  • Report:  #1003724

Complaint Review: Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown - Shatter Proof Marketing Scam - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Raymon M. Powers - Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown - Shatter Proof Marketing Scam
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
are a list of only a few events that patrons of Shatter Proof Marketing have
had issues with:
1. Fake Winter Wonderland Event
2. Fake Valentine's Day Event
3. Fake Grammy Event
4. Fake Promotional Events

Above are only 4 of the events promoted and put together by 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown - Shatter Proof Marketing. Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown used Event Bright and PayPal to collect people's money for tickets, and then each of these events (and there are other events not listed here) 'magically' never materialize.. and it is always someone else's fault, according to Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown.. then 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown keeps the ticket sales.. It has been reported by the investigators, that those who have really spoken up or have threatened to sue - received any money back.. and even then they never received a full refund.
Other Scams Fraud includes Music Videos like: 

---> May 2012 - Chris Brown ft. Wiz Khalifa & Big Sean "Till I Die" -
 Riveting Entertainment hooked up Shatter Proof again in this creative music video featuring Paloma Lozano in Chris Brown ft. Wiz Khalifa & Big
Sean "Till I Die" music video - Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown DID NOT PAY all of the talent involved in this video shoot..

--> April / May 2012 - music video from American Idol's - Stefano with his new single "I'm on a Roll" (feat. New Boyz & Rock Mafia) - Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown DID NOT PAY all of the talent involved in this shoot..

--> May 2012 - Carol Seleme - Kendrick Lamar - "The Recipe" (feat. Dr. Dre) music video - Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown DID NOT PAY all of the talent involved in this shoot..

--> April / May 2012 - Carol Seleme, Charisa De La Cruz - Kendrick Lamar - 
"Naked" - Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown DID NOT PAY all of the talent involved in this shoot..

There are many models, sponsors, people and talent that have been ripped off since last year.. Some new ones have called and written, and I (along with law enforcement) are taking the time to verify the evidence and help prepare their lawsuits for them.. We have the evidence to back up these allegations and have turned over copies to law enforcement and the District Attorney's office.

'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown has been difficult to serve papers to in the past since he is always couch surfing and always 'in need' and having to stay at someone's house because he cannot seem to find a real job.. It might be due to his prior convictions, (the evidence of these claims are found in the links below), or it might be due to his other legal issues.. he cannot get a driver's license because of years of non-payment of child support (evidence of this is also in the link, and the investigators found documentation showing that the child support case has been re-opened and they are coming after 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown for the money that he has not paid over the years..)



I (along with Mindy Robinson, Charisa De La Cruz, and several others) had worked with and tried to help 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown to try to help him get on his feet, have a couch or air mattress to sleep on, food and a place to stay.. all of which he did not have.. so don't believe the persona he fabricates on the internet, Facebook, etc.. Each of us had kicked him out or asked him to leave because of the things we had experienced and the fraud, theft, and illegal actions we personally witnessed.. For example, I personally witnessed 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown and Shatter Proof Marketing get paid for work that the models and talent had done and then Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown kept the money for himself!!! Then will turn around tell the models and talent that the Production company had not paid yet or give some bogus reason as to why he 'fired' the model or talent and decides not to pay them... A full detail of lies are listed in the links above. I cannot in good conscience allow Shatto to steal or take advantage of other models, agencies, production companies, and sponsorship companies, without saying something. The links above are my personally witnessed accounts and dealings with Shatter Proof Marketing and Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown. Please share these links with your model friends, agencies, production staff, and companies to make sure that Shatto cannot continue to take advantage of people...

There are several agencies that have on-going investigations, to look into the cases of fraud, theft, and other illegal actions by this organization.  The number of models and talent being scammed is growing, and the law enforcement organizations are investigating this and taking action. There are now a few groups actively receiving calls from talent, sponsors, casting directors, and others who want to join the civil lawsuits, against Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown... 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown has now started to threaten those who are speaking up against Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown's illegal actions, and Police reports have been file in 3 counties now to address these actions and issues.. I personally received a text threatening to kill me, my wife, my 2 year old baby girl, and my 15 year old step-son because I refus to stop warning people about Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown's continued fraud, scams, and theft of money from models, talent, photographers, sponsorship companies, etc.. I uploaded this evidence to the website listed above as well.. 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown told everyone that he was going 'make me apologize publicly' and that he was going to shut me up by taking me to court, and he tried.. The case was thrown out because the judge and the court found his claims and allegations to be false, without merit, and void of solid evidence.. He even claimed in the court documents that I threatened him with bodily harm in the courthouse.. They checked there cameras and found that I was not even in the building or parking lot on the days in question.. The truth is that I didn't even know where Apple Valley was until I received court papers from there and drew a map on my phone.. They also checked all of my phone records and verified that every claim that 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown had against me was false.. There are however many people that have come forward to speak up and speak out about how they have been taken advantage of or scammed by Shatter Proof Marketing and its one employee - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown, and they have come forward to help warn people about these scams and his fraud..

In addition to me receiving threats, 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown has threatened me, a Casting Director, Mindy Robinson, Julianna Cain, Charisa De La Cruz, and many others...
Law Enforcement has now taken in my evidence and the evidence of the names within our reports. Law Enforcement has also agreed to help the models and talent with their investigations which will help their civil lawsuits.. I decided to take action after I was taken advantage of, and when I witnessed more of Shatter Proof Marketing's fraud and theft of money from: a Casting Director ($600), Michael Bell - photographer ($200), Paloma Lozano ($200), Damien Benson ($200),
Carol Seleme ($445), Mindy Robinson ($2850), Julianna Cain ($3800), Jennifer Allford, Charisa De La Cruz, Yvette Chavez ($135), Avalise La Von ($600), Rosa Martinez ($300, and $2850), Valerie Tran ($200), RC Levell - Sponsorhip Dollars ($9500), Reyna Trevino, Jasmine Santiago, and many more...

So far, Law Enforcement  has totaled the cases of theft, fraud, and scams to over $50k, and possibly closer to $90-$95k now in fake events and fake promotional events that Shatter Proof Marketing has stolen money with their illegal actions, scams, and theft over the past couple of years.. 

Shatto will lie and say all kinds of lies and mean things about me and the others who have spoken up about him, left him or have discovered the truth, but I am someone who used to go to church with 'Shatto' whose real legal name is Maurice Lamont Brown (on his driver's license - old one anyway, before it was revoked, and on his ID and court cases say Maurice), and I have been running my own businesses long before I even met him... He needed a place to stay and I helped him out. My experiences with him and his lies are written down for those who are willing to have an open mind... You don't have to believe me, if you believe that you have a great working relationship with 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown then great, I wish you all the best... But, please take a few moments to read my experiences so that you do not get hurt the way that many others have.

There are several other models and now casting directors are coming forward and revealing how they have been ripped off by him. Many of these people are willing to share their experiences and you can speak with as well. WE are all reaching out because it is very hurtful the way Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown manipulates people. He gets you to feel sorry for him, and then when you try to help him out, he uses and manipulates you.. it is subtle and it happens slowly over time, but it is damaging... He will tell you that all of these people have stolen from him or that they are jealous, which is a bunch of lies.. He has nothing.. no connections, no pull, no friends, no money, no car, no driver's license, and no future with the way he is treating people in the industry and in everyday life... You can experience it for yourself and see what we mean.. The stories he will tell you will not add up, he will backtrack and say he didn't say that, he will have lie after lie, he will manipulate you,  he will talk down to you and treat you horribly.. it will all become clear at some point...

Just as an FYI.. here are a few items you should know from the lies he has told me... 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown does NOT help people like he states he does.. 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown ends up helping himself and then tells everyone the opposite.. It's the same as the stories he tells - 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown will speak as if he is the victim, but the reality is 'Shatto' victimizes the people who try to help him. Which is why we speak out, because we do NOT want to see others hurt or taken advantage of like we were.. If you spend any amount of time with him you will notice that his stories never add up. He will tell you that his mother has died, and this is completely untrue, his mother is NOT dead, she is alive and well, and I had my detectives verify this after some background checks and found out her information...Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown, who's mother gave him the name - Maurice Lamont Brown(according to public records), has a mother who is alive and well, and living in Glendale. If you look closely at 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown's  "proof" that is mother has died, then you will  notice that he cannot even get his mother's name correct... In one section on his Facebook, her name is 'Elayne D. Brown', in his most recent Facebook photoshop example his mother's name is 'Clara Elayne Holmes Brown', and in other documents he states that her is something else... Who knows the real truth about his family, because he spends so much time liying about everything it is hard to believe anything that comes out of his mouth.. His family did contact me though.. When they had received a copy of the evidence of all of Shatto Brown's fraud, I received calls that same day from Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown's family calling to apologize to me.. His own sister called me to apologize for HIS behavior and to tell me that she kicked Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown out of HER house (not his house like he tells people), and his own family has contacted me and 2 other victims of his scams to state that they were ripped off too, and that they apologize for the headaches and heartaches he has caused.. Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown stole money from his own family.. Shatto Brown's entire code of ethics, moral compass, etc..  is so completely of and it is so horribly shocking to me and the others above who have been ripped off by him..  Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown has nothing but time, since he never works and spends all of his time creating this mirage of a fake life online, and there seems to be nothing he will not lie about.. He is not traveling to all of these places he checks in to. I have witnessed him checking in like he is out partying, when he is just sitting in front of the computer or in front of the TV..  He does not have a car, and the DMV will NOT issue him a drivers license. I personally witnessed the DMV rep tell Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown that he will NOT be issued a driver's license until he resolves the years of back child support he owes. He is always loosing his wallet or it gets stolen from him when it is time for him to pay for something.. 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown has court cases pending and is still going to be held accountable for his fraud, theft, and other crimesHe doesn't pay his child support, which is why he never sees his daughter, his baby momma does not want anything to do with him and she did NOT kidnap his daughter because she has custody of her and Shatto has been in hiding from the police and authorities for quite some time now.. In fact the child support folks and another agency contacted me to ask how they can get in touch with Shatto Brown..

 The latest check performed with the state of California authorities shows that he is a fleeing fugitive.. He has been taken to court several times for fraud, theft, etc.. and was charged with fraud and theft, and then convicted of theft... (the court cases and other evidence presented for the cour cases are on the website above and more documents will be uploaded soon.
I have actually been too busy to write or even care about the continued lies, scams and fraud of 'Shatto' Maurice Lamont Brown lately, but since he is still trying to recruit talent and models, I figured I would put up another warning.. He is already scammed a lot of people, but the ,most recent people he has been reaching out to and the new talent may not be aware of his scams.. I know I probably shouldn't care about warning people, but I do it because I am hoping that people do not get taken advantage of like I have, and so many others.. 

Anyway, the choice is yours.. you are obviously free to do as you wish, but please take a few moments to read my experiences in my blog and you can judge for yourself...  
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