  • Report:  #260670

Complaint Review: Salute Visa - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- DuBois, Pennsylvania,

Salute Visa
P.O BOx 136 Newark New Jersey 07101 Atlanta, 030348 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I first got an offer from them to recieve a Visa card through them, even though i had to send them a "activation" payment of 20 dollars I did, becuase of having problems getting a card in the first place.

I sent my payment in on time for THREE months like they request for a credit line increase, I got my increase like i was told. But here is where the problem starts

I sent two different money orders out to them, for two payments that month, ( i got one money order payed my other bills and decided it was going to be ok to send another one out, so i did, both from the same city mailbox, at the same time on the same a day) I called 7 days later to see if they recieved my two 30.00 paymenst, they only had one and posted that to my account, i asked why both payments werent accredited to my account, of course i got the whole " It takes seven to ten bussiness days for it to get here," no it dont considering they were both sent out the same day only 8 days earlier, and you recieved one, when they were both sent the same day from the same place.

I let it go for yet another two weeks, still not posted to my account i called and asked them why once again why the payment hasnt yet to be posted it had been three weeks at that time. and of course i got the run around again.

I waited for three more days and called back, i got told by a women to " place a stop on the money order, i will note it to your account that a stop has been placed, apperantly it has been lost" ok, fine i did that that was the 18th of June.

I get my statement with "congratulations your credit line is increased to X amount" great i think, considering im trying to build my credit and stuff, this card is great. well atleast i thought so, until.

I go to order my pets medicine off line, and get told my " card has been denied" how the hell? i wondered, i called back SAlute to be told the following

" Your CHECK has been returned for insuffient funds, we have a 35 dollar return check fee, and another 35 dollar fee( for what i dont remember ) " Wait a min, I dont pay by CHECK i pay buy Money Order, always have and always will. I preceeded to tell this guy that, he got rude and called me a "Liar, you cant stop a money order that is guareenteed money" hello your company told me to place a stop on this money order, on the 18th when did you try to put the money order through? " guess what day i got "we tried to put it though on the 19th.." hmmm one day after i was told to put a stop on my money order.

He proceeded to call me a liar, b/c he insisted i paid "BY CHECK" no i didnt, not have a checking account only a savings, and i cant write checks out of my savings. hmmmmm.

so it seems that now i have to battle with them for the 70 dollars they took out of my account, becuse someone on thier end didnt do thier job by noting my account. I would NEVER reccommend this company to anyone, as soon as i get this straighted out i am closing my account and making sure that everyone i talk to knows that SALUTE VISA IS A SCAM.


DuBois, Pennsylvania


4 Updates & Rebuttals

John Good

Never had a problem with Salute

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, August 16, 2008

I got Salute card because I was out of the US for 14 years and when I came back I had no credit. 2.5 years later I have a credit line of 2400 with them and they reduced and removed several of the charges because I always paid on time. Salute is a great company to help one rebuild or establish ytheircredit but if you don't pay on time then it is on you, the bottom line it is your responsiblity to make sure they get paid when they are due.


Salute Visa - Georgia- not that Bad

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 15, 2008

I also received a prequalified letter from Salute Visa aka Urban Trust Bank. However I accepted the offer, they sent me the card within two weeks, I called them and paid the 20.00 transaction fee (which was taken off the balance of my card). At that time the available credit was 171.00 Before that payment my available credit was 151.00. The total limit on the card was 300.00. But considering my bad credit score which now sits at 536, I really can not complain to much. Because this company is catering to people who do have shaky credit, it is very understandable that they are more harsh with their rules. Yes they have a higher apr and yes they charge 14.95 for phone payments. And yes they do charge 4.95 for internet pay options, but is that not the price that WE pay for having crappy credit, and allowing someone to help us rebuild what we ourselves have destroyed. So to help those who do not understand I have a few suggestions. -Make sure that if you mail out a check or money order make sure you send it 2 to 3 weeks early. (as to allow for processing, after all they are only human too). -If you need to contact the company make sure you go through the correct channels to contact them and document everyone you speak to and everything you have spoken about. -Understand that when you make a payment by phone, such as a 40.00 payment, they will accept the payment and then the 14.95 charge to make the payment over the phone will be added to your statement as a transaction. Just like going to the store and making a purchase. So if you want to avoid all the extra fees and such-- if your minimum payment is 30.00 and there is a 14.95 transaction fee, make the payment for 43.95, this should help with all of the confusion that alot of people are having. After all we need these creditors to repair our mess ups, not the other way around. So if you mess up a secondary creditor you only have yourself to blame. -The best way to avoid all problems is to just register online and pay the 4.95 to pay online and DO NOT wait until the last minute to make the payments. Always give them plenty of time to process the payments. This is our responsibilities as consumers, not responsibilities of the businesses.


Update on whats happening

#4Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2007

Ok so i faxed this company a letter yesterday, to see how long it would take them to respond to me, to see if it would be 5-11 days til i got any answere. here is what i wrote to them. To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that i am prepared to take legal action against this company. Becuase of its practices. Meaning, on June 16,2007. I was told by one of your repersentitives to put a stop on a money order for my payment for June. (money order number xxxxxx)I preceeded by putting a trace on the money order (trace number xxxxxxx) and finally a stop on June 18 2007. I was told that it would be noted to my account that this money roder was not to be cashed. I then noticed that on my statement that my credit line was increased and decided to puchase some medication for my dogs online, only to be told that my card was denied do to "insuffeciant" funds. I called your company once again to find out what was going on. I was then told that my "check" was sent back because of insuffiencent funds. The man on the phone preceeded to call me a liar when i told him " iddint pay with a check I paid with a money order, I do not use checks I only use money orders" again I was called a liar. $ 70.00 was then taken from my account because, apperently it was not noted to my account, that a stop payment was put on the money order. Since all of this has happend I have called your company again on July 11 2007. I asked what could be done, and if i could send them the money order reciept as proof that it was stopped, I got told no. To call my bank and get proof from there then fax it to your office. Ok, I did. On July 13 2007 I faxed the information from my bank to your comapny, with the information that is included above. I spoke with someone today, July 16 2007. This person told me that it takes you 5-11 calendar days before you will even review and accredit my account, even though it was your companies mistake. I continously requested to speak to someone in your department. All i got of course is "There is not a number to contact them other then fax" First off, I have to say what kind of company does not have a direct line to thier Payment Resources Department? Every other company I have to deal with does. That all kinda sounds fishy to me. Further more i was told that if I send you a letter asking questions it was going to take just as long for you to answere me back. As I noted aboe I wil take leagal action against this company, not only for pullling the money out of my account but for whatever else my attorny says is possible. I have contacted a lawyer, and I am personally ready to take this all the way. I will only settle if this payment is returned to my account with in the next 48 hours. Which will be July 18 2007. If the entire $70.00 is not returned to my account, I will preced with legal action. I will settle out of court IF my credit card balance is brought down to 0. But that is the only way i will IF the 70.00 is not returned to my account within the time limit specified. Further more, Becuase of this issue, My dog is going without much needed insulin, That was to be purchased with this card. IF this isnt met to my satisfactory, you will be responsible for my dogs death, meaning you will be buying me a new brindle pitbull. with papers to replace the one that will not make it without his medication. The reason for this is, i counted on that money to be there for his medication. and did not budget it into my monty budget this month. Sincerly Tonya xxxxxx (xxx) xxx- xxxx So today i checked my card, so far they have returned 55 dollars back on my card, i will be calling tomorrow to see what is going on with the rest, i will then post an update then.


Payment Resource department

#5Author of original report

Mon, July 16, 2007

Still trying to get my money accredit to my account b/c of thier mistake, They asked for me to FAx, proof from the bank, which i did on friday, I call today to see what the progress is, and i get "It takes 5-11 calendar days for them to look it over, verify and finally post to the account" i asked for a direct number to the PAYMENT RESOURCE DEPARTMENT, and all i got was " you need to fax them your questions and they will get back to you in 5-11 bussiness days" there is no direct line to them, i keep getting the same answere over and over again Why isnt there a direct line to the payment resource department??? I bet if i call anyother company I would get directed to them, i have, for the phone, satellite and internet. Im going to send a fax, letting them know that I am to the point of contacting a lawyer.

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