  • Report:  #203504

Complaint Review: PSI Seminars - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
- New York City, New York,

PSI Seminars
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
What happens at PSI 7?

You arrive and stay at a hotel the day prior to attending 7. They pick you up in a bus and drive to the ranch. You arrive at the ranch by bus; you're not allowed to bring your own car, because they don't want you to leave before the program is finished. You're set up to sleep in a bunk house with 40 men, or if you're a female, 40 women. You share living quarters, to include the showers. You sleep on bunk beds. You are told when to eat, when to sleep, when to go to the bathroom. You are instructed to write a journal and share your thoughts and feelings with the rest of the group.

They break you down, somewhat like basic training in the military. They do group exercises like climbing 40 foot phone poles, 14-15 foot walls, standing on the edge of a cliff, all the while your team is holding the ropes. This is to entrust you to the group. You walked across a set of ropes holding onto another person; this builds the group personality. Once a task in completed you do the group bonding, like love bombing, groups hugs. Team building.

Prior to going to the ranch you're given a list of clothing you need to bring, this includes clothing you would not feel comfortable wearing in public. For the women it's usually a bathing suit or bikini. Once you're at the ranch there is one exercise where your PSI Buddy picks out your clothes for the barn dance. Clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable wearing in public. The barn dance included a DJ playing disco music, the mirror ball hanging from the ceiling. This is a breaking down of your defenses to critical thinking.

There is one exercise called the sharing where the men and women stare into one another's eyes by candle light and share their feelings with the other person. The question asked in the sharing is would you like to have an intimated relationship with this person?

There is another exercise where you gather cow pies (yes cow pies) to symbolize life's bullshit (sorry) and they place it on a plywood sheet and hang it up on a wall. This is to represent getting rid of the BS in their lives, you know the BS that's holding you back.

Oh, and they have a store on the premises, where you can buy the PSI bible, a leather bound book with the teachings of Wilhite, Inspirational CD's, and of course the PSI T-shirts. If you read the book or listen to the CD's, you'll find its nothing more than fancy BS with the bottom line: recruit your family and friends to get their MONEY.

And you get all this for $3000.00. And on the last day you're told you are still not done, you're told you have not obtained all the tools to live a better life and then it's the hard sell for the Leadership course. And if you sign up today it will only cost you $3600.00; a discount, as the course is $4000.00. Nice discount, save $400.00 and continue to destroy your life.

They work to destroy relationships and they cause people to detach from family and friends. They encourage people to become emotionally dependent on them. Looking back, I see how my wife tried to recruited me and get me into this, but after seeing the change in her I decided not to go, and because she saw this as being unsupportive she left and we divorced. That was a year ago. I was betrayed by one of my most trusted friends.

I am trying my best to be compassionate and to forgive her with the understanding that she herself is trapped within the lies of PSI. Even from my friend, an intelligent, creative woman who I know to be capable of very subtle critical thinking, I never heard anything from her that ever questioned what PSI is and does. I showed her the research I have done on this group and she said the research was bullshit. PSI is her life and she has told me that she never going to give up the benefits of PSI. These benefits include leaving her relationships with her family and friends because she couldn't recruit, oh, sorry, enroll them.

And if you're thinking of going I have some questions for you; don't think about the money. Think; Is this going to be worth the loss of respect of your family and friends? Is it worth losing your own self respect? Is it worth the loss of your sanity? I would say no. But that is my opinion.

This reminds me. I saw a posting on one of the yahoo groups that hit this nail on the head. The posting said

Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.


New York City, New York

4 Updates & Rebuttals


New York City,
New York,
you sound like a perfect candidate for one of these cults

#2Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2007

acv123, you don't get IT.... Gee, you sound like a perfect candidate for one of these cults. You pick a couple of insignificant criticisms and then breezily dismiss them as though you'd done a real thorough examination. You "claim" to have read "many of these posts" but apparently they've had little to say in your estimation. Oh, and that EASY refund -- well that just cinches it, doesn't it? Brainwashing has very little to do with eating or driving and more to do with convincing you something worthless or dangerous is of great value. I suggest to you that your understanding is superficial to the point of being non-existent. Again, you are a good candidate for the lathering. Forty years of evidence and experience has piled up against these groups and it really doesn't take that much to figure it out. But they don't want anyone who can do that and are probably thrilled there are still more like you around -- willing to put the blinders on and advertise for them in cyberspace.


Who Cares Can't we be Happy for Happy people!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 28, 2007

My experience with PSI basic this past weekend was eye opening and insightful, however I can honestly say that not everyone in the class got somthing out of it. It disturbed me in one posting I read that one person who wrote in and refered to people in the class as losers. Specifically people who where raped, who had addictions to alcohol or drugs, and people with emotional problems. What I don't understand is why people who attend and and don't get anything out of it just don't ask for the refund? Also like someone else stated if you go to college and either fail the class or get a B should you get your money back? Why is it that if someone else get's a better quality of life that it makes people mad? I will admit the first and second day I was sceptical and thought that the people in there where a little t happy, in fact I attended with my girlfriend and said those very word's "why is everyone in there so happy, no one should be that excited and happy"! Think about that for a minute. How miserable of a statement is that? And what difference does it make to me if someone runs down the street and jumps up and down screaming "I Love the World". Right now I just feel sad for the human race and dissappointed that even people who attend the seminar know they can get a refund if it didn't impact them in any way, and still they want to throw stones and send pre-concieved ideas that this seminar is a scam. Everyone is affraid of change, especially family and people who don't understand. But if it is change for the better then where is the harm. Has our society gotten to the point where they can not stand to see other people happy. And what lengths will people go to make sure those happy people don't stay happy for long. The good news is us happy people know a secret and we won't let the negetive energy into our lives. That being said PSI was one of the best experiences of my life. And they really had some great kool-aid at the seminar, and I can't wait til I can drink some more.


San Marcos,
Not at all a "Cult" thing, only a rip off if you choose it to be!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 20, 2007

I read many of these posts, and ones similar to these after the first night that I attended the Basic Seminar. I almost backed out, but ultimately I am really glad I didn't. And a close friend just got back from PSI7 and filled me in on her experience. Which was also great. First I want to address some mistakes that I have read here and in other posts. "They don't allow you to have food or drink" The pamphlet clearly states that you should eat BEFORE coming on Thursday and Friday night and to bring snacks for the breaks. Same for Sat and SUn and you take nice long lunch break both of those days, you just have to buy your own lunch. They just ask that you don't eat DURING the class or in the room as it is a distracction. Sounds just like every class I had in college. Doesn't it? Makes sense right? "You can't drive you're own car to PSI7 to the Ranch" Actually you can. My friend said several people in her group drove there and you can leave whenever you want. As far as my experience goes: I was skeptical the whole time. There is nothing crazy that happens on the Sunday of the Basic for that "wow" moment, I just think that a lot of people, like me, take that long to let their guard down a little. I know I did. And yes, they do encourage you to attend the other classes like 7 and the Leadership course. It IS a business. At Colleges all over the country, they encourage you to take other classes because they need to keep revenue coming in. Nobody calls that a "Cult". I won't be pushing anyone to attend. I had a great experience and might someday go do PSI7. I just want to take what I've learned about myself and put it to use first. Everybody learns something different about themselves in the class. You take away only what you are willing to. Nothing more, nothing less. So, if you think it's a "rip off" and it did nothing for you. You can very EASILY get a refund after you are done.


New York City,
New York,

#5Author of original report

Sat, July 29, 2006

Are you a victim of PSI Seminars? PSI Seminars is: *a brainwashing seminar *a pyramid scheme (legal because the labor is volunteered) *group pressure/peer pressure *skilled at harassment *a 'targeted marketing corporation' (believe it, those are their own words!) *going to target YOU *a neighborhood nightmare *a social epidemic *yes it IS a cult for the enthusiastic *empty rhetoric *a salesman that YOU pay to solicit YOU *secretly writing down any information you share during the seminar in order to solicit you in the future *full of real estate agents, car salesmen, loan officers, travel agents and more who are WATCHING YOU (and taking notes)- don't worry they'll introduce themselves as new friends at a later date once they know what your interests are. They are the ones who will help you purchase, oops I mean realize your true potential *not your friend *bastardized philosophy and social science *scripted *owned by the former board members of EST *a more 'polished' and up to date version of EST *required to have you sign a consent release form because of all those messy suicide lawsuits back in the seventies and eighties during the EST version *not therapy *sneaky *insidious *a snake oil salesman with a friendly face *full of ------ (fill in the blank) rhetorical logic riddled word games that give you that warm 'I got it!' feeling *a really bad idea *a family and friend 'divider' not 'uniter' *encouraging spouses NOT to tell their spouses what happened during the seminar *a really really expensive weekend, or more *psychologically dangerous *full of feel good fluff *full of feel bad stuff *wants you, your family, your friends, and your friends friends to sign up *wants YOU to recruit them, free of charge- because intra personal relationships are the marketing mechanism of the future, oops, I mean TODAY *a class rate con job *not an accredited educational organization *affects more people then you would ever guess

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