  • Report:  #1022825

Complaint Review: Senator Tom Patton - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
MD - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Senator Tom Patton
1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor, Senate Building Columbus, 43215 Ohio, United States of America
(614) 466-8056
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ultimate stupidity in Ohio is making the classic mistake of ordering multiple serial psych evaluations for assorted symptoms that in the end turn out to be just missed thyroiditis.  Especially when a woman MD is falsely accused of all kinds of bizarre things at the State Medical Board, it should be a no-brainer to check thyroid function tests.  You can't be seductive, paranoid, a personality disorder, bipolar, asking your orthopedic out 'ice skating' - and have no patient complaints.  Translation: there's something 'wrong' with what the orthopedic did to the woman MD.  

The 'crazy' confidential Medical Board complaint in Ohio, is a clue that the woman MD had 'serious' mistakes in her own medical care, and that she probably has a missed diagnosis that the male geeks (unfashionable or socially inept person) are trying to get out of by accusing her of being 'crazy.'  Happens every day in Ohio at the Cleveland Clinic - happens because colleagues can misuse the 'confidential' complaint system and vote to suspend hospital privileges when there are medical mistakes at Hillcrest & CCF - mistakes made in the care of the woman MD.  Medical Board suspensions are being used to hide the scope of the medical mistake problem in Ohio.  Tom Patton, and his pre-law guys, just go along with the con.  Testosterone does not equal insight.   

Tom Patton himself has weight gain, but he'll never know if that could be due to a thyroid problem unless he gets tested and learns something about thyroid disease - which they don't teach you at Cleveland State - even if you finish your degree.  The first clue - hypercholesterolemia unresponsive to diet - but which corrects with synthyroid.  His son the policeman might have had this - leading to a premature heart attack on the job.  But Tom Patton will never know unless he gets a thyroid panel, and finds an Ohio physician who can 'read' that panel.  Male MD/DOs in Ohio are notorious for misreading the thyroid function tests - even when the interpretation is printed out the sheet.  Lance Talmadge MD comes to mind.

A thyroid panel is all that needs to be ordered (3 tests + thyroid antibodies), not just a T4 - which is all that women MDs are allowed in Ohio before their medical licenses are taken for 'provisional.'  And the T4 had to be ordered out-of-state for the one woman MD.  In Ohio MDs, and Medical Board Member MD/DOs, don't order thyroid panels.  

Lance Talmadge MD doesn't believe in them (thyroid tests), Anita Steinbergh DO doesn't allow women MDs medical workups (she's a DO & only DOs get medical workups in Ohio).  Thyroid panels cost less than psychiatric evaluations, less than Medical Board Hearings or Meetings, and less than 20 years of someone's career and multiple fractures.  

Senator Patton won't discuss, won't listen, and won't admit the problem - the problem of medical mistakes in Ohio and at the State Medical Board of Ohio.  The State Medical Board of Ohio wants to diagnose women MDs with psych disorders that they don't have, while refusing to allow medical & thyroid workups & treatment.  Thyroid symptoms are a mixed bag, run the gamut, but you have to order the blood work - and women MDs writing letters because the blood work is not done does not equate with a personality disorder. 

The State Medical Board of Ohio makes this mistake every day - spending huge sums of money saying that women MDs are exaggerating thyroid symptoms - and thyroid symptoms are all over the 'map' of symptoms.  Gail Devers went to testify before Congress in 2000 about these missed thyroid problems in women - the problem caused by her misdiagnosed Graves disease.  

On Wednesday, January 26, 2000, five-time Olympic gold medalist and thyroid patient Gail Devers testified to Congress about her own years of misdiagnosis, during which a severe case of hyperthyroidism went undiscovered.  Meanwhile, in Ohio the woman MD thyroid patient is still inadequately treated - because she is supposed to admit that she 'made too much' and not mention the medical mistakes that happened in her care.  She can't even be a spokesperson for herself - her thyroid problem is not allowed treatment officially. 

In Devers' case, doctor after doctor failed to recognize the signs of severe Graves' disease, as the Olympic gold medal-winning athlete dropped from 125 to only 87 pounds, suffered debilitating fatigue, lost nearly all her hair, and suffered other symptoms she has described as "traumatic."  In one Ohio woman MD's case, she has been traumatized by lack of care of thyroid symptoms and serial unnecessary psychiatric evaluations for the symptoms - fractures & bone pains. 

So there is at least one woman MD who has been subject to years of misdiagnosis of her thryoid problems in Ohio, and had her medical license taken for objecting that there was 'something else' wrong = thyroid disease is an impairment in Ohio.  And there are probably more - and these women MDs have no patient complaints and do their CME.

The Gail Dever's miss - the Gail Dever's saga repeats in Ohio at the State Medical Board probably daily - as the Board looks for women to 'make or break' when they object to wrong care, missed diagnoses, and medical mistakes by male MDs (and male legislators) in Ohio.  

In 2000 Devers' testimony was part of a Congressional investigation into ways to combat medical mistakes that are estimated to kill up to 98,000 hospitalized Americans a year.  An unknown additional number of people are harmed or killed by mistakes outside of hospitals each year as well - as this Ohio woman MD was.  The Congressional inquiry was based on a report that was released by the Institute of Medicine in November of 1999. 

The study called for mandatory reporting of medical errors, and for Congress to create a Federal Center for Patient Safety to investigate ways to prevent medical errors and establish better standards for patient safety.  There is currently no mandatory reporting of medical errors in Ohio, there is general misdiagnosis and misunderstanding of thyroid problems even among Medical Board Members & Ohio Legislators, and this is 2013.  And no legislator is interested in investigating ways to prevent medical errors in Ohio - they don't occur.  

The woman MD in Tom Patton's district 24, who has had her MEDICAL license suspended x 20 years for 'making too much of bone pains' which led to serious fractures, which in the end were found to be caused by neglect of treatment of a thyroid condition - this woman MD was made fun of, even though her symptoms were classic thyroid - severe fatigue & bone weakness among them.  The woman attorneys, like Kimberly Anderson, get you in a room and just laugh at you - it's a big joke.

Even though every woman Medical Board Member, Kimberly Anderson, and every woman legislator (ANIELSKI), and her staff (HALLIE), gets thyroid function tests - the WHOLE PANEL, it was a policy of Richard Whitehouse, and before him Tom Dilling - that women MDs did not need blood work - just a new right Ohio psychiatrist.  That's the classic thyroid miss, mistreated with psych evaluations.  

The Tom Patton 'made an example of' woman MD did not have the HUGE health problems & systemic symptoms of Gale Devers - but she was not just 'unlucky.'  She didn't almost lose her leg or feet, but she was subjected to unnecessary procedures & 20 years of 'hell.'  This woman MD did at least deserve thyroid function tests, and treatment of her thyroid condition, BEFORE her medical license was taken for 'making too much.' 

If you don't treat thyroiditis, it can lead to thyroid cancer or lymphoma, besides divorce, medical mistreatment, and unnecessary surgeries for abdominal or extremity pain, swelling, and nerve inflammations.  This woman MD should not have had to 'make too much of admittedly bad care.'  And she has not been able to testify to the State Medical Board of Ohio how Ohio physicians dismissed her symptoms and counter-complained about her to the State Medical Board of Ohio so that she wouldn't sue for the mistakes in orthopedic care.  The woman MD's symptoms were 'nomal' for a woman MD. 

In Devers' testimony, she described how doctors dismissed her symptoms of weight loss, fatigue, rapid heart rate, and dry skin as normal for an Olympic athlete in training.  After more than two years, and in such a severe state that doctors discussed amputating her leg, Devers was finally diagnosed.  She had radioactive iodine treatment to disable her thyroid, and was put on thyroid hormone replacement therapy.  She went on to win gold medals in the 100-meter dash at the 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games. 

In the woman MD's testimony, she described severe fatigue, bone pains, fractures that didn't heal, and the misdiagnosis went on for 10 years, and even 20 years later the Ohio State Medical Board will not admit the misdiagnosis and mistreatment of the woman MD.  She's supposed to get a 6th psychiatric evaluation, and not ever mention the mistakes and bad care again - so that it gets done to another woman patient or MD.  And this is after the Congressional Hearings mandating reporting of medical errors.

Medical errors are not mandated reported in Ohio - there are no stats on the scope of the problem.  And there are no stats on how many woman MDs have had their medical licenses taken to admit a diagnosis that they don't have to cover up the medical mistakes done to them - but there is at least one that Tom Patton is sitting on - her thyroid symptoms are still NOT adequately treated, and she now has no medical insurance as she has no medical license or decent job.

Devers is now urging Americans to learn the early warning signs of critical conditions, including thyroid disease, so they can better communicate with doctors and demand better care.  But that didn't save the woman MD - the demanding of better care - who has now had 20 years of misdiagnosis & mistreatment of her thyroid disease - even telling her physicians what she had didn't get the Cleveland Clinic to treat her - because they are afraid that their medical licenses will be taken for admitting the mistake.  Tom Patton is going along with this 'conspiracy of silence,' as is Kimberly Anderson as long as she can get her thyroid function tests ordered.  Tom Patton needs his own thyroid function tests ordered - but he won't have to lose his Senate job to get them.   

This is hypocritical, and Ohio needs to have mandated reporting of medical errors starting with the thyroid problems missed.  Medical licenses should not be taken without care-to-function; allowing that all symptoms are worked up & accounted for.  No woman MD should get 4 psych evaluations mandated by the State Medical Board of Ohio, without complete blood work and thyroid function tests mandated first.  The problem in this case: that the Ohio orthopedics, and Medical Board Members, and woman Board attorneys could not recognize thyroid symptoms if they had the symptoms themselves - but they wouldn't go near a psychiatrist - they reserve that humiliation for women MDs.

Gail Devers is a paid spokeswoman for the GlandCentral Campaign, sponsored by the American Medical Women's Association, and funded by Knoll Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of Synthroid brand levothyroxine sodium thyroid hormone.  Gail Devers is allowed to say the mistakes that happened.  In order for the Ohio woman MD to get her medical license back, she is supposed to 'get over it,' and not mention the problems that still need fixing in Ohio - per Anita Steinbergh.  Thyroid disease is not a psychiatric diagnosis, and doesn't require a psychiatrist - and Anita & Lance should know this. 

The standards of bad care that women MDs in Ohio are supposed to tolerate, are not standards that any Medical Board Member, or State Medical Board attorney, would ever tolerate.  But the woman MD was just 'making too much?'  The standards of judging a woman MD are more than any Medical Board Member would pass, or agree with being done to themselves. 

Time for Tom Patton to learn something about thyroid disease - it affects women under stress, runners, MDs, RNs, and pregnant women.  And it can affect men - weight gain is one of the symptoms - so he might want to get his profile checked - not just a T4.  But the woman MD needs her medical license back, her thyroid & bone condition correctly treated.  There needs to be an end to the misdiagnosis, and missed, thyroid problems at the State Medical Board of Ohio.  You don't call Dr. Resnick.

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