  • Report:  #1150108

Complaint Review: Roubicek FLP Andrew Roubicek Carlos Roubicek A & L Truckn Roubicek Transport Premiere Plus Realty - Naples Florida

Reported By:
Dynamic Mobile Mechanic Service - Bonita Springs, Florida,

Roubicek FLP Andrew Roubicek Carlos Roubicek A & L Truckn Roubicek Transport Premiere Plus Realty
3520 18th Avenue SE Naples, 34117 Florida, USA
(239) 290-0813
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Where do I begin....well I placed an ad on Craigslist for reliable mechanics for my mobile mechanic service. Andrew and 3 others applied for the position. I interviewed Andrew after 2 failed attempts and scheduled no-shows. Andrew himself didn't show up for his first scheduled interview. Multiple e-mails and phone calls later he finally returned my call and scheduled an interview for the following day. He was grossly late for that claiming that he was on a job 60 miles away which later turned out to be false. He has a habit of telling lies fluently.

Anyways, I hired Andy after he showed up for his interview. I was a little impressed that he showed up in a large Ford pickup all tricked out to the gills. I figured he knew his stuff. He claimed to have graduated from Wyotech in Montana with a certification in Diesel Tech. In all honesty, from doing this work for 25+ years...Andrew had no clue how to work on a diesel engine. He used Mitchell and All Data to walk him through everything...not just a few things...EVERYTHING. Because of that he deemed himself an expert.

Andrew was assigned to the heavy truck side of our operation which includes minor diesel repair, DOT Annual Inspections and Pre-Purchase Inspections. It was clear from the first day that he was in way over his head. First task was changing a starter on an International 4300 DT-466. That didn't go too well...after 4 failed attempts he finally figured it out. His next task was changing out air brake chambers on a 2006 Freightliner Columbia.....a task I later had to finish. Next was inspection, grease and oil change on the Freightliner.

He got used diesel oil EVERYWHERE including all over himself. He literally took a bath in the stuff because he decided that since the bucket wouldn't fit under the chassis that he had to drain it out on the ground in the client's parking lot and then try to sop it up with paper towels later. The simple solution was the same solution we used on the Internationals in the fleet.....use 2 12 Ton bottle jacks to lift the truck up high enough (6") for the bucket to get under the oil drain plug.

Andrew was given a warning about these messes and was charged with cleaning them up. Of course he didn't. Oil was tracking everywhere and then it rained making the mess much worse to clean up. Andrew claimed he was coming over and was at the Hess station around the corner when in reality he was 20 miles away at home in bed. More lies.

Shortly after this incident the same truck that had the starter issue blew a head gasket on the highway mixing oil and water heavily. The truck was towed to the client's lot and examined by Andrew. Subsequent treatment with Blue Devil did not fix the issue so it was determined that the engine needed to have the head removed and the head gasket replaced. After giving the client the options to have the truck outsourced for repair or done in-house with Andrew, he chose the cheaper in-house option fully trusting that Andrew knew what he was doing.

I advised the client that I believed it was a better option to outsource it because it wasn't covered under his maintenance plan. It would tie up valuable manpower and resources as well as no guarantee on turn-around quickness. He opted for the Andrew option and had the vehicle towed to Andrew's grandmother's house in town. Andrew worked on this truck for 3 months and still was unable to deliver it on time. Around March 26th I informed Andrew that if the contract was lost due to his inability to finish the truck then I would fire him. He did not deliver the truck as promised that day and was fired the next day when the client dropped our contract for non-compliance.

The client then called Andrew to ask when the truck was going to be done. Andrew demanded money even though I had already paid him. The client knew that Andrew had been paid already and had denied further payment. The client then requested that Andrew put the truck back together and prepare it to be towed to a new mechanic. Andrew said he would do that and assured the client that the truck was ready for pickup. 3 weeks later the truck was picked up....caused by a delay in communication between Andrew and the former client in regards to the exact location of the truck.

In the meantime I helped sell a vehicle for a friend. It was arranged to be shipped to New Jersey within a week of purchase. Andrew knew the truck was sold and being shipped and agreed to transport the truck from FL to NJ. I negotiated a shipping fee for the buyer with Andrew and agreed to go along on the trip to insure it's safe transport and drop-off to the client. What later ensued can only be deemed a nightmare from Hell.

First, Andrew informs me NOT to take pics that include him while on the trip. Apparently Andrew is out on a $50,000 Bond with Nickel American Bail Bonding after a DUI wreck on October 8, 2012 on Marco Island, FL that killed his friend. Andrew was also charged with Leaving The Scene of a Crash involving Serious Injury/Fatality. This seemed to be a pattern for the 23 yr old. He had just settled a civil suit for permanent injuries to a Susan M. Selz after a crash in which he was driving recklessly. Andrew has multiple charges in Collier County Court...everything from Fraudulant ID to DUI Manslaughter. He gave me some sob story about how his friend would have survived if he hadn't tried jumping from the vehicle and how he had nightmares ever since the crash....etc. These were crocodile tears I am sure after subsequent dealings with him.

Anyways, Andrew's truck which turned out to really be his brother's, was to be used to transport the sold truck to NJ and make subsequent uShip pickups and drop-offs along the way. Andrew claimed to have 3 loads booked and secured already (LIES) Only 1 was tentative and that one was the first day...Andrew had truck trouble outside of Pensacola and the sold truck had to be substituted to transport the now disabled truck on the trailer til we could find a place to get it fixed. Andrew tried unsuccessfully to fix it himself (He left the airbox, MAF sensor and a few other components back home in Naples).

After 2 days it was determined that we needed to get back on the road toward our next stop. We loaded his truck on the trailer and transported it to Clarksville, TN which was close to our first supposedly scheduled pickup point. Little did I know we had NO PICKUPS scheduled! He informs me of this while we are in Clarksville for 4 days. I was beyond pissed. I had just added nearly 1,000 miles to this SOLD truck for no reason.

Subsequently the buyer of the truck OK'd use of it as long as we paid for repairs and oil changes. He insured it and we were all good. I informed Andrew to book transports EAST. What does he do? He books a transport from Louisville, KY to Helena, MT! That's right...he booked a transport of a 1983 CJ Jeep going 1,200+ WEST not including the 200+ mile trip to get the Jeep. Well, it was good money he said....easy trip....do it in 24 hrs flat...even get it there early and make the customer happy. Yeah...right!

We drive to lower IL and get a hotel....we leave the next morning and drive straight through..almost. We end up in a little town outside of Soiux Falls, SD and get a hotel at almost 4am. We sleep in til checkout and try to get back on the road....truck won't start. Bad glow plug solenoid. So we drive 60 miles to the nearest town that has a parts store open on a Sunday. They don't have the part we need so we drive back and rig it up to get going.

We then drive another 27 hours to get to Helena...losing 2 tires on the trailer between Billings & Bozeman in a snow storm....then almost losing Jeep, truck & trailer to black ice on a mountain pass outside of Bozeman. Trailer tires fixed...continue the trip dead tired....drop off Jeep....Andrew never tells the customer what had happened in SD so the guy is super pissed that we added almost 200 miles to his pristine perfectly restored Jeep. He didn't care that we delivered a day early. Andrew never communicated with the owner about any mishap....Even lied and said we ran out of fuel in the truck and needed to use the Jeep to get the fuel for the truck.

So...we roll on back to Bozeman and get another hotel. Andrew claims that he has loads lined up heading East. he agrees to pay me for this load....never does. I am stuck with him now...short of digging a hole and burying him in it in Montana, my options are limited. I make the decision the next day to head East load or no load. Done screwing around. So we drive straight through to Menomonie, WI. On the way he informs me that he had a load ready 200 miles north of Billings, MT....didn't load well, snow-bound and had no engine. So this idiot wants me to drive 200 miles through another snow storm out of the way to pickup a snow-bound heap??? You have got to be kidding me!! NEGATIVE! I continue the drive to WI.

After all Andrew has to be on a plane back to Naples in time for his court hearing on the new charges of DUI Vehicular Manslaughter and Failure to Render Aid and Report Fatal Accident. He flew out of Minneapolis and then flew back a day later. After he lands he again shows his directional prowess by informing me that he has booked us a load...from St Cloud, MN to ...guess where..... PRATT, KS! Oh...the kicker was that Andrew KNEW that the pickup was going to be in the middle of the 5th WORST SNOWSTORM in Minnesota RECORDED HISTORY! I blew a gasket....seriously ljust lost it. This idiot didn't even know his EAST from WEST!

Well we were commited so we decided to make an early start.....it didn't help at all....when we arrived through the snarled traffic way on the outskirts....meaning Andrew's sense of direction was WAY OFF...this town was 25 miles NW of St. Cloud, MN. It was being hit by the storm for a full 3 hours before we even arrived. When asked about the weight of the item, a Case I/H Tractor...he lies and tells me 10,500 lbs. He knows his trailer can only carry 12,000 lbs on the deck and the now borrowed SOLD truck can only haul 12,000lbs that I would feel better knowing that we were under weight.

As we are almost to Pratt, KS after a serious slide-in incident at the ND/SD Border when we encountered sheet ice on the road.....that the tractor weighed 14,500lbs! Oh yeah...the trailer....empty...weighed another 4,500lbs. That means that the total combined weight of trailer and tractor was 19,000lbs! Absolutely incredible LIAR he is! He didn't care about weight restrictions or even DOT regulations. We rolled over the scales at a KS Drive-Over Roadway Scale and were relieved to be only 200lbs under maximum combined weight.

Well...we drop off in Pratt...spend the night and then head back to Clarksville to get the other truck checked out by Ford. Andy pays $300 to have a diagnostics check done on it but NEVER pays to have the problem fixed. Instead he decides to leave the truck in Clarksville and use the SOLD truck again for a load out of Nashville. That load never comes through just as we roll into Nashville because Andrew never asked for an address or a pickup time. Apparently his sense of time and distance is WAY OFF too. he would say we were 20 minutes away when in reality we still had 100 miles to go before we even got off the d**n highway. Fluent LIAR! Absolutely Pathalogical LIAR!

We head for NY and then VT...pretty much an uneventful trip at this point except for getting stranded outside of Cleveland because Boy Genius maxed out his credit cards. So we sat for a few hours and he finally said that he had e-mailed his father...who has cancer and is going through Chemo & Radiation and was on a cruise so couldn't get phone calls. He claimed that he asked his father for money to continue the trip. He said that his father responded and subsequently paid off his credit cards for him....to the amount of $4,550. That's pretty nice of him...I thought.

So we continued on to NY, VT and finally made our way to drop off the truck in NJ as scheduled...just 4 weeks late. We secured a rental at Enterprise Commercial capable of hauling the trailer. We loadd up the SOLD truck and dropped it off. The customer wasn't happy with the 8,000+ miles we added to the truck, it's brake function or lack thereof and informed me that he would have it looked at and repaired and send me the bill. That bill turned out to be $500 which Andrew said he would pay but again never did.

We quickly turned around and headed for NH to pick up a fast load bound for upstate NY. We were 3 miles away when Andrew gets a call from his mother informing him that they have cancelled his credit cards because they discovered that he had stolen $4,550 from his father's business account while they were away on teh cruise! I have no clue. I am sitting in the truck trying to get my phone to activate and tethered to my laptop. The previous 24 hours had been the first time Andrew was allowed to drive in the previous 4 weeks. The SOLD truck was my responsibility so I was going to drive it til it was delivered.

Well, Andrew approached the passenger side of the truck and looked very upset..crying and everything....claiming that he was ashamed of what he had done. I asked him WTF was going on. he said that he had cancelled the load fron NH to NY. Not a bit of consultation with me...just cancelled it. Then he informed me of the money he stole from his parents and what his mom had said! Now I was ready to snap! Enough was enough! I was DONE! Pay me and get my a*s back home to my business....this trip was a complete disaster. he had no freakin idea as to what he was doing AT ALL!

Now this. So I told him to get his mother on the phone I wanted to speak with her. He did so and she commenced to lay all of the blame on ME! She said that I am the older person and that I should have kept a better eye on him!!! Are you kidding me Lady???!!! He is a grown man playing in a grown world and is responsible for his own actions UNLESS his parents coddle him so d**n much and blame everybod else for his actions....even when he blatantly steal from them! Now I see where he gets it from.

I inform her that there is 3/4 of a tank of fuel in the truck. We will go to Rutland, VT and drop the trailer off at my ex's place. Andy will then pay me, drop the truck off in Albany and then fly home. He would then make arrangements to pay me what he owed me so I can secure a rental car and drive home to FL. He pays me $500 and leaves promising to pay me in 2 days....fails to do that. Says he will pay me by Sunday....again fails to do that. I inform him that because I am having to turn down work in FL because I am not there due to his negligence I would begin billing him at my standard hourly rate of $80 per hour until I returned home to FL.

2 weeks later I finally returned home after he paid me a total of $3,100 out of $22,500 that had accrued. When he found out I had returned home.....probably by the bill I sent him in the mail.....he contested the CC Charges resulting in a Chargeback of $3,155.47 to my bank account and locking down my business' only CC processor/bank account. I resumed billing him and Roubicek FLP from May 18th at a rate of $1,920 per day until the debt owed is paid.

His father, Carlos, informed me via e-mail that HE would pay the outstanding amount accrued up to May 27th, 2014....the amount was $45,460 at that point. Again...like father like son...no response to my reply including phone calls, e-mails, Facebook Messages....etc. Not a word. So...as of May 28th, 2014 I have siezed the trailer, tools and various items as collateral. I will be placing a $500,000 property lien on all properties owned by Andrew, Carlos and Roubicek FLP. This will allow up to 237 more days of accrued debt to build up. At that point I will file a lawsuit for that amount. After 60 days the seized trailer will be sold at auction.

So, in closing I would like any who read this to use caution when dealing with the above individuals. Just lies and fraud await you. I will inform this forum if this matter gets resolved but no matter what I will not remove this posting from any forum. The WORLD deserves to know what kind of people they are dealing with in regards to the above named individuals and entities. I will update with Lien Recordings and subsequent legal proceedings at a later date.

Report Attachments

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Dynamic Mobile Mechanic Service

Bonita Springs,
Additional Information

#2Author of original report

Wed, May 28, 2014

Additionally, during the trip, I was informed by my former contract client that Andrew, in his abandonment of the truck with the head gasket repair, left the hood off, valve cover open to the weather that included rain thus filling the engine full of water causing rust and internal damage beyond basic repairs. The truck had leaves, sticks, debris, insects, water, etc inside of it. A full overhaul was deemed necessary. I am still awaiting the full bill on this repair due to Andrew's gross negligence. My best estimate is $15-25,000+ in damages as well as loss of revenue that the moving company lost since January when the truck first went down. I will post a final bill image when it becomes available. Wall International in Fort Myers, FL is handling the overhaul and have certified that the damage was caused by Andrew's negligence during his repairs.

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