  • Report:  #45323

Complaint Review: Providian Get Smart Credit Card - Bethpage New York

Reported By:
- Lake Worth, Florida,

Providian Get Smart Credit Card
P.O. Box 9201 Bethpage, 11804 New York, U.S.A.
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Initially, I had an account with Providian/Aria. I paid the account in full. I received a new credit card from Providian/Get Smart. I chose not to activate the card. One day I received a telphone call from a "Get Smart" representative inquiring as to why I had not activated the card. I told the man that the interest rate was way too high, and I did not want to pay it. He asked me to wait while he "reviewed my payment history." He came back on the line with a line -- Oh, you have an excellent payment history with us - we will lower the interest to 16.5 or 16.9%. I said okay.

I attempted to make a payment on my account one day, when lo and behold, it said I had no account. I tried again - same thing. Then I called these usery specialists, who not only told me I no longer have a "GetSmart" account, but basically "get lost, you have no account any longer and just pay the balance off." Then I started looking closely at the statement. My account that no longer exists is now being charged 29.9% interest. This is absolutely insane.

I obviously went from an excellent paying customer to the equivalent of a bag lady in one swift transaction by these thieves! I definitely DO NOT WANT TO DO BUSINESS with them, but who in the world do think they are that they can just arbitrarily jack people around - jack the interest to almost twice the rate - and I'm just supposed to pay it off??? Not at that rate.

Just how stupid do these people think the American Consumers are anyway. They should be run out of the country on a rail - never to be seen again.


Lake Worth, Florida

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