  • Report:  #839049

Complaint Review: Robert Ciampitti Sr. - Newtown Square Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Not a lover of Aramark - Nokesville, Virginia, United States of America

Robert Ciampitti Sr.
2 Greystone Circle Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, United States of America
215 858 9529
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Robert Alan Ciampitti of Newtown Square, Pa is a liar, thief and a professional confidence man. He and other close family members are involved in fraudulent security/real estate scams and have been for many years.

They buy worthless shell corporations, invest their own $$, present you with an upbeat promising portfolio soliciting your investment, after a period of time they secretly withdraw their initial investments, after which the corp. you invested in mysteriously collapses bankrupt and you are out of all your money.

Bob is my first cousin, and was a trusted PDGM of Masonic lodge Equity 591 in Philadelphia. He has ripped off fellow brothers for hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years at this lodge, taking advantage of Masonic trust which is the very core of Masonic principal. Bob is a scoundrel of the obsolute worst kind.

 He has since been banned at Equity 591 and from Masonry forever due to his criminal behavior within this lodge. Yep, If you're reading this Bob, I personnly took care of assuring that you will never be able to attend lodge again in your lifetime or be a part of Masonry.

Contact Bill Fleisher of Keystone Investigators if you have been bilked. They have an open case history on Bob Ciampitti concerning the brothers he stole from at Equity 591.

Bob Ciampitti ripped my 83 yo mother and myself off for $22,000 in a scam real estste deal. He proposed that we buy his Wildwood Crest property on a short sale because he could not afford to make payments on the mortgage.

As as a fellow Mason and family member I agreed to help him on his Masonic word alone. I sent him the $22K investment in two checks of 10K and $12K and to date have recieved nothing but a worthless letter of intent. 

Bob took our money and ran. He has since transferred all of his property , presonal and real, to a close relative, who just so happens to be an attorney and claimed bankruptcy. Big surprise. Last I heard Bob is running his scam at a church prayer group in PA. since he has found Christ. OMG there is no bottom to the depth of depravity this guy will perpetrate.

I implore all those that have information to step forward, contact me. Lets put this criminal where he belongs..in prison.

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