  • Report:  #1402719

Complaint Review: RSVP Minnesota - Nationwide

Reported By:
Eric - Minnesota, USA

RSVP Minnesota
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

IRRITATINGLY DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR! This company turned out to be my worst experience in 19 years of being in business. A little because they're program didn't work but MOSTLY because when I called to see what we could do to change not a low response, but a ZERO response I was treated like garbage by Joe and by no other than Mike the OWNER!!!

I decided to do some advertising with them for a nine month period. I remember when I submitted the art work Mike (OWNER) who sold the package to me called to tell me that he was so impressed that he showed it to other people which made me feel pretty good based on his 10 years of doing advertising (unless that was a lie).

After 7 months without a single call on the advertising I called to see if they had any suggestions. I only use 2 direct mail pieces. 1 of them I've been using since 2003 and even though our response is lower than it used to be after 14 years it still responds every week, the 2nd one is from Mike and Joe (RSVP) and after 7 months has a 0% response.

So I thought it just made sense to call and see what they suggested especially after Mike (owner) being so impressed with my artwork (unless that was a lie also). When I called Joe answered the phone and after explaining who I was and what the issue was and if he had any suggestions he said: "I don't know why it didn't work"

Uh, Joe that's why I'm calling so we can think through this and try to figure it out? "maybe you should chalk this up to a loss and try one of our other products" What! That's the best you have for me Joe BUY more of your products? "well I don't know what else to say" he said.

Then he decided that being RUDE and OFFENSIVE was the next best step: "well maybe it's your product" he said. Seriously! 1st if that was the case then why does the other direct mail piece I use still work after 14 years? 2nd customers decide to purchase between 100 and 200 of our units every month over 1800 a year: "well maybe it's that negative review you have online" he said.

Again seriously why aren't you even trying Joe? You can't ignore the fact that my only other direct mail piece is STILL working after 14 years and customers purchase over 100 of our units every month! The rest of the conversation with Joe was unprofessional, illogical, very rude and had little or no common sense and after Joe cussing on the phone to me I asked if Mike had been there any longer than him and might actually try to help me.

Joe than hung up on me (being cussed to on the phone and hung up on is the business relationship I've always wished for). I called back and got Joe's voicemail, he called back after 10 min. and said we got disconnected (unless that was a lie also). I was transferred to Mike (owner who sold me the package) and left him a voicemail. Mike called back to be a bigger ******* than Joe again no help, no ideas, blaming us, cussing and hanging up!!!!!!!

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