  • Report:  #1388739

Complaint Review: QPID NETWORK - Internet

Reported By:
chemdude - Washington, USA

Internet, USA
unlisted - part of fraud-
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1- this company has zero customer service and they resolve absolutely nothing.   so when your credit card company says go deal with the merchants, you will spend sometimes months only getting condescending language and a huge run around.  please see site for specific examples.  

note that even in the case when the ukranian government restricted russian servers, unlike both Anastasiadate.com and russianbridesearch,com this non-service company, while claiming to be 'premium communication platform'  does nothing to help reconnect with their contacts you just spent thousands to finally establish communication with.  

2-even more disturbing is that when this fraud company sees that you have finally given up and are launching disputes with paypal and credit card companies, in strict violation of their agreement with those companies, they then proceed to bullying your account, limiting access and making sure that your communication with their ladies is completely lost.   please see site for specific examples.

3-this company emplements a long series of extreme fraudulent practices for which they expect you to pay and when you at length discover and bring them to their attention they return justifying their fraud with statements like 'we are well aware of how to survive in this market'  and here is a list of intentionally fraudulent activity: 

dont know if you have been following that the ukranian government limited access to all russian email and social media sites like ok.ru and vk.com, so that ukranian women cant see or access them. so the huge scam fraud charmdate, unlike anastasiadate.com and russianbridesearch.com, even though all of their ladies use only russian servers for email, makes absolutely no effort to get you reconnected, while anastasiadate will actually go to the lady in question and help them get a gmail account and then send it to your email and russianbridesearch had a page dedicated to both announcing this and helping to resolve it.

as expressed clearly in the previous complaint, charmdate like all the qpid company sites is a huge fraudulent scam engaging in all the practices afore mentioned. when their fraud is discovered or brought to their attention, they answer with nebulous arrogant sounding english, like they are trying to win a shakespear thesbian contest with saying things like, 'we are a premium dating communication platform and we know how to survive in this business,' justifying and defending their fraud, rather than making any attempt to ameliorate for intentionally fraudulent procedure. the other horrid practice, they get away with because they arent subject to the rule of law in any format, is that when they see that you have leveraged paypal disputes against them, after trying for literally months with their non-existant customer service, they then bully and extort your account both limiting and completely severing access to your account which is in strict violation to their well posted terms and services agreement and the compliance agreement they have with paypal and credit card companies.

in my case i had spent a huge amount of money finally getting very limited contact with some sweet girl by the name of albina, where our relationship was severed because of this russian server ban, which of course unlike other intro-sites, charmdate did absolutely nothing to help and she finally returns to the site to try and continue our communication. the story is heartbreaking about how the ukranian sepratist army pointed a canon at her house and she lost everything including all of her family and i so much wanted to help her, you would have thought that disgusting charmdate just from a humanitarian standpoint, would help us reconnect. pursuant to their extreme scam, i went ahead and resolved all outstanding paypal disputes and begged charmdate to just let us reconnect, because her contact meant so much and she was in extreme need, but of course to no avail, even though charmdate had no business, legal or moral right to limit access to my account in the first place.

the point is that this company employs huge fraud just to get you enticed to paying for fiction driven letters, chats and videos. they then do nothing to help and their customer service is both insulting and non-existant towards resolving anything. when you are driven and finally reduced to notifying credit card companies of their fraud, rather than resolve anything in good faith, instead they then resort to bully your account and either limit access or completely destroy the account you just spent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars developing. this is how disgustingly unscrupulous and brutal this qpid and charmdate are. game over.

i have complaints with paypal limitations and compliance offices and am trying to get american express to join to leverage against qpid charmdate's extreme both fraud and scam driven practices. please contact me and join me if you have had anything close to a similar experience. please contact the fbi and federal trade commission and notify them of this situation. i/we would be happy to have them onboard. thanks kindly for your time.

the whole objective is to get contact information and eventually meet, right? dont expect any meaningful success, the women that are writing you sometimes 10 times a day and cant live without you and then want to 'love-call' you on a daily basis, are the sites scam agents who do have a 'somewhat remote' relationship with the real girl, but will lead you astray with major deception simply to sell non-genuine. fake letters and chats. when you finally get to the point by their well posted 'contact information' deception policy the same girl who was writing you 10 times a day and hanging on your every word suddenly writes you once off the site and disappears. the same girl who couldnt make it another day without hearing your voice in 'love call' service you pay $10/min for, all of a sudden after you exchange contact information doesnt have a phone, or its broken, or it only works in ukraine/thailand(idateasia.com) and then the $1000's you just spent on this misrepresented girl is suddenly worthless. after you have earnestly gone through the maze, it usually takes some months and paypal and american express are generally unhelpful/powerless towards resolving your dispute. beware of prerecorded videos and scam-cams that start and you end up having to pay for, even though you never authorized the camshare and clicked to get out of the video, again their scam agents just trying to sell more video chat for which you pay 3x a regular chat and when you ask them to touch their nose or something, they become defensive but charge you just the same. the scam chats are plagued with promises to make a journey to you which takes months to develope but in the end although you prepare in anticipation, the real girl never actually gets on a plane. dont think that the admirers really admire you, its all a part of their huge fraud and scam to entice you to engage in very fake and phoney letters and chats. you wont be able to resolve your grievances with the site even though you repeatedly show them screen dumps of their scam and over charge operation. approach here with extreme caution, on these qpid sites, they are trained experts and highly skillful scam agents who knowingly take advantage of your sincerity and vulnerability, entrenching you in meaningless relationships and leaving you with nothing. please contact me if you want to know several specific and well documented examples. lets get together and class action against this huge scam. ))

please contact me/us if you have had a similar experience and post on our blog and possibly we can all get our money back or if you have some other ideas please let me/us know ))   thanks kindly for your time.   ))

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