  • Report:  #1058760

Complaint Review: Real Estate Law Center - Los angeles California

Reported By:
mradams - gainestown, Alabama,

Real Estate Law Center
695 South Vermont Ave, Suite 1100, LA, CA 90005 Los angeles, 90005 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I hired the real estate law center to modify my loan. I was sold very hard to hire Chad Pratt as my attorney. I was promised a principal reduction and a 2% interest rate reduction on my loan. I have never once spoke to "my attorney". i don't even know who my attorney is. I don't understand why pinnacle law center gets 80% of my money and real estate law firm gets 20%. Every time i ask to speak to Chad Pratt, some idiot at the "law firm" tells me that he is too busy and can't talk to me but that they can answer my questions. I already paid them $2,000. But i guess, 20% of this is not enough for Chad. I don't understand what kind of attorney doesn't talk to their clients. He's not too busy to get take $2,000 but he's to busy to talk to a client whose concerned about their home! In fact, I have not spoken to any attorney. I was current before i join the mass lawsuit. But i couldn't pay them and my mortgage. I was told that if i paid them, I would not need to pay my mortgage. Now i'm getting calls from my bank and no one at the "firm" has helped me. I didn't even know that this was what i was signing up for. i was being told that i would be in a lawsuit that would be filed "soon". it's been months and nothing has happened. i even asked for some proof that the mass lawsuits were succesful. no one replied back to me. This place is such a scam! keep your money and pay your mortgage. Don't hire these idiot becuase all they will do is take money from you and give you the run around.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Few Questions

#2General Comment

Tue, August 06, 2013

I would like to add few things, since i'm familiar with few things about this company. Maybe Sebastian can answer my questions, since he acts as a spokesperson for RELC.  Why does Deepak Parwatikar act like he has nothing to do with RELC? You guys, or your sales agents always mention Chad Pratt's as RELC's attorney with clean record, 0 copmlains, etc. Let me ask you this, how many times did Chad Pratt visirt the office on Vermont within a year?

Does he even know all the employees that work there? The answer is NO.  The fact is Deepak Parwatikar is the owner of RELC. The fact is that Deepak along with John Gearies does the hiring interviews. Deepak hires and fires the employees of RELC. Why isn't Deepak ever mentioned in the list of attorneys in your website, BBB or anywhere else. The only reason nobody mentions Deepak is because he does not have the perfect record on state bar.

As the matter of fact Deepak's attorney license was suspended for 3 years because he stole the names of the clients at the place he used to work for. That's why when the sales agents try to close their deals and talk about RELC's attorney they only mention Chad Pratt and his perfect clear history because that'a big selling point for them. But the fact is Deepak has a LOT to do with RELC, it's just nobody mentions him not to ruin your reputation. Deepak controls RELC, but under the covers. 

John Gearies (the manager of RELC) has to get an approval for almost everything that has to do with RELC from Deepak. They pretend that Deepak doesn't exist and Chad is the main guy, which is not true. I'm not saying that Chad doesn't go to courts, he does. But why would a company cover up the facts about Deepak and pretend that he does not have anything to do with RELC? My opinion about Deepak is, he is a selfish, rude little guy who thinks he rules the world.


Do Not Trust The Lies

#3UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, June 17, 2013

Everything you read negative here is true. You should never sign up with a law firm over the phone. You should know that RELC promises "payment stabilization" but it really a loan modification. Ask for the FDD package. It is a loan modification application. Ask them point blank. They are not truthful. It can take months upon months to speak to an attorney, if you are ever given the opportunity to speak with one at all. They are simply sales agents promising you low interest rates, balance reductions and monetary damages *but will never tell you how many clients total got monetary damages.

Ask: how are sales agents paid? It's based on how many clients they sell. They are paid commission. If they say they aren't, don't sign up.

Ask: did Chad Pratt win a home "free and clear" as part of the Real Estate Law Center? or on his own. It was not part of the RELC. And while it sounds nice, what good does that mean for you? It isn't true that there aren't any bar complaints, what is true is that there aren't any that are PUBLISHED. Call the bar and ask them if they have received any for RELC.

Ask how often you'll be able to speak to an attorney. The answer is hardly if ever at all. And, not the "compliance attorney" because that person isn't handling cases, just asking questions.

Ask why they say you can't get a refund. Ask how long it will be before a case will be resolved. There is no case that will be resolved in "6 months to a year." That is not true. If it were, then why are NONE of their cases resolved yet? Doesn't that seem strange?

Look at the retainer. Ask why most of your money is given to Pinnacle. Ask why you can't be given hard numbers of clients whose homes have been sold, not vagues answers. Ask what % of homes have been saved with the promised resolution?

Ask how many clients ask for their money back. Do not trust Sebastian. He works for them and is paid based on signing up people. He knows full well that clients go for months without talking to an attorney. Strange for a law firm with a great reputation that you can't speak to an attorney who is going to court and handling cases. IF you do speak to an attorney, ask whether he or she goes to court. Ask how many cases he or she has.

Do not buy a federal regulatory complaint from them! They are trash. They will not help you in any way shape or form. If they did, then ask of the perecentage of the filed, how many people have been helped by them. They can't say because they don't keep track. Ask Sebastian. How many total filed and what is the breakdown of results? How many people get money as a result of an FRC, how many people get their mortgages lowered? How many get the interest rate lowered?

Ask for cold hard numbers. Sebastian put his number there, call him and ask him these questions. He should be able to provide answers. Ask what happens if you are behind on your mortgage and RELC provides foreclosure defense (filing a loan modification [they call it payment stabilization]) and it falls through. Then what?

Do not trust anyone you talk to on the phone. Do not proceed any further if they cannot answer each question with specifics. Cases are public filings, ask them for each public filed case and verify the results yourself on the LA Superior Court website before proceeding. This is  your money and they are happy to take it from you and provide you with little results.

Look beyond the hype and promises. Demand from the sales agents to know how many cases they reject (almost none because they want money from everyone! Don't listen to talk about their "compliance department" it's not real). REmember these are  sales agents who will say anything because their pay is based on it. Ask them point blank if they are sales agents. Ask them if  Chad Pratt John Gearies and Deepak Parwatikar Bar #187683 refer to the sales people as sales agents. If they deny it, ask them again. And report them to the bar.

Ask them how many people they sign up each month and how it makes sense to sign up over a hundred new clients with only 3 attorneys who go to court. How does that math add up?

Do not listen to their lies. Do not listen to their lies. Ask Sebastian how many actual attorneys go to court and what their case load is. It's atrocious which is part of why clients don't hear from attorneys.

It's best not to sign up period because once they get your money, they feel entitled to it. So if you have any doubts or insecurities, staty away. You'll be glad you did.

If you are out of state (not in California or even LA) do not get involved with them. It is never a good idea to sign up with an out of state law firm that has you sign up over the phone. Don't do it.

Sebastian Gagyi

Los Angeles,
Let's look at this, shall we?

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 13, 2013

First of all, WE DO NOT PROCESS MODIFICATIONS, therefore I challange the ligitimacy of this report on that basis alone!

But let's assume that you indeed have retained our firm, possibly to be ammended into an existing mass tort law suit with the goal of obtaining a principal and interest reduction (once again, litigation - not modification!)

You specify that you haven't met our attorney after months of retaining our firm with... $2,000?

Your cost to retain our firm to be part of a lawsuit is a minimum of $5,000, which means that you where afforded a generous payment plan which you have obviously defaulted on since, acording to your statement, months have gone by and the ammount you invested was the same. 

Secondly, Mr. Chad Pratt is the head litigating attorney, which denotes that his job is to be in court doing just that: litigate. RELC holds a team of attorneys, each designated to a very specific task - putting cases together, writing up complaints, managing existing case load, etc. In order for you to retain our firm, it is by rule that you had to have spoken to AT LEAST one attorney, or otherwise, by law, you could not have retained us AT ALL.

Once again, the above assertions lead to two distinct possibilities: you are either NOT one of our clients OR you are clearly not at all familiar with how this process works.


For the sake of clarity, I would like to set the record straight:

Give me a call IMMEDIATELY at 888-988-7117 and if indeed you are a client I will help you with whatever issue you might be experiencing. Keep this number for future reference as well.


Sebastian Gagyi


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