  • Report:  #469163

Complaint Review: SnowWolfe Games Equine-Ranch James Ward II And Nicole (Zizert) Ward - Springfield Ohio

Reported By:
- Smith, Alberta,

SnowWolfe Games Equine-Ranch James Ward II And Nicole (Zizert) Ward
equine-ranch.com ; snowwolfegames.com Springfield, 45501 Ohio, U.S.A.
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Player posted pictures of her real horse farm on the forums at the game. Nicole Ward, the co-owner of the game, didn't like the look of some fencing and berated player. Players husband came on the forums and explained about the fencing. No foul language or anger was noted in his posting. Nicole Ward then banned player because players husband "went off" on the game owner.

Player sent in an email to apologized and offered to show proof that she was not at home during this time that her husband posted, as other multi-player households got their accounts re-established after a single member in their family got banned, to which there is records within The Forums and has been screenshot in case it disappears.

James Ward II or Nicole Ward chose not to respond to it for over a week to which the reply was that Player was not in the wrong but still banned, due to the posting, where Nichole Ward told many in public chat room that they could not be sure that it was Player or Husband that posted, but yet directed the banning post directly to the husband as well as the insulting banning message that was left on his main page (again screenshot has been taken).

When Player sent in another email it took a number of days to return email and telling Player that they had committed no wrong against the TOS but in fact were banned because of Husband's reply, again Player stated that she could provide proof that husband did not have access to her accounts and that she did not post the post.

So player asked for partial refund--items she had not used yet, the answer was immediate and Player was given the supposed TOS that she had broke, which clearly states that she didn't break. All emails were signed by James Ward II. Whereas Nicole Ward proceeded to bad mouthed player to other players in private chats and skewed the players e mails when reposting them for public view.

This is not the first time this has happened to players either. The Nicole Ward likes to ban at will over anything that may set her off that day. But other times will not ban players for things they do that are much worse. Nicole Ward will also track down people to their MySpace/Facebook/Blogs or anything else that she can find if a player happens to upset her in any way. They are banning people for having outside opinions of the game on sites and chatrooms not related to Equine-Ranch or SnowWolfe Games. Refunds are hardly given and never given for a banning.


Smith, Alberta


11 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States of America
I agree with all of these people

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 09, 2010

I absolutely agree with all of these people;  Nicole Zizert is extremely unprofessional in her duties and personally attacks people in a manner which is uncivilized.  It is absolutely disgusting how that business is run and how people could let it go on this long.  Ms. Zizert allows misconduct to go on continuously so long as you are her "friend";  However, if you are not on this preferred list of people, you are treated as a second class citizen.  I personally have asked simple questions on the in game chat I could not find answers to and have been belittled and put down for asking said questions.  

I cannot fathom how more people have not reported this company to the BBB and how she is proud that she has had two complaints.  I personally made a few mistakes on that game and named horses incorrectly; When I brought this to her attention she told me something along the lines of ' you were punished for not following naming rules, ' instead of trying to resolve the issue.  This wouldn't be such a problem if it didn't happen to two horses I paid United States of America currency for.  

I am sorry but if you pay real money for something and it doesn't work out, a professional business person would help you resolve the issue instead of belittling.  My favorite part of this whole situation is the fact that she said "Duh," and treated me in a disrespectful way.  I admit I later lost it and told her where to go after her horrid treatment of myself, however if she knew how to be professional and respect others she in turn might get respect herself.  

Another case I have noticed of Ms. Zizert belittling people is on the forums; which again, relates back to the original report.  I was reading old posts from people and was shocked to see how she replied to people.  One person asked for a new crossbreed which was a legitimate breed and a very kind polite request.  Ms. Zizert then went on a rampage about how it wasn't listed with the people she contacted and rudely refused.  I agree she has the right to refuse, after all, it is her game; HOWEVER the rudeness she exhibited was beyond my comprehension.  There is no need to be rude to people, I have called companies before to complain about something and they are always polite and apologetic; a trait that was obviously not demonstraited by Ms. Zizert.

There are more posts like this one on the forums where people are constantly talked down to and belittled - So this is not an isolated incident.  I do not understand how someone can feel so high and mighty to put down people they do not know, most of which are younger.  

In short, I feel that the lack of professionalism Nicole Zizert has brought to the table is disgustingly inapropriate and I know that I will 100% not endorse any product she offers.  I am saddened that someone who is 37 years old talks down to younger people and plays the "friend" card to run her business.  If all businesses were run in a similar manner the whole system of free enterprise would fall apart; BBB was created for consumers to be protected against someone who clearly demonstrates that they discriminate against certain groups of people.  

I am 99.9% sure I will not get a refund for my purchases but I will gladly help anyone who has also been abused by Nicole Zizert's system.  I feel it is unfair that people can fall into her cracks of favoritism and allow them to violate ToS agreements, yet people she personally seems to have a vendetta against are the ones who get slammed out of their money and effort put into that game.  If you are going to enforce ToS agreements then you should enforce them on everyone, NOT just the people you don't like.  This is the real world, this is not high school, you cannot pick and choose who is effected by the rules and who is not.

I do not feel any remorse regarding what I have said to Nicole Zizert;  Perhaps she will understand how other people feel when she puts them down.   Personally I couldn't imagine being her age and talking to people under 18 the way she does.  Essentially I feel that this report is justified and it is wonderful to see people standing up to this tyrant.


United States of America
Another Negative Experience with Ms. Zizert

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, December 22, 2009

I can also agree with the original reporter in recommending any potential player STRONGLY against this game. The owner is rude to players, immature, and extremely unprofessional. I expressed a politely phrased critique about the game on its public forums which the owner took offense to. After signing into the game's chat room, the owner verbally attacked me, repeatedly using profanity while I remained civil. I posted once more on the game's forum in my defense, and soon found myself barred from the forum and chat and placed under "House Arrest," the owner's method of punishing players by removing an account's access to most features. No refund is possible, either for the 1 year of Premium account status which I paid for in advance and haven't used or the special features which I purchased and have yet to use. I did not in any way attack the owner and I did not violate any Terms of Service.

In my time with this game, I have repeatedly seen other players receive the same treatment or worse, as well as the repeated public attacks against players in the chatroom and forum, usually involving taking their comments out of context and outright slander. No one speaks out about such abuse, generally for fear of receiving the same treatment.

While I admire the skill involved in the coding of this game, the owner clearly cares for nothing beyond her own pocketbook and very insecure ego. Under this tyrant, forget about "the customer is always right" and replace it with "the customer is always the enemy." The environment here has become so disgusting that I cannot support this company any longer. At one point it was perhaps the best game in its genre. Now I would not recommend it to anyone and wish I had never become involved myself. Stay far, far away from this one.

Third Peppermint

Just A Correction

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 11, 2009

Actually, I'm Third Peppermint. Third Peppermint does not live in Cleveland. Mrs. Ward should know this since she posted on her blog how close I lived to her (before deleting it). She also shouldn't go around accusing other people of being me. That's not nice. P.S. I also need to thank LadyBird for the link to this.


i'm not thirdpeppermint

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 04, 2009

I am not thirdpeppermint and I thank you not to call me that again. I've never been banned, been on house arrest, or even been on your bad side as so many say they have. I doubt I've ever talked more than a minute or two to you. I've pretty much kept to myself on the game and I've never posted on The Commons or your blog, although I have read both //sidebar:you honestly should not link your blog to the site...I don't care if you have rated r on it, it looks bad on you, the game and who knows what kid might sign up to read it.// I might have popped into chat a handful of times. I'm just your average joe player with a single account, so no chance of even selling things between accounts here, that observed while they played and then got fed up with everything they were seeing.

Nicole Ward

A few more facts

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 03, 2009

104,531 accounts created since 2005-01-02 09:13:28 (4 years, 7 months, and 1 day) In that time: Total Suspended Accounts: 3,086 (Less than 3 tenths of 1% of total accounts.) Total Suspended Paid Accounts: 274 (Less than 1/2 of 1% of total upgraded accounts.) Since 2006-12-02 19:41:29 when I installed Admin tracking, 611 of 866 total suspensions were done by someone other than myself. Nicole Ward

Nicole Ward

Two disgruntled hostile people

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 03, 2009

We suspend accounts by the network connection/computer used, not individual person. No one that lives in the same household as a rule violator has ever been unsuspended. Accounts that were associated from the time when we allowed players to "ranch sit" for each other and were thus associated because of that would get unsuspended. We have allowed a select few that came back and admitted their wrongdoing and apologized to open a new account and get a second chance. The fact is nobody knows -who- opened the account and made the post except the people present at the computer it was made from at the time it was made. Anyone can claim to be "DM's Hubby" on the internet. The sockpuppet point is dead on. We can only see IP numbers and our own computer tracking logs. Demonmare is simply angry that she was not shown favoritism. She expected special treatment because she has pretended to be my friend where I could read what she was saying. As for her saying I have said what I feel about various players in private. I have in my admin chat that everyone who was allowed in agreed to keep what was said in it confidential. Demonmare has said plenty of her own share of bad things about various players over the years in that same chat room. Thirdpeppermint, our anonymous commenter from Cleveland, has been hosting a hate blog about me ever since I removed copyrighted material she posted on our forums in an attempt to prove me wrong about a casual topic unrelated to the game. Posting copyrighted material is strictly against our rules, so I deleted it from her posts. She has bashed me, made fun of my autism, berated me, put me down, and tried to do anything she can to hurt my feelings. It is very sad to see a person so consumed with negativity that they harbor such hostility toward someone they don't even know for years. If we really were ripping off so many people, someone would have filed legitimate complaints against us with the Better Business Bureau. The fact is that in 5 years and 5 months we have processed thousands of payments, yet we have had just two BBB complaints. One from a free player that had not paid any money and was summarily dismissed, and another that was dismissed because the complainant never responded. BBB processed a total of 1 complaint about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 1 complaint closed in 36 months, 1 was closed in the last year. Refund or Exchange Issues Resolved 1 - Company addressed the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB. One of our major competitors has had 4, another that is equivalent in size to our game has 1, and yet two others similar in size have both had 1 complaint each to which they did not even respond. I feel if there were any truth to the claims of these two, it would show up as more than two angry women trying to have their anger heard on the internet.


To Clarify

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 22, 2009

I was not clear enough in my original posting. My husband did NOT use my accounts to post his comment as he did NOT have access to them. My Husbands comment was not attacking any player directly and was not implying any attacking. I do not believe that his response warranted the comments that were posted, nor the unsavory names that he and myself were called. This site is open to children and the language that is used upon the Forum is not appropriate. It was stated within the emails that I received, I did not violate any of the Game Rules or the TOS. That was not brought up until such time as I asked for my refund. I am not expecting a refund from this company, this is more of a warning to others that may get involved in playing this game. I totally understand that I will not win against the odds that were stated, but I don't think that anyone else should go into this blind to what they may face. You can be banned for anything at anytime. There is a great abuse of power going on within the game and many can and will be caught up in it.


well..i got to looking at the original complainers thread on there...

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, July 22, 2009

was curious as to see what account her husband used so I just popped on there, found the thread in question and had a look. Her husband did not use any of her accounts. He used his own, granted, he may have made it just for that, but he did not use one of her accounts to say anything, and his response to the game owner was one of explanation, no flaming. The owner just didn't like it and took it way to personally. I also remember an incident a long while back...some kids/siblings/samehousehold players played. one got banned, so all accounts in household got banned, one of the kids talked to the game owner and was reinstated. So why did this not happen in this instance? The original complainer on here did say she sent in an e mail to apologize for what had happened between her husband and the game owners. It doesn't matter. Other people on other forums and websites are hearing about this game in a not so good light, and have been for years. Some don't give info other than they joined a horse sim and were treated badly (some times the bannings were deserved and other times they were not, and sometimes the game owners decide to give favorites several chances before banning, and other times not...it's all on a whim honestly) But at any rate, other people can pinpoint exactly what game it is that they are talking about! other players I've talked to said that the game owner, Nicole, will talk badly about other players in private messages on chat and have taken screencaps to show them. Subsequently, those players also quit once shown screencaps of the private conversations...but she still does it. It could be a great game, but I don't think that the owners hearts are in it. This is a game owner that abuses the right to cancel/terminate at any time for any reason part of her TOS. I've seen very young adults/older teens run games more fairly than this woman does. but to the original poster: chin up, you are out of there and no longer have to worry about petty people with a chip on their shoulder.


British Columbia,
Welcome to Online Life....

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2009

There are a lot of forums out there, and a lot of them blow. Sometimes all it takes is someone with an sense of unwarranted self importance, other times it takes other users going rampant. However, there are general rules that you can expect ANYWHERE in the forum world online. One of them is pretty much always "account sharing is STRICTLY prohibited" this goes for not only the forums, but the games they support too. In many cases, you have to get anyone else who is going to be using your account, say to maintain your inventory, in-game store or what have you, PRE-AUTHORIZED PERMISSION from the admin of the forum/game to use your account. The person running the forum has no way to tell if you are telling the truth about your husband logging in or not. All too often, people will generate a sockpuppet persona to do all the "nasty little things" that they wouldn't do under their own name. I'm NOT saying YOU did, but it happens more often than not, so admins will err on the side of caution. Refunds on in-game gold/items is never going to happen, and that's one of the most BASIC things laid out in darned near every TOS. Pretty much no on line game or MMORPG is without that clause. It's a de facto standard; just look at the WoW ToS, and that's just for starters. Also, usually in the TOS, it will state somewhere that the operator of the game or MMORPG reserves the right to cancel/terminate an account for ANY reason at ANY time, with no recourse to the player for reinstatement of the account or monetary compensation. GRANTED, this has the potential for abuse in the hands of a mod/admin/GM who has delusions of godhood and/or megalomainia. if this has happened to you, just get on the horse you rode in on and get outta Dodge, because you won't win against the combination of that and the TOS. That's just the way it goes. I've been participating in online gaming and forums for YEARS, way back to the days when all that was available was local dial-up BBS's with simple, crappy "Door" games and things haven't changed since then. Don't expect them to either.


Not to nitpick

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2009

But read the terms of service closer: from article 3: "You may not share your account(s) with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit minor children in your home to use your account(s). You are liable for all uses of the Account." by admitting your husband used your account to post on the forums you violated the terms of service. "Posting threats or flaming another player on a horse page, ranch page, or any other portion of the Service is against the Terms of Service, and may result in your account being fined, restricted, or suspended." What your husband engaged in would be covered under "flaming another player" and finally: "If your account is suspended for violation of game rules or the TOS, you will not receive any refund of monies paid." so its all in the terms of service.


So much truth to this posting

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2009

For the past few years this same stuff has been going on in this game. Just not quite to this extent before. All of the "old timers" are slowly being picked off, berated, lied about...or maybe words twisted to make them look bad and Nicole Ward to look like the helpless victim, which is by far not the case. This game is run very unprofessionally and when I seen with my own eyes that one of the owners does not care about the players, only the paycheck, that makes me feel not so good about paying to play this game. I have seen how players get treated now for the past several months, both people I am friends with and others that I have not spoken to before. The game owner is vindictive and mean. She is the very definition of cyber-bully. She gets snippy with people when they post on her threads on the forum there, but still keep up with the thread--just evolving it a bit, but staying true to the thread and not off topic. But if threads evolve elsewhere, nothing is said (as that is the nature of forums and threads on forums...they evolve to include a wide variety on the topic) I'm cutting my losses on the upgrade and other money spent on this game this year and getting out now. It's a very negative place to be. I would not let a child even ON the game, as Nicole has her personal blog linked directly to the game, it's mainly about the game and the language can get harsh. It says rated r at the top, but in what world will that stop a child from signing up anyway to view the blog? The game could be a great game, and it once did, but the owners and their lack of care about the players and bully like attitudes are ruining it.

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