  • Report:  #386524

Complaint Review: Red Barn Kennel Fred And Sharon Loney - Chariton Iowa

Reported By:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota,

Red Barn Kennel Fred And Sharon Loney
50075 260th Ave Chariton, 50049 Iowa, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Back in March, we were looking to get a boxer puppy. We had to put our 2yr old boxer to sleep a few days before Christmas. He was very sick. So were felt as though we were ready to get another boxer puppy. I found Red Barn Kennels online and were a bit of a drive for us, but we opted to get a female boxer from them anyway.

We got down to Iowa at the end of March when our puppy was 8 wks old to pick her up. We stepped into their "office" and was immediately overwhelmed with the strong smell of urine coming from the inside. My boyfriend almost lost it. I got to hold my fuzzy kid for the first time since seeing her picture and falling in love with her. I knew very little about puppy mills then.

We were shown the parents and where most of the other boxers are kept outside.

They were all in fenced-in kennels on a slab of cement. Most of the boxers had half of a plastic kennel for shelter, some were too small for the dogs to go into. No bedding, not even straw or hay from the barn. Our puppy's mom looked tired and her nipples were hanging down quite far- an unfortunate sign of over breeding and making her pump out litters every time she goes into heat.

We were never shown were the puppies are kept or the conditions they are kept in. We have no idea how many brothers or sisters our puppy has or how many of them are alive, sick or forever sleeping.

We brought our puppy home and the problems started. She has had vaginitis since the age of 8wks old. Shorty after bringing her home, I noticed blood in her feces. Worked with the vet on some of the possibilities, and decided to do a colonoscopy at the age of 5 months old. That diagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease- a condition that can only be managed-there is no cure. She also aquired Giardia from her mom drinking filthy, contaminated water. As of right now, our puppy has had Giardia for most of her life....we still don't know for sure yet if she is clear of it.

She was also born with an innie volva, which means we now have to wait to get her spayed to see if it will correct itself when she goes into heat. So when she gets spayed, the vet is also gonna have to do a nip and tuck with the extra skin around her volva. Ouch.

We have been in potty training hell and still are. Our puppy is incontinent and has to be on DES- trying and hoping it will work. Even the vet has not seen something like this where the puppy is not spayed and is having these problems.

Due to our boxer having IBD, she will have bloody, black, coffee ground looking feces. This means there is an ulcer of some kind somewhere in her small-large intestines bleeding out. This is painful, she will arch her back everyday.

There are times when she will have diarrhea or will not eat. Her life span has been drastically reduced due to being as sick as she is. She had an ultrasound done after her colonoscopy, it showed that her adrenal glands on her kidneys were smaller than normal. That can lead to cushing's disease latter in life, or god knows what else.

There are days where our boxer puppy is glued to my hip because she doesn't feel good and there is nothing I can do for her. I am going through school to be a vet tech and have consulted many vets on her issues, and for right now all we can do- we are already doing it.

We have spent to date, well over $3000.00 for diagnostic tests, lab tests and everything else. I have learned a lot about puppy mills since April of this year. I am very saddened and angered by this.

I have tried to contact the lady we got our boxer puppy from and has continued to ignore my emails about our puppy's health issues. She thinks I am an ignorant, stupid person.

Red Barn Kennels is Not licensed by the USDA. All breeders by law, are required to be licensed and can be inspected without notice. They are breeding 5 different breeds of dogs- and who knows what number of them per breed.

They also immunize the puppies too early in life, thus they still have their maternal immunity from the mom. The "vet record" you receive is hand written and has no association with any licensed Veterinarian.

The operations of Red Barn Kennel are inhumane and unjust. Whether they want to be called it or not, they are a Puppy Mill. And they will continue. Please Help.


Minneapolis, Minnesota


6 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Red Barn Thank You For The Love Of My Life

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, March 06, 2016

September 2007 litter Boxer Male My Wife & I named him Rocky He is the most Handsome, and just the most special Dog I have ever known he changes lives where evr he goes. Sharon & Fred I have been trying to get intouch with you guys for years to offer my assistance with the person behind the complaint . Her Puppy may have been sick, like chidren but that does not give them the right to hurt good people like yourselves. I hope you are still breeding Boxers and if you read this I hope your able to contact me.

My Heart was broken last week when we had to put our beloved Rocky to sleep he developed cancer and our lives will never be the same. I am hopeing that you may have continued the blood line through his brothers or sisters. I read that I am not supposed to leave my email address so please contact the Rip Off report company and get my contact info PLEASE. If anyone else reads this and knows Sharen & Freds contact info please forward it to me. God Bless you guys Glenn 


United States of America
A Different Point of View...

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, December 15, 2011

In December 2005 we bought our female boxer from Fred and Sharon Loney.  I have to say that while these rip off reports are alarming, we've never had a single problem with our little girl.  She was healthy the day we picked her up (my husband met her with our pup at the airport on his way to vacation), and she's been healthy so far.  She's six years old now and just as happy and energetic as she was when she was little.  However, for our second dog we bought another boxer, but from a different breeder.  Not because of anything we had against Red Barn Kennel, but just to have a different bloodline.  He came from a breeder that showed their dogs, and his parents were AKC pointed, and his grandparents and such were Champions.  Both his parents were large, beautiful dogs, and the breeder was an AKC registered breeder.  He is the one who has all the health problems.  Not that they are bad problems, he just has skin allergies that range in symptoms from general itchiness to complete loss of hair on the sides of his body.  And I question his intelligence at times, too.  He's also very lazy, which is completely uncharacteristic of a boxer.  But I most certainly do not blame his breeder for his problems.  This is what you're risking when you buy a purebred dog.  Purebreds by their very nature have more health issues than pound puppies and dogs.  THEY ARE INBRED TO CARRY ON SPECIFIC GENETIC TRAITS!!!  That may be a reason why you've had such bad experiences with your pets.  I'm not saying that for sure, but you have to look at it as a possibility. 
I will say one thing I noticed about the quality of the service we got from each breeder.  Our male's breeder called and emailed frequently when he was young just to check up on him.  She would always ask for pictures of him and ask how he was doing with his training, i.e. housebreaking and good manners in general.  Practically as soon as he was born she began teaching him and his littermates good behavior.  She even went so far as to refer to him as our baby.  Once we got Pepper from Sharon Loney, we never heard another word from her.  While we were buying her, she was very polite, and accommodating to our needs.  She drove hours to the airport to meet my husband and hand over our puppy.  But once the transaction was done, that was the end of it.  I've even sent her pictures and a handwritten letter of our dog just to tell her how wonderful she is, how smart, sweet, and sensitive, but I never heard anything back.  Although, I do hope that Sharon Loney reads this, and is comforted by the fact that one of Bertha's puppies is very much loved and cared for.  Sharon, if you are reading this, we were the ones in Alaska.  You met my husband at the airport with her.  The first thing you told us about her was that you didn't think she would get very big, and you were right, she didn't.  But our male is 115 pounds so it's nice to have a petite little girl with him around!
Without seeing firsthand the conditions the dogs were living in, I can't and I won't say for sure whether Fred and Sharon Loney are running a puppy mill.  I have owned a dog that did come from one, and I will tell you the differences between him and Pepper is vast.  He was sickly all the time and looked less and less like a boxer as he grew up.  As far as picking up a puppy from the airport that was sick, you are required by the airline to obtain a health certificate on that animal if it is going to fly.  A vet may have given your pup a clean bill of health when he examined her, and she could have contracted something while in flight.  It's not the same temperature at 35,000 feet as it is here on the ground.  It's very cold in the cargo hold where they keep the animals.  And as far as shipping a puppy unattended, I shipped both my dogs unattended as adults before my husband and I deployed to Iraq 4 years ago.  Sometimes it's just a necessary evil.  And besides, even if you do fly with an animal, it will still ride in the same place on the plane, unless it's some sort of toy breed that you can carry on with you.  But here, this is not the case.
In closing, I would just like to point out that just because you buy a purebred dog from a breeder, and that pup is AKC registered, it does not mean that you will receive a perfect animal.  You are still getting a living, breathing thing, and it can get sick and it will someday die.  Just because an animal is AKC registered, does not mean that it is superior to any other animal you could have gotten.  It only means that you are getting an animal that conforms to the AKC breed standard (and that both the parents were AKC registered).  I'm not defending anyone here.  I'm only telling my experience with this particular breeder and stating some facts that maybe you haven't thought about. 
As for our Red Barn pup, we couldn't imagine our life without her.  Nor would we want to.  There's nothing like coming home to her bright eyes and wiggly butt.  She's like our very own ray of sunshine, she completely lights up our life.  She cute as heck, smart as a whip and completely in tune with our emotions. When we fight, it visibly takes a toll on her.  When we're happy, she's twice as happy.  Even when we have family and friends stay with us for a few days she accepts them into our household with that same wiggly butt and even gets emotional and depressed when they leave.  But of course she gets lots of love from us in the meantime!  Even if her breeder was questionable, we wouldn't trade her for the world, and we wouldn't go back on our decision to get her.  She has completed our life in a way that no other dog we've had has been able to.  Simply put, she's perfect for us.

Report Attachments


West des moines,
You are not alone!


Mon, August 17, 2009

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  We got our boxer from the Loney's August 9, 2008, she was already 4 months old, but due to us moving into a house we had to postpone the time we got her.  It has been nothing but trouble since.  She constantly has vaginitis.  They did spay her, but now we're learning, we probably should have waited until after she had her frist "heat" before we had her spayed. 

She has numerous gastro issues and can only be on one food, Iams intestinal formula low residue.  Any other food makes her sick and her stool is horribly soft and runny and she becomes lethargic.  We haven't done a colonoscopy since the food seems to have fixed the issue but the vet assumes it is IBS.

We already know she has a HORRIBLE immune system and can't fight the smallest illnesses.  Besides the vaginitis, she has yeast that builds up and grows between her toes on her paws and in the pads of her feet.  She had little bloody cysts that we had to have biopsied to find this out.  Keeping her on a strict diet and giving her pet tab vitamins has helped boost her immune system, but any time she's around other dogs, she contracts something else. 

We took her to the vet today and he notice that she doesn't sit right.  I've noticed lately that she doesn't put her full weight on her back legs and she has never sat "right" or for very long.  The vet is pretty sure she has hip dysplasia or some other hip disorder.  I seriously think our vet pitties us b/c he has graciously offered to do the xrays on her hips and lower backs for free.  Either way, the vet is pretty sure that eventually she just won't be able to walk. 

When she started having all these health issues, I tried contacting the Loney's.  It was useless.  Since iowa is a puppy mill state, their butts are covered.  They don't owe us anything.  Once I finally got a hold of sharon loney she offered to take the dog back but under no circumstances offered to give us our money back.  We asked for our money back, but she  said the only thing she could do is take the dog back and give us a new one.  Under NO circumstances would I ever in my life return a dog back to that horrible woman.  I know in my heart, they would only take her to the back and shoot her.  No dog should have to go through all this testing and medication and feeling sick all the time at such a young age as well as we're to the point where we can't afford all her health issues. 

Getting a puppy should be such a happy and joyus occassion.  This dog has the best personality and is such fun to be around.  As the vet said "she's got brains and heart and crap for a body". 

It is slightly comforting to know that we aren't alone in this.  But....NO ONE should have to go through this with a dog let alone a puppy. 

Sharon Loney

What is a PUPPY MILL any way?

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 08, 2009

Speedracer says I'm a puppy mill! It took her over 5 months to decide I was a puppymill. And her statements regarding her justification are false. She picked up her puppy here at our place. Everything was clean when she was here. She was in direct contact with our office which is in our house. And she seen the nursing mother's outdoor exercise area. These are the only areas she was exposed to. I do not believe she smelled urine when she walked through the door. If in fact she did, it was due to a 'puppy accident' which is always cleaned up as soon as its spotted. Just as would happen at anyone's house that has a young puppy trotting around. We did not show her where most of the adult dogs are kept outside. Had she asked, we would have shared. We are very proud of the roomy and comfortable facilities for our dogs. The only area she seen was the smaller turnout area where we let the current mamma dogs and babies go outside to potty. They do not live in this area. The area is sealed concrete so we can easily sanitize it between letting the different dogs out - alleviating each litter from being subject to another litter's waste. This area used to be grass until we upgraded to pea gravel and could eventually afford the concrete we have today. Concrete allows for better sanitizing so we could clean and get rid of the germs. There aren't any dogs that 'live' in this area. The panels are up so that each mother/litter can be kept separate so that no one gets hurt and each have time outside. Are nursery, which is inside, is scrubbed daily with hot water and sanitizers. She never seen this area. The nursery kennels are all very roomy, the building has heat and central air. We don't use papers for our Dogs/puppies. They all have rugs and blankets that they sleep on. The puppies all have plenty of toys to play with as well. All soft items such as blankets, rugs and stuffed animals are washed in the washer that is housed in the nursery as well. The story about the puppies mom being tired and her nipples hanging down really far is absurd. None of our boxers are tired or over breed. We do not breed every time a boxer comes in heat. Our female dogs are at least 2 years of age before being breed the first time and retired between the ages of 5-7. We get one litter per year from our females. That makes 3-5 litters at most per female. The average is 2 to 3 litters per female. None of our boxer's have ever been breed every time they come in heat. They may give us one litter per year and by the time they are 5 to 7 years old, we retire them so they can have their own time with a family. Sometimes females are only are breed once. We often decide that its not in the mother's best interest to be breed again - Boxer's milk commonly goes bad which is unhealthy for their pups. Or the mother may not have fared well with the pregnancy - similar to people. We don't cause undo hardship on our dogs if we know its not good for them. We had contact with this person through e-mails three times within the first 5 months of her taking her puppy home. Every thing was always communicated that things were good and fine with the puppy. When I sell a puppy they are given a year guarantee and a form for their vet to fill out, stating if any thing is found wrong with the puppy. We ask for the form to be completed within the first 72 hours. We never received the form back from her. If there was the problems she claims, the vet should have discovered this the first 72 hours and she should have been sharing with us. Our vet did an exam on this puppy before leaving us. Out of the blue, over 5 months after she received this puppy from us, she sent me an e-mail telling me how horrible we were and that we must be a puppy mill as her boxer had some parasite. As long as she had the puppy, it was quite possible that the parasite was contracted from somewhere else. She was very rude and accusational. All communications up to this point she had nothing but nice positive things to say about us, her visit and the puppy. I did contact other puppy owners from that litter and no one else was having problems that she is now stating she has. I have been selling Boxers since 1999 and this is the first real problems I have had like this. I won't say there have not been small problems or misunderstandings, but most people that have a problem with their boxers contact me in a normal matter, usually over the phone, and we try to get things worked out. If she would have contacted me when she first found out her puppy had a problem and would of been civil about it we would probably have these taken care of. Why is it that when something bad is wrong with their puppy the breeder all of a sudden becomes a puppy mill and they start saying things that are not true. I still do not know what she wants me to do beside quit breeding. I have two vets that will tell you we are one of the best breeders around. Our puppies are checked by a vet before they leave here, if there are any problems with them the family adopting them are told. I have never sold a puppy knowing there is a problem and not tell the family getting the puppy. My USDA inspector would use our kennel when he would show some one a kennel and he needed it to be clean. He knew he could always come here and not find a week or month worth of poo. He knew we cleaned daily. The state has also been here, we are licensed with the state of Iowa. The state inspectors also know how clean we keep things around here. In addition, AKC makes their frequent visits and has nothing but good comments about our facility and how we take care of our dogs. As for her dog having giardia from her mother drinking dirty water is another of those ideas that are not true. She says her puppy had giardia from the time she left here and still had it in November, if that is the case either she is not telling the truth or she is not treating her correctly for the giardia. How does she know we are inhumane and unjust. I have several vets and customers that will disagree with her on that point. Our dogs are our life, this is a 24 x 7 job. This is not a hobby to be taken lightly. We retired to raise dogs that takes all of our time. We take great offense being told that we don't take proper care of our dogs. We research and study a lot to keep up on everything we need to provide the best for our dogs. If she does not what to take this off the rip off report, I may decide to sue her for slander.

Sharon Loney

What is a PUPPY MILL any way?

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 08, 2009

Speedracer says I'm a puppy mill! It took her over 5 months to decide I was a puppymill. And her statements regarding her justification are false. She picked up her puppy here at our place. Everything was clean when she was here. She was in direct contact with our office which is in our house. And she seen the nursing mother's outdoor exercise area. These are the only areas she was exposed to. I do not believe she smelled urine when she walked through the door. If in fact she did, it was due to a 'puppy accident' which is always cleaned up as soon as its spotted. Just as would happen at anyone's house that has a young puppy trotting around. We did not show her where most of the adult dogs are kept outside. Had she asked, we would have shared. We are very proud of the roomy and comfortable facilities for our dogs. The only area she seen was the smaller turnout area where we let the current mamma dogs and babies go outside to potty. They do not live in this area. The area is sealed concrete so we can easily sanitize it between letting the different dogs out - alleviating each litter from being subject to another litter's waste. This area used to be grass until we upgraded to pea gravel and could eventually afford the concrete we have today. Concrete allows for better sanitizing so we could clean and get rid of the germs. There aren't any dogs that 'live' in this area. The panels are up so that each mother/litter can be kept separate so that no one gets hurt and each have time outside. Are nursery, which is inside, is scrubbed daily with hot water and sanitizers. She never seen this area. The nursery kennels are all very roomy, the building has heat and central air. We don't use papers for our Dogs/puppies. They all have rugs and blankets that they sleep on. The puppies all have plenty of toys to play with as well. All soft items such as blankets, rugs and stuffed animals are washed in the washer that is housed in the nursery as well. The story about the puppies mom being tired and her nipples hanging down really far is absurd. None of our boxers are tired or over breed. We do not breed every time a boxer comes in heat. Our female dogs are at least 2 years of age before being breed the first time and retired between the ages of 5-7. We get one litter per year from our females. That makes 3-5 litters at most per female. The average is 2 to 3 litters per female. None of our boxer's have ever been breed every time they come in heat. They may give us one litter per year and by the time they are 5 to 7 years old, we retire them so they can have their own time with a family. Sometimes females are only are breed once. We often decide that its not in the mother's best interest to be breed again - Boxer's milk commonly goes bad which is unhealthy for their pups. Or the mother may not have fared well with the pregnancy - similar to people. We don't cause undo hardship on our dogs if we know its not good for them. We had contact with this person through e-mails three times within the first 5 months of her taking her puppy home. Every thing was always communicated that things were good and fine with the puppy. When I sell a puppy they are given a year guarantee and a form for their vet to fill out, stating if any thing is found wrong with the puppy. We ask for the form to be completed within the first 72 hours. We never received the form back from her. If there was the problems she claims, the vet should have discovered this the first 72 hours and she should have been sharing with us. Our vet did an exam on this puppy before leaving us. Out of the blue, over 5 months after she received this puppy from us, she sent me an e-mail telling me how horrible we were and that we must be a puppy mill as her boxer had some parasite. As long as she had the puppy, it was quite possible that the parasite was contracted from somewhere else. She was very rude and accusational. All communications up to this point she had nothing but nice positive things to say about us, her visit and the puppy. I did contact other puppy owners from that litter and no one else was having problems that she is now stating she has. I have been selling Boxers since 1999 and this is the first real problems I have had like this. I won't say there have not been small problems or misunderstandings, but most people that have a problem with their boxers contact me in a normal matter, usually over the phone, and we try to get things worked out. If she would have contacted me when she first found out her puppy had a problem and would of been civil about it we would probably have these taken care of. Why is it that when something bad is wrong with their puppy the breeder all of a sudden becomes a puppy mill and they start saying things that are not true. I still do not know what she wants me to do beside quit breeding. I have two vets that will tell you we are one of the best breeders around. Our puppies are checked by a vet before they leave here, if there are any problems with them the family adopting them are told. I have never sold a puppy knowing there is a problem and not tell the family getting the puppy. My USDA inspector would use our kennel when he would show some one a kennel and he needed it to be clean. He knew he could always come here and not find a week or month worth of poo. He knew we cleaned daily. The state has also been here, we are licensed with the state of Iowa. The state inspectors also know how clean we keep things around here. In addition, AKC makes their frequent visits and has nothing but good comments about our facility and how we take care of our dogs. As for her dog having giardia from her mother drinking dirty water is another of those ideas that are not true. She says her puppy had giardia from the time she left here and still had it in November, if that is the case either she is not telling the truth or she is not treating her correctly for the giardia. How does she know we are inhumane and unjust. I have several vets and customers that will disagree with her on that point. Our dogs are our life, this is a 24 x 7 job. This is not a hobby to be taken lightly. We retired to raise dogs that takes all of our time. We take great offense being told that we don't take proper care of our dogs. We research and study a lot to keep up on everything we need to provide the best for our dogs. If she does not what to take this off the rip off report, I may decide to sue her for slander.

Sharon Loney

What is a PUPPY MILL any way?

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 08, 2009

Speedracer says I'm a puppy mill! It took her over 5 months to decide I was a puppymill. And her statements regarding her justification are false. She picked up her puppy here at our place. Everything was clean when she was here. She was in direct contact with our office which is in our house. And she seen the nursing mother's outdoor exercise area. These are the only areas she was exposed to. I do not believe she smelled urine when she walked through the door. If in fact she did, it was due to a 'puppy accident' which is always cleaned up as soon as its spotted. Just as would happen at anyone's house that has a young puppy trotting around. We did not show her where most of the adult dogs are kept outside. Had she asked, we would have shared. We are very proud of the roomy and comfortable facilities for our dogs. The only area she seen was the smaller turnout area where we let the current mamma dogs and babies go outside to potty. They do not live in this area. The area is sealed concrete so we can easily sanitize it between letting the different dogs out - alleviating each litter from being subject to another litter's waste. This area used to be grass until we upgraded to pea gravel and could eventually afford the concrete we have today. Concrete allows for better sanitizing so we could clean and get rid of the germs. There aren't any dogs that 'live' in this area. The panels are up so that each mother/litter can be kept separate so that no one gets hurt and each have time outside. Are nursery, which is inside, is scrubbed daily with hot water and sanitizers. She never seen this area. The nursery kennels are all very roomy, the building has heat and central air. We don't use papers for our Dogs/puppies. They all have rugs and blankets that they sleep on. The puppies all have plenty of toys to play with as well. All soft items such as blankets, rugs and stuffed animals are washed in the washer that is housed in the nursery as well. The story about the puppies mom being tired and her nipples hanging down really far is absurd. None of our boxers are tired or over breed. We do not breed every time a boxer comes in heat. Our female dogs are at least 2 years of age before being breed the first time and retired between the ages of 5-7. We get one litter per year from our females. That makes 3-5 litters at most per female. The average is 2 to 3 litters per female. None of our boxer's have ever been breed every time they come in heat. They may give us one litter per year and by the time they are 5 to 7 years old, we retire them so they can have their own time with a family. Sometimes females are only are breed once. We often decide that its not in the mother's best interest to be breed again - Boxer's milk commonly goes bad which is unhealthy for their pups. Or the mother may not have fared well with the pregnancy - similar to people. We don't cause undo hardship on our dogs if we know its not good for them. We had contact with this person through e-mails three times within the first 5 months of her taking her puppy home. Every thing was always communicated that things were good and fine with the puppy. When I sell a puppy they are given a year guarantee and a form for their vet to fill out, stating if any thing is found wrong with the puppy. We ask for the form to be completed within the first 72 hours. We never received the form back from her. If there was the problems she claims, the vet should have discovered this the first 72 hours and she should have been sharing with us. Our vet did an exam on this puppy before leaving us. Out of the blue, over 5 months after she received this puppy from us, she sent me an e-mail telling me how horrible we were and that we must be a puppy mill as her boxer had some parasite. As long as she had the puppy, it was quite possible that the parasite was contracted from somewhere else. She was very rude and accusational. All communications up to this point she had nothing but nice positive things to say about us, her visit and the puppy. I did contact other puppy owners from that litter and no one else was having problems that she is now stating she has. I have been selling Boxers since 1999 and this is the first real problems I have had like this. I won't say there have not been small problems or misunderstandings, but most people that have a problem with their boxers contact me in a normal matter, usually over the phone, and we try to get things worked out. If she would have contacted me when she first found out her puppy had a problem and would of been civil about it we would probably have these taken care of. Why is it that when something bad is wrong with their puppy the breeder all of a sudden becomes a puppy mill and they start saying things that are not true. I still do not know what she wants me to do beside quit breeding. I have two vets that will tell you we are one of the best breeders around. Our puppies are checked by a vet before they leave here, if there are any problems with them the family adopting them are told. I have never sold a puppy knowing there is a problem and not tell the family getting the puppy. My USDA inspector would use our kennel when he would show some one a kennel and he needed it to be clean. He knew he could always come here and not find a week or month worth of poo. He knew we cleaned daily. The state has also been here, we are licensed with the state of Iowa. The state inspectors also know how clean we keep things around here. In addition, AKC makes their frequent visits and has nothing but good comments about our facility and how we take care of our dogs. As for her dog having giardia from her mother drinking dirty water is another of those ideas that are not true. She says her puppy had giardia from the time she left here and still had it in November, if that is the case either she is not telling the truth or she is not treating her correctly for the giardia. How does she know we are inhumane and unjust. I have several vets and customers that will disagree with her on that point. Our dogs are our life, this is a 24 x 7 job. This is not a hobby to be taken lightly. We retired to raise dogs that takes all of our time. We take great offense being told that we don't take proper care of our dogs. We research and study a lot to keep up on everything we need to provide the best for our dogs. If she does not what to take this off the rip off report, I may decide to sue her for slander.

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