  • Report:  #1415307

Complaint Review: Sandra Dezelan - Boynton Beach Florida

Reported By:
Darcy - Georgia, United States

Sandra Dezelan
8470 92nd. Pl. South Boynton Beach, 33472 Florida, United States
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      Sandra Dezelan is a deceitful, cunning liar!  An evil person who enjoys spreading personal information on myself for an event that occurred in my personal life almost 5 years ago. Why would someone steep that low to try and harm another individual?  Why would someone go to the extreme that Sandra Dezelan, founder of Dezzy's Second Chance Rescue go to?  Sandra has continously lied in the Courts in Palm Beach County.  Sandra Dezelan attempted to obtain a restraining order on myself, claiming I was driving by her rescue and stalking her. Sandra Dezelan claimed I owned a gun back in March of 2016.  Sandra Dezelan claimed I was going to kill myself, therefore I was going to kill myself. Of which none of this is true. I never owned a gun back then.  Here is the million dollar question.  How can one do all that, living 800+ miles away?  How can someone that Sandra Dezlean claims (in this case, myself) is wanting to kill her, when I was living in another State for a full 6 months.  September 23, 2015 to be exact is when I left South Florida. What type of human being marches into a Court house to file such a bogus claim? My answer is, a sick, demented individual.  Sandra has had altercations with others when it comes to questioning her way of rescuing.  Sandra's response is to bully and harass the indivudual by throwing out the "I am going to sue you" threat! Perfect example is of the taped recording where Sandra Dezelan threatens Joan Ellis with a lawsuit. This is a taped recording that myself and others have. Perfect example is of the anonymous complaint above.  No, Sandra Dezelan, you are wrong again.  I did not write that complaint, but whoever did, I applaud them whole heartedly. Maybe, just maybe this person was also telling the truth about you.  Sandra, let me give you & your attorney a fair warning. You, Sandra Dezelan is spreading libelous claims about myself. Sandra Dezelan has taken it upon herself to try and discredit my reputation.  Keep it up, Sandra! Be prepared for a lawsuit that will be presented to you for making false claims about myself.  I have sit back and watched how you have tried to defame me. Your time is up, babe!  I have gathered plenty of documented evidence to sue you for your falsely claims.   See attached files. 

    And now, you and your attorney are attempting to sue this individual. $400 of donation money, most likely, I am going to assume went into yet, another frivolous lawsuit.  You lost on your bogus, lie filled attempt of a restraining order. In the court room in May of 2016, it appeared to me that the Judge saw right through you and your lying story.  How easily you forgot Sandra, how much I helped you financially and time spent walking ALL the dogs you had in that shopping strip, which by the way you lied on your application to the City of Boca. How easily you forgot how I sent my handyman to put shelves up in the laundry room for you.  How easily you forgot how myself and other friends, including Elizabeth who helped pay for the washer and dryer, that both of us chipped into buy for you. By the way, you did Elizabeth & her animals a huge favor by having the vet clinic in Plantation send her back the animals vet records, just because you didn't get your way. She is with a great Vet now and so much happier.  How easily you forget how there were others that wanted to help you and you pushed them away.  For example, Mindy Farber.  All the good she did for you and when we questioned you on April 9th, 2015 about the dog named little Mindy, that is when you became unglued, in my opinion as well as Mindy's.  You flew off the handle screaming and yelling when I called you that day after the meeting.  Do you recall?  I do.  I remember that bizarre interaction like it was yesterday. And of course, you threw out the "I am going to sue you."  So, you see Sandra Dezelan, you can continue to disseminate the document that you are spreading around about me.  Continue to do so.  It shows the  type of character you really are. Speaking of animals, case in point, the couple that wanted to adopt Gracie a while back contacted me. The girlfriend told me when the boyfriend posted something on Delray Raw about you, you immediately jumped on the "I am going to sue you" band wagon, threatening them. A tactic in my opinion to just shut someone up.  What are you hiding, Sandra Dezlean? Why always threaten those that question you, with a law suit?  You may fool the Geri's of the world, but you are not fooling me, and apparently you are not fooling whoever wrote this complaint. 

    I feel sorry for you, Sandra. What is it?  Maybe because you and Hunter (Mickey) had homes in the past, that the banks  foreclosed on you.  Isn't that the reason why you had to pack up your possessions and ALL the dogs & cats? Then moved into the strip mall in Boca Raton, January of 2015. Well, if the document attached here is correct, I think so.  Everything I have stated above is in my own opinion. For whatever reason, others probably feel the same way about Sandra Dezelan, founder of Dezzy's Second Chance Animal Rescue. You form your own opinion. Just have a conversation lasting no more than 5 minutes with Sandra Dezlean, and you will get your answer.   Little advice to you, Sandra Dezelan, stop being the narcissistic person that you are. If I were you, you need to STOP with what you are doing.  As the saying goes, Karma is a bit*ch.   See attachments.



Report Attachments

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Darcy Ode Butkus is a Fraud

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2018

 Darcy often times loves to as we say throw s**t against a wall & hopes it sticks. You have had 3 lawsuits against you all of them successfully won by the other party. You are Currently being sued in Federal Court out of Fort Lauderdale Florida by a rescue you harassed and made several false allegations against. In 2015 you were Baker Acted in Broward County for calling the cops and telling them you were god. You can not and do not tell the truth to save your life. Just to prove it you said you won your last case against Sandra how come I can prove otherwise. Why is it ever the Dept of Ag in Florida thinks you are nuts? No one takes you seriously you are the only one that thinks they do any good you lie about events & how they really happened.


Boynton Beach,
United States
A few words for Darcy Butkus

#3General Comment

Sun, December 31, 2017

 Dear Darcy Me and hundreds of others know that you are mentally disturbed. Very unfortunate for you and your family. And for the small rescues who you are constantly accusing. I wonder how come you never go after the big name rescues. I guess you know in your twisted mind that their lawyers will step on you so fast you wouldn't have time to breath. So you just playing with little guys and spreading lies after lies. Getting into personal papers what are completely not relevant to the rescue itself. Nobody really knows why you doing this. My guess is something missing in your life..maybe as a little girl you wanted to be famous and because it didn't happened this is your way to get some spotlight. I know Sandra very well. I am in daily contact with her for 7 years. I see what is she doing and why. As everyone else she makes mistakes as well. But nobody can accusing her to mistreating animals. For her animals come first. And always the most injured the most disturbed. She is not a hoarder she loves and respect all lives and try to find the best homes fir them. One day somehow you Darcy will be put in your place and finally you will stop making other people's life a misery. You should have listened what the judge told you. And trust me the next judge won't be so nice. Your poor husband...what a life he has at his age...treat him better and start a cooking blog..for your and others sake.. Kind regards..

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