  • Report:  #111674

Complaint Review: Riverside Tavern - Knoxville Tennessee

Reported By:
- Knoxville, Tennessee,

Riverside Tavern
905 Volunteer Landing Knoxville, 37925-2579 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My wife and I organized about 12 friends to meet us at Riverside Tavern on Friday October 1 after work. We organize these things quite often, and have brought literally hundreds of people to Riverside Tavern since it opened several years ago.

Ripoffreport Report Image

As it turned out, we had a little too much to drink that evening as we realized when we got out to the parking lot to leave. Instead of taking the risk of driving home, I felt that we did the responsible thing in getting a ride home (about 20 miles away). We returned the next morning at 8:00 a.m., to find that our car had been towed. The man setting up the parking lot for $25 per space parking that morning for the game told me that the manager would be in at 11:00 a.m. The game was not to start until that evening.

I contacted the manager, Jeff. He was not willing to make any concession on my $133.78 towing and storage bill.

This behavior by Riverside Tavern's management sends a very clear signal that they would rather put their patrons, as well as innocient drivers, at grave risk rather than chancing loosing a parking space to sell for the game. Since the game did not start until that night, they could have at least waited until morning to have the car towed. It was towed just before midnight. I have attempted to contact Riverside Tavern again, and they will not respond.


Knoxville, Tennessee

40 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 14, 2008

Well, you no longer have to worry about the crappy Riverside Tavern any longer.... It is now a RUTH CHRIS STEAK HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME...... And good ole Bob McManus has no onwership at all in it.. In fact he has lost all ownership in Johnny Carinos as well. Nice!!! Guess all the years of alcohol have caught up with you Bob Mcmanus!!! But you are a recovering alcoholic arent you Bobby boy........


A Few Facts

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 19, 2007

I am a former employee of Lakeside Tavern which is also part of Riverside Tavern, the former Westside Tavern, Parkside Tavern, Bullfish Grill in Pigeon Forge, Johnny Carinos and all of the Texas Roadhouse in East Tn. Yes, they are all run by LABO management which is owned by Bob McManus and a few other partners. REGAS has nothing to do with the Taverns, Texas Roadhouse or Conners. Conners is owned by Mike Conners. REGAS only owned the building where Riverside is located. I was part of the opening staff at Lakeside Tavern. At first I thought everything was great, but within weeks I found out different. The original Managing Partner for Lakeside was Gregg Highland. He was a great person, but ended up quiting within the first 2 or 3 weeks. They then brought another managing partner over from Parkside Tavern by the name of Dorthy. What a witch!!! This lady is 33 or 34 years of age. Well one evening she is out with the staff of Parkside and gets drunk and goes home with, at the time, a 19 year old and 9 months later BAM a baby! 1st shady thing I discovered!!! Now Dorthy is the managing partner for Lakeside Tavern. Her now 22 year old man is working there at Lakeside. Mr. McManus decides to start a new venture with Darby Campbell(uneducated hick) & Tom Horne(college football failure) in Pigeon Forge called Bullfish Grill. Guess who gets promoted to Bar Manager @ Bullfish??? Yep the 22 year old that didnt have a clue how to manage his way out of a wet paper bag let alone a bar. 2nd shady thing!! Now I am sent to help open and train the new staff of Bullfish Grill. Im thinking what a great oportunity!! Im sent up there, put up in a hotel so I dont have to drive everyday and paid pretty well. After the training of the new staff ends and we are open for business I am pulled aside by the managing partner Tom Horne and asked to stay on full time as a Key/Trainer. I was given the money I wanted and promised 40 hours a week. Well within 3 weeks of being open that all changed. My hours where cut from 45 to 50 a week to maybe 25 hours a week. 3rd shady thing!!! I decide to hang in there and give it a chance. As time went on people where asking me everyday if we had restaurants all over the US. I said no this is the only one. Well, shortly after I realized they where refering to Bonefish Grill. So I decide to go to eat at Bonefish one night. WOW what a shock! The menu was almost IDENTICAL! Down to the sauces for the fish. Tom Horne had basically copied the menu because he couldnt even come up with his own ideals. 4th shady thing!!! I guess thats what to expect from a college football failure. Again as time went on I just decided to hang in there and try to make it work. One day in talking with our head chef Tony Fisher he says he is leaving to go to work with a former employer of his because of all the crap going on at Bullfish. Tony was one of the best chefs I have had the honor of working with. I was bummed, but happy for him he was making a move to better himself and get the hell away from this shady a*s company. Now this is the kicker. On the day Tony handed in his 2 week notice they started training his replacement. It was the d**n PREP BOY in the kitchen. They didnt even hire a new chef!!!!! 5th shady thing!!! That was the final straw for me and many others. I also handed in my 2 weeks notice and went to work at Bonefish Grill in Turkey Creek. After Tom Horne found out I was leaving Bullfish to go work for Bonefish I was told that I didnt need to finish out my 2 week notice. 6th shady thing!!! Since then I have left the restaurant business and gone on to much better things. I still talk to people who still work there at Bullfish and hate it to death. Hell they promoted a guy that is in this country illegally and pulled a knife on an employee in the parking lot one night to a freakin management position!!! 7th shady thing!!!! I guess what Im getting at is be thankful you only had your car towed and didnt waste a year of your life working for these MORONS! STAY AWAY FROM ANY AND ALL OF LABO MANAGED RESTAURANTS!!!! THEY INCLUDE RIVERSIDE TAVERN, PARKSIDE TAVERN, LAKESIDE TAVERN, BULLFISH GRILL, JOHNNY CARINOS and ALL TEXAS ROADHOUSES IN EAST TN. There are sooo many great restaurants here in Knoxville that put any of those places to shame. PS> In the year I worked for the company I have seen many, many people over served and very few ever cut off!!! Thats crap!!! Every night when you turn in your server report if your liquor, beer & wine percentage wasnt better than 25% they would always "encourage" you to sell more!! Meaning if you sold $1,000 in food, your L,B & W should be atleast $250.. Now times that by 17 servers on the floor and 3 bar tenders on the weekend. Thats around $4500!!!! Thats bad news.... I have seen several people stumbling out the door to their car with keys in hand and the manager waving good bye and telling them "Drive safe and have a good night"... Hmmmmmmm.........


Holy ^&#@!!*&!! Batman...some people!

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 17, 2005

Don't get your shorts in a wad, Tom. Chill out. It was only a joke. Quote:"If I were the cops.........." Tell 'ya what, Tom. You'd fit right in with the local city police in area code 46515. They couldn't find their a$$ with both hands.


it has been known that field sobriety tests are sometimes inaccurate and based on actions

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2005

That is great. Making absolutely certain that more than one drunk driver got on the road. That must make every male under the age of 13 just hysterical. If I were the cops I would have taken him into the police station for a blood test because it has been known that field sobriety tests are sometimes inaccurate and based on his actions, the test was inaccurate.


The correct ploy to avoid all this hassle:

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2005

A large gathering had taken place at a local tavern. Sure enough, the local fuzz were outside waiting for the patrons to leave as the tavern closed. One of the first men out stumbled around to several cars trying his keys. This immediaately drew the pigs...errr, cops attention to him. He finally located his own car, dropped the keys twice. After entering the car, he had a ring of keys, each to try. Fumble, fumble. By this time everyone else had left. The cops immediately pulled the driver over that had held their rapt attention. "Out of the car", they ordered! Sobriety reflex test, passed with flyng colors. Breath thest, blew .000. Puzzled, the cops asked just what was going on. He answered: "I'm the designated decoy tonight". . Bottom line, everyone drove home.


you did the right thing

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2005

I beleive that you did the right thing by getting a ride home and not driving thank you, thank you, thak you. I am a strong beleiver in not driving drunk hell i wont even let my husband drive with 2 beers in him. First of all the sign says parking for customers only. It doesnt say that you are no longer a customer after you leave. you were a paying guest that means you can park there. Second, all the people going to the game should have been towed also, they were not a customer in the bar that night. they may have paid for parking but they were not a "tavern customer" per the sign. third, he was at the bar to pick up his car before the bar ever thought about opening. My husband and i go out everyother week to the local bowling ally if both of us has had more than 2 drinks we get a cab and go home. we have left our car there numerose times and nothing has happened to it. and that is what should happen. But i can sympathy with you, we did go to a mariners game a while back in seattle. we payed for parking in one of those lots and ended up having too much to drink. let me tell you that we lived a really long way away. we decided to not drive home. we walked 3 miles to the ferry. got on and called some one to come get us on the other side. we eventually made it home. my husband went back to seattle the next day to get his truck by 9:00 am. it wasnt towed but a ticket for 200 bucks was on the windsheild. when he asked the attendant why it was there and he said we didnt pay for over night parking. My husband asked how much it was and he said 20 bucks. so why was 20 parking being ticketed 200? He said we were irrisponsible and didt get the vehicle on time. BS! we contacted the seattle PD told them our story and the PD contacted them; 2 days later we got a letter in the mail with 2 free event tickets and an apploagy. so contact the PD and ask them what they think you should do. They are very sympathetic to drinking and driving issues. and if the local wont help go to the Sherrif, then to the state police. Some one should be able to give you an answer.


you did the right thing

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2005

I beleive that you did the right thing by getting a ride home and not driving thank you, thank you, thak you. I am a strong beleiver in not driving drunk hell i wont even let my husband drive with 2 beers in him. First of all the sign says parking for customers only. It doesnt say that you are no longer a customer after you leave. you were a paying guest that means you can park there. Second, all the people going to the game should have been towed also, they were not a customer in the bar that night. they may have paid for parking but they were not a "tavern customer" per the sign. third, he was at the bar to pick up his car before the bar ever thought about opening. My husband and i go out everyother week to the local bowling ally if both of us has had more than 2 drinks we get a cab and go home. we have left our car there numerose times and nothing has happened to it. and that is what should happen. But i can sympathy with you, we did go to a mariners game a while back in seattle. we payed for parking in one of those lots and ended up having too much to drink. let me tell you that we lived a really long way away. we decided to not drive home. we walked 3 miles to the ferry. got on and called some one to come get us on the other side. we eventually made it home. my husband went back to seattle the next day to get his truck by 9:00 am. it wasnt towed but a ticket for 200 bucks was on the windsheild. when he asked the attendant why it was there and he said we didnt pay for over night parking. My husband asked how much it was and he said 20 bucks. so why was 20 parking being ticketed 200? He said we were irrisponsible and didt get the vehicle on time. BS! we contacted the seattle PD told them our story and the PD contacted them; 2 days later we got a letter in the mail with 2 free event tickets and an apploagy. so contact the PD and ask them what they think you should do. They are very sympathetic to drinking and driving issues. and if the local wont help go to the Sherrif, then to the state police. Some one should be able to give you an answer.


you did the right thing

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2005

I beleive that you did the right thing by getting a ride home and not driving thank you, thank you, thak you. I am a strong beleiver in not driving drunk hell i wont even let my husband drive with 2 beers in him. First of all the sign says parking for customers only. It doesnt say that you are no longer a customer after you leave. you were a paying guest that means you can park there. Second, all the people going to the game should have been towed also, they were not a customer in the bar that night. they may have paid for parking but they were not a "tavern customer" per the sign. third, he was at the bar to pick up his car before the bar ever thought about opening. My husband and i go out everyother week to the local bowling ally if both of us has had more than 2 drinks we get a cab and go home. we have left our car there numerose times and nothing has happened to it. and that is what should happen. But i can sympathy with you, we did go to a mariners game a while back in seattle. we payed for parking in one of those lots and ended up having too much to drink. let me tell you that we lived a really long way away. we decided to not drive home. we walked 3 miles to the ferry. got on and called some one to come get us on the other side. we eventually made it home. my husband went back to seattle the next day to get his truck by 9:00 am. it wasnt towed but a ticket for 200 bucks was on the windsheild. when he asked the attendant why it was there and he said we didnt pay for over night parking. My husband asked how much it was and he said 20 bucks. so why was 20 parking being ticketed 200? He said we were irrisponsible and didt get the vehicle on time. BS! we contacted the seattle PD told them our story and the PD contacted them; 2 days later we got a letter in the mail with 2 free event tickets and an apploagy. so contact the PD and ask them what they think you should do. They are very sympathetic to drinking and driving issues. and if the local wont help go to the Sherrif, then to the state police. Some one should be able to give you an answer.


poor service. My food and drinks took forever.

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 04, 2005

I would be very angry if this happened to me. I have been to RS Tavern on two occasions. Both times I have been there I have been very upset because of their poor service. My food and drinks took forever. When the food arrived it was cold. I talked to the manager and he had the "I don't care additude." I'm not the only person here in Knoxville that don't go there anymore because of their poor custom service. I think they need to do what ever they can do to keep their customers comming back because they are slowly fading alway. I thank you for being responsible enough to stay off the roads while drinking. Wish everyone else here was as considerate. I won't be back there again. Just to let you know they opened up another restaurant in Turkey Creek named Conners. Hope all goes well.


I have read all of this thread and.......

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, March 03, 2005

This is stupid!!! If I have this correct you went to this Tavern,Got drunk and left your car! You did not notify any management that you were leaving the car and they towed it! First off this is KNOXVILLE and it's all about football on game day! Lots of people make money off of parking and your car was making them no money being parked there! They had signs clearly posted(you took a pic)and you broke their rule! They had every right under the sun to tow you and you be responsible for the bill,not them! Even if they do get a kick back they were still within their legal rights to tow. You need to quit worring about it and move on. If you go to small claims court they are going to laugh at you. It's your fault. If you go to a bar with the intent of drinking then you should have had the foresight to make other arrangements to get home and left your car in a safe place! To Aaron, I have read several of your posts and you seem to be the kind of person who likes to nose around and stir up problems! This forum is not for cattiness such as yours. You insults were to say the least dispicable. I can fully understand why you have assalt charges because if you are anything like you are here you would.


I have read all of this thread and.......

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, March 03, 2005

This is stupid!!! If I have this correct you went to this Tavern,Got drunk and left your car! You did not notify any management that you were leaving the car and they towed it! First off this is KNOXVILLE and it's all about football on game day! Lots of people make money off of parking and your car was making them no money being parked there! They had signs clearly posted(you took a pic)and you broke their rule! They had every right under the sun to tow you and you be responsible for the bill,not them! Even if they do get a kick back they were still within their legal rights to tow. You need to quit worring about it and move on. If you go to small claims court they are going to laugh at you. It's your fault. If you go to a bar with the intent of drinking then you should have had the foresight to make other arrangements to get home and left your car in a safe place! To Aaron, I have read several of your posts and you seem to be the kind of person who likes to nose around and stir up problems! This forum is not for cattiness such as yours. You insults were to say the least dispicable. I can fully understand why you have assalt charges because if you are anything like you are here you would.


I have read all of this thread and.......

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, March 03, 2005

This is stupid!!! If I have this correct you went to this Tavern,Got drunk and left your car! You did not notify any management that you were leaving the car and they towed it! First off this is KNOXVILLE and it's all about football on game day! Lots of people make money off of parking and your car was making them no money being parked there! They had signs clearly posted(you took a pic)and you broke their rule! They had every right under the sun to tow you and you be responsible for the bill,not them! Even if they do get a kick back they were still within their legal rights to tow. You need to quit worring about it and move on. If you go to small claims court they are going to laugh at you. It's your fault. If you go to a bar with the intent of drinking then you should have had the foresight to make other arrangements to get home and left your car in a safe place! To Aaron, I have read several of your posts and you seem to be the kind of person who likes to nose around and stir up problems! This forum is not for cattiness such as yours. You insults were to say the least dispicable. I can fully understand why you have assalt charges because if you are anything like you are here you would.


I have read all of this thread and.......

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, March 03, 2005

This is stupid!!! If I have this correct you went to this Tavern,Got drunk and left your car! You did not notify any management that you were leaving the car and they towed it! First off this is KNOXVILLE and it's all about football on game day! Lots of people make money off of parking and your car was making them no money being parked there! They had signs clearly posted(you took a pic)and you broke their rule! They had every right under the sun to tow you and you be responsible for the bill,not them! Even if they do get a kick back they were still within their legal rights to tow. You need to quit worring about it and move on. If you go to small claims court they are going to laugh at you. It's your fault. If you go to a bar with the intent of drinking then you should have had the foresight to make other arrangements to get home and left your car in a safe place! To Aaron, I have read several of your posts and you seem to be the kind of person who likes to nose around and stir up problems! This forum is not for cattiness such as yours. You insults were to say the least dispicable. I can fully understand why you have assalt charges because if you are anything like you are here you would.


Isn't this the same Riverside Tavern that got such a bad report from the Health Department?

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, November 24, 2004

And isn't this the same Riverside Tavern that's property of Labo Management, aka Regas, who also manage Westside Tavern, the new Lakeside Tavern, and Texas Roadhouse? A lot of suggestions I've read here aren't as helpful as they might be because the people responding are too far away and don't know the situation or dynamics involved. Riverside Tavern is across the street from the UT stadium and Neyland Drive is closed to all but the "important" folks on game day, so the published restaurant hours are meaningless. John, I sympathize, and I think you did absolutely the right thing in not giving them more business. The problem is they run a corporate shell game, so if you've switched to one of the other restaurants I've listed above, among others, they still have your money and they won't care. You might get better results by complaining to Labo Management directly - and bypassing this manager. For what it's worth, we won't eat there again either.


Tim from Indiana is a squirrel.

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 12, 2004

I would rather face an assault charge for letting someone bully me than have to face a public nudity charge like yourself for having gay sex in your local park. Little Timothy doesn't like people with backbone in case you folks haven't figured that out. I never threatened physical violence against him, although I'm relatively sure he has had the dookie kicked out of him on several occassions. He's a real whiner. Stay out of the public parks, Timothy, or you'll eventually have to have a "SEX OFFENDER" sign in your yard, butt-nutt! I bet you voted for Kerry so that you could marry your man-friend, eh? Riverside Tavern used to be one of my favorite places, but now I will not eat there anymore. It's bad enough that it so expensive. Now they are trying to fleece their customers through underhandedness. No matter what Timothy says, it's just not right to de people this way.


Tim from Indiana is a squirrel.

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 12, 2004

I would rather face an assault charge for letting someone bully me than have to face a public nudity charge like yourself for having gay sex in your local park. Little Timothy doesn't like people with backbone in case you folks haven't figured that out. I never threatened physical violence against him, although I'm relatively sure he has had the dookie kicked out of him on several occassions. He's a real whiner. Stay out of the public parks, Timothy, or you'll eventually have to have a "SEX OFFENDER" sign in your yard, butt-nutt! I bet you voted for Kerry so that you could marry your man-friend, eh? Riverside Tavern used to be one of my favorite places, but now I will not eat there anymore. It's bad enough that it so expensive. Now they are trying to fleece their customers through underhandedness. No matter what Timothy says, it's just not right to de people this way.


Tim from Indiana is a squirrel.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 12, 2004

I would rather face an assault charge for letting someone bully me than have to face a public nudity charge like yourself for having gay sex in your local park. Little Timothy doesn't like people with backbone in case you folks haven't figured that out. I never threatened physical violence against him, although I'm relatively sure he has had the dookie kicked out of him on several occassions. He's a real whiner. Stay out of the public parks, Timothy, or you'll eventually have to have a "SEX OFFENDER" sign in your yard, butt-nutt! I bet you voted for Kerry so that you could marry your man-friend, eh? Riverside Tavern used to be one of my favorite places, but now I will not eat there anymore. It's bad enough that it so expensive. Now they are trying to fleece their customers through underhandedness. No matter what Timothy says, it's just not right to de people this way.


Tim from Indiana is a squirrel.

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 12, 2004

I would rather face an assault charge for letting someone bully me than have to face a public nudity charge like yourself for having gay sex in your local park. Little Timothy doesn't like people with backbone in case you folks haven't figured that out. I never threatened physical violence against him, although I'm relatively sure he has had the dookie kicked out of him on several occassions. He's a real whiner. Stay out of the public parks, Timothy, or you'll eventually have to have a "SEX OFFENDER" sign in your yard, butt-nutt! I bet you voted for Kerry so that you could marry your man-friend, eh? Riverside Tavern used to be one of my favorite places, but now I will not eat there anymore. It's bad enough that it so expensive. Now they are trying to fleece their customers through underhandedness. No matter what Timothy says, it's just not right to de people this way.


Somewhere In,
North Carolina,
towing may not encourage drinking and driving

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2004

but when you own a business that makes the bulk of its money from liquor sales (as most restaurants with liquor licenses do) it can be argued that the owner has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that his/her clientele does not get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while intoxicated. a restaurant in my area recently had its liquor license suspended for 1 week because a server knowingly served alcohol to a minor, who later that night got behind the wheel of a car and was involved in a fatal accident. for more information regarding tennessee's liquor laws go to www.state.tn.us/abc/index.htm while $133.78 is less than a dwi and no where near the cost of a life the owners of the riverside tavern need to respect their patrons and show some understanding when they are responsible enough to seek other transportation.


The Sign Is Plenty

#21Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 08, 2004

The minute the person left the bar and did not inform the management that he was leaving his car he was legally towed. If he had just told the management that he was leaving his car they would have informed him when he needed to be back to pick it up. Suck it up and pay your own fees. The sign posted is more than sufficient because you left the car on the property withoutr letting anyone know.


why the hostility?

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, November 08, 2004

I don't know the specifics, but why are you so hostile? I am just pointing out that the business owner wasn't open at midnight, was open OR needed his parking spaces for the game the next day....and none of that really matters anyway. The sign is posted. Towing cars doesn't encourage drinking in driving. $133 is cheaper than a DWI.


If the tavern was selling parking spaces, absent the tavern's management, ..Was Riverside Tavern open or closed on Saturday?

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, November 08, 2004

Thank you Sally for telling us the hours and days that Riveside Tavern is "open for business." You might go back to the "Friday-night-midnight, Saturday-morning-8:00 a.m., Saturday-night-game" occurrences contained in the original post. What happened at those times? Why are those times significant? Was someone indeed inside the tavern "spending money" Friday night at midnight as you infer? Since you have become an expert, Sally, on the business practices of Riverside Tavern in Knoxville, could you tell us this? If the tavern was selling parking spaces, absent the tavern's management, on its tavern parking lot premises for $25 a space at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday for an evening "game," was Riverside Tavern open for business on Saturday at its normal Satuday hous of 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.? Was Riverside Tavern closed for business that Saturday because it was more lucrative to utilize its tavern business' parking lot premises at $25 a space for an expected function not related to its business? How did that all work, Sally?


more details....

#24Consumer Comment

Sun, November 07, 2004

Also, the person who filed the original complaint here isn't telling the whole story. A quick web search turned up the Riverside Tavern's web site which posts their hours and days... Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 11am - 10pm Friday 11am - 11pm Saturday 1030am - 11pm Sunday 1030am - 9pm They are open 7 days a week, for morning brunch on the weekends. He said they didnt "need" their parking spaces until later that evening for a game, but that appears not to be true. If they start serving in the morning, they need their parking spaces in the morning. I also think his topic title is unfair - "Riverside Tavern encourages Drinking and Driving" That's not true at all. They just need to have their parking spaces. Imagine if lots of people left their cars behind and customers drove off the next day due to lack of parking. Then you are actually costing them money. Even if they did want the spaces to "sell" for game parking, so what? That's called business and that's why they are there. The property owner has that right. Again, $133 is a lot cheaper than a DWI.


doesn't matter, He makes the payements, pays the taxes and makes improvements

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, November 07, 2004

The fact remains that the property belongs to the tavern owner. He makes the payements, pays the taxes and makes improvements. He has every right to tow cars that have been left on his property and do not belong to someone inside spending money. If you have too much to drink, you can still move your car or have a friend move the car out of the parking lot to a street/public parking space where it won't get towed. The bottom line is, we each have to take personal responsibility for our own actions.


Did The Tavern Owner Profit From The Tow?

#26Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 07, 2004

No one has brought up the possibility that the tavern owner receives a kickback from the towing fees. It's highly likely. I would guess $20 to $25 went in his pocket each time. This manager is truly penny-wise and pound foolish.


North Carolina,
Check the liqour laws

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, November 07, 2004

check the Tennessee liqour laws, if they are similar to North Carolina's the owner of the liqour license and the person/people who served you alcohol could be legally liable if you were to drive away from that establishment and get into an accident. therefore it would be in there best interest to keep your car overnight. also, as previously posted, you should have let the manager on duty know or left a note, but i can understand if that wasn't the first thing on your mind.


El Paso,
all's well that ends well

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, November 06, 2004

You did the right thing by leaving the car, but the tavern owner was also within his rights to have the car towed so he could use HIS property as he wants to. Now, it would have been nice of him to wait a bit, but maybe he knew tow trucks were limited and he had to get the cars out of there when the trucks were less likely to be busy. The bottom line is $133.00 is still a small price to pay compared to what a DWI would cost you or even worse, what else you could have lost....your life, or someone else's life.


Sign did NOT "say it all"

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, October 18, 2004

I think Tim's remark hit the nail on the head in his assessment of this situation. Tim said, "A responsible bar owner should not only foresee, but welcome the fact that some people might leave their cars behind." (Remember the car was towed before midnight of the night the patron/guest was a customer at Riverside Tavern.) Wes agreed with the action of the towing, saying he was a small business owner with ample but limited parking. Does Wes's "small business" serve alcoholic beverages? Also is his own lot with "limited parking" full with lots of cars after his business is closed, and for that reason alone he finds it perfectly justified to have a car towed from "HIS" lot? Is it possible that Wes's small business is a towing company? John in Hawaii says "The sign said it all." Not quite. Not at all, in fact. For a bar owner to resort to that kind of action, or endorse same, an additional sign is needed underneath the one posted. The sign should say, "Guests' vehicles will be towed immediately after closing if left unattended." It looks more and more to me like a towing outfit out to make a quick and easy buck.....and if that's the attitude of the tavern owner & manager, it WILL have long range effects on the profits of the tavern. That place will get no more business from that regular customer who has regularly brought in groups of people to the establishment.


I don't have a title.

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, October 17, 2004

I'm glad you did the responsible thing and got a ride home that evening. I"m sorry your car was towed, but perhaps if you had spoken with the manager or owner inside before deciding to leave your vehicle there, it may have prevented it from being towed. I can't really blame them at this point. They have no way of know who the cars belong to that are left in the parking lot when they close.


Pearl Harbor,
HA HA You Got Towed

#31Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 17, 2004

John, Let see if I understand this, You Got Drunk, Had enough sense not to drive, Left your car. Did you tell anyone in the tavern that you are leaving your car? Did you Leave a note on the Dash? My guess is the tavern was closed, Wrecker Driver Noted Car in Lot and per his contract and the sign towed your car. Sign said it all.


What's the real problem here? I too have sign's like the ones posted at the tavern.

#32Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 16, 2004

I am a small business owner myself with limited, but ample parking for my customers. I too have sign's like the ones posted at the tavern and yes, I enforce it. Even though intoxicated, you still made an adult descision not to drive that night and I am thankful for that. However, you did NOT make the correct descision about not having someone come drive your car home. When you left the property, you became a "Former Guest", and should have taken your car. If my customers use my lot as a place to store vehicles without asking our permission, they get towed.


Have you checked the Knoxville Ordinance on towing cars?

#33Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 16, 2004

Have you checked the Knoxville Ordinance on towing cars? A few years ago I know to pull a car you did not have title too you first must have a warrant from city court sign by a city judge. When you had the warrant in hand you then needed a police officer at the site when the wrecker hooked up the car towing. This all sounds like a lot of work for someone so the rules may have changed, I am speaking of 1970's. There is still a real good chance what ever ordinances covers towing were violated. If that's the case you need to send an invoice to the Riverside Tavern for your 133.00, if they don't respond you may ask the session court for help in collecting the debt. That will cost you @105.00 which you will get on top of the $133.00 if you are successful. Good luck. Doug


Thank you Arron, Marilynn, Tim, and EDitor! ..we have squashed proposals for 2 small gatherings at Riverside Tavern.

#34Author of original report

Tue, October 12, 2004

Thank you Arron, Marilynn, Tim, and EDitor! I appreciate your input and am following up. So far in the past week, we have squashed proposals for 2 small gatherings at Riverside Tavern. And even better, we are members of a local club that typically brings 50-80 people to the Riverside twice a year. Riverside is now "off the list." We personally were frequent guests of the Riverside since it opened. While this is not putting any money back in my pocket, I do get some satisfaction knowing that we are costing the Riverside 1,000's in lost business!


Small claims might be a good idea

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2004

I'm not sure how successful you would be in small claims, but it could be worth a shot. Maybe the mere filing of an action would prompt them to compensate you. On the one hand you have the property owner's right to ensure that his lot is only being used for customers who are in the restaurant at that time, and not by people who park there, eat there, and then hop over to different bars. He does have a right to ensure that he has adequate parking space available for whatever purpose he plans on using it. On the other hand, a judge may find that it was unreasonable to tow the car without giving adequate time for it to be picked up. You also have the public policy argument going for you. It's better for society as a whole to give bar patrons the ability to find alternative transportation, even if that means they leave their cars behind. You clearly made the wise choice here, a conscientious judge may be unwilling to find against you because of that. Plus, a responsible bar owner should not only foresee, but welcome the fact that some people might leave their cars behind. Wow Aaron, I find it shocking that you are up on an assault charge. You always seemed like such a reasonable person! (sarcasm: a literary device where one says the opposite of what he means to show the absurdity of such a statement - I know you had trouble understanding that last time). Did you file a rebuttal to his face, like you threatened me with when you couldn't match me intellectually? Change your hot-headed ways or you'll be facing a lifetime of such charges, if you haven't already.


Try to reason with owner. if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court

#36Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Is Jeff the owner of Riverside Tavern or just the "manager"? Who called the tow company? One would think that the owner (if someone other than Jeff) would not want to lose regular patrons and might be willing to pay the $133 rather than the bad publicity from the rash premature action. Since you have your receipt, if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court if you have them there. Also haven't bar owners been sued as accessories when tipsy patrons drive away from their establishments and cause fatal accidents? I'd try calm reason again. You might also show the owner your ripoffreport entry which reaches people nationwide.


Try to reason with owner. if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Is Jeff the owner of Riverside Tavern or just the "manager"? Who called the tow company? One would think that the owner (if someone other than Jeff) would not want to lose regular patrons and might be willing to pay the $133 rather than the bad publicity from the rash premature action. Since you have your receipt, if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court if you have them there. Also haven't bar owners been sued as accessories when tipsy patrons drive away from their establishments and cause fatal accidents? I'd try calm reason again. You might also show the owner your ripoffreport entry which reaches people nationwide.


Try to reason with owner. if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court

#38Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Is Jeff the owner of Riverside Tavern or just the "manager"? Who called the tow company? One would think that the owner (if someone other than Jeff) would not want to lose regular patrons and might be willing to pay the $133 rather than the bad publicity from the rash premature action. Since you have your receipt, if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court if you have them there. Also haven't bar owners been sued as accessories when tipsy patrons drive away from their establishments and cause fatal accidents? I'd try calm reason again. You might also show the owner your ripoffreport entry which reaches people nationwide.


Try to reason with owner. if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court

#39Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Is Jeff the owner of Riverside Tavern or just the "manager"? Who called the tow company? One would think that the owner (if someone other than Jeff) would not want to lose regular patrons and might be willing to pay the $133 rather than the bad publicity from the rash premature action. Since you have your receipt, if owner is complete jerk, you might try small claims court if you have them there. Also haven't bar owners been sued as accessories when tipsy patrons drive away from their establishments and cause fatal accidents? I'd try calm reason again. You might also show the owner your ripoffreport entry which reaches people nationwide.


both in tight with the police in Knoxville

#40Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 11, 2004

Let me guess Flloyd's was the wrecker service. Actauly it could have been Cedar Bluff. They're both in tight with the police in Knoxville. Riverside Tavern has always bee one of my fovorites, but next time I go, I'm going to ask to speak to the manager and quiz him on this situation face to face. If he gets sideways with me, I'll...........well I can't really say it. I'm already going through an assault trial. Anyways boss, I hate that this happened to you. I can't believe that they did this but this is typical of moronic food managers. What you should do is go back and everytime you get food complain about it. Complain until you get 133.78 back in free food. Regas owns Riverside Tavern, I would try to contact corporate management through them. Good luck!


Parking for Tavern Guests Only

#41Author of original report

Mon, October 11, 2004

I was a guest and have a receipt to prove it!

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