  • Report:  #1122110


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1964 Park Street Regina, S4P 3G4 Saskatchewan, Canada
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Barb Pacholik, of the Regina Leader Post, in her front page article on February 6th 2014 misquoted statements and facts for the sole intent and in order to defame, discredit the Defendant (AMP) in false light and create massive, widespread mis-information regarding her. 

Pacholik and the Leader Post controlled media, deliberately and always leave out the word “alleged” or the word “apparently” when speaking about AMP, in order for them to intentionally paint AMP in a false negative light or to have been found "in guilt of" something, when the truth is that she has never been found to be " in guilt of anything". The Defendant has NOT been found “in guilt of” of anything as of the date of this February 6th 2014 article ran.

Pacholik, in her February 6th 2014, article stated that Defendant AMP admitted to some type of wrongdoing to her investors, this just did not happen. Pacholik in the title of her Feb 6th article  ...”XX Admits”.. made it sound like sometime during this past week, the Defendant AMP, came forward and pronounced she committed some type of wrongdoing, this just  did not happen, and there is zero truth to that.Pacholik is fraudulently presenting this entire story by using such a misleading title. We all know by reading Pacholik's FCAA newspaper articles that Pacholik likes to blur the lines between fact and fiction and this is evident, once again, in this article. It has been wondered by many as to who really signs Pacholik's cheques – the Leader Post or the FCAA?

Pacholik, in her Feb 6th article, took “parts of” a statement made in 2010 by the defendant, then twisted it, and then falsely presented the half-truths in her article, just to make it look like something new in 2014 had just occurred, some type of an admittance, but there is just zero truth to this and it just did not happen. There is just NO TRUTH to Pacholik’s “admittance” statement at all, not the way she presents it in her article. There was NO admittance of any kind at all by any defendant. There must not be ANY NEWS in the city of Regina, when the Leader Post has to dig us stories from 2010 and 2012 and re-use them to cover their front page. This is an absolute embarssement for the Leader Post and Pacholik, and not for the Defendant AMP.

We saw through physical evidence by the Defendants, that Pacholik has a three year history of running fraudulent titles and stories pertaining to this Defendant. Pacholik, without a doubt, has written things that were never said at the Hearing claiming they were said (lying and fraudlent statements), wrote things that were never said by anyone but she literally made them up and said someone else them during the Hearing (lying), and at times, Pacholik and the Leader Post literally made up statements  and then printed them as fact, as if someone  actually said them, when no one had. I have seen the defendants’ “hard, cogent, physical” evidence to back this up and know it to be true, that Barb Pacholik has outright lied, made up false statements all to defame the defendant, defraud the public readership all to make a quick buck. These are desperate acts of a bottom feeder and it is Pacholik's character, not the Defendant's character who should be called into question.

Pacholik, in her February 6th 2014 article, falsely stated as  “FACT” that the Defendant only paid backed the investors $65,000, as told to the public by the former government investigator FCAA’s Sandra Novak’s statement under oath at the Hearing, and that the defendant spent $500, 00 on gaming, when in fact both these points were outright DISPROVEN during the Hearing via physical evidence and several witness testimonies.

To speak to FCAA Novak’s perjurous testimony and Pacholik’s false printed statement abou that  “only $65, 000 was paid back to the investors”, I saw the physical evidence of cheques and wires receipts to investors, showing the Defendants paid back close to hundreds of thousands, if not millions to their investors. This was also proven at the Hearing, with not only the Defendants cheques and wire receipts showing the pay-backs to the investors, but also the FCAA’s (govt) own exhibits of investor’s cheques/wire receipts, in the FCAA’s possession, which also showed and proved that the defendant paid back WAY MORE than just $65,000. Both Novak and Pacholik know this, but because they are close personal friends from when Novak worked for Michael Wolfound, Pacholik's bias interferred and refused to print or speak the truth about how much really was paid back to the investors. These cheques and wire receipts paid back to investors, totaling 6 figures (close to 7 figures) proved that the ridiculous “only $65,000” figure, Novak swore, as only being paid back to the investors, and perjured about under oath, was false, fraudulent and misleading and Pacholik, as Novak’s true buddy, just printed these lies without bothering to conduct any type of due diligence as to their accuracy or completeness. Strange how the Leader Post’s Pacholik just misses all of this truth and misses the real crimes being committed here which are by the FCAA. But, Pacholik feel her job is not to print the truth or be fair and honest, it is about assassinating the Defendants character and making sure the truth does NOT come out.

AS for the FCAA’s claim about their gaming theory by the defendant, Pacholik states that Ed lays claim that $500,00 was spent on gaming. Well Ed Rodonets, himself, has already been exposed for perjury in these proceedings and in also perjuring to the courts of this province (it is on the courts record), so his word has zero weight. Secondly, the exact words from Casino management in regards to this FCAA theory that the Defendant used $500K to game with  can be found in the FCAA’s investigative report which reads:


I interviewed Tkatchuk (Casino Management) briefly about his findings ……… and he explained to me his interpretation of the data.  During the interview which was not electronically recorded, Tkatchuk provided the following information: 

·     The information he has provided is based on Defendants Player Club Card use.  He cannot guarantee that the Defendant used the card or that there is only one card with her name on it

So no one knows WHO used this card or cards that came to this ALLEGED total, or if the defendant even used this card at all. The ONLY thing that was confirmed was that NO ONE can confirm  if the Defendant did or did not game or use that card that the FCAA got stats on. Yet, somehow magically, like out of an acid-induced delusion, the FCAA and the Leader Post throw the truth out the door and  just run with “let’s just say the Defendant was the one, even though we cannot confirm or prove it” as it helps assassinate the Defendant’s character and that is what our, the FCAA and Leader Post,  goal is.

Thirdly, the defendant told me when I interviewed her, that she had lost several cards –one for close to about a year and the other one a few months – so at the end of the day there were many, plural cards out there probably being used and tracked , not by the defendant, but being used by others which also proves it was not her gaming habits.

Fourthly, and this is the kicker, FCAA Ed Rodonets and Sandy Novak provided all these dates that the THEY CLAIM the Defendant allegedly was gaming here in Saskatchewan, yet on these exact same dates that Ed and Sandy provided, it has been shown and proven via physical evidence that the Defendant was out of country on business during those dates. The Defendant was in the United States for 3-6 months at a time to set up offices. To make this worse, the FCAA even had her hotel receipts, etc as their evidence showing she could not have been in Regina gaming on those days they said she was. So how can one person, on the same given day, at the same hour be in Los Angeles, California and Regina, Saskatchewan? They cannot, so therefore, again Rodonets and Novak are liars/perjurers and Barb Pacholik, because she could care less about fairness or the truth, and who never even attempted to interview the Defendant once in her life to try to get to the truth, just went ahead and printed the lies of the government as that fits into her agenda of bullying the defendant, as well as theirs. I was shocked when I was told by the Defendant that the Leader Post in all these 5 years has NEVER ONCE EVEN ATTEMPTED to get Defendant A's story or side. As a matter of fact, the Defendant told they wrote, called and begged the Leader Post to speak to them and they were basically told to "get lost" and that the Leader Post or any postmedia entity would not be interviewing them. I saw the letters from the Leader Post to the Defendants.

Somehow, none of this “truth” that all these statements were disproven at the Hearing, made it into Pacholik’s February 6th 2014 newspaper FCAA article – I guess because the truth or fairness would take away from the bullying and abuse of this Defendant which is Pacholik’s, Marlon Marshall’s and the Leader Posts sole intention. They have made it clear that fairness and the truth have no room in their articles when it comes to these FCAA stories, otherwise they may have actually tried to talk to the defendants ONCE in the past 5 years to TRY in an ATTEMPT to get their side of the story.

To be honest, no one can figure out why this story ran on February 6th 2014. There are murder trials and major events in the city, yet somehow the Leader Post thinks that a regurgitation of a hearing that happened over a year ago, with fraudulent statements, should be printed on the front page along with a full scale colour picture for the sole purpose to destroy and bully the Defendant. Does this make sense? Not unless you know the hidden agenda’s of these people (FCAA and Leader Post) and their fear that their corruption and criminal acts will soon be exposed.

The Hearing ended on January 17th 2014 with closing arguments being turned in three weeks ago and there has not been any decision handed down and no action whatsoever since January 17th, 2014. SO why, out of the blue, three weeks later on February 6th 2014, would Pacholik print such a one-sided scathing, front page defamatory article, about the Defendants in which Pacholike just conjured up year old statements, year old activities, and and with outright fraudulent 2012 statements made by Novak and Rodonets (these statements were ALL disproven at the Hearing) about the Defendant that smears and slanders her? 

Perhaps Sonne Udemgba or Ed Rodonets of the FCAA called up Barb to stir the pot to get her to print such a scathing article in hopes to sway the jury who is still out deliberating? How creepy and abusive of these people. If the Defendants were so guilty, as the Leader Post and Pacholik state they are, then why wasn’t this a slam dunk decision? Why has it been almost a month with no decision turned over? Maybe, that is because there is more to this story than the falsities, frauds and misleading statements the Leader Post and FCAA have spewed out as verbal diaherria to the public.

NOTE: I am NOT a named party in any of these proceedings, nor do I personally have any dealing with the FCAA, Leader Post or Pacholik or Marshall. I am someone who cared enough to reach out and get to the truth and spoke to the Defendants. I was shocked at how different the truth is from what the Leader Post and the FCAA print and spew out of their mouths? Their days of reckoning are coming soon and the truth will be exposed. The Defendant is a rock to have stood through all this beating and bullying for the past 5 years and she did so with dignity, integrity and courage.

I am also not affiliated with, nor have I spoken to any of the others about what I am posting on Rip Off about this Leader Post and FCAA corruption. I hope and wish  there are more like us, who seek the whole truth and not just what the bias media and a corrupt govt dept  want to shove down your throat.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Expose FCAA Corruption


#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 09, 2014

Regina Leader Post's Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall should be terminated immediately for their fraudulent and defamatory statements in their Feburary 6th 2014 front page article entitled::..Admits.." in regards to CLOSED FCAA government tribunal proceeding, not some court trial as they want to mislead the public about.

Had Pacholik or Marshall or anyone assoicated at their rag of a paper, even attempted to try and get to the truth they would have soon realized that both the FCAA Novak's and Rodonet's statements Pacholik quoted about "only$65,000 being paid back to the investors" and that the defendants spent '$500k" on gaming were both PRVEN TO BE FALSE, Perjurous and intentionally misleading during teh Hearing. So the real question is WHY is the LEADER TRASH printing knowingly false, fraudulent, misleading, defamatory and slanderous statements/comments about the Defendant AP? WE heard that the FCAA government lawyer is behind this and that he apparently called up his PR mouthpiece Pacholik, to run a story with the sole intent to trash the Defendant. We cannot prove this but we were told this by another source. It makes sense because FCAA Sonne Udemgba knows that he and his staff were exposed to this panel and the police for their criminal and corrupt actions and hence that might be why there is a delay in the final decision being handed down.

Several investors came forward on here to confirm their pay-backs and it totals WAY MORE than $65,000 as FCAA Sandy Novak so perjurously stated. In addition, it was proven that no one could confirm if the Defendant gamed and if the card they were reading was even used by the Defendant. The Casino manager himself stated that he could not confirm that this belonged to the Defendant. Worse than this, the dates FCAA Rodonets and Novak say the Defendant was gaming at a Regina Casino, well she was in another country on business for 4 months total and no where near Regina or any casino in Saskatchewan. Mayeb this is why Novak is no longer employed at the FCAA -she got caught with her pants pulled down.We saw the evidence, and we know the turth and had the rag of a paper called the Leader Post even attempted to gathe the truth these past five years, then they would have known it too. But Pacholikd and Marshall are way too busy and have their heads too far up the butts of Udemgba and the FCAA to even care about the truth.

If the FCAA Hearing Panel of Gordon Hamilton, J. Paul Robinson or Pete Carton try to sweep the FCAA governments criminal actions under the rug, then they are playing russian roulette with their own livlihoods, careers and reputations. The criminal acts committed by FCAA Sonne Udemgba, FCAA Ed Rodonets and former FCAA employee Sandy Novak are serious, severe and should warrant a full dismissal, if the Defendants had an impartial panel. As an investor and speaking directly to the Defendants these past few weeks, they are sure they will get an unjust and bias ruling handed down , however many, such as myself, are lined up to support them in appeal and many other regulatory bodies are also waiting in the wings to swoop down on the FCAA if this decision is bias and not fair.

Hamilton should put a stop to Udemgb'a PR parade of defamation and slander against the Defednats via their PR tool, the Leader Post. There shold not be any more fraudulent and defamatory newspaper articles like we all saw on February 6th 2014. Udemgba and Pacholik are doing this, we believe, in an attempt to sway the panel for an unfavoruable decision. WHy else would the Leader Post write a front page, coloured picture article on Febuary 6th when nothing new has happened or occured in about a month? And that article had nothing new to report- Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall - just took parts of statements made years ago, twistd them, and then made sure they were presented in a false light manner against the Defendant while not telling the public anything new. In addition, the statements they wrote about have already been proven false, and since the Leader Post does not check facts this is defamation, fraud and slander at its best.

Leader Post and FCAA you are playing with my future as this tyriad of fraud and hate you push out to the public affects all of the invetors and we are innocent. Either play fair and report objectively or shut the F*** up! But no more of this. This stops now!!


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