  • Report:  #1438235

Complaint Review: romancetale.com - vancouver

Reported By:
ac - vancouver, Canada

vancouver, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

have been using https://www.romancetale.com for several months now.  just some basic comments on the site, not saying it is necessarily a scam or not, it has qualities of both a good and valuable service for dating plus elements that appear to be not so good in nature. but, if u read the terms and conditions on the site, u will see that there is active monitoring by site staff for fraud and those wishing or trying to use the site for less than good and honest purposes. the terms and conditions clearly state that fraudulent use of the site is possible due to the way the site operates along with the various agencies that make these sites work.


so, caution, caution, caution - u must consider that what u are seeing on your computer screen in connection with this site may or may not be what you think it is, this is an internet site and is subject to everything that goes with that from a reality and security standpoint.


here are a few of my observations that come from several months of using this site.


i am a man, looking for a woman,conversed with several and chose one to chat with over my time on the site.


on the appealing side, if you are a man chatting with lady member(s), the lady members all appear to be genuinely interested in chatting, in a personal, romantic way, often make the first moves, and are warm and interesting members to chat with

some things to consider ... 

i have read in other reviews that the lady member profile pictures posted on the site are professionally taken and adjusted, if you will with the objective of providing more attractive images of the women on the site. now, more attractive is not really an appropriate thing to say as, i consider all people beautiful, you do not need to take professional photos with subsequent adjustments in order to portray someones beauty and attractiveness. that is a natural quality found in all people. however, it is true to say that the pictures that you receive back having sent your lady member a gift are not the same as the profile pictures on the site. the professional nature of the profile pictures along with professional adjustments to those pictures is clearly evident.


the lady members are referred to the site by dating agencies so there is some king of financial or business arrangements on the lady member sides that is not discussed, the details of which are not available to those men chatting with the lady members. this could also mean that not every lady wishing to have a profile on the romancetale.com site is allowed to do so. the suitability of a lady member for admission to the site may depend on physical appearance, financial status, could be other qualifiers as well.

the lady members avoid providing any personal details, even after months of chatting with the same member. being that most, not all, lady members are in the far east, this could be a cultural thing. however, don't expect to get address, phone numbers or any other personal details about the lady member, except for , perhaps an e-mail address which is of limited usefulness. this may be linked to the business arrangements between the lady members and the assocaited dating / referral agencies but, as i mentioned previously, such details are not available


along the same lines, the lady members avoid any request to visit them or provide information that might be used to chat or communicate off the site, again, even after many months of chatting, gifts and whatever else may have filled that time. this is likely also a rsult of some lady member / dating agency business arrangments which are not made available


it must be an asian cultural thing but, no matter your age, lady members of every age send chats and e-mail to date, love, marry, all relationship aspects from the minimum age of 18 or 19 and up. i read somewhere that for younger ladies, older men are considered as more stable or provide stability in a relationship, also that ladies, not married by around the age of 27 or 28 are considered too old by the men and are called leftovers so, who know ...


be aware that, i would say, 100% of all women on the site are asian, most, not all, live in the far east so, if using romancetale.com is in your present or future, read up on asian culture and try to understand asian ways as best as you can


from a cost of using the site perspective, doing very much chatting, say with multiple members, mailing, sneding pictures, giving gifts is going to be expensive. i am conservative in nature so, my impression on the cost of using this site, and similar ones as well, is that this is going to involve substantial cost, not to say you won't get your money's worth, chatting and conversing with the lady members is very fun and enticing, they are beautiful, smart, open, and present many, many appealing aspects of their characters 

another comment is that the number of chat  requests / mails / likes / favorites is simply overwhelming ... there is not enough time in the day to go through them all, replying to chats costs 2 credits per minute, about 40 cents USD per minute, the first mail to a member costs $2 USD, subsequent mails cost three times that, other features of the site have costs as well. my point is, it is unrealistic to respond, even once, to all that you receive, the cost in credits to do that would be phenomenal. i think the site needs to do a better job in this area. members should be allowed, something, say one free chat or something similar if you wish to reply to a chat or an email.

i think genuinely the women members are looking for meaningful relationships with that right person, as most of us are but, also be aware that not everything is as it looks on your computer screen.



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