

Private Label Nutraceuticals client, Tarr Inc., got into a lot of trouble and had to stop selling their brand of Garcinia Cambogia because unbeknownst to them, they bought FAKE products.   

Here's a link to the Dr. Oz episode that exposes one of Private Label Nutraceuticals clients (Tarr Inc., Richard Fowler et al.).  It is unfair to Tarr Inc. that they were sold FAKE products by Private Label Nutraceuticals and would have to endure the brand damage, personally and professionally, along with the lost revenue:

Dr. Oz exposé on FAKE products: http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/dr-oz-takes-down-scammers-using-his-name-dupe-you 

Tarr Inc. Response to gettng sold FAKE supplements by Private Label Nutraceuticals: http://s.doctoroz.com/sites/default/files/dm_uploads/Miracle%20Garcinia%20Cambogia%20Statement%20FINAL.pdf 

ConsumerLab.com report on the alleged Private Label Nutraceutical manufactured Garcinia Cambogia supplement that was marketed to US consumers as "Miracle Garcinia Cambogia": http://www.doctoroz.com/article/consumerlabcoms-report-miracle-garcinia-cambogia 

FACT 4: Last year Private Label Nutraceuticals was sued by Activlab for selling them FAKE health supplements.   In the lawsuit Activlab alleged that they bought whey protein at a fraction of the price from Private Label Nutraceuticals.  

They won a contract from Vitamin Shoppe to sell their brand of Whey Protein in their stores.   At some point it was alleged that Vitamin Shoppe tested the ingredients inside of the whey protein and that it did not have protein in it, instead it had a cheap ingredient called "glycine", which is a well known cheap substitute for real protein.   

This caused major brand damange to Activlab and I believe it may have terminated their contract with Vitamin Shoppe.




FACT 5:  The FDA in their own words "investigated" Bjarte Rene and visited one of his supplement facilities, which at the time was called the "American Nutriceutical Company."  http://www.casewatch.org/fdawarning/prod/2003/americannutriceuticals.shtml

In the FDA's Warning Letter to Rene: "During the investigation, our investigators collected a list of products distributed by your firm and samples of all available labels and promotional materials for products marketed and distributed by your firm. As a result of our investigation and review of these labels and promotional materials, we have determined that a number of your products fail to comply with provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the Act).

But wait, in the response to this RipOffReport, Bjarte Rene has claimed that "PLN is not now nor has it ever been the subject of a government investigation."   Well isn't the FDA a government agency and doesn't the link to the letter below clearly state "during the investigation."

Oh wait, nice try!  It looks like Bjarte changed the name of his company from "American Nutriceuticals" TO "Private Label Nutraceuticals."

Bjarte Rene's new brand, Private Label Nutraceuticals, then it would seem has never been the subject of an investigation by the FDA.   It was the old brand, American Nutriceuticals, that came under investigation.  It appears as if Bjarte Rene is putting a play on words by changing the name of his company, kinda like how he allegedly plays games with businesses and conusmers that buy supplements from his with fake ingredients...starting to look like a pattern.

What ever happened to the old company that Bjarte Rene ran, the American Nutraceutical Company.  Was it rebranded as Private Label Nutraceuticals?  More to come on this, stay tuned....

FACT 6:  Private Label Nutraceuticals d/b/a Maritzmayer Laboratories has lots of other RipOffReports written about them.  Some of which claim they have FAKE ingredients in their products.






& other reports that these products are FAKES, such as this report: (((link redacted)))

Looks like the Bjarte Rene's "Private Label Nutraceuticals" business is booming, with over $47M in revenue in 2013: http://www.inc.com/profile/private-label-nutraceuticals.   I wonder how many millions in there were made from supplements that had fake ingredients in them.  

The only place for Bjarte Rene is a maximum security federal prison, where he is prevented from allegedly endangering innocent Americans that have diabetes by placing "sugar" inside his supplements instead of real ingredients.   If the allegations in the class-action lawsuit are found to be true, this is the worst type of fraud you can commit on consumers.

Enjoy the life of luxury while you have it Mr. Bjarte Rene.  You will always be able to remember it when you are watching yourself on American Green from a Federal Prison.

As of this post, on March 5, 2015, Private Label Nutraceuticals d/b/a Maritzmayer Laboratories is still selling their health supplements on Amazon, Ebay, and several other online channels.   I wonder how many people have ordered these products and tested them...I wonder what the lab results are.

There's much, much more news to follow.   For those of you that are watching, you will not be disappointed.


Defendant Named In Libel Lawsuit Over False On-Line Claims

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, September 03, 2014

Private Label Nutraceuticals vehemently denies all false and “anonymous” allegations made in a series of on-line attacks seeking to harm Private Label Nutraceutical's reputation and customer relationships. We have obtained information indicating that the false statements were made by a competitor and have filed suit accordingly. (Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, Case No. 37-2014-00084467-CU-DF-CTL)



Here are the facts: All four postings were made on the same day (January 12, 2014) from a single IP address.  The postings falsely claimed that PLN was the subject of an investigation by the Food & Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission and had been the subject of a “raid”; the postings falsely claimed that PLN used “fake” ingredients and peanut dust in its products; the postings falsely claimed that customers had experienced allergic reactions to PLN’s products and that “marketers” of PLN products were potentially legally liable for selling the products; and the postings falsely claimed that there was an “open case” against PLN founder Bjarte Rene.  This is in addition to other false claims made in the postings.

PLN is not now nor has it ever been the subject of a government investigation or raid.  PLN has never been advised that any government agency has requested information from any of its customers nor has PLN ever received a request from any government agency relating to any of its customers.  PLN has never used “fake” ingredients or peanut dust in its products nor has it ever been advised of an allergic or adverse reaction from its Garcinia Cambogia, Colon Cleansers, African Mango, or other products.  Lastly, there is no “open case” against PLN or its founder Bjarte Rene. 

PLN’s denial of these false allegations could not be more explicit or vehement.


PLN stands behind its products and is extraordinarily proactive in following all current GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), and has received food safety certification from ASI Food Safety Consultants.  Additionally, PLN employs an internal quality control and compliance department to ensure all products meet or exceed all regulatory specifications, contain compliant labeling and product claims, and list only truthful, accurate product description and ingredient information.

PLN intends to aggressively pursue all of its legal rights and remedies to ensure that the responsible party is held fully accountable for the illegal conduct that has occurred, including referral to the appropriate authorities for criminal prosecution.  We regret any confusion or concern that the false blog postings has caused you and assure you that PLN will continue to take quality and compliance issues very seriously.



Notice of Subpoena Issued By Private Label Nutraceuticals

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 20, 2014

Private Label Nutraceutical, LLC has issued a subpoena in Superior Court of California Case No. 37-2014-00084467-CU-DF-CTL to the webhost of www.ripoffreport.com to discover the true identity of the author of this anonymous post.  This is notice to the author of Private Label Nutraceutical’s subpoena, and provision of a reasonable opportunity to respond.  Alternately, the author of this post may inform Private Label Nutraceutical directly of their true identity by April 4, 2014, through our attorney, who may be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].


Notice of Legal Action Taken By Private Label Nutraceuticals Against False Posting

#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 24, 2014

Private Label Nutraceutical, LLC has filed a complaint with the Superior Court for the State of California, County of San Diego, Case Number 37-2014-00084467-CU-DF-CTL, Judge Ronald L. Styn, Department C-62.


Private Label Nutraceuticals' Response to FALSE & SLANDEROUS Allegations

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 16, 2014

Private Label Nutraceuticals vehemently denies the above listed FALSE statements. As an industry leading manufacturing partner and private label provider of high-quality dietary supplements and nutritional products, Private Label Nutraceuticals takes quality and compliance issues extremely seriously.

  • Private Label Nutraceuticals is NOT involved in any current or ongoing FDA or FTC investigations.
  • Private Label Nutraceuticals has NEVER received a request for customer information by any governmental agencies, including, but not limited to, the FDA and FTC.
  • Private Label Nutraceuticals has NEVER provided customer information to ANY outside third parties.
  • Private Label Nutraceuticals was NOT raided by the FDA or FTC in December 2013.
  • Private Label Nutraceuticals, including all of its principals, has NEVER been sued by the FDA, FTC, or any other Government agency.
  • The FDA did NOT serve Private Label Nutraceuticals with any warning letters in November 2013. The link in the above post, which claims to show a letter sent to Private Label Nutraceuticals in 2013, actually displays a letter sent to a DIFFERENT COMPANY in 2003 – almost 11 years ago – and only shows a request to change wording on labels and literature – there is NO reference to “fake ingredients.”.
  • Private Label Nutraceuticals does NOT use any fake ingredients in any product.

Our company is extremely proactive in following all current GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), and has received food safety certification from ASI Food Safety Consultants. Private Label Nutraceuticals employs an internal quality control and compliance department to ensure all products meet or exceed all regulatory specifications, contain compliant labeling and product claims, and list only truthful, accurate product description and ingredient information. We do offer third party product testing, as well as all relevant certifications in regards to product contents.

Because of our highly visible and influential position within the supplement industry, we understand that providing high quality products is not only the core of our business, but that it also supports the overall growth and legitimacy of our industry. We encourage our customers to reach out to their account manager, our management, and/or our quality control department to learn more about our rigorous standards, transparency, and processes. For any valid complaints, issues, or questions, please feel free to contact us at (888) 289-1184, or via email at [email protected].

To defend the quality of its products and prevent future false information from being disseminated, Private Label Nutraceuticals has initiated a court proceeding in an effort to learn the identity of the author of the false statements made in the above post. If necessary, Private Label Nutraceuticals will pursue legal action to the full extent of the law to establish that the above post is false.

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