  • Report:  #1481541

Complaint Review: San Mateo Credit Union - South San Francisco CA

Reported By:
Lord-Xanthor - San Bruno, CA, United States

San Mateo Credit Union
150 El Camino Real Ste A South San Francisco, 94080 CA, United States
(650) 363-1725
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

There are times I really hate having to do one of these reports, especially when an institutuion like this has been pretty helpful in the past, but after recent changes, and way staff is handling things, this really needs to be brought to everyones attention.

Back in JUNE of 2019, SMCU had what was called a technology update. This is where issues started happening, and being lied to makes it worse for them. The bank gave notice of the upgrade, and how online banking would be down, but offices would be open. This was supposed to be 3 days, and when it took place, online notices were changed from 3 days to 5 in hopes no one would notice.

When I went to the bank to get a bank check, not only was the brance closed, they had notices on the door saying they were closed as well. Changing the dates and closing the brances did not fool anyone, as there were close to 100 angry customers that day, it made it look like their was a run on the bank. People were arguing with one another half saying the credit union gave notice, half saying the notices on the door were not dated or worded the same as what was posted prior to the bank closing for the upgrade.

I take screenshots, and showed the ones willing to look, at what was origionally posted. I actually waited to get my bank check two days after they opened their doors again, because lines basically went out the door when they reopened. Felt like waiting on line for concert tickets back in the 90s.

Their updates did a LOT more than what they admited to online. And to be honest, they have not given a hard time yet, in regards to returning unjust bank fees, but how long they own up to this, is anyones guess. What their updates have done, is similar to what big banks no longer practice due to fines and lawsuits, but despite showing them this, they feel their in their legal right to do, and only way to show them this is unacceptable, is to bank elswhere, and hope the change doesnt cause other issues.

The first thing I noticed was purchases during the weekend, they show up instantly which makes it easier to transfer funds from another account when you plan to make a larger purchase. After taking screenshots before the purchase and transfer, took a screenshot after the transfer, and then again after the purchase. What was not suprising at the time, was each trasnfer and purchase was dated for Mondays date.

Come Monday, I was completely shocked. When Monday rolled around, I went to check my account around 6pm, and found the account - $113. At first I assumed maybe I forgot something I didnt transfer funds for, but upon looking at my account, discovered what actually happened. From the time I looked at online banking, till the time and date I looked again, the figures were manipulated to show deposits coming after debits.

Despite what they showed over the weekend, by Monday night each thing was manipulated like the big banks used to do, to generate bank fees. They tried the speach of items got posted when they came in next day, which is when I showed the bank/credit union the weekends screenshots, compated to Mondays, and that the screenshot clearly shows the real time and date the transfer was done, so trying to make it look otherwise, is just plain wrong. I got ever penny in fees back, without the normal as a courtesy one time statement they tend to throw at you.

If the above isn't enough to open your eyes on this credit unions practices, the next was the final straw. Since the update, I have not once gotten my direct deposit pay check on time. Not only does their system manipulate debits and transfers, it even goes as far as to treat direct deposits simillar to the way banks once handled checks. Im still waiting for the first month of Junes paycheck that was transmitted June 20th, and discovered why I don't have it in my account yet.

When employeers transmit your direct deposit, they deposit by date is now treated as when they feel they HAVE to deposit it, not when they should. Since June 22nd, SMCU has been using my paycheck funds to do whatever they want with, and recorded phone calls clearly show they can do this as its legal, and that if I wanted my direct deposit earlier, I should talk with my employeer, and have the deposit by date changed. Second paycheck for end of June is also being held, and should have also been desposite by July 3rd, or 5th after July 4th, but again they used the holiday, to hold my direct deposit paycheck an additional week which they claim is the 8th of July.

SMCU prior to the upgrade, was once a very good credit union, and had been helpful, but even with the fee fixes that shouldnt have happened in the first place, and now having to worry when am I actually going to get paid, I need to leave them, which if enough people say enough, will hopefully open their eyes that these practices are not acceptable, and will hurt them in the long run.

Just leaving them is not going to fix this problem overnight. If you like me have had the same issues, and just learning by reading this what is going on, you need to let your employer know, and your unions if you belong to one. Unions do help, the good ones at least, and they have the power to put more pressure on not just SMCU, but also other credit unions who picked up these practices lately.

Sorry for the typos, Ill fix them up later, need to format system as spell check locks up.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

The Dog

United States
Cutting Thru All This...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 08, 2019

 It's quite obvious and by your own admission, YOU don't keep written records, YOU don't keep an on going running balance and YOU don't know or abide by the funds availability policy! How someone managed a checking account is they WRITE DOWN each and every use of the card or check, subtract the money from the previous balance.

That way they know EXACTLY how much is available to spend and will NEVER over draw their account! THATS A FACT!


Beverly Hills,
United States
Not Really

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, July 08, 2019

I won't get into all of the delays with regards to the IT switchover, except to say stuff happens and poor implementations happen.  I will comment on other aspects of your complaint though....

What their updates have done, is similar to what big banks no longer practice due to fines and lawsuits, but despite showing them this, they feel their in their legal right to do, and only way to show them this is unacceptable, is to bank elswhere, and hope the change doesnt cause other issues.  I guess for starters, big banks still do this all of the time because of course - it is legal

Banks can and have always reordered debit transactions from highest to lowest and post debits before credits so long as they disclose that this is their practice.  The lawsuits (settlements, not fines) stemmed from the lack of disclosure, not the actual practice.  Once the disclosure was adequately made, they continue what they always did. 

People left banks to go to credit unions to avoid this practice but there was no guarantee credit unions would not implement such a practice for incredibly obvious reasons.  Credit unions largely began implementing this practice about one year or so ago; it's now come to your CU as well.

The first thing I noticed was purchases during the weekend, they show up instantly which makes it easier to transfer funds from another account when you plan to make a larger purchase. After taking screenshots before the purchase and transfer, took a screenshot after the transfer, and then again after the purchase.

What was not suprising at the time, was each transfer and purchase was dated for Mondays date.  Again, your credit union now follows how most financial institutions work.  Weekend purchases are now dated Monday, or Tuesday if Monday is a bank holiday.

Since the update, I have not once gotten my direct deposit pay check on time. Not only does their system manipulate debits and transfers, it even goes as far as to treat direct deposits simillar to the way banks once handled checks.  You may wish to check with your employer to see if they've changed their practice at all regarding payroll processing.  Otherwise, your credit union is acting like most financial institutions.

When employeers transmit your direct deposit, they deposit by date is now treated as when they feel they HAVE to deposit it, not when they should.  There should be a one-day difference between when the payroll funds are pulled out of a company's payroll imprest or concentration account, and deposited into your account.  This is why I suggest checking with your company to see if there might be changes to how they're processing payroll.  I suspect you'll find there is a one-day deposit variance there as well.

What is interesting to me is that unions, at least the good ones you describe, only use banks or credit unions that have a CBA with a union for the staff at the CU or bank.  If you happen to belong to a crappy union, then your union will find a non-union bank with which to transact business.  We do have 1 or 2 banks that negotiated a CBA with a union, but there are not very successful from a profit standpoint, but since the unions are pretty loyal to their bank to support the union employees, the union will put up with the bank, and vice-versa.

If your choice at this point is to leave the CU because of their fee structure, then there are very few places you can possibly go to because most CU's have already implemented the same practices forcing you to leave this CU.  I am not advocating you staying at this CU - I mean that choice is yours.  All that I am saying is that if you're leaving because you hate their fee structure, then you aren't really going to like anywhere else you will go to.  Even if you find a CU that has a more forgiving fee structure, then it won't be long before they implement that same structure...

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