  • Report:  #453594

Complaint Review: RDG Careers - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
- TORONTO, Ontario,

RDG Careers
350 Bay Street , Level 9 Toronto, MeH 2S6 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was relieved to see other people who had experienced the same reaction with RDG Careers. I thought it might just be me. First off, THEY called me in for an "interview". I had assumed they were a reputable Headhunter company and saw my resume on Workopolis or some other site. The address on Bay Street seemed impressive, but the offices gave me the instant creeps. Other nervous , unemployed people sat in an area that looked like a dentist's waiting room and were called one by one to a seperate area on the "other side of the waiting room " door ....there was something already "hidden" and "misleading about this" . I was soon called in and directed to an the office of one of the Senior Directors.

The first impression I had was cemented when the chair I was given to sit in was so low that I almost thought it was a child's chair. The Senior Director sat across from me and his chair was perched high, as if he was far superior and looking down on me. I could not believe they would even attempt such a low ball tactic like this to make me feel "small, inferior and needing to look up to him." I was going to say something right away but did not want to appear argumentative right off the bat but then the Senior Director went right into the interview and came at it with the terse tact , "what was I doing here , what do you think we can do for you ?" as if I had called this meeting ......he glanced over my resume and asked about one of my former bosses , who he seemed to know and lead me to believe that he had been a former client ...this seemed highly unusual to me and kind of expressing a lack of confidentiality .....I was very confused how the whole thing was going until he said he wanted to "discuss me with one of his associates" and left me to fill out a form , which I had to lean up to on his desk just to write out my answers.

When he came back he said he wanted to invite me back for a second interview and that of the three people he had seen that day I was the only one being invited back ...I mean how lucky am I ??? I can't believe he thought I believed this....and then he began to explain more about what they are and I realized they were not a headhunting firm....he said for someone like me they would charge me a fee of $4,000 for a three year contract where they would help introduce me to people in the business , etc, etc, but nowhere was there a guarantee for a job....he seemed to just pull $4,000 out of the air and then told me "you can write all that off and the contract will be set up that way so that you can write if off ".....I asked for any literature on their programs and fee structure and he said that would come in the second interview ....that raised another red flag to me .....why couldn't I see it now ????..I am so glad I did not sign anything ....I left saying I would come back for a second interview , mainly just to see if they would try the low chair / high chair looking down on me scenario again and I would immediately call them on it and demand a more appropriate chair. How stupid do they think people are ? Preying on people looking for work in a downturn economy and they are trying to suck money out of them is pretty low.

I checked with a reputable Headhunter friend of mine to ask if this situation was normal....he said no way ....agencies pay headhunters a fee to find the employees a job , not the other way around .....he said only sign something where you retain the power , let them find you the job at your preferred rate for a year's contract and then give them a commission ...and maybe, only then would you sign anything but he said this was not a normal procedure for Recruitment companies ....beware he said ....

Has anyone reported this company to Consumer Watchdog companies ???? or better yet what about CBC's Marketplace ? This would seem like a very timely subject for them...

I always say trust your gut and my gut told me there was something creepy and not on the up and up about this place when they contacted me and when I walked off the elevator into their waiting room.

I wish I had seen this site before wasting my time going for the first interview...I will not be going for the second.


TORONTO, Ontario


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