  • Report:  #1164699

Complaint Review: Ron and Shalini Perez | 906 Blackstone Dr Allen TX 75002 - Allen Texas

Reported By:
Steve T - Allen, Texas,

Ron and Shalini Perez | 906 Blackstone Dr Allen TX 75002
906 Blackston Dr Allen, 75002 Texas, USA
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We rented the property at 906 Blackstone Dr in May 2014 from Shalini (Shally) and Ron (Ronald) Perez.  During the walkthrough they were currently having the carpet replaced and stated they had many people coming to look at the property and anything wrong with it (from the previous tennents) they would fix.  For example the tiles were falling off the pool, stains on the carpet, and bad paint job throughout the home.  Before signing the lease I specifically asked them if there is any mold or water damage that has occured on the property, which they said their never was.  Once we moved in we noticed the first problem, which the downstairs carpet was not replaced, then we noticed that the pool tiles that were falling off (blue in color) were replaced with white shower tile, with very poor quality.  We rented this property for $1,850 per month from these people and they garunteed us that they would fix all items by a professional.  Come to find out they were doing it themselves or had their 65+ father who would literally pass out from loow blood sugar, make the repairs.  Later in the month we noticed that we all were experiencing respretory issues.  I took my son and daughter to the urgent care and we all were diagnosed with respritory infections.  When I went home I noticed that under the kitched sink the entire wall was covered with mold.  Worse yet the upstairs ceiling started to leak and ultimatly, the drywall fell.  We attempted to contact the Perez' and they said they would get to the repairs when they had time/funds.  We said that was not ok and they needed to make the repairs immediatly as it is a huge health concern.  They then hung up on us and refused all of our calls.  We then filed a 'Repair and Remedy' order with the County/State on June 26th outlining all repairs that were needed.  A few days later we recieved a 3 day notice to vacate, mind you this was issued after I paid my full rent ($1850).  We responded stating we would gladly leave and terminate our lease if they refunded our rent for the month, which they refused.  We then sent a certified "Cease Landlord Retaliation" letter to Shalini (Shally) and Ron (Ronald) Perez.  After they recieved that letter they filed an eviction with the county (even though we notified them that we found a new place at the end of the month), and in response we filed a 'Landlord Retaliation' suit.  

When we went to court for the eviction, Shalini (Shally) started with her opening statment with that I called her fat and ugly (which is funny because I never did, and she is...) trying to get sympathy from the jury, saying she worked in the ER (she doesn't) and she see's death all the time, she recently lost her parents (who was the guy making the repairs then?), and a vast amount of verbal defication and purgery.  The then went on stating that we were harrasing them, and threatened there lives (which never happened and was irrelevent to the case) they then went on stating that in the two months that we lived there that we caused the damages to the property, specifically the tiles falling off the pool, and the mold?!?!  Which made no sense what so ever.  Even worse this was on 7/23 and we were going to move out either way on 8/1 when our new (much better) place was ready.

We obviosly won case, on the grounds of 'lanndlord retaliation' not to mention their verbal defication in the court room and obvios attempt to slander or smear my name.  

What is worse, we found that their last 4 tennents were evicted, most with an average of staying in the place for only a few months.  So this is some sort of scam they are running.  Unfortunatly for them, my wife and I are a little more 'resourceful' that their usual tennents, so we actually showed up to court and fought their illegal eviction.

I wanted to make sure that the world knows of these 'slum lords' and avoids renting from them.  If you do, they will not make any repairs on the property correctly, they will do horrible work, the housue has irreparable water damaged, roof damage, the AC leaks, the pool loses water from faulty pipes, there is mold all over the place, just overall I would stay away.  Also for more information feel free to view the website I created about my experiece with the house and the Perez Slumlords at 906blackstonedr.com there you can find pictures, court documents, and also if you have been a victem of the Perez Slumlords and their scams, feel free to leave a comment and I will send you all of the informaiton you will need to recover any losses and seek punitive damages.  

These people are the worst kind, they will smile and lie to your face, when in fact they have the worst intentions.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

More proof...

#2Author of original report

Sat, September 12, 2015

 Here is yet another victim of Shaljy and Ron Perez. It is unfortunate that they continue to rip tenants off over and over again. I truly hope that something will prevent this from occurring again to any other indavidual. Sooner or later they will reap the hardships they are causing and inflicting on others.


Ternes - please contact me

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, September 12, 2015

My name is Kris and I was a tenant at 906 Blackstone Drive for 4 weeks. The web site you listed as a way to contact you is no longer valid (906blackstonedr.com). I need to talk to you about any additional info you may have about Ron and Shally Perez. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.


Lies and more lies

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, September 14, 2014

Go ahead Shally and blow your hot air. You did the same thing in court and no one believed you then either.

You pulled the same BS with your previous tentants and I will be uploading their testimony as well, they provided us letters and pictures proving you had many repairs needed to that house, and thats why they left, and yuo still gave them a hard time as well (see attached letter).

Your 'general contractor' was more than wiling to testify in court, since you never paid him. He told us that house was falling apart and has been for years, it was just the way you keep your property and was only willing to make patches and never a real repair.

You never made any of the repairs you said you would, all which you mention above and then try to blame the tenant for breaking them. Just keep sending those checks LIKE THE COURT IS MAKING YOU, and poking at my family. The law isn't 'grey' its black and white, they didnt "let us stay" we won the case based upon our defense and evidence of LANDLORD RETALIATION.  I really hope that someday you actually read, several times Chapter 92 of the Texas statutes  (http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/PR/htm/PR.92.htm), then hire a half-wit to explain it to you, it will assist you in the future.  You broke the law, we won based upon the facts, in court and you are sour about it.  

You know you are karmically doomed and some of the ugliest people I have ever met. We have rented for ten years with no problems. You just do the right thing for your new tenants or you will find yourself right back in court. Your a liar, a slumlord, and a horiible person.

How you sleep at night is a mystery.





shally perez

Stephen and Lauren Ternes--Renters from Hell

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 14, 2014

My name is Shally Perez and my husband is Ronald Perez. We are writing this to tell you that Lauren and Stephen Ternes are the renters from hell. They are the tenant’s that goes around, rent peoples house and demand 10,000.00 dollars from them and if you don’t give them the money than they will start damaging things in your house. They have rented my house in May of 2014. Before Steve and Lauren Ternes rented my house on May 7th everything in the house was in a good working condition. They actually walk through twice. On the 6th and on the 7th before signing the lease. There was nothing in that house that was hazard or unsafe for any family to live. If there was we wouldn’t have rented it to anyone. We have kids too and we understand and know the risks. We wouldn’t rent an 1850.00 dollar house to someone with house falling apart or with major defects. For 5 weeks every day, we were in that house getting it ready to re rent it. We inspected it, fixed things needed to be fixed, changed the blinds, we painted the whole house, we changed the carpets and we did some repairs around the pool.  My carpet upstairs was so bad that I didn’t feel comfortable renting it out to someone so we put new carpets. We fixed every little thing that we have noticed that needs to be done.  We have a professional general contractor, professional pool service, professional license heater and AC guy. Every year we get the house inspected before we rent it out.   Anyway, when Steve and Lauren rented the house they inspected it and walked through with us twice. They were very happy with the house and they wanted to rent the house right away. They themselves told us that they have seen many house and this is the best one they have seen so far.  We discuss the procedure and gave them the application. They filed out the application and turn it to me the same day. I did a background check on them and verbally accepted them until we hear from their last landlord for references. We never got a call back but the credit check came out good. We decided to give them the house to rent. We met them next day and walk through the house again. We went over the lease, I told them they don’t have to worry anything about the pool because I have a professional pool service guy who comes once a week to take care of the pool. At that time the pool was not looking good because of my last tenants didn’t took care of it. That’s why I have a pool contractor this time. It was work in progress and we explained this to Steve and Lauren and they said they understood. He actually said our pool looks great because he has seen worse than that. I assured them that the pool guy is working on it and that it will be all looking good in a week or so. Only thing they have to do is to enjoy the pool and to make sure the pool is filled with water on the days that the pool guy Ray comes so he can do his job. Steve wanted to take care of the pool himself because he said he used to do it at his previous house but I said no I already have a pool guy. So we agreed on everything. They signed the lease, I told them to keep it, read it and give it back to me in 3 days. He insisted on giving it back to me the same day. I emailed him the lease the next day so he can open the water on his name. They asked us for wood flooring downstairs but I explained them that we are not going to put the wood flooring because we just had 3 death in our family in April and can’t afford to put wood. We might change the carpet in another 2 years.  After they moved in Steve and Lauren decided to hire someone to paint the whole house again after we had just painted the house.  They painted the 4 rooms, all different colors without getting a written permission or authorization from us according to the lease agreement.  He said our paint job was unprofessional that’s why he decided to re paint it the color he wanted. We were upset but didn’t made a big deal at that time.   

Just because he didn’t like the way we painted the house that doesn’t give him the right to repaint the whole house again.  Than he started bringing animals in the house without our concern. When we ask him to remove it he said it’s the project from their daughter’s project. But his daughter told my daughter in front of them that it’s their new pet and they even named them too. Anyway, than coming up on June 4th Steve called and demanded 10,000.00 from us. We ask for what he said it’s for the damages. We said what damages. He won’t answer us. When we refused to give them the money they said they will damage the house, ask for repair and remedies and since we can’t afford it they will fix it and they will get the lean on our house. They started damaging the house. First they damaged my ac. I put new ac and ac pan. They damaged my water heater. I put new water heater. They damaged the toilet, I put new toilet, and they damaged the spa tiles in front of us. We put new tiles. We couldn’t find blue tile so we put white tiles. It’s my house white tiles doesn’t bother me. I hired professional contractor to fix everything they damaged. They were not happy with that. They said it’s done unprofessionally and he wanted to fix it himself because he used to do this kind of work before. After everything they damaged I keep fixing it. They keep asking us for money and keep threatening us. They said I know a way I can get 10,000.00 of you guys.

Than after everything was done he went and pulled the ac hose from the pan and all the water leaked in the room. He called me back and wanted me to fix that. I called my contractor again and he went back and fixed it. Steve posted those pictures when the ceiling was in the process of getting repaired.

On June 20th when we were at the house Steve also ask me for 1000.00 to put a new tile on the pool/spa. He kicked the tile 5 times really hard to show me that the tile is loose but it was still intact.  Even though few pieces were different color it’s not a health and safety issue.

On June 14th he asked us for 10k again and he starts threatening us verbally saying if we don’t pay him he will take us to small claims court, he will file for repair and remedies and he will file for a lien on my house. He also said that the law will protect him and will listen to him more than us and that all the laws are there to protect the tenants. We ask him again what the 10k is for. The damage is all mine. I am the one who spend the money so why am I supposed to pay him 10k. He said it’s for the damages and that he didn’t like the way our contractor did all the work. He said the work is done unprofessionally and he didn’t like it and that it’s all patch work. He said he wants to get his own contractor to do the work and take the money out of the rent. If I don’t listen to him than he will file for repair and remedies and file a lien on the house and sue us for 10k. We still didn’t know why he is doing this to us. I told him all the work was done by the professional contractor. We confirmed it all and walked it through.

By June 20th all the roof and fence was done too. Ron and I went to the house we met the contractor, Steve, Lauren and we all talked about all the repairs were done. Than on June 21st Steve called and asks us for 10,000.00 again. He seems like he just flipped again.  He was really upset and was screaming at us on the phone .Again we ask for what and he said it’s for the damages and he gave the same reason again about roof not done professionally, fence not done right,  he didn’t like the way contractor did all the work. He said the work is done unprofessionally. Than on June 24th at 1.10 Steve called and left a message on my voice mail saying if the repairs are not done he will seek the repairs and remedies from the court. I got the message at 4 p.m. so I called him back right away. I ask him what is going on, again All the repairs are done. He said the 2 rooms upstairs are all torn apart and that needs to be fixed. He said one of Jason’s co-workers left the A/C hose off from the pan and the water leaked in both rooms. So I called Jason immediately and had a 3 way conference with Steve, Jason, myself, and my husband. That’s when I was told that apparently Steve had called Jason on 22nd of June and told Jason that there is a leak in 2 rooms due to the Hose from the A/C pan is off again. So I guess Jason went there on the 22nd and was fixing the leak that crawled into 2 upstairs rooms.  I was told that he had to take the 2 upstairs rooms apart to dry the walls and fix the sheet rocks, do insulation and more work. On the phone they both were blaming on each other. Steve said Jason’s co-worker did it, Jason said Steve went up there and pulled the hose again. I guess sometime when Steve and Jason first met, Steve had told Jason that he did that to his last landlord and made her change the whole entire A/C.  All I wanted was this to be fixed so I can go on with my life. I was already so stressed out enough from Steve’s harassment and threats every day.  Before we got Jason on the phone, Steve was complaining about Jason’s work. Steve said Jason didn’t do the professional job and he is not happy with his work. When I got Jason on the phone Steve’s attitude totally changed. I ask Jason to fix that and ask Steve to have patients because this is something new that I didn’t know about. But it’s in a process of being fixed. Jason said it will take 4 to 5 days for the walls to dry and for them to put everything back together and paint it back to normal.   On June 25th we received the 1st certified repair letter from Steve and the second one on June 30th when all the stuff was already done on the 13th of June. And the second part of the leak which I found out on the 24th but it was already in progress on the 22nd and was finished on the 28th. In between these days he was also constantly complaining about the pool guy. And the pool guy constantly telling me that Steve is messing with the pool valves and if he breaks it he won’t be responsible for it. Ray said every time he comes there he fixes it back and tells Steve not to mess with it.

We stopped talking to Steve since the 26th. The harassment got so bad that we were so scared of him. We didn’t know what to do. He keeps calling us and and texting us all day all night nonstop asking us to call him and negotiate with him. We told him we are not going to negotiate with him. There is nothing to negotiate. All the work was done and completed. He said if we don’t call and negotiate with him by 6 pm he will file a repair and remedies by 6 pm. He send us an email saying he filed it. He said he knows how to get it from us.  He called and left a voice mail on the phone saying he will crucify us. This was getting really scary for us. When Steve called us again I put him on the speaker phone and my whole family heard him. He scared my kids. He starts yelling and cussing us. I got scared and hang up the phone on him numerous times. On the 28th of June the second leak which was discovered by him on the 22nd and took 4 days to dry was all fixed, painted and was ready. Starting the 26th texts messages and phone calls did not stop. He told us on the phone that he does not want anyone to come to the house even for the repairs. He even texts us and told us this.

After putting up with him every day. We still had so much patients with him. Ron and I thought well everything is fixed even though he broke it, what else he can possibly damage. He can stay there as long as he can. Just when we thought it was over. I thought wrong. He keeps complaining to me that the pool guy is not doing his job and that he is unprofessional and wanted me to get rid of him. I told him I am not going to and that he needs to quit messing with the valves. Steve asks me how to turn on the heater and I told him to ask ray about it. I told him make sure ray shows him before he touches anything. Again how many times I have to tell him. He is not a little kid. When you tell someone not to do something and that person don’t want to listen and still do it on purpose because he thinks he is right, that’s purposely trying to damage the property. Steve does not have an electrician licenses, he is not a professional pool service and he is not a pool heater company.  I know it makes him mad but I can only tell him to stop touching things around. Anyway I told ray that whenever he has chance show Steve the heater instruction. Ray had told Steve whenever he is ready to use the pool heater let him know and he will personally come there and show him how to use it.  So Steve decided to open the pool heater to clean it up inside. And he sends a texts message to ray saying that he googled it how to clean it. I am not sure what he did to the pool heater. Steve than calls me and says that we need a new heater now because the heater is not working. He said it shows an error message. Steve told ray that he clean the filter in the pool heater. He should not be touching something that he does not know how to fix it. HE OBVIOUSLY DIDN’T DO ITS RIGHT. We checked the heater our self personally before we rented it to them. Heater was working fine and now it’s not. Thank God it didn’t blow up. That’s not just dangerous for him and his family but to the neighbor’s also.  Now my heater is not working and it’s not in the warranty anymore because Steve opened it. That’s a $5500.00 heater bought 3 and half years ago.

 THAT REALLY PUSHED ME TO FILE AN EVICTION.  What am I supposed to do? Keep letting him damaging my property and threatens me and my family that if I don’t give him 10k he knows ways to get it from us and he will file a lien on my house. He told me he will win this case and he will immediately file a lien on my house. If I have to retaliate I would have evict him before I spent all the money to fix all the things that he asked for after he damaged it. He has only been there less than a month and all these things start happening to my house. Look how big my letter is for someone who’s only been there 2 months .Does that makes any sense to you. I have 3 people rented that house before him and never complained about anything. We always evaluated the house before I rent to anyone. They even evaluated the house before they rented it. How could all these things just start going out and having problems at the same time?  And these are not little things these are major things. And that’s only because we refused to pay him 10,000.00. That’s exactly what he’s doing. He told us he will break things, ask us to fix it and if we don’t than he will ask for repair and remedy and he will bring his own people to fix it and then he will put a lien on my house. Only thing is that we never refused to fix anything. We fixed everything that he damaged. We didn’t know what we were against. It’s like devil himself attacking us. PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO. ? People can only put up so much. He said all the laws are there to protect the tenants. Well I am asking you, who’s there to protect us? We got scared. He knew that we didn’t have the money because we had just spent all our money for the FUNERAL.  I never ignored to fix anything that he asked for.  I am actually happy that he brought it to my attention and I fixed it. But I had no idea that he was damaging it himself, that he had a motive.  I never had any problem fixing anything in the house. It’s my house and benefits me. He send us a certified letter asking us for all the luxury stuff.  He is asking for gutters. House didn’t even come with gutters. He is asking to change the pool tile. He is asking to put wood flooring.  I have no problem fixing anything that I need to fix and its necessary.   Yes I evicted him but it wasn’t retaliation. It was to protect my property from being damaged by him. In the court he won because he told the judge he will move on the first. Which was 5 days away. That’s why curt let him stay there. After the court he text us and said he won’t move on the 1st he will move on the 7th. We were ok with that. Than he text us and said he will do a walk through on the 5th. He never showed up. We waited at the house for long time and he never called us or text us that he won’t show up. Than on the 7th he text us and said he will mail the keys.

He used landlord retaliation as to defense himself. We did not brought up any repair issues in the court. We did not prove ourselves to the jury that all the repairs were done before he sent us the certified letters. We never ignored any of his demand except for giving him 10k.  We never told the jury about his harassments, and threats. He presented the pictures of the house when it was in progress of being fixed and make it look like that house was falling apart and that’s exactly what he did on this post. He posted the pictures when it was in the process. Nobody will rent anyone a house when it’s falling apart. And no one in a right mind will rent a house for that much if they know the house was falling apart like this. You have a choice.  The house is not falling apart. It’s a really nice house located in Allen .My husband and I work very hard to raise our three kids in a nice area so we can give them a better life. Retaliation is not in our nature. After what Steve and Lauren put us through we are still not upset with them. Whatever he did to us we just let God handle that. What we are upset about is that he did the same thing to their last landlord he said watch he will get away with it again.  We recently had a call from his last landlord. We found out that he did exactly the same thing to his last landlord. She is a single girl living with her mom and Steve and Lauren destroyed her house. She put new A/C, new water heater, new toilet, new pool heater. She is so traumatize that she is even scared to talk to anyone. She called me recently and told me all these things. I told her I couldn’t do anything to him because the law protects the tenants and not the landlord.  We have to be harassed, threatened and put up with the damages. We have phone calls recorded, text messages from his of all the things he said to us. Anyone keeps threatening you that they will sue you and take a lien on your house that you worked so hard for, every day how would you feel? I was so terrified and wondering whats he going to do next. Steve’s last landlord said she gave them all their deposit back just to get rid of them from her house even though they destroyed her house. They threatened to take her to court too. I HAVE DONE ALL THE REPAIRS EVEN THOUGH I KNEW HE DAMAGED IT. All the certified letters were sent after we fixed everything. And he posted this in July when he was still living there. This is nothing. Wait till you see the pictures of the house after he moved. He destroyed my house. He took everything out of the house. All the blinds, lights. Doors, windows, light fixtures, fans. Broken glasses in the dishwasher, broken beer bottles, cans, cigarettes in the pool. I can go on and on. Here’s some pictures of the house it looks now. Here’s a letter from his past landlord. I don’t need to prove anything to the world. I own a house and he don’t.  I just want the landlords to be careful of this guy. They are out there to rip the landlord. Why don’t he go and buy his own house. I have 2 of his landlords already called me and told me about him. DON’T RENT HIM YOUR HOUSE. If you have any question about Steve and Lauren and want to see their texts messages and pictures of the house please feel free to call me. 469-834-6377. any landlord before you rent the house to him please call all his previous landlords. Just because his credit looks good or they might look like a typical American’s that doesn’t mean they are perfect for your house. I had to learn the hard way.


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