  • Report:  #1003791

Complaint Review: PsychicVictory (Blessed Prophetess) - Internet

Reported By:
Yarnda - , Internet, Denmark

PsychicVictory (Blessed Prophetess)
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well, this "psychic" proves that even when they seem the most genuine it's nothing but blatant lies and money eating. 

I first talked with her on twitter as I really wanted a reading and people seemed to say a lot og nice stuff about her, she even claims to know you will contact before you do - well her answers to my questions for a reading in NO WAY SHOWED that. We made an appointment for a certain day, I waited and waited and of course she never got online on bitwine as promised. She never wrote back, not even apologized.

Then I found this sad excuse for a humanbeing on liveperson, being a little torn I read all the testimonials through and got hope that she was genuine, also this fraud claims 90% of her predictions happen within 14 days.

I paued her the insane amount of $45 for a short and useless e-mail reading on liveperson. I asked about my ex, and she told me that he saw him make a move to go forward within 14 days, but I should ignore/reject as e was also doing other ladies. That's it. No validations or anything, this fraud had nothing to offer. At the point I was almost healed, and then she tarted talking about a spiritual bath I could do from the kitchen sink. Lol. Yeah... So 14 days went by, and of course, NOTHING happened as she said it would, she even said I would meet a new guy, oh well, that did not happen either lol. She says her prediction most likely happens within 14 days, what she really means is, she will make up a story to happen within 14 days which doesn't happen. I don't get how this woman sleeps at night, ugh...

A week later I confronted her that it never came true, I'm moving on but disappointed in her abilities to tell the truth. She ignored me and i never got my money back. It's been 6 monthes since the reading and I'm on about a new guy now, but I thought I would let you know about this horrible guesser who is for some reason loved worldwide, if you consider trying her please read this horrible exprience with her, it may open your eyes...

Links to this horrible person:

Bitwine: http://psychic.bitwine.com/psychics/45982-blessed_prophetess

LivePerson: http://www.liveperson.com/expert/spirituality-religion/love-relationships/cheating-affairs/psychic-victory/

Oranum: http://www.oranum.com/psychics/PSYCHICVICTORY

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PSYCHICVICTORY

KEEP AWAY!! All she wants is your money.

6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, August 28, 2013

Ok Victory,

I found the original poster's updated post on the internet.

(((ROR redacted)))

She concluded, "I have been frauded as well A LOT by all these "psychic" people, and when I finally found someone who seemed so genuine (you) and again saw that NONE of what you said came to pass, I was more than disappointed, I was hurt. all I really wanted was one genuine psychic to tell the truth, and you didn't in my case. All I wanted was for one reader to be genuine, and since I felt you did not live up to that, what I wanted was justice. But I still think you should think about how you phrase your readings. Because you make it sound like this complaint is put up for fun or just to give you bad reputation for NO reason, I can tell you, it isn't."

You know what, I agree 100% with what she wrote.


I agree more and more

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 28, 2013

You predicted that a man would ask to be in a relationshp with me, and now you are saying the opposite. It does not matter whether or not I get together with this man or that man. The point is all your predictions were wrong about everything I asked. Your ploy may be to try to initimidate people, but it is not working. I feel sorry for all your clients who you broadcast their personal lives on twitter or here. This is a business complaint site. I am here to talk about your business, not your personal life. My review was rather general as I mostly wrote about what I had in common with this other client's reading. If a psychic is a real scammer, I tend to report them to the psychic site if they are abusive to clients. You are not the only scammer on that site, which is to be expected since th site does not even screen psychics.


There is nothing wrong with sharing your experience about your reading with Victory. Since the psychic site only has a 2-week deadline to write a review, I am writing it here. As you can see by her comments, she is running an unprofessional business. It may make her feel better to suggest clients need therapy, but she needs to consider how her emotions get in the way of business.


I have had enough of this non-sense

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 27, 2013

OK, this is for "scambuster" First of all, the person above clearly states if you have time to look me up in google, obviously you do..then you will see that that person also said that she see's that I am NOT a scam artist, and she CLEARLY apologizes.


Lastly the so called person who told you to come to me, also has spent 5 hours with me for FREE, and I told him he needs therapy, NOT a psychic. All I do is help people. As far as I am concerned when you came to see me, I told you all that I picked up about you BEFORE you said one word. I also told you that it is unfair to come here bashing my good name AFTER 6 months...


I also told you that the guy you wanted me to read for you DID NOT WANT YOU! And also to MOVE ON! I said that several times. Then you wanted to bribe me to pay you back $40.00 after I spent 2 hours with you , 6 months later, I feel you should also be accountable for what does and doesn't happen in your life.


I do NOT lie, play games, threaten people or ask for any reviews, please tell e, but all 518 reviews can't all be wrong. I was born with a lot of abilities, and yes I help thousands. If I was a scammer, after 38 years I could not do what I do, and that is tell people thier names without them telling me or those involved, I heal people, I mention EVERYTHING without them telling me. If you want a fortune teller machine, then yes, you came to the wrong person.


I also told you that ALL the reading transcripts are for your review and please RE-READ them, however you NEVER talked or mentioned what I asked you about when I said to MOVE ON! The guy DOES NOT WANT YOU!


I do have your email address, and to purposely sprinkle negative comments about me across the internet WITHOUT everyone seeing all that you have said to me, in numerous email on bitwine privately, is uncalled for. YOU were the one that was being nasty to me, after I told you that the legal team on Bitwine and the site manager had to investigate. When they came back and told me that they have had run ins with you on the site before, I made the decision to NOT refund your $40.00


I am now definately going to report YOU, and yes in this business you have to have a legal team, because of "SCAMMERS" like you that gets readings, and then 6 months to a year later want to holler fraud, scam and what not. It;s really too bad that you do not own up to your own life and place blam on the psychic, and this is why I will not "predict" anymore. As far as having "internet issues", I am sorry but I do NOT work for you , or anyone. My mom had a massive heart attack, and I am healing her. I do not owe you an ellaboration.


If you want I can post the entire reading transcripts here, and show ALL that I said to you and you to me in that very reading that I did for you, but only with your permissio of course. I have NOTHING to hide. Then whomever can see what I have been and AM telling you now.


Furthermore, It's not that I can't see the future, oh because I can, and all my hundreds upon hundreds of clients can testify to that.


I will predict this for you though: You will be sued, so be prepared to bring your transcripts to court, and soon.


Have a blessed life, and stop stalking a man who didn't want you in the first place, as I told you in the beginning, AND WITHOUT you telling me. It was AFTER I told you that, then you confirmed what i was seeing.


This really makes me sick how people do not want to talk about what went wrong and what not. I am not saying that I am GOD -or that I am NEVER wrong, sure there are times, but I will own up to that.


Again in 38 years I have never had to defend myself, because I know that I give 1000% to people.


Yeah and also "scam-buster", if you didn't know, I will tell you this, certain people on the Bitwine community know you VERY well, for Scamming them! HA! And THAT is why I came to my decison...you may want to scam others on the site, and get what you want, then turn around and say that well, nothing came true, JUST so you can collect your money back.


That is called stealing, if you didn't know.






I have had enough

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 27, 2013

OK, this is for "scambuster" First of all, the person above clearly states if you have time to look me up in google, obviously you do..then you will see that that person also said that she see's that I am NOT a scam artist, and she CLEARLY apologizes.


Lastly the so called person who told you to come to me, also has spent 5 hours with me for FREE, and I told him he needs therapy, NOT a psychic. All I do is help people. As far as I am concerned when you came to see me, I told you all that I picked up about you BEFORE you said one word. I also told you that it is unfair to come here bashing my good name AFTER 6 months later. Can you account for anything that you did? What about free will on the giys part? Have you been stalking him, because he wants to marry or be with someone else? Maybe he just doesn't want you. So tell us, what have you been doing for ALL those 6 months, that NOTHING worked out? If this was really serious to you, you should have come back to me within 2 weeks!!! NOT 6 months woman! Sheesh!


I also told you that the guy you wanted me to read for, DID NOT WANT YOU! And also to MOVE ON! I said that several times. Then you wanted to bribe me to pay you back $40.00 after I spent 2 hours with you , and if I didn't , you said you would put up your review to bad mouth me here. You are NOT telling the whole story. 6 months later, I feel you should also be accountable for what does and doesn't happen in your life. I have NO problem whatsoever to upload the ENTIRE transcript of your reading here for EVERYONE to see, but only with your permission. If you don't mind whomeber comes to see this garbage you have written here will see ALL that you said as well as what I said tou you, and for you to MOVE ON FROM THIS GUY!!! And how I did not charge you anything extra, I closed the payments, and for 2 hours you asked over and over the same thing for 2 hours..


I do NOT lie, play games, threaten people or ask for any reviews, but all my 518 reviews can't all be wrong. I was born with a lot of abilities, and yes I help thousands. If I was a scammer, after 38 years I could not do what I do, and that is tell people thier names without them telling me or those involved, I heal people, I mention EVERYTHING without them telling me. If you want a fortune teller machine, then you came to the wrong person.


I also told you that ALL the reading transcripts are for your review and please RE-READ them, however you NEVER talked or mentioned what I asked you about when I said to MOVE ON! The guy DOES NOT WANT YOU!


I do have your email address, and to purposely sprinkle negative comments about me across the internet WITHOUT everyone seeing all that you said to me, is uncalled for. YOU were the one that was being nasty to me, after I told you that the legal team on Bitwine and the site manager had to investigate. When they came back and told me that they have had run ins with you on the site before, I made the decision to NOT refund your $40.00


I am now definately going to report YOU, and yes in this business you have to have a legal team, because of "SCAMMERS" like you that get readings, and then 6 months to a year later want to holler fraud, scam and what not. It's really too bad that you do not own up to your own life and place blam on the psychic, and this is why I will not "predict" anymore. People DO NOT understand how psychic energy works..anyone that tells you that they can tell you 100% percent what WILL happen, RUN!!!!


In my own case how my abilities work is I see definately how something will turn out IF and only IF all involved CONTINUE in the way they are going...however we all are human beings and have free will..ALL OF US. Most times I am 87-99 percent on the money..again don't believe me , believe all 516 of my reviews. All my clients at my shop will also attest to this, and all my students at University will also attest that I teach them well how to use their own abilities as well my dear.


It's not that I can't, oh because I can, and all my hundreds upon hundreds of clients can testify to that. It's that I will only see into the future for select few people that are not sitting around for "something" to happen and that can be accountable for their lives. As far as me not showing up-My mother had a massive heart attack and I am healing her-so don't tell me that I had supposed "internet" issues. I don't work for you or anyone and don't need to further elaborate. In fact sometimes I see who people are before they come, but feel sorry for them, and still try to help. I should have listened to SPIRIT about you, but I felt sorry for you.


I will predict this for you though: You will be sued, so be prepared to bring your transcripts to court, and soon.


Have a blessed life, and stop stalking a man who didn't want you in the first place, as I told you in the beginning, AND WITHOUT you telling me. It was AFTER I told you that, then you confirmed what I was seeing.


This really makes me sick how people do not want to talk about what went wrong and what not. I am not saying that I am GOD -or that I am NEVER wrong, sure there are times, but I will own up to that.


Again in 38 years I have never had to defend myself, because I know that I give 1000% to people.


Yeah and also "scam-buster", if you didn't know, I will tell you this, certain people on the Bitwine community know you VERY well, for Scamming them! HA! And THAT is why I came to my decison...you may want to scam others on the site, and get what you want, then turn around and say that well, nothing came true, JUST so you can collect your money back.


That is called stealing, if you didn't know.






I agree

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, August 27, 2013

I am sorry for your experience. I am also a victim of Psychic Victory, but she claims she is the victim if you ask for a refund concerning a bad reading. She sure wants to keep your money despite claiming she does not charge everyone. If you decide to write a bad review, she threatens you with her legal team for defamation of character. I wonder why she would need a legal team...unless that was a lie. 

I first talked to her on a psychic site since she was recommended to me because of good written reviews. I think everyone (like the person who recommended her) writes good reviews, but it is too late to edit them after the predictions do not happen. She tends to blame it on free will, but the things were alread in place when the reading took place.

I know what you mean about having to wait for an appointment or it being cancelled due to power outages or something. She also did not send me email cancellation(s). She says if the appointment is cancelled, it is not meant to be. But, the appointments I had certainly did not seem meant to be.

You say that she claims that she makes predictions? She just told me she can't make predictions. Just a guesser, then.

Yes, I am familiar with the man doing other ladies line. But, I am afraid that same line is given when a man is only doing one lady. 

She said she has to report you to the authorties for sharing your story? I think we should be reporting this internet scammer to the authorties. No matter what she says, you are not the only unhappy customer. It is just to late to write an updated review. Although she might accuse additional victims of being the same person, I am not the same person who filed this ripoff report.

She uses a nice act, but then acts mean. Just another psychic ripoff. :(


United States of America
Here you are again. Bashing is against the law here in the USA

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 17, 2013

WOW, you know this is what makes me really sick. I am Victory, and I will tell you this. I have so many people that come to me and I work for FREE BEYOND what they pay, some I don't charge at all. I was born with a spiritual gift, and like I tell everyone, we ALL have a gift dear. I do not know why you will do this, as you can see you went out of your way to splatter my name, however I did not hear from you? If you want a refund on your money, I will gladly present that to you, in all my years(37+) I have never had any complaints, Why?

Because I Do my best as humanly possible to help people and to EMPOWER them. I KNOW what it is like to be scammed. When I was a young girl, and wanted to know how to use my gift for the public(not my inner circle of friends and family) I went to someone to help me but they were frauds...So why would I do that to others? Anyways, I wish you the best, tell me your name, and I will surely look for you to refund you. I am NOT GOD, and in most cases, if you would let me explain how psychic energy works, you would learn a lot WHY some things change or have a delay to come true in readings, and even in fact I can teach you to do it yourself. I do wish you all the very best in your life hun. 

Since this is now, the second time I have found this, actually by word of mouth from one of my good clients, I will have to report you to the right authorities,and I have nothing to hide. Since you are from Denmark, it would be best to also know our internet laws of the United States Of America. In all my years, check yourself, I do not have even ONE complaint either through internet or BBB, EXCEPT from JUST you, now isn't that weird?

Unless of course you now go on a rampage to complete false profiles to further bash me as though you were many people. But as of today, I have clients that cherish me, and I also love them unconditionally love them as my sisters and brothers. If I were to being running psychic energy ALL day and night, I would be a dead woman. THAT is why your time AND mine is worthwhile, and just like any reputable profession, you have to exchange energy of some kind. The most common is money, however , as I have stated above, I don't read everybody, and I don't charge everyone. Take care, you really should.

Signed as Psychic Victory with unconditional LOVE & PEACE

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