  • Report:  #1000926

Complaint Review: Sara Foss - Internet Ohio

Reported By:
sarafossisacrapbreeder - , Nationwide, United States of America

Sara Foss
Internet, Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
sara foss is a crap byb from ohio that breeds great danes and bulldogs she breeds defective dogs and will not honor her genetics contract. i bought a dog from her and she knew it had defectives in the lines when she sold it to me and still sold me the dog on full regestration. she promised me a replacement puippy or my money back and then backed out on it just like i knew she would and she even admitted the lines were trash and still refused to replace my dog even thogh the dogs she sells have hip displasia and wobblers. she is a lyer and a scam artest DO NOT BUY FROM THIS LADY unless you want to pay tons of money for a peice of trash dog waist money at the vet fixing problems that this lady never should have had in her lines or sold on full regestration. 

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Royal Danes

United States of America
Wow your typos are getting better lmao

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 25, 2013

You ALMOST had a posting without typos but nope, screwed that one up lol. You forgot to change your location again idiot. I called you out, said post from your real name you COWARD, still hiding behind the fake name. Kim You are sad sad sad!!!!!!!

I don't treat puppy buyers badly, EVER so clearly I and they know this is nothing but a lie and a hoax. NONE OF MY DOGS HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS OR HAVE HAD HEALTH ISSUES IN ALMOST 12YRS!!!!!!!! This is why I didn't health test, because my dogs were awesome, till I added in the euro bloodlines from the WRONG breeder. I haven't ever hid from that. I offer a 3yr health contract, clearly I'm confident in my lines. BUT since adding euro and having the 2 and ONLY 2 pups with issues (one in MI and one inTX, not the ONLY pup I've ever sold to OK, she's healthy), we are health testing. You don't health test, so who are you to talk?????

Again I'm going to call you out. If you are not Kim Folkner, although you act identical to her and bring up everything Kim Folkner would, then come on our from hiding and use your REAL NAME!!!! I have all of my puppy buyers names and addresses, so let's go!!!! A REAL puppy owner, not someone trying to discredit me would have used there REAL name, and again I there are only 10 breeders with pups on Full Akc, soooo. Tell me...what litter is your pup from???? Mind you I speak to ALL of those but 1 and that is KIM FOLKNER!!!!

Come on smarty pants bring the truth, you don't have any, point blank. Notice how I'm not stooping to your stupidity level and acting like an idiot.

I have facts, you have nothing but pulled out of your a*s bullshit lies. No one is going to believe you till you bring your PROOF!!!!

I'm getting tired having to reply back to a complete moron, but still find this oh so amusing.


United States of America
Whatever you lieing b**ch

#3Author of original report

Fri, January 25, 2013

Call me whoever you want you dont know me so why dont you f**k off? lady you are crazy if you think I am that Kim Folkner you know you have more complaints than just her. you need to stop and take a look at your s***ty dogs and relize that these people that are buying from you are either stupid or bybs like you. i am not the only one that knows what a f****ard you are you scam peole and lie and people should know what kind of perosn you are. who cares if you are retiring your b**ch you bred her already so of course health testing would be pointless you duma**! what about the puppies you sold from her alrady? look you are nothing but a lyer and i am done arguing with you I am not the only one that is talking aboiut how shitty you are there are alot of people who are. Im just the only one who said anything. 

Royal Danes

United States of America
Read this Kim Folkner you Idiot!!

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 25, 2013

I wanted to post these pictures to show Kim Folkner's signature on MY CONTRACT and Please read what it says RIGHT ABOVE HER SIGNATURE!!!!

I fully understand and agree to the terms on this sale agreement and health guarantee and fully agree to all the above terms by signing this contract!!! I also understand that at no time will there be a CASH refund for ANY reason!!

You may view the remainder of the contract on my site at www.royaldanes.net under contract/guarantee 

Report Attachments

Royal Danes

United States of America
Clearly Kim Folkner of Folkner Danes you are the idiot!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 24, 2013

Kim do you REALLY think people are stupid? Lmao. You forgot to change your location. I've only sold one puppy to Checotah, OK and that was TO YOU!!! You forgot to make sure you changed the location when you posted your latest rebuttal with all your moron typos. You are the lowest of the low. One desperate woman you are. You should really pay attention to what your doing if your trying to play it off as its NOT YOU posting lol. Everyone is seeing the real you!!! That you are a complete physco, mentally unstable and a down right coward!!!!! I have hid NOTHING about the issues I have had with the 2 puppies WITH problems, I've even posted about it on facebook, so clearly I'm not trying to hide it.

There have been 2 in almost 12yrs. So what's your point? Road kill, really? Lady you are bat s**t crazy lol. You are such an idiot I actually feel like it is a waste of time responding to you, but it makes me giggle knowing how low you will stoop. If you are someone OTHER than KIM FOLKNER then come forward with your REAL NAME!!!! That's right, you CAN'T because YOU ARE KIM FOLKNER!!!! Your dog is HEALTHY!!!!! Period!! Why don't you be a real woman Kim and use your REAL NAME??? That's right, because you aren't a real woman, you like to hide behind fake screen names and post your bullshit lies, just like in your other rip off reports against you!!!! You've already been busted and called out before, guess people who are like you never learn. I HONOR my contract with those that actually HAVE issues Kim. You, don't have an issue....yet if your uneducated mind could read, I STILL made you 2 offers AFTER everything you've done behind my back, how you came at me, how you called your own dog garbage. Your just too d**n stupid to comprehend them and actually take one of the offers FOR A HEALTHY DOG. Oh well, your the idiot then. You have no reason to complain as the offers are there plain as day!!!! Get off your high horse and you would see that.

Health testing.... Mena's X-rays are POSTED on my site on her page. Princess is being spayed so no need to test her now. I have 1 going in for OFA hips n Elbows and 2 for prelims...I will GLADLY post the results here for all to see as well as on my sight. I've never said my dogs were health tested, I said after the crap line that caused the issues of these 2 pups, I am now health testing my dogs!!

All of my other dogs are too young to even test, because unlike you I don't go buy a bunch of adult females to breed and then toss out when I'm done with them, I actually raise my own!!! Have I gotten adults before? Yep, sure have but we will no longer ever take in adults, only those we raise. Where's your health testing for your jacked up a*s looking dog Joker??? Or Ellie Mae???? Don't go running your mouth about things you don't know! We offer a 3yr health contract compared to your pathetic so called health contract. You SELL white puppies, we've never had a white. The 1 merlequin produced by us in 12yrs is going to a "special" home even if he is 100% ok because we aren't risking a sale just to line our pockets like you would do and have done. We also won't lie if he is deaf/blind like you did to your puppy buyer. You are the most greedy woman I have ever met. People are reading this rip off report and laughing at YOU, not me. I've done my fair share of trying to please you and have been very professional the entire time. I don't stoop to your level and act like I'm straight out of the trailor park. Your education level shows through and through...keep going Kim. You are making my day and everyone else's. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE learn how to spell next time you are trying to pretend its not you, as well as making sure to change the location you are posting from, idiot lol.

Ps: you really shouldn't use the EXACT same story that is posted in the conversation between you and I that everyone knows about and try to say it isn't you lol. People with 1/2 an ounce of a brain can read everything and CLEARLY see that it is you Kim Folkner posting!!!! Especially because I don't place puppies that often in breeding homes and I can list them all for you and you may contact ALL of them and not a single one of them has issues with there dogs. Better yet, I can list all the pups I've placed and you can talk to everyone and only 2 puppies have issues. Keep reaching, it's not working and you just look worse by the minute. No need to harm Kim Folkner of Folkner Danes reputation, you do it all on your own lol.


United States of America
You are an idiot

#6Author of original report

Thu, January 24, 2013

You know what I am not kim folkner or who ever you are saying I am but it looks like we feel the same way aout you sara. you lie to people to make money off crap dogs, who cares if you didnt make these lines, YOU MADE THESE PUPPYS and now people are having to loose their pets because you are so money hungary that you dont care what you have to do to make a quick buck. i tell you what, show me the results from your dogs health testing or do you even do it? you promised me a refund but appearantely you thought about ti and decided you dont want to give me my money back becuase you are too busy breeding other crap dogs to sell to other innocent people. you are a lying b***h you know you have s**t dogs and would never buy another dog from you, i would rather adopt roadkill on the side of the road because its the same thing as buying a pup from you except cheaper. know what they have in common? they both end up dead!

Royal Danes

United States of America
Needed to clarify a few things I forgot in my rebuttal

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 23, 2013

It was mentioned that I breed bulldogs. I have NOT had a litter of bulldogs, I do own two of them though.

Also Kim Folkner is forwarding the link to her posting that she did annononusly stating that she did not post it and someone else is having the same issues. Well here's the scoop. There were only 2 puppies sold on Full Akc from the litter she got her puppy from. Ava x Kaiser litter. There is ONLY 1 pup from this litter with wobblers/mild hip dysplasia. Period! Everyone else's pups are great and healthy, INCLUDING Kim Folkner's puppy.

Ema x Hans litter had 3 puppies sold on Full Akc (Ema is Kaisers full sister from the same litter). There is 1 puppy with wobblers (he was sold on limited and they did not ask for a replacement, but I am sending them money for vet bills, when I don't have to as my contract states NO CASH REFUNDS.

The Ava x Kaiser puppy owner picked a puppy from my current full euro litter worth MORE than they paid for there puppy originally. I did not ask them to pay the difference as per my contract. They decided another puppy would not fit into there schedule and it was the wrong time right now, so I offered to pay them what they paid for the puppy. AGAIN, not what my contract states. You can see for yourself, the offers I made to Kim Folkner, how she treated me, how she talked about poor Diamond. This saddens me because I just feel for Diamond.

If this is or was someone else posting OTHER than Kim Folkner, I find it hysterical that it matches exactly the conversation that was already posted in my 1st rebuttal. Plus, does she think I didn't talk to all my puppy people about this?? Really? Lol. This woman is seriously stretching to discredit me when only making herself out to be the fool in the end.


United States of America

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, January 23, 2013

I am not interested in defending actions of either party or take sides. I am simply here to state the FACTS of my experience when purchasing a puppy. I purchased an 8 week old harlequin great dane puppy from Sara in February of 2012. As a puppy she showed no signs of having any health issues. As she got older, she started displaying signs of being "cow hocked" and easty westy. When we weren't able to correct the issues with supplements and diets change, and physical therapy, we contacted Sara, at our wits end on her conformation and not being able to correct her issues, as we normally can in young puppies and adults. When I explained what we were experiencing, Sara requested pictures, so she could get a better idea of what we were dealing with, as it is hard to explain without visual aid. Immediately after receiving the pictures, Sara called me back, and told me that in her opinion, our Piper looked like she had hip dyplasia, and urged me to have her spayed, at which point offered a replacement puppy from her upcoming litter between her import danes. I was a bit more optimistic and felt that Sara was over reacting, so to prove her wrong, I brought her in the very next day to run tests and xrays. Unfortunately....Sara was right, Piper did have a mild case of hip dysplasia and wobblers. I scheduled her spay, and true to her word, was given pick of the litter (females) to replace my puppy. The litter was born the first week of January 2013, and since I am also keeping a puppy for my current litter, Sara offered me the choice to keep my puppy OR she would refund my money on Piper. We chose to have the refund, as we are going to have our hands full with the puppies we have on the way. Sara gave me her word that I will receive my refund the last week of February or first week of March 2013, when the puppies are 8 weeks old, have gone to their new homes, and she has received payment for the litter. In all honesty, Sara has treated this sad situation with us very professional, and I am very pleased with her honoring her genetic guarantee. 

Royal Danes

United States of America
Kim Folkner Stop LYING and Being a COWARD and posting without using your real name!!!!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 23, 2013

First off this posting makes me laugh.   This woman is IMPOSSIBLE to deal with.  She is the most immature person I have EVER spoke to and she spells like she is in 5th grade!!!  I have ALL the evidence to show that this woman is doing nothing but lying and SLANDERING ME because she is straight pissed that I caught her trying to screw me over and busted her.  I have ALL OF OUR CONVERSATION!!!   Please read and you will see that it is Kim Folkner, of Folkner Danes  that is the LIAR and not myself that is the liar.   I have not tried to hide anything about the 1 pup that has wobblers/HD from this litter, nor the puppy that has wobblers from a related litter (same lines).  I am taking care of what needs to be done with those people.  there dogs are actually defective.  Kim Folkner's dog is NOT DEFECTIVE, she repeats over and over that she is HEALTHY with NOTHING wrong!!! I did NOT know the line was crap BEFORE I bred them, I found out AFTER, there is also proof of this as well.   I had also planned to sell this litter on LIMITED registration as pet puppies and Kim Folkner BEGGED me to sell her a puppy on Full AKC, so I eventually gave in and did, boy oh boy do I regret that decision.  This woman will be your best friend as long as you are doing everything she says, but the moment you say NO she turns on you and becomes like a 2yr old child throwing a temper tantrum.  I'm actually ok with the fact that she posted this information on here, because it gives me the chance to post a rebuttal and SHOW THE FACTS AND HOW SHE IS!!!  She still has my offer on the table but is too childish to actually do what she's supposed to, to get it.  She also screwed herself by posting a rip off report about me that is ACTUAL LIES because now I have cause to sue for SLANDER!!  Thank You Kim Folkner, you sure do know how to dig yourself into a hole and give me all the ammunition that is needed to sue.  Maybe one day you will learn to stop pushing people around when you are NOT in the right. Next time don't be a coward and use your actual username lol.   Please note the spelling errors (there is spell check available on ripoff lol and you will see the same typo's over and over through out her conversation with me) 

 Here is her contact information, SHE is the breeder you should avoid.  she already has SEVERAL ripoff reports about her.  I will post those as well for you to read how she treats other people including PUPPY BUYERS.

Contact info:Kimberly FolknerCell: 918-843-1889Email: [email protected] Located in Checotah, Oklahoma 74426  www.folknerdanes.com


Ok, so I'm fed up with this woman and would like EVERYONE to see what this woman is really about. I have 2 pups that have come back from 1 line with wobblers and one has wobblers and mild HD. They are both just 1yr old. I did not create the line. It was a line I thought was amazing and was lied to greatly and now myself and my poor puppy people/puppies are paying for it. I'm so upset and saddened by it, but I eliminated the line completely and I'm making it right by those that have actual issues. Please read what this woman is wanting from me and how she has treated me when I have been nothing but kind and fair to her ESPECIALLY when her dog does NOT have ANY ISSUES!! I have changed the name's of 2 people and 1 dogs name in this and that is it, I don't want to include them in this, but I would like EVERYONE to know what kind of a person Kim Folkner from Folkner Danes really is. I'm sorry if you are friends with them, I would have a hard time with any of my friends if they could treat someone like this.... and I'm not the first! I'm just the first to stand up to her and to voice this! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!

Folkner Danes
I talked to Erin about Pandora having HD, and possable wooblers, has any of the other siblings from her litter or any other litters had any problems?. With what you've told me and everyone about the lines and with her dog having gentic problems. Diamond does not need to be bred. Where do you and I go from here?. I stopped communication this summer as you never called me back like you said you would. I've always made pic's public so you can view and here is another recent pic of her, she is 1yrs old today. I called and left you a message, please call me 918-843-1889 or email back either or is fine.
December 26, 2012
Sara Foss
I'm in bed sick with a fever, so I won't be calling today.
I never called you back???? That's a bold faced lie Kim. I have our texts from the last day we spoke. You called me a b***h.
Where do we go from here??? Does diamond have hip issues or wobblers? Has she been xrayed?
I told you last time you wanted to place her because of the line issues and VWD that I would replace her with a Mena pup...you didn't want a pup... I even offered to split the shipping with you on getting diamond back and the puppy to you, I would spay her, place her and send you the money.....you said no, you didn't want another pup...offered you Mena...you didn't want her bc she wasn't proven....you stopped talking to me after I told you I wouldn't approve you selling diamond to a full AKC home...but to a pet home only. Because if YOU weren't comfortable breeding her then it was not ok selling her to a breeding home...you called me a b***h, deleted me from Facebook and stopped talking to me. So it wasn't because I didn't call you back.
X-ray diamond and then we will go from there, If she has issues.
I'm not the one that screwed the line up, I was fed a bunch of lines and paid a ton of money that I am now out because of someone else's lines...I've done my part and gotten rid of the line. Now I'm doing my part taking care of Erin n pandora because she has had the X-rays done.
There are no others with issues from pandora's litter but there is a male from ema x Hans litter with wobblers. (ema is kaisers full sister)....there was another claiming HD but I just found out she had tick fever and never had the hip X-rays done...she is going to do X-rays in a month once the tick fever is gone...bc tick fever affects joints and will make them walk funny and limp..ESP the rear.
So what this boils down to is I tried to replace diamond once for you already when she didn't have any issues...you declined. Im not replacing a dog that is fine. If you X-ray her and there's issues...then we will go from there. This is NOT me being a b***h. This is me being honest and I've already tried once and you weren't happy with any of my offers which were all more than fair ESP for a pup that had no issues.
You have breeched the contract as well in a couple ways and one of them was feeding her diamond puppy food. My contract states they are to NEVER be fed puppy food. I'll be willing to over look these things IF and ONLY IF diamond actually has an issue with HD or wobblers. Please contact me again once she has had X-rays and we will move forward.
Folkner Danes
Never call me a lier I said I was not trying to be a b*tch you said you will call me back since you and your husband was fishing and enjoying your time together so dont blow smoke up my a**! You dont think me and Erin talk?
Just you know I am selling Diamond! I have text saying I have permission, you knew these dogs were junk defects!
We have nothing further to talk about!
Sara Foss
You sell her on full AKC and I will see you in court! You are also supposed to send me the new owners information once you sell her...THAT was the agreement. You are an impossible woman to work with! I tried to replace diamond MONTHS ago but you weren't happy with ANYTHING. I told you I would call you back and we continued texting....you called me a *itch in text and to no longer contact you....so why would I have called you back????
Blowing smoke up your a**...really??? Grow up Kim! I told you to X-ray diamond and I would replace her if there is something wrong.
Sara Foss
Funny you call diamond junk but you were telling everyone else how excited you were to breed her to Joker, even have a waiting list. Now piper has issues and there junk.
Folkner Danes
See me in court! I bought the POS on full AKC I can do as I please but un like you I wont sell s**t dogs!. How about this take me to court maybe I should sue you for selling me a junk dog, knowing of health issue. You told Erin that "If Kim didnt hate me I would tell her about Kaisers pups from other litters with HD and wobblers and give her 2k back or a pup from Mena. HAHA! If I bred that pos and had defects I would sue you for all the s**t dogs that was produced!!!
Folkner Danes
i had a list while back have NOT advertised upcoming pups since I was unsure about the dog. I should have gotten rid of her months ago.
Folkner Danes
I can do as I please! She is mine to do so. I was giving your a courtsy email. With options. I will NOT breed a dog that has a defective sister I amd not going to sink more money into Diamond for xrays, to see if she has a issue. She may not but can produce it I am not risking it. I've not once bad mouth you, even though I got a reason to.
Folkner Danes
I am not claming issues on her other than she is the most stupidest dog I've ever owned! If I do xrays you want to refund not only my 2K but my medical cost I shed out on the VWD, and xrays to see if she has issues?
Sara Foss
That's a bold face f**king LIE I did NOT say I'd give your 2k back. I said I if Kim didn't have such an issue with me and deny every option I've given her I'd ask her to send diamond back and I'd let her have a Mena puppy.
You have NO OK to sell her with full AKC!
Folkner Danes
Put yourself in my shoes! Oh wait guess you've been in my shoes but yet you sold 2 b*tches from Drift wood Danes on Full AKC but yet the lines are defective sh*t does right, knowing Angel wants her pups and dogs back not for resale. seriously.
Well I have all rights to sell Diamond, give her away! at my discrestion!
I am not asking your permission! Simple get off your high horse! I am not one of them other b***h breeders you think you can f**k with!
Sara Foss
I told you that it was an oops line bred litter...you didn't care then
No breeder refunds the money and vet bills Kim. You know that as a breeder. I will gladly replace her and pay the shipping on the pup if she has HD or wobblers
Folkner Danes
I dont want another dog from you if it was no other option it would be sold! I want no ties to the lines nor you.
Sara Foss
I had permission in several emails from Angel stating I could sell the dogs.
No you don't have rights at your descretion...you signed a contract!
Folkner Danes
Yes I am not upset about an oppps litter you know that
I got text saying you have permission
Go ahead sue me!!! I will win and turn around and sue you! I got a case! Go open one!
You telling me that no other Kaiser pups have HD or Wobblers???
Sara Foss
No you don't. Because my texts said TO A PET HOME ON SPAY ONLY....then the last text before you called me a b*tch says " I want diamond returned and I will spay her and place her or you may rehome her once proof of spay is sent to me"
Folkner Danes
Who in their right mind will buy this dog on Full AKC really!! I wont lie about the issues!
I want her to have a pet home
No you gave permission!!! then when I said she may go to a breeder friend you said Oh if she aint good for your program she shouldnt be sold on full I said to bad I have her on Full AKC
Take that to a judge
I never called you a *itch!
I got all text you wanna read??????
If I called you one I would say yep I sure did. You need to grow up
Sara Foss
You don't have a case because you won't X-ray diamond Kim. You can't sue me for Erin's dog having an issue but your dog doesn't have an issue... send the texts, I have them already lol
Folkner Danes
As if you even care
you not asked about pics or how she is
I never said I have an issue
my dog dont have a issue that I know of!
Sara Foss
I haven't had to. There on fbook just as you said and I talked to Erin about her
Folkner Danes
I said I am selling her since Pandora has issues!, and the other pups from his other breedings.
Ya I am such a *itch I let pics be public so you can creep and btw Erin is not her owner! I could have left priviate!
Folkner Danes
I paid for a disease test I should NOT have paid for, and now you telling me to pay for xrays for a dog I am not breeding no dont think so. I can understand if she has issues. I am not claming issues I dont want to chance breeding her to Joker or any other stud and have issues with pups there is that problem, I am not willing to risk it.
Sara Foss
If you want a replacement pup....from a b***h that has been xrayed...X-rays are on my web page and I will take dad in and have his prelims done to show hips are fine bc he has amazing structure I will gladly do that to prove this litter is NOT like piper/diamond lines. Then spay diamond/place her like we originally discussed already spayed and I will gladly re place her. Or send her back, I will spay her and place her (send u the money as I stated originally)...and you can have a replacement pup. This whole time I said I'm not trying to be a b*tch...but you turned down EVERYTHING I offered you last time so what the hell could I have done?
Folkner Danes
I was going to place her in a pet home with a friend of my husbands for FREE!! as a inside pet only
Sara Foss
You didn't say that....you got pissed off and said IM SELLING HER
Folkner Danes
I was not selling her on Full AKC! I wouldnt do that especially what I was told by you, Erin and looking at poor Pandora. I am sure you didnt think in a million yr this would happen.
I am selling her! but not for $$ She is free but he pays for the spay which is $110.00
To me that free
Sara Foss
f**k no I didn't and I'm crushed and I feel sooooo bad for Erin. I even told her I'd prefer diamond not be bred
Folkner Danes
I have nearly 3500 wrapped up in her if not more...
I am very sure you are I would to
My husband is at work and I text him
and we agreed that we can not breed Diamond
She is a petty girl! Everyone loves her
She's gotten much better about the peeing problem and ya still working on that.
Sara Foss
I completely understand Kim, but I cannot pay for all that and as a breeder you know that too. I have a b***h I paid 4500 for that I now have 6000 in...had she not gotten pregnant I'd be out even more. Look at all my dogs from well....you know who..I'm out a sh*t load of money there.
I'm trying my best with what I can do here Kim.
Folkner Danes
I took her to the state park where a lot of woods were she was so laid back like nothing fased her. Like a everyday natural walk for her
I know
Its hard! I look at it this way also Diamond could be bred this yr even 2 in a row thats between 20+ K lost ontop right and then starting all over it sucks!
I just want help! is all
Sara Foss
I agree. I had to do that too
Folkner Danes
I've had a bad run with Euros and it sucks
What do we do?
Sara Foss
I know how it feels and I told Erin the same thing. I hate it. I'm fed up with full euros
Folkner Danes
Ya its a pain
Sara Foss
If u send me proof of spay and your friend is going to take her and pay you for the spay I can give you a replacement from Mena x Vallant
Folkner Danes
Ok sounds good! I will tell my husband he said he thought Mike wanted a GD. I told him that he will have to post pics and keep you updated.
He has a weiner dog Sacue he dresses up LOL... He isnt gay just a dork
Either way I told my husband that the new owner has to keep in contact with Sara that was before you and I talked today!.
I check with the Vet when they can get her in. She has not had a heat yet
He's on both my FB's super sweet guy. Has a daughter his weiner dog go every where with him and he just loves Joker.
Sara Foss
I think we're both stubborn hard headed b*tches lol
Folkner Danes
LOL i agree!
Sara Foss
I know it's not right to breed diamond with the lines...and thank god only 2 pups went on full AKC
Folkner Danes
right. how are the other pups?
Sara Foss
Sounds like he would be awesome for her
One way down south in tx will not return calls or emails. I'm about to mail her a letter. The other female is awesome. The Harl/pie girl
The female Merle is in Chicago and she's great. She keeps me updated.
My friend has 2 ema pups and a kaiser x daisy pup and she said all 3 of hers are great.
Folkner Danes
thats good. Which pups had the issues from kaisers other litters
Some lines dont mix well, also.
Sara Foss
Hans the male I used with ema may have contributed to her pups as well...but linking it to kaiser n ema being related either way it doesn't look good
Folkner Danes
Sara Foss
Merle male at 8mo was diagnosed with wobblers...but she just called me last week. Waiting on there X-rays. They don't want a pup they just asked for 500 towards vet bill
Mantle pie female has Tick fever. Clearly that's not genetic...but vet said she had severe HD...I thought they did X-rays...nope nada....I researched tick fever and called my vet...it can cause inflammed joints and problems walking. So once tick fever is gone they will X-ray her
Folkner Danes
thats sad
now is that from Kaiser and who's liter?
I will send you pic's of Diamond if you want. I dont think she has and issues but her legs are wide set if that makes since
Not cow hawked
I had all plans to health test her before her 1st litter until today
Sara Foss
(pic of Vallant X Mena)
Sara Foss
In 11yrs....soon to be 12yrs I've only had issues with this line. It's beyond frustrating
Folkner Danes
I bet so. its crazy
how breeders breed dogs knowing this ya know
I mean you cant be the only one with issues ya know
beautiful parents
Sara Foss
It's crazy.
Exactly. And I'm not
Folkner Danes
I am sad to see the video of poor Pandora it broke my heart, I feel blessed Diamond isnt like that, and glad she is going to be placed as a pet only!
Sara Foss
Yeah it kills me. I hate this sh*t
A replacement can't fix what's happened to her. Which sucks the most
Folkner Danes
My husband is going to offer her to Mike, I've also placed her for adoption in my 2 groups and a few other friends of mine, showed interest. I told them they will need to sign a contract stating they will give you updates with pictures.
Sara Foss
Ok great
Folkner Danes
I want you to know who they are and know where she went. I kinda would like a local home if possiable. But many friends of mine are in other states and are awesome, people most are one's who own pups from us
Sara Foss
So I'm giving Erin 2nd pol and you 3rd pol. I already have a deposit for 1st pol
Folkner Danes
Sara Foss
I trust ur judgement
Are u keeping pup or do u want me to sell it and send u the 2k?
Folkner Danes
Cash is fine
That way you can get more for your puppies. This will be a nice litter both parents are beautiful
Sara Foss
Ok I'll let u choose the pup to sell then
Folkner Danes
Oh ok. TY
Folkner Danes
I found Diamond a pet home with my friend Judi Smith. She will wont leave until Feb. I am getting her spayed in a couple weeks. She is friends with you on FB. I told her to keep you updated on pics and such. She will be in GREAT hands. Mike didnt get back to my husband before I told Judi.
Folkner Danes
I will get you Vet paper work that she's been spayed.
Sara Foss
Sounds great!
Folkner Danes
Welcome! Glad it worked out. She is going to a wonderful home. She will fit right in.
Sara Foss
Me too and hopefully she doesn't get any of the issues pandora has
Folkner Danes
Me to
Sara Foss
I think I'm about done with full euros unless there health tested
Folkner Danes
I am health testing all of mine
Joker will be fully tested all over again in Jan.
he will be 2yrs on the 5th
Sara Foss
We are starting after this litter. The full run down
Folkner Danes
Good idea
I am including VWD in mine too
be on the safe side
I got a 18mo b***h who has not had a heat yet and waiting for her to bleed and fully test her
I've done her hips but not everything yet
Sara Foss
Yep were doing vWD also since its becoming more common in the Harl lines of Danes
Folkner Danes
on her
Folkner Danes
I figure do it all and get it done
That way we can fill better about breeding the parents I've never had any issues with my Americans.
Sara Foss
What color?
Folkner Danes
Merle mantle
She does have blue in her 6th gen
Sara Foss
Yep. I'm doing hips, elbows and patellas while there under (vet doesnt change extra...just have to pay the extra OFA fees)
I haven't either till I went euro
Folkner Danes
sounds like a plan
Diamond got along with all the dogs too never a issue. We have doing good with no fights and *itchy , bitches
But the home she is going to has a black rescue dane, husky mix and a lil dog to play with
Sara Foss
I have 1 bitchy b***h but she's only a b*tch when in heat
That's great
December 28, 2012
Sara Foss
Hey are u talking about me in this post? Bc I never have called u a BYB.
Well if I was a byb why am I taking a massive loss on a pup who is healthy but has HD and wobblers in her lines, due to be spayed in 2wks and going to be a beloved pet? I could have said oh she is healthy and breed her but NO I decided NOT to breed her and do whats right. But yet they dont know that. I told her I am not a BYB I am a FYB (Front Yard Breeder) get that right haha.
Folkner Danes
No not you
Sara Foss
Folkner Danes
Had some woman say to Erin i am a byb and Joker is crap i sent her a lovely message. I said if i was a byb i would breed Diamond and not give 2 shits
Sara Foss
Ugh. Hate ppl like that
Folkner Danes
Me to
She sent me and Erin a friend request and c**t talks s**t and not know me or her.
Her dane looked like a blk lab
Guess this show breeder who hides behind her dogs name was talking sh*ts. Green Bean is the name
Sara Foss
Oooooooh I've heard of them.
Folkner Danes
They need a punch in the c*ck sucker
Folkner Danes
Home fell threw for Diamond. I will let you know when she finds a home and with whom.
Folkner Danes
Can you send me a contract stating I get 3rd pick or $2000 option from Full Euro litter once you have proof Diamond is Spayed please. Thank you! I am making her appt. Monday will let you know the date.
Sara Foss
Listen, I am replacing a dog that by contract does not meet the replacement criteria. She is healthy with no known issues. The line has issues, yes. But she does not. I am not doing a contract on a dog that I'm replacing that I really don't have to replace.
There is no guarantee the dog can be bred and the contract states that. The guarantee is that the dog is healthy...and thus far diamond is and youve said she is. I am being courteous enough replacing her as it is. I am not doing a contract.
Folkner Danes
So I am going on your word you will give me 2,000.00 once you recieve Vet documention she is spayed?
Sara Foss
Folkner Danes
Ok I will take your word. I will let you know who gets her
Sara Foss
Ok. My word is as good as a contract
Folkner Danes
I have 2 homes set up for Diamond I am waiting on the 1st home to give me a yes or no today. I cant get her spayed till mid this mo she wont go anywhere till then I will scan the Vet paper work to you. And let you know who will be owning her. 1st choice is a guy who was gonna buy a pup from me but is considering Diamond, the 2nd is a family who already owns a male from us both GREAT homes but gave home #1 till today to think it over to be 100%.
Sara Foss
Sounds great
2 pups so far from Mena. Harl male and merlequin male
Folkner Danes
Home #1 is in TX, and #2 is 3hrs from me 
How many are you expecting from her
Sara Foss
At least 7 from ultrasound
Folkner Danes
Good luck!
They will be very pretty pups
Sara Foss
Folkner Danes
Hey thought I would let you know. Diamond has found a home in Amerillo TX. Will let you know when she is spayed. Hope Mena and pups are well, what did you end up getting? Whitney said she needed a c-section hope all went well. Have a good evening, chat later.
Folkner Danes
I will give Jose your FB and email to send u updates. She will be leaving the end of Jan. a week after her spaying. Here is a new pic of her thought you might want to see it. Took this morning.
Folkner Danes
Folkner Danes
Could you send me pup pics, I maybe interested in keeping the pup.
Whitney showed her's off to me she's a beauty
Sara Foss
She's beautiful. Sorry I've been extremely swamped with everything that has been going on. Csection... 2 litters... tube feeding the smaller weaker ones every 3hrs.. vet appt for check ups/dew claws...I haven't had time to sit down and message you back.
I was also waiting on a few calls back before I messaged you.
Folkner Danes
Oh bet so goodness
Sara Foss
I have spoke to my husband, my close friends (reputable dane breeders) and my attorney. I got a phone call from someone that knows Judi Smith. I was informed that you were selling diamond on a spay at 1500.00, PLUS talking about how you were getting 2000.00 from me so you were making 3500.00 and f**king me over, and laughing about it. That if I DIDN'T give you the money or a pup that you were going to put me up on rip off report. So, I had to contact my attorney and call a few other sources to confirm that the one person was not just talking hearsay. So, it's been confirmed. I am absolutely flabbergasted. I never in a million years thought someone could stoop so low in there life, and sit back and be LAUGHING about it!
I did NOT knowingly breed issues. I told you from the get go that this was a line breed litter that was an oops and never my intentions. You were 1000% fine with it. I did not find out about the issues with Kaiser until I decided to have him neutered. I immediately informed you of the Vwd diagnoses. I even offered to replace Diamond back then if she was sent back to me. You wanted to sell her on full AKC because you didn't feel comfortable breeding the lines... but was ok with someone else breeding them as long as you made your money back. You didn't want a pup or to send her back. So you stopped talking to me and chose to keep her. Once Pandora had an issue then you come to me again. Stating that Diamond is perfectly fine and healthy, yet calling her a junk defective piece of garbage. REFUSE to do xrays on her to see if there is anything wrong with her hips at all. There's NOTHING wrong with her that we know about, yet you demand a replacement or your money back and tell me you are selling her, even though on a return contract, you still didn't care.
I sold her on a full akc because at the time she was a happy healthy puppy and there wasn't an issue with the lines that was known. It is not my fault that the line has issues. I did not create the line. I bought dogs from the line that I thought were amazing and found out later that it was not. I took a HUGE loss on this line, am still out 1200 for 1 pup plus out money on the other 3 as well. It's the dog business, not everything is going to be a profit. You take the loss and move on.
I have been more than fair to you through the whole situation. You disrespected me, my breeding, my pups... calling my dogs garbage, when I offered you mena pup as replacement you said you wouldn't take another dog from me and wanted money. Now you are coming to me saying that you might want a puppy? You really think I would give you another dog to go through all of this again??? Lady you are out of your mind. You have breached your contract in several different ways already, have a dog that is NOT defective or has any known issues yet you make demands and then do this behind my back? For the love of God... what kind of person are you?
I gave you permission to rehome Diamond because I understand the concerns about not wanting to breed her because of the lines and the potential to create pups with issues. I understand that COMPLETELY, which is why I did that. You told me you were placing her for the cost of her SPAY... 120 something dollars. not SELLING HER FOR 1500.00!!!!!!! Seriously??? Did you not think that people talk and it would get back to me?
I gave my word that I would allow you to have 3rd pick or 2000.00, you chose to have the money... so you will NOT get a pick or a puppy again from me ever. I will however, honor my word and do the 2000.00 once puppies are 8-10wks and the money comes in from them leaving. However Diamond is to be returned TO ME PER THE CONTRACT. That means you are to pay for all shipping arrangements for her to get back here. OR you may go ahead and "SELL" her spayed for 1500 and I will give you 500.00 To make up the difference. I am NOT and will NOT be made a laughing s,tock and be screwed over for something that I was trying to make right in the first place because I felt bad. The only one that is getting a replacement pup is Erin because SHE HAS AN ISSUE AND DID THE VET WORK TO SHOW THAT. She is not having to send Pandora back because she loves her and does not want to give her up just because she has an issue, so I am completely 100% ok with that. She has kept me updated on everything with Pandora and her future and has been kind and amazing to work with. She has treated me with respect, she knows I didn't intentionally do this and she has a dog with an actual issue. You are casting Diamond out and she does NOT have an issue.
So there are your options 2000.00 once Diamond is back here (she can be spayed prior to coming or once she arrives...either way is fine and I have a home for her lined up that is paying the actual cost of the spay... 100.00...that is verifiable and you may check with them as well because I don't need to lie about it and screw someone over), or you may go ahead and sell her as you were doing for the 1500 PROOF OF SPAY IS MANDATORY and take the 500.00 balance. You will never receive another dog from me in this lifetime, so that is NOT an option. If you choose to continue to slander me, laugh about me behind my back and think that its ok, or post ANYTING negative about me in any form my attorney is ready to sue. These are the options, that is it. You are lucky to even get those because you do not have grounds for any of it, and any other person there word or not would have told you to go screw yourself with how you have come at me and the things you have done behind my back thinking you are getting one over on me.
I am a very kind hearted person and this most of all has hurt me because I was trying to help you out because I've been in your shoes and know how it feels to work for something and have to take a huge loss on it because of line issues. Well, you ruined that. You showed me what kind of a person you truly are.
If you respond back to me nasty in any way you will get absolutely NOTHING from me... word or not because as of right now you have no grounds for a replacement and my contract states NO CASH REFUNDS and it also states that i do NOT guarantee that your dog will be breedable or breeding quality once it is an adult, chooseing not to breed Diamond is a choice...one I understand, but still a choice. I was doing extremely right by you and this is how I got repayed, shame on me. You have no grounds to bash me, sue me or anything... I have done nothing to you but try to help. So take one of the options offered to you or don't take them at all. I just want this over with and to have you out of my life. I don't have room in my life for someone that treats others like this and thinks that it is ok. The options are presented and the choice is yours.
Sara Foss

Kim's response:
You know what Sara I wouldn't expect any less from you. I am unsure where your getting your so called info. But I do NOT find this horrible roller coster ride funny never had. If I wanted to put you on rip off report or blast you believe me I would have done it long ago!. You can not sue me for telling the truth. I said I was getting rid of Diamond never said I was giving her away for free, the only person I would consider for free was my husbands friend, not anyone else. I have all rights to sell my DOG who is healthy that I know of to anyone whome I feel that will give her a loving home the only agreement you and I have between ea other is you giving me 3rd pick or 2K cash which I chose the cash option, as you said once she is spayed I will refund you your money. Your word is good as the lines you breed, tanted. I can careless what you do, you can honor your agreement or not, I am out thousands of dollars whats a couple more. Diamond has found her home I will still send the spay doc to you since I am a woman of my word. No need to contact me any further.

My response:
See Kim that's where I laugh. I still kept my word. You can have your 2k, but diamond is to be sent back per the contract you signed...I think I need to send you a copy of it again with your signature on it. You are aware that it says texts/emails are NOT written proof for permission, that means in my actual hand writing. You don't want to send her back because your getting 1500 for her as it is. If you knew it wasn't immoral what you were doing you would have told me what you were selling her for. You knew it was wrong, that's why you flipped out on Erin accusing her when she wasn't the one who told me. You told several people who told people who told me. I talked to 4 people who confirmed it. They too thought it was BEYOND WRONG!! My word is tainted?? Really? I've bent over backwards to try and help you replace a dog that HAS NO ISSUES AND IS NOT DEFECTIVE...you repeat over and over that she is healthy and has no issues. After I find out what you are doing behind my back I should have told you to go to hell...no I didn't, still kept my word. You can have your money but your too busy being a stubborn a*s on your high horse who thinks everything needs to go as you demand to just send diamond back. You don't give two shits about anyone else's feelings but your own and you certainly could careless about poor Diamond by the way you call her garbage and she's just a dollar sign to you. I'm sorry I ever met such a greedy woman. It's funny you want to talk s**t about my lines, those weren't MY lines, I don't own them anymore...never will, and you wanted the puppy from Mena x Vallant...PLEASE READ ABOVE FOR YOUR COMMENT ON THAT. Is your memory that bad? You contradict yourself over and over Kim that you look absolutely stupid. This roller coaster you mentioned is not my doing, thank yourself for that...I didn't lie, I didn't make demands, I didn't disrespect you, and I didn't threaten. You did!! You need to stop coming at me all high and mighty, maybe if you actually realized where you are completely wrong you would get it, everyone else gets it. You've been given your options...that is that. So don't run your mouth and say I'm not giving you anything and your out a ton of money when you have options that you just won't take. That's your choice, and I think your an idiot for not taking one, because you STILL keep mentioning how much money you are out...well there's money for you if you honor the contract. Your word is the one that is tainted Kim. You honor no one else's contracts. You do as you please, bully people around, well guess what...I'm not riding your crazy roller coaster anymore. You will NOT bully me, I've already spoken to my attorney, you cannot do a thing. You've breached your contract, have not gotten written permission to rehome Diamond that is not in the form if text/email and you have slandered me. Yeah, I hear it all Kim, people love to talk about you because you've made soooo many enemies. There is a "We Hate Kim Folkner" group that someone tried to add me to. Come on and I'm the one doing people wrongly? Whatever Kim...take an option or don't. Either way I don't owe you anything and I have cause to sue, you have nothing. So keep running your mouth and pushing my buttons. I'm done being nice. Unless you are contacting me to make arrangements for diamond to come back or giving me the info of her new home, receipt of what they paid along with proof of spay for the 500 difference then I don't need to hear another word from you. Good day

More proof: 

THANK YOU to the person who sent this to me!!! Name has been removed to protect there privacy!! This was sent sometime last week

Our convo about Diamond. She pm'd me out of no where...?

Folkner Danes
Are you looking for a pet or breeder? If your looking for a family Pet I have Diamond available will be spayed prior to leaving my home. If your interested. She is 100% European 1yrs old house broken
Are you looking for a pet or breeder? If your looking for a family Pet I have Diamond available will be spayed prior to leaving my home. If your interested. She is 100% European 1yrs old house broken

What is her rehoming fee?

Folkner Danes
1500 w/ her spay cost
along with yrly shots, dewormed and vet checked from my vet
I am willing to drop her price by $200 help you with ground shipping, cost
That way your not out of a lot of money.
I've lost thousands of dallars on her whats a couple more hundred bucks.

Folkner Danes
She is sweet, loving and gets along with any pets and people. She is healthy, just not a fit for breeding. Its a sad situation dont like the idea of spaying her nor rehoming her but I have 2 retired and 1 more upcoming retiree and just Joker as my Stud and Aurora well heck she is almost 19mo never had a heat so who know's if she will be a mother ever. So for me to continue to breed I have to rehome her if I didnt have the 3 retriees I would keep her.

Aw Im sorry to hear she is not a breeder. Thats ashame because shes a beautiful girl! Im talking with a breeder right now about a litter of euros she is having. If she does not have what I am looking for I may consider it. I really would like to have a euro!
Oh and I just adore Joker! 

Folkner Danes

Youre welcome!

Folkner Danes
I have many PM me about her
who is the breeder
if you dont mind me asking

Ok. I will probably end up getting one from this breeder. Shes 15mins away and has good prices. I wouldnt have to pay shipping. Her name is Bobbi Gentile

Folkner Danes
oh idk
good luck

Shes from NC where I live. Thanks! Good luck with Diamond!

Folkner Danes
remember you get what you pay for
hints is why I am in this perdictument

Oh they are still pricey lol. Just not as much as if I were to have one shipped lol. Im sorry to hear you are in that situation. I hope Aurora comes into heat for you as well!

Folkner Danes
Now I am out nearly 4K
not including food and etc.
Good luck

Im sorry I know thats got to feel awful! I hope you can make some back!

Folkner Danes
haha na will never make my money back

Well i hope at least some!

Folkner Danes
important thing is she gets a forever home

yes that is very important! shes beautiful and im sure you wont have a problem finding her one

Folkner Danes
no dont think I will

Kim Folkner's Ripoff Reports... read these you will see how she really is (if these won't open just type in Kimberly Folkner or Folkner Danes)


Ripoff Report | Folkner Great Danes | Complaint Review: 778833
Folkner Great Danes Kimberly Folkner Beware buyer of...See MoreRipoff Report | Folkner Great Danes | Complaint Review: 778833www.ripoffreport.comFolkner Great Danes Kimberly Folkner Beware buyer of the breeder! Checotah, Oklahoma

Rebuttal's from breeders who own my puppies:

I am very Disturbed at the rip off report that was posted about Sara Foss! I Own 4 Great Danes that i have gotten from Sara Foss at Royal Danes in Ohio and I have 2 more coming from her as well! I can honestly tell you from my experience that Sara has been an OUTSTANDING Person to deal with and every thing she has told me she was going to do she has gone through with it. I have had all of my dogs including the Royal Danes Dogs to my vet for routine checkups and vaccinations and everyone of them has come back with a clean bill of health, Now i do not personally know who this Kim is but i have read the conversations between her and Sara about this said Dane and from what i have read Sara has tried to uphold her contract. So being a breeder of Great Danes myself I highly recommend Sara Foss owner of Royal Danes for a great pup and outstanding support! It's a d**n shame that this Kim is money hungry and didn't take the opportunity to get that dog replaced!


Absolutedanes2012 8:19 PM (24 minutes ago)to me
We have owned several danes from sara foss all our danes have came to us from her healthy and playful and are still happy and healthy with no health issues sara foss has used our stud before and kept him for several months before he was returned and he was still in great shape when he came back to us we have dealt with sara foss for several years and will do for many more sara foss is kind to all her animals and treats them like her children she has beds through out her house for there comfort there more spoiled than most peoples children. sara foss's dogs don't want or need for anything because they already have it, all puppies are sent home with a huge bag of food and toys and collars and leashes and homemade bake treats shot records and several vet checks and all paperwork. sara foss has always been there for us with any questions we have had day or night and has always been friendly and truthful. we wont buy a dane anywhere else sara's dogs are top quality with health and temparments and care and you can tell it when you see it when you get a royal dane that they have lived and received the royal treatment at sara's house

 On Jan 22, 2013, at 8:19 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> No way what so ever is sara foss a rip off. We have two royal danes dogs and love them dearly.sara has been there every step with us. i Always tell people about her if they want a good quality healthy dane. We plan on someday adding a third. Our family loves sara.
Thanks ash

I have many many more to post... the list could continue.  I am waiting on my email to post from the actual person with the pup that has wobblers/HD on how I am handling things etc.  You may look them up if you would like to ask them personally yourself.  Google Fifty Shades of Great Danes on fbook.  Thanks!!!   Have a Great Dane Day :)

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