  • Report:  #1157929

Complaint Review: Sheikh Mohammed - Internet

Reported By:
Wiser - Santa Clara, California,

Sheikh Mohammed
Internet, USA
203-500- 5743
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after seeing an ad on craigslist that was advertised as a sales position I called an 800 number and listened to a message by Sheik Mohammed stating that he is a member of a very unique group of home business owners. "You were directed here to learn more about us, which is simply a number of business leaders who have come together to help others make money, and big money, fast. There is no company here. This is not an MLM business. From our experience, they simply do not make enough money for 99% of those who work that model and if you feel you will be in that 1% that will make the big money rather than be quickly off to try the next home business, then we wish you all the luck in the world. You will find some of the sharpest home business minds in the industry here with us who have experienced that most in MLM fail miserably at it, and who are now making thousands per week with us. But more importantly are helping many others do the same, some part time and some full time. What we have put together is a very simple system. None of us sell here, in fact if you do you will not make the kind of money here that’s possible. Our system is to locate and find those who are open and ready, and who can think for themselves without us having to chase them to get them to join us. You either see this and WANT to join with us, or we would be wasting your time and ours by trying to work with you. Not everyone is ready or able to get past their own limiting beliefs and doubts to do the simple things we teach. The income happens fast. If you assume things that are not true, thinking you’ve heard this before and are not interested, you will walk away from what is without question one of the best ways to earn a great income, part time or full time, and live that freedom lifestyle everyone strives for. We are hoping you will join us in this lifestyle. 

I’m going to show you how you can become a part of our team, what to expect, what the costs are and the different products that we have. Whether you choose to align yourself with us or not, and I trust you will, I want you to at least leave here feeling like you have learned something. Over the next few minutes I will explain enough of what this is about so that you have a basis to ask questions and be able make an intelligent decision. This will cover the BIG picture and will lack some detail. I do encourage you to listen to the entire message, however. Many of your questions may be answered later in the message. This is NOT an MLM, Cash Gifting or a Revenue Sharing program. This is a real business in a Direct Selling model, much like Real Estate is or any regular type of business is, but without the selling part. Because our products, which I will explain in a bit, are digital in nature, 100% of the profits are able to be paid directly to you and is not shared with anyone else. But to be honest, our MAIN product is the support we provide to those who want to get into their own business and finally make some real income fast. That is hard to place a value on. Yes we have great digital products, make no mistake, but included are numerous live training calls, one on one training, an interactive support chat room and perhaps the most exciting is the live vacation events we hold numerous times a year where all business partners have a chance to interact with each and learn from each other. This is truly exceptional.

And the profits here are from $500 to $20,000 each time someone joins you in business. Is that exciting! Most who get involved with us do so because of the money that’s possible to be made and it can be made very quickly as I mentioned. Some are earning 5 figures a month starting their first month. This sales plan requires those who buy from you to refer their first sale to you as well, before they are qualified to earn 100% of the profit on all future sales they make. We call that their “training sale”. This 1-UP concept can provide a great passive income on an ongoing basis for you. Each sale you personally make starts a whole new line of new 1-UP sales to you, each person needing to give you their first sale before they are fully qualified to keep 100% of the profits for themselves. But although that can be a huge income, it’s the extra incomes from sales made by those in your business group that they do not qualify to receive, and the upgrade income to the higher packages by them that will end up being your greatest income source. This model is explained in detail at our website that you will be given if you request more information.

Everyone who is looking to make money working very part time from home is a prospect. Our marketing systems do not require you to contact those you know to make money, although that is certainly a good place to start. We have a great lead source and we even give you some leads to get started, but we use text and voice broadcasting as one of our marketing tools, and this can all be done FOR you, nothing to learn, but we also teach how to post 15-25 ads a day on Craigslist which is also extremely effective and very cost effective. All you are required to do to succeed here is be a tour guide. Call back those who respond to the marketing efforts, read from a simply script and like a glorified tour guide, simply direct them to information and to someone who can answer all their questions and get them started. This really is an amazing system we have developed and this business is something anyone can do to make money…and make no mistake…it IS a business, so you want to give it the same respect as you would any business you may start. But this business comes with a community of support not available anywhere else, and many 6 and 7 figure earners here to get in the trenches with you.

I earned just over $12,000 in my first month and many have made much more. What you will earn may be more or it may be less, but this was by following our simple system and connecting with those who were asking me to contact them. I have tried, like many to make the big money in the MLM structures over the years, but it has never generated the kind of money I felt it could. I did very well with some, but for the most part, few of those I referred ever duplicated that and it’s frustrating to see. Here, the systems and large profits per sale ensures those you refer, if they follow our training and support, will do very well. I’m no smarter than you. I just have a strong desire to make a great income working from home and I know you can too. Like me, I am sure you are sick and tired of seeing your efforts and money go down the drain. You just need to be partnered with the right team that can get you from where you are, to financial prosperity. It does not matter about your experience level, or your history. All that matters is that you are ready to plug yourself into our system and this team, and you WILL realize the big money here.

From my experience, there are five key points to ensure success in any home based business. The first key point is you need to find a company with products that have a BIG profit per sale. In the past I have sold small ticket products where I made $10 to $50, maybe even $100 per sale. It’s not easy to sustain a lifestyle selling small ticket products, and it takes just as much effort and time to sell small ticket products as it does big ticket products, believe me. Few can build a large enough business where duplication is necessary in order to earn the big money selling those small ticket products. Very few can. But as I mentioned, we do not sell in the traditional sense. It’s great.

The second key point that you need to ensure is that the company provides products that are in huge demand, and you can review these in detail on our website once you get that. Our digital products pertain to personal education, motivation, self help, marketing and business education. These are an amazing collection of top notch educational packages of the most positive thinking, comprehensive success library ever compiled for resale in one place. They include some of the biggest names in marketing, personal growth, entrepreneur skills in almost 200 hours of audios, videos as well as printed material. Stats prove that over 80% of searches on Google pertain to these topics. But what each person that joins us ALSO gets with those products are the resale rights to those products. THIS is where the real value is if you are here to make money. These resale rights are what allow you to be IN BUSINESS. You are now able to receive the profits from those joining you in business because you are the one they are purchasing those products from. YOU are the one who owns the resale rights for whatever products you yourself purchased. In addition to the digital materials, we have live events throughout the year where all members can meet, receive training and additional information face to face and learn from each other, as well as holiday and party together. There is also a bi-monthly Mentors of the Mentors call with great information, all part of the products offered.

People who are in the marketing business are always looking for new strategies and many, along with those who may not be in a business, are hurting financially these days. They do not like the direction the economy is going and are looking for some way to make money from home, a way to bring more income into the home to supplement what they now do. Many are concerned for their job security feeling they could wake up and not have a job tomorrow. So our digital products pertain to courses…educational, motivational courses and the latest marketing strategies, both online and offline, from some of the best known personal growth and business experts in the industry. Some of these people charge from $500 to $5000 per seat, holding seminars all across the country and I have been to some of those myself. What our program has been able to do is acquire the resale rights, to these courses, that you can resell, and we bring them all together in one place and make them available to all of our members in a digital, downloadable format. We are now able to tap into the multi billion dollar information and education industry and on a platform that allows us to constantly be upgrading the products, since there is always going to be something new right around the corner. Things are changing faster than ever and we all now have a place to stay up to date with the latest and most advanced information available.

The third key point to look for is that a lead generating system is provided. I have been in the home business industry for many years and have talked to literally thousands of people and here is the one thing I have discovered. 98% of those who start fail in their home based business because they do not know how to market, they don’t know how to advertise or drive traffic to their information, or just don’t drive enough to make it count. Most of those who join our team are considered newbies, first timers in the home based business arena, and if you do not take them by the hand and show them how to get started properly, where to market, how to market, how to set up their systems, guess what, they are probably going to fail. We use a very unique qualifier system. You landed on this message as your initial step. You did not get sent to some confusing website, only to get lost in the information. We do work as a team and have solved the problem of marketing and advertising. We know the proven strategies and are willing to become your mentor, take you in and show you what we know works, step by step in order for you to have success. In fact, if you choose, we will even do all the marketing for you. All you need to do is read from a script, and redirect those interested to more information. My 18 year old daughter is able to do this starting day 1.

The results are amazing.

The fourth key point is to ensure you have ongoing training and support. We work as a team and consist of many elite marketers in the industry and you will get a chance to speak directly with those after this message if you like. For our team, we have live information and training calls all through the week and we start each week day with what we call our wake-up call. It gets us focused and ready to hit each day with the best attitude to help others here. Each Saturday we have a team training call where you can ask any question and is much like a brainstorming session. And we also have a skype chat room where updates are provided and anyone can ask any question they like and know that they will get an immediate answer. But most importantly, you will find team members are always available whenever you may need any help, so even if you cannot reach your sponsor, there’s plenty of support around. And you will also get our Team Web site with our member’s back office area with all the recordings and trainings, tutorials on all the marketing strategies and much, much more is available. We pride ourselves in ensuring all team members have everything they need to be successful with us here.

Lastly, the fifth key point needed for success is a turnkey automated system. This means that once you crank it up, it is able to virtually run on autopilot. Our system is able to explain the opportunity to your prospects and filter out those who are qualified and worthy of you spending your time with. You will locate those who are hot and ready to start right now with money in hand. It answers all their questions and explains how to sign up and where to send the profits from our six different package levels of $500, $2,000 $3,500, $6,500, $12,000 and yes as much as $20,000.

We have been around for six years and it has allowed ordinary people to generate extraordinary income and this starts quickly. You do not need to be doing the selling or explaining. Senior partners are here to answer all the questions of those you refer to speak to them. This solves the biggest problem in the home based business…talking to people and dealing with objections. All you need is to let the automated system qualify those who are interested and then direct them to business partners to get their questions answered.

So I trust this is enough to give you a basic understanding of who we are. And to give you a bit of just how our system works, this message is part of our system that demonstrates that, if you have listened this far, you are looking for something. I hope this is what you have been looking for. It has been for many and if you take the time to get your questions answered, I think you will be joining us, if you are serious about finding something that can allow you to work part time from home and make that very large income. And do it with a great group of business partners. All I ask is that you do your due diligence, don’t just push this aside like you may with so many opportunities that come across your desk, and be careful not to assume something that is simply not true. This is special. This is a vehicle that could potentially take you and those you can reach out to, from where you are now to a 5 or even 6 figure monthly income very quickly, like it has for so many on our team. I made my decision to join because of the team of expert marketers that have been assembled here and within my first week I had received my first two $3,500 sales. We will introduce you to those team members who are realizing a five figure income month after month after month, just following our simple system. Keep gong and get those three questions everyone has answered. Is it real, Can I do this and will you help me. It’s real, and you too will be able to simply plug into our system, do this easily and with all the support you would ever need. Thank you for spending this time with me here. You can leave a message to be contacted after the following short testimonials and be provided with the correct website for more details, so for the couple of minutes, let’s listen to some team members tell us about their experience here, and may I say welcome to our team and we look forward to partnering with you on this journey to financial freedom".

i then left my name and number for him to call me back.  We spoke over the phone and agreed to meet in person.  At this meeting I was told that I would get a website and an 800 number and training on marketing.  After I signed up I found out that the 800 number wax extra as was the website I needed in order to do this business.  As far as the training or coaching wax concerned, it consisted of him telling me to advertise on craigslist like he did and I wax given a sample ad that I placed everywhere I could think of.  In the end I found out that the seven figure eRner mentioned in the above narration who would train you  has a felony record.  These people are criminals who prey on people desperate to earn a living.  

They bait you with a bunch of promises and convince you to spend a lot of money for a premium membership then they switch to very little assistance and talking down to you when you question them.  I recently asked for a complete refund and was told he does not give refunds and if I want my money back then I have to do what he does, recruit people so they can pay me money for a membership. 

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4 Updates & Rebuttals

From MLM Watchdog

#2Author of original report

Thu, March 17, 2016

 "We Attack Pyramid Schemes and Abusive MLM Companies MLM is Good - the last hope for the "little" guy. WatchDog Online Magazine: Archive INDEX Sick Australian Two Ups and Tax Scams Latest Tax Scams Older Global Prosperity 1 Newer Global Prosperity 2 Aussie 2 Up Scams also known as AUSTRALIAN TWO UPS The contents of the MLM WatchDog are editorial in nature and protected by First Amendment rights.

This site is partially supported by donations from paid subscribers, donations by 3rd partties and donations from America's MLM Consultants the worlds leading MLM consultants for Network Marketing, Party Plans and MLM www.mlmconsultant.com MLM Watchdog(tm) ~ All Rights Reserved Web Master: WebPilotExplorer.com NEW BIG SCAM ELITE BUSINESS NATION OUT OF PRISON & BACK IN THE GAME Folks, the Watchdog has been around long enough to have not only had an almost perfect record of Identifying early on new and illegal SCAMS as they launched and then faithfully following them and reporting their demise as predicted. We then usually and followed the various legal actions through the Court Sentencing of the convicted players. Now the gang is back with ELITE BUSINESS NATION!

Not a perfect record because you cannot catch all of them, but the big and important ones doing the greatest economic damage to the public were over the years accurately called out for what they were as we did our best to help clean up the "bad and the ugly" as well reporting on the good ones too. In 1996-2004 (Global Prosperity got 100’s of innocents (including Drs./lawyers put in jail for following their tax evasion scheme) The top scammers attempted to change their name to Pinnacle Quest to stay in business a bit longer. Ed. Note: Watchdog featured on Nightline for revealing/publicizing Scam The Watchdog has now watched the Principal players emerge from Prison, serve out their Probation and once again start up new Frauds and Scams trying to pass them off as legitimate..

History is repeating itself over and over. Lorenzo Lamantia, called "Zo" by some of his friends, Called "Lorenzo the Rat"by others for being the first to 'flip' in the Government's take down of Global Prosperity and testifying against everyone else. He was released finally circa 2011 doing probation before joining up with former top Global Prosperity Scam Queen Nadine (then Griffin) now Nadine Joy who had to do a few years herself. Nadine along with Lloyd Merrifield (Vancouver) Vern Croy (Ontario) and a couple of others started Elite Business Nation 3 or 4 months after Zeek Rewards , the $850 million dollar Ponzi that was shut down by the USDOJ in August 2012." Here is the proof you're looking for Nadine Joy took Sheikh Mohammad under her wing and taught him her ways to scam people out of their hard earned money. Lloyd Merrifield was the guy running the website I found out later after i joined that I had to pay monthly for. There's already one record with this federal investigation so lets add your name to the mix .

The proof is in the pudding

#3Author of original report

Thu, March 17, 2016

 If this so called honest business man is running an honest ship then why does he refuse to oiffer a refund? An honest business offers a refund to dissatisfied customers. I've asked and asked but he refused. Give me a refund and I will be satisfied and discontinue my police report with the Fremont PD.


Prove it!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 09, 2014

Hello there, Sadly the person who is complaining, who is hiding behind fake names, is a liar. What is she claiming ? That we did a bait and switch on her? That we promised her coaching and we didn’t deliver? Then why are they so many positive real testimonies on our websites? I met this lady in person and explained to her everything in detail. I explained that the website hosting cost a standard $10 a month! This business is very straight forward. The secret to success here is that you have to put in EFFORT!  This lady posted a few ads, and got 5 leads, and wanted to become a millionaire off of that! This is a numbers game.. you have to talk to at least 10 qualified people a day to make six figures.  Plenty of people are doing this. Its a shame that baseless lies with no proof get to be published online for everyone to see. Some Lady who had a bad day, put zero effort into a legitimate business opportunity gets to rant about her lies?  Because of her laziness she is trying to slander a good name.  She had the wrong attitude which is negative. You need to be a positive, intelligent person to succeed! Those who put effort get results, as you can see by our video testimonies. I challenge her or anyone to come up with some acutal PROOF that we do anything like bait and switch! You cant because I run an honest ship!  This opportunity is real, and I am proud of it! 


Santa Clara,
A wolf in sheikhs clothing

#5Author of original report

Mon, June 30, 2014

Lies, all lies.  Everything is explained to you AFTER you join.  

After I joined, YOU, personally, told me about the $10.00 website then I found out it was $10.00 a month, I found out later I had to spend $50.00 a week on advertising fake "sales jobs" on craigslist, I found out I had to pay for an 800 number for people to call into to listen to YOUR sales pitch.  You called MY sales leads and gave them YOUR contact information so they can follow up with YOU instead of ME.  MY LEADS!  So I was basically paying to advertise for YOU!!!  

Then when I ask for a complete refund you laugh at me and say there are no refunds.  Not a very ethical business man.  

Want to make this right, then give me a complete refund on EVERYTHING I spent on this bogus business.  EVERYTHING, as in the $60.00 spent on the website, the money spent on the 800 number service, the cost of my membership, and the $75.00 I've spent on the advertising.  

Oh, and let's not forget that the seven figure earner you tout as the person who will help coach new members is a known felon.  Give me my money back or I will start naming names.  It's all verifiable, just did a google search and found the court documents,   That's the leadship of this bogus business; a bunch of lying criminals. 


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