  • Report:  #170029

Complaint Review: Secret Service - Fresno California

Reported By:
- Fresno, California,

Secret Service
5200 N. Palm, Suite 207 Fresno, 93704 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As a result of what was done to me, I uncovered an elder abuse, real estate theft, and insurance fraud operation being run in Fresno, CA. I became this group's target as a result of being left Trustee to my family's properties they intended on adding to their collection. With the recent theft of my computers, pictures, legal papers, etc., I cannot afford to continue tiptoeing around law enforcement agencies with people such as Jason, who turn their backs or discard solid evidence so it can continue. My life is in danger.

For over 1 yr, I reported what was done to my family members and me. No one would listen they were not interested. Because as it was being carried out, I was unknowingly being given foreign chemicals that resulted in turning me into a horrific, psychotic nightmare. Filmed with hidden cameras and recorders to use as proof of what an evil woman I am, my father (Alzheimer's) and handicapped uncle (Down's syndrome and totally bedridden) ultimately paid the price. Not only by the deranged nightmare I became (screaming and actually slapping my totally helpless uncle on 3 occasions) but due to I am positive, their medications being switched, resulting in their deaths. That is when I became Trustee. Clearly, all of the preparations were in order for this to enter into the next phase. Without being able to pursue what was done, and what I went on to uncover, these people will get by with what they did. They will continue doing it to others.

By the time I met with Jason, 2 yrs later, I had uncovered evidence of this group taking property from others by fraud. I had the forgeries verified by a handwriting expert, which only magnified my suspicions of homicide. I was dating the man who was/is forging his ex-wife # 2's name where is she?!? He owns her property and told me that the time had finally come for me to meet her in another world! By then, the road had been cleared and fraudulent legal documents had already been prepared and recorded for THESE properties! I found 3 women claiming to be ex-wife # 2. Sadly, the person who promoted my meeting with Jason set me up. Promising to begin an investigation into the forgeries and whereabouts of this woman, Jason said I would first have to provide him with the original evidence in lieu of photocopies. I immediately did as instructed, then waited to hear back. Finally, I called for an update whereupon Jason told me I was crazy and needed to admit myself to the county hospital. He further demanded, This did not happen! I assume he discarded the evidence. I've got news for Jason. It happened.

Note to Jason: You did not get all of the original paperwork. I will gladly turn it over to you. But while you busy yourself hiding or destroying it, the truth is going nowhere. There is nothing you can do to change that. Whether you are a part of this operation or another puppet who was taken in by cons, you taught another group of people how easy it is to carry out and get by with. Before you ever call me a liar or crazy again prove it. Have the balls to stand up for your brilliant conclusions. Instead of using the dirt obtained with hidden cameras as an excuse to allow this group to continue an operation that began long before I entered the picture, do your homework. This is not about me it was about my signature on my family's properties. By manipulating you, and setting me up to appear as something I am not, they already accomplished most of their goal. Leaving me in even greater danger.

Imagine a lynch mob comprised of self-proclaimed experts such as Jason. Feeding off one another to justify their actions, or lack of. Experts on all, claiming to know more about what was done to me than I do. In their revenge for what they perceive to be real, they assisted my siblings and this group in carrying out some horrible acts. Vigilantes who discredit me before I even speak so that their participation is not exposed, serves to protect the wrong people. They don't have a clue of being lied to or manipulated into helping those at the core, carry out another job. By having them think they do, that results in people like Jason doing their part to hide evidence and prevent me from pursuing this. Totally genius. People prefer dirt, so they do not have any interest in what this is about Jason is not the only one to hide evidence so it could continue. We just expect a little more from someone in his position. Don't bother.

I was run off the property these people are now right next door to me. More theft and vandalism. They are not done. I am no longer asking Jason for help I am telling the world about a situation that is being covered up, in hopes that someone may know of an agency, news media, etc. that would be interested in exposing this in an appropriate manner. More below. (Also see: MONO HOT SPRINGS RESORT)


Fresno, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on various Police Departments

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Jason @ Secret Service, cover-up, real estate theft, destroying solid evidence, home destroyed, fire next?

#2Author of original report

Thu, February 16, 2006

Concealing Defects Disclosure laws make it important to reveal all material defects when you are selling a home. That includes if there is anything wrong with the roof, the plumbing, the wiring or structure. State all material defects prior to the sale. Even if the problems do not surface before the closing, your liability does not end after the closing for any defects you may have forgotten to report. There was nothing wrong with my home prior to this nightmare happening to me. I paid insurance premiums in good faith, when I couldn't even pay for groceries. Only to be told I was not entitled to file a claim for ANYTHING! No one had the right to do this to me. Yet for some reason, Jason feels he is entitled to, as he conspires with this group in having my life destroyed. And worse. Perhaps by protecting the insurance agents/estate planners (and my siblings) who do this to their clients, they allow him to participate in the horrors. The reason he destroyed evidence in an attempt to keep them from being caught? Calling me crazy should be held of any more value than anything else he has come up with? What kind of man does what Jason is doing. As a result, I am pinned in this hell hole until they finish what they started. There is absolutely no way out of this for me. I will continue to do everything in my power to expose this situation including Jason's participation. Destroying evidence, lying, accusing, name calling, and insisting, This did not happen! Is he going to assist in burning my house down next? In an attempt to call me a liar about what was done to it? Obviously, that is what it was prepared for, and he already proved what he does to evidence. As I have been trying to get across for so long, this is an elder abuse, real estate theft, insurance fraud operation. Fraudulent documents had already been recorded in preparation for what was to come. The insurance man was prepared to step into his fraudulent "Successor Trustee" role by having me deemed "crazy." Who could argue that, as long as I was kept poisoned out of my mind. No one would have ever known that he would own all 3 properties without paying 1 cent - further evidenced by all the escrow fraud. (Just like all the other fraud I uncovered - that is what Jason did not want exposed.) Even the new document entails fraud. Had I not gotten away and come back to my senses, I would have never uncovered what I did. Only to be met with more hell. No one really cares about the lives or safety of anyone else - they say they do, as they prove quite the opposite. With the focus continuing to be misguided, regardless of what I say or prove, no one will ever suspect or see any wrongdoing. As Jason assists this group in pulling off another "job."


Jason @ Secret Service, cover-up, real estate theft, suspected homicide

#3Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2006

RECAP: Jason requested original evidence in lieu of copies, eliminated it before demanding, "This did not happen!" Jason claims I am "crazy" and made all this up. I was robbed 2 more times, more pictures scanned and altered to make it appear I am as "crazy" as this expert claims I am, and 1 large item switched back as it was. I am still saying my house was gutted down to the frame and prepared for leveling, lawns excavated, windows/doors/moldings switched with trash - carpet switched, appliances, furniture, sewer lines vandalized, etc. That does not include what was done to my family's estate properties next door before being run off by this group - beginning years ago, in preparation for what was to come. That is what all the hell with tenants were about - they are all one group. So how is it that my neighbors never saw or heard any of this as it was carried out? That would have been impossible. I looked into neighborhoods where they had obviously carried this out in the past and found a similar rotation pattern of neighbors - including several of the same names. And I would bet they were just as "deaf, dumb and blind" as those properties were taken by fraud too. Forged legal documents - what Jason eliminated in order to appear as some kind of hero to this group. He is a laughing stock to them, and a danger to me. Another puppet with a ring through his nose - made to feel important. Here is a little something Jason may not realize. Aerial views cannot be altered. Not only do they prove that what I said, was in fact done, they give a time frame of when and how it was carried out - most likely requiring heavy equipment. They show much more than Jason realizes. While not only verifying that I never lied about any of this, but who was. And continues to. No doubt it is difficult to believe that family members would be a part of something as horrible as this. Our parents knew my siblings were capable of this - the reason they appointed me to take over if it ever became necessary. They were entitled to do that. Instead, everything they worked lifetimes for was destroyed. Worse, is what was done to them in order to get this to the next phase. There are too many people like Jason, who are willing to jump right in and assist in the horrors. Stripping someone of protection and a right to defend their self, as he destroys solid evidence, could only make him a hero among others like himself. None of whom were capable of handling anything legitimately or to my face. Sneaking, lying, conspiring, stealing, destroying evidence is what Jason showed his talent lies in.


far too outnumbered

#4Author of original report

Mon, January 09, 2006

That is what I have finally come to realize - I am far too outnumbered. Every avenue I have taken has been met with more corruption. What a hell of a time to find out the truth about our so-called Justice System. Believing in it is the fastest way to end up where I am now, and where you have already been. Unfortunately, I do not anticipate being as fortunate in escaping this situation. It could not play itself out as long as I am here, in addition to the fact that this group does not leave evidence behind. My every move is monitored (yes, Jason, I know how paranoid that sounds. Prove it isn't true before the name calling ensues. You can't.) I paid $850 for an r.f. detector; $400 for a Tele-Tap; my computers are networked and I am a sitting duck. I bought these things when Swieso used the name calling. I hate being called a liar. As you can see, I went the extra mile to prove that I never lied about any of this. You can also see, that it didn't matter anyway. The more I ever proved, the angrier it made everyone. These are people who demand proof, but do not allow it. I have spent every day from morning till night trying to seek help. Eventually, reality has to set in. That is why I am finally posting it here. I need to know I did my part that is all a person can do before letting go. Of course I am hoping that someone sees this and is able to get it into the appropriate hands, but it is not likely. I have condensed 2 boxes of information into 1, and plan to shred most of that up. What they do not understand, only serves to make ME look worse. How do you make people understand when they do not care. You are the 2nd person to tell me this happened to you. Even after what I have been through, I have to admit that hearing it come from someone else does not make it sound any less crazy. And I suppose that is why we could not get help. It is not easy trying to explain what you would not have believed if given the choice. Trying to explain something so totally unbelievable, while overwhelmed and in need of help, only makes every attempt sound more desperate. Because they are. Then sounding so desperate that solid evidence is kicked aside and called lies. In this group, are serial murderers. I have not yet been able to get those words past my lips can you imagine me attempting to tell Jason that his friends are mm-m-mmur-murderers, as I hang onto the table to keep from hitting my head on the floor due to the reeling caused by finally spitting that out? He might slit my throat next. It is clear he would do that before questioning any of these people about what has been uncovered. I have offered to take a lie-detector test on numerous occasions, however, that is not allowed by the very people who refuse to take one. There is no dealing with people like this nor escaping them. They need a scapegoat. I was the chosen one. The stories escalate with each rendition. Upon insisting for an explanation from someone I believed was a close friend for the past 30+ yrs, she had the audacity to claim that I tried to have her son taken from her 26 yrs ago, which has caused her suffering all of these years. That is the winner so far. 2 days ago, another one was not about to forget that in High School, I used to put a padlock on the door to keep my sister from taking my clothes without asking (true 30 yrs ago), which implies that I am crazy and need to stop hating. These are the issues and these are the people calling ME crazy?!? God help me. Winslow always laughed, You were so easy, I had you figured out from the very beginning. If you were so easy, your friends would be too. Duh. Easy they were. Now they think they have to like me in order to do the right thing and turn this around. People like this are incapable of setting the dirt and opinions aside. They are too selfish to do that for their own families who they have now endangered. They have bonded with professional cons who have trails of doing this. They helped Swieso carry out another job. And in so doing, destroyed more than my life. I saw the corruption that very few people understand you and I are referring to. It is horrifying. And it is in every avenue of every branch. I also saw sides of people that continue to haunt me the hate, greed, and lack of concern for human lives. They are like vicious animals out for what others worked their entire life for. As though they are entitled to kill for it. One by one, my family is being murdered. Mine isn't the only one. I have a list of names that no one will allow. I created a chart that ended up showing a distinct rotation pattern. Of course I wish I could survive this and move on. But with the truth being the last thing allowed among people like this, the odds are not in my favor. As if the corruption among all these agencies is not enough, I have this to contend with as well. Swieso and Winslow know exactly what they are doing. I appreciate your kind words and am glad that you managed to escape what I am sure, most people do not. Say an extra prayer for me, Ilene. I need all I can get.


Port Hueneme,
Dear Marla pray that they spare our lives

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, January 07, 2006

See No Evil Speak No Evil Hear No Evil ~ You are NOT a liar nor are you crazy ~ what you are describing has also happened to me almost EXACTLY. However since our own government institutions DRE, various law enforcement, city planning departments, (the list goes on forever) are involved there is no end in sight. Their network or "web" is an all out property stealing "greed machine" that just TAKES. They steal everything from you, even your identity. These people are ruthless Marla. All we can do at this point is pray that they spare our lives. Material possessions can be replaced but our lives cannot. My best friend told me that bad things happen to bad people~ therefore all we can do is feel sorry for these individuals that partake in such heinious crimes in their pursuit of property. Try to forgive these demonic individuals because the stress they infuse into us is an effort to destroy us and has no use in humanity. I'm so sorry THEY got you too. I've investigated this huge operation intensively~ they are too large & widespread to stop. I don't know really what else to say except that I hope they stop "victimizing" people and try to make an honest dollar someday instead of "illgotten gains". Please find peace Marla~ it will help you in this time while everyone is "preying" on you for what your family and yourself worked so hard for. It's just unfathomable what these people do.


Correction re: APN

#6Author of original report

Fri, January 06, 2006

Correction re: APN. Wrong address. Another one, nearby, is being looked into. Do not disregard the remainder of information provided.


Sewer Vandalism Cover-Up! City of Fresno

#7Author of original report

Thu, January 05, 2006

As I reported in the past, the City of Fresno was not interested in looking into the sewer vandalism done on my property (as well as public property) that resulted in ongoing sewer floods. At the time, these floods were simply determined to be the cause of "negligence in sewer maintenance." The switched sewer vent (vandalism) was later uncovered. This was 1 of 2 areas the sewage was coming from. The risk analyst has refused to provide copies of the pictures taken of this vent. They would prove more than the obvious. I offered to provide addresses where this type of vandalism was carried out, and continues to be, throughout Fresno/Clovis i.e., excavating lawns, tearing out tile in kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Getting into the plumbing/sewer lines as well as gas lines. I reported LONG ago that electrical fires were common among the group I have no doubt is responsible for this. The same group that files fraudulent insurance claims for mold. Even forcing people into foreclosure. Those addresses were not wanted. The City of Fresno has no interest in looking into or attempting to stop sewer vandalism. They prefer to pay for the damages and raise our rates. I reported that this is part of an elder abuse, real estate theft, insurance fraud, with sewer vandalism at the core. It entails my previous tenants who I later learned, were linked to my former life insurance agent - the ringleader of this operation. After what I have been through and uncovered, I believe that my friend was telling the truth when she said her husband was poisoning with intentions of killing her. I am now saying those very words and being treated just as she was, prior to her death at age 39. As it was with her, no one believes what I am saying, due to my credibility being destroyed as I was being poisoned. But neither are they listening or looking at the SOLID EVIDENCE. Instead, they are listening to the people responsible for all of this as they kick the evidence aside. My friend became the 7th wife of the man she said was poisoning her. That is when her emotional and physical health began to decline. The addresses I offered to provide are all linked to him. After all the years of hearing him boast of tearing out the tile, flooring, and yards of the homes he rents, there would HAVE to be some kind of evidence at each of those addresses i.e., sewer floods, law suits, fires, fraudulent legal documents, etc. One of those addresses is where my friend lived when she first married this man. I recall how the front lawn had gone from one extreme to the other, in addition to his boasting about the kitchen sink and tile he had torn out and replaced. Not knowing of his secret sideline until many years later, and the fact that he had long since moved from that house, the coincidence of that neighbor's electrical fire never occurred to me until now. That neighbor became my tenant. He too, wanted to own the building, but his insurance eventually found and paid for another one. In further research, I made another odd discovery. Another address, 1 block away, is sharing the same APN with the one that burned. That is being looked into. The City of Fresno refused to pick my lawn back up that is why I felt it was important to provide other addresses. Using me as an excuse to disregard what I reported would no longer be an option. The insurance agent once worked for the City as an appraiser and is very aware of the values and development. He has boxes upon boxes of information from the Irrigation Dist. and the Food Control. His son is licensed plumber who he calls upon when he runs into vandalizing trouble. The insurance agent even had his own turnkey to the City's main water shut-off when he happened to be in the neighborhood during a flood next door. He was buying vacant lots (from the City) and having them excavated before reselling. His priority seemed to be that they were near the freeways leading to Table Mountain, where another water issue is pending. I recently saw the name of a former tenant linked to that same water issue - her name is on the Planning Agenda! This is a tenant who destroyed the property, ripped out the bushes, ongoing sprinkler and plumbing problems, got into the basement leading into the crawlspace (sewer and gas lines), and filed fraudulent lawsuits. She boasted of suing her previous landlord for mold, and threatened that she would own these properties. She filed a Restraining Order against me at the same time she personally handed me an invitation to her party, "Conquest in Progress." As all of the vandalism was being carried out on my family's properties, a $12 million dollar sewer upgrade was in process, directly in front. (Olive Ave., Tower Dist.) Could it be connected? The public paid for that upgrade the public is entitled to know the truth. We are entitled to be safe in our own homes and know that we are not breathing toxic mold due to sewer vandalism. I know first hand that is no longer something that can be taken for granted. Once this group starts on one piece of property, the results spread like cancer. No one sees, suspects or questions anything. A recent mold kit indicates that my house is now contaminated with mold. The City of Fresno refuses to acknowledge me other than to deny all responsibility for this AFTER they INSISTED upon taking responsibility from the onset of each flood, INSISTING upon paying for the surface damages, i.e., carpet, mold on wall, linoleum. That left me unable to file a claim for the horrendous theft and/or damages that continue to s****.. Out of the clear blue sky, my entire life was destroyed. Run off our property, fraudulent legal documents, suspicions of homicide regarding family members in order to get this operation to the next phase. Home destroyed and much, much more. All of it, being supported and covered up. Evidence and trails of this being done to others, kicked aside, as I am called a "liar." Maybe it isn't the insurance agent who is in charge of this.


Home Health Abuse, Elder Abuse, Financial Predators

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 03, 2006

COPY TO LOCAL MEDIA I believed that when I reported an elder abuse, real estate theft, insurance fraud operation being run in Fresno, it would result in exposing the participation of Home Health. Along with insurance agents, estate planners and estate attorneys, these are people in positions to take what others worked lifetimes for. As well as much worse. Didn't make it to first base. Law enforcement was more interested in discrediting what I reported, going as far as to discard solid evidence (fraudulent and verified forged legal documents) and tell me, "This did not happen!" Not only did it happen, further investigating into those particular forgeries showed earlier (1991, 1998) forgeries of someone else as well as the creation of a fraudulent Trust that housed those earlier forgeries, for later distribution. Even though 2 of the 3 beneficiaries remain in touch with the person forging their sister's name, I doubt if they realize what this man has done to their family. My discovery was due to recognizing the name of their attorney. It happened to be the first estate attorney who prepared fraudulent legal documents for my family's property back in 1993. It happened. And it will continue to happen due to the total disregard of agencies we are assured are there to assist us with these types of criminal activities. That includes Adult Protective Services (APS.) One of these aids opened her own agency, claiming to enjoy "working" with the Alzheimer's patients. She was previously caught abusing and trying to take the finances over of one couple. Cell phone records will link her and several others to this operation. This is tragic.


I uncovered an elder abuse, real estate theft, and insurance fraud operation with sewer vandalism at the core

#9Author of original report

Tue, January 03, 2006

Verified forged legal documents Real estate theft Insurance Fraud Verified VIN altering Elder abuse Sewer vandalism Poisoning Suspected Homicide Suspected Arson Imagine reporting the above to law enforcement, backed by solid evidence, and called a "liar" and "crazy." As if my mental status has anything to do with this? Do they believe that or are they a part of this. Because I don't see that it could be carried out without their knowledge and/or support. Is this "organized crime?" What other City allows sewer vandalism. Or considers opinions to be worth more than solid evidence, at the cost of human lives. What would anyone's opinion of me have to do with what has clearly been going on for many years. This is not about me. It was about my signature on property that this group intended on adding to their collection. I was called a "liar" before, during and after they ran me off the property - all of it carried out with the help of the very agencies we are encouraged to report these things to. The same ones that continue calling me a "liar." It appears that law enforcement now determines the fate of others. They decide who is entitled to keep their property and who is left homeless or identity stolen and used by this group. That is why I am finally posting this online. I also reported that this group intended to kill me. Their recent concern over my drivers license renewal and suggestions of a passport line up to another victim. My escape from them was not the blessing I thought it to be - I went from one hell straight into the next. There is no way out. I uncovered an elder abuse, real estate theft, and insurance fraud operation with sewer vandalism at the core. Knowing I would become Trustee to my family's estate, my former boss (an estate planner) decided that he, rather than my family and me, would own our assets. This is his secret sideline. Insurance agents, estate planners, estate attorneys are altering clients' final wishes and preparing fraudulent Trusts which are then used in distributing final assets. The beneficiaries are oblivious to any fraud. When he comes back around, he is met with open arms. No one sees or suspects what is coming next. While I was being poisoned (med records available) these properties were being robbed and extensively vandalized right under my nose. Naturally no one believed me, especially in the condition I was in. But neither will they look. My pleas for help are disregarded; solid evidence is kicked aside by law enforcement as I am called a "liar" and "crazy" and told, "This did not happen!" This happened to my friend who also pleaded for help, saying her husband (among this group) was poisoning and going to kill her. With her credibility destroyed, as mine has been, no one believed her either. Deceased age 39. I have a list and a trail of this. It is not wanted. Already run off my family's 2 estate properties next door - it is my home they are still after. They cannot allow things to continue as they are - running me off the property resulted in an ongoing financial loss that they cannot get away from, as long as I am here. With the years of vandalizing all 3 of the properties, they can't turn their back on my house. And with me being forbidden to get any help, while called a "liar" about all of this, they will finish what they began. - Dept. of Real Estate sees nothing wrong with title fraud, forgeries, or escrow fraud. - Dept. of Ins. sees nothing wrong with an insurance agent/estate planner who conspires with an attorney in preparing fraudulent legal documents for a client. His associate's forgeries were verified long ago. - DA does nothing. - Secret Service requested original documentation of the forgeries in lieu of the copies before an investigation would begin. Once he had the originals, he demanded that I was "crazy" and "this did not happen." - Police Dept. threatened to lock me up if I did not stop reporting this. Upon uncovering more evidence I was told they "do not have the resources to investigate." I uncovered more than anyone could have - it is not wanted. - Bureau of Auto Repair (BAR) demanded that I was wrong about my former mechanic "raping me" of $5,000 for REPAIRS on a 1990 Honda and turning it into a salvage switch. He also determined that $,5000 was not an excessive amount to pay for a vehicle that no longer ran. He refused to assist me in getting an appointment for a vehicle inspection so I could prove what had been done. It took 2 yrs to have that done. The verified VIN altering was totally disregarded by BAR. - My mail is intercepted. My P.O. Box was repeatedly taken over and finally closed. Last week a box delivered by US Postal Mail arrived; another came by UPS. The contents were switched/mixed up. Regardless of what I report, I am called a "liar." - My garbage is pilfered. Most of the contents throughout my house have been replaced with inferior/broken look-alikes. Sewer vent switched, resulting in sewer floods that allowed my studio apartment to be stripped down. Original tile in kitchen and bathroom torn out and replaced in order to get into the plumbing/sewer. Tile around fireplace torn out and replaced - fireplace was gutted and nasty trash put in its place. Windows/doors/moldings switched. Awnings, rain gutters, safe and contents in basement switched. It appears that the walls were gutted down to the frame which would explain the stacks of plywood, all seams uneven and caulked, beams in ceiling no longer level, arches crooked, etc. The insulation machine and bales of shredded newspaper only magnify my suspicions that these 3 properties have been prepared for leveling by a fire or gas explosion. Insurance claim would rebuild for the restaurant this group was planning to open. The sewer and gas-line vandalism began in 1996, with the first tenant. She has a trail of lawsuits. Including this group's specialty - mold. The new owner's tenant has been busy vandalizing the electrical boxes, which appears to have affected my house. Lights now turning on in wrong rooms, and flickering in another. I am living in a time bomb, refused help, and called a "liar" and "crazy." And the classic, "This did not happen!" Offers to provide address where this same vandalism was carried out is not wanted. With little effort, it would be found that there is a pattern to this. Those addresses are very important. Electrical fires are very common among this group. One of the neighbors to those addresses became my tenant due to a fire. He ended up with insurance paying for a new bldg. Another neighbor is another forgery. Another one is the same name that appears to be a neighbor at the other addresses on the trail. On and on. Regardless of what I say, I am called a "liar" as this operation continues. It appears that another death, fire and sewer vandalism was carried out - same cast. Insurance paid. Naturally, that same person won the bid to rebuild - regardless that he is on disability for the bad back he claims to have. The former boss's electrical fire in his garage resulted in having his entire home remodeled at the same time mine was being destroyed. He intercepted my insurance and saw to it I was unable to file a claim for anything - because I MADE THIS UP?!? If I made this up, then I would have to be totally insane to continue pursuing it. And if I was truly insane, then law enforcement has shown even more about the lack concern for those in need of help. Which is why I fought even harder to have this exposed. It never mattered whether any of this was true or not - that is why it will continue.



#10Author of original report

Mon, January 02, 2006

The sale of my family's 2 estate properties was under extreme panic and duress. And never-ending fraud. I was the victim of Wilbert G. Swieso's secret sideline - real estate theft and insurance fraud. Just as the many years of planning were about to pay off, his worst nightmare came true. He lost control of me. I did what he nor I ever dreamed I would do sell. His plans of taking over did not include paying. Fraudulent legal documents had already been prepared and recorded for 2 of the 3. His interference in my property insurance backfired. In no way prepared for the unexpected change in plans, he was left with no choice but to pay. He could not back out due to the years of stripping and vandalizing these properties in preparation for what was to come. He now has an ongoing debt. I expect a fire or gas explosion next, which could easily be blamed on the City's "negligence in sewer and gas-line maintenance. On record, it would appear to be true when in fact, it is not. I uncovered proof of the vandalism that created sewer floods. (See Mono Hot Springs report) My concern now, is the new owner's tenant in back vandalizing the electrical meters. And the change in MY home's electrical. Aerial views show that the vandalism is all linked, as Swieso intended on taking all 3 properties. The 1st escrow dragged on for 1 entire year as the realtor stalled and lied. Finally, the truth about the fraudulent documents that Swieso and his attorney conspired in preparing during the time I was being given chemicals without my knowledge. They named Swieso, Successor Trustee. If I were deemed, crazy which no one could dispute during that period, he would step in and take over. Turned into a psychotic nightmare, my behavior was out of control as he exploited me to every person possible. With no one else aware that the property was in an Irrevocable Trust, he appeared to be looking out for my best interest. Due to the turn of events, he did what he does best. Lie. He ran to another attorney to have a letter written stating he never knew anything about these revised documents. (There are witnesses who know that is not true.) The attorney claimed he could not remember anything not even why we met. The next attorney referred me to another realtor. Totally alone, scared, and with no help or support, I was a mess. Panicking that Swieso would somehow end up with my family's property, I pleaded with them both to help make sure that did not happen. I did not want ANY of his entourage next door to me or taking over what my family worked lifetimes for. My suspicions about the buyer (my tenant) linked to Swieso were escalating, as I was disregarded and considered paranoid and crazy. My concern that the value of these properties was worth more was also disregarded. I was even requested to stay off the properties when the appraisal was conducted. I questioned how the buyer could qualify to purchase the 2 properties it did not make sense. When my tenant leases disappeared and the realtor told me he did not have copies, after I had given him copies, I panicked that they could be used fraudulently for financing that was NOT the way I did business. The realtor seemed more interested in accommodating the buyer - including the financing. (He had none?) Other than informing me it was an SBA loan, he finally told me it was, none of my business. The attorney told me to, stop asking questions. When the realtor learned that I contacted the bank to find out if my leases had been used fraudulently, he became livid and never spoke to me again. I never found out. There was nothing owed on the properties at the time of selling most people would not have obtained a realtor. After all I had been through, now being forced to sell my family's property, the least I expected was to know that escrow was carried out 100% legally. I was entitled to that. When the buyer later mentioned he had still not obtained insurance, again I wondered how he could have obtained financing. SBA informed me that his loan was canceled; there was no SBA loan. I checked with the bank listed on the deed. They have no information about this deed, customer, or loan number. It turns out that the buyer IS linked to Swieso. The properties were worth 2 3 x more. Later requesting a copy of the realtor's license resulted in being told NO. The company he worked for said they are not obligated to provide that information regardless that by then, this realtor had collected $20,000+ in commission. My last contact with him was Sept. 2005, when I again requested a copy of the appraisal. Until then, I had no idea I was prohibited from that, due to the buyer paying for it. I feel like I was raped. Actually, there are no words to describe what I live every day of my life, knowing that my family members were murdered with me scheduled next. Poisoned, robbed, run off our property, home extensively vandalized, cars switched/trashed, filmed with hidden cameras, videos circulated throughout the neighborhood and to every person I have ever known since childhood, left unemployed and living in fear of my life. Called a liar and forbidden to get help or have these people held accountable for what they have done. The realtor's email address is no longer valid. His name is no longer listed on the company's web site. And by now, I have seen enough fraudulent legal documents to know that nothing means anything when linked to Mr. Swieso. It would not surprise me to learn that he financed this sale with cash. As usual, I can get no help, answers, restitution, or closure. I am still shocked to learn that the planning of this began over 20 yrs ago it appears to be the reason I was hired at Principal Ins. in 1982. After quitting in 1985/6, I had no idea that Swieso and his wife were lurking in the shadows, introducing themselves to my neighbors and friends - recruiting and systematically severing ties. They are behind more than anyone realizes. For the record, that includes Kodman*, whose friend (Steve T.) recently showed up on my doorstep after all these years. A lie-detector test would prove he and the new owner's tenant in back robbed me 2 weeks ago. The membership to Swieso's group is escalating at a rapid pace due to the lack of any agency remotely interested in the horrors they are carrying out. Steve indicated he would only be here long enough to carry out his secret mission. *on law enforcement's rotation. Reports go back to 1993.

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