  • Report:  #702508

Complaint Review: rollies.com - vancuver British Columbia

Reported By:
capt chris - lehigh acres, Florida, United States of America

vancuver, British Columbia, United States of America
604 707 8824
rollies .com
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 i have tried for over 7 months to get satisfaction from marlo franson or roll as he likes to call himself 

operator of rollies .com and medivap.com both of wich are total scam fronts he gives lame excuses and pityful stories and reasons why he cant get your order to you then tries to make you feel sorry for him because hes a one man operation   well its true hes a basement bum one man scam show hes robbing peter to pay paul i just got off the phone with him and he says he will get my refund to me next week ive heard thAT ONE BEFORE  this fella is a sorry excuse for a business man if i were him id close my doors and hide under the rug before he makes someone truly mad enough to hunt him down and pay him a visit money is one thing that will caUSE PEOPLE TO WANT TO CAUSE YOU HARM like molly hatchet said  son did you know that 500 dollars will get your head blown off well it will when you cross the wrong person marlo thankfully im a nice guy i just want my money back but im sure there are a few out there that would rather pull your teeth if you have any one by one till your begging for mercy and forgiveness and then break your legs and leave you in that basement  me im not like that im vengefull and vindictive and i will poison pen you to death and call you daily till i get satisfaction  you see roll we had this talk along time ago and you basicly blew me off   bad mistake my friend ask all my sons moving and storage how vidictive i am  cause they had to close their doors in my area thanks to me and my vidictive vengeful poison pen   now i have asked and i have recorded our phone conversation in wich you stated with some trouble nailing down a time on when i would get my money back but you decided to call me right back and say i will have it to you next week   again ive heard it all before ill be waiting but i garauntee i wont wait long youll get sick of me since i have nothing better to do than poison pen your a** and call you daily 

come on marlo franson you failing comedian basement bum  give me some lame a*s excuse now in a rebutal on here for the world to see 

 anytone else having troubles getting your money or products try this number its his home number 

        marlo franson "roll"  604-707-0824

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