  • Report:  #486915

Complaint Review: Richard Pope - Bellevue Washington

Reported By:
Jill - Bellevue, Washington, USA

Richard Pope
1839 151st Ave SE Bellevue, 98007 Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Richard Pope is a thief. Richard Pope lies. Richard Pope says he is a lawyer when in fact he is suspended. I have called and talked to the WA State Bar Association.

He stole 15,000 dollars from me. Took my money and never called me again.

He is Evil and Sick,

Jill ****

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Jill Morganpage

Richard Pope and Mike Creel have teamed up!


Fri, September 11, 2009

Richard Pope is getting away with murder by molesting his own daughter!
He has used the "I have autism and aspergers" line for too long.
Him and his long time pal Mike Creel, a realtor in Bellevue that was convicted of armed robbery in the state of TX and Harassment and Assault in WA.
They have teamed up and are now going on crime spree's together.
They are a team alright. Richard Pope is using the not so smart Mike as a channel of his illigal activities.
Read below more about Aspergers in Child Molesters.

For those who don't wish to concede the veracity of what comes below, look inside your souls and for once in your lives, confront the real truth within yourself. I was once diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. But I have come to realize the realities of the situation: that is, Aspergers is an excuse for failure. I have come to realize the fraud that was perpetuated upon me and upon so many others. Hopefully I can educate you on the subject also.


The idolaters of the State are preparing society for the next victim group - people with "Asperger's syndrome", self-referred to as "aspies."

However, the dark truth is that "aspies" are simply a different, more insidious species of narcissist - essentially the narcissist stripped of his Type A personality and pared down to the sniveling, whimpering loser core.

From all appearances from a disinterested outside observer, "aspies" seem very much to be a group of loser disaffected failures who rant and rail about the "unfairness" of a world which doesn't accord them the respect and "special attention" which they 'deserve' due to their "special condition." In other words, instead of playing the game like everyone else, they decide to go into a corner and pout and cry because they are incompetent at basic social skills which most normal people pick up as toddlers.

And why do these worthless pieces of human refuse lack said skills? All signs point to a fatal and fundamental narcissism of character which demands that the "aspie" be granted something for nothing, that the aspie need not acquire social skills, competence, education, or much of anything else because they are owed a living and a comfortable existence by the rest of society. It is much the same philosophy that moves the welfare loafer, the lazy bum, the homeless man looking for a handout.

There. I have exploded the real reason for these insipid morons' existence. Read it and weep.

The aspie never really moves beyond infancy in a mental sense. The regulation and control of emotions which humans learn as a basic skill of socialization is either never imparted to them or, more often, a lesson which is willfully ignored by these dark souls. Therefore they are emotional and mental juveniles, never really entering adulthood in a meaningful sense as they age. Their entire lives are focused around the immediate gratification and fullfilment of their needs - central to which is the desire to be immediately loved and adored despite having nothing of substantive character and moral quality to show for it. Lack of this ego stroking leads to depression and bouts of narcissistic rage, which are of course the time honored means by which extremely immature people demonstrate their displeasure at not getting their way all the time.

It is claimed that the aspie desperately seeks friends and eventually a lover, but has no real knowledge of how to go about doing this. While this may be true, it is the end product of a life spent alienating people due to immature, ignorant, and ultimately bizarre behavior. In reality, most aspies seek out outside interaction because they require a constant source of narcissistic 'supply' by which to tell their sob stories and elicit pity. This self-evidently exploitative relationship is by its very nature short-lived, once the 'target' becomes wise to the game and thus ceases to function as a reliable source of supply. In this manner, relationships with asspies are almost always tenuous, shallow, brief, and fleeting.

The aspie is incapable of forming friendships in the traditional sense; the life of an aspie is so self directed and focused that he entirely lacks the capacity to consider other people in any manner. In standard narcissist fashion, the aspie's self-centeredness is so great that he completely lacks the ability to consider other people's feelings and rights, or to emphasize with another party or anyone else outside himself. The aspie may be able to emphasize to the extent that the other person's travails parallel his own "struggles." However, that is the rough limit of aspie normality.

Because the aspie is unable to feel and act like a normal person, suffice it to say that the aspie, in a very real sense, is not fully human. Like psychopaths, thugs, narcissists, and other pathological personalities, the aspie may best be considered a form of subhuman scum, the existence of which is inimical to positive human pursuits and actions.

However, unlike the aforementioned pathologies, in the end the aspie is his own worst enemy. Left to his own devices, the aspie is, like all narcissists, a fundamentally self-destructive individual, for which the greatest harm is ultimately inflicted upon himself due to the pathologies of his actions and his complete inability to function normally in society. Those unfortuates who encounter the aspie in his daily life are mildly harmed, but not to any extensive degree. In the end the aspie's wildest dreams are realized - life as a destitute, or homeless, or imprisoned.

For the ultimate conceit of the aspie is that he knows, after all, that he is worthless human refuse, without an ounce of completed productive effort to his name. Aspies, unlike other narcissistic personalities, seem to possess some form of human conscience, and realize that justice demands that their utter worthlessness be exposed in some dramatic and unpleasant fashion in order to appease the dictates of morality. So like the other pathological personalities, his life course is a race to the bottom which ultimately ends in destitution, disappointment to self and family members, and productiveless failure.

So the next time you hear someone calling for "aspie pride", chuckle to yourself and remember what an "aspie" is. It is like hearing a call for "narcissistic pride", "child molester pride", or some such.
One would think that Mike Creel would see through a conman like Richard Pope but perhaps Pope has the upper hand and is able to take advantage of Mike Creel due to

Mike Creel's lack of intellect. Why else is he falling for Richard Pope's conjob?


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