  • Report:  #926329

Complaint Review: Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue - Yakima Washington

Reported By:
Rebecca - Pasco, Washington, United States of America

Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue
3104 Stanton rd Yakima, Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We surrendered our Great Dane Daiquiri to Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue on 7/13/12 due to aggression issues that we were unable to correct after trying for 1 year. Daiquiri is a great dog and I love her very much-but her issues are quite severe and she needs owners who know how to handle them.

When we surrendered Daiquiri to Tricia Porter, the owner of RPMR, we were told she would stay with her for at least 1 month before they thought about adopting her out. I saw Daiquri's ad on petfinder a few days later and enquired about it. Tricia told me that Daiquiri had been placed in a foster home and that she had placed that ad on petfinder to motivate them to make up their mind as to whether or not they wanted to adopt her. Shortly after that, she told me they had adopted her. I asked her if I could get in touch with them and she said that she couldn't give me their information (which I understand is common practice for rescues) but that she would forward my information to them with the message that I wanted to get in touch with them. To date, they have never contacted me.

While looking on craigslist one day about 3 weeks after surrendering Daiquiri, I saw an ad that stated that RPMR is awful-that they hoard animals and neglect them before selling them-all to make a profit. This worried me a lot and so I googled the rescue and was unprepared for what I found-site after site of people complaining about RPMR's ethics, their treatment of the dogs, and their deception when adopting dogs out. I went to Tricia's home-half expecting to find Daiquiri chained to a post in her yard. I didn't see Daiquiri but did see several other dogs-all of whom looked okay. I talked to Tricia about my concerns and asked to see 3 other dogs that I had transported from Boise, ID for her (Luna, a Great Dane, and Ronan and Akira, Huskies). I was told they were all in foster. I asked her to explain all of the horrible stuff I had read on the Internet. She claimed it was all untrue and that various people were trying to damage her rescue-from unethical breeders she claims to have helped shut down to people who she sued after they tried to rehome dogs they had adopted from her to neighbors who were unhappy about a property issue to a psycopathic father. I was not convinced after her explanation and she asked what she could do to reassure me. I told her I would like to get in touch with her fosters. She gave me phone numbers for 2 of them. One was Annie, who said she had only been fostering for RPMR for less than a year. I asked to come by and see Ronan and Akira (Tricia told me she was fostering them). She said that was fine ad we arranged a time. I got in touch with the other foster and asked if I could see Luna. Gail said she didn't have her. I asked if I could come by anyway to see her operation. She said that since she runs the foster at her home, she doesn't let people come over. I said that was fine and asked her if she knew why Daiquiri was adopted out after less than 2 weeks when I was told she would be with Tricia for at least 1 month. Gail said she didn't know. I asked about 3 other dogs that are listed on petfinder as adoptable. One was Hurk-a dog who Tricia told me was aggressive towards people, dogs, and cats but whose petfinder ad says he loves people, other dogs, and dog friendly cats. The other two were Chip and Tiger, two dogs who Tricia told me were feral but that she was tryig to get them used to the sounds of people right now. Their petfinder ad says hey just take a few moments to warm up to people. Gail had no explanation for it but said that she was sure Tricia never adopts out dogs that aren't ready to be adopted.

After that, Tricia texted me and said that she didn't appreciate me asking to go to the fosters' homes and that I should enlighten her as to how I know that they don't take care of the dogs' medical needs. I responded that I had asked Gail questions about what I had read. Tricia responded that Gail had told her something different-so I don't know if Gail lied to Tricia or if she didn't and Tricia just lied to me about that. I asked her about Hurk, Chip, and Tiger and the answers she gave me didn't make sense. She asked what would put my mind at ease. I told her that getting in touch with Daiquiri's new owners would be a good start and Tricia texted back that they don't want anything to do with me since the behaviorist they supposedly took Daiquiri to said that since I had failed to correct Daiquiri's issues (even though we did everything our vet said to do and tried for over a year) that now they could not correct her issues and that they are upset with me. This was news to me-and seems especially convenient for Tricia to say now that I was asking questions about her false advertising. Especially since Tricia told me that Daiquiri was able to be around the female dogs at her house without any issues after being corrected with a spray bottle and that the vet had tested her thyroid to see if that was the reason for her aggression and that her tests came back showing that her thyroid was indeed off.

Annie-who was very nice-called me and asked me what happened as Tricia has called her. I explained the situation and Annie said her boyfriend was uncomfortable with me coming over after all of this so I made the decision to cancel our meeting.

Daiquiri's petfinder ad contained 3 inaccuracies that I believe were done on purpose to make her seem more adoptable. She was listed as "young" even though she is over 4 years old-clearly middle aged for a Great Dane. The ad said that Daiquiri and her sister started fighting and we could not find a cure for it. While it is true that we couldn't fix that issue, Daiquiri and her sister did not "start fighting". Daiquiri attacked her little sister unprovoked 3 times and did serious damage. There is a big difference between 2 dogs who don't get along and a dog that attacks without provocation with the intent to kill. Her petfinder ad also said that they had not seen any aggression towards people. The only reason Daiquiri was surrendered to RPMR was that she tried to attack a neighbor twice. She had never shown any aggression towards people whatsoever before this but I feel it was very misleading for RPMR to say that hadn't observed any aggression towards people without stating why she was being surrendered in the first place. I thought when we surrendered Daiquiri that she would be rehabilitated and then adopted to a family who would be informed of her entire history. Sadly, this does not appear to have happened. I am very worried about Daiquiri as I do not know that she is well taken care of-especially after reading all the reviews of dogs that are up for adoption that are horribly neglected. I also worry that her new family doesn't know her entire history and that could be very dangerous for everybody.

I have posted ads on craigslist asking her owners to get in touch with me since I don't believe the convenient story that Tricia told me. Tricia emailed me to say that she was going to encourage Daiquiri's new owners to file harassment charges against me. I don't know how you can harass someone if you don't know their names, where they live, what they look like, etc. It seems like a scare tactic. Since I have posted that ad on craigslist I have received many emails from people who say they have experienced similar problems with RPMR. How sad to know that others have been wronged. How sad also for those poor dogs.

1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 15, 2014

Rising Phoenix Mastiff Rescue would like to take a moment to reply to any allegations about our rescue. We strive to uphold a high standard of rescue. But as with any time that you deal with animals and people who are passionate about them there will be difference of opinions. We prefer to spend our time saving animals, and not playing in the politics of rescue. We feel that we are all in this for the same reason, its wasted energy to spend precious time making up lies and allegations about other rescues. So we do not participate in mud slinging. We are happy to address any questions that are asked of us.

RPMR is a Washington state non profit rescue and has been for a number of years. We are in the process of getting our 501C3 filed. But as anyone in rescue knows it costs a considerable amount of money. This means that we would take funds away from dogs who have medical needs. We, as all rescues, are spread thin. But we will always do what we can and invest countless hours, our own funds, and items to save these animals. That is why our adoption fees range from 150-450 depending on the dog. This is not unreasonable or high. We know of many other large breed rescues who fees run from 500-1000 per dog. When you look into the actual cost of rescue many of these dogs will be more then 3 times this. Considering we take in dogs with medical issues, transport dogs, keep everyone in foster homes, work with trainers, and vet everyone this takes a huge amount of money and funds. Remember that we work with volunteers, no one is getting paid to spend time away from their families, meet with you all days of the week, travel 2-3 days away from their homes to save dogs. They donate their time to go get dogs from shelters, rescues, ect. And donate their time to deliver dogs to their forever homes weather it be a few hours or even days away. This is a labor of love, everyone here does the best they can with the time they have.

RPMR strives for the underdog. That means that we take in a lot of dogs that other rescues would pass by. We do not just take in dogs who are quick adopters, we take the big black dogs that are least likely to be adopted. Or the dog who has mange, cherry eye, bottle babies, ect. For medical or training issues we deal with a lot of dogs that just need help. We have seen rescues who will only take pure bred dogs, or require the owners to alter, vaccinate, and donate hundreds of dollars for them to help. We only ask for a bag or two of dog food. Is that really that unreasonable?

We have seen rescues and are contacted daily about dogs who need medical help and they have been turned down by other rescues because the dogs are injured. We do not turn these dogs down. We either help them ourselves or find a vet to work with the families. We do not require dogs to be pure bred, we take in mixes of almost any large breed. Many dogs find their way into rescue because they didn’t have a great start. They need training, love and help to shine. When adopting a dog from us we inform you that these dogs come from shelters, or bad pasts. Do not expect to get a dog who doesn’t have some baggage. We do our best to work with them and rehab them, but some dogs will carry things with them for life. Every dog is different depending on the home it goes to. Your home may not be like their foster home. We always suggest that the dog start training classes, and most dogs are required to do so, to help bond with the owner. These are mostly dogs who need a strong leader. Be honest with your self. Do not lie to us about who lives in your home, how many pets, ect because you think we are being over particular and then get mad when the dog doesn’t get along with the other pets or people. There is a reason why we say no to certain homes. If it says no kids under 10 years old do not assume that the 5 year old kid next door is any different then saying no kids under 10 in your house. Our goal is to make sure our dogs are put in the right situations, the adopters need to be honest for us to be able to give you all the info you may need. We are here to help, but there is a reason why we make the suggestions we do.

This is a rescue, not a breeder. These dogs may not physically be pristine, we get dogs in with horrible injuries, scars, need tender care, love and understanding. Since many dogs we see come in starved we do have dogs that go home who are still gaining weight. This is explained in their bios, and we offer support through any issue the dogs are dealing with. It is much faster for a dog to recover in a home and lets the family be a part of the recovery of the dog. This also allows us to save more dogs as there are always more in urgent need.

We deal with power breeds such as filas, presas, corsos, ect. Do not expect to get a fila who doesn’t act like a fila! That is why we spend time discussing the breeds with you. You need to make sure to do your research on the breeds as well. Do not just lie and say you understand, ask questions. That’s the only way to learn. There is a reason why every dog has a 4-5 paragraph of information on them. Any dog with a behavior issue is sent home with an adoption release. Which explains the dogs issues in black and white and how we suggest to handle it. Those who say that they were not informed did not read the paper work we had them sign. We go over it with each adopter. Make sure they have time for questions. We can only do so much, its up to the adopter to be proactive.

Remember each dog is different. We can not assure you that the dog may not have a health issue. These dogs come from shelters, Police Raids, seizures, and surrendering homes. The number of happy well rounded dogs are small. Most dogs have an unknown past. We do not know the parents, we do not know the breeders, we do not know if the dog was hit, kicked, has fallen out of a truck, been injured, ect. We do not know how pure bred the dogs are. We only know what we can assume by looking at the dog, and having experience with the breed or what the owners tell us. Some breeds are easy to define, some are not. We can only use our best guess. Many times when young dogs come in we simply go off the info that we are given. Not all dogs come in with pedigrees and paper work, most dogs are word of mouth. We see hundreds a month, we work with breed experts and do our best to guess and give you the info we have found out. We know nothing until the time we get the dog. We can not tell you if a dog has a history beyond what we have seen. This means that we do our best to learn what we can. But we can only tell you what we observe. Even surrendered dogs, many families do not tell you all the info, as they have been turned down by other rescues and are afraid that you will do the same. So they only give partial information, or false info all together. This is all we have to go off of. That is why we hold dogs for at least a few weeks to get to know them. In that time we will not know everything about them, we can only tell you what we know. With any new dogs it is best to start slow as if they know nothing!

At RPMR we have NEVER been convicted of any animal related charge. Every allegation has proven false. Our local animal control does not value animals lives like we do. They do not even pick up stray or dogs running at large, they instead shoot and kill them. They do not take them to a local shelter for people to find their pets. They even advise people who have stray dogs that come onto their property to kill them so they do not have to come out! This is not something that we feel is justified! Because of this we do not see eye to eye with our local animal control. We understand they have a huge job to do, a lot of area to cover and limited man power and we respect them for that, but feel that killing innocent dogs and not giving their grieving owners a chance to recover their pets is the way.


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