  • Report:  #1300280

Complaint Review: Scott's K9 - Kilbourne Ohio

Reported By:
Peter k9 - Voorthuizen, other, Netherlands

Scott's K9
P.O.Box 126 Kilbourne, OH 43032 Ohio, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

After many and many attempts to contact mr Steve Scott and just as much appeals on him to pay his invoices mr. Scott has chosen to hide himself and not answer his phone and letters he received from different parties from inside and outside the USA.

Mr. Scott is still buying and selling police dogs and leaves his invoices unpaid. For that reason he is no longer welcom in The Netherlands and he  has been forced to move his operations to France where he will make new victims, since he has shown already that is cannot be stopped. Hopefully this report will urge the local government to look into this case and at least stop buying his dogs.

The letter below I send to as many offices of Police, Army, Government etc. as I could find. After a number of years during which we tried to give mr. Scott different possibilities to pay by installments or whatever, now the time has come for further action - which is very limited for a Dutch dog trainer and trader.

Everyone may feel free to send this letter to his or her local authorities and show his/her support to mr. Jansen in the Netherlands.


Dear sirs,

My name is Peter Kooyman and I am a Dutch lawyer, representing mr. Dirk Jansen and mr. Diederik van den Berg and their company Dimar K-9 from Huizen, The Netherlands.

Mr. Dirk Jansen is a well known Dutch K-9 trainer and belongs to the best of the world in his profession. Hundreds of his trained dogs found their way with American police departments, DEA, customs, airforce and army. Although mr. Van den Berg passed away last year and mr. Jansen is getting old (70+), he still receives many requests for his dogs and he is still training them on a daily basis.

The reason for my to write you this letter is to warn you for:

mr. Steve Scott,




Phone: 9199396003

Web: www.scottsk9.com

Mr. Scott has ordered and received many top quality dogs, which he all sold for very good prices, from mr. Jansen. He was invoiced for the dogs, paid his first invoices after which he started to buy larger numbers at once, and never paid his invoices.

We have been trying to reach mr Scott for a long time now, even money collection offices in his neighbourhood have helped us and got back to us, telling us that no money could be collected from him.

That is very untrue, since he is still travelling to Europe and buying dogs. Only not in the Netherlands anymore, because he knows there has been put out a warrant for his arrest in our country, so the moment he hits the ground in Amsterdam, he will be arrested.

I will really urge you to think twice before buying a dog from this fraud and thief. It is really hard for us to see him continuing his business, while we are wondering who is his current victim and … who is next….???!!

Mr Scott owes mr Jansen ten thousands (!!!) of dollars and does not even take the effort to reply to our letters and those send by others. It seems that he will be nice an available to anybody who wants to buy one of the dogs he offers via his website – mention: Not HIS dogs, because you will not know if the dog is paid for by him or not…!

Stop this man from continuing his attitude of fraud and buy your future dogs from one of the many trustworthy K-9 suppliers in your country or in Europe.

You will then help your country becoming a better place.

I really hope you will take good notice of the above and stop buying dogs from this company.


Best regards


Peter K






I hope this will help mr Scott to get in contact with me or mr Jansen, so that this case can be closed after a long period of several years.



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